#whhooo day one
frillsand · 1 year
Stitched together
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Disturbing imagery 
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I have a crazy fever rn
Good night
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Yandere Valentines
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Kamado Tanjiro student AU- All throughout the day he watches as you give out your obligatory candies to the classes and teachers you like. He tries to not stare whenever you dig into your extra bag.
“Tan-Ji-Ro! Nobody’s given me Valentine's Day chocolate yet! Tanjiro, are you listening?”
“I am and I already gave you one for friendship.”
“It’s not the saaaaaammammeee!!!”
“If you want MY sweet choco-lats then I will give you one as my minion.”
“But it's not the same as getting it from a girlllllllllllllllll!!!!!”
He tried to drown out their banter as he watched you hand over a chocolate to your teacher. He wished that could be him.
All throughout the day he silently prayed you’d come over and flash your smile before lightly grazing his hand as you gave him his chocolate. He both loved and hated how you bashfully looked away while the recipient thanked you. You just seemed to be completely ignoring him now and it almost seemed like you wanted to make him jealous. But he kept his cool, fighting off the urge to sulk as he zoned out of Inosuke’s gloating and Zenitsu’s whining. Wait this smell its-
“U-uhm e-excuse me!”
He turned to hear that angelic voice.
“H-here,” you dropped a bag decorated with a light pink with black floral accents. “Thats for Nezuko-”
His spirit that was lifted so high just dropped and he felt like throwing up.
“Thanks.” Tanjiro tried to leave before his mask slipped and he just started crying.
“W-wait, please.” The warm shy tug on his sleeve made him stop in his tracks. He turned to you again, energized by your touch his spark was back.
“Uhm, here you go. Uh happy Valentine's day!” You pushed three pouches into his stomach before running away. Catching it fast enough to feel your hand he looked to see three pouches with his name, Inosuke’s, and Zenitsus’s. Even with the unforeseen others he was on Cloud 9.
You actually thought of him, you really are destined to be with him.
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Levi Ackerman- “Oi what's this?” You had placed some weird brown thing in front of him; he was genuinely worried. Sensing this you giggled. “It’s from where I’m from, it's called chocolate. You're supposed to give it on Valentine's Day.”
He gave you a look, he didn’t want to ask but he wanted to know.
“It's a day that celebrates love. You give chocolate to people you like.”
His gaze sharpened and you turned to leave out the door. “Platonically or romantically, (Y/n)? This isn’t something you can say to a man and not have him react.” Met with another laugh, he snarled at you.
“Both man, it's both. You always get so wound up.”
Getting quieter as you left his room he still caught it. You say that like the whole squadron isn’t drooling over you. He finished his written tasks all the while stealing glances at the mysterious and menacing gift you left. Deciding its haunting was too much he decided training his cadets was a good tradition.
Leaving his office only served to make this ‘chocolate’ more elusive as he saw different cadets munching on something brown.
“AAAAHHHHH! It's like heaven condensed treasure for your mouth only the god/goddess could provide!!!!”
“Sasha get hold of yourself!”
“She’s not wrong, this is truly a delight. I’ve never-”
“Whhooo if they can cook this I’m marrying them!”
“You want to marry them because they can make this?”
“Not before me.”
Even Erwin was indulging in the treat almost looking like he’d cry. He was sort of worried you drugged this or something. His last stop was to see Hange’s reaction to all this: she was in love. Half was missing but the rest was being dissected by the scientist who seemed as though she reached an epiphany.
“This! This is the future and it needs to happen now!”
Procrastination would get him nowhere so he settled back into his office and finally took hold of the melting square dropping it onto his mouth.
It was sweet and bitter like you. It melted and became malleable and a wonderful feeling fell down his throat. Like he wishes you would. He touches his mouth as though it were still waiting to be dropped and couldn’t help licking his fingers. That sweet bitterness, he couldn’t but picture you. Licking you off his fingers. Licking you off his fingers.
It was bound to happen, he would make sure of it.
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Takami Keigo-”HERE!” You threw it at his face, you didn’t care if he got it. You looked down on the city you were levitating above. You hated this chicken. He was such a player/perfect boy/annoying bird. Everything about him infuriated you. What’s worse, your darling friend wanted you to deliver her Valentine's Day gift to him. You just wanted to make sure he knows this wasn’t from you.
“It's not from me. It's from Toyue.”
“You…you gave me…A VALENTINES GIFT!”
He just wasn’t listening and you couldn’t take it anymore. You decided flying back home could hopefully help him wise up. Instead while you try to enjoy the air whipping in your face, the faint warm breath proved that he just decided to follow you.
