#which is why cash understands the situation better than knives and he didn’t take things so far
ocdhuacheng · 1 year
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This is so funny how can you say vash was out of character in the manga as a kid bc
1) it’s literally the original form of media for trigun. If anything 98 and stampede vash were out of character as kids
2) I don’t know if you realize this but vash is 150 years old and has gone through several lifechanging events and revelations and I think that is enough to change how he acts at different points in his life. He is not the same person 150 years later as he was as a kid.
3) “knives should have stabbed rem” he was too busy being in a coma
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lowkeyassgard · 4 years
Day 10 of Loki vs. Earth series and today Loki is very pissed off by attending a country concert.
One shot summary: After bailing Loki out of some serious trouble, Thor asks Loki to attend a concert with him.
Quarantine series summary:It’s going to be a series of fun and light hearted one shots to help readers and other writers get through this hard time. I made a a03 collection and a tumblr tag. To join just write a fun, soft, and/or light hearted one shot and post it to the collection @Quarantine_Series or tag it on tumblr as #quarantine series.
Word count: 900 words
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Loki didn’t care much for music, He never understood why Midgardians would spend their time blasting loud obnoxious noises into their ears. Also, didn’t understand how they enjoyed it. He didn’t like it but since permanently residing on Midgard his brother Thor had found a love for it. He blasted it through their home and would dance around like a psycho. Loki thought Thor a fool for it.
Thor had been pestering Loki to attend a concert for the last few months. Loki had repeatedly said no but knew he would no longer be able to decline the offer. Loki had recently run into some trouble leading Thor to bailing him out. Literally. Loki was arrested for assault. He did nothing of the sort, but the police officer insisted that Loki had come at it. What had actually happened was that one-day Loki was walking down the road flipping his favorite blue knife and a police officer had stopped to question him. Loki was not a fan of this man tone and pointed his knife at the officer. Loki wasn’t going to stab him, but the officer said that he had to jump back to avoid being plunged in the gut. What a liar. Upon Loki’s arrest they confiscated the knives on him and threw him in a dirty dark cell.
He spent two whole days in the jail because the police department had no clue who Loki was and how to contact someone to bail him out, Loki wasn’t from Earth, so he did not have a fingerprint on file or even a social security card. The entire police department was perplexed by his existence because to their computer system Loki simply did not exist. Yet he did and he like all others will have to serve the time for his crime. On the second night of his confinement Loki astray projected to New Asgard and pleaded with his brother to free him. Sure, thing the next morning there Thor was with a big wad of cash to free him and recover his prized knives.
With that situation in mind Loki knew the next time Thor asked he would have to go. He did in fact owe his brother and how horrible could a concert be.
The dreaded ask came two days later. Loki was in his bed reading a book over astronomy. It was a calm and bright day. He was in a pleasant mood. He was until Thor came waltzing into his singing one of those songs he was always blasting.
“Oh brother! Do you recall when I got you out of that sticky situation?
“How could I forget brother. It has only been a week.”
“Oh, how time flies when you are having fun. Speaking of fun how about you and me go to a concert tonight. There will be alcohol.” Thor emphasized the last part. Loki wasn’t fond of Midgardian alcohol, but something was better than nothing. Since Loki didn’t have any form of identification he could not lawfully buy alcohol even he was thousands of years past the required age. The people would just not believe it. So, the only time he received alcohol was when he stole it, much frowned about by Thor and Valkyrie, and when he went to an event that served it to all guests.
“Ah yes brother. I do owe you so just this time I will join you.”
“YES!” Thor practically jumped with joy. Loki knew that Thor loved hanging out with him, but they just didn’t like the same things. Loki liked raves and clubs meanwhile Thor loved campfires and concerts. They were like polar opposites and yet they still loved each other dearly. When Loki had no one, he had Thor. Thor was the only one that gave him chance after chance and saw the good in him. So even though he knew he would hate every minute of it if this concert would make his brother happy he would attend.
“Alright Loki. Be ready by six and where something that isn’t black.”
At a quarter to six Loki walked out of his bedroom in a olive green shirt and grey denim jeans. It was the only thing he owned that wasn’t black or Asgardian custom clothes. He felt like a teenager that was trying to be cool. He wasn’t going to impress anyone, so he swallowed his pride and put on a smile for his brother.
Thor on the other hand was absolutely ecstatic. He was in a plaid button up shirt blue denim jeans and boots. He was grinning ear to ear. The minute Loki came out Thor gave a big holler of excitement and practically dragged Loki out of their home to take a truck into the city.
They arrived at the concert venue within the next forty five minutes and immediately Loki wished he had said no. Just from the look of the people entering the venue he would be miserable. Everyone entering was dressed in cowboy hats and boot. The men and the women were plaid shirts and both were equally acting loud and obnoxious.
As Loki walked with Thor toward the entrance Loki groaned. The person taking the tickets was a blonde chick with a plaid shirt tied at her breast level. She was in cutoff denim shorts that showed the bottom of her undergarments. She was loud. Too loud. Loki wanted to throw his ticket at her and tell her to shut up before she found her mouth bound. Instead he calmly watched as Thor handed the tickets to her.
“No.” Loki simply said. Thor was beside him talking about how excited he was and had been looking forward to this all day.
Loki left his brother at the ticket stand to push his way into the venue. He thought maybe it would be better once inside, but it was not,
Thor had left out the part that this was a hillbilly concert. Loki wasn’t even trying to be offensive. A person that walked by him held a sign promptly stating that it was a hillbilly concert. The sign read “Hillbillies get down too.”
Everyone I mean everyone looked like they should be in the wild west. Loki didn’t usually complain about humans showing off a little skin but now he was. Their attire and the way they presented themselves repulsed Loki.
