#which annoys Holly bc she believes I am the only love in her life
rachiller · 3 months
I love stereotypes about dogs so much because of how funny it is when they get disproved. My giant Rottweiler who looks like he might have eaten several children in the past and is looking for his next victim giving big sad eyes when he lays his head in your lap 3 seconds after meeting him versus my tiny Jack Russell who until she sees a stranger looks like an innocent little baby then immediately becomes 90% teeth 10% dog, why sir, they are simply doing god’s work
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 years
my brief review on what i watched on netflix this xmas season: 
virgin river: i skimmed watched this as in , like, I watched the first episode all the way through and then skipped ahead to different scenes bc it was so slow. it takes forever for this show to get to the point. the main character runs away to the middle of nowhere, north california (fm los angeles) bc of some mysterious trauma they only show in brief flashbacks. did her husband leave her? did he die? was it bc she couldn’t have a baby? did he not want a baby? I dont know. im still not sure. she’s a nurse but the doctor she’s supposed to work for is old and sexist and doesnt let her do her job. and this goes on for like, maybe the whole 10 episode season. the mayor is his ex wife??? i found that out by luck and also she’s super nosy. they keep saying every body knows every body in virgin river, i have to believe it bc only 5 ppl are ever shown. this show sucked 2\10 bc the scenery is nice. 
three days of christmas\dias de navidad: netflix this year is really into foreign language xmas mini series. this one is fm spain. it is three episodes long, about 4 sisters and the different stages of their life. the first episode is really good. an entire family kinda commits murder by not saving this really terrible officer’s and by doing so they save a girl’s life. she becomes the 4th sister by adoption. after that, it becomes kind of...i dont like what happens to these women afterwards. I dont like their idea of sisterhood. it’s not badly acted. i watched it all the way through bc i wanted to know what was gonna happen. if anything that first episode is really good. 7\10 bc a family that commits murder, should stay together. 
home for christmas\Norwegian mini series: six 30 min episodes of a nurse who’s single and made to feel bad by her family bc she’s alone so she lies at a family dinner and says she has boyfriend to bring for xmas dinner. the premise is solid. she goes on dates but theyre all terrible. one guy tells her that her favorite movie ‘love actually’ sucks. another, loses it at an escape room and then causes a fight at xmas party bc she rejected him, another is really into sports and fitness. i expect these things but the series loses me when they have her, a 30 yr old, date a 19 year old for most of these episodes. and then get dumped by him and then have her cry about it. an older female nurse shows interest in her and almost goes down on her on a bus but the show doesn’t let them progress further. they even have the character go a bad spa date with a much older polititian who was her patient, but again it doesnt go further than that bad date (in which she runs into parents--at a nude spa). there is a male doctor who you can tell is interested in her but is shy but they never let that develop either. they only have him tell her his feelings for her at the very end. on top of that she has roomate\’best’ friend who doesn’t respect her privacy, messes with her dating profile, burns all her presents down and somehow at the end gets rewarded with a boyfriend. everybody has somebody by the end except the main character. it ends with the doorbell ringing and her answering the door and then roll credits. absolutley not worth ur time. 1\10. 
holiday secrets\german mini series: this is like spain’s \three days of christmas but also like mamma mia?? bc of a missing dad?? there’s a character fm the past named ‘alma’ which i thought was nice. and also two sisters instead of four. the younger sister is kind of annoying. and that’s all i can tell you bc i feel asleep while watching and i didnt have the energy to try again. 5\10 bc my name is in it and there’s nice beach scenery. 
