#which has kirishima using his hardening quirk in creative ways
ratsetflummi · 1 year
if you ever find yourself thinking that "surely someone has written a fanfic about this", that's the devil talking. turn back now. because if you go looking, you will find exactly that fanfic, and it will be pretty well written, and next thing you know you have a new ship
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Kiribaku with a so who tries to kill them hc?
Okay I see Kiribaku’s darling having to get REALLY creative with trying to kill them. They would be pretty good about removing anything dangerous. Well, Bakugou would be. Kirishima is a bit more forgetful, but even then he’s very safety-conscious when it comes to their darling, not worried for his own safety but worried for theirs. If their darling could even manage to get their hands on something dangerous, they’d be hard pressed to find something that worked on both men.
Knives, sharp objects to stab them? Honey, they’re both pro heroes.One of which has a hardening quirk. That will be a laughably bad scenario, don’t even try.
Anything requiring physical strength? They are two fully grown men, not to mention pro heroes. If you try to put Bakugou in a chokehold, he’ll assume that you’re trying to wrestle with him as a version of kinky foreplay, an excuse for him to pin you down in suggestive poses. You’re going to try and drown Kiri while he sits with you in the bath? It’s going to essentially just be a hug. He’s insanely strong, he’d just see you coming at him, wrapping your arms around him and trying to tug him downwards as you wanting him to eat you out. He’ll laugh before gripping your sides with those huge hands of his, lifting you up as he stands and exits the tub. The man is more than happy to oblige.
Drugs? Poison? The only drugs in their house are the ones they keep around for when you get... particularly upset, needing a little something extra to get you nice and pliant. Kirishima dislikes using those, but Bakugou doesn’t care. Unfortunately they keep those locked away in a safe in the locked ‘tech room’, where you aren’t allowed. Good luck trying to get in there. If Bakugou catches you trying to pick the lock he’ll bend you against the wall and spank you until you bleed. The man doesn’t mess around. If Kirishima finds you trying to sneak inside, he’ll scoop you up and ignore the way you beat against his chest, and he’ll put you in time-out until you can “learn to behave”. Time-out is getting forcibly stripped, tied to the bed, a gag shoved in your mouth and a blindfold over your eyes. Earbuds in your ears playing static, close to driving you crazy. Bakugou came up with this particular version of time-out, and is more than pleased whenever gentle Kiri resorts to using it.
After a day or so of that, you’ll be begging through the gag to be untied, promising you’ll be good, won’t touch the locked door or even think about getting at the drugs.
Seriously though, what could their darling do against two giant, beefy pro-heroes? 
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tsukoyomi-fumikage · 4 years
Baby Birb (Sl/TokoShoji)
Slight Tokoyami X Shoji
Prompt - Tokoyami gets turned into a baby. I wrote this ages ago and it’s just a few oneshots drawn together that are fluffy and sweet. Mostly, of course, since I love angst.
He couldn't talk normally anymore - the only thing coming out of him were soft gurgles. Raising a hand for his eyes to see, he widened when he noticed how small they were, and how they felt unused, unlike his usual rough hands. Reaching up to his head, he felt along his feathers - they were plush and rounded at the end, nothing like the sharp ended fully black feathers he used to have. "W'at?" He squeaked out, then squeaked again at the sound of his voice.
There appeared to be only certain words he could get out of his now even smaller beak. Looking up, he tried to see if he could find any of his friends, who were supposed to be nearby. They'd been training in the fields of U.A, and Tokoyami had only gone into the bushes close by to grab something Bakugou had accidentally tossed in there.
He found said item, and picked it up - usually, it wouldn't be that big in his hands, but the item was practically the size of him. Tokoyami began to waddle back in the direction of voices, clutching the object to his chest. Fumikage was now so small that the bushes and trees surrounding him almost scarred him, however for some reason Dark Shadow wouldn't come out. The bird knew that meant he was at an age where he hadn't developed his quirk yet - so younger than two, since he was an early child and developed his quirk around three, rather than five.
Stepping out onto the short grass, his eyes searched for the training students, and he saw Shoji - or well, he saw large arms, a tall, sturdy body and a white mop of hair that he knew was Shoji. For some reason, this baby version of him let out a giggle, stumbling towards the six-armed quirk user, raising his hands and making grabby fists at him, dropping the item on the floor.
It made a loud thump, startling everyone there and making them turn to look at the offending sound, being met with a baby version of their friend, who was now looking like he was going to cry at the loud noise. Bakugou let out a choked splutter - the other students there, all from Class 1-A, stopped training and rushed over. "Is that-"
Midoriya and Shoji got there first. The green-haired teen knelt down, looking the young bird in the eyes. "Tokoyami?" He asked softly. The kid swiped a hand across his teary eyes, sniffling. "Is that you?"
He looked at them - he was dying inside from crying at the loud noise, and the last thing he needed was for them to all know he was still him inside. He didn't want to show that kind of weakness. Tokoyami decided to pretend like an actual child. Fumikage nodded stiffly, reaching out his tiny hands and clutching at Mezo's trouser leg, pulling at it gently.
The man plucked him up and held him securely against his chest. "I think it is him, but he's like, actually a baby. The Tokoyami we know isn't in there right now." Bakugou scoffed out, coming over and poking the bird on the head. He let out a childlike whine. "Definitely."
Kirishima smacked Katsuki on the back of the head. "Dude, that's not cool man, don't hit the kid!"
Shoji and Midoriya took this opportunity to begin walking back to the dormitories as Bakugou tried to fight the red-head, being held back by the rest of the training group - Sero and Mina. Mezo bounced the young kid in his grip, and Fumikage gave what they could only assume as his version of a smile with a beak, but it was none-the-less cute. "What are we supposed to do now?" Izuku said, looking and cooing at their friend. "Do you think it'll wear off, whatever it is?"
