#which btw I’m not done with yet but like it’s basically 90% gone
roylustang · 1 year
btw I finally lost my toenail <3 new year new me
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jcogginsawriter · 3 years
Hand to Hand: Mark Waid’s Flash
I have been a fan of comic book characters for a long time. I started with the cartoons, and as I got older, I began doing deep dives into wikis, reading fanfiction, and participating in that shallowest of internet past times, the vs debate. I dabbled in writing fanfic for myself, but I spent far more time thinking about writing fanfic instead. I would come up with all these ideas about what I would take from the various different versions of the characters, and don’t get me started on the idea of Crossovers.     The point is, I knew a lot of what happened in the comics, but I never read many comics. I didn’t know where my local comic shop was, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have had the money to spend on them. The comics that I did read were usually fan translations of manga. I did read a few comics, big name stories like Death of Superman or Crisis on Infinite Earths, but they were few and far between.
Recently, I’ve begun to change that. I now follow several comics as they come out, most notably the current X-line. This change sprang in part because I began reading a lot more comics criticism. In particular, I followed the blog of a certain Superman fan, and began to eagerly digest his various takes. I wanted to be able to ask him questions about new comics without looking like an idiot (This is how 90 percent of my interactions on comics twitter go, BTW) and that was a kick in the pants for me.
After getting into a steady habit, I decided to look into reading some of the classic runs I’d read so much about throughout life. To go from knowing them second hand, to knowing them first hand. After a bit of hemming and hawing, I’ve settled on Mark Waid’s legendary run of Flash Comics to start off with.
(Spoiler Warning for some 30 year old comics, by the way)
As of this writing, I have read up to the final issue of his story arc Dead Heat, wherein Wally does battle with the speed cultist Savitar. Before we get into things like plot and characters, I want to discuss the art, because no discussion of comic books is really complete without talking about the art. Unfortunately, the art in this run hasn’t done much for me, but that’s not really it’s fault. I read this comics in manner that they were not created to be read, digitally and zoomed in. These comics were drawn with physical issues in mind, and I don’t doubt that they’re good in that format. It also doesn’t help that I’ve read far more manga than I have American comics. American comics have never clicked with me the way manga does. Even now, I still find the layout of manga more legible than the layout of an American comic. That’s not a value judgment, it’s just my personal experience.
I do distinctly recall thinking that the art was better up to issue #79 (The conclusion to the Return of Barry Allen storyline), than it was after. I prefer the less exaggerated character designs, and lighter inks, though it could very well be a case of me having gotten used to the initial style and not liking the change. One thing that thing I can say about the art is that it helped me grasp how Wally’s costume differed from Barry’s. Before this, I was incapable of separating them in my mind, but seeing them side by side made it clear to me how different Wally’s Costume was colored and shaded.
Now, onto the writing of the run, we’ll start with the lead, Wally West. My previous touchstone for Wally was the Justice League series from the DCAU, which I watched a lot as a kid. The Wally in these comics comes off as more serious that his DCAU incarnation. Not too serious, he still cracks jokes, but he’s more on the ball. He takes his adventures as seriously as any hero would, rather than the more carefree attitude I recall his DCAU version having. This is not unsurprising, Wally here is the lead whereas there he was part of an ensemble cast, and here we get his internal monologue which gives us a much more thorough sense of his headspace. Not to mention, the DCAU version was voiced, so we know with no ambiguity what tone his dialogue’s in. In text, tone is more up to interpretation.
Perhaps the biggest thing that set Comic Wally apart from DCAU Wally is that the Wally in the comic was more consistently angry and frustrated. While his DCAU incarnation had hidden depths, I can’t recall a time when he got seriously angry. This Wally is frequently irritated, usually by things which are enitrely understandable. On occasion, his irritability causes him to be rougher with the bad guys than he could be, and that feels uncomfortable sometimes, though thus far he hasn’t gone too far.
Going into this, I knew that one of the issues that Wally had to overcome was his mental block about surpassing Barry, and to my surprise, it wasn’t as much of a through-line as I expected. I was expecting it to be a reoccurring issue that was solved by the Return of Barry Allen storyline, but in reality there are only one or two times something like it comes up, usually in the context of him not being able to do the vibrating through walls trick. In the Return of Barry Allen, it feels more like an issue introduced in that story than a long running plot line. Granted, it may only feel this way because I’m solely reading Mark Waid’s Flash. I didn’t read the issues prior to his take over, so that storyline could have been more apparent there for all I know.
Moving on, starting with Waid’s run had another knock on effect, that being that the character introductions aren’t introductions. I came into this expecting to see when Wally met Linda, when he met Jay Garrick, when Pied Piper redeemed himself, but all of that happened before Waid took over the book, so they’re already part of the cast from the start. Again, not a flaw of the work, it’s just a result of my personal experiences. Now, let’s take a look at some of these characters.
I’ve heard a lot about Linda and Wally’s romance, and so far it’s not bad. I wouldn’t rate it as one of the best of all time, but I haven’t gotten to most of the major moments yet, so that’s not a huge surprise. One thing that’s very apparent is the Lois Lane DNA in her character. Some of that is to be expected, which the love interest to your superhero is a reporter, but I see a lot of similarities in their personality as well. There’s a lot of the same fire in her. Fortunately, the fact that Wally’s identity is public lends a very different arc to their relationship than what you see with Lois and Clark, so Linda doesn’t come off as a Lois rip-off. Linda’s concerns that there’s no place for her in Wally’s wild superhero life is the kind of relationship hurdle that isn’t present in Lois and Clark’s Relationship.
Next, let’s take a look at the first Flash, Jay Garrick. Within this series, Jay is perfectly pleasant, and by no means unlikable, but he also comes across as...kind of superfluous? There are three elderly male speedsters in this comic, and of all of them Jay is by far the least defined and has the least role. Max Mercury is the Wally’s mentor in the ways of speed, the one with the most knowledge of the Speed Force. He’s basically what I expected Jay Garrick to be going into this. The third of the group is Johnny Quick, a speedster who is the father of another speedster, Jesse Quick. Jesse is also very skeptical of Max Mercury’s teachings, which veer from the scientific into the mystical.
Because Johnny takes the role of skeptic, Jay is left without a role in the narrative because being the nicest of Wally’s friend group. Veering over to Hollywood for a second, whenever a book gets adapted into a movie or TV Show, minor characters get lost in the transition. Either they get composited with other characters, or they get cut entirely. Game of Thrones is the most prominent example in recent memory. I bring this up because, if Waid’s Flash were to go through that process, it’s hard to argue that Jay wouldn’t get the ax. Despite being the most important of them in the context of the universe at large, Jay is the least important Speedster in this narrative. Of course, Jay’s importance in the context of the larger universe means that in this hypothetical adaptation, he probably be composited into either max or Johnny. More likely Max, since mentor is the logical position for the first Flash to take in the Third Flash’s narrative.
I mentioned Jess Quick there, so let’s talk about her. Thus far, her most prominent role in the narrative has been to call Wally out and be his critic, though she does have very good reasons to be angry. In the Terminal Velocity storyline, Wally believes he’ll die soon, and tells the Flash Family that Jesse will be his successor, but it turns out to be a lie in order to motivate Bart Allen to take things more seriously. Jesse has remained angry with Wally since then, though it hasn’t seriously impacted her hero work. That’s good, because her continued competence lends legitimacy to her anger within the narrative. She’s not being punished for being mad at Wally for mistreating her. Hopefully it stays that way going forward.
Now let’s take a look at the character Wally chose over Jesse, Bart Allen AKA Impulse. I’ll say up front that I’m not reading Bart’s solo series during this read through, as I didn’t want the hassle of going back and forth between books. As such, the only issues of it that I’ve looked at are the ones that tie into the Dead Heat arc. I feel it’s important for me to say this, because I’m basing my opinions of Bart primarily on his showings in Wally’s book, not his own. In Wally’s book, Bart’s character flaws are more on display.
Bart is a character deliberately designed to be obnoxious, and such characters are a hard tightrope to walk in fiction. Gotta be annyoing enough to get the point across, but not annoying enough to turn people off from the work. Bart in Wally’s book isn’t perfectly balanced, and tends toward the too much pile. Not to an egregious extent, but a little bit. I found myself echoing Wally’s frustration with Bart more than a few times. In Bart’s defense, Wally does share some of the blame here. He doesn’t do a very good job as a mentor, and handing those duties off to Max is probably for the best.
I find it interesting, that a character like Wally who is so defined by inheriting a legacy is a poor mentor, to both Bart and Jesse. He makes different mistakes with both of them, but he still fails both of them. I’m eager to see how that plays out in the future issues.
Now that we’ve discussed the supporting cast, let’s discuss some of the book’s villains. We’ll start with the one who is most infamous, Eobard Thawne. Thawne’s spends the majority of his time in this book thinking he’s Barry Allen, and if I’m being honest, he’s more effective under that guise that he is as Eobard. The scenes where what appears to be Barry Allen turns evil out of jealousy of his successor are powerful, more so than the more traditional villain Eobard displays after the reveal. Not that it would have been a good idea for it to actually be Barry, of course. Much as I prefer Wally to Barry, having Barry go full supervillain would have been very out of character. In any case, this run had a profound impact on Eobard’s character going forward, solidifying him as an agent of toxic fanboyism, making him a dark mirror of Wally West.
The next major villain of the run is the cult slash terrorist organization Kobra. That might bring thoughts of GI Joe to your mind, and you honestly aren’t far off. So far as this run goes, the biggest differences between DC’s Kobra and Hasbro’s is A) DC’s version prefer green over blue, and B) Hasbro’s version has more in the way of distinct characters. Kobra thus far is more of a plot device than  anything else. They’re generic terrorists with little to make them distictive. Their storyline, Terminal Velocity, is more notable for it’s introduction of the Speed Force, Wally preparing for his upcoming ‘death’, and Linda going on a revenge quest after said ‘death’. All things that Kobra is incidental to, any villainous organization would have sufficed.
The final, as of my current point in the run, major villain is Savitar. Savitar was formerly a soviet test pilot who gained a connection to a the speedforce, gave himself the name of Hindu god, and started a speed worshipping cult. It says a lot about my mind that my immediate thoughts upon reading Savitar’s origin were. “Huh, an AU where Hal Jordan became a Speedster the same way would be neat.”. Savitar is in some ways an improvement on the Kobra Cult from Terminal Velocity. This time the Cult has a more direct connection to the Flash and his mythos. Dead Heat is by no means a retread of Terminal Velocity, but if you wanted to mesh them into one story, it wouldn’t be hard. And it’d improve on both, in some ways.
One of the things I like to do in my fanfic ideas is connect the other speedsters to Thawne’s theme of Toxic Fandom, and it wouldn’t be hard to do that with Savitar. His entire motivation is to deprive those he considers unworthy of their speed, and that can easily by played as a metaphor for gatekeeping.