He pushed himself thought the crowd of sweaty exposed bodies to find the bar. Once there he was even more repulsed. They just had beer. Cheap piss. This was their suck ass excuse for alcohol. The whole reason why he was here. Loki remembering, he was doing for this Thor laid down a few bills and took one of the beers. He took one swig of the beer and spit it out on the ground.
“Real men drink beer.” A woman sitting at the bar scorned at him. He reached for his knives to realize he left them at home.
‘Real women know not to pester a man that could easily destroy them.” Loki spat at her. Pardon his language but fuck her. If he had his knives he would hold them at her throat until she cried out in mercy. He might not want to take over the world anymore, but he would not be disrespected.
Not being able to stand the taste of this piss he threw the half full can on the ground and removed the lighter from his pocket and set it on fire.
“Oh, brother there you are!” Thor said before realizing that Loki had set a can of beer on fire and had attracted a crowd.
“Please excuse my brother. Its not a concert without a little spilt beer am I right?” Thor said before grabbing Loki by the arm and dragging him to the other side of the room.
“Loki, what did I tell you about burning things?”
“Do not belittle me brother. That Midgardian piss made a fool out of me and I smite its existence as punishment.”
“Just stand here and have some fun. The concert is starting soon.” Thor said before taking a swig out of his own can of fermented piss.
The concert did start but Loki did not have fun.
The music was horrendous. It was loud. Obnoxious loud. The people let out yeehaws like they were farm animals. At one point the man beside Loki made the comment that he loved this music which Loki returned by screaming “THIS IS NOT MUSIC.”
Worse than the music was the dancing that followed. The dancing looked like an exorcism ritual. The people shook their bodies and bent them in ways that should mot be normal. They thrashed against each other and yet out shared simultaneous hollers. Loki felt as though he was watching a whole crowd of people possessed by a spirit and this country music was expelling them of their farm demon.
As the night went on the crowd got worse. Even his brother began to thrash around and swing his beer in the air. Later Loki would ask what happened and Thor would just say he was overcome by the music. Overcome by the music? The only thing Loki was overcome by was the urgent need to bleach his eyes and wipe his memories of this event.
When the crowd began to sway, Loki let out a groan. The people around him assumed he was joining them in their pleasure but he was not. Every time their shoulder pressed into his body he had to stop himself from grabbing them and snapping them in half.
At one point the stranger beside him bumped a little too hard into Loki taking him by surprise and knocking him to the concrete floor. That was loki last straw.
“I do not know what kind of hoe down throw down you people think this is hit if you so ever even think about touching my godly skin I will remove your bones from your body one by one.”
The people around him just stopped. They stopped dancing. The must stopped playing. The people all stopped to look at Loki.
“I am a god and I will not be disrespected and touched by you distasteful rowdy animals.”
Thor just watched in disbelief as his dear brother screamed at a venue of people.
“ I did my best to enjoy this time for the sake of my brother but you farm animals sad are just not worthy of my company.” With that Loki felt arms reach around him and he was picked up. A very large human carried him outside the venue and threw him on to the ground.
“Do you know who I am?” Loki screamed at the man.
“No and I do not care. Move another inch and I’m calling the cops.”
Loki was absolutely appalled that he was thrown out. He was even more appalled that Thor did not quickly come out to him. Instead loki spent the next 2 hours on the ground outside of the venue. When Thor finally came out he was completely hammered. . He was smiling and laughing to himself
“Brother. You are such a pain. Kicked out of a concert. If only mother and father could see this. They would laugh so hard they wept.”
Needless to say that Loki never attended a concert after that.
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whitetigerdemoness · 4 years
Sooo.....did someone say Holloa sequel?
I give you “Shooting Star”.
Holloa Master Post. A03 link. 
The stars you see at night potentially burned out millions of years ago.  
Lila Rossi left the Dupeng Cheng bakery feeling pretty clever. Her pocket was weighted with the butterfly charm she had stolen from Marinette’s room. She patted her pocket, feeling certain she could get a good amount of cash for it from the pawn shop she prefered. Different products danced in her mind as she thought about what to buy with her dirty money. Some new boots, perhaps? The season was changing, spring right around the corner. 
Yes, she decided, a pair of stylish new boots would be the perfect treat for herself after all the awful trials she had had to endure these past few mon-
“ Tiki I just don’t understand that girl!” Marinette huffed in frustration, dropping solidly into her desk chair. “Why in the world would she come here to try to apologize of all things, and expect me to believe her, after everything she has done!” The red kawmi sat on the desk with a thoughtful expression.
“I don’t know Marinette. Lila always seems to have another angle. Are you sure that was all she was here for?” Marinette’s eyes widened at the kwami’s observation. Taking a quick look around her room, she didn’t see anything out of place. Her booby trapped diary box was untouched, none of her clothes looked disturbed, the miracle box on her desk was-
“What the?!” Marinette jumped at the sound. 
“That came from outside!” Tiki gasped in alarm.
“An akuma?” The black haired girl asked.
“Only one way to find out.” Tiki replied. Marinette raced to the ladder that led to her rooftop balcony. She leaned over the railing, taking in the shouting people below.
It wasn’t an akuma attack.
“...Wolfram Berger stands trial today for attempted vehicular manslaughter against Lila Rossi, better known to some as Volpina, three months ago. Ms. Rossi remains in a coma in an undisclosed hospital. Ladybug and Chatnoir are standing as witnesses today against Mr. Berger’s chronic harassment of Ms. Rossi as well as two of her classmates, Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel, who will also be testifying today-”
Ladybug punched the brick chimney hard enough to leave an imprint of her fist. The trial earlier today had ended with the jury declaring Mr. Berger not guilty. The defense had argued that Mr. Berger had simply lost control of his car and that the fact that Lila had been the victim was merely a coincidence. Chat Noir and Paon were off the side with troubled looks of their own.