The six-armed teen smiled under his mask at the warm, tiny body in his arms, wrapping all of his baby fingers around Shoji's pinkie. "I think it must be someone's quirk, so yes, I think it'll wear off." He said softly, his usual whisper making Fumikage look at him, their eyes meeting. "For now, looks like we've got a seriously de-aged Tokoyami to look after."
"He's got to be around one years old." Yaoyorozu said, watching at the young kid played with Denki, trying to run after the blond-haired boy, who kept leaping over the very small child. Fumikage couldn't run fast - the only clothing the young kid had on was a ripped bit of his cloak to made a smaller cloak; Nothing had shrunk with him. Nada.
Mineta growled at the sight of all the girls cooing over Fumikage; he leapt forward, scooping the child into his arms. "I'm a master at children!" He said loudly so everyone heard him. They all turned to look at him, murderous intent in their eyes.
Tokoyami began sniffling at being in the pop-off quirk users short arms. The grip was unnaturally tight and he squirmed uncomfortably, looking around for a savoir. He knew just who it would be.
Mezo came charging through, snatching him out of Minto's grip. Shoji was his boyfriend after all - he also seemed like the kind of guy who really likes children. Fumikage smiled, burying his head in the crook of the tall mans neck. "Don't touch him." Came the deep voice from the six-armed teen. The whole room was probably gobsmacked. "Ever."
"Toko, nooo!" Midoriya laughed, picking up the spoon from where the bird-headed child had thrown it on the floor. Fumikage was currently sat on top of the dorm table, wearing clothes Jirio and Yaoyorozu had hand made - it was a little horned blue hoodie, making it seem the child had two baby horns sticking out on his forehead and some loose black jogging bottoms. "You need to let me feed you!"
Sticking out his tongue, the baby snorted, turning away. A tap on Izuku's shoulder meant someone else was nearby. Koji was smiling at him, or well, down at him. He nodded at the spoon. "Children are creative and are stubborn - I had a little brother growing up who was exactly like Tokoyami. They just want to feed themselves. Here, let him try."
Although that definitely was not the reason Fumikage wanted nothing to do with the green-haired student (It was actually the choice of mushed up bananas and kiwi - disgusting), he still allowed the spoon to be passed to him. Looking at Koda's hopeful expression, he sighed eternally and began to eat, but plastic spoons and beaks didn't exactly go very well together.
Just a day in the life of Fumikage Tokoyami he supposed.
"Oh God, is he sick?"
A hand was touching at his feathered head - Fumikage let out a cry, trying to push it away. "He's warm, I think he has a fever!"
The shouting wasn't helping his sore ears, and his throat was raw from sobbing. A pair of hands wrapped around him, bringing him up and into someones chest. An icy hand was placed against his feathers, and he was bounced softly. "There there, Toko." The voice said - it was deep and calming. "I've got you."
People were bustling around them, Fumikage could hear the worry in their tones - he must not be looking so good. "Shoto, has he cooled down yet from your ice?"
So it was Todoroki holding him, he thought wearily, it all connecting. "N-No." Came the confused voice of the man holding him. "He's burning up really fucking badly."
Hearing the top-hero's son swear and crack under the pressure made Tokoyami's fear bubble. Someone else touched his arm, and he was handed over to a warmer pair of hands. "I don't think blasting him with cold will heal him." Came the voice of the woman holding him. It was Tsu.
The frog-quirk user sat down with the bird in her arms, rocking him slowly. "I've already sent Sato out to grab some baby medication, ribbit." She said calmly, stroking a hand through his fluffy feathers. "For now though, I say the best option is to bathe him - Sero, go turn the bath on - make sure it's actually warm, it being cold won't accomplish anything."
Footsteps bounded off, and the couch dipped when someone else sat on the side. "C-Can I hold him?" It was Uraraka. "I always wanted a baby sister or brother when I was younger." She confessed. No one else must be in the room anymore, all rushing off to grab things for the kid. "And he looks so small."
Being lifted into the air was something he'd grown accustomed too, and he opened his eyes a little to be met face to face with the brunette. "Hey, he's awake!" She spoke softly, but her voice was high in excitement. "Hey Toko'!" She cooed, brushing back at his feathers. "Tsu, when Shoto said he was burning, I didn't think he actually meant it. My, little one, how sick you really are!"
Bakugou growled. "Why do I have to bathe him?"
Kirishima sighed, holding the child in his arms as they passed Sero, who gulped, giving a thumbs up to the hardening-quirk user. Pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand, only using one to carry the small kid, he stalked ahead of Katsuki and into the bathroom. "Because we haven't done anything with him yet and we want him to trust us?"
"Bathing him is not the way to trust." The explosive teen retorted. Fumikage had to agree - how was stripping him fucking butt naked allowing him to trust them? However, he was glad it was these two - Kirishima was a real man, and wouldn't hold any sort of blackmail over him after this was all done, and Bakugou would just forget about it. "We're legit taking his clothes off, Kiri."
"No, the boxers Momo made are staying on, we ain't that mean."
Both the bird and the blond let out a sigh, and the child reached up his arms slowly so Ejiro could take off his cat shirt, which he'd sweated all the way through. "Feeling tired, little man?" The red-head asked softly, sitting the baby on the toilet seat, taking off his socks and shorts. "That's alright, you just doze. It's got to be good for you cause of how sick you are right now, huh."
The feeling of warm water surrounding him made him relax - it was really weird having people bathing him instead of just taking a shower and being ready in less then five minutes, but at the same time it was comforting for some reason.
"Hey, Kacchan." Kirishima looked desperate from what Fumikage could see out of half-closed eyelids. "Please take a photo, I think I'm going to die of cuteness. He's falling asleep on my hand!" He was leaning face first against the students hand, beak poking through his fingers. He sighed internally.
Great. Proof of all of this for after it's worn off.
