#which ARE working thank god but like… they just did an EKG today + monitored my HR/BP for an hour and then sent me home
halfd3af · 9 months
can Dr. House please be real and diagnose me, I’ll let him call me slurs if it means he figures out what’s wrong with me
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
I hope you feel much better today! Since I follow you since beginning and you mentioned many times that your try to get through the trauma of hospitals, would you want to try write your story and what happened to you this time? It is totally okay if not, I understand. I just thought maybe then you will feel better?
A/N: This was.. harder than I thought. --- It was three o'clock in the morning when you woke up in your bed, bathed in sweat and immediately gasped for air. Your chest burned, the pulling and the unbearable pain beamed into your back. You tried to calm down from the anxiety that chased through your body and sit up a little more upright.
The day before you weren't feeling well, you couldn't describe exactly how. You went for a walk in the morning, which was usually nothing special, but your pulse shot up from one second to another, dizziness overflowed you and your legs gave up. You could make it home only with a lot of effort.
When you got home, you called your family doctor who called you to the practice as an emergency and you made yourself on the way. In the meantime you felt better, but your heart was still racing.
When you got to him, you passed out in the middle of the waiting room and woke up a few minutes later on the stretcher in the laboratory of the office. A good friend of Alex, who worked there, sat next to you and observed your heart rate with an electrocardiography while waiting for the doctor.
However, the results were inconspicuous; your sinus line was good and nothing special was to be seen in it. With the words, "a heart rate over 140bpm in a lying position, a young heart like yours can cope with. You will still have your blood drawn to be sure." he said goodbye and you came home with great difficulty where you immediately went to bed and spent the day.
You hadn't told your sisters anything.
And now you were here; again and again you tried to catch your breath, but almost nothing came through and every little movement of your chest in an attempt to breathe burned as if you swallowed fire.
With a lot of effort you made it to Kara's bedroom and sat down on her bed while gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up.
She was shocked when she opened her eyes and saw only one figure in the darkness before she switched on the lamp on her bedside table at lightning speed and looked into your panicked, tear-smeared face. "Y/N, what happened?"
But you couldn't answer properly, instead you put both hands around your neck and chest before tapping it several times, hoping to show her what was going on while gasping for breath.
Her blanket, which she had previously over her, flew to the side with a swing and she was on her way down to the floor where she knelt down and looked at you. She closed her eyes and concentrated on your heartbeat, which was above her norm, tripping every now and then and making her startle in panic.
"I will call the ambulance and Alex. I won't fly you there alone, that would be too dangerous in your condition." she said, stood up and fumbled with her hand on her desk while she kept her eyes on you and tried to position you with her other free hand on her bed so that your upper body was leaning against the head of the bed.
"I can't breathe, Kara." you whispered and started crying again. You were overwhelmed by the whole situation and the fear within you as to why this was all happening didn't make the whole situation any easier. "It's burning."
"Your chest?" she asked with raised eyebrows and wide eyes while she had her phone clamped to her ear and was pacing up and down. You just nodded and closed your eyes to calm down. "Hey, stay up, honey. You can't fall asleep now, all right?"
You watched the blonde while she spoke to the emergency call center and told them everything she knew. Almost overwhelmed with the situation as you, she shouted into the phone that an ambulance should be sent immediately and then hung up to inform the oldest Danvers what was happening.
She also told her everything in cure form and asked her to wait for the two of them in the hospital. She threw her cell phone on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed next to you while she took your hands in hers and just looked at you.
There were tears in her eyes by now. "Just stay awake okay? It'll be all right."
"I am not tired." you replied and put your head back on her pillow. "It doesn't matter. Just stay awake and look at me."
The minutes in which you waited for the ambulance felt like hours in which you lay half in her arms and cried bitterly, still barely breathing, completely panicked and overwhelmed by the situation. When Kara finally left you to give the emergency doctor access, you closed your eyes to calm yourself down in some way, help was already there.
After a few questions from the paramedics and an EKG that showed no signs of any deficiencies in your heart, they still took you to the hospital to do more tests to make sure nothing is really wrong.
"Baby, what happened?" the redhead asked in shock when you entered the door of your room in a wheelchair and with a nurse, your eldest sister already waiting longingly for you. "Give me a minute." you talked without real breath in your lungs and tired from the night.
