tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
Hi there! I hope you’re doing fine! I have a question for one of the siblings.For Felix to be exact! I’m curious… Siblings tease sometimes, don’t they? So who usually does the teasing (in a sibling–like way of course)? And how does the other react? Is it becoming a back and forth or is the other party too flustered to fight back? @nimue-hidden-lake
Felix: "Oh, that's absolutely Catarina. Not that you'd probably call her the type to tease - not when comparing her to some of my friends, at least - but she has certainly got it in her. I don't even know if you'd call it teasing, but.. it's the way she just bites back with some sort of answer, any time you say something that's either wrong or that she can counter somehow. She's so quick to retort with some- cutting response or other, it's kind of ridiculous how perfectly she does it at this point!
And she doesn't even do it all the time, either - only when she can actually prove her point. I admire it about her a lot, don't get me wrong - it's just not always fun to be on the receiving end of if I'm already in a bad mood, you know? At least she knows when to drop it, though.. And quite often, we do end up sending things back-and-forth pretty well. Usually in the middle of training, actually. Her tongue's almost sharper than her sword work, but we're both pretty evenly-matched at this point - in wits as well as blades.
That.. probably wasn't the most concise answer I could have given? So, sorry about that. Still, I hope that it works."
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berryshipbasket · 11 months
Hello! I hope I am not intruding with my upcoming question.
This one is for Dr Neo Cortex! A mad scientist huh? Surely you must raise your child in a similar direction! Or is it 'child figure'? Apologies if I messed something up there!
Anyway, as for my question… What is the one achievement of your kid you are the most proud of? I'm sure there's something!
Already looking forward to hear about it!
(You're not intruding at all!! And to clarify he is my dad : ] adoptive father, but still my father!!)
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⭐⚡ "AN EXCELLENT QUESTION!!" Cortex let out an evil chuckle as he tapped his fingers together.
"As a father I'm bound to be proud of most of their achievements!!.. I'd say the thing I'm most proud of is them being able to figure out their identity! It's not an easy thing to do, but whatever makes my Starlight comfortable, then I'm happy and support them all the way!!"
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"Oh, and always talking smack about N.Tr.opy. That's always a plus."
He'd look around, hoping the time lord didn't hear what he had just said.
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sound-traveller · 11 months
Hello! Hope you won't mind me hopping in sometimes! So many parental figures... It's great to have so many to look up to!
So... This one is for any of them! Though I'd be very curious about Butter Pretzel Cookie's response!
Have you ever recieved gifts from s/i? If so, which one means tge most to you or is your favorite?
Hey there- and don't worry too much about coming here from time to time. I'm taking a break right now, and I'm sure the others would be enthusiastic to see visitors.
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Baguette leaves her here from time to time when she's busy, so she'll sometimes draw things and let me keep them, if that counts as a gift.
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They draw a lot of things. Mostly of other cookies or pets she sees often or lives with.
(Also this weird, floating... cookie with a giant pair of scissors? Not sure what that is...)
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They're nice to look at, I guess. She's still a beginner, so I've had to give her tips. There's a lot of room for improvement, after all-
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-Don't let her attitude fool you. She has those drawings in a folder that she's looked through nearly every day since she's gotten them.
- 🎨 Butter Pretzel Cookie, ✒️ Baguette Cookie
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Hello there! Hope you all are having a fun day! I have a question for Piccolo if that is alright! I'd be curious to hear how you met your partner! And what was your first impression during said meeting? @nimue-hidden-lake
It is quite alright, we just finished training for the day. I’m still getting used to using 13’s communicator so I apologize that this is a late response.
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Android 13 and I met not too long after the Cell incident. They had pretty much come out of nowhere and was unnaturally excited about meeting us despite the fact we had killed their “master” Dr. Gero. I was skeptical, immensely skeptical as was Vegeta. I didn’t trust them.