“I can’t believe that jury! Four weeks of community service? Not guilty? That awful man could have killed Lila! I might not be her biggest fan but…” Ladybug trailed off with a frustrated growl. 
“The court system is not as straightforward as tv likes to make it dear.” Paon sighed. “If Miss Rossi had actually died the verdict may have been more severe, but she is still alive if only through life support.” The peacock hero rubbed her arms, unhappy with the verdict.
“I don’t know.” Chat noir added, “Berger has a lot of followers. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them managed to sneak onto the jury. I noticed quite a few of them giving Marc and Nathaniel the stink eye, not to mention us.” 
One would think that Hawkmoth being gone for nearly six months now would weaken the Office of Akuma Affairs anti-akuma and anti-hero platforms. The lack of new material didn’t phase the group who were happy to make up new situations to blame on the heroes or skew old ones. Paon especially came under fire often due to Mayura’s past actions, being an easy target due to her public identity. People were unable or unwilling to separate her from her temporary replacement. Being Hawkmoth’s wife hardly helped either. 
“I hate to say it Ladybug, but we have bigger concerns than Mr. Berger walking free. It has been three months and we still haven't found the butterfly miraculous.” Paon gently reminded the steaming hero. Their group, which extended beyond the three on the rooftop, had searched Lila’s belongings and home extensively with no luck. Ladybug had been certain the girl had taken the miraculous having been alone in her room just a day before the jewel had been discovered missing, but it was starting to look like that may not be the case. Lila had been hit with Berger’s car as soon as she left the bakery. The girl would have had no time to hide the miraculous anywhere. Similar searches of Berger’s home and possessions had also been fruitless. The current running theory was one of the many bystanders that day had picked up the broach. The lack of new akumas suggested whomever had discovered it had not been compatible, kwami didn’t show themselves to just anyone, but it was only a matter of time before someone compatible did come along. The miraculous were magic like that, inevitably gravitating towards wielders.
Ladybug groaned. “Yeah, anti-hero sentiment is higher than it has ever been. You would think people would be happy for peace, not calling us useless because we can’t stop every mugging and petty crime.”
“Almost makes you wish Hawkmoth was back.” Chat Noir chuckled. Distantly, an explosion boomed. “uhhh…” The black cat hesitated.
“Let’s move!” Paon commanded, already racing across the rooftops.
“Please tell me that is not an akuma. Chaton, if that is an akuma I will personally make your life miserable for the next week.” Ladybug threatened.
“If that’s an akuma, I don’t think you’ll have to work too hard to accomplish that.” Chatnoir gulped, taking in the scene. A girl in a multi colored dress was frolicing in the street below, watering people she managed to catch with a watering pail. People who came into contact with water from the pail began to sprout flowers all over their body, older victims looking to have become plants entirely.
“If that is an akuma, the akuma is likely in the watering can.” Paon commented. “She doesn’t look too dangerous.” The peacock wielder leapt to street level without further ado to confront the akuma.
“Paon wait-dammit.” Ladybug muttered. Paon had become active after Hawkmoth had already been defeated. Despite being the eldest hero, she had never actually faced an akuma before and was making a rookie mistake. Akuma were never as simple as they looked. Ladybug exchanged looks with Chatnoir. She could see he was conflicted. Instinct was telling him to leap to his mother’s side and support her. Training was reminding him that hanging back and watching was the wiser choice.
“Go to her Chat, I’ll hang back to watch for tricks.” Chatnoir nodded and joined Paon, who was trying to knock the watering can from the akuma’s hands with her knives. The akuma laughed as she batted the knives away like pesky flies.
“You showed up! Goody! Let me take care of you!” The akuma chirped, gleefully dancing closer to Paon. “Everything will be so much easier once you’re a plant! You’ll be happier!” 
“I like sunlight as much as the next cat, but I’m not too crazy about water.” Chatnoir quipped, using his baton to try and trip the akuma. The action was in vain. Even the combined efforts of Paon and Chanoir were not enough to make the akuma’s ballerina like grace falter. Further from the battle, Ladybug approached one of the flower covered victims.
“Hold on, I’ll get you out!” The man did not respond at first, his eyes glazed and listless. When Ladybug began to try and tear the vines from his body, he began to scream in pain. Shocked, the heroine recoiled. 
“HEY!” The akuma screamed. “Don’t hurt my plants you naughty bug!” The akuma darted towards Ladybug, free hand outstretched. Jumping backwards, Ladybug felt a small trill of alarm as the movement felt sluggish. Moments before the akuma could pour water on her, Chatnoir kicked her away.
“You okay Ladybug?” 
“Be careful, Chat, Paon, I think the plants are giving off some sort of sedative.” Ladybug winced, holding her head. “Harming the plants seems to also harm the host, don’t touch anyone.”
 “Good little bugs should HELP plants!” The akuma fumed. “Bad bugs will be pruned away by the Gardener.” The akuma attacked with a flurry of graceful kicks and wide sprays of her water. Ladybug and Chatnoir put up their shields to deflect the water, while Paon hung back and attacked from range with her knives.
“We need to pull back, one touch of that water and it’s game over!” Chatnoir said after a particularly close call.
“We need some way to prevent her from pouring water.” Ladybug added, movements slower than she would have liked. Gardener’s supply of water seemed infinite, and dodging the growing puddles around them was becoming harder.
“If only we could find someone unaffected by her powers, I could create a senti-monster. Where are all the civilians? This is a busy street…” Paon groused.
“Parisians are pretty good at getting out of spitting range of these fights by now. The police have probably set up barricades to prevent people from coming this way.” 
“It might be time for a Lucky Charm!” Cried out Ladybug, her yoyo toss taking more effort than it should have due to her lingering sluggishness. A chromatic pocket knife fell into her hands. The hilt was ladybug spotted, but the blade simmered in rainbow colors.