"So, looks like you're staying here with me!" Iida smiled at the boy, walking into his blue dorm room, plopping the still sick child onto his bed. "Sorry you couldn't be with Shoji, but he sleeps too deeply - I however can make sure you don't get hurt! I have very maternal instincts!"
Tenya was super excited it seems, to have a young child in his hold and needing on him for everything. Fumikage supposed Tenya always wanted to know what it was like to be his big brother caring for him when he was younger. He muttered softly, and the teen stopped his rambling. "Did you just say something, young Tokoyami?"
"Sleeps." He said, yawning tiredly. He watched with satisfaction as Tenya died in front of him, clutching at his heart in a brotherly way, clearly absorbing the shock of the boy speaking.
"I got to hear your first words!" Tokoyami realized that around this age he was practically mute, and he wondered if that's why talking was so hard. "Awesome!"
A phone was jostled around before steadying and facing the tired child. "Say it again!" Iida encouraged quietly, smiling like Fumikage had never seen before. How could he deny the man the shame of saying he couldn't catch the second time he spoke on camera?
"Sleeps!" He whined louder, and he's certain if he had lips, he'd be pouting. It wasn't for the camera really; he was just so tired and frustrated and exhausted. "Please." He sort of made the tone of his voice sound pleading, and the phone went on charge quickly, and soon, he was secured in bed, being hugged by the mess that was definitely the next Sonic.
It was around seven when Iida woke up and got changed into casual clothing. Following the incident with Tokoyami, the school was on high alert and had canceled school in case the villain or whomever had done this was still on campus. All class 1-A were told only to leave the dorms if needed. Sato gathering medicine counted as a need, apparently.
"Did he sleep alright?" Came the bouncy voice of Denki as Iida carried the half asleep boy in, cradled in his arms, head resting sleepily against his chest. "He still looks tired."
Straightening his glasses, the Representative smiled. "He is still fighting off the illness"He reminded his friend. "- and yes, apart from a small night terror, he was just fine."
Shoji was there to take the bird child into his arms. Tokoyami inhaled his scent tiredly and relaxed reaching a hand out to snag the students T-Shirt, smiling, half-daydreaming, half-sleeping. "C'mon Fumikage." The six-armed teen said quietly, prodding his feathered cheek. "You need to eat and take your medication before you can sleep again."
Sato waltzed in, smiling brightly at the kid. "Hey, Toko'," He said, coming closer to the pair. "Guess what? I made you something!" Mezo took a seat at the table, adjusting the child so he was sitting on his lap and using it as a booster seat to be able to see over the table like a normal person. "Ever tried Oreo pancakes?"
Fumikage looked at his teammate, who was holding out these freshly baked pancakes with some weird crushed up black substance mixed in. It smelt amazing though, and he reached out a hand to try and snag some of it. It was, of course, pulled away from him. "Knew you'd like them!" Sato was so happy that he'd shown interest. "They're just a bit hot, Fumi'."
The fact they didn't trust him enough anymore to deal with his own food's temperature was slightly annoying, but it didn't stop him taking the medication held out to him by Sero while waiting for breakfast to cool down.
When the plate was put back down, he noticed all the pancakes had been cut up into even-sized squares, and their was a fork he could use on the side. Leaning slightly off his boyfriend, he was more awake as the stabbed at the pieces, shoving them into his mouth quickly, making a happy noise that sent Sato stumbling with happiness.
Maybe being a kid wasn't so bad after all.
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merry-kuroo · 4 years
The Last Embers- A MHA Fanfic - Chapter One
Hello. This is my first MHA fanfic and its a AU. I hope y’all like it (or not. that’s cool too.) This is based off a idea I wrote about for my Intro to Creative Writing class almost four years ago and I thought it would be cool to apply this to MHA.
Summary: Less people in the world are being born with Quirks and those that have Quirks begin to lose them between the ages of 25-30. This has caused the decline of Pro Heroes and Villains. Those that graduated from Class A at U.A. have turned 25 and are beginning to witness the decline of their Quirks. How will they cope and how will it affect their relationships? Meanwhile, Izuku searches for the next successor of One For All, even when he's told its pointless... 
Chapter One: Love Like This; Kirishima & Kaminari Part I
Chapter Summary:  Kirishima wakes up one morning to find his Quirk has disappeared.
Read it on AO3 too...There’s some notes on the AU as well.
Enjoy! The chapter is below the cut :)
December 11
The first thing Kirishima Eijirou did when he woke up was activate his Quirk. His alarm would ring incessantly, then he’d sit up straight in bed and harden his arms and hands. Almost two months after his twenty-fifth birthday he hadn’t felt any different, but he made it a point to check just in case. He was still an active Pro Hero. He joined Amajiki Tamaki’s pro hero agency, when he started it three years ago. It was in the same area as Fat Gum’s agency and Kirishima had joined eagerly, thankful to be working with his senpai.
But there was the realization that he wouldn’t be a Pro Hero for long.
Bakugou had chastised him for not opening up his own hero agency instead. There wasn’t much time left for him. So, Kirishima had planned to open up his own as soon as possible and make sure his name was known before losing his Quirk. He was thankful to be ranked number eight on Japan’s Hero Billboard Chart last year with his other classmates.
This morning, when his alarm sounded, Kirishima didn’t automatically sit up in bed. He opened his eyes slowly, letting the sound of the alarm wash over him. The sun wasn’t filtering through the window like most mornings. He felt a sense of dread. Something wasn’t right.
Kirishima sat up in bed, turned off his alarm and stared at his hands. He tried to activate his Quirk.
Nothing happened. His slightly tanned skin remained still.
He waited a couple of minutes before trying again.