Come to find out, our instincts were right. And to make a long story short: they tried to kill us, it didn't work. Bulma reset them, and the rest is history.
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crown172 · 9 months
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This masterpiece is created by the wonderful @silvermun I highly recommend her for your commissions! This picture is a story I will add for one of my one-shots. The plot is that Sonic ended up transformed into a merhog after he discovered a moon pool hidden in a cave behind a waterfall. When he fell in, it turned him into a merhog. He was able to find an underground tunnel that led him over to the home of Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. However, Sir Lancelot was there and he discovered Sonic's secret.
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losertown-hq · 9 months
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this is a lawless place
imagine this is a pinned post im not smart i just wanted the flame thing
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collectorcookie · 11 months
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@nimue-hidden-lake based off that one fanfic you made. Petition to rename IzuLeoMako into "HoroHaro Squad". God i really need to reread horror night halloween
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archives-of-camelot · 7 months
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
This one's a little more self indulgent than usual. I know this whole thing is self indulgent, but it's been on my mind so...
It was 7pm on a Sunday...or...was it 5am on a Saturday...? Eli wasn't paying attention, his mind flooded with preoccupied thoughts and questions. He'd been laying there for hours, the dim glow of the neon string of lights above washing over his body. The lights' fade function was set, and Eli had counted the cycles as the colors rotated between each other. He didn't move, and he barely blinked...
His expression was unmoving, eyes glassy. Mere minutes seemed like hours.
He barely left his room all day...in fact, he forgot if he even left at all. All he could recall was laying there, entranced by his lights as he fixated on questions and machinations as they swirled about his headspace, crashing into each other, and against the walls of his psyche.
He was tired, but couldn't sleep. Maybe exhausted was a better word. He hadn't done anything, but he was spent.
The spell was broken as a new light creeped in from the corner of his vision. He looked over at the door and there he saw Evelin. He shook off the feeling and sat up in his bed.
"Anything I can do for you this evening?" he tried to smile.
Evelin shook her head and sat on the bedside.
"I figured I should check on you. Pinro has been wondering where you've been all day. And so have I"
He sighed and sat his head back down. staring back at the ceiling and the lights.
"You ever feel like anything and everything you do is not enough...? Like there's some arbitrary expectation you're supposed to meet, but you don't know how high it is so you just keep climbing...?"
She nodded along.
"And then you're stuck wondering what to do, because what you're climbing's turned into a tree, and there's a whole bunch of branches you gotta consider? And then the fact that picking the wrong one will cause you to end up right back where you started , or lower...?"
She nodded again, listening intently.
As he thought of hypotheticals in his mind, he finally relented, and decided to try once more.
"I still can't figure it out...why...? Why me?" he finally asked.
"Ah, so that's what this is about" she nodded again.
"All this time and I still can't figure it out...why'd you choose me?"
This question haunted him off and on. Was it insecurity? Maybe, but it sparked alot of introspection, and more questions. Eli never thought highly of himself. He wasn't anything special. He was just him. No outstanding talents, or abilities. He wasn't particularly charismatic or sociable.
It made him question...'why?' Why settle for him?
"Do you want the answer?" she shot straight.
He nodded, at a loss still.
"I chose you...for you" she said simply.
"But...there's nothing really great about me. I'm just me"
She nodded.
"You can't see it can you...?" she inquired.
He shook his head.
"No...I've always tried to prove I'm worthy of those around me. But, sometimes I wonder if I truly am. I...just want to match expectations"
He felt his head lift up, and then back down as he found himself being straddled, looking up into her eyes.
"And what expectations would you say others have of you?"
"Well...I...I don't know anymore..." he sounded lost.
"Maybe that's because there's nothing to match" she replied as she gently caressed his hair. "Sometimes we delude ourselves with our own outlooks and opinions of ourselves...often depriving ourselves of the truth of what those important to us say and think"
"You sound like you've been down this road before..." he sighed.
She nodded.