Over all, while the run is far from perfect, I must say I’m enjoying these comics a good deal, and if you’re like me and have read a lot about comics without actually reading them, I don’t think you’d regret jumping into them.
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Writing Update: 8-12-19
Publishing now!
Stolen Season (Friendship is Unnecessary): Steve/Natasha vignettes during Endgame’s five year jump. I thought I would do a set of scenes, some sexy some not, of how we get from Steve and Natasha working together at the end of IW, to them halfway living apart at the end of the five year jump. It also covers some of the hunt for Ronin!Clint, Steve taking up the mantle of group therapist, and Natasha stepping up as a sort of hybrid of Cap and Nick Fury. Definitely a trip to angsty-town, but I promise to fix it in the end.
"This channel's always open. I'll be here if you need me. Take care everyone. Romanoff out."
"Good night. Rhodey out."
"Good morning." Okoye grinned. "Wakanda out."
"Catch you later. Rocket out.
"See you next time. Danvers out."
And that left Natasha alone, bathed in the blue glow of her blank holo-screens. And the moment they were gone, the dread descended like a mudslide, carrying her facade of calm with it. For a moment, she could only breathe. Could only will air into her lungs and back out again. She might've been shaking, but she couldn't feel her body. Everything was numb. Like the first seconds after a concussing blow stretched out to a horrible eternity.
Clint was killing people. In droves. By the dozens. No chance for repentance. No chance for reform. No questions or conversation at all before the killing blow. 
She shook her head hard. So hard her vertebrae popped. This wasn't Clint. This wasn't her Clint who had given her a chance. 
He was gone too. Just like Steve. But unlike Steve, he was going to get himself killed. She had to find him.
Other “Friendship is Unnecessary” fics at various stages:
But Most of All Because They Offend Thee: Based off this post. Probably just short, upbeat, porny little one-shot of Nat being a shit and teasing Steve. Because honestly… this series needs some levity.
One of Those Things (Prologue): Since I’ve written this beast of a series completely out of order, and thus all my author notes are no doubt VERY confusing, I thought I’d put a short prologue on the front. Just a couple of short scenes to plant some seeds and give an actual starting place to this whole sprawling, intertwining mess, but also to give me a chance to address new readers so my forewords on the rest of the fics don’t seem weird. I’ve got a little more than a thousand words written on it which is probably about a third to half way.
Untitled Pre-War Steve/Bucky and Pre-Avengers Phil/Clint/Natasha: Partially a request from @crazyevildru that I’m toying with. Probably a flashback or a memory. This series really does need more Steve/Bucky, and I feel bad about it. I’m thinking of also adding a prequel/flashback of Clint/Phil/Natasha as well… maybe have the whole thing be a discussion over dinner.
Sweet and Honorable (Title pending):  Set post Civil War. Bucky insists on coming with Sam and Natasha to rescue Steve when he gets captured. This is starting to take shape in my head as a sort of work through for some of the issues that get raised in “Echo in my Soul.” Given what we know about the new Black Widow movie, I may hold off on this one for a bit. At least until I can figure out how I’m going to squirm around or ignore the added canon. (can’t wait for that movie BTW)
Other works coming soon!
Intercalation: A Ulana/Boris/Valery fix-it fic for HBO’s Chernobyl. 72k words and counting. This will be the next big thing coming after “Stolen Season.” And it’s looking to be very big. It’ll come close to 80k words easy, I think. I have a few gaps to go back and fill in but the rough draft is about 90% finished. Ten full chapters and an epilogue. It’s been challenging. Lots of moving parts. It’s a continuation picking up just after the trial and that arc is studded with flashbacks. There’s a lot of character exploration… and a lot of honest to goodness physics lectures which I’ve been getting help from an actual physicist and story enthusiast, @cactusowl, to write. Fingers crossed to start publishing on Sept 9.  STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT.
Hymn of Acxiom: Scarlet/Vision. I’m really just toying with an idea so don’t get too excited. It would be post Endgame, with Wanda helping a newly reconstructed Vision who has no memories and no personality without the Mind Stone to network all the pieces and facets of his personality. Again… I make no promises… but I have an idea.
A Maelstrom Whirls Below: I’m toying with the possibility of a sequel to my Darcy/Eddie/Venom fic “A Room for Rent in the Fourth Estate.” A rough outline is in place, and I’m starting to sketch around on a few scenes. But right now it’s just some ideas and a few zippy one-liners. It’s starting to get some traction though! Likely won’t start work in earnest until all this Endgame fix-it stuff is done, but I’m definitely letting it percolate.
Hang By Every Word: The outline for my Stucky fic is still coming along but it will be awhile yet before I start writing on it in earnest. The basic theme (and I’m sure this has been done, but fuck it) is the undoing of Bucky’s conditioning one trigger word at a time. And each trigger word locked down a memory that HYDRA deemed integral to Bucky’s personality. And of course… they all involve Steve. So I have to write things from Steve’s point of view, and all ten memories have to be written from Bucky’s point of view, and they have to tie together into a cohesive narrative. The memories are out of order, but Steve’s timeline isn’t and… It’s a challenge. I’m still largely in the brainstorming phase… writing little snippets here and there. Nothing’s solidly taking form just yet. Again… just letting it percolate.
Untitled Sarge/Melinda May fic: I know. I KNOW! Don’t give me that look. You’re watching the same show I am and you’re seeing what I’m seeing. This shit writes itself. I’ve been sketching on a few things, and now that the season’s wrapped up I have an idea of what I want to do. I might crowbar in a few days just so that I can have some exploration time... sometime between (SPOILERS) May shooting Sarge and them heading for the Temple.
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deadinsidedressage · 7 years
Anonymous Barn Drama #31
I Say ”Arab Circuit”, You Say “Shit Show”!
So I’ve shown in 4-H, Eq team and local shows for about 11 years. That being said, by now I think it’s pretty fair to say I know what I’m doing at a show.
Well, when time came for me to buy my next horsey friend,I bought a 4yr old Arabian. I’ve always, always owned QHs (who ain’t shit btw) and so it only made sense to me to go to an Arab trainer. At first it was completely wonderful and just a really fun shift in my horsey career. I loved the barn and loved the trainer. It was all going well! Then the first show with this barn comes up. Now, I’ve never shown in a group or club format (which thank god because that Pony Club shit sounds bad), BUT I have done a lot of independent showing.
So myself and some of her other students just keep asking my new trainer about the show. I’d never done an Arab show before! We kept asking her how the show was going to run, what classes we were going to ride in (for whatever reason SHE chose what classes we rode in, we didn’t get to choose), and she just kept saying “You’ll see when we get there”. Obviously, that’s nerve-racking. Usually don’t trainers try to very mildly handhold the new kid on the block? 
Well, we get to the show and my formally very kind and sweet trainer turns into a monster. Just yelling, screaming, and fucking snapping at us over anything at all.
She wouldn’t let us ride in the warm-up arena until the stall set-up was picture perfect. Like, she had stall curtains and a table cloth and all that very not important stuff that needed to be set up JUST THIS WAY or else we couldn’t get on the horses. When we did finally get the horses tacked up and into the warm-up arena, she only spent about 20 minutes with us before instructing us all to go untack our horses. Um, okay? Over half the horses had never shown before, let alone shown in an indoor arena, or at this particular facility. Yet she doesn’t want to give us the time to get them all quieted down and used to the facility? Yikes.
We untack, sit around, and eat dinner. All was fine. Then at about 7pm we start bathing the horses. We brought 12 horses and two water heaters to get them all cleaned the night before showing started. Well, the thing is my mom and I had to trailer my horse back home after the show and so had a bit of a weird situation with our truck. We only have one truck and having to share it with the family meant that we were able to bring the trailer down, but were then basically ditched truck-less until the following day when the show ended. Which meant we needed to get a hotel.
So, if it’s 7pm at night… and you’re trying to get 12 horses bathed, 1 of the horses has an owner who needs to check in to their hotel, and you know bathing is going to be a PROCESS; what would you do? Would you let the person who needs to leave wash their horse first????  WELL. Apparently the water heaters can only bath 3-4 horses before they try to explode and need a 30 minute nappy nap. AFTER 8 HORSES my trainer FINALLY lets us bath my horse. WOW THANKS BUDDY. 
In the morning, I feed my horse when I show up and get REAMED for it because apparently “all the horses needed to be fed at the same time”. Oh, okay bud you could have said that? Cause, since I own him and he lives at my house 90% of the time I just assumed I could do whatever the fuck  want with the animal I own. 
This inability to do what I want nonsense just got worse throughout the day. Can’t groom without her say-so. Can’t warm-up unless she okays it.  So, halter class was first and I’VE NEVER DONE AN ARAB HALTER CLASS BEFORE. I’d only practiced a few times with my trainer and honestly had little clue how these classes work. I’m in the arena, being confused out of my face, and looking to the other handlers in the class to figure out what the fuck to do. My trainer is ON THE RAIL YELLING AT ME. Cause how dare I NOT KNOW THESE THINGS BEFORE GOING IN THE CLASS I WASN’T ALLOWED TO PICK AND THEN NEVER GIVEN PROPER INSTRUCTION ON WHAT TO DO!! (I got 2nd in that class, so I guess flying by the seat of my pants and internally SCREAMING worked.) I go into warmup before my riding class. I do without a martingale because… well, unless you’re in a training class or a driving class you can’t use them so why the hell would I do something like warmup in equipment I’m not going to use. That DOES make sense, right? RIGHT??! Well… yeah I got yelled out for that.  Then she tells me to put side reins on “Just like we do at home”… like I’ve only ridden him in side reins maybe ONCE in the 5 months. Since WHEN is that how we it at home??? So after some arguing from my momma bear, side reins go on and I get warmed up. It was awful. EDITORS NOTE: It’s super dangerous to ride in side reins. That’s not what that piece of equipment is meant for. Please don’t ride in side reins.  I’m on a 4yr old. I’ve never been to an Arab show. I lunged without a surcingle despite always doing that at home, and my warmup was 10 minutes of shitty riding in side reins… Yeah it was terrible. I managed to get my ass and my horse to calm down and not look like fucking idiot jackasses. My trainer takes the side reins off literal minutes before the class starts… 
I have NEVER ridden my horse without of a martingale since we took him to her 5 months before, that dawned on me then, and she thinks he’s gonna win the class without EVER BEING RIDDEN OUT OF THE MARTINGALE, AND DOING THAT AT A SHOW 3 MINUTES BEFORE MY CLASS!?? 
Well. We didn’t die, he did everything I asked, but it was NOT pretty. Just very ugly. No contact, no frame. All nonsense.  I mean my horse is a stunner now, but then? Jesus fucking christ then he was like the poster boy llama horse.
Well then I scratched the other 2 riding classes because I was sick, I have medical issues and I knew if I was to ride I would blackout. 
