#which circles BACK AROUND to relying on myself cuz NOW on top of everything else im detaching from everyone so that
helmarok · 2 years
reaching that stage in my depression where material items no longer bring me the same joy so even if i bought myself another little treat it wouldnt even give me the same happy brain chemicals and honestly idk what im gonna do if no human in my vicinity cares enough and relying on myself no longer works. like a huge part of what would help is someone who cares and shows love and compassion and can give me a hug and mean it but instead im too much so its like well i guess im on my own here
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Compilation of all the KaneHori/HoriKane smiles from Ep 1-6.
Ya see, I was very impressed with episode 7 but at the same time, I missed the Second Unit soooo much, especially these two who are technically the first TouDans I’ve gotten to know. So I wanted to cheer myself up a little by collecting all those moments where they were smiling at each other.
Reciprocating or one-sided, I’ll take ‘em all since I don’t know whether the next ep will still be focusing on the First Unit or not. Or when the angsty mood hanging over the Second Unit will go away. *facedesk* S’why I need this to look back on to survive until then. (´;ω;`)
Warning: Image heavy since yea, it’s technically just another screencapping spree of mine, nyahaha~ (  ̄▽ ̄) 
Please also excuse my noobness, I’m still quite new to this fandom.
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*wordless screaming and excessive flailing about*
How to get me hooked onto something: Present me with an interesting pair dynamic to delve into. Do that and I will likely stay FOREVER.  ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ 
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Ok, discrepancies between adaptation and game aside (like very, very, very shhhh! let me enjoy the anime plz-aside), the fact that Kane-san always reassured Kunihiro every time he doubted himself since he began this whole time-traveling-protecting-history affair is just…and smiling with that annoyingly handsome face of his while he’s at it, it’s just…
*clutches heart*
No wonder Kunihiro is so taken with him. <3
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Look at them. Kunihiro so eager to move on to the next assignment (precious baby~) while Kane-san is all “but I’m tired…” yet still smiling anyway.
Pretty sure he wouldn’t make that face if Kunihiro wasn’t there with him. Pretty sure the reason why he’s making that face at all is because Kunihiro is there with him.
…trying not to think of how lonely Kane-san was before Kunihiro came to the Citadel cuz dammit, this isn’t a sad post! I won’t let it become a sad post! I won’t! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
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Alright, I am thoroughly convinced that Kane-san doesn’t smile that openly or freely for just anyone.
Granted, he became more serious after he was appointed as captain of the Second Unit because he had to and all so I can’t be entirely sure…
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But even so, his interactions with Kunihiro still feel different. A special kind of different.
Like here, I can see that he’s clearly trying to get Kunihiro more situated into their job. But at the same time, there’s a sense of ease that’s not present when he’s around other people. Like, he can make the effort without it seeming like an effort on himself.
And that’s probably because he knows Kunihiro. He’s familiar with him and trusts him.
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So it should be no surprise where his confidence in Kunihiro comes from.
Even though Kunihiro has insecurities in his own abilities, Kane-san is positive they can fulfill their master’s expectations. Because he knows Kunihiro can.
And I just love that. I love how it’s not just Kunihiro admiring Kane-san all the time an impression I get a lot from fan interpretations and that Kane-san also has such a firm belief in his partner. It goes both ways. It’s mutual.
And it’s because they’re in that kind of a relationship that Kane-san can make such an expression. One that is specially reserved for Kunihiro which he doesn’t show to anyone else.
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Of course, I love that battle-charged ones, too. Those have their own charm.
It says to me “forget Saniwa for a moment, I’m gonna fight so ya with me, partner?” and you know Kunihiro is because it’s them we’re talking about. Izuminokami Kanesada and Horikawa Kunihiro. Companion swords. Would go to the ends of hell together but never without the other if they could help it.
At least that’s how I see them with how much I know right now. *chinhands*
Also, uuugghhh, I can’t get over how wakizashi and tantous look so great in the dark. Especially when you get to see the glow of Kunihiro’s beautiful eyes which makes him look ten times more intimidating and dangerous and twenty times removed from his more polite and amiable demeanor. He goes from sweet child to teenage assassin in a matter of seconds.
Hmm, yea, I approve. Give me more of this Kunihiro. In fact, just give me all the Kunihiros. (*^▽^)
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Have I mentioned that casual danger dialogue is one of my favorite things? 83
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This is my top favorite KaneHori moment in the entire show so far (they look the best in these shots, too).