Happy Valentines You Guys!!!
Love ya
when it came to the chocolate i don't remember if they had that or not but whatever
im not watching the newest episodes until im emotionally ready plz no spoilers
anyway have a wonderful day
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crowcuervo · 6 years
Necronomicoffee Scene 4
The echoes of my chanting died away, and I realized that I had ended up reading that much louder than I meant to.  Thankfully, it was a small building with only a few apartments. Few enough in number that I knew all the other tenants and knew none would be home at this time of day.
Regardless, it seemed there was nothing to hide anyway. No voices, no spooky lights or even flickering candle flames.
Maybe I screwed something up? A line in my diagram wrong or a stutter in the chant or…  I could hear the blood rush in my ears, eager to highlight my embarrassment.
Or maybe there isn’t anything. Maybe this is all a sick joke... My face fell into my hands.
Why did I bother with  this shit? A sigh escaped, and I took a deep breath to replace it. Then I sucked in a  bit deeper and looked up to blow out the candles.
It was at that point that I noticed that what little smoke had been drifting about the room from the candles and incense had coalesced and thickened into a generally human shape.
The face was the most defined, but that didn’t mean much. I could make out the general shape of eyes mouth and nose, but no details. More of a suggestion of a face, really.
That deep breath I had just taken to blow out the candles? Yeah, that released with absolutely no aim. Candles flickered (but stayed lit), and flower petals floated and spiraled through the air.
But the smokeform was completely unaffected.  Well, not by my   breath, anyway. The almost lips moved, and somehow formed words that could be heard clearly.
“If you’re trying to blow me away, that won’t work.” He sounded..  amused. Joking? Yeah, I’m pretty he was trying to make a joke.
Unfortunately, if he was hoping for a laugh out of me he was to be disappointed. “ I..uh..whhooo..” I stumbled and tumbled through the sounds coming out of my mouth until I finally managed a coherent “What?! What the fuck?”
The head shape on top tilted and the almost lips moved again. “Is this a joke? Metaphysical ding dong ditch?” His voice was getting louder. Angrier. “Call me and then pretend you don’t know what’s going on despite the fact that that you clearly made extensive preparations?” The arm shapes gestured at the circle and all the rest of it.
At which point he finally looked down and noticed my framed copy of the Hippocratic Oath.
And stopped. And stared. At least, my best guess was that he was staring. I cannot stress enough how difficult it is to read the body language of a nearly amorphous smoke shape.
When he spoke again it quieter. “Is that the only thing linked to me that you used?”  He gestured to the Oath with a smoke blob appendage.
Not sure whether I could trust my mouth to say what I told it to, I just nodded.
The top of the smoke cloud bobbed right back at me and then settled a bit lower into the cloud than it had been before. He didn’t speak for the moment and neither did I, both probably pondering what sort of response the situation warranted.
Just as I was about to say something, the top raised again and he spoke. “Well, this is certainly interesting and I would love to discuss it further, but I’m rather busy at the moment. Do call me up another time.”
The smoke lost all cohesion and started to drift. Technically, I couldn’t say for sure, but I was fairly confident that Hippocrates, if that had even been who I was talking to, was gone.
Amidst all the confusion I was left with, there was one certainty.
This shit was for real.