falling inn love: this isnt a xmas movie as it came out in the early fall i just feel the need to vouch that it is a very good little romcom. christina millian is so charming and the male lead is very good looking. and its very rare for these types of movies to have two attractive leads. 9\10
holly holiday: this is not on netflix, its on hulu. and its misleading. its about a male mannequin  coming to life but he isnt the male lead. it’s some photographer who works with the female lead who is an ad exec. the photographer guy is really annoying hipster dude who thinks he’s knows things. anyway the female lead gets hit in the head and gets rescued by the mannequin and im gonna tell u rn that this plays into the ‘it was all dream’.  she only dreamt the mannequin came to life and instead she was in the hospital with a head injury for 3 days. she ends up with the annoying photographer. the writers of this movie were legit cowards for not letting her fall in love with a mannequin who becomes human via the power of christmas.  0\10. 
the knight before christmas: i wanted to love this. i admire how they allowed things to happen with no explanation. but there were no stakes in this. and its sadly, kinda forgettable. 7\10 bc hudgens is too charming for her own good and i had some good laughs.
the christmas prince: a royal baby--i did watch this and it will be getting its own post. however...for ratings sake...and perhaps i am sentimental but...8\10
the spirit of christmas: if you watched ‘last christmas’ this season , like i did, and you hated it--well the spirit of christmas is for you. it delivers what you need out of the romcom\ghost genre. i watch it every year. 10\10. is that biased? maybe. idc. 
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killinbills · 5 years
so going off your explanation for your story titles, can you give us the themes for all your books and their titles? i think it’s super interesting and i always love your story titles
i was talking about chapter titles lol but i can expand upon that along w story titles!!! (i’m only gonna do go lightly up until recent for chapter titles because i didnt use to do this) (also i don’t acc remember how i thought of blue/briar/bones so i can’t talk about that lol sorry!!)
mean spirits is actually a rereleased title of a mediator book from meg cabot’s series. originally it was called something else but they redid the whole series (personally i think bc it was around the time twilight came out,,, it was to market towards twilight fans lol Anyway) and i remember i was planning mean spirits,,, and i remember looking across at the book spine for this book and i already had the last line in my head?? and it kind of stuck
the rest is gonna be after the cut because this is really long!!
go lightly sort of has a theme with the old hollywood/50s sort of vibe?? like because it’s called go lightly it’s named breakfast at tiffanys i tried to keep a 50s sort of theme with some of the chapter titles. not all of the titles have a theme, but the ones for the old hollywood theme include: in cold blood (truman capote’s other book!), greetings from, morning glory, blue hawaii, house of flowers (lmao a short story by truman capote!!), and some others that sort of… sound similar?? at least to me??
so like,,
pretty please
on the tight-rope
path to power
… there are some chapter titles that were named after songs:
babe with the power (magic dance by david bowie)
blow ‘em away (ill ray the king by kasabian)
comeback kid (also kasabian)
sweet like cinnamon (radio by lana del rey)
and brand new moves (hey violet) are all from this.
tbh though with go lightly a lot of the time it was phrases used in chapters that sort of fit the chapter titles?? honestly i don’t even know how to explain how the chapter titles, to me, seem to have a correlation, because i think a lot of it is me being able to identify a pattern that isn’t *really* there. (also for christmas chapters i really liked making plays on words with holly’s name. (i am forever annoyed i never used the name ‘holliday madness’ bc i love that one but i thought of it after finishing it lol)
clueless!!! so clueless is different in the way that,, for go lightly,, i had a list of potential chapter titles so if i was ever struggling, i could use one of those, and since they were all quite ambiguous, they’d be fairly easy to give to a chapter. but anyway. with clueless, i didn’t actually make a list? i think i had a lot of chapter titles in mind from when i wrote briar and also when i wrote the first version of clueless (so a good ten chapter titles) (and then like three attempted revamps… so a few more title ideas from that) but again, the thing is, with clueless i can see a pattern, but then i don’t know if others can?
for clueless, the best way i can describe it is, playful but also a little flirty. if that makes sense. like there are some chapter titles that are a little more “playful,” and by that i mean they’re a little bit jokey??? which again doesn’t make much sense but hear me out:
thank merlin for maxime
weird, weird, weirder!