“Looks like it’s time to cut ties with the Gardener.” Chatnoir quipped, using his baton to catapult a nearby trash can at the Gardener. Ladybug huffed at the pun as her eyes darted around the area trying to come up with a plan. Other than the Gardener’s watering pail, nothing else stood out to her. Nothing except...Paon. Ladybug cast an eye around the plant strewn street again. A few of the plants still had twitching human limbs sticking out of them. Perhaps someone still had enough consciousness to produce a sentimonster...the Lucky Charm was never wrong. She had to trust it.
“Paon! Are you sure you can’t feel any strong desires?” The street was getting pretty flooded, the heroes had taken to jumping from cartop, to street stall top, to try and avoid the water. On one hand, it kept them dry. On the other this severely limited their maneuverability. Paon closed her eyes and concentrated.
“There is...one...but I’ll need a moment to focus!” The peacock hero threw another of her feather-knives at the akuma, only for it to clatter uselessly onto the street as the agile girl danced and twirled away.
“Right, let’s give Paon some breathing room kitty. Hit the street!”
“You got it Ladybug. Cataclysm!” Dark energy crackled across the flooded street, causing it to heave and crumble in on itself. Chunks of the asphalt shuddered as their supports eroded, falling into the sewers below. The Gardener stumbled, all of her attention diverted to staying on her feet during the mini earthquake. 
Meanwhile, Paon whispered to the blue feather in her hand before sending it on its journey with a blown kiss. The feather didn’t go as far as Ladybug thought it would, fluttering down to land on a twisted pile of flowers and thorns. An image bubbled and coalesced into reality, settling into the kneeling figure of…
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joie-university-rp · 4 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, KEN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Ken, he/him
Age, Timezone: 22, PST
Activity, short explanation: New job so activity will be lower but I’m still here!!
Ships: Vitya/Anyone (Sexually), Vitya/Men (Romantically)
Anti-Ships: None.
Triggers: None!
Preferred photo for Character’s ID : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1mfjly7Dgd4/maxresdefault.jpg
Anything else: My feet hurt from this new job. Also, if there are any typos, I’m sorry, I wrote this tired.
Full Name: Vitya Alexsi Cristo
FC: Bill Skarsgard
Age/Year at University: 19, Freshman
Birth date: November 18th, 2000.
Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Creative Arts - Illustration
Minor(s): Gemology
Housing request: Beiste Dorms, Room 226
Extracurriculars: Freerunning/Parkour Club, Esports Club, Gymnastics
Greek Life Affiliation: None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking):
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
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diego-hargreeve2 · 5 years
light in the dark
Part Twenty Four
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Ship: Diego Hargreeves x Original Character
Warnings: Language, abuse (emotional and physical), mental illness, violence and, in later chapters, smut.
Taking the bets tested her math skills - but it freed Al up. Diego might (did) roll his eyes, but she felt sorry for the old man. He was impatient and grumpy with little interest in manners - but he wasn’t a bad guy. Eve had an inbuilt radar of creepy men, veered away from talking to guys just because of her gut feeling, and she never got that from him. So, she talked, and she helped, and now she sat with a book, writing down the bets and the names and the money in clumsy printed letters, each one a separate undertaking she struggled with.
Al was on the door and Diego with his friends, but she was tucked away behind a counter and inwardly aglow at feeling useful for once which cancelled out some of her anxiety at being alone in a room full of people.
She didn’t recognise the man who approached but he didn’t set off her alarm bells. Pen in hand she looked up and waited for him to decide who he wanted to back.
“So who would you recommend I put my money on?” He asked, arms folded on the counter as he leaned close to be heard.
“Diego Hargreeves is a sure thing, but the stakes aren’t high” Eve told him, loyal to her boyfriend.
“And if I wanted to take a risk?”
The odds were laid out on paper she pushed toward him, but Evie didn’t understand them fully - she just took the cash, Al handled calculations. She did know though, from listening, who was expected to do well, and which fights were close.
“Tate, vs Lopez, or Smith, vs Pell. Tate really wants the win” she admitted and the stranger grinned.
“You spend a lot of time here? Big fan of boxing?” he asked, his gaze focused on her face, the expression so intense Eve couldn’t meet it. Prolonged eye contact was always a struggle for her; having somebody stare into her eyes made her feel vulnerable and exposed. She never knew how long to meet somebody’s eyes before it became invasive, she never knew if it was too soon to look away without seeming like she was hiding something. Far easier to avoid beginning the interaction than agonise over how to manage it. Fiddling with the pen she held instead Eve shrugged.
“I’m here a lot. I’m not…I’m no expert” she admitted, unsure why this was necessary information. Was he unsure whether to trust her advice? Most people just approached, handed over the money and told her who they were backing, and left with a receipt. To be interrogated felt odd.
“But you know who to bet on? Who’s desperate for a victory?”
“I hear things” Eve admitted. She lifted her head a little, but he was still watching her closely, and she rapidly ducked her head forward again, hair tumbling forward from the movement of her head.
“Alright. You’ve sweet talked me into it” the stranger announced, one hand reaching out to catch a golden curl resting on the counter, but his fingers barely caught the loose tress before she flinched backward. Her sudden movement didn’t put him off though as he kept speaking. “I’ll put twenty on Tate”.
Relieved that this interaction was back on tracks she could understand Eve straightened up again and began recording the bet on a fresh line. She held the pen awkwardly as she wrote, betraying a lack of experience as she began to fill in the columns.
“What’s your name?”
“Jake. Jake Thomas. I can give you my number too”. The line was delivered with easy confidence and a flirtatious smirk, both wasted on Eve who didn’t look up from her careful printing.
“Al doesn’t need phone numbers. I’ll give you a receipt and you have to come claim in person from him”.
