#my resting HR is in the 60’s/70’s not the 50’s
halfd3af · 9 months
can Dr. House please be real and diagnose me, I’ll let him call me slurs if it means he figures out what’s wrong with me
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exitrowiron · 2 years
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2022 Trek Travel Cross-Country Bike Trip Epilogue
The stats
21 riders including 8 women, 42 riding days, 4 rest days, 14 states, My personal stats - 3,735 miles (avg 89 miles/day), 142K ft ascent, 232 hrs moving time, 16 mph avg speed, $0 prize money
For comparison, the stats of the 2022 Tour de France
176 male riders, 21 riding days, 3 rest days, 2,081 miles (avg 98 miles/day), 157K ft ascent, 80 hours moving time, 26 mph avg speed, $2.7M prize money
I'm guessing that the average age of the Trek group was approximately double the age of the average Tour rider - we were older and slower but went considerably farther.
In anticipation of your questions:
Most memorable part of the trip: The rides in the Western States brought stunning views and memorable climbs/descents. If I had to pick one segment, I would recommend the Columbia River Gorge.
Most difficult part of the trip:
Days of temps in the 90s/100's turned asphalt roads into broilers, cooking us from our cleats to our helmet. Also, cold rain is no fun but we only had a few days of this. I also had a stomach bug that caused me to DNF a day and suffer the next few days as I recovered, but fortunately it was relatively short lived. Due to the DNF I missed 54 miles/4k ft ascent of the trip.
Physical impact:
Yes, I lost weight, but not more than 10 lbs. My body composition changed though; I lost fat and gained muscle. I didn't grow giant quadriceps like a pro rider but my cycling V02 max improved by 15% to 60. I never got sore like I do when I run and my only injuries were saddle sores in weeks 2-3 and a mild case of cycling elbow (i.e. tennis elbow) the last few days of the ride.
Was it easier or more difficult than I expected:
I really had no idea what to expect. I got stronger and faster as the ride progressed and was less sore than I expected. The ride was challenging, but it wasn't torture and I'm proud of averaging 16 mph.
Would I do it again?
No. I wanted to see the country from the saddle of a bike and to physically challenge myself and I've accomplished those goals. As the guides attested at the closing dinner, we had an extraordinary group of riders (kind, fun, thoughtful, strong) and I can't imagine being able to repeat that good fortune. Lastly, 47 days is a long time to be away from Beth, family and friends.
Things I learned riding coast to coast across the northern US:
1. It is ridiculous to think that 21 people in their 50s and 60s (and one in his 70s!) can bike across the country in 46 days. But what if they were provided:
• A training plan 8 months in advance;
• The best road bikes available;
• A GPS attached to their bike with turn-by-turn directions of the carefully planned route;
• White glove service managing all the logistics (luggage, hotels, meals, etc.);
• Refueling stops with water, sugar, salt, and encouragement every 17 miles in addition to a fully catered lunch stop each day;
• The support of 5 of the best guides in the business?
If you do all of that, then a group of ordinary (albeit highly motivated) men and women can do the extraordinary.
2. We live in a truly beautiful country; the Columbia River Gorge and South Dakota badlands were breathtaking, but so too were the simple pastoral beauty of the Midwest and the charming towns and villages of New England.
3. The vastness of US agriculture production is astounding and difficult to comprehend. Given the amount of land devoted to producing corn, the rise of electric vehicles and decline of gasoline/ethanol consumption will be nearly as disruptive to the farming community as it is to petroleum producers.
4. If political signs, flags, and bumper stickers are to be believed, there is a deep and troubling political divide between rural and urban America. This divide is being stoked by selfish interests and must be reconciled.
5. Those thick black rubber bungee cords with metal hooks on the ends that people use to secure things to their car or truck? They don’t work. Beth and I have picked up tens of them in the two miles of I90 that we’ve adopted, and I dodged hundreds of them lying on road shoulders while riding across the country. They should be taken off the market.
6. This trip reminded me of a lesson I first learned when I began Ironman training. The average human body is capable of amazing things, much more than you imagine. I occasionally hear the advice, “Listen to your body.” I think it is important to clarify that advice. Remember that your body evolved to crave an afternoon on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand, a cookie in the other and a milkshake to wash them down. So, when you’re listening to your body, listen carefully. Distinguish between when your body doesn’t want to do something and when your body can’t do something. At mile 14 on day 19, sick with a stomach bug, my body said it couldn’t continue and I listened. On the other mornings when my body said it was tired, I ignored it.
7. Bicycling is much easier on your body than running. Over 47 days of riding I never felt sore (with the temporary exception of my butt); I never needed a massage or used my Theragun. As an older athlete I plan to incorporate biking more regularly into my training regime to give my body more time to recover from the impact of running.
8. It is a privilege to do this ride. It is a privilege to have the good health, time, resources, and support (thanks Beth and all of you) to pursue an odyssey like this for 47 days. It isn’t lost on me that there was no racial diversity on this ride; that’s likely a reflection of the privilege this ride requires and the work we have left to do as a society.
9. When riding a bike a long distance, nothing matters more than the wind. Depending on the wind, a 40-mile ride could either be a thrilling 2-hour sprint or a grinding 3-hour sufferfest and in this respect, this cross-country ride is a metaphor for life.
Riders are quick to complain about a headwind, but very few will acknowledge a strong tailwind; on those days riders are more likely to credit their pace to their fitness and fortitude. This is a natural human tendency, despite the profound and more importantly, invisible influence of the wind. Bikers likewise compare their segment times to the results of other riders on different days despite those comparisons having little meaning without an acknowledgment of the wind (which never happens). Some riders have lighter, faster bikes, but those differences are visible, more easily accounted for and generally have less impact the invisible wind.
Riding against the wind isn’t just a physical challenge, it is mentally and even emotionally draining. I have a power meter in my pedals, and it tells me how much power I am producing. 220 watts with a good tailwind can easily propel me at 20 mph. Conversely, when riding into a headwind those same 220 watts may not get me above 14 mph. Here’s the interesting thing; even though I’m working equally hard in each scenario, pedaling at 220 watts for an hour with a tailwind is easy and fun; I’m going fast and making great progress. By contrast, I can rarely keep up a 220 watt effort for more than 30 minutes when facing a headwind; the slow pace and drone of the wind whistling in my ears are simply too frustrating and discouraging. It’s the same amount of work, but one feels considerably more difficult than the other.
Of course, a headwind isn’t necessarily an inevitable, unavoidable obstacle. A rider may be able to alter his course to one which is protected from the wind but still reaches the same destination. Or a rider could pick an entirely new destination, one which turns the headwind into a tailwind but arrives at a different but equally suitable destination. These options are usually only available to riders who are familiar with the area, riders who have been there before or have seen other riders navigate the optional routes and destinations successfully. Rookie riders are unlikely to deviate their course or destination and will generally attempt to grind it out in the absence of knowledge of the alternatives.
Sometimes a headwind is simply unavoidable, however. On those days, riders can help each other by taking turns pulling at the front, shielding those behind from the wind and giving them a chance to rest and recover. On many occasions during my trip, stronger riders would pull weaker riders for hours to the destination simply because they could and they didn’t need the help of the weaker rider.
At the risk of being preachy here (probably too late) I had the tremendous good fortune to be born with a strong tailwind. I saw other riders (my parents and their friends) reach my intended destination and I followed their course. In addition to a tailwind, I had the benefit of being pulled by older, more experienced riders (work mentors and great bosses like Jack ONeill). And finally, Beth Koetting is a strong and capable teammate who is riding with me and sharing the work.
3,735 miles taught me to be appreciative of a tailwind and acknowledge it’s contribution. More importantly, it’s taught me to recognize when others are struggling with a headwind. Odds are good that these riders would be equally successful with the benefit of a tailwind. I am reminded to help them find a new route or destination, or better yet move to the front and give them a chance to rest and recover.
10. The love and support of family and friends can make even the most challenging journey more enjoyable and for that I thank all of you.
Thanks for following along.
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nerdyign · 7 years
92 Questions
I have procrastinated on doing this for so long because 92 questions, guys. That is A LOT! But here I am, finally doing this. 
Tagged be the glorious @thestudyfeels . Thankyou for tagging me, Tay!
1) Drink: water. 
2) Phone call: my best friend. 
3) Text Message: a friend 
4) Song you listened to: New York City by The Chainsmokers.
5) Time You Cried: I don’t remember tbh. I don’t cry all that much.
HAVE YOU ( here comes a series of bad life decisions. XD )
6) Dated someone twice: ugly story yes. 
7) Kissed someone and regretted it: another ugly story yes.
8) Been cheated on: yes
9) Lost someone special: yes 
10) Been depressed: yes. 
11) Gotten drunk and thrown up: no and no. 
This section was so bad RIP me. 
12) Blush Pink
13) Pale Blue
14) White ( and black and red and all pastel colours. It is difficult to choose!)
15) Made new friends: yes
16) Fallen out of love: yes
17) Laughed until you cried: yes
18) Found out someone was talking about you: yes. 
19) Met someone who changed you: YES!
20) Found out who your friends are: yes (it was.. ugly.)
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook List: aa yes. 
22) How many of your Facebook friends do you know: dude, all. Why else would hey be my friends? 
23) Do you have any pets: *sobbing* no. 
24) Do you want to change your name: sometimes. 
25) What did you do for your last birthday: a couple of my friends came over for an hour-ish. The rest forgot lol. 
26) What time did you wake up: 5am
27) What were you doing at midnight last night: I was asleep. 
28) Name something you can’t wait for: my exam results. I worked really hard this time and I am excited to see whether all that paid off! 
29) When was the last time you saw your mom: She is sitting right in front of me.
30) What is the one thing you wish you could change in life: nothing and everything at the same time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
31) What are you listening to right now: my mom yelling at me to stop being on the phone. #JustBrownKidThings.
32) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope. 
33) Something that is getting on your nerves: people who think that people who take their education seriously are not cool. like lol bye, bro. Your expert opinions are not needed here. 
34) Most visited websites: Youtube, EdX, Soundcloud.
35) Mole/s: yes. 5. 
36) Mark/s: do scars count? if yes then, like 10-ish. 
37) Childhood dream: to be a DJ or a bus conductor. yeah, that is true. 100%
38) Hair colour: dark brown/black
39) Long or short hair: long
40) Do you have a crush on someone: a lot of celebrities and fictional characters. That counts, right? 
41) What do you like about yourself: my openness to new ideas and concepts.
42) Piercings: one on each ear. (aYE WE ARE TWINS, TAY!) 
43) Blood type: B+ ( I feel like I would benefit more if this was my life mantra lmao) 
44) Nickname: gah there are too many tbh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
45) Relationship status: eating. XD
46) Zodiac: LEO BABY!
47) Pronouns: she/her
48) Favourite TV Show: HIMYM, Masterchef, New Girl, Riverdale.
49) Tattoos: none. 
50) Right or left hand: right.
51) Surgery: none.
52) Hair dyed in a different colour: nope.
53) Sport: Athletics sort of. 
54) Hello, Number 54: what? XD
55) Vacation: Sorry, I do not speak that language. *incoherent sobbing*
56) pair of trainers: Nike Air. 
57) Eating: apples
58) drinking: nothing
59) I’m about to: do a practice test for German
60) …….There is no 60? what? let’s move on I guess. 
61) Waiting for: RIVERDALE SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!
62) Want: A week off. 
63) Get married: When I find the right person.
64) Career: An HR manager.
65) Hugs or kisses: hugs. fight me. 
66) lips or eyes: eyes. They are intriguing. 
67) shorter or taller: both tbh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
68) older or younger: younger. 
69) this one is missing too? 
70) nice arms or nice stomach: both, I guess? 
71) sensitive or loud- depends on the scenario. ( I told ya I’m weird)
72) Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73) Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant about 90% of the time.
74) Kissed a stranger: nope.
75) drank hard liquor: nope.
76) lost glasses/contact lenses: SO.MANY.TIMES. 
77) Turned someone down: yes.
78) Sex on the first date: nope.
79) Broken someone’s heart: unfortunately, yes. THE.WORST.THING.EVER. I still feel guilty about that. :((
80) had your heart broken: yes. 
81) been arrested: nope.
82) cried when someone died- yes
83) Fallen for a friend: let’s not get to that lol. 
84) Yourself: sort of. I’ve started to.
85) miracles: maybe. idk.
86) Love at first sight: nope.
87) Santa  Claus: haha no. 
88) Kiss on the first date: idk man? depends on the person and the quotient we share. 
89) so this one is also missing lmao. 
90) Current Best Friend’s name: Yash
91) Eye colour: dark brown
92) finally favourite movie: There’s quite a lot actually. All animation movies, all HP movies, Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, Pitch Perfect, Mean Girls, Avengers, etc etc. lol I have a problem.
Tagging: @studyruels , @getshitdonetbh , @studytherin , @study-in-orange , and anybody else who wants to do this! 
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE: 4th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
We’ve all heard about the bad old days at GM when no car was allowed to challenge the Corvette’s performance supremacy. Those days are long dead. Team Camaro has applied its 1LE handling philosophy to the monstrously powerful ZL1, and the resulting monster is the most track-capable road car GM has ever sold. Up front, the standard Camaro ZL1’s 6.2-liter supercharged V-8 still makes 650 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque because frankly it didn’t need to make more. Being an enthusiast’s car, a six-speed manual is the only transmission on offer. An electronically controlled differential rounds out the powertrain. Out at the corners, magnetic shocks are replaced with Multimatic spool-valve shocks, and like the rest of the suspension, they’re hard-mounted with metal bushings, not rubber. The ride height, front camber, and rear anti-roll bar are all manually adjustable. A bigger grille improves cooling, and dive planes on the front corners and a massive rear wing provide downforce across the car. Equally massive carbon-ceramic brakes do the stopping. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon. Put it all together, nail the launch, and you’ll see 60 mph in 3.6 seconds and an 11.7-second quarter mile at 123 mph flat. Going the other way, the 3,837-pound ZL1 1LE will stop from 60 mph in a scant 91 feet. Put it on a skidpad, and it’ll pull 1.11 average g. Fling it at the figure eight, and you’ll get a 23.0-second lap at 0.93 average g. We Say “This car needs five-point harnesses because the dampers are so unforgiving. It’s true this 1LE has incredible grip; however, the compression damping is way too harsh while the rebound damping is just right. I’m not sure where they tuned this, but it clearly did not have a lot of bumps and jumps. The steering is freakishly quick. It took me three corners to calm my hands down, so I didn’t steer into and across the apex. The power seems to be well matched for the chassis, for a change, unlike the Z06. Third gear seemed very tractable and had a wide bandwidth. This feels like what I imagine a ’60s-’70s Trans Am car would be like.” – Chris Walton “I know Jonny loves this car, but I just can’t warm to it. Probably because I’ve lost all my fillings, and my kidneys are bruised. With the exception of the best roads, the ride in this Camaro is punishing. I’ve encountered smoother paint mixers. I had to remind myself that based on the numbers, this car is fantastic. Endless grip, fade-free brakes, abundant horsepower. But the thing is, I didn’t care. The bouncing was so bad that I found myself reacting to that instead of focusing on sheer act of driving. The Camaro might be brilliant on the track, but I wouldn’t want to drive this to get there.” – Derek Powell Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Ferrari 488 GTB Porsche 911 Turbo S Porsche 718 Cayman S Lexus LC 500 Mercedes-AMG GT R Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Aston Martin DB11 Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “Simply tremendous … tremendous grip, tremendous brakes, and tremendous power. And how about that third pedal? This added that special connection to the vehicle that the Ferrari or 911 Turbo simply can’t match, which is why I ranked it higher than those two fancy (and expensive) machines. With the Camaro, I felt like I—not some fancy software—had a big part in conquering 198.” – Erick Ayapana “That’s a driver’s car! When the aero and the tires shake hands, it’s a moment of revelation. You are suddenly driving a hard-mounted race car. Unreal. So much power, so much control, so much stopping ability. An absolute monster of a machine. This is an uncaged race car. Being able to actually use all 650 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque is mind-boggling. I’m not sure how this car isn’t a podium finisher.” – Jonny Lieberman “Long name, amazing results! Everywhere a competitor put a wheel in the air, the Camaro stuck like glue. There’s a lot of vertical movement in the cabin, but the car just sticks no matter what. It never jumps sideways a foot when it hits a mid-corner bump, never moves around laterally at all. Even when it feels like you’ve carried too much speed into a corner, it sticks. I can’t count how many times I put the throttle flat on the floor. In a 650-hp car this stiff on this bumpy road, that’s seriously impressive. The eLSD takes a little getting used to. If you start to feed in power mid-corner, the car turns in more as the diff gets to work. Steer with the throttle? Yes, please! “Brakes have huge stopping power and great pedal feel. Squeeze, don’t stomp, and get exactly what you want. “I thought this car would be too stiff for the road, and that’s coming from someone who drove the Z/28 for a year. I was wrong.” – Scott Evans Randy Says “It was not perfectly balanced for me. I’m really trying to smear a little lipstick from the perfection here, but it would go from a little teeny bit of understeer, which was perfect, to a little bit of oversteer, which is almost perfect. But when we put it in the context of what it is, which is a front-engine rear-drive car with 650 horsepower, the traction was incredible. It put down power extremely well, I could drive it with everything turned off, and for me, that’s just so much more satisfying. “The dampers felt great. Basically I never thought about it. Which means nothing came into my awareness as being, oh, this is too stiff. Or that is too soft. I don’t sense roll. So when I just turn for the corner, it just lies over there. That’s not good terminology because I don’t feel it roll. I’m sure it does, but I don’t feel it. Which means it’s got good damping. When I’m down in the corner, in the middle, I still have a steering response, and I can still tighten it up. “It was happy coming out of the corkscrew. That’s always hard in a powerful rear drive car. Put the power down. When you’re in a low gear and it’s a hard right. It wants to power oversteer. But this one was pretty damn good. Especially at that power level. See, we have to keep this in context. “The car generated a tremendous amount of braking force, but for the first time in any high-performance Camaro, it had a long pedal. I was pumping it a little bit, and I remember going up that Corkscrew thinking, ‘Jesus and Heaven above, let these work.’ And boy did they work. It stopped so well. It was very, very pleasing and satisfying how late I could brake in this—what is a relatively heavy car. It’s light for a Camaro, a supercharged Camaro. A bad driver could crash it immediately, but for a reasonable guy who can drive really fast and doesn’t need stability control, this is the ultimate pony car right now.” 2018 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 (1LE) POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Supercharged 90-deg V-8, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN OHV, 2 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 376.1 cu in/6,162 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10.0:1 POWER (SAE NET) 650 hp @ 6,400 rpm* TORQUE (SAE NET) 650 lb-ft @ 3,600 rpm* REDLINE 6,500 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 5.9 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.73:1/2.00:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 11.1:1-15.1:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.3 BRAKES, F; R 15.4-in vented, 2-pc disc; 14.4-in vented, 2-pc disc, ABS WHEELS 11.0 x 20-in; 12.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES 305/30R19 98Y; 325/30R19 101Y Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercar 3R (Tread 100) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 110.7 in TRACK, F/R 64.1/62.8 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 188.3 x 74.7 x 52.0 in TURNING CIRCLE 38.7 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,837 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 55/45% SEATING CAPACITY 4 HEADROOM, F/R 38.5/33.5 in LEGROOM, F/R 43.9/29.9 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 55.0/50.4 in CARGO VOLUME 9.1 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.6 sec 0-40 2.2 0-50 2.8 0-60 3.6 0-70 4.4 0-80 5.3 0-90 6.6 0-100 7.9 0-100-0 11.3 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.5 QUARTER MILE 11.7 sec @ 123.0 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 91 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.11 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.0 sec @ 0.93 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:34.30 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,900 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $71,295 PRICE AS TESTED $73,090 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, front side, f/r curtain, front knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/36,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 5 yrs/60,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 19.0 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 14/20/16 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 241/169 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.20 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE: 4th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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imjohnnydora · 7 years
1-117 :))))
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reasonyou are confused right now? well now i’m confused bc i’m trying to figure out why this question thinks im confused
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? lol no
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? i would?? care if they smoked often yes but not like every once in a while yknow
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? LOL NO
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? watching scandal i think
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is withyou? pal i dont get drunk but if i did i’d??? be with whoever i trusted to get drunk with i mean
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheatedon? ngl i’d call up all my friends bc i know they’d form a lil army to fight back for me
8: Are you close with your dad? im not rly close with either of my parents tbh
10: What are you listening to? uh my happy spotify playlist
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life- what is it? answered here
12: Do you like hickeys? no
13: What time do you go to bed? .....5am-ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? i mean not to vague or anything,,,
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? no
16: Do you always answer your texts? lol no
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? answered here
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? like talk in person or message bc 6 hrs ago to the former
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you seethem? yes
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed lastnight? do people like actually remember that i mean who
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? i hope not
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? uh sure
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? yes?
