#part of the reason I latched onto felix as a brother figure so much was because I saw a lot of myself in some of his personality
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
Hi there! I hope you’re doing fine! I have a question for one of the siblings.For Felix to be exact! I’m curious… Siblings tease sometimes, don’t they? So who usually does the teasing (in a sibling–like way of course)? And how does the other react? Is it becoming a back and forth or is the other party too flustered to fight back? @nimue-hidden-lake
Felix: "Oh, that's absolutely Catarina. Not that you'd probably call her the type to tease - not when comparing her to some of my friends, at least - but she has certainly got it in her. I don't even know if you'd call it teasing, but.. it's the way she just bites back with some sort of answer, any time you say something that's either wrong or that she can counter somehow. She's so quick to retort with some- cutting response or other, it's kind of ridiculous how perfectly she does it at this point!
And she doesn't even do it all the time, either - only when she can actually prove her point. I admire it about her a lot, don't get me wrong - it's just not always fun to be on the receiving end of if I'm already in a bad mood, you know? At least she knows when to drop it, though.. And quite often, we do end up sending things back-and-forth pretty well. Usually in the middle of training, actually. Her tongue's almost sharper than her sword work, but we're both pretty evenly-matched at this point - in wits as well as blades.
That.. probably wasn't the most concise answer I could have given? So, sorry about that. Still, I hope that it works."
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themadlostgirl · 3 years
Treasure Hunt
*Some wholesome fun with a little Panlix tension to garnish*
We had new toys on the island. New to me anyway.
The Lost Boys and I crowded around the beach and stared out at the ship anchored on the horizon. Pirates.
Where they had come from or why there were here was a mystery to us. But one thing was for certain, they were certain to be fun. Peter ordered all of us back to camp while he spoke to the captain. Not that most of us listened anyway. We stuck around hiding at the entrance to the jungle to see what would happen.
A single rowboat came ashore with a trio of men. One was covered head to toe in tattoos, one was short and portly with a bright red hat, and the third I had to assume was the captain. He had a tall, dark, and dangerous look about him that I’m sure plenty of tavern wenches falling all over themselves.
“Holy shit,” the boy next to me muttered softly, gaze locked on the captain.
“Snap out of it, Teddy,” I slapped the back of his head, “What would Sanjit think if he saw you drooling over someone else?”
“I think he would understand.” Teddy shrugged, “Come on, even you have to admit the man looks great.”
“He looks good, I will give him that,” I peered closer, “Does he have a hook for a hand?”
“Nice,” Teddy grinned wider. I slapped him again.
Peter and the captain talked and argued before the captain and his men got back into their boat and left for their ship. Peter turned around and addressed us hiding in the trees. “You can come out now you disobedient tree stumps,”
Half of the boys fled at having been found out while the rest of us emerged. “So what brings them here?” I asked first.
“Youth and revenge, not the first time I’ve come across that salty sailor. Have to say, he has a lot more backbone as a pirate than he did when I first met him.” Peter said. “Captain Hook he calls himself now. Sounds much more fun than leftenant Jones.”
“Is the revenge he craves against you?” Felix asked. “I could see him blaming his brother’s death on you.”
“No. He’s upset about that for sure, but apparently the Dark One killed his lover and cut off his hand. That’s who he wants to get revenge against. Figured he would have more than enough time staying here while he concocted something. Idiot doesn’t even have a way back. It’s clear he didn’t think any of this through.” Peter scoffed with a smile. “His idiocy is our gain. Tell me, what do pirates always have?”
“Drinking problems?”
“Yes, but not what I was looking for.”
“Big hats.”
“Terrible songs!”
“Treasure!” Peter snapped, “They have treasure!”
“Oh...that makes more sense.” I nodded. “What is treasure to us? Not like we have any shops to purchase things from using any of their shiny baubles.”
“True. But it means a great deal more to them.” Peter grinned. “Tomorrow morning, we’re gonna go on a treasure hunt.”
When we got back to camp those of us that stuck around informed the others about what had happened with Peter and the pirates. Many of them were excited about the idea of a treasure hunt. By the time dawn broke the camp was abuzz with anticipation.
“Morning everyone,” Peter greeted his camp, “Last night your fearless leader, me, snuck aboard the pirate’s ship and stole their chest of treasure right out from under their nose.” The camp whooped with cheer. Peter held up his hand to silence the boys. “I have now hidden it somewhere on the island. First person to find it is King for the day. That is...if any of you flopping codfish can find it.”
The boys jeered and raced off in all directions to find the treasure. I had started to run off with them when I remembered I didn’t have a weapon. Knowing the boys they would get violent and try to steal the treasure from one another when it was found. I needed something to defend myself with. I turned around to head back to the now abandoned camp.
I ducked into my tent to find a suitable weapon when I heard voices in the camp. I poked my head out and saw Felix and Peter were the only ones still around. I understood why Peter was still here but why was Felix?
“How long do you think they’ll be out searching for the treasure?” Felix asked Peter.
“They’ll search all day and probably into the night before giving up.” Peter laughed, “The whole time they’re digging around dark caves and in rotten tree trunks the chest is safely buried by the mermaid lagoon. None of them are going near there and even if they do none of them will think to start digging.”
“Maybe I should go dig it up then,” Felix said, “Let myself be crowned king for the day.”
“Now where is the fun in that? Let them struggle for a good while first.” Peter looked around the camp and I quickly closed the flap of my tent. I don’t think he would be too happy about my eavesdropping. “It’s nice to have some peace and quiet around here for once. The noise can get grating at times.”
“I understand that better than most,” Felix’s voice answered. “Even rarer that our Lost Girl isn’t hanging about. Seems she sticks around you more than usual.”
“Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Felix?”
“You’re not funny.”
“I’m hilarious and she’s a good friend.” Peter said. “I still cannot believe that you and those other idiots thought that we were interested in one another. As if I would actually even want to be with her.”
Okay. Ouch. And incorrect! He was the one that assumed that I was confessing my love to him the night I came out to him and said he was okay trying to have a romantic relationship with me. We agreed it wouldn’t work out between us after I told him I was gay but this was needless slander. Got to keep up appearances for the boys I suppose. Can’t let them know he actually considered me at some point. However brief it may have been.
“Not your type, huh?” Felix joked.
“No…” Peter said, “Has a lot of traits I do like. She’s straightforward, bloodthirsty, knows how to have fun, doesn’t take any of my shit, which is refreshing,”
“What are you talking about? I don’t take any of your bullshit either.” Felix said, his voice rising a tad.
“I know, Felix, that’s part of the reason I like you too.”
