#which is abt 30 min earlier than normal
way2gosuperrstarr · 9 months
todays shift is crazy all the dogs in daycare left by like 3:40, like not even 2 hours after my shift started (today's shift was a 2:00) and then like FIVE HOURS before the end of my shift (roughly 8:30ish, tho we can get out a bit earlier around sometime in the 7:00 hour if there arent a lot of boarding dogs to walk) and we CANT START WALKING THE DOGS UNTIL LIKE 7:00PM 😭😭😭 we started cleaning early and we're gonna have like nothing to do in the vaccuum of time between finishing and then walking the dogs. its like 5:40pm rn and we basically have nothing to do 😭😭😭😭 we normally START cleaning at 5:30 because usually until then theres still dogs (last dogs usually tend to leave around a little before six ????) i guess this is just a sunday thing but BROOOO AJDHA
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mutsukiss · 1 month
Often I feel like my pain is not as serious or disabling as I perceive it to be because when I was 13 a mental health professional casually explained to me I was quote on quote doing it for attention and so I am cursed to deal with this annoying gremlin inside my ear repeating that phrase to me for the rest of my life each time I feel unwell about anything, BUT, one of the few times where I can tell that is bullshit is when I have to take the public transport, which is often. Bc I have a slightly twisted spine, and a somewhat vague hypermobility disorder, and I've been dealing with chronic back pain since I started secondary school, and none of this is diagnosed by any professional whatsoever. But it can NOT be that everyone is this uncomfortable in the bus' seats. How come I don't see anyone else shift in their seats, or stretch constantly, or spend +30 mins standing instead of sitting down when there's available seats?? I understand the seats are not made with the intention of recreating the experience of sitting on a cloud, but you would think they're made to NOT be painful at the very least??? Ypu would think they're made to not be overly uncomfortable?? How come I don't hear from anyone else that yes, we can go and do that trip and get to the place in bus, but they need to lay down for a while afterwards to recover; or that they have to cancel plans bc they had to commute for longer than planned and now are bed ridden for the rest of the day, or that they are staying at home today because yesterday they spent a few hours coming and going in a train. How come I've never heard anyone ask for pain meds because they had to SIT DOWN???? I spent last year carrying an empty backpack with a lower back rest pillow in it everywhere with me because I was unable to go to work and remain a functional human being otherwise, and I lost it earlier this summer when I forgot it at a bus after a long trip and I am still distraught abt it (I steal my brother's at home but I can't take it outside since it's not mine, so I need to buy a new one before I begin working again or I'm fucked again).
Like idk it just does not make sense to me that traveling is supposed to be painful, because I don't see anyone in pain, ever. And pain can be invisible (as mine is sometimes) but also I know to recognize it, because I experience it. Sitting down can not be painful for everyone, not to this degree, otherwise people would have said something and things would have been changed, or I'd see others using aids like I do. Clearly public transport is made with a certain body condition in mind, and mine does not fit it for whatever reason, and I can see that without the need of any diagnosis from any doctor. Experiencing debilitating pain and requiring aids for something as basic as sitting down on a seat cannot be normal. And it feels "good" to be able to recognize that for myself, and to feel validated in my frustration and anger and sadness about it, but it would feel just much nicer if the people who are supposed to care for my wellbeing would recognize it as well.
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exciting · 7 years
q 1-50 thanks
Chloe ur an ASS for this, but u know what ! Ok ! Excluding the ones I alr answered!
2: Ever been in love?Usually at least once a fortnight, for no more than five days at a time, often averaging at three and sometimes only in passing !!!
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?I have actually never dated anyone ! & flings normally end without much ado!
4: How tall are you?Almost 5"8!
5: How much do you weigh?64kg ??? Idk I don’t weight myself often so could be more could be less ! Usually stays within 5kg of that!
6: Any tattoos do you want?Yes I want a tiny stick and poke style rose on my elbow for no particular reason, and maybe a tiny bee on my knee!
