#which is. i think its very funny to respond as if theyre talking to me whenever my roommate greets our cat
The scene with Shadow falling to earth was funny at first and it all happened so fast i was still trying to wrap my head around it. Ppl talk about that scene a lot which theyre so right for, but i need to talk about the scenes after because oh my god they broke me!?!??!
Sonic, coming back onto the ark, completely silent. Everyone asking if Shadow made it back and he just slowly shakes his head without a word.
The scene where Sonic gives Rouge Shadow's inhibitior ring hold so much more weight to me after actually playing the game: In the short time they knew each other, Shadow saved Rouge's life. Twice. This is the only possession she has to remember him by. Knuckles asks her what shes going to do now and she actually stops to reflect and remarks how shes thinking of changing jobs, something else on her mind now(What exactly shes referring to in this moment isnt stated but theres a fair few connections to draw there). After almost getting killed during a heist and never getting a chance to thank the guy who saved her from it, that's a pretty good and strangely mature call to make from a writing standpoint. This whole scene has a similar feeling like that, like the jokes and the extravagance thats typical of the cutscenes have really been toned down with intention.
This one genuinely shocked me, and im really surprised i havent come across anything about it yet because the scene between Eggman and Tails was actually super deep?? There are a lot of different Sonic medias as far as I im aware that have touched on the paralells between Eggman and Tails: their small similarities and how well they work together when they have to, but the scene here really stuck out to me. Eggman is talking about how much he admired his grandfather as a child, how much his work inspired him to learn and create and strive to be great like him, drifting off to question whether or not he really wanted to see them all fall. Tail's response is very chipper and optimistic, but i really like the idea of Eggman having almost this turning point here, having to face something so saddening as watching someone you love curse the world and everyone on it(including you). After arguably some of the most dangerous and threatening feats have been accomplished by Eggman in this game as the story's primary antagonist, is this moment a nod to him maybe stopping to think about what he's done? Im amazed by how much meaning can be taken from these few seconds of dialogue!!
Finally, the last two moments. Amy, despite having had her own short heart to heart with Shadow before the final battle and ultimately being the one to spurr Shadow on to fight alongside Sonic and the others, doesn't seem as upset by Shadows death as Sonic is. This is genuinely, in my limited knowledge of Sonic media, one of the only instances i have seen Sonic be thoroughly shaken up by something and brushed it off when someone asks him whats wrong. In most cases, he's just relatively unfazed from an emotional standpoint like that, so theres nothing to brush off in the first place. But here, the ever-yapping blue blur remains silent for a while, just staring at Earth in a similar paralell to how Shadow used to. It isn't until Amy comes by that he looks away. Its the really subtle details here that get me: Sonic doesn't look or respond to her right away. There's a prominent pause of silence before he turns to her and says its nothing, switching the topic immediately to rush her along. Sonic, typically impatient and eager to move to the next adventure, slows down and is the last to leave the deck, delivers the farewell line to end the game. Again, the contrast in how slowly and soft he speaks here in comparison to literally anything else he says in the game is insane. The pause between "Shadow" and "the Hedgehog" is still very funny to me and im not lost on how the delivery does end up being chopped up quite goofy like that, but if that isnt an absolutely insane way to end off the game with such a somber, emotional moment...
Sonadow or no sonadow, take it as you will, its undeniable how impactful this adventure in particular is to Sonic. How much Shadow meant to him by the end of the game. How much his sacrifice meant. I really see his discussion with Rouge as both a way to comfort her, and to comfort himself. To say out loud how heroic and brave he'd seen Shadow to be, regardless of the intention that came from his creation. Sonic is big on freedom and giving people the opportunity to live how they want to, and Shadow's sacrifice in that regard means even more to him. He had just come to understand what he had truly promised Maria he'd do, joined Sonic whole-heartedly to help save the planet, and never got to experience anything beyond that. Given Eggmans continuous antangonistic streak at that point (I'm not fully aware of the other villain's Sonic had faced up until that point), it's rare that Sonic actually gets to see someone who opposed him change for the better!! And not only was Shadow one of the first to do so, but he was a speedy teen hedgehog!!! Just like Sonic himself!!! Its like Shadow said, there was so much more to them that they never got to find out about each other!! The fact that Shadow gave up all of that possibility, all of his own personal freedom to help Sonic save the planet and the freedom of all the people on it? That hits. HARD.
Im not familiar with the full canon of how Sonic actually managed to get one of Shadow's inhibitior rings to give to Rouge, as he's actually not shown in any scene taking them off during the final battle(i actually dont even think their mechanics are properly explained which is more confusing but yk), but getting into more headcanony, sonadow adjacent space for a second? I like to think Shadow actually took two of his rings off/had two break off before he fell. Sonic gave one to Rouge, and secretly kept the other for himself. He obviously didn't want his friends to ask him more questions about how he was feeling, so he hid it in his quills before he greeted them back on the ark. Shadow ended up meaning a lot to Sonic, and it's really interesting to think about what was running through Sonic's mind when all was said and done.