Anyways the kids were still nice to me, as were the parents. But my trainer and her daughter(who is 13 at the time and tried to boss everyone around like she owned the place) flat out ignored me in person and on social media. I didn’t show with them and have only gone back for a handful of lessons. I still adore the kids and the horses, one of my best friends rides there and we see each other at shows but I am never going to show with them again.
She taught me a lot, she helped my horse and me a ton and she’s a wealth of knowledge for Arab stuff.  I still respect her too. She just… likes to be in control of anything and if she can’t bully you around then she’s not as great of a person to ride with. 
I’ve been to a few arab shows and since I don’t do 4-H or eq team any more I will do more arab circuit shows next year, so I’ll show at the same shows and the same classes with them, but I’m gonna be showing under my own name. 
Anyways yeah that’s my monster trainer/barn drama. Oh yeah and the daughter and trainer quit liking my stuff on Facebook and Instagram a few months ago for absolutely no reason. And if I comment on a picture saying how nice the horse is or congrats etc they blatantly ignore me while responding to every other comment on the post 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Request: Celebrating Fathers’ Day with Soonyoung and his three little munchkins Requested by: @keshuasd​ Word count: 2,020  Genre: Fluff Warnings: Way. Too. Much. Sugar.
A/N: Okay, this was originally Admin Jihooned’s request... Somehow, I ended up writing basically 90% of it. But anyway, HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY! A huge thank you to all the fathers/father figures of us Carats out there, for tolerating with all the nonsense their children had put them through. THANK YOU FOR RAISING US! WE LOVE YOU!
Hi guys! So this request was supposed to be handled by me initially but I got so caught up with the dwc series so admin wooed pretty much took over! So a big big thanks to her! And happy father’s day to all the fathers out there! (Btw imagining Hoshi as a dad makes me so so so soft on so many levels i nearly died reading admin wooed’s writing.)
- jihooned 😶
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Soonyoung wasn’t sure what woke him up that morning at 7AM. The curtains were closed to prevent the sun rays from entering the room, the roads outside their apartment on the 14th storey were quiet for it was a Sunday morning, and his entire family was snoozing peacefully beside him.
Oh, his entire family of five… Now he remembered. A smile began to spread across his drowsy face as he recalled that it was a Sunday: Fathers’ Day. His three precious angels had thrown their tiny bodies onto the bed promptly at midnight, tackling him against the sheets while wishing him a happy Fathers’ Day before accidentally falling asleep in the master’s bedroom, but he hadn’t really minded or bore to wake them up.
Truth to be told, he never really cared for an occasion like Fathers’ Day. He’s always believed that the appreciation for your loved ones should be evident in everyday life and not reserved for a special occasion.
And with his family, in which he’s blessed with a loving, supportive wife and three wondrous offspring, every day feels like Fathers’ Day to him.
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His eyes crinkled into crescent moons as he admired the beautiful sight before him. There were his older two laying spread-eagled at the very ends of the bed that stretched from one wall of the room to another. His youngest son was snugly tucked in the middle, accompanied by his favourite plush toy. And spooning his youngest child from behind… was you, his beloved wife.
Though he’s been married to you for just a short period of six years, how breathtakingly pretty you could look asleep dressed in a simple oversized shirt with tousled hair never ceased to amaze him.
He’s always heard from pessimistic couples that the flames between husband and wife would start to fizz a couple of years into wedlock, yet he has felt no such thing. You’re still as lovey-dovey as ever, even while coping with the taxing feat of raising three children.
He enjoyed a few moments of peace from admiring his family before his little Hayul started to fuss and writhe. His tiny pair of eyebrows crinkle in discomfort as he stirs into awakening. Soonyoung reacts immediately, knowing that it’s only seconds before he starts full-on crying, reaching over to rub soothing circles against the skin of his son’s back.
He didn’t want Hayul’s fussing to disturb you in your sleep, especially since you’ve stayed up late cleaning the house the night before. You had the mommy instincts of a cheetah, Soonyoung often liked to joke; your eyes would snap open with every cry or whine your children (or in some special cases, Soonyoung himself) made. After all, your maternal abilities have been honed by your rambunctious older son Harang and oldest daughter Haeum before him.
“Shh, Hayul, Daddy’s here… Go back to sleep.”
He sighs in relief when Hayul visibly relaxes and his eyes flutter shut once more. Pulling his beloved baby boy into his bosom and lets himself be lulled back into dreamland by the chorus of his wife and children’s synchronised breathing
He falls back asleep with a blissful grin on his face, excitedly awaiting to spend the day with the ones he love.
“Dad, Daddy! Wake up!”
The breath drove out of Soonyoung’s lungs as he feels a 20-some kilogram weight slam against him at full force.
His fight or flight response almost made him snap his eyes open, sit up and throw the sudden weight off of him, but his fatherly instincts immediately override it. Gently but drowsily, he pulled himself to a sitting position and cradled his little girl in his lap.
“Awake already, Haeum?” he cooed at the six-year-old, his already-small eyes brimming with affection. His hand ran his fingers through his daughter’s unkempt bed hair, smoothing out the knotty strands.
His daughter flashed her equally tiny eyes at him. “Yeah, we have been awake for hours already. Harang, Hayul and Mommy and I, while still you’re sleeping in.”
He said nothing but smiled knowingly.
“Oh, yeah,” his daughter straightens her back, leaning in to plant a wet smooch on her father’s right cheek. “Happy Fathers’ Day, Daddy.”
“You’ve wished me last night, but I’ll still accept it,” he replies, rewarding her with a playful pinch of her chubby cheeks. “Thank you very much, Haeum.”
Haeum beamed, showing him a goofy, toothless grin before clambering off her father. Soonyoung let out a yawn and popped the bones in his spine. As he stretched his legs off the mattress towards the hardwood floor, his daughter cried out again, her hand outstretched.
“Daddy, don’t come! You have to stay there!”
Startled, Soonyoung withdrew his feet back onto the bed as though scorched by hot lava. “What’s wrong?”
His beloved first-born merely darts out of the room with a cheeky grin. “It’s a surprise!”
Deciding to humour her, Soonyoung tucks his body back under the covers. “Whatever you say, honey.”
Folding his hands at the back of his head, he started to hum a restless rhythm while knocking his toes together. Idly, he focused his attention on the clamour that’s going on outside the bedroom. From the sounds of it, the rest of his family were most probably in the kitchen.
Uh oh, that never ends well.
Soonyoung raised a questioning eyebrow and the rather loud clatter of a plastic bowl hitting the floor. Thankfully it sounded hollow and empty enough to not cause substantial damage.
“Hayul, look what you’ve done! Pick it up, now!” That was the annoyed yawp from his second-born Harang. The four-year-old’s already an outspoken individual that constantly sought validation by looking out for -- or in other case, bossing -- his little brother.
“Alright, Harang, there’s no need to yell at your brother like that.” At the sound of your voice, Soonyoung considerably soothed. Nothing could possibly go wrong as long as you were there with them.
“I’m telling you-” That was the insisting voice of his daughter. “Dad likes chocolate syrup on his waffles the best!”
“No!” protested his second son. “He wants strawberry jam!”
“I like them together!” Soonyoung quickly interjected, projecting his voice out of the room and (hopefully) cutting off the brewing sibling spat. And fortunately, the squabbling ceased, and Soonyoung happily settled back into his pillow.
Moments later, the three kids barged into the room, with Haeum holding a plate of neatly stacked waffles (slathered with a generous, borderline copious, amounts of sweet-smelling brown and red condiments) and the two boys trailing behind holding presents. Soonyoung immediately threw the blanket off him and sat at the edge of the bed, opening his arms to welcome his little angels.
“Happy Father’s Day!” they chorused in unison, handing the plate of waffles to Soonyoung’s hands.
The waffles were clearly handmade, there were parts which were slightly burnt. It looked like it was meant to be some sort of smiley face, with two long gummy worms stretched and angled towards the middle to form his signature 10:10 eyes and a curved row of marshmallows at the bottom (made by you, no doubt). But the haphazard array of rainbow sprinkles, jam, chocolate and whipped cream made it hard to tell.
Nonetheless, they were still perfect waffles to him.
Soonyoung also noticed small portions of the waffles gone and he raised his eyebrow.
“Harang couldn’t wait.” You chuckled. The culprit looked up at his father, evidence of his “crime” still smudged across his chubby cheeks.
Still perfect waffles.
Soonyoung grabbed the fork and knife that rested neatly at the side of the plate and cut the waffle into 5 pieces, one each for a member of his family. He fed Hayul first, giggling at how the youngest was trying to find ways to fit the giant waffle slice into his small mouth.
Harang was getting impatient, constantly tugging onto his father’s sleeve and whining about how he wanted his slice of waffle too.
Soonyoung could barely contain his thousand-watt smile when he pushed the fork into the waffles, taking a bite for himself. The amount of sugar was overwhelming enough to make even the sweet toothed cringe, but Soonyoung thought it was the most delicious waffles he had ever eaten.
“Honey!” Soonyoung jumped in surprise at your desolate-sounding cry. He looked up to see you pointing your smartphone at his direction. “You shouldn’t have eaten it yet, I wanted to take a picture of it…”
He blinked cluelessly. “The waffles? What for?”
“You know, it’s something our kids made with their own hands. I thought you would want to show it off to your family and friends.”
Soonyoung let out an ‘ah’ of understanding before shaking his head with a chuckle. “There’s no need to show this off to other people. I’m perfectly happy like this, with all of you.” he explained. “And besides, you know how they say that the best camera you’ll ever have is your own pair of eyes? I won’t forget this moment for as long as I live, that I will guarantee you.”
“Gosh, you’re so mushy,” you groaned, but you eventually lose the battle of repressing the laughter bubbling within you. Soonyoung opened his arms, allowing you to nestle in comfortably between his legs. Your husband offered you a bite of his breakfast, and you gratefully partook, ignoring the explosion of sweetness invading your tastebuds.
“Good, isn’t it?” Haeum chirped, laying down on her belly and watching her parents with her head propped on her hands.
Your two boys watched you with a familiar glint in their eyes. Well, it wasn’t you they were eyeing, you noticed with an amused snort. Soonyoung noticed it too, holding out the plate in his hands.
“Want some more?” Two-year-old Hayul was clambering all over the both of you even before Soonyoung could finish his sentence, his jaws parted as he awaited his father’s generous offering.
You jabbed your husband in the ribs immediately but subtly. “It’s going to be a war zone when I put them to bed tonight. We never let them get this much sugar,” you hissed.
Soonyoung shrugged good-naturedly, putting down the now-empty plate on the nightstand. “Let them have their fun. When else would they get to make their own food?”
You sighed with a pout. “You’re spoiling them, Kwon Soonyoung.”