The realization didn’t hit him all at once. He leaned back until his head touched the wooden surface of his bed’s headboard. Kirishima thought back to the first day he activated his Quirk, and how surprised he was when he realized he cut himself. He thought back to how in middle school he became inspired by the Crimson Riot and his best friend, Ashido Mina. Bakugou and Kaminari flashed in his mind, from their practical exams to enjoying their youth. He remembered the little shock Kaminari gave him when they hugged, something Kirishima hadn’t felt for a long, long time.
Kirishima didn’t notice the hot tears that streamed down his cheeks. He reached for the cellphone on his nightstand. He had a couple of messages from Seto and Ashido, but he didn’t bother checking them. He went through his contacts and dialed a number.
“Hello?” A tired voice answered.
“Hey, Amajiki-senpai. Can I talk to you for a sec? I have some bad news.”
---- --- -- December 14
They were throwing a retirement party for him. Kirishima Eijirou was twenty-five years old, number eight on the Hero’s Billboard Chart, and he was retiring at age twenty-five. Amajiki had cried when Kirishima told him the news, and told him that it was unusual for Kirishima not to notice his Quirk was disappearing.
Kirishima had heard from other Pro Heroes about how there was a steady decline of their Quirks powers until they couldn’t even activate it. Kirishima had just used his Quirk the day before it disappeared and he hadn’t noticed anything unusual about it.
Well, everyone was different. The scientists studying the decline of Quirks in the human body constantly came out with new studies about the different ways Quirk declination could occur. Recently, they said there were a few people who admitted to losing their Quirk suddenly without warning. And despite the age range being from twenty-five to thirty, there were people younger than that who had lost their Quirks.
Before the party, Kirishima went to the park near his apartment. He sat on the bench and watched a few middle schoolers play soccer. He pulled his red scarf tighter. It was cold, but Kirishima didn’t mind. He had felt numb and empty the past three days, and the bitter cold was a reminder that he was still here.
Kirishima felt weird being out in public and no one recognized him. He returned his hair back to its natural state, black. It was no longer spiked up, instead falling to his shoulders. He wondered if Amajiki would recognize him when he arrived.
After telling Amajiki about the loss of his Quirk, Kirishima cried. It wasn’t manly at all, but he felt that he had the right to mourn his Pro Hero career and his Quirk. All his life Kirishima knew that he would lose his Quirk, but nothing could prepare for the moment it actually happened. Kirishima had come up with a weird analogy for it back in high school.
It was like death. Everyone dies and everyone knows that it will happen.
Then the person you love, your classmate, your parents die. You know it's going to happen and you’re not prepared? Why isn’t anyone actually prepared for when it happens? Is it just the shock when it happens unexpectedly? Maybe if everyone knew the date and time they would lose their Quirk or when a loved one died then the shock would disappear then.
Kaminari liked his analogy while Bakugou claimed he was thinking too much into it.  Kirishima noticed that Bakugou had looked bothered by it, but he never said anything to him about it.
Well, now was as good a time as any to tell his friends that he lost his Quirk. He was the second person in their class to lose it. Kirishima sent a text via group message about how he lost his quirk and that he was on the way to his retirement party.  And to make the mood light, he added a lot of “lol” and “lmao” (with extra o’s). He didn’t want to see everyone’s reactions just yet, so he put his phone on silent.
---- -- ---- Thirty minutes later, Kirishima arrived at Amajiki’s Pro Hero Agency. He poked his head in and found that no one was at the front. In fact, the agency was completely dark. “Hello? Anyone here?”
No answer. Kirishima assumed the party would be held in the meeting room. He walked to the meeting room, which was in the back of the agency. He knocked on the door but didn’t hear anything. Kirishima opened the door and jumped when two confetti poppers went off in his face.
“Surprise, Kirishima!” Ashido screamed.
The lights turned on and Kirishima’s UA classmates, Amajiki, the receptionists and interns were clapping for him. There were streamers and balloons around the room, and a three tiered chocolate cake was in the center of the room.
“Everyone!” Kirishima cried. He hated to be crying again, but he was so happy. “I just sent that message--How did you get here so fast?”
“Dumbass,” Bakugou said as he approached him. Izuku trailed along.
“Amajiki-senpai gave us a call. He wanted to surprise you and asked us to keep it a secret that we knew.” Izuku exclaimed.
“Do you know how surprised we were when we got that long message from you?” Uraraka laughed. “We were here setting up the whole time.”
“Sorry about that, Kirishima,” Amajiki said. “I thought you might want to see your friends.”
“No, thank you! Thank you very much!” Kirishima cried. “I’m so happy right now.”
“Speech! Speech!” Ashido called.
Everyone stood around Kirishima, waiting for him to make a speech. Kirishima hadn’t even thought about making a speech. What was one supposed to say when they lost their Quirk anyway?
“Uh,” Kirishima began. “First, thanks for coming out. I know how busy you must be.” Kirishima’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for Kaminari.
He wasn’t there.
“It was a quite a shock to wake up a few days ago and find that my Quirk no longer worked. But even so, I’m thankful for my time at U.A. and the wonderful friends I made along the way. I was a Pro Hero for seven years. I accomplished my dream. Thank you for coming out today!”
Everyone clapped, then Kirishima was pulled into a multiple group hugs. Momo gave him a bouquet and Iida gave a small speech as well about how proud he was to be Kirishima’s classmate and friend. He talked to Todoroki, Izuku, Hagakure about their work. Sero and Tokoyami had given him some expensive wine.
The party was not as bad as Kirishima thought. A few of the interns cried and asked for pictures and autographs. It was the last time Kirishima would be the Red Riot, so he obliged. The chocolate cake Amajiki ordered was fantastic, and he was on his third slice when he noticed Bakugou leaning up against the wall by himself.
“Always the loner, huh?” Kirishima asked as he sauntered up to him.
“Shut up,” Bakugou said. It was light hearted. He lightly punched Kirishima in the arm. Both of them leaned against the wall and watched the party goers. “So, tell the truth.”
“Truth about what?”