Uhhh anyways good game very very infuriating at times but very good game i have a true taste for the appeal of Sonic games now and i want to play them all. If you actually made it this far, thank you for reading my silly sonk rant! If you have any information you know of to patch the spaces where I'm lacking or just want to discuss your own thoughts on the ending feel free!! Have a good day or night wherever you are :]
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
Nice to see that apparently we’ve all read it runs in the family. It was my guilty pleasure fic and i didn’t expect to see other people talking about it. I started reading it like a month after i got into bad and dsmp and i was /obsessed/. It’s one of those fics that changes your brain chemistry and makes you stare at a wall after reading it. To this day im still subbed to it on the off chance that it gets another chapter.
like genuinely its an enamoring fic it has an odd premise but like the author has so much potential in, like, being able to write genuinely engaging narratives. i'm shocked at how much setup is put into the work and you can tell where the narrative is going in a way that's like watching a trainwreck. You know exactly where it is going but the journey of getting there is so fascinating to watch.
anyway i want to ramble about what i liked and what i didn't like in the fic. so. huge reader discretion advised, go look at the other warnings i posted about this fic before reading this (also spoilers for the fic ahead)
like part of its most interesting facets is it is one of the few fics that tackles this sort of heavy subject matter of assault and kidnapping and doesn't really shy away from how genuinely negative it is and can be. like don't get me wrong ive enjoyed other psychological horror before, but it was, like, nice? to see the "pets" all be like genuinely upset and respond realistically to the situation they're in. no "they really like it secretly" undertone.
not a criticism but my favorite part of this story is the random ass normal human names they try to give everyone. they made skeppy have a white ass last name. bbh's name is Bad Halo. purpled doesn't even show up but his name is mentioned to be, like, "nolan purpled but he goes by purpled because his cheating whore of a mom named him nolan and he hates her" genuinely funniest line of the whole fic one of my favorites i can never ever forget it. i need to find all the human names in this theyre so fucking funny.
also badboyhalo? while he IS woobified and made much more demure and defanged, he's still like... that IS badboyhalo. his moments of complete suspicion at every encounter. his doubting. refusal to break the mould and rock the boat out if fear something bad would happen. VERY badboyhalo sentiments. also the fact the writer knew about skephalo divorce. going to be honest, looking at how their other work contains a6d, i think the writer was/is a bbh watcher. and then the schlatthalo. the fact they made schlatt ask to curse? and then bbh laughed when he did? this person understood both of these guys. they did their homework. schlatt isn't a megalomaniac evil villain one note. i don't know if i'd call both of them "in character" per say, but i can definitely say they had consistent characterization and i could understand how their characters got to these versions.
also the technohalo multifaceted concept? techno seeing bbh as too innocent? putting bbh on a pedestal and denying his humanity in that way? WILD. the setup and writing was all there for, like, bbh using his body and manipulating techno to turn against phil.
like the good parts of this fic are such crazy highs and peaks it makes the lows look so much worse.
speaking of which: wilbur soot.
by god is wilbur soot not a character, he is a force of nature and just continuous digging deeper on trying to fix a problem the writer accidentally started. none of sbi really are fleshed out or rounded characters, but wilbur soot is like by far getting the worst treatment. im not even a wilbur fan LOL.
he's supposed to be a schizophrenic serial killer which already isn't a great start, and then you watch the writer realize the issue and try to fix what they've started. this is when schizophrenic medicated slimecicle comes in. followed by badboyhalo looking at the camera and going Not All Mentally Ill People Are Bad. which was just really funny in such a morbid way. but then the writer DOES go in an interesting direction with phil denying his condition and refusing to help him get medicated. however with the slimecicle medicated moment it comes off as a medication = The Good Mentally Ill Person narrative. genuinely i dont know how id solve the wilbur issue without extensive rewriting. he's just a mess.
phil i think is one of the most interesting of sbi, being made into a central antagonist and a genuinely good villain. his scenes have well made tension and poses actual threat and stakes to the narrative. he's a good villain! techno has an interesting arc with bbh but just isn't given enough screentime and doesn't have much beyond "brute to be manipulated" which sucks a little. tommy is tommy. only one of sbi i could see not dying in a fire at the end. wilbur, despite his other issues is a narrative driver with his capriciousness, but the schizophrenia plotline is such a mess that he just is not a person here, he's a plot device more than anything.
more abstractly i do wish they committed and, like, had sex scenes or were blatant about sex happening. like they keep dancing around it but so much of the fic does not make sense if sex isn't what's occurring here. like i get subtlety if the avoidance of sex is what they're aiming for! but its okay to, like, maybe make it more clear whatever techno and bbh have going on is obviously sexual, because that can be used to advance the narrative and make it more clear bbh is using his body to manipulate here, because that'd be a good plot point to continue the themes and motifs of the story. i also just do not know how else to interpret the relationship lol.
my other biggest criticism is make it less misogynistic. the only three named women are the dead samsung smart fridge (who is now a dead mom named samantha), minx the alcoholic witness, and puffy, who is somehow ranboo's mom. like the ableism is horrific here but its so over the top stupid in the ableism, while the misogyny is subtle and just reeks. genuinely why is puffy ranboo's mom that sucks so fucking bad. make her be his aunt or guardian or something. but mom? c'mon.
i rambled way too long lol there's more i can say but this fic is my roman empire. the writer has so much potential but just needs more life experience to understand mental illness and misogyny. also a beta reader to fix their formatting. and maybe make their dialogue more human. shoutout to ranboo giving his name and phone number to tommy after tommy literally fucking tells him he'd "make a beautiful corpse" CRAZY exchange. no human would do that.