He reached over to wipe a smidge of jam off your cheeks before sucking the residue off his thumb. “Don’t worry,” he assured you. “I’ll be there with you tonight.”s
“You got the day off?” you wondered hopefully, your eyes growing bigger at the prospect, but to your disappointment, Soonyoung shook his head. “No, but we did have an unanimous decision to spend the evening and night with our families. Seungchul hasn’t seen his precious daughter Sowon in a week, and I might go mad if I ever hear Jihoon going off about how well his three-year-old Rowoon is doing on the guitar. And lord knows how Wonwoo’s wife is managing his monstrous triplets.”
You laughed, but it’s hard to hide the heaviness in your voice. “I guess you better get going soon, then.”
Noticing how forlorn you looked, Soonyoung softened. Ever so gently, he cupped the sides of your face with his hands, prompting you to look directly into his eyes. “I promise, I’ll be there.”
Knowing that your husband never goes back on his words, you eventually relented, giving him a playful poke on his nose. “Alright, go wash up or you’ll be late.”
“Aw, Mommy and Daddy love each other!” Haeum cheered, apparently eavesdropping on your exchange. Hayul stared, innocently doe-eyed at his parents, while Harang had his nose scrunched up in playful disgust.
“Alright kids, be nice to mummy, we’ll head down to the carnival once I’m done with work okay.” Soonyoung announced as he huddled the kids and you into a warm hug.
“Yes Daddy, fighting!”
Soonyoung’s smile rose all the way to his eyes, he adored his family to bits, and he could not imagine how dull a life he would have had if it weren’t for all of you.
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8/28/19 8:09pm - Meanwhile, In Real Time (basically all of aug ‘19)
So today I only have one patient for the first time in like half a year. I guess it makes sense since it’s the end of august and insurance policies are starting to roll over. After so many busy weeks of work it’s really exciting though.
And it couldn’t have happened at a better time. For one I’m pretty excited to get writing and catching up on this past year. But for TWO, World of Warcraft Classic just launched this week. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. Yknow I never played it before because I was worried how it would eat my life like Runescape did. But Spencer and a bunch of NC Melee peeps wanted me to play so I’m in there. Looks like my obsessions really have cycled in order.
[continued at 11:04pm after putting pts to bed]  Pokemon (first grade), Magic (third grade), Runescape (fourth grade), Halo/Gears (7th-9th), Guitar Hero (8th-10th), Quiz Bowl (11th&12th) , Ultimate Frisbee (12th-soph), League of Legends (soph-senior), Melee (senior-last year). I have a kind of filthy habit of playing so much that it’s debilitating and then finally breaking out of it only to move on to doing the same thing with something else.
Since quitting melee I’ve gotten obsessed with Pokemon and Magic, so it looks like getting into WoW was inevitable. 
Just kidding, an unscheduled 2nd patient showed up and it turns out he’s actually supposed to be here so I’m not QUITE so free as all that, but it’s still not 3 patients, 2 is totally easy for me now.
Lol I took this screenshot when I got in to the office 
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as of now I’m all caught up with work and I’ve still got 133 minutes to go, so looks like I have plenty of time to write for a second.
So what do I have to catch up on? well my days have been looking like weds-thurs-fri are always work, saturday I’ll stay up all day doing something, sunday I’m usually sleeping in, Monday I’m usually either playing DnD or chilling playing games, and Tuesday is a chill day until karaoke. 
The past two weekends have been kind of crazy though, so I just wanted to write about them for a minute before I got too far gone. 
Actually, let’s go back to 3 weekends ago. I visited Dars because I needed to, it’s been too long. I meant to write a lot more than I did, but instead I stayed up late into the night watching Andi draw shit on twitch. I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately, mostly trying to collect all my thoughts on what I want to write about, but I definitely miss her and hope she’s doing okay. I ‘accidentally’ responded to a question she asked when she was talking to herself on stream, I hadn’t meant to talk to her at all I just wanted to see her do her thing and reflect on her a little.  Really I wanted to watch her play breath of the wild. I miss us playing that together. Watching her enjoy something I enjoyed so much really made me happy. Anyway, I only bring that up because I tried to tune in again to actually watch her play BotW and found out she blocked me from her channel. I could still watch, which was nice, but I couldn’t say anything. Probably for the best. After watching her for a few hours I unfollowed her channel so I wouldn’t even try anymore.
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know.
I did that song at karaoke last night. I practiced in the bathroom and the car beforehand and was nailing it I thought. But I got up on stage and I was thinking of you and I bombed it. I haven’t bombed a song so hard since the time I tried to sing you I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing when I was in drunk-screaming mode, or the first time I tried to do MakeDamnSure. And those were when I was drunk. This I like just tried to get to the high notes and on stage I just couldn’t. My voice kind of broke. I cleared the crowd. It was humiliating, to be honest. I don’t know if I was tired from playing 12 hours of WoW with spencer yesterday (amazing, btw. I had a ton of fun), or if I was thinking of you too much, or if I was actually just floundering from making the first mistake (which doesn’t quite make sense because I’ve made mistakes and then fixed them easily in plenty of songs before). But it was awful.  I got to hang out with some friends for a bit, sang The Hand That Feeds and did excellently at it, got some good cheers and shit, but I still felt like ass. Went home and played some melee and some more WoW and stayed up until 6am and slept 12 hours lmao.
So I had an avocado for dinner and now here I am. I’ve been doing more fasting days lately where I eat really light. They’re not true fasting days because usually I eat a bunch of nuts or something. But I don’t eat a big meal like I normally do once a day. Also I wanted to go back to Darlin’s because we watched zoolander, and at one point he says “bulimia is a great way to lose pounds before a shoot” and I was like “oh yeah, true.” lol so now if someone makes me eat a bunch of ice cream with them (darlin and jill), then I’ll do it and throw it up after -_-. Not the healthiest but I’ve only done it on like two or three occasions. I’m mostly being good. Only exercising once a week lately though, WoW kinda blew up everything this week and I’ve been hella busy lol. 
Okay so week after Darlin’s, I made some new friends at karaoke that my buddy Skyler introduced me to there. I drove up to Virginia on Saturday to do Quarry Fest that tessa and her boyfriend had planned out on his property. It was fucking phenomenal. Spent the day day drinking and swimming, it was gorgeous out, beautiful people in swimsuits everywhere, made a whole bunch of new friends who loved me because they already loved tessa, saw a handful of old high school friends. I really got strong attraction vibes from my friend Emily, but she was there with a new boyfriend so ah well such a shame for her lmao. Stayed up until like 4 in the morning talking with people around a big bonfire, it was just like a fun old rappahannock field party where everyone knew everyone at least by a removal factor of one. Such a beautiful time. I fucking drunkenly danced my ass off all night while these live musicians and djs were on. Just phish style sway jammed out in the sand, made my legs fucking exhausted lol. Moving in sand is so fucking hard! I’d get a drink, chug it down, spin around drunkenly jam around for a bit, sober up, get a new drink, rinse and repeat lmao. The Diet Dr Pepper and white rum idea later in the night was miserable though. FUCK diet drinks they’re not adequate mixers. holy blegh. plus the rum was hot as balls I need to find a new kind of liquor to keep in my trunk. The best idea I’ve heard from people so far is sake. I loved Tessa’s boyfriend’s family too. The one little brother had the same supreme cheetah print that I had on except he had the boxers, we really hit it off actually. After sleeping in my car for the night I woke up and went skinny dipping for like an hour or so, I spent a lot of the next morning talking to him and his girlfriend, mostly entertaining her with the weird stories that I tell on here. She said I was probably the craziest person she’d ever met, and wished that I lived closer so that she could hook me up with her sister. She said she needed to try someone fun like me out LMAO. Then their family made a huge breakfast at their house and I got to pig out on some lox and chit chat with tessa about shit before heading back to Raleigh.
That’s right, I went there and came back for just a day because I needed to be back the next night for Emo Karaoke LOL. There’s no way I was gonna miss it, it’s only once a month. 
It was the craziest thing though. My friends caitlin and gretchen came to emo karaoke but it hadn’t started yet because of an open mic poetry night, so they split to go to Ruby’s annual No Pants Party and told me to meet up with them if I wanted to. I was the first person to sing, I did The Used and it went fantastically. I met this guy morgan and his girlfriend elizabeth I think, and she emailed me a video of it lol I love it. I also sang backup vocals for him on MakeDamnSure, I was so happy that he asked me, I’ve literally practiced doing the backup singing just in case someone ever did hahaha. But after my song this girl walks up to me and says “did you go to chapel hill? Do you remember who I am?” I look at her and it’s none other than fucking LEXI. Like huge crush in college Lexi. Like written about her at least a handful of times at LEAST Lexi. Like I named my fucking CAR after you Lexi. So I was like “HOLY SHIT YES” oh my god and caught up with her and I’m 90% sure she was there with another guy, but I got to meet her friends and chit chat and I screamed my fucking throat out that night. My voice was already toasty from singing in the car all the way up and back from virginia but after that it was torched lmao. I also did The Used+MCR’s Under Pressure with my friend from there Kenny, got some chick’s number, and the list was full so I dipped after that.
Went to the no pants party and it wasn’t super crazy, but I got some beautiful pics lol. Caitlin helped me tie up my shirt super cute, I wore it as a blouse and as an ascot hahaha. But hanging with them at the no pants party mostly got me to this afterparty at a friend’s place downtown.  I had rum and bought some coke that we threw in the freezer, but instead of mixing the coke and rum me and Jacob had this great idea to mix the rum with freezie pops to see if it was any good. Did like 3 shots testing it out to see if the ratio could work. Mostly it tasted like a bad slushie lol. Went to the porch to smoke a cig and people started passing some coke around so I did a little of that, and started having this long ass conversation with this girl MJ. We hit it off for like literally an hour on the porch at 4 in the morning. We talked about pokemon and tons of nerdy video game shit, and it turns out she had been at karaoke that week, I had already listened to her singing! I got her number and have since tried to hit her up a few times to hang out. She’s always responded to all of my texts IMMEDIATELY. like within the minute fast. It’s weird. But unfortunately either because she’s not actually interested or because she’s truly been too busy, I haven’t been able to meet up with her to do anything. I guess we’ll see if that ever develops, but I think she was really cool. I really hope I at least get to make a pass at her.  After that I brought gretchen back to my place to hang out. Didn’t try to hook up with her or anything, but we just wanted to chill and do some blow that I had leftover and wanted to get rid of. Did some talking about some fucked up shit going on with some of her friends dying, but it was mostly in the context of her wanting to go back to the party to try to find an adderall on the ground when we ran out of shit. At like 8 in the morning we drove around to pick up some shit, but nobody was awake, she gave me half an adderall to try to help me stay up but after I popped it I still took a nap in the car while we waited so I was like yeah nah I’m tapping out. After driving to virginia and back and having two late party nights I was fucking spent and didn’t want to miss my appointment to drop my car off for repairs. Honestly though, I have no fucking idea what Brandon saw in her that made him so coocoo for her. She seems like your typical party hardy everything-sucks kind of girl. I don’t think I’ve heard her say a positive thing about...anything. She’s always shit talking or talking down about life or saying she wants to go somewhere else that’s cooler, or that older parties were more fun or some shit. Meh. Luckily I’m not the one tryna bang her, and Caitlin totally balances her out with how smiley and happy she is when I hang out with them. Her and Jacob are cute as fuck too. 
