rafasbiscuits · 2 years
The producers of teen wolf movie: hey! We've seen our fans desperation for a canon sterek, so here you go, Derek loves Stiles.
Also them: KILLS DEREK
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moonsiechild · 2 years
Oh my god… Hobi wouldn’t be there for Jimin’s solo debut…
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shibe-myths · 2 years
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He made this face all on his own!! 😭🤣
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shadowfear-art · 2 years
A fuse in our apartment blew out and only my room was affected!! (and part of the hall)
Cant draw this weekend😱😭
Have to wait for electrical to get here!!!
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The joys of book swapping with your neighbor, only to be met with the flash of horror as you realize you might have left some random painting in it of a questionable subject as a bookmark.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Oh Right. The Ableism
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So a few days ago, I bumped into this.
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That just made me think of how much ANGST this au would have. Like Team Prime leaves to restore Cybertron (Ratchet leaves too) once the war is over and a few months later, they come back to visit the kids only to find out they can’t remember them. The Autobots are not happy!
What are you headcannons on this? How exactly do you think the team finds out about the kids? Also, I was wondering if this could ignore the movie after S3 so Optimus can be alive here and Team Prime brought Cybertron back without any issues.
What a wonderfully angsty idea. Don't mind me while I expand upon it :)
Missing Memory
It took some effort to convince Ratchet to come along, but once the bots left for Cybertron, they were hopeful and promised the children they had cared for that they would come back soon. They did what was needed of them over the course of around a year. Optimus collected the Allspark, the team worked to rebuild, and once Cybertron was restored the team stayed for a while to ensure the bare bones of a new government got set up. Then, as promised, they returned to earth to check up on their human wards.
They were met with something they could have never expected.
Upon stepping through the space bridge, they were met with increadible awe and weapons raised at them the moment they entered the premise of the military base they had called home previously. It shocked the team as they had not been gone all that long in the grand scheme of things, but still they raised their servos up as a show of goodwill and asked to speak with their assigned agent. However before they could so much as get another word in, the humans open fired on them, even going so far as to use missile launchers and tanks to try and fight.
The team were in total shock as they threw themselves into their alt-modes and sped away. Optimus took to the skies and did his best to lead the human aircraft following the team away and somewhere they could not go. Meanwhile on the ground the team split up, each spreading out and making a mad dash across the states. They kept in contact over comm links, but remained on the run for days, swapping alt-modes more often than they cared to count all while having no fragging clue what was going on.
When they left earth a year prior they were on good terms with the government, then all the sudden they were being shot on sight. When the team did gather again after around a week of trying to keep the government off them, they tried to find out what had really gone on. Residing in an old scrap yard and taking on alt-modes that were as ordinary as possible (that is save for Optimus who was forced to forgo taking on a alt-mode altogether because of his size) the team spread out to search for their human partners to get answers. Calling for aid from Cybertron granted Ratchet and Optimus access to the materials needed to set up a base without the aid of the human government, hiding them from the prying eyes of humans with the use of cloakers. All the while the team, save for Knockout who opted to remain on Cybertron throughout the debacle, quietly began doing recon to find their human wards.
With some help from a few agents on Cybertron, Ratchet and Optimus worked their way through a starting number of encryptions and firewalls to find the children. To their relief the children were all still in the Americas. But they were all scattered, with Jack living in Texas, Rafael in Washington, and Miko all the way in Hawaii. It was suspicious as pit once the dots started to connect.
Agent Fowler had up and disappeared, the government had deemed them a shoot on sight type target, and the children had been thrown all across the continent. It was the type of suspicious set of coincidences that the old Council on Cybertron would have waved off or forcefully silenced any who spoke of it. That alone was enough for Optimus to make an executive decision and send out three of the team to retrieve the children and bring them to base unharmed for questioning. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee were deployed and quickly made their way to their individual wards homes. It was not difficult to find their location with Ratchet supplying them data, but what startled them was the startling amount of security at each of the children's homes.
Armed soldiers patrolled the property of the children's homes and no amount of sneaking was going to get a bot into the residence and out with a child without causing a scene. It almost was enough to have Optimus call the team back... but it was all too suspicious. The humans were obviously keeping something important from them and they needed to know the truth. So giving a command he had never hoped to give, Optimus issued the order for the team to transform and collect the children even if it meant conflict. He was near certain the children would be safer with them than with the soldiers, if for no other reason than because the children knew them.
The order was followed, albeit with slight hesitation. Bumblebee transformed as he few over the walls surrounding Rafael's home, and then praying slightly for forgiveness, he scanned the buildings even as bullets flew at him. He then punched a hole through a wall and pulled his ward out as carefully as he could. He wasn't startled when Rafael screamed and flailed, after all a huge servo busting through the wall and grabbing you isn't exactly fun. As such he put Rafael into his passenger seat and flew down the road as more firearms were turned on him before going through the groundbridge Ratchet called for him.
Bulkhead didn't bother with any kind of subtly and brushed off bullets and even a small missile with no issues as he barreled onto Miko's property, busting a hole through her home as well to grab her. It was difficult since she screamed the whole time and tried to scurry away, but eventually he got her and did his best to calm her as he put her in his passenger seat and similarly drove through the groundbridge called for him. As for Arcee? She used her small size to drive through the door of Jack's home before anyone could stop her, and then she hurriedly transformed as well as she was able in the small space and grabbed the two humans inside. Jack and June also screamed in terror as she picked them up and made a dash for the groundbridge.
Once the team arrived at base with their charges, Optimus and Ratchet closed the groundbridges they had called and secured the area, ensuring no eyes could see them, human or otherwise. When this was done, the team placed their human charges down, causing June and the children to shy away in fear. Ultra Magnus watched on in concern as he saw their reaction and stepped aside with Ratchet and Optimus to discuss a possibility he was not fond of bringing up. As they did that, the team tried in vain to try and get the humans to recall them and calm.