“The number was for you, honey” was the teasing reply, one hand reaching out to cover her own fingers, stopping her from writing. She froze under his touch, staring down not at his fingers but her own, willing them to behave, terrified they’d betray her. That frightened her more than he did, her eyes wide and round as she watched her pale skin for tell-tale signs.
Her nerves didn’t escape his notice, even if he entirely misunderstood the reasons for it. His gaze  on her face his hand lifted, reaching for her chin to try and tilt her face up so he could meet those huge blue eyes.
What his next move was neither of them would find out. Diego had been watching, the fact he wasn’t close by didn’t mean he wasn’t keeping tabs on his girlfriend. He saw the guy approach, saw the hand reach out to catch a ringlet and at that point had begun to extradite himself from the conversation. He was already walking when the man touched Eve’s hand – and it was lucky for Jake that Diego wasn’t wearing his knives, or he might have found himself short a few fingers.
Diego grabbed his wrist, knuckles tight as he yanked, freeing Eve from the touch.
“Watch yourself there”. The words could almost have been deemed cautionary, a warning, except for the clear threat that thrummed through his voice as he dropped Jake’s arm on the other side of the counter while Eve withdraw both her hands and hid them from sight.
Perhaps he should have let Eve tried to handle it. Maybe the guy was just being overly friendly. Frankly, it hardly mattered – Diego wasn’t the sort of man to stand around while somebody else touched his girl.
Part of him liked people looking, knowing that her looks gained admiration stoked his pride and his ego. Since she started to peel away the layers she used to shelter in there had been a few looks, and they just made Diego smirk although Eve hardly ever seemed to notice them herself. But to touch? Now that was another matter. That stopped being funny – both because the gentleman Grace had instilled in him wasn’t going to stand by while Eve was made to feel uncomfortable, but also because a far more primal possessive part wasn’t going to tolerate some stranger’s hand on the body he thought of as his.
Jake glanced between them, the skittering gaze moving significantly slower than the synapses in his brain as he guessed the situation; watching the stranger figure it out, Diego folded his arms, the movement flexing the muscles in his biceps enough that they showed through his shirt.
Evidently Jake wasn’t an idiot, holding up both hands, palms out, as he took a step backward.
“Just placing a bet” he insisted, lowering one hand to fish some folded bills out of a pocket and toss them forward onto the counter in front of Eve. “Didn’t know she was yours man, no harm no foul” he insisted; his statement entirely undermined by the wink he threw toward the blonde. Perhaps he wasn’t quite as confident in the face of Diego as he pretended, given that he walked away without the receipt. Diego watched him leave for a moment before turning back to Eve. He adopted the same pose Jake had, folded arms resting on the wood, leaning forward on his elbows.
“You alright angel?”
“I am now” she assured him, her hands re-emerging and slipping across to hold onto his forearms.
“I didn’t know I had to station a bodyguard here for you”, the comment half teasing, half concerned as he searched her face. Eve laughed softly, shaking her head.
“One guy with weird taste and you think I need to be protected?”
“Nothing wrong with his taste. Less said about the rest the better” Diego insisted, unfolding his arms to catch her hands in his, entwining their fingers.
“I’m fine. Besides. Bets are about to close” she pointed out, glancing toward the clock.
“Maybe I will teach you how to fight. Then you can break the arms of guys like that” he said, unconcerned by the time constraints, his grip on her fingers tightening slightly and she glanced at him, curious.
“Why would I ever need to do that when my boyfriend likes to play hero?” she teased gently, and he smirked lazily.
“You like that, huh?”
She blushed, reluctant to admit it and unable to deny it. The idea of a jealous, possessive Diego…she did like that. To see him bothered at somebody else flirting with her was more reassuring than anything he could say.  
“Maybe. Maybe I need to see it again to be sure”. His gaze darkened slightly, and he leaned forward to kiss her across the counter in the same moment Al called out for the first fight to begin.
“Now you’re just asking for trouble”.
@lovinglydiego @klausbutgayer @reblogserpent @me125 @fatbottomedcurls @rhymesmenagerie @mrsdiegohargreeves @eleventhdoctorsangel @carryon-doctor-lock
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A Murderer’s Tale
A Murderer’s Tale
My father was not a kind man. Most of the time he was half drunk, and it seemed that the only way he knew to treat others was by bullying. From those he did business with to his Saturday night poker friends to the way he treated his family and even to the animals on our farm, I can’t recall a time when I witnessed him acting with any ounce of civility. He was just one of those hate filled men who felt the world always owed him something but never gave it to him. He was bitter and sad and violent. Every night, my older brother and I would expect a beating. Sam was two years older than me, but would always submit to whatever undeserved punishment our father would give us. I, on the other hand, was much less willing to accept his thrashings.
It started when I was about 9 years old when I figured out I could run away. He would always catch me though, and then the beating would be many times worse. My brother did not understand me. He hated the pain probably as much as I did, but he always said it was better to give in rather than resist. After all, we were both too weak to fight him. I don’t think my brother would have fought even if he was strong enough. He just didn’t feel it was worth the fight.
As we got older, my brother remained willing to accept the beatings. My will to resist only grew. I would run from him or hide and even try to fight back whenever he would come after me. He always won though.
One day, my Dad came after me with his knife. He had never used a weapon on me besides blunt objects. I knew he could kill me this time. I also knew that I neither wanted to die, nor to live under this abuse. So I ran once again, but this time with a destination. I needed a weapon with which to defend myself. There was a musket above the fireplace, but I could not reach it and did not know how to use it. There were knives in the kitchen, but I did not know how to handle myself in a knife fight. The only remaining weapon that I knew might be my way out was my father’s second revolver that he kept hidden in his bedside table. I knew it was there and that it was loaded because once spied on him putting it away after cleaning it.
