#which is something the villain planned for bc magically binding it to her would be sus and who leaves their ring on all the time anyway?
curemoonliite · 2 years
Not gonna lie, I really wanna write one of those scenes where the magical girl forgets her transformation device on her dresser in my magical girl WIP, except it turns out one of the bad guys put a mind control spell on it a while back and the protag sees the villain in public without her device and she's just like "wait, why have I been so nice to her lately when she's tried to kill me before" and this window just appears in the MC's brain as the realization dawns on her:
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aschenink · 5 years
Wait what. Zelda fanfic??
Me, seeing this in my inbox: “my sins have caught up with me” 
I feel obligated to start this with the disclaimer that the reason I really started writing (ie actually committed to a project and started developing any inkling of skill) was so I could write unrealistic gay smut Zelda fanfic when I was 13. Also, I’ve got a Navi tattoo on my foot so I’d like to use this opportunity to just go ahead and declare the LoZ-trash throne for myself. 
So yeah! I’ve been quietly working on this gigantic Skyward Sword canon-divergence/post-canon story for a couple months now? I was at my parents’ house for spring break in March and on a whim set up the Wii to play SS, which was a weird experience since I hadn’t played it for several years and on loading it up was faced with the reminder that I’d named Link “Baby~” to get a kick out of Ghirahim saying it, and after all the cringing that invoked, I was drop-kicked by the reality that my memory’s not entirely faulty and Ghirahim–and honestly all of SS–really just Is Like That.
And once I got over that bout of cringing I realized Ghirahim actually still vibes with me and 13yo me knew what she wanted and was onto something; I simultaneously redeveloped my hatred for SS!Zelda and figured I should shove all of that into one fic, because, why not? And then the stars aligned and I didn’t sleep for three days because the fanfic writer in me had taken back over and punted me to 2012.
Anyway the concept for my fic is under the cut to spare innocent souls but unrelated takeaways: 
This fanfic is the only writing project I’ve literally ever had where I’ve sat down and been able to plot the entire thing in one go and have it make sense and I’m… still overwhelmed by that. 
I wrote 30k in 4 days because of this bad boy *slaps fic*
I love writing for Legend of Zelda. The fandom itself is very chill and that’s great but, imo, more importantly the characters are perfect to write for. There’s so little canon characterization (esp. for Link) that you’re really just given a few core concepts and get to run free with the characterization–canon is huge so there’s infinite space to run there and, simultaneously, the vague characterization makes it easy to transpose into AUs.
Skyward Sword spoilers under the cut but it’s 2019 sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okay secondary (& tertiary) disclaimer: it’s absolutely a GhiraLink fic because it’s what 13yo me would have wanted and it’s what current me wants too tbh but Ghirahim is out of character because… man, I love him, but his canon behaviors are just A Little Too Much for me and I’m incapable of recreating that (and unwilling to try). Imagine if Ghirahim was like… five years more mature. And looked like Matteo Martari. And had at least five brain cells. 
:’) I pretend I’m bigger than this but I’m not, and we should all know it. 
Anyway the premise is basically: What if Hylia wasn’t necessarily a benevolent goddess and Demise wasn’t necessarily a world-eating demon, and it was only portrayed this way to convince the bearer of the Triforce to side with her and keep the world under her influence? What if Link wasn’t necessarily destined to be the bearer and it was essentially a role up for grabs, one that Ghirahim desperately wants for himself? What if they’re equals? What if--
What if none of that is necessarily true either, but it’s what Ghirahim tells Link to further his own plans?
And it sort of goes on like that for a while. 
It’s super long and starts out with canon and follows the entire game with minimal divergence, with the exception that Ghirahim works with Link to temper Fi’s blade because Link is slow, Ghirahim can’t do it himself, and also it’s kind of fun for both Ghirahim and I to watch Link torment himself about having Friendly Feelings for his rival only for Ghirahim to stomp on his throat. Also, Ghirahim rather bluntly comes out and warns Link that he’s being used and Link, who’s reasonably resentful about how Hylia’s using him and his feelings for Zelda, sort of just goes
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Alas, it’s not enough, Link is a Good BoyTM and Demise gets sealed away and Hylia wins, canon as usual. Except Link likes Ghirahim an embarrassing amount and Ghirahim manages to bind to him before Demise can completely crush him, which is great!
Because now we’re like 90k in the hole and finally getting somewhere!
Ghirahim’s in an absolutely horrid state after the battle with Demise and Link, after his own recovery period, is pretty desperate to get away from Hylia, so they (angstily) agree to do whatever it takes to repair Ghirahim, which is basically to temper him the way Fi was tempered but with demonic flames instead. The flames are in temples based off of Ocarina of Time’s Shadow Temple, and Twilight Princess’s Temple of Time & Snowpeak Top.