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? YES
25: In the past week, have you cried? haha yes
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? blue w yellow flowers
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? no
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so
29: Do you have a best friend? @katxedisons
31: Who was your last call/text message from? my dad lol
32: Are you mad at anyone? nah
35: How many more days until your birthday? 227 (thanks google)
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? there are literally 11 days left of summer and,,, no i dont have plans for any of them fuck off
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? no
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? noooooooooo
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? dont think so
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? um yes dont be a pedophile
42: Are you available? answered here
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings forsince high school ended? ....one
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would youget? nose i guess
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? idk i have no experience in this
46: Do you regret anything? every moment since birth
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? this question i mean
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? yes
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? LET’S NOT DISCUSS THAT
53: What was the last thing you ate? granola bar
54: Did you get any compliments today? yes
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? los angeles!!!
56: Do you own anything from other countries? um yeah the things i purchased in japan and australia and the things my friends have gifted me from??? too many places to list
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls
58: Where have you lived most of your life? california
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? like i personally drove or was just in a car and also what is “long” and okay basically no i dont go on long drives anyway so
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? what do u think
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? no
62: Who do you text the most? my dad probably,,, listen i dont text people
63: What was the last movie you saw? spiderman??
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend fromgoing back to their ex? my who
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? i was 12yo
67: Do you curse around your parents? no
68: Are you happy with where you live? ehhhhhhh no
69: Picture of yourself? why is this question 69 that makes it so sketchy and also no im too lazy to add a photo if you’ve read this far ur probs my friend and know anyway so
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe inopen-ended relationships? monogamy
71: Have you ever been dumped? that would require a gf
75: What part of a person’s body do you find mostattractive? idk their face??
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night beforeyou went to bed? my god dont make me check timestamps i think @katxedisons
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesysmile to your face? CUTE GIRLS
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a childalready? i mean i wouldnt count it against them
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed toyou? not like,, directly
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? like,,, do i tell the crush or do i tell my friends about the crush altho tbh neither
83: Do you miss your last sweetie? who says sweetie
84: Last time you slow danced with someone? prom
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? n oooo oo
86: How can I win your heart? be a cute girl tbh
87: What is your astrological sign? taurus
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? still watching scandal i think
89: Do you cook? i bake
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flameafter a time of more than 3 months of no communication? no
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in arelationship? YEAH
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you prettymuch fall into monogamous relationships quickly? latter
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potentialinterest? not that i have a type but,,, long dark hair is a good bonus (also if ur??? amy santiago)
94: Name four things that you wish you had! a girlfriend, a corgi, $1 million, and dammit thats all i can come up with thats the dream tbh
95: Are you a player? no
97: Are you a tease? no
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? not yet
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? ehhh no
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? i mean??? i dont see why not
101: Hugs or Kisses? ngl i’d like to kiss a cute girl
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? i mean i havent yet so
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? gross
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? YES
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/shewas in relationship, would you go for it? NAH
106: Do you flirt a lot? ahaha i mean sometimes
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? amy santiago
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? IF U KNOW PLS TELL ME
112: Does someone like you currently? sounds fake
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? yes
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or justflings? former
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? i mean im rly happy with either
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Justwrite it. dammit emmeline u had one job
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
The interview came and went. Won’t know how I did until a later date.
July 8
I got up a bit after 10AM, today.
Decided to spend some time messing with my Twitter and fandom blogs for awhile, before getting in all my exercise for the day.
First, today’s DD. 2 minutes side-to-side chops with EC. A bit antsy today, but this helped somewhat. I counted 138 reps by the end of the 2', very fun and doable! :D
Second, Day 3 of the T10C. 10′ non-stop punching. I swapped stances every minute (except one time where it was 2′ for both sides.) I also counted 1101 punches thrown, although I may’ve made a counting error at some point... I think this sounds right. (Noting a bit over 100/min.)
Last, Day 3 of CCC. 40 torso twists. This was basically a very similar action to the DD! Pffft. But it was still breezy work! :,D
(Ooof, perhaps it’s all the squats or yesterday’s DD... but my quads have been quite sore today!)
I then took a shower and tried to assemble some notes for that job interview... despite constantly distracting myself out of anxiety. orz
July 9
I got up a bit before 8AM.
One of the first things I did while at the facility was ask other people about their local dentist experiences. I think I may have a solid pick to revise what happened to my molar... so I’m happy I have a bit of direction there.
Then, went to Seeking Safety Group, which went well enough.
I spent the rest of my time there doing a second pass over that stream footage and doing the DD. 30 leg raises with EC. Did this one while I was out at the facility, again. Manageable but certainly a bit tough. :P
One of the first things I had to do once back home was make the family dinner, even though on the inside I was tired and didn’t want to. It was stuffed green bell peppers and tasty, though. Bro also doing the dishes from yesterday’s dinner was nice, too.
Spent a few hours playing games and watching YouTube before finishing up my exercise.
First, Day 4 of the T10C. 7 sets of 40″ squats + 20″ shoulder taps, with a finisher of 3′ of squats. I found this very manageable... had to get going later than intended because I was still digesting my food. :P
Last, Day 4 of the CCC. 70 side leg raises, done in one go. This time I opted to do 50%/50%, which was more challenging than alternating sides. Might try to do the rest of this commitment like that or continue mixing things up. We’ll see. :Ic
July 10
I got up around 9:30AM. Spent much of my day leading up to the interview prepping some notes and getting ready... and getting aggravated with my browser hanging. :/
Got to my interview. Was nervy for awhile out of my own concerns abt my transportation arrangements (Though now I have a few potential plans to get to the facility) & feeling like I didn't prepare myself enough. But I don't think I did COMPLETELY abysmally.
When I got home and got some food in me, I spent some time drafting my thank you notes/letters. Despite still being nervous and attempting to process what occurred. I hope I can get them finished and delivered before tomorrow’s end, once I’ve smoothed some details out.
Remains to be seen whether I got the position or not (going to take a couple weeks or so).
I then worked on some HW my psychiatrist handed me to do, which on some level I didn’t really want to do, because my brain was getting kinda hazy at that point. But did something to that end. (Kinda frustrated with myself for thoughtlessly scheduling my next appointment tomorrow at an awkward time for the county transport... nnng.)
Getting in my exercise helped a bit though.
First, today’s DD. 1′ reverse plank with EC. Took some willpower to get through, but steady breathing is key. Ooof. :P
Second, Day 5 of the T10C. 10 sets of 2x20″ high knees + 20″ climbers, with 1′ march steps as a warmup. Because i didn’t feel like negotiating a HIIT timer situation - I went for 30 climbers for each set. As I went, it was a couple seconds short - but close enough in my book. It was NOT a cakewalk. Had to pace a bit to get the HR down.
Last, Day 5 of the CCC. 40 torso twists. I do appreciate this was the easier of the two days after T10C’s stuff.
July 11
Been up since a bit before 7AM, needed to be up earlier for an appointment.
The psych appointment went well enough. Did ask the clinic about the para-transit application. I won’t submit it unless I get this job - because I don’t have the income to support getting [standard OR para] bus tickets, etc..
Then I did some socializing, played some Risk with others, got to WRAP Group, and did the DD. Also asked about something in regard to the interview - when I get the info I need, I’ll finish up and send those thank you letters.
The DD was 3′ balance stand with EC. Did this one while I was out at the facility today. Was not up for doing the EEC though, takes a lot of emotional energy I do not have, today. But I did EC twice, 3'/3' in one go. That was fun and meditative. :D
After all that, got home and mostly tried to get situated. But I did do the rest of my exercise.
First, Day 6 of the T10C. 5 sets of 1′ sit-ups + 1′ flutter kicks. Had to do the sit-ups a bit more slowly and took several pauses for recovery during the flutter kicks. I also did tht latter mostly wwith my head down... too tired to deal with neck strain.
Last, Day 6 of the CCC. 80 side leg raises, in one go. I think I’ll do all of this challenge 50%/50%. Especially given that the other one’s instance of them are side-to-sides.
I’m... was not happy about having to make dinner today. Or doing the dishes. But I had to, even though I running on fumes. orz
July 12
I got up at around 10 AM, today.