The camp was silent.
“You know, makes you a good friend too, a great second in command.” Peter continued after a beat.
“Good to know,” Felix sighed. “I’m going to refill my canteen.”
“What?” Felix snapped at him. The harshness in his tone made even me freeze and it wasn’t even directed at me.
“Nothing…” Peter’s steps receded, “I’m going to go watch the boys run in circles.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Felix muttered before trudging off.
I waited a few more minutes before poking my head out to make sure the coast was clear. That was something. Those two have more issues than I thought. If they could get a nudge in the right direction--no! No! I am not getting myself involved in their problems.
I grabbed the sword I had come to retrieve and fled the camp. At the very least I know where the treasure is now! I ran towards the mermaid lagoon. It was deserted of Lost Boys but I could see the ripple in the water of the mermaids lurking right below the the surface, waiting and hoping I would venture closer so they could pull me down and drown me. I only made that mistake once when I was very new on the island. They were very pretty and I thought maybe they would be friendly towards a girl. I was soon proven how very wrong I was when one of them pulled me under the water and the Lost Boys had to come in and rescue me before I drowned.
Scanning the sand I found a patch that looked like it had been pretty recently disturbed. I started digging with my hands until I felt the solid weight of wood. I dug around it until the very top was uncovered. How was I supposed to get it out by myself? It was firmly stuck in the ground and getting it free by myself would be near impossible.
Maybe I could just grab something to prove that I had found it and cover it back up. I dug my hand down into the sand for the latch and pried it open. Inside laid a wealth of gold coins, gems, jewelry, and other shiny baubles. I stuffed a handful of coins and gems in my pocket and slid a pair of shining, jewel encrusted bracelets onto my wrists. That should be enough. I closed the lid and covered the chest once more. I decided to mess with the boys while waiting for it to grow later and dropped random coins and jewels around the jungle so they would think they were heading in the right direction.
By the time night fell the boys had returned to camp despondent. Some holding up the coins and jewels I had strewn about with a small amount of disdain. Peter was back to his jovial self but looked confused at the boys holding coins. Surely he hadn’t let anything fall out when he stole the chest.
That was my cue. I strolled into the middle of the camp and raised my glittering wrists to the sky. “Bow before your queen!”
“What?” Peter gaped at me. “There’s no way you found the chest!”
“Oh but I did,” I dug into my pockets and tossed the remaining coins I had onto the ground. “That chest was so big and heavy though I couldn’t take the whole thing myself but I think this is sufficient enough evidence.”
“Wait, were you the one leaving coins and jewels all over the island?” one of the boys pointed at me, accusingly.
“Duh,” I rolled my eyes, “I needed to have my own fun.”
“Never let it be said that I’m not a man of my word,” Peter gave an exaggerated bow, “Our dear Lost Girl shall be Queen for the day...or at least for the rest of the night.”
Some of the boys cheered, a lot more of the jealous boys booed. I didn’t care. I basked in the attention and laughed with the others at the silly antics the boys did to entertain their “queen” like court jesters. It was all in good fun, Peter even fashioned me a crown of sticks and leaves.
I pulled him over to dance with me. “So,” I spoke up to be heard over the pounding music, “How long till the pirates find out you stole their treasure and come to hunt us down for taking it?”
“Who knows,” Peter shrugged, “it’s sure to be fun though.”
I laughed along with him as the night grew late and my night of queendom came to an end. The game would begin again tomorrow but with the chest in a new spot. Looks as if I’ll actually have to hunt for it this time. Not a problem, I liked a good challenge.
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pairing:  Pentagon Jr./FC/Felix
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2512
Warnings: Threesome m/f/m, voyeurism, language,
 “Please baby,” You pulled out the pout, lower lip jutting out puppy dog eyes in full effect. 
“No.”  Pentagon said flatly giving you that look that let you know you were treading on thin ice.  Pentagon despised begging and doing it in the middle of his meet and greet session wasn’t your smartest move.  All you wanted was a little attention, but apparently that was too much to ask.
“Fine.” You spat.  “Be an asshole.”  Your attempt to flounce off was halted by him grabbing your bicep and pulling you to him. 
“Naked and kneeling.”  He snapped pushing you away from him before he turned back to the next person in his line.  With a groan you left the arena and headed back to the hotel.  You knew Pentagon wasn’t kidding.  He fully expected you to be naked and waiting for him when he returned.  You would be able to figure out how much trouble you were in when he returned.  Showered and dressed Pentagon you were only in for a bit of trouble.  Make up and mask?  You were fucked.  
As you waited you let yourself get all riled up, railing against Pentagon and his stupid demands.  He couldn’t order you to hang around waiting for him like a dog.  He didn’t own you.   Defiantly you rose from the bed and dug through your suitcase pulling out the tiny little red dress that was Penta’s favorite on you.  
You weren’t going to sit around waiting on him.   After you were all dressed up you headed to the dance club across the street from the hotel and lost yourself in the music.   All track of time was lost as you let handsome men buy you drink after drink in exchange for a dance.  It wasn’t until you were ripped away from your current partner and turned to face a furious Pentagon that you realized just how much you had messed up. 
 “This isn’t naked and kneeling.”  Pentagon’s masked face loomed over you immediately foretelling just how much trouble you were in.  His grip on your arm was painful, sure to leave bruises.  
“I waited for hours.”  You snapped full of liquid courage as you struggled to free yourself.  “I’m supposed to just wait for you to decide to show up?  Fuck you Pentagon.” 
The snarl that flew from his lips honestly frightened you, making you stare up at the infuriated luchador with wide-eyes before he dragged you behind him through the club, muttering in his native language much too fast for you to comprehend. 
Once back in your hotel room he flung you onto the bed, fire in his eyes as he glared down at you.  
“I come back to an empty hotel room and then find my woman dancing like a whore with another man?” He growled. 
“I was just dancing,” You defended yourself warily watching Pentagon as he lumbered over to his duffle bag, pulling out the thick black leather belt you knew too well. 
“How many men did you let touch you?”  He asked stroking the belt through his fingers as he stalked towards you.  “How many hands were all over your body?”  Pentagon grabbed your arm yanking you to the end of the bed and holding you flush to him. 
“Did you let them touch your ass?”  He squeezed it painfully before moving his hands up your body.  “Your tits? You sure as fuck smell like them.”  You whimpered as Pentagon squeezed your breast in his fist.  “I leave you alone for a few hours and you’re out spreading for everyone in town like a fucking whore.”  He snarled ignoring your denials of his condemnation, your pleas of innocence falling on deaf ears.  