"Inadequacy...thoughts of 'not good enough'...envy of those who match the image we want for ourselves..." she recalled like it was yesterday.
"Exactly...that's exactly what I've been thinking..." his eyes widened as she spoke exactly what was on his mind.
She continued to caress his hair, running her fingers through it's fibers as she spoke.
"Regardless of your own opinions and thoughts, I want you to know this" she bent over and kissed his forehead. "Even if you feel like you haven't matched or met your own expectations...know that you never needed to for me" she smiled. "I chose you for you. Not who you think you are, or what others say you are. Eli...is Eli...and that's all you'll ever need"
His mind was slowly put at ease as her words impacted him. Such a simple answer and concept...but it was profound, at least to him, to hear it from another's lips. Especially hers.
"Hey, Evelin...?"
"You're the best anyone could ever ask for..."
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riddlingwife · 5 months
21 (for the selfship kisses ask meme) As for an f/o... Your choice, pick whoever you are thinking about @nimue-hidden-lake
RAAA THANK YOU <33 you know me. you know who i'm thinking about hehe!! <33 /lh
21 - quick kiss
"Eddie?", Lily chimed from the kitchen, stepping towards him quickly. "You're forgetting something!" About to leave for work, Edward adjusted his collar and blinked at the woman. "What? I've got my suitcase, my keys, my-"
"No, no. This," she interrupted. Cupping his cheeks gently, she pulled him in for a quick, loving kiss. Smiling at his reddened face, Lily chuckled. "Now you're good to go."
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rumbelleshowdown · 1 year
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Author: Ancient Architect
Prompts: Lady and the Tramp. “You make me brave.” Hurricane.
Group: D
Father of Dreams
When he dreamed, Gideon never saw himself the same way. Sometimes it startled him when, upon waking and looking in the mirror, he saw a boy instead of the man he had been mere moments before. He never mentioned it to his parents. By some sixth sense he knew it would upset them.
That morning, the sense of jarring separation was worse than ever, and almost before he was properly dressed, ignoring the alarmed cries of his mother, and the baritone echo his father sent after him, he threw open the cottage door and raced as fast as his young legs would carry him toward the lake.
Even when he reached the shore, he didn’t stop, plunging into the water to his ankles, then sinking almost to his chest with the next step.
The weight of his robes pulled him down, and he turned his palms, as though pushing at the sodden earth beneath his feet to keep himself above the water that wanted to claim him.
“Nimue!” his voice was strong with demand; the personification of his ire.
The water before him stirred, a kernel of light hidden like a pearl within an oyster. The light grew and resolved into the white shrouded figure of the Lady of the Lake. Guardian, specter, threat.
“How dare you.” Her voice was the hiss of water on heated coals. “Morpheus… Beggar at the feast, you come and demand of me–”
“You summoned me.” he countered.  “Nightly whispers in my dreams… promising answers. Tempting–”
The Lady roared; her breath pouring a torrent over him. “I tempted nothing, Tramp!”
Belle cried out as she watched Gideon's feet slip from beneath him. The murky waters of Dozmary Pool closed over his head.  She clutched at Rumple’s arm as the two of them reached the water’s edge. Rumple echoed her cry, plunging half into the water, clearing reeds with the wide speed of his free arm.
Lost heartbeats. Stifled breaths later, a spluttering Gideon surfaced, and Rumple snatched at him, dragging him to the bank where Belle pulled them both onto the shore.
“What were you thinking, son?” Rumple gasped. Belle pulled off her cardigan, to wrap it around Gideon, who was rambling incoherently, sounds that were not true words.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked, unable to keep the desperate panic from her voice as Rumple waved a hand in front of Gideon’s unfocused eyes.
“Some kind of trance,” he murmured, “Or he’s still dreaming.”
“You mean he wasn’t even awake when he ran out?”
“I don’t know, Belle,” Rumple said. She backed up to give him room to pick up Gideon in his arms, then headed back toward the cottage. “But I do know we need to get him dry and warm.”