Spent a few hours on the usual, before getting in my DD, today. 200 squat hold punches with EC. Oof, that took some willpower to get through. But I'm happy I managed it, trying to throw faster punches helps. :D
I also wrote my thank you letters, did dishes, and made the family dinner.
Bleh... let’s just say I found myself in a spiral about the letter, but a friend helped me deal with the anxiety spike. I’m grateful for the reality check.
July 13
I got up after noon, today.
I spent much of my time on the usual. But I did get in some exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 side-to-side lunges with EC. This was pretty challenging, especially in the last 10 or so reps. But this was still pretty manageable. :P
Second, Day 7 of the T10C. 10′ non-stop side-to-side leg raises. Ooof. That was tough. I counted 524 reps in the duration, lifting my left leg got to be harder than the right.
Last, Day 7 of the CCC. 40 torso twists in one go.
One of the last things I did today was prepping for tomorrow’s dinner. Intend to make some vegetarian chili.
July 14
I got up before 10AM, today.
Similar thing as yesterday. Did a bit more meal prep and some exercise, though.
First, today’s DD. 60 knee-to-elbow twists with EC. This was pretty fun, first few was a bit awkward because I wasn't super focused. But quickly got in the rhythm and enjoyed myself. :D
I guess making that vegetarian chili today and opting to do some mass repairs on the gloves I use... took too much of my time/energy to get around to doing my main exercise stuff. But hey, knocked out a fairly big To Do, there. :P
July 15
I got up around 10AM, today.
I don’t have much to show for myself other than exercise. And eating FAR too many damn cookies today. orz
First, today’s DD. 2′ O-pose with EC. A personal favorite, because of the ab work and the balance focus. But still not a cakewalk, didn't take a whole lot of time before I got to trembling! Steady breathing is key. :D
Second, Day 8 of the T10C. 7 sets of 30″ jumping Jacks + 30″ plank jacks; with a finisher of 3′ jumping jacks. Had to go at a deliberately slow pace with the jumping jacks to get through this, but I managed. My calves really felt it. :,D
Last, Day 8 of the CCC. 90 side leg raises. 45/45 in one go. That got mildly tough shortly after all the jacks.
With that, I should get to bed in a bit, now.
Okay... I really need to hit publish... this post is getting too damn long.
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moonprizmz · 7 years
Stolen from @ambulantics​ <3 (she said to do them in her tags, but also these are fun and I do what I want)
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
My emotions have been all over the place lately and I have to start applying for classes soon and have no clue which ones to pick and AHHHHHHHHH
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
Not really, just don’t do it around me please.
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?
Sorta, depends
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?
Watching anime (NGE specifically)
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?
Pird most likely
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
I honestly don’t know. I’d probably be devastated though
8: Are you close with your dad?
Yeah sorta, but I don’t get to see him as much as I would like for reasons
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?
10: What are you listening to?
Lion Heart - SNSD
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
Chai Tea Lattes!!!!
12: Do you like hickeys?
Never had one but the idea is kinda hot
13: What time do you go to bed?
between 3-6am (it’s summer vacation here and I don’t go out ever)
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
Not really
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?
Probably not
16: Do you always answer your texts?
Generally yeah
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
Texting her right now but in person/over the phone, I think last week
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I need to stop sleeping at 6 am
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
25: In the past week, have you cried?
lololololol yup
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
27: Do people ever call you by your last name?
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?
29: Do you have a best friend?
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
31: Who was your last call/text message from?
My mom/Pird
32: Are you mad at anyone?
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
If a month older counts then yeah sure
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?
35: How many more days until your birthday?
I don’t feel like doing the math but my bday is in Feb.
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?
Maybe Little Tokyo/626 Night Market with fam, but other than that no. Oh and finally taking my fucking driving test (and hopefully passing first try)
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?
I don’t think so, at least not the big ones
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?
If you’re underage and even barely legal, yes, otherwise no just proceed with caution
42: Are you available?
Emotionally, no
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
45: Do you believe exes can be friends?
It’d be nice
46: Do you regret anything?
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?
School and people
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?
It feels like it
49: Was your last kiss a mistake?
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?
Because it wouldn’t be right
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?
Not right now
53: What was the last thing you ate?
Pasta salad
54: Did you get any compliments today?
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?
Probably Philippines 
56: Do you own anything from other countries?
Yeeee (still crying from all the money spent in Japan)
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?
Uh I think it’s pretty even
58: Where have you lived most of your life?
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?
Last weekend I think? (I actually drove for like 2 hrs not straight, but still I drove)
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?
No (but like I always wanted to secretly, but only amongst close/trusted friends)
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?
62: Who do you text the most?
63: What was the last movie you saw?
Wonder Woman
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex?
I’m single
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?
0 (not counting the “middle school bf” I had at the time, that wasn’t a real relationship)
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
67: Do you curse around your parents?
68: Are you happy with where you live?
Not really
69: Picture of yourself?
I posted prom pics of me last year you are welcome to look for
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
Monogamy, I personally don’t think I could be in an open relationship
71: Have you ever been dumped?
Yeah I guess? But it was more along the lines of talking it out and then ending
72: What do you most like about making out?
Being physically close and intimate with a person I’m connected too
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?
Once? In middle school but it was more the guy caught me by surprise and tried to eat my face for 5 secs before I pulled away all grossed out
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?
The other
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?
Hair and if they have more toned arms
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
Never had sex
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?
See above
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?
Kpop idols when they’re trying their best to speak English/the language of the country they’re performing in that isn’t their own
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
Not at the moment since I’m still pretty young, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it when I’m older
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?
Not really
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?
Prom last year
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?
86: How can I win your heart?
Be a generally good person that can make me laugh and I can chill with and has something they’re passionate about
87: What is your astrological sign?
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
89: Do you cook?
lololololol (I could probably follow a fairly easy recipe though)
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
Not super experienced, but I think I’m too awkward/uncomfortable with dating around so probably monogamy
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?
I’m not really super specific or picky, but taller than me (doesn’t have to be by a lot) and maybe have nice hair
94: Name four things that you wish you had!
MONEY, a driver’s license, more freedom/independence, a clear purpose in life (whoops, got too deep?)
95: Are you a player?
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?
97: Are you a tease?
I guess?
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?
101: Hugs or Kisses?
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?
106: Do you flirt a lot?
Not really? I don’t think so? 
107: Your last kiss?
2 months ago
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
Won’t say
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?
112: Does someone like you currently?
Probably not
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?
It’s confusing
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Serious relationship (never had a fling, but I’m pretty sure it’s not for me)
115: Ever made out with just a friend?
No? (it was an ambiguous time)
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?
I think in a relationship, but I’m trying really hard to learn to be happy with just me
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it.
Would you like to be able to actually start/finish all these art projects you said you would do and have them turn out actually nice? Heck yesssss
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bexical · 5 years
Proposed Diana rework
So, Diana is finally getting a small rework on the PBE any day now after discussions over the past few years. According to the tweet from @Squad5lol, they plan on swapping her E and R and buffing her new ultimate to “be an ultimate level ability”. He also noted that they plan on allowing her to tread the line of bruiser/assassin.
I really like Diana. I’ve played her in the jungle and enjoy her gameplay, and I appreciate her as a character, with her Lunari lore and her relation to Leona. So I've naturally spent some time thinking about her kit, and I've got some ideas about it. Let's get into it.
Analysis of current state
Diana bursts people fast. Her QRRW combo does so much damage so quickly that she can easily delete targets she finds, even when not necessarily hyper-fed. It's actually faster than most assassin combos - yet, when compared with actual assassins, she lacks the escape capabilities that are intrinsic to the class. She has no stealth, and her only mobility is into her target and cannot really be used to dodge skill shots or escape a fight.
Meanwhile, her passive leans into an AP Bruiser playstyle, with the 3-hit passive and the attack speed to help her achieve it. Combined with the aforementioned lack of escape capabilities and the initiation capabilities of her pull, it seems like she would make a great diver - but she still does not have the tools to do so. Her pull alone does not provide enough CC (as a comparison, divers Vi and Jarvan IV both have two CC skills) and is on an absurdly long cooldown that ensures it will not be available in the same teamfight. Her shield is small, and she has no other tanky qualities; thus, she is best-suited to using her high AP ratios to burst down targets.
So, while her kit could lean into either an assassin or a diver playstyle, the strengths of her kit do not support either one well. In addition, her burst is problematically fast.
I'm not sure how exactly they plan to address these concerns, but I will write up my thoughts on their changes once they're out. In the meantime though, I've played with some ideas of my own for potential changes... but first, a tangent on Riven.
A comparison with Riven
Despite playing very differently from each other, Diana and Riven actually share a number of similarities, and I think the comparison is worth considering. They both scale very well with AD/AP respectively, with a shield that likewise scales off of AD/AP, and they both (currently) have a basic ability AOE CC centered around themselves (Riven's W stun and Diana's E pull). They both even have AA-based passives that seem to encourage bruiser playstyles.
Yet, Riven is undeniably a bruiser while Diana just isn't quite there. What are the differences?
Riven's AOE CC skill has less than half the cooldown of Diana's. There is a good chance that it will come up again in a teamfight, unlike Diana's one-time-use pull.
Riven has an additional CC in her third Q cast.
Riven's Q involves 3 separate casts - this spreads her damage over a longer time and better encourage using her AA-based passive.
AD Bruiser itemization is just better. Riven gets 20% CDR on her first item (Black Cleaver), unlike Diana (who gets 10% CDR on Hextech Protobelt). Riven then gets sustain and anti-burst from Death's Dance, but the equivalent Hextech Gunblade wastes gold on AD (for Diana), and its active just pushes her more towards a burst assassin rather than giving her any durability (and it conflicts with Protobelt).
While I don't necessarily want to just copy Riven (and not to mention, kit changes to Diana won't fix AP Bruiser itemization), I do think there are a number of ideas here to borrow from.