With a frustrated growl he threw his belt on the floor. 
“I can’t even look at you right now.”  Pentagon snapped heading towards the bathroom.  “You fucking disgust me.”  The door slammed behind him reverberating through the hotel room. 
Not thinking clearly you ran from the room.  Pentagon needed time to cool down.  You had never seen him this angry with you.  You wanted to be far away from him and that belt until you were sure he had calmed down a bit.  You didn’t know where you were going, but as you hurried through the hotel lobby you saw him.  Fenix.  Pentagon’s brother.  The calming half of the Lucha Brothers.  He was the one who was able to make Pentagon see reason.   Fenix could help you.
You stopped short as you noticed the woman with him, tucked beneath Fenix’s arm and giggling as he whispered into her ear.  Shoulders slumping you started to turn away when he saw you.  Fenix stopped looking over your tear stained face and heaved a sigh.  He could only guess what had you in that state.   Pulling out his room card he gave it to his date and sent her up to his room with flowery words that had her beaming as he moved to help his brother’s girlfriend. 
“What’s the matter chica?  Mi hermano being a cabron again?”  Fenix teased cuffing your chin with his knuckles.   Your lip trembled as you nodded and soon the whole story was flooding out of your mouth, starting at the meet and greet when Pentagon was ignoring you (which, Fenix had to admit he couldn’t blame his brother, he was working) to Pentagon snapping at you, and how you got tired of waiting for him so you went out dancing (which made Fenix wince, he could only imagine how furious Pentagon would be to return to an empty hotel room).  You skipped over the part of you dancing with other men.  Sure Fenix was sympathetic, but that sympathy was only going to go so far.  If you wanted him on your side, you had to paint a more innocent picture of yourself than you may be. 
“He called me a whore Fenix,” You sniffled.  “He’s never called me that.”  Fenix looked away, schooling his expression before looking back at you. He knew exactly what that meant.  Once you were a whore, you were done in Pentagon’s books.   Fenix reached out sympathetically, rubbing your arm.  It was a shame.  You were starting to grow on him.  You sobbed, launching yourself into Fenix’ arms, the surprised masked man barely able to stabilize himself as his arms reflexively wrapped around you.   Stepping backwards he fell onto the couch in the hotel lobby, you settling yourself into Fenix’s arms as you quieted.   It was then that Fenix caught onto what had his brother so pissed off as the mix of several men’s cologne’s wafted off your skin.  
He was about to push you off him when he caught sight of Penta over your shoulder glaring at the two of you.  The brothers exchanged emotion laden looks before Pentagon spoke.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”  Pentagon yelled gathering the attention of the few people lingering in the lobby.  “I go to the bathroom and you run off to my brother’s arms?”  You nearly jumped from Fenix’s arms at Penta’s voice turning around to see the still furious luchador storming towards you making you lean back into Fenix’s chest. 
“Calm down Penta,” Fenix said.  “We’re in the middle of the lobby.” 
Pentagon glared at his brother and sneered at both of you. 
“You sure you want her, brother?  After all the men she let paw all over her tonight? You want my leftovers Fenix?”  Pentagon taunted. 
“It’s not like that Penta.”  Fenix said with a sigh. “I was just trying to help her.” 
“Si, you’re always trying to help her.”  Penta replied.  “Every time I turn around she’s running to you. Let’s go.”  Pentagon grabbed your arm and pulled you up dragging you towards the elevators.  “You too asshole.”  He snapped at Fenix glaring at his brother to make sure he followed along. 
The elevator to the fifth floor was filled with tense silence, Penta’s grip on your arm tightening by the floor as Fenix leaned against the mirrored wall, none of his trademark mischievousness on display.  
“Strip.”  Pentagon ordered you as soon as the three of you entered the room.  He sat in the chair in the corner, arms over his chest as he stared at you with Fenix lingering by the doorway. 
“Penta what are you doing?” You asked nervously glancing from your boyfriend to his brother, hesitating to obey Penta’s command.  
“You seem to want my brother so badly.  You want to run off into his arms.”  Penta sneered.  “Then I’m going to give you to him.”  He waved angrily between you and Fenix.  “Go on brother. Fuck my girlfriend.”
Fenix’s eyes were solely on you as you stared wide-eyed at Pentagon unable to believe what he had just proposed.  If you had paid more attention, Fenix’s lack of reaction may have told you to tread carefully, but you were too focused on Penta to notice the Bird of Prey. 
“Are you serious?”  You asked, your voice sounding entirely too shrill for your liking.  Had you thought about Fenix like that?  Of course you had.  You would have to be blind not to be attracted to Fenix.  There had been a time you had hoped to land Fenix before you had become Penta’s girl.
“You’ve wanted him for so long.  Here he is.  Get him out of your system.”  Pentagon said. “Let me watch you fuck him.” 
Now your attention shifted to Fenix who was still leaning insolently against the doorway, his eyes bright with something you couldn’t quite place that sent an excited chill through your body.   Slowly your hand reached up pushing first one shoulder strap and then the other down, then shimmying out of your dress, letting it pool on the floor revealing your undergarment less state that had Penta’s fist clenching as further rage boiled through him as he thought about other being so close to what should have only been his.  
“Go on Fenix.”  Pentagon snapped as Fenix still leaned against the door.  “She’s right there for the taking.” 
Fenix pushed off the wall, looking at his brother as the two conversed in their native language, words flying over your head as you stood exposed before them.  Finally Fenix grabbed you and pulled your naked body against him, his mouth latching onto yours with a ferocity that surprised you.  Shocks of desire burned through you as his tongue met yours.  His hands skimmed over your body, down your sides and over your ass, grabbing a handful as he tore his mouth from yours.
“Get on your knees for me chica,” Fenix panted, his hand moving to your shoulder and guiding you down.  “Perform for my brother. Show me what I’m missing.”  Your eyes darted to Penta in the corner as you landed on your knees, his hand covering his cock as he watched you with Fenix.  Encouraged you eagerly reached for Fenix’s pants, sliding down the zipper and helping him step free, his cock bobbing into your face. 
Encircling his length and stroking it you brought your lips to the head, licking your tongue over the tip making Fenix hiss as you swirled around it. 
“Quit teasing and suck him.”  Penta snapped growing tired of your game as Fenix glared over his shoulder at Penta.
“I was enjoying that.”  He complained earning a middle finger from his brother and some snapped words you could only guess were insults. 
Following Penta’s instructions you took Fenix’s cock into your mouth, bobbing along his length taking him in a bit further with each pass until his head was touching the back of your throat.  Pressing you tongue against his cock you swallowed around him, keeping your eyes looking up at him as Fenix watched you take him in. 