But I DID end up making it to my appointment. My car is almost done being fixed!!
Then I had a board game night that monday, me and Trent and Steven played some of this train game called snowdonia and I narrowly lost. Steven almost always beats me, that fucker lol. I really respect how smart he is about magic and game theory in general tbh.
Last week there was karaoke and work. At karaoke I found out this really cute smiley girl Hannah (a friend/coworker of my lesbian couple friends) is getting a divorce from her husband (she’s like 24), and so thattt’s pretty interesting. I don’t wanna make moves because she’s wonderful and I don’t want to be a douche, but she’s like... still the happiest person I’ve ever met even in the midst of changing her entire life. I kinda wish I could go on a date with her just to find out more about her lol. Saturday I didn’t sleep so that I could go to my friend Helena’s place for her to dye and cut my hair. I really followed through on wanting it to look like Brad Pitt from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood like I decided when we saw it darlin’s lol. I really wanted to change my hair, I’m kind of sick of having bangs in my face and need to symbolically move on to doing something new. Then saturday afternoon/evening I got drunk as fuckkkk with broscious and irene for their housewarming party. First time getting really drunk with them it was so much fun! We played a drinking game while watching a glassblowing show where we drank every time they said glass or blew, so it was pretttty good hahaha. I probably overdid it with the threesome and trap jokes later with their friends when we got to the bar lol, but they seemed so innocent I had to fuck with them a little hahaha. Fell asleep on the floor of their living room at like 3 in the morning because someone else had dibs on the couch. Woke up at like 7am blegh, found out I lost my house key lol, went back to sleep at my place til noon, then went to play board games with steven trent and reyad again.  After that I went to boxcar to meet up with Maya, and she had brought a bunch of her coworkers and Rianne as usual, so it was a great time. We bounced from boxcar to Rianne’s place, got to drink with Ollie and played this weird frog golf game and we discussed whether Blonde or Channel Orange was the better Frank Ocean album. They ALL were fighting me that Channel Orange was just better in every way, but I still think Blonde is incredible. I offered to take Jill home to her place since she lives nearby, we got some mcdonalds and watched some american dad and had some great sex. and again the next morning, and again in the afternoon. So luckily that’s still working out, I thought it had fallen apart, but I’ll explain more on that later on when I finish playing catchup. I took her back to her car and we got some good ass ramen downtown.
We made tentative plans to hang out again the next day and maybe go thrifting and I spent the rest of monday playing Melee for a couple hours. But I woke up at 9am and started playing WoW with spencer, so when she hit me up that she was getting off work at like 3pm I was in the middle of a 6 hour bingefest playing WoW for the first time in my life. He told me I should keep playing with him so I didn’t fall behind and so I thought about it... and then I did lmao. I said that I was nerding out with my roommate and asked if she wanted to hang out after karaoke. She said yeah definitely but she might go to bed earlier than normal (~3) because she had to work a double. I hit her up at midnight to leave karaoke early after that embarrassment of a performance, but she never responded. I think she said she wanted to hang out so that she could blow me off too, tbh. But jokes on her, I got to play more melee until I could get through the login queue for WoW and got to play for another 3 hours. Perfect.
Though more sex would’ve been nice, for sure. 
Anyway, things are going wonderfully. I’m going to a big concert in raleigh in two weeks. Probably just nerding out this weekend since I mixed up my weekends and didn’t make plans. Helena dyed my hair with highlights to look like brad pitt, but I’m changing it to be totally blonde like Maya and Rianne want instead. They miss my old yellow hair lol and Oliver and everyone I’ve asked did too so I’m gonna try it out again. 
Definitely ready to move forward and try some new things. 
I’ve been thinking about Andi way too much the past two weeks. It sucks. I really want to talk to her. And give her her chair back. So I want to see her. But I know I’m feeling good with everything so really things are better off just moving on I guess. Maybe once I finally write my catchup posts about her I can stop thinking about her. But it’s made me procrastinate a lot, I’m like literally doing anything I can to not write these last handful of catchup posts...
But I promise I will soon. I need to do it. Maybe that’s what I’ll do saturday while I wait for the queue for WoW to thin out lmao. It’s currently 12:06 and I still have an estimated time of 13 minutes after trying to log in at 7:45 lol.
Also tryna cop some supreme clothes tomorrow. Wish me luck, I Really hope I can get this tiger print jacket and hat. Boutta drop a mint lol. Clothes are kinda fun. It’s nice not dressing like a hobo all the time, I guess. Mostly because it’s hot. Once it’s the right temperature to wear pajama pants again you better believvvve I’m gonna just get fancy sweatpants lmfao.
Anyway, queue’s finally done! holy shit yeah it’s only 12:15 Kappa. Gonna go play some WoW love you guys bye <3
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pluckyredhead · 7 years
Daredevil 101: Last Rites
Last time on Daredevil 101, Matt returned to New York, regained his memory and as much of his mental health as he ever has, and reconciled with Foggy. Now he turns his attention to the next big item on his agenda: taking down the Kingpin once and for all. Also, Nocenti is gone and our new creative team is D.G. Chichester, who is honestly all over the place in terms of writing, and Lee Weeks, who is pretty good but was slightly “A girl??? Reading comics??? My word!” to me at NYCC a couple years back so meh.
CONTENT WARNING: Dubcon and...fraudulent mental health practices, I guess is the best way to describe it? And Matt is the perpetrator of both. Seriously, it’s disturbing.
Anyway, Nelson & Murdock isn’t quite back in business yet, but Matt and Foggy are working hard on getting Matt’s license back:
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I cannot explain why Foggy looks weirdly sinister in that first panel OR why Matt is wearing a turtleneck, but I do like seeing him with a cross. This might be the first time we’ve seen him wear one.
Meanwhile, Fisk has decided to add a more legitimate revenue stream to his criminal empire and build a media conglomerate. One of his major investors is a group from Texas, represented by a ridiculous cowboy stereotype named Strang:
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Uh oh, looks like Strang is more than just a rural stooge!
Fisk’s broadcast empire, btw, is basically Fox News - all inflammatory conservative talking heads stoking racial prejudice. This comic is 25 years old but not much has changed outside of car phone technology.
Meanwhile basically all Typhoid does these days is perch on Fisk’s desk sexily, which is an infuriating comedown for a villain who nearly destroyed Matt on her own, and I don’t even like Typhoid.
Oh, and Frank shows up for a bit with his rad 90s sweatband (YES):
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guys that’s really gay
More importantly, Matt manages to track down Karen, who now has a job...well, it’s not clear if she works for a nonprofit or what, but whatever she does, it’s dedicated to taking down the porn industry:
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(I should note here that while there are feminist arguments in favor of porn, Karen is responding to the porn industry of a quarter century ago and one that she was coerced into thanks to her dependency on drugs. She’s not trying to shut down indie feminist porn but the creepy trench coat peep show stuff of the 80s and 90s.)
Anyway Matt goes on about how Mary meant nothing to him, nothing - and also did Karen cut her hair, he can’t hear it moving around her shoulders and he always liked it...? At which point Karen absolutely lets him have it:
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Karen is by no means ready to forgive Matt, but she agrees to slowly - slowly - start socializing platonically with him again.
Meanwhile, Matt launches his grand plan: trolling the Kingpin into madness. No, seriously:
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Matt needles Fisk a bunch, then pulls out a picture of Vanessa that he somehow magically knows Fisk keeps in his desk drawer and gives it to him to remind him of how far he’s fallen:
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How did Matt know what that was a picture of? It could have been the picture that came with the frame. It could have been a picture of a butt. “REMEMBER THIS BUTT, WILSON.”
In between moves in this very silly game of chess, Matt more takes tentative steps towards reconciliation with Karen:
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I love Karen’s jacket and her short haircut and her not having any of Matt’s bullshit, I love it all so much. Karen!
Meanwhile, he and Foggy are still working on that license:
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1. Foggy needs better self esteem. YOU ARE JUST AS GOOD A LAWYER AS MATT, BABY.
2. Matt affectionately full-naming Foggy is everything.
3. This is how they relax. WHAT A PAIR OF NERDS.
4. Right, so here’s the kicker: Matt knows that if he wants to take out Fisk, he needs to take out his support systems first - and one of Fisk’s biggest supports right now is Typhoid. So he’s laying the groundwork here to do just that, in possibly the most fucked up way possible, and using an unwitting Foggy to do so. MATT NO.
With his paperwork all planned out, he confronts Typhoid, more aggressively than he’s ever done before:
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Yeah, so this is all really explicit: Matt is domming here instead of subbing, and Typhoid’s completely thrown by it. Like, the BDSM aspect wasn’t subtle in the Nocenti run, but it’s completely textual now.
Eventually Typhoid goes with it, and we fade to black, and cut to...
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Yeah, so apparently their lovemaking was so tender or whatever that Typhoid turned back into Mary in the middle of it, which means she doesn’t have her powers at the moment. Because men domming is romantic and women domming is kinky and evil, I don’t fucking know. This is gross, and coercive, and makes my skin crawl.
But Matt didn’t just do this to get a happy, no; he has also forged papers that show grounds for forcibly committing Mary, and snuck them onto the desks of several mental health and law enforcement types, so that Mary wakes up to a nightmare scenario:
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A sobbing Mary is forced into a straightjacket and, well, that’s about all we see of her for a good few years.
I just. This is so upsetting on a number of levels:
1. The female villain is undone by sex, of course.
2. Matt basically uses aggressive sex to defeat a villain - and since Mary is a separate personality who is unaware of Typhoid, she never consented to this.
3. Obviously Mary is not well and should be given medical care and prevented from harming others, but FORGING HER PAPERS AND HAVING STRANGERS BREAK INTO HER APARTMENT AND FORCE HER INTO A STRAIGHTJACKET WHILE SHE’S NAKED???
4. He’s straight up trying to date Karen in the middle of all of this.
5. I’m still mad that he made Foggy an unwitting, nonconsensual party to this.
At least (?) Matt’s pretty devastated by the choices he felt he had to make:
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(I think that’s supposed to be vomit on the floor, not pee.)
Back to Fisk! Well, back to Strang, actually, who turns out to be not what he seemed:
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Yeah, so Strang is Hydra. And I gotta say, reading about a bunch of Texas millionaires who are secretly Nazis using a corrupt New York City businessman to gain power and manipulate the media with an incendiary right wing platform was really, really unsettling in 2017.