You had spent the night in the emergency room with a blood pressure machine that painfully squeezed your arm every half hour and various cables that monitored you, a nice lady who took blood from you every other hour and next to an elderly lady who was so annoying that you could hardly close your eyes and sleep.
"Couldn't breathe, chest was burning, dizzy and hot." you stopped every little sentence, the air that got through your nose through an air cannula from an oxygen tank didn't help much either.
Alex thanked the nurse and took over to lay you sensibly and carefully in bed, cover you up to make everything as comfortable as you needed it to be. She had also given you water in a glass and put it to your lips, she could see that you were trembling and possibly couldn't hold the glass by yourself. However, you refused all food and water, your appetite and the desire for water was nonexistent. "And what did the doctors say?"
"Heart is okay, they think it comes from the stomach or the spine."
"Thank god." she folded her hands in front of her body in prayer and sat down next to you on the bed, holding you lightly in her arms. "You don't even know what a terribly fear you made us."
"You won't get rid of me that quickly," you smiled and started coughing, hoping to get more air. "Where is Kara?"
"She went to change and wanted to get something to eat. She was so worried to leave the hospital without you or any kind of information that she was in her pajamas until just an hour ago." she laughed and dragged you with her into a laugh. "I had to force her to getting changed. Force Supergirl to do something that she doesn't want to do is.."
"Life threatening." you finished her sentence and tired snuggled closer to her while waiting for your other sister to come and push your mood a little bit up.
With Alex and Kara, every crisis could be overcome and they always helped you through everything.
You were strong together.
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purselover2 · 3 years
Title: Heart Watch
Chapter One
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heart condition, medical condition, pregnancy issues, angst
Let me know if you want tagged.
A/N: This fic goes along with my others where the reader has a heart condition. They are:
Part One: Heart Revelation
Part Two: Heart Meds 101
Heart Watch
“So y/n, how have you been feeling? Any issues with your heart or any episodes?” Doctor Cho asked.
“Feeling good. No issues at all. Actually feeling pretty good.” You reply. You knew these checkups were necessary but you always dreaded them. Worried that they might find something else or that a test would come back abnormal.
“Sweet, that’s good to hear. Well the blood work came back good and your heart sounds strong. This is one of the best exams you’ve had. Any idea what’s different this time around?” She joked knowing exactly what the difference was.
“Don’t know doc, might have something to do a certain super soldier who won’t stop reminding me every day, twice a day to take my meds.” You said. Ever since you’d told Bucky about your heart condition, he’d taken it upon himself to learn everything he could about the conditions. He’d already learned all about your medications and researched the signs to look for in case you had another episode. He reminded you of your meds every 12 hours either in person or via text. If wasn’t able to text, he’d have Friday contact you. It was sweet, you knew it was, but sometimes you felt smothered.
“Sounds romantic. He cares.” She replies.
“He just better be glad he’s cute.” You get up and start getting dressed. “So doc, I wanted to ask you something. What do you think about me having a baby?” You couldn’t look at her. You knew the answer but asked anyway.
“I think you better be joking. Y/n, you know that’s not a good idea. You know that birthing a baby would be extremely hard on your heart and potential fatal. I want you to put that notion out of your mind. There are other options to be a mother.” She explained.
“I know. I just wanted to check and see if anything had changed. You know modern medicine and advances and all.” You said trying to hide the disappointment.
“Hey, its okay. When the time comes that you want a baby we’ll figure it out.” She patted you on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you to get dressed and I’ll see you at the party tonight?”
“I’ll be there. Thanks.” You tried your best to smile and not show the pain in your heart. Not a physical pain, but the pain of knowing you’d never have a baby of your own. You and Bucky hadn’t talked about kids but you knew he loved him and figured that at some point the topic would come up.
Later that night you were getting ready for Morgan’s birthday party. You had been looking forward to it all week. Morgan was adorable and she adored you. You both loved Barbies and fashion and you had at last one pretend fashion show a month when you watched her so Tony and Pepper could go out.
“Hey baby.” Bucky called from the living room. He had just gotten back from a mission.
“In the bedroom!” You answered.
“Oh my god baby are you a sight for sore eyes.” He entered the room and came over and kissed you. “I’d give you a proper hello and hug but I need a shower in a bad way. Give me a few and I’ll be ready and we’ll go to the party together okay?”