Fenix’s hands threaded into your hair, guiding you along his shaft as you hummed around him, until he buried himself to the hipbone inside you, your face pressed against his pelvis holding you in place as you gagged around him, spit leaking from your mouth and dripping down Fenix’s thighs.  With a grin he pulled you free, smirking as you gasped for air, staring up at him with watery eyes. 
“Bed.”  Fenix said pulling you to your feet and giving you a swat on the ass making you scurry to the bed.  “Bend over the end.”  He came up behind you, spreading your legs far apart and bending you over at the waist then taking up position behind you. 
Fenix paused when Pentagon spat something at him, grumbling under his breath and pushing you along the bed until you were along the side of it.  In this position you were staring right at Pentagon as his brother took you from behind, eyes entranced as you watched Pentagon stroke his cock while you got fucked.  Fenix’s cock hit you deep with every thrust, hitting the spot that had you moaning and clutching the bedspread as your pleasure coiled in your stomach. 
“Eyes on Penta,” Fenix said sharply when you buried your face in the blankets, getting pulled back by Fenix’s hand in your hair.  Your moan was strangled at the awkward angle as Fenix viciously took you, pounding up into your pussy as his hips snapped against you.  
Penta finally rose from the chair, climbing on the bed to kneel before you, pushing his cock past your lips and fucking your face at the same brutal pace Fenix was fucking you with. You felt like a ragdoll between the two brothers your jaw aching from the force of Penta’s thrusts, growing more helpless when Fenix grabbed hold of your wrists and wrenched them behind your back.   You felt like you were going to choke on Pentagon’s cock every time it breached your throat, him timing his thrusts with Fenix jarring you each time they both slammed into you. 
Finally Fenix pulled out of your pussy, spraying his cum over your ass and back as Pentagon pulled from your mouth and covered your face.  
They let you collapse on your belly, each of them quietly dressing as you struggled to catch your breath.  
“I’ve got a pretty little toy waiting up in my room if she hasn’t run off yet.” Fenix told his brother with a grin.  “Let’s go see if we can get her to play too.” 
Pentagon grinned and nodded in agreement, grabbing his two bags and slinging them over his shoulders as he followed his brother to the door. 
“Where are you going?” You asked completely confused now that the two brothers seemed to be right back to their normal selves, all signs of fighting erased. 
“I told you when we met I had no use for whores.” Pentagon said simply.  “Tonight you proved yourself to be just that.  You can have the room, I’m going to stay with Fenix.”  He walked out the door leaving you staring mouth agape at his abrupt departure.
“In case that wasn’t clear enough for you, he just dumped your ass.” Fenix said with a grin.  “Adios chica.” 
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uber--duper · 5 years
Rear Sprockets
Annette's work is interrupted by an unexpected source asking for help. She's suspicious, sure, but the payout is more than worth the trouble.
Three Houses fun, Three Houses fun
AO3 Link
The voice from above snapped Annette’s attention away from her work, the tune she was humming catching in her throat. Of all the people to approach her when she was working on a new song...
Annette let out a grunt as she righted her posture, grease from the floor settling into the skin of her elbows and the material of her undershirt. The motorcycle at her side let out a clack as something inside of it shifted, and Annette sighed. So much for righting that piece. She turned to the person who accosted her and scowled.
“Felix.” Annette said simply, lips pursed and brow raised in a look that she hoped properly got across her annoyance at him. “Why do you always arrive when I’m singing? Don’t you have somebody else to make fun of that’s like, somewhere else?”
The two were alone in the dirty, run down garage owned by the group known as the ‘Blue Lions’. It was a small, dingy environment, stained with oil and sweat and covered in spare parts. And yet, it was home away from home for many of them there, and Annette often found that she’d much rather spend her free time here, busying away at a motorcycle or book on repair work than anything else. She had busy hands, and maintenance was a nice way to give them something to do.
Funnily enough, Annette wasn’t the best at driving much of anything. She found the noise and the speed and the everything distracting at best. And being distracted while cruising down the street at seventy miles an hour was something closer to a death wish than anything else. Still, she loved bikes and cars, and serving as the mechanic to the Blue Lions was more than fine enough for her. It allowed her to get her hands dirty, and deal with all the fun parts of the vehicles her friends drove around in.
“It sounded more like humming. And why would I make fun of anybody?” Felix scoffed, his trademark stare, scalding and sharp, boring into her. Annette had no idea if he was making a joke or not. His arms were crossed, a leather jacket draped over his shoulders. Supposedly, it had been his brother’s.
“You’re always making fun of Dimitri and Dedue.” Annette pointed out, crossing her arms and pouting. She settled her crossed arms onto the seat of the bike, planting her head into them and staring up. Felix stared down, face flat.
“Yes, well they deserve it.” He told her, cocking his brow. “What do you care?”
“I care because they’re my friends! And I thought they were your friends too!” Annette said, huffing a second after. “You just like to be mean to people for no reason.”
“I have my reasons.” Felix snorted, glancing away. However, his gaze returned a second later, staring down at her. “I’m not interested in talking about them though. I wanted your opinion on something.”
Annette narrowed her eyes. “My opinion? What could you possibly want my opinion on? And why?”
“I think it should be obvious.” Felix scoffed. “I want you to take a look at my ride. I need a second pair of eyes, and I obviously only possess one.”
“Wait, your bike?!” Annette hopped to her feet, excitement suddenly flooding her body. The creeper she was laying on slid away, bumping into the nearby workbench with a quiet ‘clack’.
Felix was one of the few members of the Blue Lions who didn’t frequently come to Annette for help on their bikes, and the only one to never visit her at all. He always insisted on doing his own work away from the others, and refused to come to her for regular repairs. That meant he usually sequestered himself off into his own little corner of the garage, and didn’t let anybody look at what he was doing. As a result, Annette never got to see what his work looked like, much less the inner workings of his ride. So an opportunity like this…
“Yes.” Felix glanced at her with a look in his eye that Annette wouldn’t be able to name, even if excitement wasn’t coursing through her veins. “I’ve replaced some of the rear sprockets, and figured I should get somebody to look it over now that I’m done.”
“Ooooooh my god.” Annette bounced on the balls of her feet, eyes shining. “That’s-” And then her brain caught up with her. Annette frowned, reining herself back and narrowing her eyes at Felix. “Wait a minute. You never want anybody to look at your bike. What is this? Where’s the catch?”
“Jeez.” Felix groaned, rolling his eyes. “There is no catch. I can’t ask for help with my bike without being questioned?”