So I ran up the stairs and into the master bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I tried to lock it, but it got stuck. So I ran to his side of the bed and pulled open the drawer. Sure enough, right next to an untouched copy of the bible sat the shiny revolver. I picked it up. I had never handled a gun before and it felt heavy in my hands. I used my left hand to pull the hammer back to cock it. Just then, my father burst into the room. I spun around just as he rounded the foot of the bed and raised the knife to strike.
I raised the gun and pulled the trigger, firing the bullet into my father’s stomach. Unfortunately, this did little more than enrage him further in his drunken and excited state. He slashed at me with the knife and I instinctively raised my left arm to block him. The blade sliced my forearm to the bone. For a moment I felt my blood boil with unbridled anger, but somehow managed to focus enough to lift the gun once more. This time, I shot him in his shoulder. Blood sprayed out onto the walls as his body was violently whipped about by the force of the bullet. He stumbled back and fell to the floor, dropping the knife.
That was when the dam broke once again and rage returned to consume my soul. I pounced on the knife and snatched it up as my father grabbed my leg, snarling death threats at me. The next few moments were a blur as I let out years of frustration, stabbing and slashing until everything had turned crimson.
Just as I stood up from the mutilated corpse, I heard a shrill scream from behind me. I had forgotten about my mother. I turned to face her, exhaustion beginning to register in my muscles. I watched as her face turned from shocked disbelief to terrified agony and then to accusatory rage in a matter of seconds. To my surprise, she lunged at me, falling upon me with blow after blow with her feminine fists. Thinking back, the attempted attack was almost laughable. But to me, I had had enough of being beat down. It did not matter to me that she did not cause me much pain. What mattered was principle. No one would attack me like that again.
So I stabbed her too until her body fell lifeless beside her husband. I wiped the blood from my eyes and remembered my brother. He would be making an appearance soon undoubtedly, and I had no interest with dealing with him. So I picked up the revolver from the floor and waited. Sure enough, the footsteps did come. The approached the doorway with his voice calling out for each of us. I hated to think of him gone, but I knew he would never understand me. So when he stepped into the bedroom, I shot him before his expression moved past disbelief.
My family was gone. I sunk slowly to the floor beside their bodies and took a deep breath to calm my rapidly beating heart. There I stayed. I slept in a pool of my parents blood until dawn.
The next day, I awoke without memory of the previous day’s events. It was a mystery to me why I was not in my bed any why everything felt so sticky. Even after I opened my eyes, it took a moment for the situation to register and to resolve my confusion. So many thoughts flashed through my mind, but I just pushed them away. This was a good thing, I thought. Any fear or sadness or guilt I felt I quickly ignored. I didn’t see much point in dwelling upon them. And besides, there were things I had to get done.
So I took my father’s backup gun I had used the night before as well as the one he carried in the daytime along with the knife. I also searched the wardrobe and closet until I found my parents’ hidden money stash. As I stepped over the bodies, I considered cleaning the mess. The room had blood everywhere from the floor to the walls to the furniture and even the ceiling. I figured I would get around to it later. So I grabbed a satchel from downstairs and put the weapons and cash into it. I also put in a change of clothes into it.
And with that, I decided to take a trip into town. I figured from there, I could run away and start a new life someplace else. I was about 13 at the time, and I had never learned to ride a horse, so I walked to main road and waited for a passing horse and buggy to come by.
The sun was high above when a man in a buggy finally arrived. Luckily, the man was on his way to the town and hesitantly said he would take me. So I climbed in, and he snapped the reigns. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, the man asked why my clothes were all bloody. I looked down at them with surprise. I couldn’t believe my stupidity for not changing into clean clothes. Luckily I brought spares. I quickly made up some lie about having to slaughter one of the pigs and accidentally getting covered in its blood. I could tell the man was skeptical. He asked me why I was visiting the city alone and I told him that my father was out on the road doing business and my mother needed me to pick some things up from the market. Thankfully, the man asked no further questions.
It seemed like an eternity before we finally arrived at the town. The man stopped the buggy, and I thanked him. But before I could step out, the man asked me to stay put for a moment. I reluctantly agreed and watched as the buggy driver got out and walked over to another man with a big hat outside the saloon. I recognized the man outside the saloon as the sheriff. In a panic, I quickly jumped out of the buggy and ran off behind a small outhouse. My mind was racing and I knew that there was a chance that the sheriff would be paying our house a visit soon. It shouldn’t have bothered me considering I planned to leave it all behind anyway, but in that instant, those plans changed.
Once the buggy driver and the sheriff left, I went into the outhouse and undressed, replacing my bloodstained clothes with clean ones. I stuffed the bloody clothes into the satchel and exited the outhouse. I spent the majority of the rest of the day searching for someone to take me back to my farm.
Upon arriving back at the house, I remembered the sheriff and came up with a plan to fool him. I knew of a homeless drunk named Max who lived in the woods behind the house. I had discovered his camp by accident one day while exploring. He lived in a small tent made of old bed sheets that people had thrown away. I kept him secret and my father never found out about him. I decided this was a good time to pay him a visit. I gave him some money and promised to feed him and let him live in the house if he did me one favor. He didn’t seem to see anything suspicious about it or perhaps he just didn’t care. Either way, Max agreed and I told him that if the sheriff comes to the door, he should pretend to be my father and tell the sheriff that everything is alright on the farm.
Sure enough, the sheriff arrived the next day. But thanks to Max, he returned to town without much concern.
I didn’t want to hurt Max, but I knew he could become a problem if I kept him around. So the night of the sheriff’s visit, I took the knife and stabbed him to death in the kitchen so that he could never betray me.
But my troubles were not yet resolved because the day after she sheriff visited was a Saturday. And every Saturday, three friends of my dad would come over to play poker. I had forgotten about this until the knock came at the door. And suddenly I remembered. I checked to make sure the guns were loaded and put on the holsters my dad kept on the mantel. I also put on a sheath for his knife that I had found in the toolshed earlier. When the knock came again, I was ready.