7: Any piercings that you want?I’m pretty sure it’s called the tragus of your ear? I want a tiny ring through that!
8: OTP?Alty couples i see walking down the street, where they are both so PRETTY and both so well dressed !
9: Favorite Show?Criminal Minds, and I also luv Elementary
10: Favorite bands?I’m never really sure which of my fab artists are a band or not … taking a wild guess, AltJ, Tame Impala, LANY, Glass Animals
11: Something you miss?Honestly? Cream Cheese bagels
12: Favorite song?Riptide by Vance Joy, HANDS down!
13: How old are you?18! I turn 19 this year, scary!
14: Zodiac sign?Libra (Sun, Moon, and Rising! Wild)
15: Hair Color?Golden blonde
16: Favorite Quote?Fail. Fail again. Fail better.
17: Favorite singer?Mac Demarco
18: Favorite color?Indigo Blue, slightly dusty
19: Loud music or soft?Soft!
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?To my bed, door locked, lights off, two duvets wrapped around me like a burrito, Mac Demarco or Sufijan Stevens or Lorde (pure heroine) playing in the background… alternately I take a MF shower
21: How long does it take you to shower?I usually shower fairly quickly ? Idk I don’t time it or make any particular effort to, bc I don’t pay for water, but like, 10mins?
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?30 mins ish?
23: Ever been in a physical fight?I couldn’t throw a punch to save my life (BUT I guess I can scream and kick and push?) idk how I would fare. But, no, never!
24: Turn on?When boys stroke ur HAIR
25: Turn off?Greasy hair, that thing boys do where they romanticise the Soviet Union or communism or anti communism for no particular reason 😒
26: The reason I joined Tumblr?Literally joined when I was like, 13 I guess? Because my friend was on it and I asked her what it was and she instructed me into starting a blog OVR Facebook messenger … has since been no turning BACK!
27: Fears?I don’t think I’m like, super scared of anything, I kind of got over most of the little ones, so it would only be big and vague concepts like failure and not reaching any kind of potential & stupid shit like THAT
28: Last thing that made you cry?I think I was being a baby re cute boys & I missed my mom
29: Last time you cried?Probably shed a tear earlier this week … I LUV crying! It’s a good emotional release, neurologically!
30: Meaning behind your url?I talk the way I type & everything is exciting, it’s très me!
34: Last person you talked to?My younger sister was drunk texting me … and I got a “yo” from a boy at 12am but I was fast asleep! So healthy!
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?My little sister! I luv her
36: Favorite food?Avocados! BAGELS I LOVE BAGELS, and the fantastic condiments that come w them!
37: Place you want to visit?Paris, France
38: Last place you were?At my mothers house in the suburbs
39: Do you have a crush?Yes ofc, I live in halls of res and there are cute boys EVERYWHERE (It’s ruff!) I’m crushing on at least five (Off the top of my head!)
40: Last time you kissed someone?Last Tuesday morning
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?Idk my friends and I yell empty insults at each other all the time, it means that we pretty much never say anything super mean abt each other bc we tease each other to our FACE!
42: What color underwear are you wearing?Black
43: What color shirt are you wearing?It’s a slip! Black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing?N/A im wearing a slip
45: Wearing any bracelets?No!
46: Last sport you played?Does pool count? Table tennis?! Is yoga a sport !
47: Last song you sang?Pretty sure I was singing riptide under my breath last night? Idk I always sing along to my playlist, so it depends what was playing!
48: Last prank call you remember doing?Honestly couldn't tell you?
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?I went home for the weekend to hang out w my brother and sister! So last night, since they r asleep rn!