… golden girl? (right after a chapter that’s just ‘golden girl’)
pretty in pink… no, blue?
i feel like they’re a little more fun compared to the other ones, if that makes sense. like even the fact that chapter thirteen is “a lost chapter,” like i feel like it adds a sense of playfulness that briar,,, arguably also has.
but then i feel as if the other chapter titles, a lot of them have a sort of flirtiness to them, with the sort of romantic imagery and language?? like,,, there are two chapter titles that include “pretty,” one with “angel,” one’s named after flowers w “in bloom,” arguably the sibilance in “soft to be strong,” and then “crush culture.” buuuuuuuuut, there are a lot of chapter titles that reference either briar, a draft of clueless, or something in the plot iteself. so:
in bloom was a chapter in the original clueless
hogwarts… beauxbatons references briar’s ~struggle~ and moving on from her life at hogwarts
totally clueless links back to the actual title (also links to the last chapter in part one!!)
pretty in pink… no, blue? is a reference to the original clueless because there was a chapter called ‘pretty in pink,’ but ofc bc briar’s dress was blue i added the other part
blue hawaii references laurel’s old au (also go lightly??)
the weirdest dream references the conversation briar and fred had earlier on in part one
NOW chapter nineteen is included in this but chapter nineteen is SPECIAL. chapter nineteen is called briar, and there is a whole reason behind this. SO. chapter nineteen. in the original briar, she dies at nineteen, so for clueless chapter nineteen had to be SPECIAL. in my mind the number nineteen represents briar; it represents her vision of her death, it represents how she dies so young, it represents how briar’s life was not only cut off so early but also she knew it was going to happen and the vision itself killed her. SO. chapter nineteen had to be called briar. like. i couldn’t not name it briar. the additional part of the chapter title is “her spindle wheel…?” and that is IMPORTANT.
so. the last chapter of briar is “her spindle wheel.” super duper important for Reasons but that is not why we’re talking about that rn. so. her spindle wheel. her spindle wheel are her visions. BUT. in chapter nineteen – the number that’s important because it links to her death – briar, in clueless, decides she isn’t going to let the vision happen… it does happen, but her reaction to what happens is the complete opposite to what happens in briar. in clueless, chapter nineteen cements the moment when briar realises she does not have to let visions come true, and therefore if she wants to change the future then she will. SO. the additional part being “her spindle wheel…?” is a question. the “…?” at the end is a way of showing that maybe her visions won’t be her spindle wheel…. wink wink nudge nudge
i haven’t written enough of morningstar nor most noble to answer this for them in this much detail, but believe me they’ve got their title lists and ugh i am READY. but yeah. i don’t think you wanted it in this much detail. but hi my name is lucy and i’m doing english lit and uni. i’ve also lowkey really wanted to talk about chapter nineteen so lol yeah. so. i hope someone finds this of use lmao
send me fic questions!!
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punk-rock-kitten · 6 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose  people to be tagged.
Tagged by: @sxhyoon (sorry for taking ages to do this lmao)
Tagging: @pendulumandthepoet, @hoshimybabe, @loeynahcp and everyone that wants to do it!
Drink: apple juice
Phone call: I cannot even remember the last time I called someone lol
Text message: “aww” (my Standard answer to anything remotely cute bc otherwise I would write far too much lmao)
Song you listened to: Let The World Be Destroyed by Yoga Lin (thanks Idol Producer)
Time you cried: I didn’t really cry but today when  read all These Things about shinees concert (I really cried yesterday when my dad and I talked about uni)
Have you ever:
Dated someone twice: No
Been cheated on: No 
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: Sadly yes lmao
In the past year have you:
Made a new friend: I think so? I mean at least @loeynahcp (I hope you feel the same lmao)
Fallen out of love: I dont think so
Laughed until you cried: last year I dont think I did (probably more like the other way around I cried til I totally lost my mind lol)
Met someone who changed you: yeah all These People that I crushed on
Found out who your true friends are: sadly yes
Found out someone was talking about you: yeah and it made me hate uni even more yay
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: I think 4???