And so, without any further ado, I want to share my ideas for a new Diana kit.
Proposed kit
Passive: Moonsilver Blade (largely unchanged)
20% attack speed
20-200 + (70% AP) dmg
Q: Crescent Strike (largely unchanged)
Still travels in a crescent and applies Moonlight
60-200 + (60% AP) dmg
W: Phases of the moon (new)
3-cast skill (akin to Riven Q and Aatrox Q)
No cast time per cast, 1s cd between casts; 10s cd overall
Radius: similar to previous W
Cast 1 (new moon): A dark circle appears, centered around Diana. If any enemies (including minions) are inside, gain a shield of size 50-130 + 50% AP.
Cast 2 (half moon): A circle appears around Diana: the semicircle in the direction of the cursor is light, while the other half is dark. If the dark half touches any enemies, gain an additional shield of size 25-65 + 25% AP (half the original) (stacking upon the original). The light half damages enemies for 22-70 + 30% AP dmg.
Cast 3 (full moon): A light circle appears around Diana. Damages enemies for 44-140 + 60% AP dmg (twice that of cast 2). The light of the full moon causes enemy champions to be nearsighted for 0.5s (the visual effect would brighten their screen, rather than darken it).
E: Lunar rush (her old R - mostly unchanged)
20-80 + 40% AP dmg
Range reduced to 600
20-8s cd (still resets on Moonlight-marked targets)
(Still automatically attempts to basic attack her target at the end of the dash.)
R: Solar eclipse (new)
After a delay, creates darkness in a ring around her (similar in shape and size to full-grown Akali shroud).
When the darkness falls, damages enemies for 100-250 + 80% AP dmg.
The darkness lasts for 4s. Enemies within the darkness are nearsighted. Enemies cannot see past the darkness.
Design explanation
The goals for these changes were to preserve certain aspects of her identity and gameplay while addressing existing concerns. To that end, Crescent Strike and Lunar Rush are largely unchanged (though the damage has been shifted towards her new W) to preserve the dash-reset mechanic. Moonsilver Blade is also largely unchanged, so she still has that manaless AOE and tower damage.
But, let's talk about her new skills.
Her current W contributes non-trivially to her burst issue: it requires no targeting and very little timing, as it has no cast time, and the spheres last until they hit a target. With my proposed W, I was looking to accomplish a number of goals:
The damage would take more time to come out and thus be less instantaneous (and I fully admit that I am borrowing heavily from Riven's Q).
The timing matters more: there needs to be an enemy nearby at the time of cast, as opposed to her current W, which causes the damage and bonus shield to occur if there is an enemy nearby within the next 5s.
(It also adds aim as a skill check, though only for the second cast, and it's admittedly a very forgiving skill check.)
I wanted to preserve the ability to W in a minion wave and immediately gain a shield. To preserve player agency in reactivity, it's important that she still be able to react to damage and instantly gain a shield. It is more conditional now though, which I'm not necessarily happy with.
If we look at another part of her kit, the Moonsilver Blade passive has a nuance where it can be charged with two autos before Diana goes in and cleaves an enemy champion with it. I wanted to lean into that gameplay with this skill and create more cohesion with the rest of the kit, and so the proposed W likewise can be charged up beforehand such that Diana has the 3rd cast (with the most damage) ready as she goes in to burst the enemy. There would be a clearly recognizable window of power that depends on her passive and her W cast, and that window of power would give Diana and her opponent something to play around.
Each cast could proc Spellblade, which could go well with Lich Bane or perhaps a new AP Bruiser item.
And finally, I liked the idea of moon phases for a Lunari champion.
For my proposed ultimate:
The primary goal was to create an effect that would provide a certain amount of disruption necessary for a diver. I hope this nearsightedness accomplishes that.
I also liked the flavor of a moon covering the sun - it also mirrors the ult of her counterpart, Leona, with a delayed effect descending upon the field.
By leaving the area immediately around Diana free from the darkness, it gives nearby opponents a couple options to play around. They can crowd around her, in range of her W (which can also make them nearsighted) and her Moonsilver Blade, and in a small area for Diana's allies to easily land any AOE skills. Or, they can take the damage, then try to escape despite the nearsightedness.
Ovearll - I may be just a touch biased, but I do like this kit. I feel like it preserves and expands upon a lot of core aspects to her gameplay while sufficiently opening up a new avenue of bruiser gameplay. But of course, as mentioned earlier, the real changes are on their way soon - depending on how they are, I may write up my general thoughts on those.
Until then, pce out =)
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robertkstone · 6 years
2017 Jaguar F-Pace Long-Term Verdict
We fell in love with the sporty style and sharp handling of Jaguar’s F-Pace at our 2017 SUV of the Year competition, but a starchy ride and polarizing interior torpedoed it from the top spot. Still, we had to know what a yearlong jag with this all-new Jag would be like. Could we deal with the stiff suspenders? And what of the whispers of questionable reliability? Thirteen months of “loanership” later, we have plenty of miles and, oddly, some feelz (as the kids say).
As I live only 3 miles from work and travel regularly, I cannot take credit for all 22,431 miles we racked up. It took an army of commuting colleagues and long-distance haulers to spin the odometer, from social media editor Carol Ngo, to photographers Jade Nelson and Robin Trajano, to online pros Colin Woodard and Erika Pizano.
Everyone raved at the F-Pace’s curb appeal. “Beautiful design and everyday usability,” Instagrammer-in-chief Ngo noted.
I too liked how it looked from the beginning all the way to the day we handed the keys back. This is pretty rare, as I normally go blind to my long-termer after a two- to three-month honeymoon. But even to my jaundiced eyes, the F-Pace looks as fresh as ever. Taut, muscular, well-proportioned, and perfectly sized for my ’hood and lifestyle.
As Carol notes, the flexibility of this two-row, midsize SUV is compelling. Surfing is my regular thing, and fitting 6-foot boards in bags with either the 60- or the 40-side seat folded down was never an issue. The optional heavy-duty rubber mats in the cargo area and footwells were also a godsend for containing sand and moisture.
Our F-Pace even does a pretty good job as an impromptu shelter, associate online editor Woodard noted: “When we forgot our tent on a camping trip with features editor Scott Evans and his wife, my wife and I spent the weekend sleeping in the F-Pace. It wasn’t the Four Seasons, but we actually slept pretty well. We even had a good view of the stars thanks to the panoramic moonroof.”
For me, the drive was like a broken-in pair of jeans by the end of our loan, but only in “light load” mode, with 9 pounds of air pressure removed from each tire. At factory specs, the F-Pace’s ride crashes over the line of acceptably stiff. If you’re going to live with this vehicle in an area with especially bad pavement (hello, Detroit), consider avoiding it entirely—or swapping to a tire and wheel combination that gives you more bump-soaking sidewall.
The 340-horsepower V-6 took a second to spin up, but once underway it was always ready to punch holes in traffic, with a satisfyingly hollow growl. I spent the first 5,000 miles driving around in Normal mode and most of the rest of the time in ECO, which limbers up throttle response and aims for the most efficient gearing. Mother Earth–loving chill-out modes like this usually come at the expense of immediacy, but Jaguar’s ECO mode is one of the best. It didn’t turn the F-Pace into a penalty box in exchange for fair fuel economy. The 35t powertrain struck quite a nice balance, so it’s a shame the engine is an orphan, launched in year one as a stopgap ahead of the turbo four-cylinder gas and diesel options (a 380-hp version of the engine remains available, however).
All 2016 and newer Jaguar vehicles come with “EliteCare,” which is a limited warranty covering five years or 60,000 miles, complimentary scheduled maintenance, roadside assistance, and updates to the infotainment system (which are regular). Jaguar claims EliteCare is best in class, and a quick check of the competition reveals that to be true, sorta. Audi, BMW, Infiniti, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz offer fewer years and/or miles on their warranties. The only one that matches Jaguar (and betters, with an additional 10-year/100,000-mile powertrain warranty) is Genesis—but it does not currently have a CUV that rivals F-Pace.
The only mechanical issue we had with our vehicle was the combined ignition and auto stop/start gremlin, which was covered for free under EliteCare. While in for that service, we requested a four-wheel alignment that cost $99.00.
At the very tail end of our loan, our F-Pace did start to creak a bit coming in and out of driveways and over speedbumps, similar to the way our long-term BMW M3 did. I didn’t get a chance to have the dealer check out the problem to see if it was pieces and parts of the interior rubbing or the dust-in-the-door-seals issue we discovered in our BMW. That will unfortunately remain a question, but for the record, our F-Pace never left us stranded or completely failed to start, and none of the major systems threw error codes or warning lights. For at least one of the aforementioned road warriors, this wasn’t enough.
“I’m torn on the F-Pace,” Woodard said. “It sounded great, the V-6 made plenty of power, and it ended up being surprisingly fun to drive. It was also a practical daily driver, offering plenty of room for four adults, a week’s worth of groceries, and with the rear seats down, two bicycles. On the other hand, it had way too many electrical issues for a new car. From the infotainment system regularly glitching to the rearview camera occasionally not coming on when I put the car in reverse and all the surprise shutdowns, there was just too much that kept going wrong. Jaguar has some work to do before I’d feel comfortable recommending the F-Pace to a friend or family member.”
I can recommend an F-Pace, new or off-lease, provided interested parties are fully informed of the issues we had. Part of this is because of a new wrinkle to my loanership experience this time around: I discovered the extremely helpful world of online forums. After publication of our F-Pace intro, Greg Craig, an owner of the more powerful F-Pace S, reached out with the helpful suggestion to reduce my tire pressures and to consult the community at fpaceforum.com if I ever needed assistance. And so I did, about random topics including the stop/start issue, updates to the ICTP system, and creaks at 22,000 miles. The ability to compare notes and seek advice from a community was helpful and reassuring.
