#which i can understand but i donr think he has to worry too much idk
real-life-cloud · 7 months
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trying to convince my dad to adopt this sweetie on our porch.......
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hi! id love a romantic matchup!!^_^
starting with personality, id say im probably an ambivert. it really depends on who im with though! i like my alone time a lot, but at the same time i love to hang out and do fun stuff with my friends!! my parents have told me that i can be witty a lot of the time, and i do agree that i like to tease people from time to time. my friends always describe me as nice and righteous?? i guess?? they always call me smart, too, which makes sense since im in a couple ap and honors classes.. i love learning when i have a good teacher lolol ! id like to say im organized and all that stuff, but im the biggest procrastinator lol . i try to get stuff donr as soon as i can but like,, i dont want to :P my personality type is infp !
onto hobbies and interests, i love to draw, mostly sketch, both digitally and traditionally. i like to write as well, with books and essays and poetry ^_^ i loove poetry, and id say that ties with philosophy and (idk the right word) but like. just overall deep talks(i love those, especially late at night). i like to read, and im so curious about space and the universe, ive been meaning to research it! i like both cats and dogs.. honestly i dont know who i would pick if i had to choose. more fandoms wise... i like a lot of things! obviously what im most interested in rn is mm, but undertale and ohshc will always hold special places in my heart! I ALMOST FORGOT, but i love to make stuff!! charms and cards and anything i can make at home, i love to see peoples reactions when they get them:)
id say my love language is physical touch from both sides, i love to be next to the people i love, even if its just simple touches. i also love quality time, and thinking that my partner will love me no matter what
physical appearance, i just have brown hair and blue eyes, pretty typical lol ! i love to create patterns on my nails myself, and i do put on makeup very often, just simple eyeliner and slight eyeshadow, nothing major. i always get compliments on how pretty my hair is, its just long and straight and i try to brush it the best i can before it gets tangled lol . people also tell me i have a nice nose, so!
(i feel like ive written too much lolol) i dont know exactly what i want to do with the rest of my life yet, i know im knterested in the study of the human mind, so ive been considering psychology the most. still not sure though!
thank you!!! >_<
I match you with...
Spending quality time and sharing intimate words with another person is your love language. You're looking for somebody who understands you for you. Somebody who knows what it feels like to want to be seen, and who better to be your partner than Jumin Han? He has spent his entire life looking for somebody who wants to spend time with him just because they think he's an interesting person to be around, not because they want to be around him for his money.
You're looking for a connection with another person who makes you feel comfortable and passionate at the same time. The best thing you can do with him is work on your art while you share time together in the living quarters. Imagine that, you’ve strewn your legs across his lap and you’re drawing Elizabeth, chuckling at the remark he made about the novel he’s reading. What more could you want? 
He's the kind of partner you want if you value communication more than anything. He gets it, and you don't have to worry about anything getting lost in the middle. 
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