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roe-and-memory · 11 months
do you have any headcanons for red (the firetruck)? I barely see anything about him and I love him, so I’m hoping you do— if nots that’s okay!
OF COURSE WE HAVE RED HEADCANONS! we love red in this household ‼️‼️
i dont have a cheeky intro to this one, but we dont have Many but i think the ones we do have are good! i hope theyre to your expectation
- FIRST hes definitely the tallest of the town. maybe 6’5? 6’6? but he’s as sweet as a butterfly. he’s blonde, tall, and pretty muscular
- his go to outfit is a blank t-shirt and his firefighter overalls, except he wears a belt and the actual overall straps just sort of hang down the sides of his legs? if that makes sense.
- his watering can for his flowers are hooked to earlier mentioned overalls, he barely goes anywhere without it unless obviously theres a fire
- he knows sign language! this is probably the most common one you will ever see for red but i think hes fairly good at it! i think MAYBE he teaches cal how to do it as well? (i’ll elaborate more if anyone ever asks me for cal headcanons. please ask me for cal headcanons.)
- red is probably one of the best builders in town. he took architecture at some point and helped sally rebuild the motel, along with building docs house and the clinic (and whatever other newer buildings there are. im sure he helped with some of the older ones as well but i think he was way younger then and much less involved in the town back then.)
- red is like a son to lizzie, theyre very much the dynamic of “talks a lot & listens”. shes a chatterbox, talks about whatever comes to mind, and you’d never know it but she knows sign language too. she just talks At red and hes like yeah ok cool! he sometimes responds with sign and she acknowledges it but doesnt reply — mostly because he’s just doing words of agreement (shes also the shortest in the town, which makes for a second funny dynamic including heights. shes probably 4’9? possibly shorter. shes old af)
- red has put out more “lightning and mater” caused fires than ACTUAL fires. they are two of the most flame prone people in the world. it doesnt help that they collectively play with lightnings lighter in the junkyard, immediately making the area 10x more prone to bursting into flames. mater accidentally caused a grease/oil fire once and told lightning to put it out with WATER. he was only alerted to its existence by the giant EXPLOSION in the night sky. safe to say lightning walked away with a couple burns.
- red gets special treatment from flo because she thinks he’s the sweetest thing in the world, plus he saved her life when a mouse had chewed a wire in the café and shorted out the stove, effectively lighting it on fire, so she “moms” him pretty well!
- i think hes a very cuddly person in general, like hes so huggable and warm 24/7 he just Radiates comforting energy. he could never do anything wrong in his life.
- contradicting my previous statement - he could ALSO fight better than most. he has the advantages of being big and buff, but he also has the power to absolutely rock someones shit if it came down to it. he will defend his family (the town) with everything he has. he will NOT tolerate someone making any of them uncomfortable.
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corvidcall · 1 year
Fascinated by your sarah z hate- would love to hear more about this if you’d like to share. My experience of her is just that mediocre Homestuck vid or something she made.
lmao yeah sure i guess i can expound on it
i should preface this by saying that i dont think shes like. a bad person. and i dont have some secret knowledge of problematique things shes done that we should all Cancel her for.
tl;dr i just think her videos are really bad. she keeps making videos about stuff that i was there for and then being wrong about them, and it drives me crazy. on top of that, it just rubs me the wrong way to make your whole brand "the lady who talks about tumblr"
like, i think her homestuck video sucks (and i think its very funny that she admitted that she only spent a week making it, but ALSO got really defensive when people said she was wrong about stuff. like, i think the way whatpumpkin and andrew hussie responded to her video was Bad but also that doesnt retroactively defend the original video from being poorly researched and, in my opinion, in bad taste. it was weird to make a video where you talk about all the controversy about hs^2 not that long after the whole project got cancelled because too many of the trans women working on it were receiving daily death threats)
and i think the mcelroys video sucks (that was the last one i watched before i gave up entirely. its really long and very boring, and basically is just her listing a bunch of stuff they did that people had problems with, which essentially puts "travis was annoying on twitch" on the same level of seriousness as "taz: graduation used a lot of harmful native american stereotypes". i genuinely am not sure what the point of this video was supposed to be, because it feels like its her reading a tumblr callout post. also she was wrong about taz: amnesty. the ending WAS foreshadowed, it did NOT come out of nowhere, she just wasnt paying attention.)