“Is it really so much to ask?” Gideon cried into the torrent whirling around his face. “So different?” The one is made from the other.”
“Not in this world, young dreamer,” she snarled, and Gideon raised his arms to defend himself as, from a sudden flash of light, she pulled forth a great and shining blade. “This is not Storybrooke, nor is it your Enchanted Forest.”
Gideon could not help but gaze upon the brilliance that was Excalibur - or as she placed somehow within his mind - Caliburn. The blade shone with a golden, yet silver sheen, and the air hummed where it was cut by the keenest imaginable edge. From the shining amber gemstone that weighted the pommel, twin wyrms descended, entwining, winding around the hilt to breathe the red-gold of their dragons’ breath upon the blade, and the cross-guard was formed, each side, of clasped hands, the outermost of which ended in the crescent symbols of the Goddess.
“Nimue is not of Darkness, but of light!” At her words, the light around her faded, and she held the ageless weapon out toward Gideon.
He accepted it across his flattened hands before he took a hold of the hilt and raised it, almost in salute, even as he implored, “Neither is my father of Darkness, but a Savior.”
“Who does not believe,” she countered.  “Who has no faith.”
Belle tucked the blanket hurriedly around Gideon, then turned to snatch another from the nearby chair.
“Rumple, he’s freezing,” she said, rubbing her hand briskly over Gideon’s insensate, blanket shrouded form.
“I know,” Rumple’s urgent answer came from beside the fireplace, where the beginnings of a tiny flame was starting to dance along the kindling, and caress the log that Rumple had placed along its length. “I’ll soon have it warm in here.”
“I don’t… I can’t…” Belle saw her own expression mirrored in Rumple’s eyes. “We can’t lose him again,” she finally voiced the fear that so paralyzed them both.
Rumple left the fireplace, and came to take her hands, holding them tightly, but gently, calling her name.
“Belle, please,” he said. “You can’t think that way. We won’t lose him.” He let go of her hands and tenderly cupped her face, his thumbs sweeping caresses over her cheeks that were wet with tears. “I won’t let anything happen to him. Nothing, you hear?”
Wordlessly, she nodded, then nuzzled at his palms. "You make me brave," she whispered, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “And you’ve always done right by our son, even when I couldn’t bel–”
Rumple’s gentle touch across her lips silenced her expression of guilt. “Then, trust me now,” he implored softly.
She watched, drawing her lip between her teeth as Rumple turned and leaned in to Gideon to hear his breath. She held her own, praying that Gideon was breathing still.
“What–?” she began, unable to fathom what he might be doing but recoiled, and so quickly that she almost spilled from the side of Gideon’s bed to the hardwood floor.  “Rumple, no!” 
“It’s all right, Belle,” he said calmly, as though he had been expecting her objection. “I promise.”
“But you can’t,” she insisted, and grasped his wrist, feeling as though the extra weight of the dagger was pulling both of their hands toward their son. “There’s no magic in this world.”
“Here there is,” he told her. “Ley lines. Pathways of the natural energies of this world.”
“I began to feel them as we slept,” he said, “I suspect that Gideon did as well.”
“Then… what should we do?” Belle asked, still skeptical, but ultimately worried that Rumple was right.
“The same as you’d do for anyone who accidentally got themselves stuck in a channel where power flows freely.”  He released himself from her grasp and held up the dagger, parallel to the supine figure of their boy.
“Hear me,” he said, softly at first, but then more loudly a second time, “Hear me, Old Ones of this land, the Dark One summons–”
She shouldn’t have been alarmed, and yet, when the door to the cottage flew open with a sound like thunder, Belle yelped, and even Rumple started just a little. With the sound of a train at full steam, a swirling wave of wind and rain swept through the single room cottage; flattened the fire in the grate, and took possession of all around in the thrall of the hurricane force of the untamed dweomer.