If I die, resuscitate me with this. XD
I also love the fond tone in Kane-san’s voice when he calls Kunihiro “cheeky” in Japanese. *giggles* x3
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Kunihiro so happy and proud that Saniwa chose Kane-san to lead the Second Unit. <3
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There’s no reason behind these. I just like that they’re in the same shot so I put them here. :3
I’m also not freaking out over them sitting next to each other and introducing themselves together when the unit does self-intros. No, I’m not.
( ◞・౪・)
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It’s scenes like these that makes me glad I sold my soul to anime, lol.
In all seriousness, though, this is wonderful. If Kunihiro weren’t here, I doubt there’d be anyone who can effectively calm Kane-san down and have Kane-san hand over some of his burdens and let Kane-san fall back on those who are supporting him in general.
If there are any misgivings about this unit’s assignments, well, then this shouldn’t be one of them.
Also, why some of ya’ll draw Kunihiro so short in fanwork? Sure, he’s not that tall (compared to Kane-san who is like grown-man tall) but he’s not short either!
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Again, the mutuality but this time it comes full circle.
Just like how Kane-san knows Kunihiro will follow through with what they’re ordered to do, that he has confidence in Kunihiro to do what’s expected of him, Kunihiro has absolute faith in Kane-san’s abilities to fulfill their master’s expectations as well.
The thing is, Kunihiro never says it out loud. He never says that he’s the one that’s certain of it. Just that Saniwa made the decision based on their careful deliberation “so that’s all that matters.”
And I think the reason why there’s no need for Kunihiro to give his input is because Kane-san already knows Kunihiro thinks that way and Kunihiro knows that Kane-san knows that he thinks that way.
So really, words are unnecessary. Even belief is unnecessary. Kunihiro knows for a fact that Kane-san will make a good captain and it must be very comforting for Kane-san to receive that indirect reminder, like an undercurrent of support added to the task Saniwa has assigned him.
Especially at that point when their unit has only been recently formed and everybody was still in the awkward phase because they haven’t gotten used to each other yet. It’s nice to know someone’s willing to follow his lead because he’s him and not because it’s Saniwa’s order.
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I like how even when they’re in a room full of people, they still manage to have a conversation that’s somehow exclusive to the two of them.
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I mean, they don’t even need to say much. Sharing a look is enough.
And after this, episode 5 NEVER happened, OK?! Everything went fine! The mission went fine! Everybody returned back FINE! There were NO problems! Dx<
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Not sure if it’s the dialogue or the sun setting in the distance or what but there’s something very warm about this scene. Two swords reminiscing about their former master…without it needing to go down Depression Lane because Hijikata Toshizo……
Yea, I appreciate that they let these two have this at least. My boys don’t need more angst than what they’re already going through. TwT
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I swear, I’m not going to let this post end on a sad note even if it kills me! *flips a table to distract myself from feels* (ノ`Д)ノ:・’∵:.┻┻
You know everyone’s still taking their time to get over what happened at Edo, especially Kane-san. Yet despite him taking it the hardest, he doesn’t want the others to start worrying about him and his own problems. Kunihiro most of all, I’m sure, because it’s a given that Kunihiro will be the most concerned.
So he tries to brush it off. Though the attempt is very weak seeing how exhausted he is so forcing a smile must make it even more tiring for him.
I mean, in a tiny way, it’s sweet that some part of him may be thinking “I don’t want Kunihiro to worry, he’s still new to this, I gotta look out for him, I don’t want him to get discouraged, I don’t want him to blame himself for not being able to assist me, this was his first mission, for god’s sake!”…but that just makes it all the more sad because it’d be so much easier for him if he just lets himself rely on his team. If he just lets himself rely on Kunihiro like he normally would because then he wouldn’t have to put up a front and Kunihiro wouldn’t have to go through an extra heap of feeling unneeded when in fact, he is very much needed right now.
God, ya big baby, would you just let yourself be taken care of?!
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…I’m okay. I’m okay and you know why? Because I’m gonna bet $100 that this is the scene they’re gonna re-show when Katsugeki Season 1 ends andand it’s going to be perfect because Kane-san will be okay, Kunihiro will be okay, they’ll be more than okay because they got each other (hence the peaceful smiles, d’aww~), the Second Unit will be okay and get to stay together and by then, they’ll all have gotten over themselves to be badass and inhumanly pretty again…except they’re always inhumanly pretty but just better without the angst.
Oh, and gorgeous backgrounds because ufotable knows how to deliver those.
( ๑  ̄ ◡  ̄ ๑ )b
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Yea, I’m gonna need this to happen at least once in-story, too.
Ok, that’s all until part 2. Bai~! (●´・∀・`)ノ”
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