“...well, it’s not like you ask for help with it. Like, ever.” Annette looked away, pouting. “You can’t blame me for being suspicious.”
“Your suspicions are unfounded, so I can.” Felix said, voice hard. “All I want is a second opinion. This is something that I’d rather not screw up, so somebody like you would be a good fit to double check it.”
“What do you mean ‘somebody like me’?” Annette asked, brow furrowed.
“Must you doubt my every word?” Felix asked, rolling his eyes. “If you’re this set on interrogating me about my intentions, I’ll just pass on any help you were willing to offer.” He shook his head and turned around.
“No! No no no!” Annette, scurried around the bike she’d been working on, scooting over to Felix’s side and latching onto his arm. “No! I want to help!”
“Let go of me.” He replied, though there was no motion to shake her off.
“Sorry! Sorry...” She let out a nervous laugh, quickly drawing her hands back to her chest. A light heat decorated her cheeks, embarrassment at her enthusiasm welling up in her chest. “I… I got a little too excited there.”
“It’s fine.” Felix said, glancing down at her. “Does this mean you’re going to help me out?” Annette opened her mouth to respond, and he continued. “Without interrogating me the whole time?”
“...I said I was sorry.” She murmured, scuffing her boot on the ground. “I’ll be good.”
“Fine.” Felix replied, turning away. “Now come on, before somebody gets back and thinks I’m actually letting you work on my bike.”
And that’s all he said to her as he walked away, clearly expecting her to follow. Annette blinked at everything about the situation. Her mind told her that consorting with Felix like this probably wasn’t gonna lead to anything more than her getting made fun of some more. He was abrasive, and hard to be around sometimes. Her heart then reminded her that she was gonna get a chance to inspect Felix’s bike.
Annette followed.
Felix’s ride was sleek and streamlined, its body painted black and navy. The fluorescent light of the garage reflected off of the bike, giving it a sense of majesty. It seemed almost imposing as Annette approached, marveling. Even from where she stood, not even touching the motorcycle, she could tell how much love and care was put into its maintenance.
Felix stepped up, crouching next to the rear wheel, placing his hand on the tire. He then pointed into the rear workings with a finger, motioning for Annette to come closer with his head. She easily followed, scampering over and crouching next to him. He pointed out a few of the small parts in the wheel itself, then motioned to the actual sprocket.
“I’m adjusting the sprocket ratio,” He explained, “so that I’m putting a little more of the force on the back wheel. I wanted you to double check my work before I put the new chain on. This should be correct, however.”
“Wow...” Annette said quietly, awe in her voice. It was so well put together. Everything from the chassis to the suspension to the simple bells and whistles... Her hand reached out involuntarily, her fingertips gracing against the indicated sprocket with an almost reverent touch. This kind of beauty, such a solidly constructed motorcycle… And Annette knew that this was all done personally, everything about this bike was deliberate, done by Felix himself. Her fingers trailed over a few of the parts, branching away from the sprocket as she let herself become absorbed in the sights.
The parts were high quality and clearly well maintained… Nothing was out of place, or unnecessary. Everything was oiled and polished… It felt like Annette was looking at a snapshot of Felix’s true nature. Or maybe his soul, perhaps. Either way, she saw-
“Annette.” Felix’s voice cut through Annette’s thoughts, and her head whipped back towards him. “Pay attention, I hate repeating myself.”
“I-I’m sorry!” She yelped, hands jumping back to her chest. “I was just-”
“Save it.” Felix snorted, flapping a hand dismissively. “I don’t care. I know that you were admiring my bike, and it’s great that you can see my skills at work. However, I want you to check on the sprocket, then you can marvel as much as you want.”
“I can...” Annette couldn’t form words to match her excitement, staring at Felix with eyes wide as saucers. “Can… can I really?”
“I just said so, did I not?” Felix asked, rolling his eyes.
“Eeeeeee!” Annette let out an excited squeal, balling up her hands and shaking them in pure elation. Her body bounced involuntarily as she let her excitement flow through her, the feeling so strong it was sparking out of her fingertips. Annette’s eyes lit up, and she stared at Felix with a wide grin, a glow practically radiating off of her, made of pure joy. “Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you! I’m so happy I could hug you!”
“I’d prefer you not.” Felix shook his head.
“Okay, let me get my tools, and then I’ll look at your bike! Oh my god, this is gonna be so much fun!”
“Hey, wait,” Felix said, a scowl forming on his face. “I didn’t agree to-”
But it was too late. Annette was off, scurrying over to her corner of the garage so she could grab her work stuff. She knew what she was dedicating the rest of her afternoon to!
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ihaileysenpai · 7 years
Purpose (Bendy X Hailey Fanfic)
*Angst warning I guess? (The anon asked for it, so can’t stop me) *I was watching the plane crash episode of Grey’s Anatomy and got the idea *Its really long so fair warning *Its bad I know, shush I usually don’t kill people in stories XD
~~~~|~~~~~~ Normal Pov ~~~~|~~~~~~
The smell of freshly cooked pastries filled the air, the room was dark, but the only light source was emitted from several lit lanterns that stood on the tables. Swing music filled the atmosphere with a relaxing vibe.
Bendy tapped his fingers on the wooden table as he kept with the rhythm. His younger, yet taller brother could be seen playing on stage with the band. The clarinet was easily pointed out if one listened and paid attention.
Across the table, Bendy noticed the light humming from Hailey. He glanced towards her direction. The relaxed and joyous smile on her face as her attention was fixated on the band onstage and their music.
Bendy felt the world almost fade away as he continued to stare at Hailey with a longing gaze. Many thoughts filled his head, most of which had the life threatening risks.
He didn’t realize the song was over until Hailey clapped her hands and looked at him.
She had a grin. “Good show, huh?” She remarked.
Feeling flustered that he was caught staring, Bendy tried to figure out an answer to the red head.
“I-Uh yeah it was great!” Bendy answered, fumbling over the first few words of his sentence.
“That brother of yours has some talent, it’s great to see great potential like that.” Hailey stated, almost in a daydreaming tone.
Bendy nodded his head in agreement and looked back at the stage to see his brother talking to the piano man. “Yeah, he’s good at that and being a mechanic. He’s going to be great.”
“So are you.”
Bendy turned his head to see Hailey giving him a look. He couldn’t explain it, it looked omniscient, but with something else.
Hailey sent a quick glare at Bendy, “You’re also going to do great things. You can play the guitar and you’re one of the best mechanics in the world. May I also remind you that you’ve got the brains and the brawn?” Hailey sighed, “Bendy, you’ve got a lot going for you, whatever you think will hold you back, it shouldn’t.”