As my time with the orphan F-Pace 35t drew to a close, I found myself oddly sad about its departure. I’m normally an “on-to-the-next” kinda guy, but this Jaguar had character rare in modern cars, beauty and athleticism I never tired of, and flaws that weren’t deal breakers.
Read more about our long-term 2017 Jaguar F-Pace:
Update 1: Baseline Testing
Update 2: How to Improve Ride Quality
Update 3: Coconut Juice Eco Mode
Update 4: Ride Quality and Key Fob Foibles
Update 5: Auto Stop/Start/Restart Part 1
Update 6: Auto Stop/Start/Restart Part 2
Our Car SERVICE LIFE 10 mo / 15,592 mi BASE PRICE $57,295 OPTIONS Technology pkg ($3,200: touch-screen infotainment, navigation, 60GB hard drive, CD/DVD player, 3G WiFi w/3 mo free data, TFT/LCD instrument panel, Meridian 825W audio w/17 speakers); Comfort and Convenience pkg ($1,800: ventilated front seats, heated rear seats w/pwr recline, remote 2nd row release, gesture tailgate release); metallic paint ($550); 20″ Blade wheels ($500); Rubber mats/cargo nets ($407), Activity key ($400), Gloss black roof rails ($350); Wheel locks ($191); Car care kit ($50) PRICE AS TESTED $64,743 AVG ECON/CO2 20.6 mpg / 0.94 lb/mi PROBLEM AREAS Auto stop/start MAINTENANCE COST $99 alignment NORMAL-WEAR COST $0 3-YEAR RESIDUAL VALUE* $52,500 (81%) RECALLS None *IntelliChoice data; assumes 42,000 miles at the end of 3-years
2017 Jaguar F-Pace 35t R Sport POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, AWD ENGINE TYPE Supercharged 90-deg V-6, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 182.8 cu in/2,995 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10.5:1 POWER (SAE NET) 340 hp @ 6,500 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 332 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm REDLINE 6,500 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 13.0 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.73:1/2.49:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Control arms, coil springs, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 15.1:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.5 BRAKES, F; R 13.8-in vented disc; 12.8-in vented disc, ABS WHEELS 8.5 x 20-in cast aluminum TIRES 255/50R20 109W (M+S) Goodyear Eagle F1 AT SUV 4×4 DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 113.1 in TRACK, F/R 64.6/65.1 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 186.3 x 76.2 x 65.0 in GROUND CLEARANCE 8.4 in APPRCH/DEPART ANGLE 25.5/25.7 deg TURNING CIRCLE 38.9 ft CURB WEIGHT 4,416 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 51/49% TOWING CAPACITY 5,290 lb SEATING CAPACITY 5 HEADROOM, F/R 37.8/37.5 in LEGROOM, F/R 40.3/37.2 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 57.7/55.8 in CARGO VOLUME BEH F/R 63.5/33.5 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.8 sec 0-40 2.8 0-50 4.0 0-60 5.2 0-70 6.7 0-80 8.5 0-90 10.6 0-100 13.4 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 2.6 QUARTER MILE 13.8 sec @ 101.0 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 116 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.83 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 26.8 sec @ 0.67 g (avg) TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,700 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $57,295 PRICE AS TESTED $64,743 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 6: Dual front, front side, f/r head BASIC WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 5 yrs/60,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 16.6 gal REAL MPG, CITY/HWY/COMB 16.2/25.4/19.3 mpg EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 18/23/20 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 187/147 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.97 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium
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chenbrooks0-blog · 6 years
7 Easy Steps For Moms And Dads or Teachers to Help Teach Kid, Ages 3 To 6
My name is Scott Waring and also I am an American educator in Taiwan with a BA in Elementary Education and a MS in Therapy Education And Learning. I have actually discovered a whole lot concerning teaching, but it wasn'' t till I met my Taiwanese spouse at Idaho State College as well as we transferred to Taiwan where we opened a college, that I discovered showing to youngsters from three to six was not simply feasible, but past anything I ever anticipated. I have actually also published 2 novels for youngsters, "" George'' s" Fish pond" and also "" West'' s Time Device"" being sold at all online stores. My partner and also I currently own a school that has 150 pupils, fifty of which are ages 3-6 years' ' old. Psychology and also Education publications often website that in every person'' s life, there is a time when the mind is a lot more prone to finding out, making finding out less complicated and also much faster. The moment that they are mentioning is between ages 3 as well as six years old. A human will never learn as quickly or as fast ever before once again past that age. This makes an application for every person, and also although I have not gained from such early education and learning myself, in 6 even more months my child will, when he begins in our 3 years of age class that shows four strong hours of educating a day, five days a week. In our institution we have a motto; "" Work Now, Play Later."" Yet really they play in-between the courses. This way we educate the trainees a lot by age 7 that when they start Primary school, they find that everything is easy, while other pupils who have never ever gained from finding out before elementary, wind up battling along with the course, functioning much more challenging as well as not obtaining as far as the students that took advantage of very early discovering. Now let me reveal you some very easy steps that we make use of in our courses when they are age three to 6. 1. Don'' t hear various other adults when they state students can only find out for 10 to fifteen minutes! That'' s wrong in many methods, and yet ideal in one means. You must instruct them a complete 45-60 mins without stop, but every 15 minutes you should alter the style of your training and alter what words, math video games, or items that you want you kid to find out. As an example: 15 min mentor English Vocabulary, 15 mins showing numbers, 15 minutes showing letters, 15 minutes instructing composing letters (more difficult as well as takes patience at age 3).            . 2. Be imaginative in your teaching! This implies if you are teaching in the house, after that rest next to the toy box as well as start instructing the youngster the name of each plaything, yet keep in mind to duplicate it, to make sure that the kid hears you claim it 2 times. This is especially good at showing words like (Bulldozer, Rescue, Police vehicle, fire truck, race car, motorbike, animals, Colors (extremely enjoyable), as well as far more. There is a world of finding out within the plaything box and also those are points the kid sees day-to-day and also connects to a lot, so those words you instruct will be really useful and frequently utilized. Maintain this repeating up everyday until the child recognizes it in a few weeks, after that move on to something much more tough, yet put on'' t fail to remember to evaluate a little everyday of the old lessons!             . 3. Teach With Excitement. Beginning with using your voice and after that work up to cute quirks (acting). If you sound fired up regarding educating it, then the youngster will be excited to find out. The kid is the representation of the instructor, they show back exactly what they see prior to them, so beware of exactly what you state, you might be showing things that you never meant or desired too. It was Dr. Norman Peale that said "" Interest develops a trainees mind as well as boosts their trouble solving capabilities."          ". 4. Make Sure The Youngster Follows Along: Showing analysis without mentor seeming words out is feasible and I'' ve been instructing by doing this to students for over 10 years. Age 3 to four will certainly have to start leaning words written on flash cards, hand made is great. Find an easy tale publication you like and also take 50-100 words beginning. You put on'' t need a photo on the back, it loses your time and doesn'' t make them learn much faster, but like earlier you have to hold the card up and also duplicate words two times, however will all you repeating, the child must constantly repeat 2 times (you state "" Them"", student says "" Them"". You say "" Them"" again, pupils claims "" Them"" once again.). Use this repeating for all teaching starting out for first year or even more. New words you could instruct may be (this, that, those, to, a, an, apple, banana, run, Jack, Jane, lawn, house, tree, kite, playthings and so forth). When educating vocabulary, locate an excellent image thesaurus for small youngsters, use it and use the rep while you educate it, also have the kid adhere to with one finger on the picture at all times. Don'' t show phonics for the initial 6-12 months, this way they really feel less frightened of it as well as it comes a lot easier.   . 5. Make Sure They Speak: If you are educating vocabulary words on cards, after that hold one up (the word "" Flowers"") and also ask, "" Okay, what shade are the flowers?"" or "" Where are the flowers?"" and see where see more chooses it, it enhances the memory of words flowers in their thoughts, but maintain them focused on the task at hand, no wandering. 6. Show numbers, enhancement, as well as reduction: This is the easiest thing of all to show. Go to the pastel box as well as take it to utilize in this lesson. Muffle the floor; (all my trainees discover ideal there) face the trainee as well as take 10 crayons out of any shade. After that hold them in your hand, putting three on the flooring. Claim, "" Let'' s count them! Ready? One ... 2 ... Three!"" audio excited and also do it slowly! Then see if the trainee wishes to try, otherwise, you do a different number. Keep doing math in this manner making use of crayons, playthings, balls, candy (yum-yum) or various other products, until it'' s also simple and also they want extra. You can instruct them up to 100, actually it'' s real! However only if you rely on them as an instructor and rely on on your own. Relocate off to putting 5 crayons down and counting them, then take two away and also count them again. Let the pupil try. Likewise, if your kid likes illustration, as opposed to items, utilize paper and also attract the number 4, after that make four circles (or apples and so on). Do this for all numbers as well as allow the kid use a finger to point at them individually as the pupil counts them. Great for educating enhancement as well as subtraction. . 7. Make Teaching A Routine: Children fall into a regular much easier than grownups therefore you have to use the exact same time each day to teach them. Right here is our course schedule for training 3 to 6 year olds.
9-10:00 AM: English talking. 10-10:30: Damage and also play. 10:30 -11:30: Mathematics. 11:30 -12:30: Lunch and also play. 2:00 -3:00: Writing/letters for 3 years of age, words for 4, however one web page journals for 6 years of age. 3:30 -4:30: Reading/Vocabulary.