“Sounds good. I’ll finish getting ready and make sure all her presents are ready.” You said as you grabbed your most confortable heels. Morgan was expecting everyone to come dressed like they were in a fashion show, so you weren’t going to disappoint. You heard the shower turn on and decided you’d help Bucky out and lay out his clothes for the party. Once that was done, you made your way into the living room and gathered up all the presents and put them into a stack so that Bucky could carry them.
Bucky entered the room and you smiled. “Well hello there handsome.”
“Well hello there gorgeous.” He made his way over to you. “How about giving me a proper hello now?”
Making your way into his arms, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
“How did your appointment go today?” He asked holding you tight.
“Good. My labs were all good, my heart sounded really good. She actually said that this was the best visit I’d had, maybe in forever.” You answered.
“Baby! Thats wonderful.” He pulled your face up for another kiss. “That makes me so happy. I was worried, but this is great.”
“Yeah, no getting the big head but she thinks maybe that I’m taking my meds on a regular basis, could have something to do with it.” You smile.
“Oh yeah?” Bucky couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Speaking of which, I have a present for you.”
“I love presents!” You exclaimed.
“I know my girl does. I had Tony and Bruce help me make something special just for you.” Reaching into his backpack on the couch he pulled out a square box and handed it to you.
Taking the box, you sit down on the couch and open the lid. Inside is a watch. Not just any watch, this watch looked dressy, but also like it had AI behind it.
“Its beautiful.” You looked up at Bucky and he sits down next to you.
“It monitors your heart rate and transmits the data back to the app on your phone. It will also take an EKG and do all your other vitals. And it might also remind you to take your medicine.” He laughed at the last part.
You were touched you really were, he cared so much for you. You pulled him over to you and kissed him. “I love it. Thank you for always making sure I’m okay and taken care of.” You knew that an Apple Watch would have done the same thing, but you figured this was an Apple Watch on steroids.
“You’re welcome baby. Gotta make sure my best girl stays healthy.” He took the watch and placed it on your arm. “There. Oh here’s the other one.” He hands you a second box.
“Another watch?” You asked wondering why there were two.
“Why do I need two?” You opened the box to find the same exact watch just with a different band.
“Well you’ll have to have one to wear while the other is charging.” Bucky explained.
“Baby, it won’t take the long for it to charge. A few minutes without the watch won’t hurt anything.” You explained.
“I know, but with two we won’t have to worry about what if something happens in those few minutes.”
“You mean, you won’t have to worry.” You laughed.
Bucky started to pout and you felt bad about teasing him. “I’m sorry baby. It’s so thoughtful of you. Thank you. I promise to always have one of them on.” You kissed him.
“Thank you baby. Now let’s go spoil Miss Morgan with all these presents.” He stood and picked up the packages and you opened the door.
You both made your way down the hallway not knowing that tonight would be the start of the hardest and most difficult time of your relationship.
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ahumanintraining · 6 years
sign out (ch. 3 of “follow up”)   a shallura modern era hospital au ft. dr. allura and patient shiro  [link to ao3]
— notes: and yes here is the allura pov chapter that you all have been waiting so patiently for. (and yes, happy shallura day! i say this two days late but we all know that every day is shallura day anyway)
chapter three: sign out
Allura almost squeals.
But fortunately, she’s able to hold it all in until she’s absolutely certain that the phone call ended.
Then she thrusts her face into a pillow and makes the strangest sound she’s come out of her mouth since she matched into residency.  
Today had been a complete series of emotional chess, starting from the moment she walked in to see him, not at all expecting the patient with the uncomplicated right distal radius fracture in bed 24 was going to be an ultra-cute man with the shyest smile and the most curious streak of white hair over his forehead.
She was caught so off guard she almost couldn’t even appropriately perform the final physical exam to discharge him. His gaze was so intense and he had such an entrapping calm demeanor that made her forget about the hustle and the bustle of the emergency department behind the curtain. If talking to him to recap his injury history wasn’t already making her trip over her words, she absolutely stuttered as she told him the physical exam findings, close enough to smell the light cologne wafting from his skin and see the light stubble over his jaw — honestly thank god none of the nurses or technicians were also present in the room because without doubt they would have dragged her about it in the break room if they had witnessed her.
If she wasn’t wrong in reading him, she took a chance on his fast heartbeat, his jagged breath, and the light blush over his cheeks and gave him all the hints that she was absolutely interested in seeing him again outside of the hospital context.