Bendy’s staring resurfaced, he was at a loss of words.
Did she know about the illness that he bared?
Was she thinking that it was something else?
“Can you just stop thinking that you’re only destined to die?” Hailey interrupted his thoughts once more.
He spoke without a moment’s thought, he wasn’t sure what he had said. It was between, ‘what are you talking about’ and 'how much do you know?’.
Hailey shrugged her shoulders, “I know that you’re keeping a big secret from me, I don’t blame you, I’m not that extravagant or important. But you’ve got a destiny, it can change the world. I don’t want you to turn cold and bitter, I don’t want you to go throw your adventure whilst depressing thoughts plaguing your thoughts and judgement.” She explained, then shifted her gaze away from the demon.
“Hailey, what are you trying to say?” Bendy questioned, not clearly understanding the message that his companion is trying to spell out for him.
“People care about you, alright? Lots of people, and I care about you too, dingus.” Hailey stated, continuing to avoid looking at him, “Because you effected so many people, you shouldn’t give up on your dreams.”
A sympathetic smile washed into Bendy’s face, he gently reached over and latched onto Hailey’s hand that rested on the table.
“I see what you’re getting at. And okay.”
“Yeah, okay. You have a point, I’ll accept that. I’ll try and stay more 'hopeful’, okay? And I care about you too.” Bendy accepted in a feathery tone.
Hailey had a small smile on her face, returning her gaze at Bendy.
“Alright, I’m glad to hear that.” She rejoiced in her mellifluous voice.
“If anything, you could be apart of the whole destiny thing too. Me and Boris have a purpose, whose saying that you can’t join us in that? If you want to that is.” Bendy negotiated, making Hailey look aback.
“Y-you want me to join you?” Bendy nodded his head, making Hailey giggle, “Sure, I’ll come. But only if you promise to keep that mind of yours working. You need a plan for when this whole destiny thing is over, are we okie doki?” Hailey proposed.
Bendy chuckled, “With you there, I doubt I’ll have hear the end of it.”
The two smiled brightly at eachother, perhaps there was sentiment between their shared glances.
“Hey guys! I’m back!” Boris greeted with a joyous tone, as he maneuvered towards the table. “Didja like the songs?” He asked.
“It was great, Boris!” Hailey complimented.
“Yeah good job, bro.” Bendy followed, then explained what was happening to Boris.
He couldn’t help but smile, maybe he did have a future.
“Where the hell are they?!” Cuphead groaned in annoyance.
“How should I know? We got seperated so fast that I couldn’t ask where everyone was going!” Bendy retorted, sarcasm lacing in his words.
The two walked at a quick pace, water dripping from their heads to their toes. They were trapped in what seemed as a labyrinth maze cave.
“Boris? Mr Felix? Hailey?”
“Mugs? Jackpot?”
The two called for the others within their group multiple times, but much to their dismay, no answers so far.
Bendy tried to light their disheartened atmosphere by talking about nurses and how everyone needed a hot nurse.
Cuphead only rolled his eyes and had his memory recall his first encounter with the rabbit nurse who took care of his brother.
Once pestering Cuphead about his sudden blush, Bendy and Cuphead were suddenly falling down after the rocks beneath them caved in.
After the tumbling the duo had to endure before reuniting with their brothers, Bendy began to question where the remaining members of the group were.
“We don’t know where Mr Felix or Jackpot are.” Boris exhaled in a defeated manner.
“What about Hailey? Did you see her?” Bendy more persistently questioned.
Mugman shook his head, causing a panic to fuel Bendy’s judgment.
“We have to keep looking.” He said in a stern tone and turned to lead the way.
“Bendy wait! We’ll find them, but we should give Boris another moment to recover.” Mugman tried to reason.
Before Bendy or anyone could respond, a loud roar and ground shaking thud appeared before them, only in the form of a humongous Bolder Spider.
The group of makes yelped in surprise, to which was followed by a wash of relief when the bolder spider fell to the ground before them and Felix hopped down with Jackpot nestling in his jacket.
“Is everyone alright?” Felix asked, inspecting everyone that was present.
“Yeah, we’re okay!” Mugman grinned.
“Bendy would be better if he found his lady friend.” Cuphead pointed out the small demon, whom looked stressed and panicked.
Felix put a hand on Bendy’s shoulder and reassured him that they would find their friend.
After getting their hair and fur brushed, the group trudged on, Bendy’s panicks only growing.
“Errr where can she be? Maybe she’s hiding from another giant spider, or looking for us? Maybe she’s on higher ground? O-or she got eaten by a spider, or drowned or-” Bendy began listening the possibilities in a fast speed, to which Felix turned Bendy’s attention to him.
“Bendy, calm down! Hailey is going to be fine, you know it and I know it, alright? The more you panic, the more unprepared you will be when you see her small scrapes.” Felix calmly explained, “Now take a breath and let’s keep-”
The loud booming sounds of rocks falling interrupted Felix. The group looked up, and quickly stepped aside as the rocks plummeted to the ground. With that, the quick image of a red, pale and light brownish gray fell with it.
It was at that moment that Bendy felt the world slow down. He recognized those colours.
It was her.
Once time regained its proper scheme and the rocks stopped falling, Bendy and the others rushed towards the coloured figure.
Tossing the few stones that covered her, Bendy pulled Hailey from the rocks.
“H-hey Hailey! You alright? C'mon open your eyes.” Bendy begged, struggling to sound calm.
A wince in pain and reluctant bit of her eyelids opened, made Bendy sigh in relief.
“O-ow, damn. Whoever said rock sliding was fun, is a liar. Damn I hurt.” Hailey remarked, clearly in pain.
Crouching down next to the two, Felix and the others looked for any noticeable injuries. Bendy would, but he was too busy keeping Hailey awake and talking.
“Hailey, where are you feeling pain?” Felix inquired.
“U-Um, my head, my left arm, my right knee and some of my stomach is kinda not okay.” Hailey tried to be funny, but her voice was sounding strained.
Bendy inspected her head, only to find a small goose egg (Owie) on it, Felix wrapped her lightly gashed arm and stomach.
“Alrightio, we good to go?” Felix asked, after finishing his work.
Bendy looked down at Hailey, “Can you walk?” He asked, as he tried to help her sit up.
“A-ah!” Hailey grimaced as she felt a head rush, she held her head in her hand for a moment before nodding that she could manage.
Of course, Bendy helped her with standing up and walking either way (I can walk ya dummy!).
With that the group was back on the challenge of finding the piece for the ink machine.
