#which has since resulted in felix and catarina being pretty similar in a lot of ways
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
Hi there! I hope you’re doing fine! I have a question for one of the siblings.For Felix to be exact! I’m curious… Siblings tease sometimes, don’t they? So who usually does the teasing (in a sibling–like way of course)? And how does the other react? Is it becoming a back and forth or is the other party too flustered to fight back? @nimue-hidden-lake
Felix: "Oh, that's absolutely Catarina. Not that you'd probably call her the type to tease - not when comparing her to some of my friends, at least - but she has certainly got it in her. I don't even know if you'd call it teasing, but.. it's the way she just bites back with some sort of answer, any time you say something that's either wrong or that she can counter somehow. She's so quick to retort with some- cutting response or other, it's kind of ridiculous how perfectly she does it at this point!
And she doesn't even do it all the time, either - only when she can actually prove her point. I admire it about her a lot, don't get me wrong - it's just not always fun to be on the receiving end of if I'm already in a bad mood, you know? At least she knows when to drop it, though.. And quite often, we do end up sending things back-and-forth pretty well. Usually in the middle of training, actually. Her tongue's almost sharper than her sword work, but we're both pretty evenly-matched at this point - in wits as well as blades.
That.. probably wasn't the most concise answer I could have given? So, sorry about that. Still, I hope that it works."
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
(last one i promise) (SORRY FOR ALL THE ASKS) for felix!! how did you come to see catarina as a sister ?? whats your favorite thing to do together when theres free time ??
Felix: “Taking some time off from your usual expeditions, are we? Well, it’s good to see you in good spirits.
To answer your first question, that.. took a bit of time. You know what I was like back at the academy, after all. I didn’t actually get to meet Catarina until partway through the year, since it was only then that we ended up in the same house, but.. I’ll admit she caught my attention pretty quickly. She’s never trained as often as me, but we ended up arranging to spar together a lot, and that’s really how things got started. I’d say we have quite similar ways of fighting, so that common ground helped us to build up a connection, and then.. we started talking about other things than training, somehow. I suppose it was just- refreshing, to have someone around who had such an outside perspective. She may have roots in Faerghus, but the fact she wasn’t raised there, or raised to uphold the same typical values the Kingdom prides itself on - or even anywhere else in Fódlan - meant that.. there’s a lot I felt I could talk to her about, in a way I just couldn’t with others. Also, she wouldn’t hesitate to give me a piece of her mind, or say what she thought about things. Not many others were like that, so it stuck out to me.
By the end of the year, it didn’t feel like we had developed the same dynamic I have with my friends - and I wouldn’t necessarily say it was any worse or better, it’s just.. there was something different about it. Maybe it’s because it was just something shared between the two of us, not a piece of a larger group setting. A closeness that almost seemed more natural, or permanent, than just friendship, even despite the much shorter time we’d actually known each other. What I mean by that is that.. Rina and I can talk about anything, and it’d never feel like what we had could just suddenly fall apart, no matter what we actually said to each other. In fact, I don’t know if we’ve ever fallen out in a serious way; we may bicker a lot over little things, but it’s always more playful than anything else - never as tense or able to suddenly escalate as it could be with others. So, that’s.. really where the whole “sister” thing started.
Oh, and for your second question - we still train together, a lot. Catarina prides herself on being a difficult opponent to strike, and I’m very familiar with that by this point, but it doesn’t make it that much easier to get a hit in on her. Sometimes it can feel like I’m fighting a mirage of myself when she’s more on the offensive, which.. is a strange feeling, but I think it’s good. She also keeps trying to help me with the magic side of things, which usually results in her taking a pile of books out of the library and dragging me somewhere to go read them with her until one of us gets bored. ..I’ll admit that seeing her own spellcraft in action has helped me gain a greater appreciation of magic than I used to have, but I’m still not close to her own proficiency. Then again, I know I’d overpower her if she wasn’t using magic, so me having greater physical strength can still be more useful than her balanced and more agile style. And, the magic I do know how to cast is already far above what most swordsmen could use or expect from me, so I still have the edge in most combat situations, even without being an expert.
I.. hope that all of this answers your questions. Feel free to stop by again if you want to ask more.”
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