Instinct drove Rumplestiltkin to put himself between his family and the figure that resolved itself within the elemental maelstrom. Before him, he extended his free hand, palm out toward the intruder, and in the other, his dagger, still horizontal, he held almost as a shield.
“You cannot hide behind the darkness, Father of Dreams,” the figure - a woman he now saw - accused, her voice the personification of the storm raging around them all. “You are the light within it.”
Rumple’s jaw tightened, rejecting her words. “You have my son. Let him go!” he demanded.
“The young dreamer came to me,” she said. “For the sake of this… trinket you carry.”
“Trinket!” Behind him, Belle’s voice was outraged.
“Trinket,” the woman echoed, and stretching out her hand, plucked the dagger from his grasp as easily as if he had given it to her.
Rumple staggered, suddenly feeling the weight and wildness of the energies of this world-without-magic.
“Now you understand,” the woman hissed into the wind. “It is your doubt that cripples you, Dark One. Your wife knows… but no one can prove to you but yourself, that you are the light within the darkness.”
“Enough!” Rumple growled, “My son, let him go!”
“Make your choice, Savior,” the woman countered, and suddenly amid the whirling chaos of the room, he saw her clearly.
Beautiful, and terrible in equal measure, shining painfully bright, her silken robes waved about her, as if in the strongest unseen currents, and in her hands she held a shining sword, and the instrument of his curse.
“Find me,” she demanded. “Find your son.”
Abruptly, the cottage fell to empty stillness; silence, until equally as suddenly, Belle cried out, “Gideon!  He’s gone!”
And across the room, Rumple’s dagger fell to the floor.
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over--heaven · 8 months
thank youu @iceicewifey for the tag this seems like fun !
directions : highlight/bold the tropes that apply to your relationship with your f/o
height difference · mutual pining · first kiss · first love · married · inside jokes · lgbt+ (bi4bi counts i guess??) · family disapproves · friends disapprove · would die for each other · fake relationship · arranged wedding · physical affection · pda friendly · and they were roommates · secret relationship · opposing world views · opposing personalities · opposing goals · getting a pet · have kids · grow old together · relationship failures · rest head on shoulder · share a bed · token dummies · relationship doubts · they have a song · first date · it's cold, take my jacket · sharing a blanket · mutual interests · study buddies · bathing together · crash into hello · accidental nudity · laundry · same hobbies · cooking together · big fancy gala · sibling rivalry · hair stroking · late night dancing · cloudgazing in the grass · watching stars together · watching the other sleep · shared values · friends to lovers · enemies to lovers · lovers to enemies · childhood friends · slow burn · love triangle · toxic relationship · sitting on each other’s lap · can’t be together · hugs · forehead touches · neck kisses · car/motorbike rides · compliments · petnames · falling asleep together · late night talks · spontaneous gifts
tagging: @newdaybreak, @zaletham, @nimue-hidden-lake, @sunflawyer and anyone else that wants to do it!
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crew-catz · 11 months
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A Hypnosis Mic fanblog (OC Focused)
Hosted by @nimue-hidden-lake (Eve / Nimue)
fellow Admin & Author @watersofcamelot (Camelot)
Hello and welcome to this small OC–Focused blog for the group 'CATZ', an all OC group created within the world of Hypnosis Mic.
This blog is not canon nor would it ever claim to be part of the canon! It is all based on a project for fun!
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About CATZ
CATZ is a three person crew who are active as vigilantes. They make it their mission to make a change and foil the plans of the Chuohku. 
Their leader is a cat called Ole. Most mistake him for a regular cat but he is more aware of his surroundings than one might suspect at first. He is old for one too, having hit the age of 16 already, and hopefully has many more years to come. Despite his wisdom he is as hungry and lazy as any other cat though.
The second member is Ann – A former member of the Chuohku yet had gotten themself kicked out. They are neither man or woman, simply not identifying with either of the two. Currently they are studying at a university and working a job on the side to pay for their tuition and the supplies to take care of Ole.