“About losing your Quirk. How do you really feel?” There it was. A rare time where Bakugou was showing his true feelings. He had mellowed out slightly ever since graduation. He still wouldn’t hesitate to call someone a dumbass or yell at them, but it wasn’t as often. It still took Kirishima by surprise when he asked him about his feelings. The last time he did that was when Kaminari had left town three years ago.
“Honestly, it really sucks. I wish I had just a few more years. I think everyone at least wants to keep their Quirk until their thirty, but that isn’t the case for everyone. I’m glad I was born with a Quirk, but now I feel like I lost an important part of myself.” Kirishima picked up a piece of chocolate and plopped it into his mouth. “So, now I just need to readjust.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“I still want to save people. The fire department is having training sessions and classes. It’s still a hero type job,” Kirishima explained. He studied Bakugou’s expression. He seemed...solemn.
“Hey, is something--” Kirishima was cut off by Ashido yelling at him.
“Come on. We’re going to take a class picture!”
“What? But Jirou, and Kaminari aren’t here!” Kirishima protested.
“It’s fine. This isn’t the last time we’re going to meet up anyway. Come on!”
After taking pictures, eating more food, and playing a lively game of charades, the party ended. Kirishima bid goodbye to his classmates and they promised to meet again soon. He wished he could spend more time with them, but they still had to work, and many of them didn’t live in the city anymore. Bakugou told him that when Kaminari was back in the city, the three of them would go get drinks. Kirishima didn’t even have the heart to respond, opting to wave goodbye to his best friend.
“You don’t have to stay behind and help me clean,” Amajiki said as he folded a table cloth.
“No, it’s fine. Consider it my last job at the agency,” Kirishima laughed soundlessly.
“Hey,” Amajiki said. “Thank you, Red Riot. For everything.”
Before he could respond or burst into tears again, the door to the meeting room squeaked open. “Hello?” A singsong voice called out.
“Jirou! And Kaminari!” Kirishima exclaimed as his two former classmates walked in. Kirishima’s pulse jumped when he took in Kaminari. It had been three years since he had last seen him. His blond hair was now cut short, making him look more mature. He had grown taller and more muscular too. Kirishima stared at his left arm where dark ink sat on his skin. “What are you doing here?”
“We got Amajiki-senpai’s message about your retirement party! There was an issue with the shop, then our train was delayed. Wait, did we miss it?” Jirou asked, observing the other workers folding up the tables.
“Yeah, everyone left a while ago. I was helping clean up,” Kirishima answered.
There was a silence between the three of them. Kirishima felt tense and Kaminari wasn’t looking at him. Jirou looked back and forth between them, then she sighed.
“So, um, I’m going to help Amajiki-senpai clean up. You two should go catch up,” Jirou said. “Kirishima, your favorite cafe is right down the street, right? Kaminari told me about it.”
Kaminari blushed. “I didn’t say it was his favorite. We only ate there a couple of times.” Then Kaminari faced Kirishima. “But sure. We can go eat. My treat.”
“Sure.” Kirishima didn’t sound excited, but his heart was pounding heavily. How could he want Kaminari with him and also want him to be far away? Things were easier with Kaminari far away from him. The longing for him had become manageable over the past three years. Now, everything was back to zero.
Kirishima bid goodbye to Amajiki, and they shared one last brotherly hug. An intern gave Kirishima a box of the leftover chocolate cake and wished him luck in his future endeavors. Jirou hugged Kirishima, and he tensed up. She didn’t seem to notice. She congratulated him and told him that they would catch up soon.
“Hey, Kaminari, I’m going to find a hotel for us to stay at,” Jirou said.
“Okay, just text it to me,” Kaminari answered. He was already heading towards the door. Kirishima followed after him.
The two men made it outside. Kirishima shivered at the cold wind whipping his body. Kaminari held his hand out as tiny flecks of snow began to fall. Kaminari turned to him.
“Can we talk?” Kaminari said.
“Three years have gone by. Now, you want to talk,” Kirishima responded. He was being harsh, but he didn’t care right now.
“I know and I’m sorry. I got that message from you and--” Kaminari shook his head. “No. Let’s talk at the cafe. Remember? They have really good curry too.” Without waiting for a response, Kaminari headed towards the cafe.
And just like before, without hesitation, Kirishima followed after him.
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Explaining Dabi's stats
I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the BNHA stats of the characters from the data book, mainly because it’s hard to understand what the stats behind the characters really mean. I’m here to explain the stats to help people get a better understanding below.
Power: Strong can mean strength, but power is something different all together. When describing strong and power, those are two different things. Power means how much power goes in a quirk and how much power a quirk has. Power in the stats is about the destructive potential to create damage in the surrounding area. This also notes effective it is to use on someone.
Speed: Speed focuses on how fast someone can be. This also includes describing someone with having flexibility, agility, and quick reflexes.
Technique: This is about how creative you can use the quirk to the fullest potential and how resourceful you can get with it.
Intelligence: What’s in intelligence? How can you describe how smart someone is? Well, intelligence could be explained in various ways! For example: using sophisticated calculation to predict your opponent's movements, formulating brilliant strategies, making precise predictions, having keen intuition and observation skills, excellent ability to deduce your opponents, resourcefulness in utilizing your surroundings and situation, able to figure out ways to maneuver your enemies, figuring out the mechanisms of a quirk, perceptiveness and evaluation skills on people their personalities and mental states. Describing Intelligence in other people would be cunningness, analytical skills, and having a great memory.
Cooperation: As Chiyo mentioned in a panel, cooperation is about being able to work well with someone to a certain degree.
Now that I’m done explaining time for Dabi’s states.
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Let me start with the first Dabi’s of states: Power. The power of his quirk is up to four, which is pretty high considering what it does. Dabi’s flames are extremely hot; their temperature is higher than normal which is signified by blue flames, blue being very high heat. Dabi’s quirk is really destructive as seen when he set beasts forest ablaze, destroying everything around them in the process.