but the onceler fandom video is honestly the absolute pits. i am still friends with a lot of the people that i was in the onceler fandom with, and i genuinely havent met a single former onceslut who thought her video was good, or the least bit accurate. her thesis basically boils down to that the onceler fandom was just a bunch of young teen girls projecting fantasies onto a nonthreating decently attractive fictional guy, which isnt that weird and people are only making a big thing about it because they hate teenage girls. and her conclusions arent WRONG, per say, since people DO hate teen girls and this is a thing theyre known to do... its just. thats literally not what the onceler fandom was at all?? first off, when i got into it i was 17 and i was the youngest person i knew by far. almost everyone i saw in the fandom were in their 20s, and a lot of them were not girls at all. and as far as any of US remember, the thing sustained the fandom wasnt 13 year old girls exploring their nascent sexualities, it was people using the barest pretense to make OCs, and then craft stories with and about their friends OCs. it was a really cool unique experience because it was a fandom for the things the fandom built. a lot of the people i knew had never watched the movie The Lorax at all, or didnt really care about it one way or another, but DID get really invested in the dynamic between Swag and One, or got really invested in the two big AUs the fandom had. By the time i got there, most people had kinda moved away from the canon onceler anyway, and were focused almost exclusively on the AUs (there was a high school AU and a zombie apocalypse AU, and then during the summer the high school AU blogs would do a child summer camp AU. i liked the zombie one best because i love melodrama, but the high school one was most popular). i know she was IN the onceler fandom (allegedly...) but as far as i can tell, she was just there at the very start, because it changed WILDLY even just a few months after its inception. and there's no way anyone who saw the fandom that I was actually in would make the sweeping statements about it that she did.
broadly, her videos are too unfocused and not really well-written. her one on Oppa Homeless Style was a genuinely good video!! I know she CAN do good videos!! But so many of her more fandom-focused videos dont really seem to have a thesis beyond "this happened" or maybe even "this was kinda weird right?". like what is the viewer supposed to take away from the video about the mcleroys? that they made a podcast that was really popular and then got less popular? why did that take you TWO HOURS to say? and even when she does have a strong thesis, its always muddied by the fact that she feels compelled to add in really long, boring digressions. I think the video about All or Nothing was good, and made an interesting point about how pan and ace people are really starved for meaningful rep, but i dont understand why she felt compelled to recount the entire plot of the webseries someone made? what did that contribute to the thesis? its like shes reading a wikipedia page, and not like. an actual ESSAY. that someone structured to convey a POINT.
but overall i just take umbrage with her whole "tumblr historian" shtick. i think its kind of gross to put really niche (generally woman-dominated) subcultures on display so people can come gawk at the freaks. ive heard the defense that "she IS a fandom person!! these videos are FOR fandom people!!" but 1. if its supposedly supposed to be for me and NOT an audience of people unfamiliar with the thing shes talking about, then there would be no need to spend so long explaining what everything is, and 2. i can at least say, in my own subjective experience, that i said basically all this to my sister, who told me that thats why she likes sarah z at all, because the videos let her come gawk at all the fandom freaks on tumblr. so its cool that sarah z is giving the person who bullied me my whole life (specifically because the way i engaged with media was too cringe) more reasons to bully me for being cringe. big preesh sarah. glad youre making money off of the free content all of us put out, and even more glad that youre profiting by taking all that free content and presenting it to a largely hostile and judgemental audience who already thinks im a fucking idiot. why dont you make a video about my popular hamlet post next, since you seem to make videos exclusively about things i did.
anyway if i want to watch video essays about fandom, i'll watch princess weekes, whose videos are substantive and not... idk very juvenile. not that i think there cant be more than one youtuber talking about fandom!!! its just that sarah z's videos are mid at best and actively bad at worst, so im not gonna bother.
(all that being said, i occasionally look at her blog and reblog stuff. while shes working down in the tumblr mines looking for content to steal, she does frequently find some decent posts to reblog)
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fagcrisis · 2 years
so medicine and healthcare in star wars
if youve ever had even a passing interest in medicine go on the wookieepedia page for bacta to make yourself incredibly angry
because all sci fi is fantasy but much greyer, and SFF writers would not be where they are in life (rock bottom) if they went to medical school, the way medicine is represented in star wars is the standard for the genre. just sort of a goo that fixes everything.