The third member is Eli – A former rapper returning from his retirement, solely to assist his friend and their cat. He may have a sassy attitude at times yet will always help those in need, even if he denies that he is a good person. It is not rare for him to get in trouble with the law either (profile coming soon)
Click here to see CATZ's Discography
It's the Fanfiction Masterlist
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We may reblog some stuff or make random posts as well though (HypMic related of course)
A side project is a Fling Posse x OC project! Click here for the Masterlist!
It is separated from the CATZ Main Story but has some overlapping stories as well.
DNI if…
you are here to start drama or talk about drama. We are here to have fun and share our ideas and creative fan projects. Also please do not involve us in any drama! 
you have a problem with content involving OCs and self inserts! This includes OC / S/I x Canon + S/I x Canon content as well!
The owners are part of the selfship / yumejoshi community. While this will not just be a blog about that, we will include OC/Canon shipping work sometimes, may it be directly or having undertones of it!
you are the following…
A racist
A bigot
A transphobe
A p*dophile / MAP
Proship / Comship
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goldden-sunrise · 11 months
Hello hello! Pardon the intrusion but I have something very urgent question for Rui Kamishiro!
So, you started out as a director for a theater group with your friends, or so I heard. I'm curious if your partner plays any role in the process.
Do they actively help you out with feedback or the gadgets? Perhaps the script even? Or are they a source of inspiration perhaps for maybe a play's theme? Or did you ever include a character based on them?
Oh, and I would also like to know if you invite them over to watch your latest show! If so, how are their reactions usually? And what was your favorite reaction from them in that regard (a funny one or one which made you very happy perhaps)?
I look forward to hearing about it!
oh, this is quite an interesting question! well, i have offered to do a script together, but they seem to not want to - they've said they're not sure they would be good at it. a few times, though, they have given me ideas for effects or stunts during shows, which is always quite fun. i can't say i have ever included a character based on them, but now that you mention it, that might be a fun idea to try sometime... i wonder if it would embarrass them, fufu~
i always invite them to see our shows, and their reactions are always... rather cute, especially if we end up including one of their ideas. as for my favourite... well, i suppose after our show at shibuya festa, they seemed very happy. i didn't quite understand why, but maybe it was something to do with how the story related to me... it was nice to see them so happy, though.
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collectorcookie · 9 months
Current things tag meme!
Thanks for the tag @clockworkspider! Now, lets see
3 ships: you know what, i'll give you three ships of each game i'm into rn
Polytrickstar(platonic/romantic): because duh. Look anywhere at my blog. I love them dearly. They never leave my mind. This very much includes anzu btw
RitsuMao(romantic): i have a weakness for childhood friends trope and for nonhuman x human ships so this is obvious (yeah i know ritsu isn't actually a vampire but like the whole being closer to humanity vs being shut away from humanity is strong in here)
IzuLeoMako(???): i don't even know what to say about this, this is just three cars crashing into each other and i can't look away. Yes HoroHaro fundamentally changed me as a person, how did you know?
Arthur and Oz(familial/platonic): i would die for these two. The fact that oz lived for centuries but never really got to know the world he lived in. And then him taking care of arthur caused him to slow down a bit and appreciate his surroundings. Arthur made oz see the world for the first time.
CaiOwe(romantic): they have eachother's eyeballs. I can't stop thinking about that. Is this not romantic to you? It is the pinnacle of romance to me. Yes, i am entirely ignoring the fact that they don't even get along. Also, i like it probably because cain is definitely high up there in terms of faves
Snow and white(familial): I am in pain. Japanese media will never let twins rest. I knew that white died but i didn't expect THAT'S how he died or how he feels about being a ghost. AND SNOW UGH. I'll just leave this for you:
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last song: dreamlume by cloves reyes
currently reading: the mahoyaku etude series
currently watching: nothing
last movie: enstars road to show
currently consuming: food wise i am drinking tea with milk. Media wise, well, enstars and mahoyaku. Tho i haven't been reading much enstars wise since trickstar climax happened, i'm just waiting patiently for knights climax and mao's event on engstars.