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Dabi’s quirk has proved to be powerful, destructive, and deadly, able to kill or seriously injure anyone. He is able to incarcerate a group of thugs in the alley in mere seconds with his quirk.
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Hell he even generates large a wall of flames. People around it called it hot.
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Four in the stats is considered really powerful but why did it stop at only four? Take Kirishima and Shoto for example: Shoto has two weaknesses when using quirk (if he uses his ice side too long he will get frostbite), and Kirishima’s hardening has a limit: when he takes too much damage his hardening will dissolve slowly and loses stamina in the process. So what kind of setback does Dabi have when using his quirk? That is left to be seen.
*Before we go over this first let me talk about what three means in stats. Three in stats in bnha means “average�� if you see the states of the Pro Hero Manual you can see that all of his stats are three. Fitting since he is the Normal Hero "Manual”.
I admit when it comes to speed Dabi is not too fast. This is seen when he was subdued easily by Eraserhead and Vlad king got knocked out by Gran Torino the speedy old geezer.
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Dabi isn’t fast when compared to people who are quicker than him even when competing against pros with high speed value. Even though he’s not quick, he has good reflexes an example of it is when he warned Mr Compress to dodge, succeeded in injuring Mezo and Izuku in the process, with an exception of Shoto, who dodged his attacks.
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He also caught Katsuki from Shoto’s hands who is agile and fast in class 1A. Dabi is fast enough to catch Katsuki in front of Shoto.
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His reflexes are good not fast but good.
We haven’t seen how creative Dabi can use his quirk only in short instances. He burns down beasts in the forest, creates fireballs, and manipulate the flames around him.
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Dabi fires a straight line of fire towards the police vehicle that hold Overhaul.
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He creates a wall of flames surrounding Endeavor and Hawks. We don’t see how much he used his quirk.
If taking about if he uses his surroundings he hasn’t done more than what he actually should. Dabi didn’t squeeze out the uses from the members of the Vanguard action squad he needed too. He never fully utilizes their abilities to his full advantage except when he asked Twice to make him clones he didn’t do more than that. I’m not saying he’s terrible in Technique; I’m saying he should do more with it.
Okay now for Intelligence. Remember Tomura left Dabi in charge of the vanguard action squad with no intention if the league failed the mission or not but to create cracks in society.
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Dabi’s entire plan was to distract the pros and trap the students. Dabi didn’t give the Vanguard squad specific orders and is vague in instructions he’s giving them. He didn’t provide specific command to carry out lets them run lose. Dabi doesn’t use his teammates’ abilities to his full advantage. He lets them wonder around the forest. When his own plan is to distract the pros by using Twice’s clones, he left the members to do the rest of  the work.
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Dabi doesn’t know half of the students quirks. Dabi knows about Snatch’s quirk because he saw it used from the vehicle around the police car.
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He didn’t even know that the students would fight back or defend themselves. Dabi almost forgot about the nomu he run free he’s not an experienced leader seen him forgetting about the nomu shows he cannot multitask.
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He even forgot snatch for crying out loud until later.
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Dabi is not coordinated he may of completed the mission with three casualties and no injures on the villain side but he lost three villains with powerful quirks. Even Overhaul took notice of this. If you look at his planning from a strategic standpoint, it’s sloppy in many areas. echo drops pointed it out right here Dabi is utterly careless such as when he accidentally caused the league of villains location to be revealed.
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Even left the people he killed out in the open.
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He set high end on Endeavor an advanced nomu which was defeated by him he wasted a perfectly good nomu he wasted a good amount of the league of villains resources. you could argue that he’s a terrible strategist he not mindful of his resources and not think too deeply on the outcome of the circumstances.
However Dabi is far from unintelligent as I said before about three in states three means average.  People who had three for intelligence were not unsmart. Manual asked Ida if he was going after the hero killer because he knew that was why Ida chose his office. Uraraka is perceptive and blunt seen when understanding Bakugou behavior towards Izuku. She was the first to find out that Izuku’s quirk is going out of control even acted on it.
Despite Dabi being careless when it comes to crime and the league of villains, he isn’t careless at all when it comes to people.
Dabi is observant of his surroundings and of other people around him. Dabi questions if the league of villains really supports the cause doubts when they are allowing Himiko to join. Express his discomfort at Himiko’s insanity when she first introduced herself.
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He is shown to be quick to defend himself when he knows he going to be attack like when tomura attacked them. He commented at Tomura’s behavior after Tomura left.
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Hence, Dabi is good at people he’s good at seeing through other emotions of people. For example. when he taunts Vlad King, he  says he knows how the hot-blooded Vlad would act and Eraserhead for protecting his students.
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Cutiesableye explained what that meant. He’s good at reading people he knew Bakugou is to attack when Tomura didn’t.
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Dabi saw though Shotos stoic nature at a first glance place taunting him that famous line.
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Dabi doesn’t completely trust hawks when hawks said was working for the league of villains during their partnership.
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he may not be a coordinating strategist but his only dangerous ability if his ability to read other people you would see it many times in the manga.
How his cooperation is up to four as I previously mentioned about cooperation doesn’t mean how social and outgoing someone is but how to work well with someone despite their differences. Dabi is not social at all. He keeps things to himself. Dabi isn’t very close to the league of villains like when calling them psychos and nutjobs and other undesirable nicknames. He shows irritation and uneasiness working with them.
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However Dabi will set aside his personal feelings corporate with the league of villains to complete his own agenda as seen after Tomura attacks them when they first met he works with them despite calling him a brat. With the Vanguard action squad he refers to them as “nut jobs” he works with them to achieve his objectives. He has no problem working alongside with anyone as seen with Twice, whom he relies on to keep the pros at bay. Because of Dabi’s own cooperation with the League he was able to complete the mission in capturing Katsuki. He proves he can set aside his personal feelings for his own hidden goals. During the police car raid on Overhaul, you can see his cooperation when both he and Mr. Compress killed Snatch together.