bacta is described as a slightly warm liquid that is a combination of 2 bacteria, and it has its uses in emergency and non emergency situations, so it can instantly heal a wound or fix your ingrown nail. it can fix broken bones, internal bleeding and hypothermia as well, which begs the question how the fuck does it get inside your body. i would love to see our brave boys get a spinal injection or something but thats too adult for the franchise that only canonised sex like a month ago
for the sake of my sanity im going to assume that the overuse of bacta is due to the fact that the main pieces of the star wars franchise take place during various armed conflicts where there is no time for more sophisticated medicine. bacta is probably very expensive and anakin can only treat it like a disposable toothbrush the way he does with clones because the republic loves throwing money at him to see what he does with it. if you as a regular citizen of fucking like, devaron, go to the hospital because you dislocated your shoulder they will relocate it for you and tell you to take it easy for a couple weeks instead of slapping bacta on it
dealing with illnesses is a similar situation with the major examples being that one really bad series of episodes in the clone wars (save for the really swag teenager they meet on that one planet and the fucking angel who shows up for One scene and then is never mentioned again. guys there are angels in star wars ask me about the angels) and the rakhghoul disease in kotor, both of which can be solved by a vaccine and/or the power of anakin skywalker being really horny. while i assume medicine is a lot more advanced i think they still havent found a cure for the common cold, just cause i think thats really funny. on a serious note i think probably the major problem they deal with are not bacteria and viruses but spores instead. fungi keep growing in people's lungs and they cant figure out why, ships need to be throughroughly infected before and after going to any planet outside of the expansion rim because those planets still have spores that can be deadly to certain species along with completely unidentified species of fungi and sarlacc spores (can we talk about the sarlacc again i would love to talk about the sarlacc again)
as for structural healthcare, the only hospital we see i think like, ever, is in the first season of the clone wars and its a hospital for the army so it doesn't really give much insight into the workings of healthcare in the new republic
i think on coruscant, while public healthcare exists its wildly horrible with wait times being months or even years in some cases and clinics and hospitals gradually lessening on the lower levels. private companies are preying on the people who are desperate enough to turn to them, and the emergency responders have long been combined with the branch of the sanitation department responsible for transporting corpses because oftentimes thats what they arrive for. i also think they fill the role of doctors and whatnot in many districts, because getting an appointment is nigh impossible but the ambulance is going to arrive at some point, so theyre the most well funded branch of public healthcare on the planet but its still not nearly enough to meet the impossibly high demand. a speeding ambulance shuffle on the airways is probably as common a sight as anakin skywalker jumping out of a window
there probably exist a couple of mega hospitals in each district, the size of several housing blocks, housing everything from emergency care to permanent homes for chronically ill people and so on, also probably placed close to the necropolis districts ive talked about. there are also clinics throughout the city specializing in specific species (bad sentence im not rewording it) the older ones of which have attracted enough permanent residents of that species living near them that thats just their area now. specialized athmosphere established in a districts of the 45th level? the first clinic to ever treat Kel Dor was established there 300 years ago and so many of them moved there since that oxygen is basically redundant.
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corpsoir · 2 years
lore dump about the sailor trio because i keep thinking about how they met lovart, sorry for no read more im on mobile ajfjwjwkhash
skagen is such a rude little shithead to people he doesnt know yet. mostly its because he thinks its so difficult to get to know new people to the point where he often thinks its easier to keep them on arms length from him by being rude or not talking at all
he grew up with solvei so that was never a problem between them, they know each other better than themselves sometimes. solvei can always tell what skagen is thinking and vice versa; they work together really well thanks to this
when they first met lovart skagen was prickly and grumpy as always, but he quickly warmed up to him when he noticed they actually have a lot in common and lovart wasnt pushing him into getting to know him
and while solvei was cheerful and sweet as ever and took lovart's phone number just in case they would need his help again, skagen didnt do it and lovart didnt offer it because he figured skagen wasnt interested in keeping contact anyways.
UNTIL the little green haired loser turns up at his workshop again with another torn sail, asking for help with it and staying for a little while. lovart offered him fika (coffee, pastries and a casual chat) and skagen hesitated but decided it could be worth a try.
which it was, because he quickly grew completely enamoured by lovart's mannerisms and the way he talked about his work and life in general. others might find the way lovart talks (quiet, a bit slow, hesitates a lot and stumbles on his words, sighs A LOT) annoying or frustrating but skagen finds it incredibly endearing
and when skagen heads home again, lovart texts solvei something like "i thought your brother hated me, but he even stayed for fika. i fixed your sail again, it should be fine but if it breaks again i'll fix it for free"
solvei of course thinks thats very funny because 1) skagen and solvei arent siblings but she thinks its funny that others assume so and 2) "oh my god is skagen willingly getting to know a new person?? i should call the press"
this turns into skagen using förutan vind to blast his sails with wind until they break, bringing them over to lovart just to hang out more, and lovart poorly fixing the sails in order to have skagen return with them again. he does it all for free because of course, and they both are very aware of what theyre doing. its all very silly, and sometimes skagen brings over clothes that have torn apart and lovart gladly helps him fix them as well.
solvei follows along a few times but quickly leaves them alone because she sees right through their silly charade
at some point during all of their silly meetups about the sails it turns into skagen and lovart cooking dinner together one afternoon and they both end up confessing their feelings for each other, and while lovart is fixing with the food and has his back turned to him, skagen quickly gets his phone out to text solvei like "sol i think i have a boyfriend" and she immediately responds "YOU JUST NOW REALISED?? well im happy for the both of you, can you stop destroying our sails now PLEASE"
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m3rkur3 · 2 years
i think this article has a lot of important things to say but does a bad job of saying them
I think something I find very weird about this article is the fact that its titled the way it is. like why is AJN in the title? It’s clickbaity and a little unprofessional. And I don’t even disagree with 99% of what it’s saying, the likelihood that 90% of the story is true is quite high. However, there are so few sources that can actually be traced back. There’s some very unneeded speculation. Alexander J Newall being targeted only in the title with nothing in the article really blaming him for anything is just weird. he's the ceo, yes, but you have placed your (named) blame within the article almost entirely on this one callum dougherty.