There’s a lot of malarkey in here with Nick Fury and SHIELD, but basically Fury knows about Hydra’s involvement in Fisk’s enterprises but his hands are tied, so he leaks it to Matt to let Daredevil do his dirty work. Matt knows he’s being used but he wants to take Fisk down, so he brings his information to a federal prosecutor, since local law enforcement and politics are paid off by Fisk:
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Daredevil starts spreading the word on the street that Fisk is being manipulated by Hydra. This weakens Fisk’s reputation, but also exposes Hydra, who decide to attack Fisk straight out. And while Fisk has big meaty hands and a lot of lackeys, Hydra has, like, helicopters and shit:
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Fisk’s office is still in ruins when the federal prosecutor comes after him:
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And Fisk is dragged into a lengthy trial exposing not just his dealings with Hydra, but all of his criminal activity, despite his insisting that he’s a legitimate businessman. Matt cranks up the trolling, sensing that Fisk is on the verge of a rage-breakdown:
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But Fisk has an ace in the hole, because of course he does. I kind of glossed over this when I covered Born Again, but at one point Fisk attempted to kill Matt by knocking him out and placing him in a cab which he then had thrown in the river to make it look like Matt had gone on a blind joy ride that ended badly. Well, the cab driver in question was in the trunk of that cab, and Fisk made sure to have a nice solid frame for Matt’s involvement in his death, too:
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Fisk had the billy club with Matt’s fingerprints and the cabbie’s blood stored away in a locker at Port Authority (the city’s main bus terminal), and he goes to pick it up - but Matt already knows about this bit of “evidence,” and he’s ready to confront Fisk:
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They fight. It doesn’t go well for Fisk:
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The fight rages all over Port Authority (which looks much the same 25 years later, funnily enough), but finally Fisk breaks, mentally and physically, and Matt gets something like a catharsis:
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Fisk manages to scurry away and basically goes feral for a while, slowly gaining power among the street people of New York (yes, really). Matt gets his license back, a favor to Daredevil from the federal prosecutor, and Nelson & Murdock is reborn.
...Aaand a few issues later he’ll have a nervous breakdown and fake his death again, but hey. It was nice while it lasted!
24 notes · View notes
sketchs-trashcan · 5 years
Heyyy, looks like Persona Q2’s right around the corner! I was one of the fools who benefitted from amazon’s dumbassery, so I’ve gotten a good chunk of the game done. Figured I’d put up a small guide of some sort so that y’all might have an idea of what might have changed from Persona Q and maybe understand how some of the new combat things work. I’ll put it all under a cut once I get to a computer fuck you tumblr mobile.
I have a less-spoilery section full of general info and a much more spoilery section that pertains to the labyrinths. The labyrinth parts will be mostly about where to unlock special screenings as well as weakness to some FOEs and the boss of the labyrinth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a full guide and I definitely left some things out and/or vague. This is more like the bare bones of the game. Kinda. idk what to call it.
Less spoilery stuff
•don’t play based off of knowledge from PQ, literally almost every shadow has different weaknesses and resistances
•hitting a (fill in the blank)bane lexy with something it’s resistant to can cause it to use holy wrath on a row (heavy damage, all binds) (seems to only be specific ones, i have yet to find a pattern though)
•golden shadows always move first, don’t bother with moves like line guard unless that character is in boost
•FOEs can’t be knocked down
•speaking of knocking things down, you need all enemies to be down before you can do an all-out attack. also, all enemies will go back up after one
•after getting back up, enemies might attack. it’s a bit inconsistent
•you know what else is inconsistent? some of the in-game descriptions and explanations. i’m pretty sure armor smasher or whatever only lasts one turn, not three. also, blue is the weakest color for an FOE, not white. i refuse to believe that a dinosaur is somehow less threatening than a dude in a chicken suit. there’s other problems, but those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
-i lied. i thought of something else
•in the shop, the “have” section includes anything in storage, while inventory is what you actually have with you. it’s a bit dicier when withdrawing items, i think that counting system’s just fucked
•the huge churros are a bit of a ripoff by the time you can get them unless you want to restore only 30 HP to a row in battle. otherwise, just use normal popcorn (as a side note, i was playing on hard, so my team had to be hella buff to take on the first boss, this could be why i view the churros with distain)
•the hotdogs and large dual dogs, on the other hand, are good. especially the dual dogs, stick to those once you unlock them
•selling FOE bits doesn’t really seem to unlock new items in the shop. very disappointing gosh darn it yosuke, stop messing with the game mechanics
•read item descriptions. i went into the first boss battle thinking gutsy fries were the same as revival beads. they are not.
•sacrificing personas doesn’t seem to create special materials anymore
•unison attacks can happen so long as at least one participating member is in the battling party. example: the unison attack with P3P and the other (human) 2nd years can occur even if fuuka is the only one present (she’ll need to be navigating the battle though)
•unison attacks occur at random from what i can tell. they’re very strong, but don’t count on one always popping up when you need one
•follow-up attacks are also random, but much weaker. they at least knock down the shadow that’s still up and gives you the opportunity for an all-out attack, so there’s that
•always take the opportunity for all-out attacks. enemies might recover before the rest of your team can attack and get into boost mode
•some special screenings seem to be unlocked only if you check the shop/box office at specific points in the game. i don’t know if they’re only at specific points or if they can happen after that, too
•wildcards do not all need to be at a specific level to unlock ultimate personas, so don’t feel completely obligated to keep them up to speed with joker (you should still train them a bit though)
•if two FOEs end up running into you at different times during a battle, the most recent one will kick out the older one (aka you don’t fight both of them at once). which means if you win, the newer one dies, but the older one will still be lurking next to you (this is based off of one special screening where i got cocky and nearly paid the price for it)
That was long. Oops? Well, next up is the labyrinths, so if you want to find out this stuff on your own, best not go any farther.
More spoilery stuff
•i’m 90% certain that the goba-k more is in a golden chest somewhere in this labyrinth. if not, it was in junessic land
•Noir and Queen do not join until after boss
•P3P does not join until second floor (if I’m remembering correctly, otherwise it’s third)
•when rescuing P3P, take out the original shadow, then beat the shit out of tank with everything you have
•just try to stay alive during inital Kamoshidaman encounter, don’t bother too much with attacking (i don’t know if attacking is required for the battle to end, i tried to attack and quickly got pummeled)
•there’s a shortcut that leads to the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floor, but you have to fight a battle before you can activate it. the battle is not nice
•Boss: Left is weak to fire, right is weak to electricity, middle is weak to fire once left and right are gone
also, the scene where the thieves make their move is fantastic, make sure to watch it. volume on also makes it better
Junessic Land
•you can’t sneak up on the pterodactyl FOEs. even if you sneak up on them. they “sneak up” on you and gain advantage (they’re weak to ice, resistant to curse, and can confuse you, btw) ::edit:: they don’t gain advantage so long as you approach them from the front
-t-rex FOEs only chase you if you walk into their line of sight (they’re weak to nuke and resistant to basically everything else, btw. highly recommend avoiding battle when possible)
•IT minus Yosuke does not join until the second floor of Junessic Land
•Yosuke does not join until you rescue one of the herbivores
•dead end in area 1, D4: regain HP and SP
•for a certain special screening, ammonite is located in D3. don’t be a fool like me. avoid the pond until you find all the chests
•electric gates are essentially mean walls. you can walk right up to them, just don’t try to walk through them
•dead end in area 3, B6: unlocks new special screening
•can begin unlocking unison attacks after rescuing Yosuke
•dead end in area 3, E4: allowing Fox and Teddie to eat the fruit causes them to lose HP and gain SP (probably only matters if one of them is in your party, idk)
•dead end in area 4, F6: unlocks new special screening
•Boss: weak to electric, resistant (and eventually null) to wind
-Left back: Weak to psi. Resistant to ice, nuke
-Middle back: Weak to nuke. Resistant to ice, psi
-Right back: Weak to ice. Resistant to psi, nuke
-Based on context clues (those being the boss going from mostly chilling to beating the shit out of me), I’m 99% certain you do NOT want to actually knock out the “boss”, focus on the back line
•SEES minus P3 and Aigis join on the first floor
•the stationary FOEs are stupidly easy to defeat if you have electric attacks
•the other FOEs, on the other hand, are not. they will hurt you and chase you through security gates. do not engage, do not pass go, do not collect $200 (unless they’re either blue or white on your map, in which case, go nuts)
•there are three possible tasks you can choose from to open the lab. don’t know about the other two, but power doesn’t involve battling
•aigis and P3 join on first floor of lab
•dead end in zone 1, C4: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, C6: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, B5: unlocks new special screening
•southwest corner of small room in lab 1F (corner is in A4): unlocks new special screening
•dead end in lab 2F, B6: unlocks new special screening
•boss: no weakness initially, but weak to everything once hacked first time (it’s still on and can attack though, and the hack is temporary), weak to curse second (haven’t checked everything)
-has an attack that brings everyone to the same amount of hp, using all/line guard is probably a bad idea when it happens depending on everyone’s hp, recommend fuuka as battle nav for healing tide and bringing along someone with mediarama
-seals one attack from each person at random
-uses multiple magic attacks (have found electric, ice, fire, and wind)
-has attacks that can bind magic, strength, or speed
-make sure ALL elements are covered, preferably by more than one skill/person
•be very wary if you come across an actual set of stairs, there will be a battle in the next open space/beyond the next door
•some stage lifts have FOEs on them
•gnomes turn every three steps
•mr. bear can potentially change its path when you flip a switch
     -in case you were wondering. they are weak to curse. and they hit really fucking hard (as in, over 200 damage while under the influence of debilitate to a roughly lv 50 aigis in the back row, and she’s resistant to physical attacks. big yikes). but. if you use the combination of debilitate/masukunda/masukukaja/orb of haste. they hit you once in a blue moon. so basically never
•there is a goho-m more in the golden chest in the first act
•dead end in act 1, 4C: new screening
•(just assume the rest of these are dead ends) act 2, 3E: new screening
•act 5, 5E: new screening
•act 6, 7B: new screening
•act 6: 6F: i’m 99% certain this unlocked a special screening but for some reason i wasn’t given a notification
•boss: first off. can i just say. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS THAT??? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?? DISGUSTING!!! EUUURGHHHH!!!!!
-looks like a variety of attacks, including almighty. it depends on where the eye is
-eye is the only part that can actually take damage, the rest seems to be just for boost
-knows mamudo
-eye: immune to everything except physical/almighty
-left arm: weak to wind
-right arm: ?
-head: ? (never figured out these two bc i beat it before i could bother figuring it out)
-real weak point: weak to electric and ice
-later on, if you use any support skill other than your new one (you’ll know which one), the real weak point will bind you again. also happens once everyone is unbound
-side note, normal unbinding items don’t work, unless that was a very unfortunate glitch i had
~to be continued~
0 notes
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Retirement and Health Insurance?
Hello, I am getting ready to retire and am having a hard time finding affording health insurance. I am retireing at 62 so am not able to get medicare yet. Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance plans for Seniors in Florida? Any info is much appreciated.""
Anyone know a good Home Insurance company in California?