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Another example of this is Hawks, the number 2 hero whom he is secretly giving him info he is using him to complete his objectives. Dabi works well with just anyone as long as he can complete his objective.
Well and that includes my explanation! What do you think of Dabi stats?
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lilypad-make · 5 years
BNHA Manga Chapter 256 Theories
In this theory , I’m going to be focusing on individual quirks of the class and how they have improved . 
 If we try breaking down a quirk to how it exactly works , we can understand the special moves even better.  
Aoyama’s quirk is Navel Laser . So , he has the ability to produce light from his body , specifically his navel . So when he was younger , he would have focused on letting the light freely out without any control , but his body couldn’t handle it , thus he needs special equipment . As he grew older , he was able to use his quirk in long beams of light which could destroy robots and such . Later on, his special moves according to wiki is Navel Laser Buffet , where he sends light beams from his shoulders , his hero costume helps him deflect light in separate ways and use it . 
Since he was used to sending light freely , he would have to concentrate on sending the beam in different directions ,when the situation calls for it . He needs to do it rapidly and not let it hold him back . Similarly we saw that he could make his laser so precise that he carved letters. All this time he always focused on lowering the beam of his light , instead of a bright beam to smaller continuous beams .
In this chapter however , he focused on not letting all the beam of light go freely but focus on making a smaller beam but which held more force . He must have used a lot of concentration to ensure the sword stays in place. Similar to putting a cap on an open bottle of water , he held the beam of light from going forward .
Similarly , at first I always knew Tooru’s quirk was invisbility but after seeing her special move during the end of the license exam , I realized what exactly her quirk did . For us to see an object or a human , we need the light to pass through our eyes . Tooru’s quirk ensures that no light passes through anyone’s eyes making her seem  “invisible” . That’s why her special move in the licence arc is light refraction , where she willed her quirk to bend light in such a way to momentarily stun her opponents .
In this chapter , she manages to move Aoyama’s Navel Laser and redirect it .  Here she purposely concentrates on pulling even more light away from a source and redirecting it to her uses . Maybe she is able to to this with similar quirks that  give out some sort of light like Bakugou’s quirk ( Not for long as explosions only give small bursts of light ) , Todoroki’s fire quirk and maybe Deku’s quirk as well ( since he gives out a lot of light , she might be able to pull some of it , though I’m not sure ) .
Ashido’s quirk allows her to shoot corrosive liquid from her body . My theory is that she is able to secrete acid everywhere and shoot it , but prefers to uses her hands and feet . She uses her acid creatively in order to create shields(Acid Veil )   , faster movement ( Acid Layback ),  using it to target opponents ( Acid Shot ) etc .
Similar to how Kirishima focused on hardening his chest and hands ,than rest of his body ( his ultimate move made him harden all parts of his body to his maximum capacity) , Ashido got inspired by Kirishima ‘s moves and realized she could apply the same logic to her quirk as well and created acid which covered her entire body , which was defensive as well as offensive . 
Ojiro and Sato did their work study under the lion hero : shishido . From seeing the name of the hero , he must have had a lion quirk , or strength similar to a lion . As Ojiro and Sato were mainly brawlers , they needed someone to guide them into using their quirks more efficiently . Similar to how a lion stalks his prey and then goes after it , he taught the duo that they should not only fight to counter someone’s attacks , but also fight as rapidly as possible and predict the opponents moves in advance to ensure that their attacks were a critical hit to the opponent . 
Gang Ocra had a varied skill set , he also specializes his moves using his echolocation . Due to his heightened senses , he had learnt how to search opponents and how to detect them before they had attacked them . Jiro and Shoji were known to the class as the duo who was very helpful in detecting enemies and helping the others in advance. Since they never had someone in UA to teach them to use their quirks more efficiently , as no teacher had a quirk similar to theirs , they were mostly self taught . To have a hero similar to their quirks , they were able to learn more things from him to improve the strengths of their quirks . 
Team Lurkers : which consists of Edgeshot , Kamui Woods and Mount Lady , are a powerful trio . Though they had varied quirks , they had to overcome each other’s weaknesses and help in each others strength. They had to move together as one unit to become a powerful team . Kaminari , Mineta and Sero all had different quirks from each other , but by helping each other and making combo moves , they were able to subdue the opponents even faster than if they were supposed to do alone . 
Iida’s movements were to stiff and formal . To ensure that he is able to use his quirk more efficiently, he had to learn to loosen his movements to move with less effort. Since his movements were stiff ,his opponents could overtake him as they were more fluid than him , which would be bad in the long run.
Though Koda was able to communicate with animals , he had to learn to give more efficient commands , that helped him improve the way he used his quirk . 
Tokoyami mostly had to improve his quirk alone , as hawks was not there .
Even though Fatgum didn’t look like he was a good fighter , he uses this to his advantage and overpowers his opponents . From him , Kirishima learnt how to create an image and how to fight efficiently , making villains lose their will to fight .
Uraraka and Asui worked under Ryuuku , who helped them realize that if they were determined enough to defeat their opponent, they would do so . They both were  strong with powerful quirks , but they needed to strength their spirits to be better heroes.
Yaoyorozu did her work study under the Magic hero : Majestic . Based on his hero name , he could have a similar quirk to hers and is able to produce things more efficiently . The problem with Yaoyorozu is she is able to create equipment but she sometimes takes too much time to create what she needs at that moment . By working under majestic , she learnt to predict what she needs in advance and act efficiently.
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lethesomething · 7 years
On sexuality in the BNHA universe
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This is the part where I go Full Nerd on you guys. (also where I finally admit to overthinking literally every fictional universe). In case the title isn't obvious, a lot of this will be on the nsfw side, and there's also quite a lot of speculation. Under a cut to protect the innocent.