So they’re alone on the road together for months, and: Emotion! Angst! Saving each other’s lives! Several deadly sins, but especially lust! Slow reveal of Ghirahim’s Tragic BackstoryTM! Quicker reveal of Ghirahim bathing because emotionally I’ll forever be 13 years old and will never get over my desire for stupid flamboyant villains! Ghirahim reveals magic that doesn’t just throw kunais, like heating spells that require them to cuddle when it’s cold and they’re camping in the wild!
What. I already said I’m trash and not above anything. Cuddling is the fastest way to a hero’s heart and that’s the hill I’m dying on.
Oh. Important: I headcanon that Fi doesn’t actually have to physically manifest to speak with Link, and could just talk to him in his head--so now that Ghirahim is sword-bound to Link, he’s the one in Link’s head. That generally goes about as well as can be expected and is why Ghirahim is almost constantly physically manifested, because Hero Trauma has made Link’s head a MESS
Hylia also happens to be able to weasel into Link’s head, which is a source of Big Angst, bc Link has definitely caught feelings for one (1) stupid tall demon, and Ghirahim...
I mean, I said Ghirahim has five brain cells and at this point that’s more than even I have, so he’s got a plan that’s much bigger than what Link knows of. One way or another, he’s going to be one to pry that Triforce from Link, he’s going to be the one to live forever in a reincarnation loop, and he’s going to be the one who decides which way the world tilts in the grand scheme of things. 😈
I’m not posting it anywhere yet because honestly I’m an overwriter and self indulgent and frankly it’s a huge concept!!! I’m convinced this fic is gonna be at least 250k words so I don’t want to post it until it’s completely written bc the odds of me drafting half of it and then giving up are Very High. But like. I have so much fun with this project (currently titled En Passant, after the chess move, for, uh, symbolic purposes I guess), it’s super relaxing to work on in comparison to original fiction 😍 
If you’ve read this to the end I owe you my soul and I am so sorry for my nonsense.
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kamino-ink · 6 years
Brawl | Lee Minho [Disney!au]
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✧ Genre: Disney!au, fluff, cheesy as fuck Minho, suggestive bc its Minho how can I nOt-
✧ Summary: You’re not exactly the most interesting of people, at least not your eyes; but one of the biggest delinquents in town, the son of Ursula, insists on defending your honor no matter what.
✧ Word Count: 2.6k
✧ Want to read other parts of this series? Check out my masterlist!
you weren’t the child of some important fairytale character, rather you were simply a normal citizen growing up as normally as anyone else
sure life was interesting enough watching the children of important figures in the land of fairytales and stories, but you preferred to mind your own business in the solitude of your home by the beach
you’d moved out from the main hub of town about a year ago, deciding that you didn't need to rely on the financial support of your parents after graduating
and even if you didn't say it, a lot of people who knew you personally were well aware that you were content with living in the town of magical or powerful beings; while others craved to leave the land in favor of exploring the rest of the world, it was essentially impossible
some of the founders of the land arranged a sort of plan to keep the coming generations safe from harm - if they were all trapped in one place, they couldn't harm innocent people outside of their realm or vice versa
so basically all of you were stuck on a single island, meant to inhabit it for generations to come
but none of you were allowed to ever leave the island, as doing so would alert normal humans of your existence; one could never trust their intentions
so while you were technically a child of a couple in the universe of Peter Pan, you didn't really care about your status
on the other hand, those who resided in the central part of town consisted mostly of the children of characters who played big roles in their stories; from Mulan to Merida, almost every character written down in the books had been cast into the real world so they could live in peace
so here you were, fresh out of the comfort of your parent’s home, sat sipping on some herbal tea to clear your sinuses by the beach
miniscule grains of sand snuck between your toes, but you didn't quite mind, choosing instead to let your body relax into the sand
you had come out here for a reason; to be free of the binds in town and live your own peaceful life of utter solitude
“Jisung you moron, I cannot believe that you got us kicked out again!”