It was a huge risk — she worried that maybe he was just embarrassed about the whole situation or about his entire story falling off the monkey bars, which actually wasn’t all that ridiculous when it came to the emergency room. Not to mention, when she gave him her number, she was technically still overseeing his health care so it was a little weird in the doctor-patient relationship.
But it was fine, right? Technically she just gave him her business card, which she has done to patients she wanted to follow up even beyond the emergency room because of the complexity of their case.
This would just be another someone she wanted to follow up with. Well, maybe not for the same reasons, but…
She groans, pressing her face into the pillow again, remembering how she circled her cell number and even winked at him — so stupidly embarrassing!
How could she have just put herself out there like that so obviously? What if she just read all the signs wrong and completely misinterpreted?
Of course, now that he had actually called her back, she supposes she made the right decision after all.
She — Allura Altea, three years an attending at Olkarian General with her ass still deep in government federal student debt — had a date.
Or something. He did mention he wanted to “at least return the thanks.”
She doesn’t know. It’s unclear.
Regardless, she was going to get to see him again. She giggles to herself again, uncharacteristically giddy with excitement. She throws aside her pillow and reaches again for her agenda book, looking at the Thursday column. She raises her pen point just below her 6 PM shift, twirling her pen a few times to consider what to write.
“8 pm – DATE!!!!!” is too embarrassing even for her to look at — and then what would happen if she opened her book and one of her other colleagues happened to see the colorful all-caps? She’d never hear the end of it.
“8 pm – Date” doesn’t look right either. And moreover, what if it wasn’t even a date? What if he was just trying to be polite? Although… he did ask for dinner, not lunch. Or at least, he did at first…
She shakes her head to herself. Focus, she tells herself.
Maybe “8 pm – Takashi” would be most appropriate. She writes it in but then frowns when re-reading it.
This makes him seem like a consult call or some kind of referral. Maybe she can doodle in something to make it look more friendly…
Before she knows it, she scribbles a small heart next to him — and immediately regrets it. She scratches it out, but then finds that she ends up just coloring in the heart, making now a very clear and very solid heart next to his name.
“Oh my god, what am I? A high schooler? I’m 33 going on 14.” she moans out loud, flopping back onto her hardwood floor, casting her agenda book to the side.
Hearing her distress, her cat mewls, jumping down from the windowsill and climbing on top of her.
“I know. I must be so annoying to deal with right now, huh, Blue?” she mumbles, lifting her cat off her stomach and rolling onto her side to curl around her.
Allura lays there for a long time, replaying the last hour in her head, regretting lots of things she said. What was she thinking?
Oh, yeah, pull rehearsed statements out like ‘I appreciate you taking the time to call me’ or ‘I really like to hear how my patients are doing.’ For sure, yeah, that’ll really tell him that she’s interested in him as more than just a patient.
And then telling him that Thursday evening would work perfectly because she didn’t have anywhere to be the next day? What was she trying to say?
“I’m such an idiot,” she tells Blue.
But Blue is tired of cuddling and of hearing her shit, gingerly stepping out of Allura’s reach. Allura frowns, watching Blue take residence in a solitary corner, before subsequently doing the splits and starting to lick its hindlegs clean. Allura sighs. Her eyes trail back to her phone, strewn a few feet away, and she crawls over to it, scrolling hesitantly over the last message in her voicemail and looking at his familiar set of unfamiliar numbers.
Is it too optimistic for her to save his number into her phone? Probably. Allura knows better than anyone that romance does not work out the way it does for princesses in fairy tales, no matter how sure a princess thinks she’s found her paladin.
She bites her lip, and then pokes her screen to play his voicemail again, pressing her phone close to her ear. She smiles, hearing the croak in his voice as he starts talking.
Um… it’s Takashi Shirogane. I was your patient the other day. I guess I was just giving you a follow up call. Thanks for everything. Hear from you soon.
Such a short message. Barely a full ten seconds. It’s not nearly long enough. She plays it again, listening again for that beginning rumble of his voice when he first opens his mouth.
Takashi Shirogane.
She repeats his name to herself softly. She loves the light r of his last name, and how he says it in a gentle flutter. She hopes that she pronounced his name in exactly the same way during their last call, but she knows better than anyone else that her language skills are actually horrid and for as much as her dear father really tried to get her fluent in Spanish and French, she had no chance with the small amount of patience she had and the little tenacity she had to study anything but medicine.