So. One of the more common jokes about BNHA is that Bakugou Katsuki, the boy with the nitroglycerin sweat, is so very angry because he can't relieve tension the traditional way, through masturbating (in case things... explode). It's an observation that doesn't take into account how emotionally stunted mister Explodo Kills is (causing part of his aggression), but at the same time, it makes a lot of sense. It's basically a riff on one of the consequences of having a quirk that turns your sweat explosive. So obviously I'm going to take that joke and turn it into an overanalysis of a fictional world.
The ideal form is still fairly classic
In the BnHA universe, heroes have pretty much taken the place of our models, actors and musicians. They're superstars and role models. As such, they help shape the world view of society. Now, the first female hero we see in BnHA, is Mount Lady.
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She's a conventionally attractive woman in a skin tight suit who is introduced to us butt-first, in a move that is a direct callback to American superhero comics (and the kind of poses that the Hawkeye Initiative spoofs). Over the course of several appearances, Mount Lady uses her looks and wiles to get free shit, be it food or (presumably) lucrative marketing contracts for shampoo commercials. The idea here, then, is that Mount Lady is a bit of a sex symbol, and that she is aware of her sex appeal, using it to her advantage. You see this with other female heroes (who, I realize, have been designed for a typical Shonen Jump audience). There’s Midnight, who definitely uses her sexuality in her heroing, but there’s also Bubble Girl's underboob and the Dragon Hero's old school qipao dress. These heroes exude and adhere to a certain traditional feminine form. To put it bluntly: they're hot.
At the same time, a lot of the men do the same thing. Several of the main heroes, not the least of which being All Might, are of the buff, bara variety. Big muscular men with necks and biceps wider than their heads. Endeavour is like that, as is the Blood King and Deathgoro.
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These heroes very much embody an ideal that is close to comic books, and also close to that of most societies today, where ideal women are lean, with big boobs and butts, and ideal men are buff. These are the traditional sex symbols that people like Mineta are obsessed with.
And then things get complicated
But this is also a universe where people like Tokoyami exist. A large amount of heroes and future heroes have some kind of animal head. Several of these, too, are role models. There's Centipeder, Orka and the snake headed Habuko Mongoose. And that's not even getting into more exotic ones, like Cementoss, Thirteen or Kurogiri (the villain's smokey bartender).
In other words: this is a universe in which it is very obvious that the classic ideal human form is not attainable for everyone. Going further, this is also a universe where traditional human sexuality will not work for everyone. Tokoyami, awesome as he is, can not kiss (he can, and should, be kissed, and often, but that's beside the point here). Cementoss appears to have hands that are blocky and cement-like, making them far from ideal for sensual massages. Kurogiri... Does Kurogiri even have a body beside that metal ring thing? How would that bastard reproduce?
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This means that with the onset of quirks, sexuality in the BnHA society would have gotten progressively more complex. It's one thing to fuck a glowing person with horns, it's another altogether to try and make babies with someone that's made of slime. This is a personal headcanon, but I do feel that such an evolution would make society much more accepting (right after the part where they try to burn all the people with quirks at the stake). Like, the first kid with horns or bat wings at school probably had a Really Difficult time, but a generation later, this sort of thing would be normal. Bluntly put: it's hard to shame someone for a furry kink, if they're literally married to a hero called Hound Dog. Incidentally, I assume this would also mean LGBT+ people would have an easier time being accepted. The hero team Pussycats has a canon trans member, for instance. And like all pro heroes, he probably functions as a role model. In a world where some people can disintegrate others by touch, sexuality and gender identity are literally just another trait by which to find your own identity. Being judged for it seems stupid, especially if you consider the inherent dangers posed by these new genetic mutations.
Let's enter TMI land
So back to the Bakugou joke. If you think about it, this is a legitimate issue. Several people's quirks are dangerous when not completely controlled. Kirishima famously got his facial scar when he was three and rubbed his eye, at the same time that his quirk first manifested. Now imagine the dangers of being a hormonal teen with an acid quirk (Mina) or, well, nitroglycerin sweat (Bakugou) and trying to navigate your budding sexuality.
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There is, currently, in our real world, a rare condition called 'sperm allergy'. For a heterosexual woman, it means having sex can be itchy,painful and altogether unpleasant. Now extrapolate that to a world with quirks. Bakugou's mother has glycerin sweat. Glycerin allergy is a thing that exists. What if you're allergic to the down in Tokoyami's feathers? What about sensitivity to cats? Shellfish allergy? What if, through some extremely unfortunate chain of events, you're an ice woman forced to have sex with a man that is literally on fire (and is also just... one of the worst human beings alive).
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If you think a little bit too hard about it, finding a suitable partner in the BnHA world is an extremely complex concept. Finding someone that is sexually compatible is already hard work in our world, but it becomes exponentially more difficult if you have to factor in things like frog tongues. It really wouldn't surprise me if there were some very specialised dating sites in this universe.
Oh the TMI gets so much worse
If I've learned anything from my exploits on the web, it's that the sex industry is one of the more... creative industries. And in a world where finding a partner is, for some people, a dangerous and complicated quest, you bet your ass that the sex industry is thriving. Also? Super specialised. I don't doubt for a second that this universe has certain professionals who chose that career specifically because of the quirk they have. Just off the top of my head: Enlarging body parts? Check. Hardening quirk? Check. Resistance to poison/fire/acid/whatever? Double check cause they're the exact clients who can't go elsewhere. It probably goes even further when you include certain kinks. Furries (again) come to mind.
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And, I mean, anyone familiar with anime is probably already aware of the... possibilities of something like Suneater's tentacles (you hear that rushing sound? That's the sound of furious fingers writing Tamaki centered fanfic).
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