The fact that it was retweeted by a former TMA voice actor is pretty compelling. And the fact that former people who worked with Rusty Quill whether as volunteers or staff can attest to their poor communication. And bad practices in general. I mean I pretty much do believe a lot of it. Just I find the lack of concrete evidence within the article and the lack of good journalistic practice to detract a lot from the message of the article.
Also names of characters in TMA as pseudonyms feels very unserious. When I reached the bit that was talking about Georgie and Melanie I was like come on please be for real. like this is serious business😭. also I’m seeing the author does a freelancing work with another podcasting company and it’s been argued that they were only freelancing so it’s not that big of a deal. But I don’t know I don’t like that.
Either way the people we really need to think about other people affected by rqs bad practices. I think it really is just incompetence. But they could really really really do better. Also the fact of the author is blocking anyone with any criticism on Twitter??? I don’t think that proves anything other than that they do not know how to make their article look good. That coupled with the weird journalistic choices and the caption they put on their Twitter ("make your statement face your fear" LMFAO?! how unnecessary! again, be serious!) it really does make them look less credible even though in reality the article has legs.
at the end of the day i think it just needed more time. i get the point of releasing this as soon as possible to give fans much needed info on what their fav company is doing in the midst of their kickstarter (lmfao idk i find that quite funny) just… it wasn't done very well or with much thought as to how to actually deal with people who disagree. and by “well” i mean you cannot release an article full of unverifiable info with your (admittedly not TOO damning) background and not one first hand verifiable quote and expect no “hmmm…”s. cuz the author is out here blocking people lmfao. not for disagreeing with the points in the article but for saying “hey i'm not sure you have put much thought into how you wrote this!”
i also think it's very annoying the way people are in the comments of podcasters working under rusty quill talking about the article saying "but u can't say other people didn't experience this!!!' they're not saying that brother. they're responding directly to the “podcasters under rq won't say anything bc theyre not allowed!!!!!” portion of it which i would respond to, too, like don't be silly. like fuck u niggas no one can fucking gag me dont say that😭. again again again… i am very very VERY inclined to believe almost everything in said article. i just find its release into the world and its writing to be a little… subpar. better than nothing i guess. tho is it? people have literally been saying everything here about rq for a while. save the suing and contract stuff i think and even then, you cannot bring up something as serious as SUING and not elaborate lmao! good concept bad execution imo. anywaysssss
I don’t know I just feel like it’s a little bit juvenile for what it’s meant to be and what I think it’s meant to be is an important expose which actually says important things but does it weakly.
TLDR; this article has a lot of important things to say about rusty quill's bad practices but it does it in ways that are very unprofessional. Speculation and the clickbaity title and the lack of concrete sources and twitter caption and the author whose freelance work may or may not be relevant to disclose in an article about their ex-clients competition and the substitution of anonymous names with characters from the Magnus archives. They all paint a picture of a very inexperienced writer whose work amounts mostly to an opinion piece. However I am inclined to believe the allegations made in said article for the reason that there have been a lot of people who previously worked with rusty quill saying the same thing. or mostly the same thing. I just think this article uncovered very little new information and something about it seems mean-spirited, almost as if it was for something that isn’t just the betterment of the affected peoples conditions. But that’s just speculation 😛and honestly just my feelings, not backed up by anything. For me this is more an exercise in analysing an article in general than it is analysing the situation at hand. I’m a writer at heart I’m sorry
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
tell me about hikaharukao
ANON IM SORRY THIS TOOK 20000 YEARS TO ANSWER but i've just been staring at it and thinking. how do i respond. because believe it or not this is hard for me to answer.
because i really really like hikaharukao but my view on it is?? so complicated. because okay. i do not like hikaharu. i've made a long ass rant before on why i (respectfully) do not like it and thing narratively they're better as friends. i def get why people like it it's just not for me. and also besides not liking it for Narrative reasons I'm also petty and don't like it on the basis this kinda makes Kaoru alone kjdbehjfbreh (it's anime i'm allowed to be petty) (which is funny because i like kaoharu???? fuck hikaru i guess)
ANYWAYS hikaharukao....... so. ok it's not secret i love hikakao and i've already said i like kaoharu. so let me try to explain how i think hikaharukao works.
(side note hikaharukao is the whole reason this answer on my shipping chart exists)
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Firstly my headcanons for the characters' sexualities n stuff play a big role in this. Haruhi is bisexual/placiosexual + grayromantic, Kaoru is biromantic homosexula, and Hikaru is homoromantic bisexual.