Do you have any pets?: Yes! A dog (Gina) and six bunnies (Charly, Lilly, Eumel, Kelly, Sammy and Holly)
Do you want to change your name?: As a kid yes but now I couldn’t care less lol
What time did you wake up this morning: about 8:45 a.m??
What were you doing last night: I played Video games with my brother
Name something you cannot wait for: being dead me finally finding Motivation and happiness regarding uni
Have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yeah I guess I talked to him once?? (I am not sure anymore lol)
What’s getting on your nerves right now: that my brother is acting sick so that he doesnt have to do anything and instead I have to do everything
Blood type: I have no clue rip
Nickname: Lari but it is barely used anymore bc my only friend never calls me by a Name??? ( @pendulumandthepoet am I right or just completely stupid), Lissy by my family
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac sign: Aries
Pronouns: She / her
Favorite show: I am not watching Shows atm
College: Ruhr-University Bochum
Hair color: brown
Do you have a crush on someone: yes
What do you like about yourself: maybe that I try to be a good daughter most of the time???
First surgery: does getting your wisdom teeth removed Count?
First piercing: No piercings
First sport you joined: ballet (for one day yay)
First vacation: probably the North sea
First pair of sneakers: I have no fucking clue
Right now:
Eating: nothing rip
Drinking: nothing rip again
I’m about to: finish the 4th Episode of Idol producer
Listening to: Love Me Love Me by Winner
Want kids: maybe? If I find the right Person to raise them with me
Get married: if it feels right with a Person why not?
Career: rn I am majoring in german and english studies but I have to clue what to do later lol
Which is better:
Lips or eyes: eyes (they are the second Thing I look at when I meet a Person)
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller: both is great
Older or younger: older but younger is okay as well as Long as the gap isnt to big (I mean I am not even 20 so the gap has to be v Little lol)
Romantic or spontaneous: romantic but both Sound good
Sensitive or loud: I dont understand this lol
Hookup or relationship: definitely relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: someone hesitant would not fit since I am already hesitant as hell
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: I guess (is Tequila hard Liquor I am not an expert lmao)
Lost contacts/glasses: never had them in the first place
Sex on first date: No
Broken someone’s heart: probably broke my ex best friends heart but I think were even there
Been arrested: No
Turned someone down: kinda? I mean I dont know if that guy really wanted something more than friends but since he said creepy and strange stuff and I texted him then that I think he is annoying I think I did
Fallen for a friend: again kinda? idk how much of friend we are??
Do you believe:
In yourself: maybe in my next life
Miracles: idk? I am not sure
Love at first sight: wouldn’t that be v superficial? I mean I always said yes and I develop crushes on first sight as well but I am not that sure
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
6) a flip of the dime. The nasty parts were always there, but he concealed/controlled them. Maybe bc said parts wouldn't exactly make him endearing to others? Anyhow, your interpretation makes him quite the interesting antagonist/villain, so I'm rolling with it, lol. /// There was another thing that was bugging me about S2: the baby's name. Obviously, Serena chose Nic(h)ole as a "fuck you" to Fred. But June in the finale? Of course, she stuck to it for Nick's sake, but also bc she recognized
7) Serena’s selfless (well, if you can call it that) act. Thoughts on this? /// As for your older responses, I forgot to describe what an epiphany it was for me to realize the significance of Serena’s use of the word “rape” for the first time. The anger I felt after 2x10 blinded me to the VERY OBVIOUS connection between her realization in 2x10 and her outburst in 2x11. (Silly me!) Imagine how much more intense that fight would have been if they included the marital rape. I remember a writer
8) that June didn’t kill Serena, bc she actually felt sorry for her in that episode. (Ngl, June’s kindness baffles me at times.) I knew that she wasn’t gonna do it of course, but it was 50/50 whether I wanted her to shoot them or not. /// Something I have not addressed so far is how lukewarm I found their explanation for June getting away with all the shit she does. Well, she’s no Janine (who loses an eye) or Emily (who gets mutilated), but still. Like you said, Serena and Fred might get away
9) get away with a lot more bc of their privilege, but June? Hm. // I’ll start quoting later (or maaaybe tomorrow).