currently craving: food wise, not much. Emotionally, i kinda miss having a tutor who would hold me accountable when it came to studying. I suck at holding myself accountable.
tagging @enchantedmirage, @vampyreki, @mutsuowo, @nimue-hidden-lake and anyone else who would like to join is also welcome! (And don't feel pressured to if you don't want to)
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archives-of-camelot · 7 months
Track 3 - Answers
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Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Series: Old Wounds
Characters: Eli, Ann mentioned (@nimue-hidden-lake), Ole (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Ann and Ole came in through the door, finally having returned after a long day. They removed their shoes, as was the rules laid out by Eli. 'Wipe your feet and take off your shoes before coming in'. Simple rules. He was never one to ask much of anyone, just that the bare minimum be shown. They tried to do as much as they could to help out. Despite what he might say or think, he was a generous host.
"We're back!" they announced, as Ole made his way to his spot, the couch.
'Odd' they thought to themselves. 'He's usually cooking by now'.
"Heya sis" they heard suddenly from the table, making them jump.
"A-Ah! D-Don't sneak up on me like that" they huffed, thinking it was one of his pranks.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya..." he sounded rather melancholy.
Ann quickly noticed his tone, and shifted focus.
"Are...you ok...?"
"Could be better...and I know I usually say that but I mean it this time"
The air felt heavy, as Eli toyed with his mic in his hand, resisting the urge to throw it as far as he could. Ann stopped themselves from inquiring further. If he was gonna talk, it should be on his terms.
Eli took a deep breath, and pulled out a chair for them. They sat across from him, as Ole's ears perked up, listening from his spot.
"You're not stupid, so I'll cut to the chase. You probably figured out by now that I lied. About the 'not making it as a performer' thing, right?" he folded his arms.
"Well, yeah. It didn't make sense. Once Ole brought out the mic, it kinda went from there"
Eli nodded his head and sighed. His hunch was right. Of course it was. You'd have to be stupid not to see something.
"Well, it's better you find out from me than the rumor mill so I figured it was time" he shook his head and took another deep breath.
Ann gave him their full attention.
"I was a performer. A rapper, as you know, obviously. But I was more than just a rapper...at least to the public" he looked down at his mic again. "After some people witnessed a few of my solo acts, we decided to band together" he stood up and paced as he talked.
"We got scooped up by some officials, and that's when they became my first crew..." he smiled weakly. A mixture of both nostalgia and pain as he recalled that time.
Ole and Ann listened.
"Makes sense you were in a crew before us. But...what happened...?" they cautiously asked. Eli's grip on his mic tightened for a moment.
"After that, we made a name for ourselves. The Roundtable... We were the Squire...the Jester...the Warrior..." he stopped for a moment and held up his mic. "And the Knight..."
Ann's eyes widened for a moment. They knew he was a rapper, but...
"You're...the Knight...?"
"Yeah. Couldn't tell could ya? H-heh..." he flashed a fake smile and continued. "We did alot of gigs. It went better then we thought at first. People loved us more than we expected. We got alot of fans, and all kinds of people showed up to see us do our thing" he closed his eyes, remembering the crowds of people, all cheering and hyped to see the group perform.
"I remember. You guys were the fastest rising group on the charts at the time. Everyone heard about you guys. Especially you" they were going to continue, but stopped when noticing him grimace. "O-Oh, sorry...now's not the time..."
"No no, it's fine. It was a pretty good time. I had some of the most fun I've ever had in my life" he sighs. "But things were going too well, I guess. Nothing built, lasts forever"
"Your retirement..." they chimed in, putting the pieces together.
"That's the legal word for what happened, I guess..."
"What really happened...?"