She catches herself with a stupid smile over her face again, and she shakes herself out of lovesickness.
This is ridiculous. She hasn’t felt this way in such a long time.
She checks the time. It’s close to the time she needed to get herself into bed, so she showers, brushes her teeth, and crawls into bed after downing a few extra gulps of water to hit her daily hydration goal.
But it’s pointless. She doesn’t sleep at all, lying in bed well past her bedtime, dreaming of cute smiles and soft hellos.
The next couple of days is so mundane that when Thursday approaches, she almost completely forgets about the “8 pm – Takashi” line in her agenda until she opens her book in front of Dr. Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe, aka the chief of emergency medicine, and sees the crime-implicating solid heart.
Her eyes freeze on seeing the reminder, and she instinctively presses the pages against her chest.
“So, we’ll have our monthly department meeting on the twenty-third next month instead of the twenty-fifth as usual. Are you on shift that day?” Coran asks, scrolling through his phone, not seeming to notice her flushing and sudden protectiveness of her agenda book.
Cautiously, she flips a few pages forward, seeing a night shift on said date. “I should be off my 7 to 7 by then,” she says. “Meeting still at 7 am?”
“Yeah,” he affirms. “Lots of quality statistics to discuss, so try not to be late.”
“You implying I have some improvements to make?” she teases.
He looks up at her, twirling his ginger moustache and chuckling. “Even if you are one of our exceptional physicians, you know I just need to enforce the same expectations for our entire team.” He nods his chin at her unused computer, monitor black from inactivity. “As long as you’re still picking up patients.”
Ah. Funny he should say that.
“Alright, alright,” she says, swiveling her chair around and shaking the mouse.
“Aside from all of this, anything new going on in your life these days?” he asks, tucking his phone into his white coat pocket and leaning over the counter. “Haven’t been able to properly talk to you ever since the new residents joined us over the summer.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, shrugging. “But honestly nothing too much has been going on.” She clicks on the EMR to assign herself to the 53-year old male with chest pain in room 18 and turns to the stack of EKGs next to her, searching for the matching EKG to her patient.
“Really? No new potential suitors?” Coran asks. “I feel like you were complaining plenty about that in the last conversation I had with you. Something about someone moving into your apartment building?”
She rolls her eyes. “The Lotor guy is still bothering me,” she tells him. “But at least because he likes me I can ask him favors. He takes care of Blue for me when I’m out too late.” She finds the matching EKG and interprets it quickly, writing in left ventricular hypertrophy. “But you know it’s funny you ask me that now because I actually have a date tonight.”
Coran raises both his eyebrows. “See that is exciting,” he declares. “Who’s this date of yours?”
As much as Allura wants to tell Coran, she doesn’t want to mention that her date may just also happen to have been a patient in the emergency room just a couple days ago… and also just happen to have a patient chart with her signature on it.
“Uh… well just someone that I met at random,” she lies, of course, realizing she executed the confabulation terribly.
Coran gives her a look that tells her he knows her bullshit. “At random, huh?” he replies, not prying. “Well, I suppose you’ll tell me at some point.”
She just smiles and shrugs, then choosing that moment to stand and get to her patient in room 18. “Maybe at some point,” she promises him.
“I’m sure I’ll hear about it if it ends up turning out horrible.”
“Probably,” she agrees, waving him a short goodbye as she steps past him.
But for some reason, she has the most undoubtable feeling tonight’s date won’t turn out horrible at all.
She doesn’t get home until 7:45 pm.
Well, so far tonight’s date is going pretty horribly, she thinks to herself, rushing to get her keys into the keyhole to unlock her door.
Once in her apartment, she hurls herself in, dropping the day’s handbag on the floor and pulling off her shoes as she walks in. She reaches up to pull off her hair tie, shaking her hair out as she makes her way to her closet, already half-undressed.
She did absolutely everything she could in order to optimize getting back home once the clock hit the end of her shift at 7 pm — even going so far as to beg Sendak to cover the last few codes she technically should have been doing so that she could instead rapidly finish closing her charts because she had no option to just close them on her next shift because the next time she’d be in the hospital would going to be more than 24 hours later and Coran would never let her hear the end of it if she didn’t sign her notes within the mandatory time frame and she would definitely be roasted at the next department meeting.
Needless to say, she is frazzled.