I opened the door and they asked me where my father was. I told them he was out on an emergency, but should be returning the next day. They were surprised (my dad never missed his poker games), but they bought it and tipped their hats before turning to leave. Once their backs were turned, I took a deep breath to calm myself before pulling out the two revolvers. They were still difficult for me to hold considering their weight, but the men were in close enough range. I carefully aimed at the backs of two of them and fired the guns. As the two fell, I dropped the gun in my left hand and stepped towards the third, re-aiming the other gun. I somehow shot the third man clean through the neck.
Then, I systematically slit the throats of the first two to ensure they were dead. For a moment, I stood over them, triumphant over my victory, but it soon occurred to me the very obvious problem with this situation: having three dead men lying in the front path to the house was sure to arouse suspicion should another person venture onto our land.
I tried to drag the bodies, but I was too weak to budge them. They were grown men after all. I could try to get the horse to pull them, I thought, but considering I can’t even really ride them, there was a slim chance of getting that to work. Then I remembered the hatchet in the toolshed. If I could make smaller pieces out of them, surely I could carry those.
So I fetched the hatchet and got to work. I hacked the first body clean in half at the abdomen, quickly realizing my error as his guts spilled onto the grass. I would need a bucket to carry that stuff. I chopped the limbs off the other two instead which turned out to be much cleaner.
After I had sufficiently cut them up, I put their body parts into the toolshed. I decided that the shed would be where I would hide the bodies. This prompted me to chop up my father, mother, brother, and Max in the same manner so that I could bring them all together and clean up the house.
Once the bodies were gone, I tried cleaning up the blood, but there were too many stains. I had to then put any fabrics or rugs that were stained in the shed as well and decided to repaint the walls. I didn’t want to have to get a ride in another person’s buggy again, so I spent the next week teaching myself to ride the horse as best as I could. Finally, I was able to travel to town. I bought paint and ammunition for the guns and returned. It took two days to repaint over all the bloodstains, but finally it was passable. By this point, the shed had developed a horrible stench. To eliminate this irritation, I set the shed on fire, and burned it down with the bodies and bloodstained fabrics.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, the townspeople (especially the wives of the three poker players I had killed) had begun to suspect that something peculiar was afoot. As it turns out, when multiple people are suddenly removed from society, people will notice their absence and ask questions.
Zachary Sullens
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financevisionary · 8 years
15 Things You Should Never Skimp On
We all would like to save anywhere possible, however there are times when it's really in our benefit to invest a bit a lot more as well as appreciate any better top quality. From commode paper to cooking area blades as well as many other items in between, here's a take a look at 15 factors I'll never ever stint - which you should not, either.
1. Toilet Paper
My hubby teases me since I'm determined about having a restroom stocked with high-quality bathroom tissue (really, it really feels like paradise's clouds kissing my bottom), as well as it deserves every added penny that I invest. The choice here, naturally, is shower room tissue that's one step above sandpaper. That inevitably leaves me feeling oddly breached. No, thanks. I even go one step further and also generate reinforcements through wet wipes as a completing touch, a child's got ta really feel fresh, after all.
I do, nonetheless, consistently utilize coupons for these investments, and also I try to sync them with available rebates from applications like Ibotta to cut the expense further.
2. Bed Sheets
I'm not claiming you should carnage your budget plan by lining your bed mattress with one of the most luxurious 95,000 thread matter Egyptian-cotton sheets, but you could strike a respectable happy medium by shopping wisely. (Personally, I think the extremely inexpensive T-shirt sheets are soft as well as comfy, but I likewise find them very frustrating to fold up because they don't hold their form.) In lieu of those, I wait for more costs sheet readies to take place sale - Macy's frequently has spectacular offers on bedding - or I comb sites like Overstock.com and the clearance area of popular purveyors of high quality residence items, like West Elm as well as Dog crate and Barrel. IKEA sheets aren't half bad either - as well as they're extremely easy on the wallet.
3. Fresh Meats
I didn't know there was a difference in the quality of meat from supermarket to supermarket up until I started purchasing myself - as well as boy, is there a difference. I bought hamburger from a low-end supermarket near my apartment in Manhattan when I was in a pinch one evening, as well as when I readied it, the finished product was an unusual red color. That certainly increased my brow, and it really did not taste all that wonderful, either. Chicken, pork, as well as seafood items are additionally susceptible to top quality issues. These uncooked healthy proteins might look penalty in the packaging, however you'll usually view as well as taste the distinction when they're prepared. I dislike to state it, but both Walmart as well as Target are infamous for appealing top quality meat, but supplying varieties which usually disappoint assumptions. Due to this, I now make a different quit at Wegman's - a specialized supermarket in my location - to acquire my meats. I pay more at the register, sure. But I don't mind given that I'm getting my cash's worth.
4. Household Cleaners
I have actually bought national name brand name upkeep products like Windex and also 409, and I've bought the bargain brands with a generic name. My main judgment is that the previous do better in both their cleansing ability convenience of use. Common home window cleaner particularly is an inconvenience to me, as I have actually discovered it leaves streaks throughout the glass. Seriously, you have one work, confidential blue fluid - to eliminate streaks! Therefore, I need to make use of twice as long as I do the name brand name to complete the job. To cut costs here, I await BOGO sales on my favored items, and set them with promo codes that I've clipped from circulars and also online.
5. Dish washer Cleaning agent and Meal Laundering Liquid
The very same point that occurs with deal brand name home cleaners occurs with economical dishwashing machine detergent as well as meal cleaning fluid: I wind up making use of two times as much to do the exact same quantity of works, because the top quality of the product is inferior to more expensive brands. Depend on me, the battle in this case is not worth the savings. Thus, adhere to the soaps you acknowledge. They're family staples for a reason: they work.