So, the best way I can put it is they are all qpps who fuck sometimes. but like. its mostly hikaru and kaoru doing Unholy things and haruhi is just There sometimes but not really In It (because I headcanon she doesn't like being touched in most cases). she contributes sometimes but it's very hands-off. or at least she'll touch them but they are not allowed to touch her.
as per my headcanon Hikaru is into her sexually but not really romantically and vice versa for Kaoru. altho haruhi is barely a woman as much as she is a man so it gets a Little Confusing there. But it usually goes by those rules.
yeah best way I can put it is that they are a group of bestiiiies with benefits sorta. i dont think they call each other bf/gf so they are mistaken as friends as often as they are lovers. im sure half of the strangers outside of ouran school who know them Haruhi is just dating One Dude who has a wildly different personality depending on the day you catch him.
you could also view this as a "kaoharu + hikakao they are just sharing kaoru" which i think is true in a way. i mean if you throw in a massive hikaharu brotp in there so it's like kaoru/haruhi half-dating, hikaru/haruhi besties, hikaru/kaoru my lawyer has advised me not to say anything further.
but as said haruhi is grayromantic so like she isn't really DATING either of them. it's weird. like i said just a group of bestiiies <3 (also i have a complicated viewing on hikakao in general too so i dont think THEYRE dating either. like this is just "normal" to them)
now you may say "noxia you sound insane" and "noxia what do these labels mean" and also "noxia did i mention you're insane" and yes yes i know. but listen. i have no clue how else to explain it. all i know is i like hikakao but i wish haruhi was there sometimes. also i think haruhi has a great dynamic with both twins and they would watch cinderella together :) kaoru is talking at 100mph and hikaru and haruhi are leaning backwards to blink morse code at each other. they go to the mall later and hikaru and kaoru are fucking it up and haruhi must reign them in like they are dogs. kaoru and haruhi having a very chill thoughtful discussion about some book they read in a bookstore and then hikaru rounds the corner with "they have EVERY warrior cat book here" and kaoru and haruhi are like "omg every single one ?" this is how i view them.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
having been here from the very beginning i think my fave aru sekai series lore is that
• despite it very clearly being a series (it is. it IS i can prove it to u) hiiragi magnetite has never addressed it as such. the fan art tag on twitter is aru sekai bijutsuten However it was chosen via poll and was a listener created tag. hiiragima themself has yet to say anything about it being a series. if u ask them a question (for example when i asked if the charas have names) they wont correct u & know what ur talking about but nope. they dont talk about the content of the songs outside of the songs at all
• possibly not aru sekai but we'll see eventually- they decided to make a song thats one second for every like they got. theyre currently making a song thats 70,000 seconds long (like 19 &1/2 hours). they have the file name saved so that "seconds" is replaced with "illness" which sounds the same in jpn
• the content is so fucking specific every time i see other people try to translate it theyre like "this was so confusing". they are so right but also i promise u it gets 2% easier when u know the songs are related
• sena yuta does the art for the main aru sekai series songs. asa is the other illust. even tho asa tends to do art for nonseries songs (nadenna, uni, rasshaina) marshall maximizer & canon are absolutely part of the series & i cant believe i keep seeing people over look this. the motif is RIGHT THERE. canon says aru sekai de in THE FIRST LINE whats not clicking
• many songs have context as text flashed for a frame in the video background! as of right now aru sekai soushitsu, kyuuyaku hankagai, shuuen touhikou, unplanned apoptosis, marshall maximizer, canon (this ones in code) have text. oumen mokushiroku, kugutsu ashura, laboratory do not. (if u want to get technical oumen has the ou kanji to say its part of the aru sekai shoushitsu order but theres no new information in it)
• all of the songs except for kugutsu ashura & laboratory have the "nami no ne no yume wo miyou" melody from aru sekai shoushitsu worked in somewhere. if u dont believe me ill get u time stamps if u ask. those two songs dont have it but im telling u its thematic, they ARE part of the series, but i cant only really theorize on what it means until we get more songs & content
• hiiragima once said "if u dont know how to read the title of kugutsu ashura you can just call it ashura" this is especially funny bc they always put furigana for their titles in their descriptions.
• they actually do a good job of getting characterization across once u get past the technical language they use. some of them are a lot more obvious than others (unplanned apoptosis. i think this girls so funny bc its so different from everything else) but theres a lot u can get from the word choice/play once ur used to all the weird science (?) terms. sena yuta's art also does an AMAZING job of getting their characters down in a single drawing. u can tell so much from the art for real. this is a whole essay in itself im stopping here for now
• all the characters have names!!!!!! i would know i asked directly & they responded they said yes the characters have names but theyre waiting for the right moment to reveal them. every day this torments me both bc i would like to call her by name instead of saying tenshi everyday and also bc i know this means they have plot significance & im not ready to handle that
• so far all the charas in the songs are girls but if i remember correct the bg text in some songs (shoushitsu & maximzier i think? id have to double check) refers to there being at least one guy in there somewhere.
• this is just a personal note but none of these people have basic lab safety i mean look at their outfits. if the world wasnt ending they die anyway wearing that esp the laboratory chara but i digress
• in general the series is ur "the world is ending and we need to find a way to stop it from ending"typical story i guess. not only plays on destruction of the world but also destruction of the self. its not ur lighthearted easy to handle voca series if u want that may i suggest honeyworks or perhaps last notes mikagura school suite instead
• we dont have a timeline. i can tell u from context the songs arent being posted in chronological order. i have no idea what the order is ive made a guess before but its just a guess.