We recently purchased a new home to use as a renter. Our real estate agent told us to purchase and insurance policy from Old Republic to cover anything that could be wrong with the house since it was built in the 80's. An inspector looked at the house prior to our purchase and didn't notice anything with the property. Once the house was occupied by our renter, he noticed that the lights would shut off and stay off for a few hours. Old republic sent an electrician over and he told us that the prior owner had replaced a new breaker on top of a broken buster. He reported back to old republic and they stated that the insurance didn't cover anything that was not installed correctly. We were precise to inform our agent of the policy we needed for the house. We were not sure what work the house had done prior to our purchase so that is why we purchased the insurance. The policy we had was Old Republic Home Warranty Plan. That is what our agent advised us to get. Now, what can we legally do to help cover our out of the pocket expense of over a grand. Is there a policy that anyone would recommend for a rental house. Let me add that we do have home owners insurance but it only covers fires, floods, etc. (Please no unnecessary comments, this is an important question and need real honest advise.) Thank you in advance to all who respond and hopefully this could help others who read it as well.""
What are tips on getting the cheapest car insurance?
...like I think you are suppose to have $1000 as opposed to $500 or $5000... I have a good driving record and I recently bought a house (so I'll probably have my house insurance with the same company)
Can anyone recommend good a rental Insurance for California?
I'm new to this country and trying to find rental insurance is proving to be a bit difficult. Along with the standard earthquake cover everyone seems to offer, I need it to cover expensive jewellery / 2 bikes and accidental damage to lap top or a pc if possible. I have tracked down one potential AAA Insurance, does anyone know if they are any good? Any help much appreciated.""
Insured under my dads car?
My dads leaving on vacation and I want to drive his car when he's gone but he says I have to be 25 for it to be legal. I live with my mom not with my dad and am insured under her car. I'm 23 and I live in toronto Ontario. Could someone please explain to me exactly how liability insurance works and whether I would be covered under my dads car if I used it for the 5 days he was on vacation?
Health insurance after divorce?
I have health insurance for another month, then my divorce will be final and I lose the insurance through my husband's company (with Blue Cross Blue Shield). With a pre-existing condition, it appears that I will not be able to afford health-care after losing his. Please do not suggest welfare, I can scrape by on my own if I can find affordable health insurance. Does anybody have an idea of what options I may have?""
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
Are home insurance rates more expensive on a townhouse than a single family home?
How much would insurance cost for a jeep wrangler?
I want a jeep wrangler (either yj or tj) and I was wanting to know how much insurance would cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old). I would like a number answer if possible. Just trying to get actual prices. Thanks.
Car insurance for the clueless 19 year old :/?
I'm nervous about getting car insurance but I honestly need to get my foot in the door. Now give it to me straight guys, how high can it go if I'm nineteen years old, male, never been in an accident, had my licence since may, plan on getting a 90s car or EARLY 2000, and only plan to use it for really just going to work and such. :/ I feel like its going to skyrocket...just because I have a penis. Man when they told me that I thought about being arrested for being black on a friday afternoon on a wednsday :/ So how low can car insurance get?""
Can anyone sugest a inexpensive private health insurance plan with low deductible and co pay.?
The insurance I have now is with golden rule through united healthcare my copay is 35$ and deductible is 5,000.""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?
Argument with a coworker
600cc Sportsbike insurance?
im almost 21 and im getting my full motorbike licence soon. i want to get a 600cc sports bike as my first ever bike, but im not finding any attractive insurance deals. Does anyone know of a 600cc sports bike that comes with a good insurance deal in london?""
First time vehicle owner..need cheap car insurance?
18..my first car and i need some extremely cheap car insurance
""I payed my Ticket, If I dont go to traffic school how much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket that was 200$ because i live in california and i didnt see the judge to have him/her bring it down. If i dont go to traffic school how much money a month would my car insurance go up? im 18 years old. (tommorrow is my last day) and it says in the area i live in my final exam must be monitored my somewere else which means i cant do all that in one day. so im hoping i can miss and it only goes up 20$ or something.
What is the best begeners motercycle in Canada insurance and operating cost wise.?
Are cruisers cheaper to insure then sports motorcycle for the same displacement engines? And what are some good models in the market? Thankyou
Why would insurance for a 50cc cost 500?
its a 2007 50cc motorbike which i would like to insure in aberdeen, kept in a garage and locked. im 16 and have passed my cbt but not full lisence, the cheapest quote i could get was 480, and that was third party cover only. is their anything i can do to lower the cost and where can i get a cheaper quote http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1898234.htm < the bike""
Best car insurance for college students?
I need to know what the cheapeast car insurance is... ....
Will motorcycle insurance be expensive for me I'm 19?
I'm nineteen year old and had my license since April 2011, I have a 93 Nissan 300ZX and it gets 18mpg city so I want a small motorcycle used. I was wondering around how much insurance will be for me if I get one? I have no points on my license I'm clean""
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have ...show more""
What is the difference between renters insurance vs. homeowners insurance?
I've consulted my insurance company about insuring my personal property and said I need a renters insurance, but I own my home. I am confused. Isn't it what I need is a homeowners insurance? or renters insurance applies with owning a home too?""
I had medical insurance but did not submit the bills till after the insurance was done new insurance wont cove?
Any help would be appreciated this was actually a few years ago but my dad claimed he was working on it but nothing has been done. Its already gone to an outside collections agency. It was in California
Young drivers car insurance?
Okay i know this has probably been asked alot but here here it is, im 19 and passed my test last month, ive been searching round on some sites but cant find anything for under 5000. Does anybody know what car is cheapest and through which insurer?""
16 year old car insurance?
Im turning sixteen and i promised my parents i would pay insuance if i got a truck. I HAVE to have a truck because I maintain the family ranch and team rope a lot. I'll need to be able to pull trailers and ill need the 4 wheel drive. Not to mention deer hunting. So im getting my dads truck. How much is insurance on a 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas engine?
Where to get Motor Trade insurance?
I'm 23 years old and I live in Bradford so getting a quote is near impossible. I've called a lot of Motor Trade insurance companies but none have been able to quote me either due to me being under 25 or because I live in Bradford. Do you guys know any companies I can try?
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
Short term car insurance in the Netherlands?
Hello, I bought a Dutch registered car here in UK and it seems the only place I can insure it to drive it to my house is the Netherlands. No insurer in UK wants to issue an insurance on no UK registered car. Can anybody recommend a insurance company in the Netherlands or their web site where I can 1-2 days insurance and do this in English, It would be much simpler to wright a few key words in Google in Dutch but I can't. Thanks Thanks""
Does a ticket still affect insurance if you take the traffic course?
I'm trying to get insurance quotes for a car I will be buying in a few months. They ask for what violations I've had in the last 5 years. The only one was a ticket for rolling through a red light (turned red at the last second. However, I took the online class to cut down the price of the ticket and to avoid points being added to my license. So the question is, when I get insurance, will they factor in that ticket? Just trying to figure out if I should include that ticket when they ask for violations in the last 5 years. Thanks""
""I was charged dui + my insurance company doesn't know, should I notify them for $1700 coverage for road work?""
I was in an accident involving a highway railing but no other automobiles except my own. This was six months ago. My insurance company was not notified and as of now has no information regarding my accident or dui. I totaled my car and have gladly stopped driving as I live in a city and can bike, walk and ride public transportation. My question regards an outstanding bill I have for $1,700 to the state highways for repair to the railing I hit. Should I pay out of pocket? or file an insurance claim and have it covered as part of my property damage liability? I have heard the insurance company would increase my insurance rate for 3 years, but I don't plan on having a car anyway. I could use the $1700, however, I've come away clean thus far and am reluctant to bring this to my insurance company's attention if I don't have to, though it may be just a matter of time before the insurance company learns of the accident anyway. I have moved to a different state and have a different drivers license and plan on discontinuing my insurance at the end of the month when the policy runs out.""
Insurance Question??
Can you get insurance if you have a salvage title????
Would my insurance be cheaper if I go from a V6 engine to a 4 cylinder?
If so, how much difference in price would it be?""
""In NY, If one does not have health insurance and is in an accident, can he get coverage?""
No health insurance and there's an accident and now many medical bills, not long term and no permanent disabilities, but something that may accumulate to thousands of dollars in medical bills, is there any way that you can get (free) coverage through the Medicaid program or some other program?""
What is the best health insurance for me?
I'm a 21 year old male. I think I need to get some health insurance. I want to pay the least amount that I can per month or least amount per visit or both any input is great thank you :)
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
How much will my car insurance cost (please read) !?
im 18 years old,i just got my license, and i drive a 1984 toyota camry 4 door how much do you think the car insurance will cost ?""
Best SUV car for cost and insurance on teenage driver?
I've decided i must have a SUV for my first car, my budget is low since I'm a student I was wanting to pay no more than 1,500 for the actual car, i was thinking on something around year 1990-2005 that was fuel efficient, low insurance and low road tax :) Definite used and loads of miles on it, since it's cheaper lol thank you so much for the people who give me a good answer""
Motorcycle insurance?
Can anyone let me know where can I find good deals on motorcycle insurance in or around minneapolis. Its my first bike.
Have a question about car insurance?
Im currently 18 and just passed the driving test. I reside in bronx ny. I wanted to know how much would insurance be for a used fully paid car under my name?( ranging from ____ to ____ ) Lets say the car is a honda civic year 2000. Or any other better car that wouldnt be high on insurance. Thanks
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Cheap bikes to insure ?
I'm trying for my a2 license this week, and was wondering if anyone had done any research in 33bhp insurance, I have compared 3 bikes but was wondering if anyone could tell me some bikes they have found cheap to insure I am currently paying 400 for a 2009 aprilia rs50 A 2009 rs125 750 A 2009 ninja 250 2500 Could you give me prices for other bikes with your age, ncb and location so I have a rough idea of the price for me I'm 17 in London""
""Are most companies going to switch to Obamacare, for their insurance coverage plans.?""
Are most companies going to switch to Obamacare, for their insurance coverage plans.?""
Car insurance questions - with regards to cancelling due to cheaper quote?
I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?""
What is a sporty car that won't kill a teenager in insurance prices and is good on gas?
Also I prefer American made, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.""
How come people drive without insurance?
how come you hear about people driving without car insurance? surely they cant have a tax disc either?
What kind of fine do you get for driving without car insurance in California?
My older brother recently bought a brand new car, and just two days ago the insurance he purchased from the dealership's insurance company expired. He has liability insurance underneath a separate insurance company, but that has not expired. We were stopped for something minor the other day, and the police officer noticed my brother's insurance was expired. What kind of fine will he face?""
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?! http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html
Car Insurance Price for 99' Corolla.?
I'm thinking about getting this 99' Corolla but I'm not sure how much the car insurance will be. -I am 17 years old and i took Drivers Edd. -I live in Rural area. I hope some of this info will help with the estimate. Looking for how much the insurance will cost a year/month.