Bendy tried to make small talk in order to distract Hailey from her pain. Right now they were on the topic of what Felix’s newest and future books may be about (lemme read them!)
“How about a mystery of the scroll? You know, only now it’s a different scroll with some prophecy about some cult taking over the world, but the twist is that a demon saves the world?” Bendy suggested, clearly proud of his idea.
Hailey chuckled, “Are you saying that the demon would be a characterization of you? Irony Bendy, you’ve got that part right.” She remarked, then began to ponder one herself, “How about one where two idiots gamble with the devil, only to have their lives in shambles and they are forced to work for the devil, while he resurfaces a global crisis?” Hailey wondered, then sent a quick glare at Cuphead.
The Cupbros looked at eachother in a subtle manner, but were taken aback by Hailey’s comment.
Felix chuckled, “Oh please, who would be dumb enough to do that?”
Hailey shrugged her one shoulder, “Not sure, maybe it is pretty stupid. Never mind.”
Soon, the group came to a halt when the map pointed at a wall of rocks. The group exchanged looks of confusion, before Bendy helped Hailey lean against the opposing rock wall. Bendy rolled up his sleeves and commented on how easy it would be to clear all the rocks.
Cuphead scoffed, “Don’t sell yourself short, Bendy. There’s no way that you- huh?!”
Bendy already had lifted a boulder three times his own size, catching the Cupbros by surprise.
A whistle could be heard by Hailey, “Damn sir, you aren’t one to be messed with!” She commented, causing Bendy to smirk and wink at her.
Boris then commented on how long it was going to take using Bendy’s method to clear the path. Bendy silenced cursed before setting the boulder down.
Mugs then grinned enthusiastically, “Don’t sweat it Bendy! We’ll destroy this wall in no time! Right Cup?” He offered.
Cuphead looked hesitantly and anxiously at the wall, “Umm..”
“C'mon bro! Let’s do this!”
Reluctantly, Cuphead looked at his hand, then zoned out for a moment. He could hear white noise, until Mugman asked if he was ready.
“I don’t want to, okay?! My vision is still blurry!” Cuphead shouted, uneasiness filled his tone.
“Alright, jeez.” Mugman responded, then retained his energetic demeanour. “Well then, double the power for me! You guys might want to stand back for this!”
Cuphead fell into another short daze, only to have Bendy pull him back.
“Earth to airhead, your bro told us to stand back.” Bendy remarked.
Hailey called the two boys over to her, which they obliged to.
“Hey Cupper, you okay bud?” Hailey questioned with concern.
“Y-yeah, I just don’t want to miss and have an avalanche on us.” Cuphead replied, darting his eyes to the side.
Hailey smiled gently, “Alright, just making sure you’re doing okay.”
Cuphead sighed, “Thanks.”
Bendy noticed that Mugs was beginning to use his doubled attack. Bendy put a hand on Hailey’s shoulder and stood protectively infront of her.
As the mesmerizing colours erupted from Mugman’s hands, everyone looked away and awaited for the rest of the attack.
Suddenly, the rocks were gone in a cloud of dust, which once was settled, shown a waterfall brightly lit.
“Great job Mugs!”
Boris and the others gathered around him and chirped happily about his abilities.
“Hey look at the opening you made! It’s so beautiful!” Hailey pointed at the waterfall.
“Let’s hope that it’s an exit.” Felix added and peered over the boulders that remained.
Boris looked down at the map and grinned, “According to the map, the piece is just up ahea-”
Suddenly Felix whipped around and hushed Boris.
Before anyone could ask the reasoning behind his sudden actions, the loud sounds of crunching erupted from the other side of the group.
The group peered over the rocks to see the giant mermaid lady munching on the giant boulder spiders.
“Holy Chrysler, that’s a big lady!” Hailey exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Bendy stop staring.” She said, not even looking at him.
Bendy blinked, “Wh-what, I wasn’t staring!”
“Yeah at the Mermaid lady at least.” Cuphead pointed out.
Hailey then looked at Bendy, who had a small blush castigated across his face. He quickly pouted and glared at Cuphead. Laughing and chuckles could be heard by the group.
The happy moment was interrupted when the group caught sight of Jackpot missing and heading towards the giant mermaid. After several attacks and Bendy throwing a boulder towards the giant mermaid, a sudden gut wrenching feeling hit Hailey.
She quickly looked at everyone, until her eyes fell upon the staring boy himself reached her field of sight.
He looked exhausted and overworked, his breath looked jagged. Leaning against the wall of rocks and slowly made her way to Bendy.
“Bendy, what’s wrong?” Hailey questioned, putting a hand on his shoulder. She felt him in onto her.
“I-I can’t, not right now.. they need me.” He murmured in transparent pain.
“An ink attack? Here just sit down for a-”
“No Hailey! I need to help- I need to- GAH!” Before her eyes, a red aura surrounded him, and black was seeping into his eyes. He held his head in his hands, and he trembled.
“Bendy- oh god what-what should I-”
It all happened so fast, she couldn’t remember the details of how it happened, but it did. Standing before her was a taller and ink dripping version of someone she cared dearly for.
Hailey felt for a loss of words, once he looked back at her, Hailey thought that her heart momentarily stopped. How was she supposed to react to such a scenario.
She would back up against the rocks, but she was already using them for leverage and she wouldn’t be able to.
“B-Bendy, please tell me that it’s you.” Hailey pleaded.
The tall figure loomed overtop of the smaller girl.
Unexpectedly, Hailey felt a gentle pressure on her forehead. “Don’t look so scared, Hailey. It’s still me” Bendy’s voice was deeper, but with a slight gravel.
A huge wave of relied swept over Hailey, she smiled, “There you are.”
Bnedy quickly and gently helped her to the ground. “Sit here, and don’t move. We’ll get this bitch and the piece in a few minutes, okay?”
Hailey pouted but shrugged in acceptance, “Fine, fine, just don’t let anyone else get hurt, that goes especially for you too, okay?” Hailey then smirked, “And you’ve got some explaining to do once it’s over.”
Bendy chuckled, “I promise, you’ll have the honour of being the first to hear when I figure it out.” Bendy winked and left.
That’s when the battle began. Mugs shot his laser and Bendy striked the giant mermaid every chance they got. Everyone’s reaction to Bendy’s sudden change of form was of shock, Mugman being oddly accepting of the whole concept.
After the whole mermaid suddenly changing tactics and eating Mugman, much to everyone’s horror. The brawl changed. Rocks were being thrown and the boys were taking every chance to attack.
Hailey felt uneasy, for the ground was shaking and she could hear rumbles coming closer with every collision with a person and the rocks.