Jack: What the hell are you!?
Smokescreen: Heyo little buddy! Don't you remember me? It's me, Smokescreen!
Jack: I don't know who you are or what you want, but leave me and my mom alone!
Arcee: Jack, what's going on? It's just us, the Autobots.
June: Stay away you things! Don't touch us!
Bulkhead: Miko, you remember me right? We're Wreckers! You, me, Jackie, and Magus are a team!
Miko: I don't know you... but you seem to know us.
Wheeljack: Of course we know you kiddo! We've fought together! We were a team for over a year!
Miko: I don't remember any of that.
Bumblebee: Rafael, please, tell me you remember me at least. Somewhere you must remember...
Rafael: I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are...
Bumblebee: That can't be! You don't just forget a whole year!
As the team tried in vain to make the humans remember, Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus came to a dark conclusion. Ratchet took a few scans from a distance, but that alone was enough to pick out the primitive technology that had been used on the humans. The Council had done similar things to the minds of rebellious bots, and it was so common that the three knew exactly what to look for. When they found the signs of a memory wipe on the humans based on their brain activity and general scans, Ratchet nearly shattered his datapad and both Ultra Magnus and Optimus almost burst circuitry in rage.
Seeing this the team turned their attention to the trio in time for Ratchet to reveal what they had all been fearing.
Ratchet: They have been mind wiped, all the memories associated with us and our conflicts have been completely cleared.
June: What on earth are you talking about!?
Optimus: You do not remember, but nearly two and a half years ago we revealed ourselves to you by accident while fighting against our foes the Decepticons.
Ratchet: You worked alongside us for roughly a year and a half while we battled our foes to stop them from destroying your planet and dooming ours.
Optimus: However an earth year ago we completed our mission and defeated our foes. And so we returned to our homeworld to oversee its restoration.
Miko: You mean we fought with you!? Wow!
Bulkhead: Yeah... you did. And you fought well.
Optimus: We left with a promise to return in a year's time. That time has passed and so we returned to your world to check up on you.
Ultra Magnus: However it seems your government has used taboo alteration technology, primitive as it is, to remove any memories you had of us or your association with us.
Jack: You mean we forgot everything? A whole year?
Rafael: But how!? That shouldn't be possible!
Ratchet: We don't know how or why, we just know that it was done and now there is no changing it.
The humans were left in shock and the team in mourning for all that had been lost. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were physically pained by the loss of the Miko they knew. Bumblebee looked like he wanted to cry and he eventually moved to hug Optimus as a way to try and stave off some of the sorrow. Arcee appeared most distraught, her adopted son of sorts having forgotten all about her. Ultra Magnus was largely composed, but his fists clenched in anger as he watched the humans scramble for memories they no longer had and the team grieve. Smokescreen seemed lost more than anything else, not knowing who to comfort or what to do. Ratchet worked feverishly to see if there was a way to undo the work done on the humans. And Optimus... Optimus was wrathful and silently began tapping away at his console, searching for the only remaining human who might have answers.
They needed Agent Fowler.
It took weeks of effort on Optimus's part while the team cared for the humans, keeping them at base where it was safe while also simultaneously making trips back to Cybertron to continue reconstruction efforts during downtime. It was surprisingly hard for Optimus to dig around in the human datanet to try and find the missing agent. But eventually, just when the team were finally reconnecting with the humans by regaling them with tales and showing them videos of their time together, Optimus found Fowler.
The agent was being kept hidden away in some facility, one that Optimus, during the dead of night, had exactly zero issues busting into once he found out what was going on down there. The bodies of Cybertronian dead, abandoned weaponry, and even torn plating was being studied and taken apart for the human scientists. Optimus burned every such room he found in the facility to the ground, destroying or confiscating anything belonging to his kind. Then he found Fowler tied up in a dark room, seemingly having been interrogated for any and all information on Cybertronians he might have had. Optimus quickly gathered up the agent and decisively moved to leave, of course not without jacking up all the data the humans had collected.
When all was said and done, the team had four humans who remembered squat about their time together, an agent who was mentally unstable and stuck in a comatose state, and a government that was corrupt enough to be tearing their dead apart for science. The team were ready to raise hell for it.
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potatokidyum · 1 year
Me when character AI just decides to randomly stop working:
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r-pmt · 1 year
“Are you going to take Yigit up on his offer?”
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compo67 · 4 months
my mentor: you're going to need to feel comfortable talking about yourself. let's do an easy one. "tell me a little about yourself?"
me: (don't say anything SPN-related. don't say anything SPN-related. nothing about S/D or J2 or all the times i have seriously considered getting the anti-possession symbol tattooed somewhere on my body) uhm. uhhh. hockey??? knitting??? these are things that are completely normal and sane, yes?
my mentor: just register for the Networking 101 class next week.
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dnangelic · 2 months
thinking abt how in the first LN daisuke's transformed for like, an hour or a few or so?? and he says it's the longest he's ever stayed transformed and freaks out wondering if dark had already completely taken him over or not (dark obviously hadnt) but then in rp its like the situations(tm) where he's gotta stay in dark's form and would freak out over revealing his own instead....
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liroyalty · 3 months
Nothing really wakes a bitch up like a random loud af boom from a storm you didn't even know was coming, so you freaked out a little bit.
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 9 months
ahhhhhhhhh tumblr made me unfollow you. I'm sorry!!!!!! I'm back now!!!!!!!!
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13tinysocks · 1 year
well be updatin tomorrow!! Thank you for te kofis i will feed you well tomorrow i prommy
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gracegrove · 1 year
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