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone know where I can get cheap bike Insurance I'm looking for basic coverage on a 650cc Yamaha Maixm I just got my licence in May. I live in Ontario Canada.
Good Insurance for 17 year old Driver?
What are some good and cheap Insurance for a 17 year old?... Currently we have 4 vehicles for around 800+ a month, so thats pretty cheap. And its also from State Farm, But I heard that Allstate or Nationwide has better coverage and prices that State farm. What is the best insurance for a 17 year old? with a 4 door sedan""
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo
How much does jay Leno pay monthly in auto insurance?
Since he has a ton of sports cars
Car Tag and insurance prices for a car over 20 years old?
If a car is over 20 years old how much would the price of a tag and insurance would be and I have a 1985 Cadillac Deville Saden and is restoring it. What do you think my prices would be for it? P.S I'm only 18 I'm new to this.
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
What is a toll free phone number to get auto insurance quotes from Farmer's Insurance?
I just want to get a quote for car insurance via a toll free phone number. Competitive quotes would be nice from a National Independent Agent that also offers Farmer's Insurance.
Help with teen car insurance?!?
on average how much do you pay for your car insurance as a teen and with what company? oh, and where you live?""
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
I'm planning on getting myself a new car- a 2012 Dodge Challenger RT model. I'm on a tight budget and I only have enough money for a down payment and monthly payments on the Challenger, (if I decide to purchase it). My problem is I don't have enough money for auto insurance and I am not joining with anyone in my family to be placed on auto insurance. I want auto insurance for myself and signed to my name only. Since I do not enough money for auto insurance, can I still get a car without auto insurance? And can I still drive the Dodge Challenger without auto insurance if I decide to purchase the car? Can someone answer this for me? Thank you! I really appreciate it.""
Volkswagen Golf SR insurance?
I have just bought a Volkswagen Golf SR (import) 8v 1.6 ltr and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that lists this car. Has anyone else got this model and who do you have your insurance with? Thanks for reading
""I am 18, how much approx will car insurance be?""
I am going to be getting my first car soon, i'm not sure what kind of car yet. But, I was wondering if anyone knows an approx. price for what car insurance could be for me?""
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
""19, need affordable health insurance?""
I need to be more independent and get my own health insurance. I'm a full time student and my university offers a health insurance plan that costs a little under $2,000 per year but someone told me I should first look into plans available through the Affordable Care Act. How do I find an affordable plan right for me? I'm not even sure which professionals to ask about it..""
""Can you NOT have car insurance ? ? and if you buy a car in cash , what is the tax on that ?""
okay i'm new to America and i'm planing to buy a car for about 14000 in cash , do you need to get insurance ? and is the tax on cars the same as sales tax ? , and any info about buying my first car ! would help !""
Car insurance?
does your physical health affect your car insurance rates?
Health insurance from company?
how come my coworker pays only 20 bucks per paycheck for the health insurance, and i need to pay 50 bucks?""
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone have any idea on the cost on motorcylce insurance.. I'm 26 clean record..Thinking about getting a new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc
Teen insurance cost on a leased c300?
i just got my license, and i am 16 going to be 17 in 2 months :) i wanted to know how much insurance is for a new leased c300 mercedes.""
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Baby insurance?
what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
Does anyone know where I can find individual dental insurance? Not the Dental discount but Insurance.?
I live in Ohio, so obviously it needs to cover us here, I've searched google and there are so many and most are regular health, we have that, we need really good dental with low copays. Primarily one that has pediatric dentists. Thanks for the help!""
Why do women get lower car insurance rates?
Is this true? Are women's car insurance rates lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html
Do i have to be on my dads insurance to take the road test?please answer im desperate:(?
Hi, i live in Florida,im 18 no matter what im trying to do my dad finds a way to not make it happen,and im starting college Monday and i have to drive myself and i made an apponitment for this Friday to take the written exam and the road test,my dad went to go put me on the insurance today, and he told me that they told him i cant be on his insurance because quote from my dad that he was told by the insurance ladie im a girl,im under 21, and i live with them. or they have to pay $3,000 he said its florida direct or florida no-fault for his insurance. does this sound like hes lying to me or is this all true? Thank you.""
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo
Which of these cars in cheapest in insurance?
Out of these 6 cars, can you list in number order from most to least expensive in car insurance? 1. Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 3. Dodge Charger 4. Nissan 350Z 5. Cadillac CTS 6. BMW 3 series""
Does my international travel insurance cover rental car?
Hi, I am going on a holiday from Australia to the USA and Canada in March. I have purchased travel insurance and it states Section 16 Rental Vehicle - Up to $3000 Cover for car excess payable on Motor Vehicle Insurance resulting from your rental vehicle being: * Stolen * Crashed * Damaged and/or cost of returning rental vehicle due to you being unfit The $3000 would cover the excess from the rental car company but do I need some sort of liability insurance too? As I will be hiring a few cars for about a month. The companies I'm looking at are National car rental and Thrifty. I'll be picking up the car at LAX Any advice would be good thanks""
What is the best occupation to have to get cheap car insurance?
I'm paying the same amount as my car is worth to insure it. I''m old enough to not be a boy racer in a baceball cap and young enough to not be an old duffer in a flat cap .
Health Insurance for kids?
I have health insurance through my employer, I have a baby due in July and I have looked into adding her as a dependent but it is way to costly. It jumps from 88.00 a month for Keystone Health Plan East to 400 a month if I add her. Can anyone recommend any health insurance companies that will just cover her by herself. Iam not interested in CHIP or Keystone Mercy or any other state facilitaited health insurance. Thanks for the help.""
Any idea how much motorcycle insurance for a 19 yer old Female in Texas would cost?
i been driving for at least 13 years (since i was 7 i was driving a 150cc) at 15 i started driving a 1600cc yamaha royal star :D (so dont say i dont know) i had a mexican motorcycle license for about 4-5 years (i am verly gonna get tx Licence) And i am planning on getting maybe a 600cc sportbike to use in TX
Whats the typical cost for teen auto insurance?
I know their isn't an exact number, but what the typical range. Lets say in my case that i'm 16 almost 17 and driving a 7 year X-Terra. How much would the typical range be in Texas?""
How much to get a 2007 BMW 335i insured?
I have been looking for a beamer recently and I found one it's a 2007 BMW 335i blue coupe and I was wondering how much insurance is for it in California.
Is the insurance for a Mazda 6 expensive?
i want to know
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
How much would insurance cost with a 2000 mustang convertible? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a 16 yer old, and I have insurance with geico. I want to buy a 2000 ford mustang covertable. I was wonder if anyone knew about how much my familys insurance would go up. I realize I can call geico but my dad won't let me, ha. So any ideas? Thanks!""
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Who much money does it cost to start an insurance company?
I want to start an insurance company in Florida and was wondering how much it would cost to start one. Do not hesitate, give me your best estimate. Also, do insurance companies keep funds gathered through insurance policies in a fund or do they invest it? Comments? Thanks!""
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Do I need car insurance?
I am getting my permit in a week. Do my parents need to add me to the car insurance policy?
What is a good insurance policy for a motorcyclist?
I'm 17 and I have good grades and a job. Im driving to school and to work. Im geting a ninja 250 cc. I litterally own the motorcycle, I paid in cash from a dealer. Do I need liablity insurance? How about comprehensive? collision? medical? Please, I want to pay an addordable insurance policy. Please give me some good policy rates for a 18 year old. ty""
Am I still eligible for unemployment insurance if I move out of state?
I currently receive bi-weekly unemployment checks. I live in California, but in a few months, I will be relocating to Texas. Basically I just need to know if I will be receive insurance from another state. Thanks!""
How do I get insurance help for pregnant women?
I was on vacation in Hongkong when i learned im 3 months pregnant, now im back in California and already in my 26th week. How do I get help applying for government programs (i dont have medical insurance) like AIM, since my husband's income is a little over for Medical.""
How Do I get a reasonable car insurance price for a seventeen year old boy in the UK?
I'm sixteen at the moment, but I'm looking at insurance prices and they're ridiculous! (I got a quote of 5000 at one point :l) Have you got any tips for how to get a lower premium. Thanks. A really comprehensive list would be great because I have no idea! I have tried looking at insurance group one cars, but the prices are still really high.""
Insurance through the military?
My dad was in the USMC back during the Vietnam War and is now on 100% disability. I was approved for the Dependents' Education through the GI Bill and now I'm wondering if I can get low-cost health insurance through the military as well. I'm 18 and am his only child living at home. We live in New Hampshire and I am currently going to school full time. Like I said, he is on 100% disability through the VA and I was looking at the US Family Health Plan at Martin's Point but I'm not sure if he has to be on the plan so it would be a family plan or if I could do it as an individual plan. He is covered 100% but has to travel like 2.5 hours away to go to Togus in Augusta but I'm not sure if I would be covered in any way through any of this or if I could at least get affordable health insurance through him? Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any of you who attempt to answer my questions! (:""
How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old?
How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old?
""I got pulled over, and failed to surrender insurance?""
I was driving my friends home from a party one night, (being a DD), unfortunately I was caught going 123 in a 90 zone, and then I got pulled over. The police officer told me that not only I was speeding, but I was driving past midnight with a G2 class license. But the only thing I was charged with, was a 65$ fine for not surrending insurance, because I was driving my Dad's truck and could not find the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since the police officer said there were no demerits to be added, does this mean my insurance rates will go up? I plan on pleading guilty and paying the ticket.""
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
When should I buy life insurance?
I'm 23, one year out of college, living at home with my parents and working full time. I have no dependents. Is this the right time in my life for purchasing life insurance? I don't anticipate starting a family for another 5-8 years - is it wise to lock in a level term or whole life at my age or is it just fool's thinking?""
Motorcycle Insurance 16yr Old?
I am 16, I am thinking about getting a crotch rocket, and just wanna know about insurance. State: Minnesota Year of bike: 1995-2005 I am thinking 650cc - 750cc I have experience on motorcycles (dirt bikes) I do realize their is some difference I have a grade average of B's or higher.""
Obtaining auto insurance quote for dummies?
I've done a little Google searching and haven't found a clear answer to my question. Can anyone help me out? When getting a quote from a new insurance provider, when you report past driving incidents do you report them as what the police officer originally originally charged you with, or as the plea bargain given to you by the judge? I got a speeding ticket awhile back but when I went to court the judge gave me a plea bargain which lowered the violation to driving with a defective tail light , driving an unsafe vehicle or something of that nature. I don't remember exactly. So, when getting a quote from a new provider, do I list the incident as a speeding ticket? Or as the violation that I was actually convicted of? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I will be assure to award the best answer!!!! You know you want that best answer!! :)""
I have my g2, i am 19 years old, and i am trying to find a cheap insurance to quote me on a cheap car....its only a 99 cavalier 4 door. I have done a lot of online quotes and i have basically gotten the same quote around $430. I would like a quote more around the $200 range!! Help! Anyone know of any cheap auto insurances?? Thanks!! Carley.xo
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