She huffed out some air, in hopes that the anxious oxygen would release and ease her body.
“We can’t keep this up! We need a plan!” Boris called out to the others.
Felix looked from side to side, in hopes that an idea would form in his head.
“How about I shoot those rocks and you knock her down, then that might end her, crack her head for the piece and then we-” Cuphead suggested, trying to think of a way to get his brother out.
“That could work, let’s do it!” Bendy agreed and jumped from the side wall to tackle the mermaid down. It took some wrestling and tugging to get her off balance, but at the sound of the giant mermaid colliding onto the ground, the plan was far in motion.
The sounds of rumbling above caught the attention of Boris, Hailey and Felix.
“Cuphead wait-”
“CUPS SHOOT HER WHILES SHE’S DOWN!” Bendy shouted, not hearing Felix trying to warn them.
Not hesitating, Cuphead aimed his finger and did the similar double attack as his brother. “This is for my brother, you bitch!” He whispered and shot his attack.
As the dust clouded and the rocks tumbled down on the mermaid, Bendy quickly avoided any type of hit.
He joined the group as they watched the giant mermaid give small twitches, but her abdomen was buried under the rubble.
“Did we… is she?” Boris tried to ask, but was interrupted by only yet another rumbling sound, only this time it was louder.
“Guys, we need to move, it’s coming from over there- oh no.”
The rocks were falling in the direction that Bendy left Hailey at. She was doing her best to scoot away but something else was wrong.
Just like when he first met her hazel green eyes, when he had their first conversation, when she fell along with the the rocks earlier and now.
Time felt like it had stopped, Bendy was frozen as he tried to lunge toward Hailey. But she looked directly at him, and moved her lips, but he didn’t hear what she was saying.
One moment he was joking with her about books and such, and now he was desperately trying to dig out his companion from a pile of rocks.
“Hailey?! Hailey! Answer me dammit!” Bendy begged and called, throwing rocks and boulders in every direction. Everyone tried to join in and help, desperation in every movement.
It wasn’t until he found a bloodied hand that he felt a higher rush of adrenaline. “I found her!” He cried and pulled more rocks from the pile.
After being able to pull her bruised and bloodied body out of the pile, Bendy cradled Hailey in his arms.
“Hailey, p-please tell me that you’re okay..” Bendy’s voice wavered, gently wiping the blood that dripped from her nose.
“She’s really beat up.” Felix murmured and began to search his bag for medical supplies, Boris followed the actions with his own bag.
“I.. t-totally lied, the rock .. slide was like rolling down a hill.. ah.. the amount of bruises I’ll have tomorrow.. that’s what I get for being fragile..” The strained and hushed voice came from the pained girl.
“Ah- Jesus, you really won’t die will ya? Tough little girl.” Cuphead remarked, in an attempt to calm everyone down.
“Haaah, yeah.. ha. If I don’t b-bleed out f-first.” Hailey remarked in parted huffs.
“You won’t! Stupid, we have bandages and medicine!” Bendy growled.
“Bandaids and painkillers won’t fix broken bones.” Hailey stated, looking right into Bendy’s eyes.
“W-we can try and cover as much as we can!” Boris said, pulling out items from his bag.
“S-see? We can patch you up enough until we can get you to a doctor.” Bendy pleaded.
“Bendy, I feel broken everywhere, it hurts everywhere… I-I don’t know how to describe it, I just-”
“Hailey stop talking like that, you are going to be fine!”
A bit of the hope that the others had slipped, as Hailey began to cough and hack up some of her own blood, to which she covered her mouth with her hand and stared at it.
“D-damn…” She cursed quietly, but more calm than what the group surrounding her were.
As her trembling hand dropped, she glanced at Felix and Boris, “Don’t waste your supplies on me, I’m a lost cause.” She smiled weakly. “Not the most heroic death I was hoping, but at least I’m not alone.”
The two stared in horror at her, before averted their distraught gazes somewhere else.
Bendy held Hailey’s chin and turned her so that they looked directly at each other, “For god sake Hailey, you can’t die!”
“But I-”
“No! You’re supposed to be here when we get this and the rest of the pieces, you’re supposed to be here when we fix the machine and I’m cured! You told me to have dreams, but I can’t if you aren’t there!” Bendy’s voice was breaking through his words. “You were going to be my person, we would get married and have a family. I can’t do that without you there! You can’t tell me to do these things and then die on me, alright?! I fucking love you so much!”
Tears began to fall from Bendy’s eyes, his lips quivered as he felt a shaky hand weakly grab onto his own.
“That sounds …nice.. how many kids would that be..?” Hailey asked, raising her eyebrow.
“.. 4, an even number, s-so no one gets left out.” Bendy wavered.
A small weak laugh escaped Hailey, as it did so, she winced in pain, “That’s a g-good idea, heh, I’d like that… because I really fucking love you too.”
Bendy tried to smile through his tears, “I-I know, so now that you and I know, you can’t d-die, you hear me?!”
Hailey’s eyes were half lidded, “Maybe a house in the countryside… you know, 'cause I’m a country girl. It’s so quiet and away from the.. crowds of people. The kids would have more room to play.. heh.” Hailey was starting to trail off her words.
Bendy looked at the others for someone to do something. His eyes clearly read his desperation for anything to happen.
Felix only nodded his head, seemingly for Bendy to continue talking to his beloved before she was gone.“
When Bendy looked back down at Hailey, her usually pale skin was now almost a new shade of white. He grabbed onto her hand and gently squeezed it.
"Y-yeah, that’s a great idea. Maybe just outside of a s-small town, so they can go to school and w-we’re close to friends.” Bendy tried to continue talking about this so called future he dreamt of, only to have it slipping away from him. “Hailey, I just want you to know that we would be s-so happy.” Bendy began to weep.
“I know, maybe I’ll.. see you there..?” Hailey’s weakened voice began to succumb to the pain.
“.. y-yeah, I’ll make sure to look for you.”
“But.. you have to fulfill your purpose.. and live your life..that’s our deal..”
Bendy hesitated to respond, it was so difficult to say goodbye to someone dear to you, let alone agree to let them go and not live the future you planned for eachother.
“…..o-okay, I-I promise.”
“Thank you… I’ll be .. wai..t ..ing.” Hailey breathes out, before her eyes were shut and her face relaxed.
Bendy bent his head down to her chest to try and hear Hailey’s heart beat. It was faint and slowly fading away.
The sounds of sobbing from the boys echoed against the rocks and interior.
And just like that, the world seemed more dimmed for Bendy.
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