“Listen Seungmin, its not my fault that they couldn't handle my bare-chested sexiness-”
“I am this close to hexing you, asshole. Just because your dad never wore a shirt in his goddamn life doesn't mean you need to be the same.”
it was mostly a life of solitude, not counting the occasional intruders who would freely walk down the shore of the beach just in front of your cozy hut
you recognized the pair arguing just feet away from yourself; they were the sons of Tarzan and Maleficent, respectively
oh my god if they're here, I bet that dickhead is here too-
“Morning, gorgeous. I was wondering when we’d pass by your... hut.” Lee Minho himself hummed with an amused smirk, his piercing gaze darting down to your more than exasperated expression
ah, Lee Minho was a peculiar case indeed. He was the only son of Ursula, having been born merely a month before the island founders transported everyone here
while most parents, good or evil, tried to make sure all of their children would get along with one another, it was as if Ursula had thrown that idea out the door and encouraged her son to do the things he did
he was enticing, owning a voice of gold that would make anyone’s heart to backflips if he spoke to them
he was also known to be one of the most cunning, strongest people on the island
Minho frequently picked fights on people of all shapes, sizes, and ancestry - he didn't give a flying fuck if you were the love-child of a famous prince and princess, he could and would initiate a brawl if he wanted to
while a good portion of the community looked at the man in distaste and fear, you knew he was a good man deep down
he only ever picked fights with people who really deserved it
for example, when a group of kids in high school had been making fun of Changbin’s parents since his dad was bisexual [in this day and age? wild] Minho was the first one to throw a punch, helping his friend beat the shit out of them
yeah they were suspended and nearly expelled, but from that day on you couldn't help but admire him in a sense
you’d grown up side by side, but since you weren’t too important, you weren’t really involved with anything the other big-leagues did
while Minho was captain of both the swim team and the dance team, you were usually found in the background, simply minding your own business
of course you felt an odd connection with the man, as well as other kids older than yourself and those born in the same year as you
all of you had been born before the transportation to the real world, and while the youngest included the likes of you and Minho both, just born months ahead of time - each of you wondered what life was like in the world of fairytales and fictional stories
but something inside your head convinced you to approach him all those years ago back in high school
you’d been watching him and the son of Cinderella since the start of their swim practice, admiring how easily he moved in the water
which was because he was practically made for it, considering his ancestry
“hey, Minho,” you’d called out to him, still leaning against one of the walls when he glanced over to you in surprise, “come here for a second.”
and he’d done just that, walking over to you in all his glory, water dripping down his bare chest and arms, his black hair wet but still somehow looking neat and presentable
“uh, hi?”
“could you - could you teach me how to fight?” you’d stuttered out to him in sheer panic, his own eyes twinkling in curiosity at your request
“I um - you see, well, I have to walk home alone after work most nights and it isn’t exactly... safe, I guess.” which isn't a lie, in all honesty
in the late hours of the night, you worked at a measly grocery store to get some easy cash, but having to walk home alone was incredibly scary
even though all of you had been, for the most part, raised in the human world, there were still low-life's and downright villainous people residing on the island
knowing that you could possibly run into someone like that alone with no way of defending yourself was a daunting thought
“yea, sure, why not.” Minho had agreed almost immediately, much to your surprise
ever since then, after school, the boy would drive you to the gym and train with you
whenever you got off of work he was right outside the front door where you would walk out, waiting so he could walk you home each night
you were a bit confused, since you had been training with him so you wouldn't feel defenseless by yourself - but he insisted on making sure you got home safely no matter what
over the years the two of you grew to be quite close, so much so that you'd been nominated prom king and queen
you still had the picture of you two dancing in celebration, red solo cups in hand as he had been in the middle of twirling you on the heels of your feet when the candid photograph had been taken
“What? Too distracted by my dashing good looks to talk?” He pressed on smugly, snapping his fingers just inches in front of your face to snap you out of your daydream
“In your dreams, Minho,” you retort with a roll of your eyes, accepting his hand lent out to help you stand from the sand you’d been sitting in, “I was just... thinking.”
“Ouch, that must hurt.”
“Shut it, octopus.” You hiss, flicking his forehead while Jisung and Seungmin made their way towards the two of you.
“Anywho, Chan is throwing some huge party tonight and invited you to come.” He informed you with a bit of bitterness to his tone, much to your amusement
it was painfully obvious how Minho had a... thing, for you, to say the least. while you didn’t know if it was a short-lived infatuation or genuine feelings, it was hilarious to witness him become jealous over the smallest things
like one time where Felix, the son of Belle, had been helping you with schoolwork in the library
his head was close to yours, bent down so he could quietly explain how to work out the difficult problems [what? he is a genius, so you didn't mind the younger boy helping you out at all]
then Minho had sauntered in, almost immediately spotting two of his closest friends so close together with the smart Felix whispering something to you
despite your protests, Minho had insisted that he help you instead, sending Felix away by reminding him that they had a dance competition in just a few days - the freckled boy had gasped and rushed out quickly to the studio just for some extra practice, trusting the older boy to help
needless to say, you had failed that assignment horribly
“aww, is little Minho jealous?” You asked him in a teasing tone, wiping off the remnants of sand from your sundress, making Jisung and Seungmin snicker behind you
the black haired man glared at you playfully, though his lips were curled into a pout
“Y/N, I am not jealous - oh, forget it, I was wondering if you wanted to come to town with us while we picked up some food and shit for the party.”