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cherrysnax · 6 years
♦♥☮☯▼☆☠♡ൠ sakura
whhooo sorry for taking like hh a week to answer this ;; this is long so it’s going under a read more qwq 
♦ -quirks/hobbies headcanon: saku got big into sewing!!! she likes to make little scarves and things to destress and sometimes she’ll just… forget to stop?? someone (usually ino) will check on her because she’s been gone for a day or so, and her floor’ll just be absolutely covered is different fabrics. ♥ -family headcanon: ok so this is weird cuz fuck canon,, but idk i hc that she’s not really close w her family?? like there’s just a disconnect there, so she’s kinda eager to connect w other people more than her own parents n shit. found family is def a big trope for saku (she esp looks at tsunade like a mum)☮-  friendship headcanon: my bby has a hard time making friends tbqh. it’s not that she doesn’t like people, she’s just really picky about who she wants to get close with, and fr saku is kindaaa fakey with people she doesn’t like (until she starts speaking her mind) so people will think she’s their best friend, but then will talk to her and she’s just like 
☯- likes/dislikes headcanon: this gyal is such a fucking adrenaline junkie like what?? she likes to deep dive and do chakra free tree jumping and (if its like modern au she really loves motorcycles??) she also love yoga and flower arranging because going slow really helps her center herself and make sure that she’s still.. all here. she also likes teaching little kids how to control their chakra!! onto to dislikes.. okay so she hates ha t e s bullies, as one does, but like there’s just something abt a group of people ganging up on person that just makes her so fucking angry. she hates really loud noises because they make her shutdown. she dislikes being underestimated (though she thinks its a wonderful battle tactic), she also dislikes being under the influence of anything because she can’t really control her emotions and she’s just a mess.▼- childhood headcanon: early childhood she was pretty shy and silent, mostly because other people were just too much for her, until ino came in to her life and brought her out of her shell!! she was always really blunt and matter of fact and that kinda made people not want to talk to her. she was such a fucking crybaby too.☆- happy headcanon: when she gets happy she yells!!! volume control is hard ;; she also happy flaps and jumps i love her sm☠-  angry/violent headcanon: oooh with sakura most people think her anger is explosive, and yeah it can be, but when she’s truly furious, she goes quiet. her words are cutting and she smiles, and it’s eerie how calm she seems even though her body is vibrating with anger. she used to be n angry crier, before becoming a shinobi.♡-  romantic headcanon: sakura is that person that if your’re nice to her even once, she will fall in love with you, she’s just so emotionally vunerable its sad i love her. also she’s big bi! she and naruto are the  bi icons of konoha lmao. hhh she has this thing where she gets infatuated with people to the point where it comes off as kind of obsessive and she truly doesn’t understand why it happens. after sasuke (because in my daydream reboot she forces herself to get over him) she just kinda.. keeps her romantic feelings locked at bay, because she loves love, but she lets it take a bit of a backseat in her mind (when she gets older she has like 3 gfs so its all gucci)ൠ -  random headcanon: (in like modern au’s) she’s like.. a gamer who hates video games. like she will finish a game all the way through because she’s a completionist, but they stress her the fuck out and make her anxious, also she loves writing,, but god is she horrible at it, she’s the type of person who writes those bad reader-inserts like, “this is the day.. my mom.. sold me to One Direction” or some shit 
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owtrashblog · 7 years
Ohmygsfahbjsj! That New Years fic with Doomfist is the good stuff!😍 Can you do another with him where reader tries to come up with a plan B? Like instead of running off, reader tries to smack dat ass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (or something idk) love your writing. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Whhooo, sorry that took a while, the holidays are really kicking my ass. Gotta love all that snow
Was this proofread?No, no it wasn’t
Once you were a good few feet away from, Doomfist, his chuckles echoing through the hallway, you were finally able to catch your breath.
How dare he steal a kiss form you! You were supposed to steal a kiss form him! Not the other way around! It’s not every day someone gets to flaunt the fact they stole a kiss form the powerful and scary Doomfist!
…or was kissed by him in general…
……he did kiss you…..
Your lips still tingled at the memory, a hot flush quickly covering your cheeks before you forced yourself to concentrate on your revenge. He may have stolen your kiss but you will not go down so easily! New Years is still fresh and you are no quitter! You will have your revenge!
It took a few hours, but the perfect plan was finally cracked! So Doomfist thinks he’s untouchable huh? Wouldn’t be a shame if one of his workers just came up to him and slapped his ass and got away with it?
A sly grin grew as you thought your plan over. Heheh, there was no way he would be able to see this coming. How could he even expect this attack? You’re a cheeky little devil, yes you are~
Still grinning slyly, one of your hands rests on your hip, you had asked Doomfist to get something for you. It was placed high up, somewhere you couldn’t reach. Doomfist being so much taller then you, he could grab it easily. Though with his guard down and body stretched to leave his well-shaped bottom open for attack.
Snickering evilly you leaped into action. Just as your about to make contact, you were taken by surprise when  Doomfist grabbed your wrist and pull it up, pulling you towards him in the processes.
“Cheeky little thing aren’t you?” His tone was overflowing with tease and seduction, your wrist still in his tight grasp though you weren’t struggling to get free. This was a bad idea, why did you think this was going to work, who’s idea was this anyway??
You stuck your lower lip out, pouting as you looked towards the floor.
“You stole my New Years kiss…” You muttered. Your face burned hotter as Doomfist began to laugh, releasing your wrist as he laughed harder by the second.
How embarrassing. Crossing your arms ans pouting even more, Doomfist gave your bum a little slap making you yelp.
“Go on little thing, you’ll get your revenge one day.” Once again you were left beaten at your own New Years games.
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