The room went silent for a moment...
"When we hit our peak, the higherups brought up some 'reviews' and concerns. They weren't too pleased with how I was running things. They wanted something to change. They made alot of demands. Mostly to be a more 'by the book' kinda group. Apparently, our music attracted and encouraged 'undesirable behavior' in our fans"
"I told them to swallow it. I doubled down. I wasn't about to be told how we should do things" he folded his arms. "But...things went from bad to worse when we were called to a meeting. They made one last demand: 'Either you follow our advice, or you leave'. Same old I thought at the time. I assumed my crewmates would have had my back but..."
He paused a moment, sitting back down across from Ann. He took yet another deep breath before continuing.
"They wanted to conform with the 'new rules'. I disputed the change, as I always did. And that's when the arguing started..."
"With the group?" Ann nodded in thought.
"Nope...just one. The Warrior...Kazuki Unagi. Me and him never really got along. I never did find out what his problem was but he always started arguments with me, and talked behind my back...at a point it only got worse. Sometimes the others had to step in before things got too heated, but we usually put aside our beef for the better of the group. But not this time..."
His face contorted with guilt, as he remembered that night. The words they exchanged...the verbal blows they exchanged.
"This time there was no stopping us...things got heated fast. Some things were said that...I can never take back. He provoked me with my parents, so I brought up how if it weren't for me, no one would have known he even existed...that he was my #2 for a reason...I called him a dog..."
Ann kept nodding along, though in their mind they were shocked. What he was describing as his past self...it was so different to the Eli they had gotten to know. As short as their time together has been so far, they'd have never had guessed any of what he was telling them.
"We went back and forth, until I had enough...a fight broke out...I don't remember most of what happened. All I remember is finally agreeing to quit. 'If you think you're better off without me, then fine' I shouted. The next day, the dispute was disguised as a simple retirement. Nobody but us would know what happened that night...but I haven't forgotten..."
Eli laid his head in his hands, barely able to recall the verbal blows turning physical with Kazuki.
"For years I wondered...if things had been better had I just listened and kept my temper in check...if I hadn't run my mouth... Kazuki always said he could run the group better than I ever could...maybe he was right, I'll never know... Ever since, I vowed to never sing or pick up my mic again...but of course, you know how that turned out..." he looked over at Ole.
The cat stared blankly, as Ann processed all this information. They expected answers, but not to this extent. Eli broke the silence as he stood up finally.
"I...I think I'll clock in early tonight..." as he made his way to his room, before closing the door.
Ann sat, thinking to themselves. This was alot to digest.
Track list - Track 2 - Track 4
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riddlingwife · 8 months
thank you to @nimue-hidden-lake for tagging me <3 i'm too shy to tag other people so please everyone, feel free to do this and tag me!
directions: highlight/bold the tropes that apply to your relationship with your f/o
doing all these w/ my dear chorito <3
height difference · mutual pining · first kiss · first love · married · inside jokes · lgbt+ (bi4bi counts i guess??) · family disapproves · friends disapprove · would die for each other · fake relationship · arranged wedding · physical affection · pda friendly · and they were roommates · secret relationship · opposing world views · opposing personalities · opposing goals · getting a pet · have kids · grow old together · relationship failures · rest head on shoulder · share a bed · token dummies · relationship doubts · they have a song · first date · it's cold, take my jacket · sharing a blanket · mutual interests · study buddies · bathing together · crash into hello · accidental nudity · laundry · same hobbies · cooking together · big fancy gala · sibling rivalry · hair stroking · late night dancing · cloudgazing in the grass · watching stars together · watching the other sleep · shared values · friends to lovers · enemies to lovers · lovers to enemies · childhood friends · slow burn · love triangle · toxic relationship · sitting on each other’s lap · can’t be together · hugs · forehead touches · neck kisses · car/motorbike rides · compliments · petnames · falling asleep together · late night talks · spontaneous gifts
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