I always thought that was a really weird sort of thing for June to do. And it seems to be entirely because of Serena? Like, it was Holly, Holly, Holly. Even when she was talking to Nick. Then she has the exchange with Serena, and suddenly she adopts Serena’s supreme dickmove of a babyname? 
And I LIKED Holly. It meant something. Nichole (I HATE THAT SPELLING SFM LMAO) means nothing to June? Can you imagine the convo: 
“Mommy, why am I called Nichole?”
“Well, baby, you see, your Daddy’s name is Nick, so the lady that stole you decided to name you after him to eternally piss off her husband who she clearly hates and wanted him to be reminded that he’s impotent every time he looks at you.”
Like, on the one hand, Serena is fucking brilliant and it just shows the extent of her hatred for Fred. But then it’s kinda shitty to use a child as a pawn in that.
Then again, maybe there’s another reason Serena chose that name? I know there’s like a whole history about St. Nicholas and his role as a patron saint of childless couples, or something. (I can’t recall exactly rn). And there was something about St. Nicolette and babies. (Which is where the names Nicole and Collette come from.) Something like she raised a dead baby back to life. So, I guess, at a stretch perhaps that was her inspiration? I doubt it, knowing Serena. LOL.
It’s really curious June’s decision though. Despite EVERYTHING Serena’s done, June just wipes it clean and names her fucking baby after Serena’s choice? Maybe she was trying to retain the memory of Nick for Nichole? I dunno. And not only that, but she seemed 100% genuine when she said that farewell blessing and held Serena’s hand (again). 
I dunno, June’s own preoccupation with Serena is something I don’t truly understand but she clearly thinks there’s some odd connection or something. It’s funny cos I was reading a review about S2 and June’s choices in the finale, and her constant support of Serena despite ALL the reasons not to, and lemme see if I can find it… 
 Nah. I can’t. Anyway, it was something about how we all know June’s going back for Hannah, but this writer thought June was also going back for Serena.
I’m not convinced about that tbh, but I can see the argument cos June is strangely protective and compassionate towards Serena considering. I just have a sinking feeling that the show is gonna play that “Oops, Serena is evil again!! SHE WAY MAD JUNE GIVE BABBY AWAY trolololol!!!!” and make her despicable in order to get Nicole back. If that is the case, I’m gonna roll my eyes right outta my head. I have no issue with Serena having regrets, tbh. I think that’s pretty understandable and expected. But having Serena go hogwild with abuse and using Fred’s power to get back at June or something is just going to fucking piss me off cos like, c’mon my dudes, been there, done that. Over and over already. It’s the 3rd season and either you’re gonna put this bitch on a mild redemption arc or you’re gonna make her a full-on villain. Make up your minds. The will-she, won’t-she thing is old by now.
I dunno that was a random OT rant.
Also, TRUTH! Serena’s use of the word “rape” was important. Like, part of me is like DUH how did you JUST figure that out?! And, honestly I feel like the marital rape is sort of necessary for Serena’s epiphany to get recognised. I think, Serena is just wilfully ignorant enough to not truly consider the Ceremony rape. I honestly do not think she totally understood what she was suggesting with the 2x10 rape. (Serena really does lack forethought for like…all of her actions. That’s sorta her whole problem.) I think she thought it would be just like a sort of unsanctioned ceremony. But by the end she did seem to recognise what it truly was. And having her raped by Fred in the previous episode would have really helped with that. (Then again, it’s really hard to understand how a woman who was just raped turns around and basically suggests it. And this person is supposed to be not Satan. A pure evil woman sure. But Serena’s not meant to be that.)