She holds her head between her hands, frowning as she looks in the mirror. She looks at the clock on the wall. Damn. She is not going to have time to look nice. Damn. She doesn’t even have the time to take a shower. And damn it, of course this would happen to her on that one night she has a date with someone she thinks she might actually like?
Well, a maybe-date date. Because what if all this time he really is just taking her for dinner out of the goodness of his heart? After all, he did call her to update her about his arm and to thank her… and he didn’t actually bring up the idea of dinner until after she carried the conversation…
She calms herself down. It’s fine, it’s fine, she tells herself. It’s going to be all —
Wait, check your phone, she reminds herself. Because what if he is already outside waiting —
She taps her phone screen and sees no notification.
She can’t help but frown. Maybe she is really is getting too excited and hopeful about this maybe-date date. If he liked her, he definitely would be a little early right? Or texted her earlier today to check in?
Or maybe he forgot about their dinner?
Damn, maybe she should have texted him earlier today. But no, she didn’t want to overstep and over-text him either.
She groans one more time and ceases her internal dialogue, telling herself to just focus on her outfit for tonight. It doesn’t matter how much time she has; every single second she has left before this maybe-date date of hers is valuable to get her act together.
She flips her phone to the ring setting and hitches up the volume to max so that there is absolutely no way that she would miss a call, walking back to her closet.
She makes another frustrated sound as she sifts through her outfits. All throughout her emergency training, she was able to get away with wearing scrubs, which was great for her at the when she didn’t have the time to figure out what to wear on the sleep-deprived mornings before a shift but right now, as she looks through her severe lack of nice dating-material clothing, she is regretting her options.
She doesn’t even know exactly where he’ll be taking her. Should she wear something more formal or something more casual? But this is okay. She’s been in this situation at least one hundred times before — there’s a few dresses that can pass for most events aside from an underground rave late at night or a Board of Trustees meeting, but she’s pretty sure that he’s not taking her on any of those extremes.
Her hands stop at a white dress with a floral print — kimono v-neck, mid-arm sleeve, about knee-length — and she looks it over with pursed lips, her eyes tracing one of the pink flowers and its surrounding dark green stem and leaves along the waist.
Her favorite dress. She doesn’t wear it often because she’s afraid of getting it dirty and because otherwise she’d be wearing it all too often.
It was the last gift her father gave her, and the first thing she thinks of when remembering him.
Her thumb rolls over the silky material as she muses for a moment, and then slips it off the hanger, lying the dress over her bed before she pulls it over her head, flipping her hair out from under the collar as she looks at herself in the mirror.
She frowns. The dress fits her well, of course, but her hair is a tangled mess. She sighs and rolls it back up into some kind of a loose bun. It looks almost purposefully messy, some of shorter strands of her hair peeking out from behind her ears, but it also looks like she just got out of a twelve-hour work shift and like didn’t care about this date when she actually really did want to impress him and set herself up in the best way possible for this to be an amazing night.
Maybe at least some light makeup? She rushes over to her makeup bag, pawing through it before a loud ring emerges from her phone.
Her eyes dart to it, her heart rate suddenly jolting. Another ring emerges — a long one that she knows means that someone is calling her and who could it be but him… She rushes over, looking over the caller ID and seeing the familiar set of numbers.
She swallows. “Hello?”
Her heart flutters again. “Hi!” she says, almost too excitedly, but then clears her throat, mollifying her enthusiasm. “Um, hey,” she tries again, stupidly. She briefly pauses, and then unable to figure out what else to say, adds, “What’s up?”
Silently, she hits her forehead with the palm of her hand. What’s up? Was that the only thing she could think of to say? What was she thinking?
“I just want to apologize for calling you so last minute about this,” he starts.
“Oh, no, I mean, I was just getting ready myself. No rush,” she blurts. She’s not sure why she says all this when she could have just said ‘oh, no, that’s okay’ but then again, so far, she doesn’t have a great history of saying exactly what she wants when he talks to her.
“Oh,” he says, pausing in a way that makes her regret what she said. “Well, I was going to apologize about tonight. I, um… well, I’ve had a bit of a change in plans.”
He says this, and her heart sinks.
[link to chapter 4!]
notes: oh no would could have possibly happened???
(also if you think that I’m going to get away with this modern AU without putting in as many Voltron references as possible, you are very very wrong. call me out on all the lame ones :P)
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