Making a regimen is harmful to finding out! Without this key element, you will certainly not succeed in showing the pupil for long. If in the house, you must discipline yourself to teaching at specific hr everyday. This allows you and your youngster to fall under a comfortable routine, without turmoil. What have my pupils learned you ask? Well by the time they reach the age of 6-7 years old, they have actually been taking classes in my school for about 3 years. That means they have gotten a vocabulary of over 3000+ English words (Remember they are Taiwanese so they start with unknowning any English in all), utilizing a 1000 word photo thesaurus collection. Additionally they could add and subtract without utilizing their fingers, yet instead consider the board and response promptly. They also start at six years of ages at finding out writing and vocabulary in Chinese. By six, the pupils should compose a one web page diary everyday, with gorgeous writing (about 50-70 words). Also they are capable of reading at a 2nd level and also make use of phonics to sound out words that they wear'' t know. By putting in the time to instruct you youngster at an early stage, it will develop a favorable study routine for the student and also make future learning easier by already having actually experienced finding out in an organized environment. We show and we learn along the way, both student as well as educator. It'' s a wonderful procedure of personal growth for all entailed!
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bestketodiet · 7 years
Weight Loss Transformation Challenge 30 Days Health Fitness And Wellness 2018
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Aston Martin DB11: 12th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
The first all-new Aston Martin in more than a decade and the launchpad for an all-new lineup, the DB11 carries as much weight on its shoulders as it does on its tires. The 4,194-pound luxury coupe is equal parts grand tourer and sports car, but with 600 horsepower and a former Lotus engineer in charge of handling, don’t let its heft and size fool you. Power comes from an all-new 5.2-liter twin-turbo V-12 with 516 lb-ft of torque. It’s fed exclusively to the rear wheels via a rear-mounted eight-speed automatic transaxle. Together, they hurtle the DB11 to 60 mph in 3.8 seconds and through the quarter mile in 11.9 seconds at 124.7 mph. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Keep it on MotorTrend.com this week as we count down the finishing order of our contenders this year and share bonus content you’ll only find right here. After, Brembo brake calipers clamp big steel rotors and haul the car to a stop from 60 mph in 105 feet. Providing the grip are Bridgestone Potenza S007 tires (yes, really, a Bond reference) that use an exclusive rubber compound, and keeping them pressed to the ground are three-mode electronically adjustable Bilstein shocks. Altogether, they allow the DB11 to pull 0.98 average lateral g on a skidpad and post a 23.9-second figure-eight lap at 0.84 average g. We Say “Absolutely exquisite twin-turbo V-12, which revs as sinfully smooth as a rotary. It just begs to be wrung out, and it delivers such a decadent, satisfying feeling. DB11 delivers a double dark chocolate cheat day driving experience. But it’s not perfect. It doesn’t handle 198’s big/fast bumps with the aplomb of others here. The chassis bucks back after a big hit, and if you’re in a position other than straight ahead, this secondary motion often heaves from across the chassis (as in, front right to left rear).” – Ed Loh “This is a car designed for five-tenths driving. At a fast clip, it’s fun, fluid, and rewarding. Really drive it hard on a good road, though, and it falls apart. The ride, although soft, porpoises over itself, skipping over bumps. The transmission, even in its most aggressive setting, upshifted early and downshifted late. Steering is light and linear, but it’s missing the delicacy of the V12 Vantage from last year. This car needs more brakes. It’s certainly fast, but doing something like we are doing over-taxes them because of the weight of the car.” – Christian Seabaugh Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “It’s an achingly gorgeous shape wrapped around a superb engine, but the rest of the performance cannot match the promise of these two shining gems. I expected greatness, and instead I got glimpses of greatness. This is a car I really wanted to love, and I was so let down by it. It’s all over the place. The Aston hates sudden directional changes, especially when they’re in a combination. It takes forever for the chassis to recover after a sudden bump, and it becomes even more flustered if you change directions before it settles. I’m glad the stability control thresholds are low. It’s a car that second-guesses itself.” – Derek Powell “I’m heartbroken that such a fine, high-quality automobile is coming in dead last. But, this is Best Driver’s Car, and the magnificent DB11 simply wasn’t.” – Jonny Lieberman Randy Says “I was pleasantly surprised. It was not what I expected. It was good. It was reasonably well balanced, and I could power oversteer it, but it was generating some acceleration g before that happened. Some cars power oversteer easily but don’t generate acceleration G. They just spin it but not gripping. So that was really good. “The braking power was good. The first lap, it stopped well. I could brake light, and that pleased me. The reason I’m pleased is the car was really different from my expectations. I didn’t think it would be as sporty as it was. It was well damped, and it felt good entering the corner. Very balanced. A little bit of push in the middle of the corner. A little bit of understeer would show up in the middle of the corner, but then on the exits I could just roll the throttle, and I felt it was predictable. “I enjoyed the engine a lot. It was really powerful as a 12 cylinder note. The shifters were good, and I was just in the GT mode and had no complaints. The long pedal was the only complaint on track—the brakes started to get hot, and never faded, but the pedal travel got long.” 2017 Aston Martin DB11 POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Twin-turbo 60-deg V-12, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 317.5 cu in/5,203 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.2:1 POWER (SAE NET) 600 hp @ 6,500 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 516 lb-ft @ 1,500 rpm REDLINE 7,000 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 7.0 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 2.70:1/1.80:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Control arms, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 13.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.4 BRAKES, F; R 15.7-in vented, grooved, 2-pc disc; 14.2-in vented, grooved disc, ABS WHEELS, F;R 9.0 x 20-in; 11.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES, F;R 255/40R20 101Y; 295/35R20 105Y Bridgestone Pontenza S007 (Tread 240) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 110.4 in TRACK, F/R 65.5/64.7 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 186.6 x 76.4 x 50.4 in TURNING CIRCLE 38.5 ft CURB WEIGHT 4,194 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 51/49% SEATING CAPACITY 4 HEADROOM, F/R 38.7/32.1 in LEGROOM, F/R 45.1/24.7 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 54.4/47.0 in CARGO VOLUME 9.5 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.8 sec 0-40 2.5 0-50 3.1 0-60 3.8 0-70 4.7 0-80 5.7 0-90 6.8 0-100 8.0 0-100-0 12.1 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.4 QUARTER MILE 11.9 sec @ 124.7 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 105 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.98 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.9 sec @ 0.84 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:40.05 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,300 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $214,820 PRICE AS TESTED $225,735 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, f/r side, f/r curtain, front knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 2 yrs/Unlimited miles FUEL CAPACITY 20.5 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 15/21/17 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 225/160 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.13 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Aston Martin DB11: 12th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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robertkstone · 6 years
2017 Jeep Renegade Sport 4×4 Long-Term Verdict
A breeze whispers through the aspens, the rustling of the golden leaves telling furtive tales of changes soon to come. Not far ahead, a faint ripple of a stream chuckles at an old joke. I ease into the throttle, and the crunch of rocks undertire breaks the quiet. We’ve lingered long enough; a trailhead awaits, just a few thousand feet higher. This is what the Renegade is made for.
The subcompact Renegade is Jeep’s entry-level offering, starting at a hair less than $20,000, and the base Sport trim is about as bare-bones as modern vehicles get; even adding air conditioning is a $1,495 upgrade, and you can forget about things like power seats or driver-assist technology, both of which require a step up to the Latitude trim. Given the Renegade’s small size and no-frills nature, it’s easy to envision a target market of millennials and others looking to upgrade on a car they’ve driven for nearly a decade, consumers for whom any new car is nicer than what they already drive. This is a demographic where I happen to reside.
As a result, the Renegade Sport doesn’t offer much in terms of noteworthy features, but in a sense, that’s refreshing. Rather than half-baked budget versions of modern tech to entice consumers, the Sport appeals to those swayed by simplicity—the one significant option on our tester, the MySky roof, required a dedicated wrench and manual labor to remove. Rare were the days when I wished my Renegade weren’t as basic as it was. (That said, many consumers will probably find they’ll be happier with a higher trim and a few more goodies.)
Power is provided by a 180-hp 2.4-liter I-4, standard on the Limited and Trailhawk trims but a $1,330 option here, and it comes paired with a nine-speed automatic. In previous testing, our editors frequently criticized the transmission, finding it clunky and easily confused about the preferable gear. However, short of one failed attempt at a late freeway pass and occasionally frustrating on-ramp acceleration, the transmission never gave me any issues. If you know your car, know yourself, and pay attention to your surroundings, the Renegade’s powertrain should be adequate in all but the most extreme circumstances. “Adequate” barely describes our average fuel economy, though; over the course of the loan, we saw 21.9 mpg, which is barely better than the much bigger and much older Ford Explorer I had been driving before. I would expect a bit better for such a small vehicle, and indeed, many of the Renegade’s subcompact peers, such as our long-term 2016 Mazda CX-3 (28.1 average mpg) and 2016 Honda HR-V (27.8), will beat it handily at the pump.
That mpg average would’ve been even lower without a 2,000-mile road trip to southwest Colorado, where I made a few passing attempts at “Jeep things.” We’re not talking Easter Jeep Safari here, but the Renegade did comfortably tackle trails that I wouldn’t have even considered in my old Explorer (and would’ve given a 2008 CR-V, my other personal daily driver, pause). Most modern SUVs with off-road pretensions would likely handle similar trails with comparable aplomb, but for those in the market for their first new car—or first in a while—the Renegade could be an upgrade in this regard, opening up new options for adventurers who previously stayed on glamping paths.
There’s a limit to how much we can say about the Renegade’s long-term durability. Our goal is 20,000 miles on the odometer after a year. I only got about halfway there. My one long trip resulted in an engagement, and the rest of the year was spent saving for the wedding, not splurging on weekend getaways, so I accumulated the majority of our miles on my short daily commute. As such, I can’t say whether a door handle would’ve fallen off, as happened late in the loan with our last long-term Jeep. I also can’t easily compare maintenance costs to other vehicles we’ve had in our fleet. I spent $67.35 out of pocket for the single required service stop. Had we made it to our 20,000-mile goal, the Renegade’s second service would have required a new cabin air filter, putting maintenance costs in the same ballpark as our 2HR-V ($149.29 for two service stops over 20,348 miles). Our CX-3 racked up $534.34 in routine maintenance, but that was over 35,386 miles and four service stops.