50: Favorite movie?Grand Budapest Hotel, Ferris Buller’s day off
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tvnners-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
GUESS WHO’S BACK WITH A BRAND NEW RAP 30 mins earlier than expected? that’s right, urs truly~ ok first thing’s first hello!!!! i’m caitlin and i’m v v excited to be here like hot dog u have no idea the thrill high i’m buzzing on, like 13rw???? i can't evEN talk abt it ok i'm going thru the season for the 3rd time and, i’m just a mess rn o k anyways onto the person ur actually here to read about aka the one and only tanner eugene prescott…. the third……
( trigger warnings: mentions of abortion, drugs, suicide )
so in regards to lena?? at first, he hardly knew she existed, other than whatever rando rumours were flying around (which he didn’t normally pay any mind to anyway bc he was too busy dealing with his own shit to care about what or who anyone else was supposedly doing). he never went out of his way to acknowledge her tbh unTIL he started seeting her at whichever parties she showed up to (bc i mean he was at aLL of them since parties were where he made most of his profit u know.....which i'll touch on more later here). tanner honestly didn't even know that this girl had a single party-hardy bone in her body so to see her livin it up with the best of them???? he loved it and so obvi he started talking to her, mainly 'are you going to so-and-so's tonight? his parents are out for the whole WEEKEND' and 'remember when so-and-so hooked up with so-and-so and then projectile vomited all over the kitchen floor? WILD'. the only time they ever really hung out or seemed to be pretty close pals was in the midst of a raging party. otherwise? tanner never really saw the point in hanging out sober because they seemed to live two completely opposite lives. now that she’s gone, he feels kind of connected to her in the sense that he thinks he understands? like he empathizes a little with the girl bc life’s rough, he knows it, and he’d be lying if he said HE had never had suicidal thoughts.
ANYWAYS ONTO THE BORING BACKSTORY STUFF: my boy here has had a pretty rough upbringing. he was born a bastard to a single mom working two to three jobs at a time, and with no knowledge of who his father was(is). of course he was an unwanted / unexpected / surprise baby or however u wanna call it but instead of getting an abortion, his mom decided to keep him for the child support tax from the good ol’ government. so yeah .... his mom was pretty neglectful and would leave him like cans of beans or leftover fishsticks or whatevER in the kitchen to keep him fed but he basically had to take care of himself for the better part of his childhood.
when he was old enough to start bringing in money himself to help out, however, his mom suddenly grew incredibly attached to him, dishing out the nurturing love only a mother can give that tanner had craved his whole life, as long as he kept bringing in money. so obviously he’d been completely oblivious to the fact that she’d been using him, blinded by love, and it was just a gargantuan toxic MESS that eventually ended up with him heartbroken once he finally saw the truth for himself.
so obviously, at some point during his freshman year of high school, tanner mixed in with the “bad crowd”, which is ultimately how he was introduced to the dark underworld of drugs. at first, he just experimented, giving into classic peer pressure, but then he got in on the trafficking part. it started off with him just making small deliveries on behalf of one of the dealers whenever they were “too busy” and went on about how much trust and respect they had for tanner to do these favours. then he eventually was offered a permanent role, and with the amount of cash he’d be pocketing, he didn’t have the heart to say no, especially with his struggling mother in the back of his mind. so yeAH tanner prescott was ur friendly neighbourhood dealer during those high school years (and even after....), there for all party needs or whatever other extra curricular activities those wild kids had planned.
as for personality, he basically acts like he doesn’t give a shit about anything other than having a good time and enjoying the moment. he doesn’t like talking serious issues (esp not lena) bc he just finds it depressing and a buzzkill like any other asshole waltzing around. but deep down, it’s bc partying and whatnot numbs all the bad feelings that otherwise eat away at him. so on the outside: loud, rowdy, ready to party at all times, speaks his mind 100% even when it makes.....no sense, cracks jokes at every opportunity, and laughs at everything he can get away with. on the inside: sad mad boy, doesn’t wanna think abt the future bc he doesn’t think he has one, and avoids deep authentic bonds with other ppl like the plague.
the end...?? i suck at writing the closing part of intros l m a o but again if anyone has any ideas/suggestions for connections, i’m 100% down and i'm finally gonna get to IMs as well as replying to ur starters, cuties B)
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