I think Yvonne’s delivery of the line was interesting too. Part of it was like, “HOly shit it was rape” and part of it was like, “ha! you’re a monster!! you did that!” Like she had no culpability in it. I want to know if Serena has realised that ALL ceremonies are RAPE yet. I wonder if she’s got there. I’m not totally convinced she has. But… I dunno.
Oh! I hadn’t read that about June’s reasoning! That’s interesting. I mean, it fits with June overall but it’s a very odd thing. Like, to be holding a gun trained on the couple that literally held you down and raped you not 24 hours earlier… and feel SORRY for the woman (whereas the general population’s consensus is that Serena is even worse than Fred for doing that to another woman)? I went and watched it after reading your message I didn’t really see that on June’s face. (But that’s really neither here nor there since editing, directing, etc. all differs from what the writers/showrunners had in mind and those are the guys doing the interviews!)  I take that back! I watched it again and I can deffo see that if that’s what they were going for. Totally missed it and likely wouldn’t have picked up on it if not for this convo.
That said, I totally see June reasoning it out that way. For some strange reason, whether it’s Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, June seems to have a blindspot/softspot for Serena and she seems to have unlimited Get Out Of Jail Free cards for her. Like, c’mon, she literally held her down to be brutally raped, and at this point it seems like Serena could murder June and June’s ghost would just be like, “Hey youuuuu, wanna be my bestie in overthrowing the patriarchy?” (Okay, I’m not at all complaining cos I love their dynamic and I ship them soooooo… lol. On a personal level, it works very well for me and my crackshippy fantasies. I choose to believe June honestly sees something nobody else does and believes in Serena’s capacity for redemption–WHICH IS INSANE. But hey. I love it.)
So, for June to feel sorry for Serena, even after everything really does fit when you think about it. And also when you think about book!June’s attitude towards true power being in forgiveness.
I remember sitting around watching the ep the first time and thinking “I don’t want June to shoot them and be a killer” but also, “WHY ISN’T SHE SHOOTING THE FUCKING PLACE UP! DOES SHE NOT WANT TO ESCAPE????” And I was sitting there with the wifey and she was like, “She can’t. What if she misses? Then you’ve got 2 incredibly angry people chasing you.” And I was like… “Uh. Reload? Shoot them as they’re coming up the stairs.”
Because I have never fired a gun in my life so to me it seems really easy lmao. But to me, I didn’t even care about her shooting Serena but I did have an inkling she didn’t want to shoot Serena with the amount she paused. That would have been a perfect shot with teh type of ammo to take out –or at least injure– two people at once. I was like, “You gotta kill Fred and Serena is pretty useless then. It’s not like they have mobile phones! You can then choose to leave Serena to die there lol, or hostage her. And steal the car. You could get pretty far since nobody knows that Fred/Serena are even there.” To me, rationally, it didnt’ make sense not to shoot them. But… emotionally, obvs, I knew she wouldn’t cos a)the series would like… end rather abruptly lol, and b) that’s just not June.
AND yeah, June getting away with all her bullshit is insane in comparison. Janine literally lost an eye for backtalking once at the Red Centre! June has, well, done so much more and just kind skates away from ALL serious punishment. (Well, living with Fred and Serena is a pretty awful punishment in general.) And, sure part of it was cos she was preggers but … how Aunt Lydia/Fred/Serena/TPTB trust this crazy Handmaid not to KEEP breaking the rules is insane. I feel like nobody would trust her to just be a docile little thing after running away for 92 days. Not even Pervy Freddo. Despite all his creeptastic fetishes, he’d be like, “OMG she is way too high maintenance. i just don’t have the patience. give me that baby so i can shut my annoying wife up and then get me another more docile babyslave to play Scrabble and shave!” The plot armour is strong in this one!
Anyway! I got a bit carried away there…
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