It’s tempting to harp on this entry-level Jeep for what it’s not. It’s not all the modern tech in a budget package. It’s not a roomy people hauler, and it’s not a sporty utility vehicle you can race down winding back roads. Some have even said it’s not a “real” Jeep. It’s more instructive, however, to focus on what the Renegade actually is. My 2017 Renegade Sport 4×4 was refreshingly simple, with ample room for a young family or a small group of friends. You won’t be carving canyons in it, but you can probably explore them. If you’re looking for a vehicle where the drive is the story, the Renegade probably isn’t for you. But if you’re seeking an affordable prologue for a tale you intend to write yourself, you could do much worse.
More on our long-term Jeep Renegade here:
Update 1: Living With a Renegade
Update 2: Testing the Renegade’s MySky Roof 
Update 3: Going Off-Road and Up Mountains
Update 4: Road-Tripping the Jeep
Update 5: Buttons and the Turn Signal Stalk
Update 6: After a year with a Renegade Sport, what do I wish it had?
Our Car SERVICE LIFE 12 mo / 10,431 mi BASE PRICE $20,990 OPTIONS Power & Air Group ($1,495: Air conditioning, heated power exterior mirrors, cruise control); 2.4L MultiAir ($1,330: 2.4-liter inline-4 engine, 3.73:1 differential ratio; engine oil cooler); My Sky ($1,095: Removable roof panels); Satellite & back-up camera ($845: GPS antenna, Uconnect 5.0, 5-in touchscreen display, Integrated voice control w/Bluetooth, Charge-only USB port, 1-yr sub SiriusXM, 6 speakers, rear-view camera); Sport Appearance Group ($625: 16 x 6.5-in aluminum wheels w/215/65R16 LBL all-season tires, Side roof rails in black; Dark-tint sunscreen glass); Passive Entry ($205: Keyless entry/ignition, Remote-start system) PRICE AS TESTED $26,585 AVG ECON/CO2 21.9 mpg / 0.89 lb/mi PROBLEM AREAS None MAINTENANCE COST $67.35 (oil change, tire rotation, inspection) NORMAL-WEAR COST $0 3-YEAR RESIDUAL VALUE* $18,100 (68%) RECALLS None *IntelliChoice data; assumes 42,000 miles at the end of 3-years
2017 Jeep Renegade Sport 4×4 POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, AWD ENGINE TYPE I-4, alum block/head VALVETRAIN SOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 144.0 cu in/2,360 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10.0:1 POWER (SAE NET) 180 hp @ 6,400 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 175 lb-ft @ 3,900 rpm REDLINE 6,750 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 18.7 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 9-speed automatic AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.73:1/1.79:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, anti-roll bar; struts, coil springs, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 15.7:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.6 BRAKES, F; R 12.0-in vented disc; 11.0-in disc, ABS WHEELS 6.5 x 16-in cast aluminum TIRES 215/65R16 98H (M+S) Continental CrossContact LX Sport DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 101.2 in TRACK, F/R 60.6/60.6 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 166.6 x 74.2 x 66.5 in GROUND CLEARANCE 8.0 in APPRCH/DEPART ANGLE 21.0/32.1 deg TURNING CIRCLE 36.3 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,360 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 60/40% TOWING CAPACITY 2,000 lb SEATING CAPACITY 5 HEADROOM, F/R 39.7/39.1 in LEGROOM, F/R 41.2/35.1 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 55.9/55.1 in CARGO VOLUME BEH 1ST/2ND 50.8/18.5 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 2.9 sec 0-40 4.4 0-50 6.5 0-60 9.0 0-70 11.9 0-80 16.3 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 5.0 QUARTER MILE 16.8 sec @ 81.1 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 123 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.77 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 28.5 sec @ 0.58 g (avg) TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,700 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $20,990 PRICE AS TESTED $26,585 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 7: Dual front, front side, f/r curtain, driver knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/36,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 5 yrs/60,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 12.7 gal REAL MPG, CITY/HWY/COMB 16.6/30.4/20.9 mpg EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 21/29/24 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 160/116 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.81 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded regular
0 notes
robertkstone · 7 years
Aston Martin DB11: 12th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
The first all-new Aston Martin in more than a decade and the launchpad for an all-new lineup, the DB11 carries as much weight on its shoulders as it does on its tires. The 4,194-pound luxury coupe is equal parts grand tourer and sports car, but with 600 horsepower and a former Lotus engineer in charge of handling, don’t let its heft and size fool you.
Power comes from an all-new 5.2-liter twin-turbo V-12 with 516 lb-ft of torque. It’s fed exclusively to the rear wheels via a rear-mounted eight-speed automatic transaxle. Together, they hurtle the DB11 to 60 mph in 3.8 seconds and through the quarter mile in 11.9 seconds at 124.7 mph.
It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Keep it on MotorTrend.com this week as we count down the finishing order of our contenders this year and share bonus content you’ll only find right here.
After, Brembo brake calipers clamp big steel rotors and haul the car to a stop from 60 mph in 105 feet. Providing the grip are Bridgestone Potenza S007 tires (yes, really, a Bond reference) that use an exclusive rubber compound, and keeping them pressed to the ground are three-mode electronically adjustable Bilstein shocks. Altogether, they allow the DB11 to pull 0.98 average lateral g on a skidpad and post a 23.9-second figure-eight lap at 0.84 average g.
We Say
“Absolutely exquisite twin-turbo V-12, which revs as sinfully smooth as a rotary. It just begs to be wrung out, and it delivers such a decadent, satisfying feeling. DB11 delivers a double dark chocolate cheat day driving experience. But it’s not perfect. It doesn’t handle 198’s big/fast bumps with the aplomb of others here. The chassis bucks back after a big hit, and if you’re in a position other than straight ahead, this secondary motion often heaves from across the chassis (as in, front right to left rear).” – Ed Loh
“This is a car designed for five-tenths driving. At a fast clip, it’s fun, fluid, and rewarding. Really drive it hard on a good road, though, and it falls apart. The ride, although soft, porpoises over itself, skipping over bumps. The transmission, even in its most aggressive setting, upshifted early and downshifted late. Steering is light and linear, but it’s missing the delicacy of the V12 Vantage from last year. This car needs more brakes. It’s certainly fast, but doing something like we are doing over-taxes them because of the weight of the car.” – Christian Seabaugh
Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders:
Mazda MX-5 Miata RF
McLaren 570GT
“It’s an achingly gorgeous shape wrapped around a superb engine, but the rest of the performance cannot match the promise of these two shining gems. I expected greatness, and instead I got glimpses of greatness. This is a car I really wanted to love, and I was so let down by it. It’s all over the place. The Aston hates sudden directional changes, especially when they’re in a combination. It takes forever for the chassis to recover after a sudden bump, and it becomes even more flustered if you change directions before it settles. I’m glad the stability control thresholds are low. It’s a car that second-guesses itself.” – Derek Powell
“I’m heartbroken that such a fine, high-quality automobile is coming in dead last. But, this is Best Driver’s Car, and the magnificent DB11 simply wasn’t.” – Jonny Lieberman
Randy Says
“I was pleasantly surprised. It was not what I expected. It was good. It was reasonably well balanced, and I could power oversteer it, but it was generating some acceleration g before that happened. Some cars power oversteer easily but don’t generate acceleration G. They just spin it but not gripping. So that was really good.
“The braking power was good. The first lap, it stopped well. I could brake light, and that pleased me. The reason I’m pleased is the car was really different from my expectations. I didn’t think it would be as sporty as it was. It was well damped, and it felt good entering the corner. Very balanced. A little bit of push in the middle of the corner. A little bit of understeer would show up in the middle of the corner, but then on the exits I could just roll the throttle, and I felt it was predictable.
“I enjoyed the engine a lot. It was really powerful as a 12 cylinder note. The shifters were good, and I was just in the GT mode and had no complaints. The long pedal was the only complaint on track—the brakes started to get hot, and never faded, but the pedal travel got long.”
2017 Aston Martin DB11 POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Twin-turbo 60-deg V-12, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 317.5 cu in/5,203 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.2:1 POWER (SAE NET) 600 hp @ 6,500 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 516 lb-ft @ 1,500 rpm REDLINE 7,000 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 7.0 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 2.70:1/1.80:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Control arms, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 13.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.4 BRAKES, F; R 15.7-in vented, grooved, 2-pc disc; 14.2-in vented, grooved disc, ABS WHEELS, F;R 9.0 x 20-in; 11.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES, F;R 255/40R20 101Y; 295/35R20 105Y Bridgestone Pontenza S007 (Tread 240) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 110.4 in TRACK, F/R 65.5/64.7 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 186.6 x 76.4 x 50.4 in TURNING CIRCLE 38.5 ft CURB WEIGHT 4,194 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 51/49% SEATING CAPACITY 4 HEADROOM, F/R 38.7/32.1 in LEGROOM, F/R 45.1/24.7 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 54.4/47.0 in CARGO VOLUME 9.5 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.8 sec 0-40 2.5 0-50 3.1 0-60 3.8 0-70 4.7 0-80 5.7 0-90 6.8 0-100 8.0 0-100-0 12.1 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.4 QUARTER MILE 11.9 sec @ 124.7 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 105 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.98 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.9 sec @ 0.84 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:40.05 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,300 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $214,820 PRICE AS TESTED $225,735 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, f/r side, f/r curtain, front knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 3 yrs/Unlimited miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 2 yrs/Unlimited miles FUEL CAPACITY 20.5 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 15/21/17 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 225/160 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.13 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium
0 notes