you shrugged, knowing full well that you didn't have anything else to do for the rest of the afternoon besides sitting in the sand or wading in the water
“Sure, just let me put on some shoes- Minho!” You squeaked in surprise when he doesn't even give you the chance to finish, as he’s easily picked you up and thrown you onto his back
you huffed and puffed at him, gently smacking his head as he lead your small group off the beach and up the path towards the main part of town, ignoring your squeals of protest the entire time
about an hour had passed and you were still stuck on Minho’s back, even after all that shopping and going through shops to find food
Jisung and Seungmin were walking just a few feet ahead of you two, carrying the light bags of food for the party in their hands while Minho lagged a bit behind them, his hands supporting your legs still wrapped around his waist
“Goddamn, look at that ass!”
“You think her boyfriend will get pissed if we snap a pic?”
you gawked in disbelief at what you were hearing, turning your head to see two younger boys cheekily winking at you
you had completely forgotten you were still wearing a sundress, and while your backside was protected by shorts, it still left little to the imagination
you felt Minho pause abruptly in his tracks just so he could slowly turn around and face your disgusting catcallers
“Say another word about my girl and I swear to god I’ll snap your limbs like twigs.” He threatens the mischievous boys lowly, his voice dead serious and intimidating
as if they were wanting a death wish, the pair of boys rolled their eyes and sent not-so-discreate winks to you, completely ignoring the boiling man carrying you
“Hey lady, if this weirdo isn’t giving you what you need, we can solve that problem for you.”
with a deep breath Minho gently slid you off of his back, pushing you behind him while Jisung and Seungmin made their way back to you two, clearly wondering what had happened to make their friend so eerily pissed
“You two shitheads need to learn some fucking respect,” the tall man growled in a growing fury, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, “or would you like me to knock some common fucking sense into those empty brains of yours?”
“Alright alright, we’ll back off man.” One of them gave in with a roll of his eyes, holding his hands up in surrender as he started to lead his partner past you and the two boys still staring in curiosity
then, as they made their way past you, one of them reached out and squeezed your ass invasively, smirking at your gasp of shock and disgust
he didn't have time to even blink before Minho had swung at him so hard that he’d been knocked out
his friend looked back quickly, his eyes wide in fear at what just happened
if he decided to fight back, you were sure that Minho would turn the confrontation into an all out brawl
“Take him away before I decide to make the bastard bleed.” Minho growled, now standing in front of you protectively while the boy nodded comically fast, picking his friend up with one arm and waddling away
that night you decided not to go to the party - the confrontation from the shopping trip still had you a bit zoned out, and you knew that if you had gone you would've been too anxious with so many drunk, hormonal people crowded into one space
“Minho, you didn't have to stay with me.” You sigh to the man, glancing over to him and watching as he clenches his jaw, still clearly upset at the event earlier that day
you could tell that he blamed himself for whatever reason; he probably thought he could’ve prevented the sick guy from touching you, but none of you could’ve predicted that he would have acted so rashly anyway
“Too bad, princess, you're stuck with me.” He huffed back, not sparing you one look in fear that he might lose it and freak out about the incident again
you let out a deep, resounding sigh before you scoot closer to him on the stairs of your porch, resting your head on his shoulders comfortingly
you could feel one of his hands trailing up your bare thigh, his fingertips lazily tracing your skin as you both watched the ocean waves lap at the sandy shore of the beach
“Let me... let me be the only man who can touch you, Y/N.” Minho blurts out suddenly, though his voice is oddly serious and quiet
your cheeks heat up quickly at his blunt statement, though you can’t seem to comprehend exactly what he’s suggesting
“When that sicko touched you today, I was so close to ripping his head off. You didn't give him permission so that’s why -” he breaks off with a gulp, his fingers now squeezing your thigh, as if he was testing his boundaries, “that’s why I’m asking for your permission. Please, princess, let me touch you.”
you find yourself letting out a soft, nearly inaudible ‘okay,’ and within milliseconds the man has tilted your chin up with the pads of his fingers and thumb, his serious gaze boring into yours
“Are you sure?”
“I - yes, I’m sure, Minho. You were my hero today, and shouldn't heroes get a proper reward?”
you watch with red cheeks as his tongue darts out to wet his lips, now parted as he leans in closer and closer, until your noses are touching and his pink lips are grazing yours
“Princess, you are going to regret those words when I’m done with you tonight.”
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