6. Prophylactics and also Personal Treatment Products
I do not have to go right into as well much information below, and I'm probably not enabled to, either. All I'll claim is that my wellness (as well as your own) is much also vital to endanger by purchasing discount individual treatment items. That does not indicate you need to get the gold standard items, but you should release your purse and also purchase checked as well as shown brands that give you peace of thoughts, together with a gratifying experience.
7. Tiny Kitchen Home appliances and also Utensils
You know just what actually makes my head really want to spontaneously pop off my neck? When, in the center of readying a dish, my could opener dismantles itself or my microplane breaks in half. It is just one of those 'count backwards from 10' situations. Like, code red-level rage, people. I get close to breaking into flames when my hand mixer or mixer begins smoking simply because silly me is utilizing it on the 'routine' setting. Come on, male - appliances are expected to be difficult as well as sturdy! These circumstances are exactly why I prevent cheap variations of these items - Hamilton Beach is officially outlawed from my property, yeah, I said it - since if I really did not, the air rescue would need to fly my rage-ravaged body to the nearby psychological facility, stat!
8. Dog Food
Considering the debate that in some cases borders dog food - here's lookin' at you, menadione and ethoxyquin - as well as erratic pet-food recalls (which most likely occur much more usually than you assume), it is necessary to me to feed far better meals to my pet dog. My furbaby is my buddy as well as finest friend, and there's no price that I would not pay to ensure that he's obtaining the very best top quality food I could offer. Savings are much as well as few between on premium pet food, however that requires a discount coupon when the genuine takeaway is the pure delight I obtain from my (healthy) pup?
9. Candles
Cheap candle lights appear innocuous sufficient, but several of them may consist of cancer-causing exhausts. Got your interest? Great, because candles made just before 2003 (not likely that you still have any though) might have been made with lead wicks, which launch five times the quantity of lead taken into consideration dangerous for children.
The likelier offenders, however, are your beloved aromatherapy paraffin candle lights that Environment-friendly America states belongs to 'readying a healthy and balanced beverage of fresh squeezed lemon and also bring in a try of gas' when burned. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Rather, look for candle lights made with 100 % beeswax or vegetable-based waxes and cotton-core wicks.
10. Laundry Detergent
I never ever acquire Trend due to the fact that it's way also abundant for my blood, specifically when the lower-priced-but-still-quality Purex brand functions merely. I'll never ever reduce my requirements to a truly bargain fluid, however. Frequently the toughness and upkeep power of these brands is doing not have compared to their national equivalents. As well as you could ignore no-name powders entirely. I have actually encountered troubles with the full combination of the powder into the water, which costs me even more money over time because I have to wash the tons at the very least when more to eliminate the undissolved powder stains.
11. Garbage Bags
All you'll have to make the button from an inexpensive, lightweight trash bag to a heftier brand is for all-time low of the previous to crack open when you're lugging it from your fourth-floor home to the street. If you've been lucky sufficient to prevent this catastrophe hence far, congrats, if you wish to proceed to play your cards with these disasters-waiting-to-happen - well, I told ya so.
12. Deodorant
Is your deodorant combating your perspiration, or simply covering it up? A fast smell left and also right will let you understand just what's up, and also your underarms are entitled to much better compared to that pietistic dollar-store chalk that leaves stains around your garments. Invest a couple more dollars to acquire the excellent stuff that'll leave you feeling fresh - and keep your buddies from fleeing.
13. Cheese
Good cheese can cost a quite cent. Even middling - like Kraft or Cracker Barrel brands - could wound your grocery-shopping budget. Sadly, those are the costs you have to pay if you really want cheese that's palatable by itself as well as chefs effectively in your dishes. Beginning cutting corners by getting exactly what I like to call 'government cheese' and also you'll rue the day - and possibly destroy your cravings. Much of that low-price slop teems with oil that changes into a goopy, gross mess when you try to prepare with it. Save dinner by spending a little a lot more in the dairy aisle.
14. Cookware
Sure, excellent cookware is pricey, yet you really have just two selections: You could hand over the dough for the trusted brand name that's populared to stand the test of time, or you can chance with discount rate cookware that usually won't comply with through when you're cooking, and also needs changing commonly. It'll just take a couple circumstances of making clambered eggs or pancakes that permanently fasten themselves to your frying pan to see which is the any better option.
15. Kitchen Knives
Dull knives aren't just a nuisance - they're downright risky. When your cheap knives shed their ability to cut as well as dice cleanly, you have a considerably higher risk of slicing off your fingertips - as opposed to the celery-tips. The monotony makes the knives unstable when put on leading of the items you mean to reduce, which can cause them to slide suddenly. Bringinged this possible threat then, it's far more affordable to shell out the large dollars for a top-notch set of knives, than spending the cash you conserved on the cheap knives on a fun-filled mid-day in the emergency situation space. You've been warned.
What do you never ever cut corners on? Kindly share in comments!
This short article is from Mikey Rox of Wise Bread, an award-winning personal finance as well as credit card comparison site. Learn more fantastic articles from Wise Bread:
5 Factors You Ought to Never ever Attempt to Save On
Quality Over Price: 15 Things to Spend More On
6 Factors That Look like Splurges Yet Are Actually Savvy Buys
5 Scientific Needs to Ditch the Deluxe Brands
23 Money-Saving Items Every person Should Own
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joie-university-rp · 4 years
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VITYA ALEXSI CRISTO is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMAN who lived in VLADIVOSTOK, RUS before coming to attend Joie University. HE is majoring in CREATIVE ARTS and minoring in GEMOLOGY. Some believe he looks like BILL SKARSGÅRD but VITYA just doesn’t see it. VITYA is currently a TAKEN character.
Student Census Response
What made you want to attend Joie University? It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most? My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
Additional Headcanons
TWs: Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
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