• theres a paragraph in shoushitsu about a swampman & hilarious as it sounds it actually describes exactly whats going on. both about how the world functions in that no two attempts are the same but also that people who lose their "self" are also The Same But Not. which is interesting to know its so thought out considering the time between songs & how hiiragima claims to just be doing whatever they want. its very cohesive. somehow.
• i have no idea why the english titles of the songs are like that on youtube. i dont know if they did that themself or not but i for one refuse to acknowledge that shuuen touhikou is called "blade" over there. girl what how did we get there u just lost soo much connotation doing that. i want to say the swords arent even a main part of the song but i dont think i can actually. anyway the "eng" titles on yt dont exist to me
• the theme used to be 5 kanji title songs were the main songs and katakana with the first repeating (ex MArshall MAximizer) were more like. sub or context songs. and then we have like canon & laboratory so idk if those are just another type of song along with the others or if they decided they didnt want to follow that anymore. i need more info but still something to note. the kanji songs also used to be sections of shoushitsu (kyuu, shuu, ou, fuu, mei, juu, mou, ei) but then, again, kugutsu ashura threw me off so [vague confused gesturing]
• rain. thats all i need to say really. very few songs that dont have rain or the color blue in it somewhere & that's absolutely intentional.
• i saw sena yuta say something about flower language in regards to the laboratory art but i never saw if they elaborated and my friend whos into flower language was having a time trying to pin point what flower it was so for now another mystery unsolved
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
just seen some people say they didnt vibe with max's running up that hill scene and i think that reactions and people reacting quickly about media for socials is part of the cause of this new thing where people have so many divisive opinions. when i watch something new i am eyes and ears at full alert, taking in everything as it goes rather than trying to figure the plot out ahead of time, and i realised i would make a shit reactor because it's all happening internally. i dont want to express anything aloud as i watch because you would miss something; dialogue, music, emotional beats? even if stories aren't meant to be consumed in dead silence, i'm amazed at how quickly people form coherent opinions about characters a split second after they've done something instead of just seeing how everything plays out. i'm thinking about lucas 'betraying' the party in s4, people thinking he was genuinely hunting eddie instead of just seeing where his story went. in terms of byler, even now with the story unfinished i am so unable to conjecture real 'proof' or evidences of byler wholly because its open ended! i wont judge anyone until the story is complete.
i'm just amazed by these reactors because theyre usually just GA/nerds, and its fascinating to see them respond and react so quickly and so judgementally, i wonder if it's partially for views now instead of an honest reaction theyre sharing online.
Reaction videos are not something I watch, unless a very funny clip gets shared, I guess because I'm maybe feeling some of the same things you are - they don't feel sincere a lot of the time? I don't think there's anything wrong with all of them. I know a lot of people like watching them especially after they finish a show so they can go back and see what others are taking away which could be interesting. It depends on the reactor. So I can understand the appeal to an extent, but I don't personally like a lot of that format because like you said, the initial over the top gut reaction isn't that useful to me? I'm also mentally absorbing a show if I watch. I'll gasp or maybe cry a little at a scene, laugh, but mostly I'm just watching. The reactor videos are a performance, but then these folks use that performance to inform their opinion. It's a little too off the cuff for my personal taste.
I think for me, I just can't imagine ever filming myself watching something to showcase my emotions, especially if it's something I really care about? So I don't trust reactors as true fans. Because it's just not so authentic. You're aware of the content you're trying to capture. You overly emote, you pay more attention to the fact that you're recording. It's never completely a natural opinion or reaction. I'm not so much into livetweeting/liveblogging, either, so that's probably a factor. Sounds pretentious, but if I care about a movie or show, the first time I watch it I need to be present.
I know when season five drops, I'm turning off my phone from the moment it's available on netflix until I've finished watching what's out myself. That's my plan. Divisive is the key word. Social media moves fast and everyone wants to be the first to post something or see something or point something out. I'll be ok being a day late to things!!
It's why the main Byler fandom on tumblr isn't appealing to me anymore, because one thing I kept seeing is people getting pissy about folks 'pointing out stuff that's been talked about already too many times' or 'I already thought of this theory first and this user is copying me now' as if everyone watched and thinks at the same pace? As if people innately know every post that's ever been made on tumblr or added under the tag? Calm down. Yeah, if it's a rage bait opinion, or blatant plagiarism, but that's not what I'm talking about.
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lostacelonnie · 10 months
Hey welcome back! Seems like you had a heck of a time & a lot of fun so im glad for you. Oh? Im intrigued i love spanish food do you remember any of the dishes? Oh hell yeah the sea at night is. So different but still so cool. Totally different from daytime. Oh the same ones from your class? I really should remember to ask to add friends there more but adhd. That is some. Incredible luck damn. Yeah! Australia is just. Full of animals hazardous to your health like that its wild. Nothing is safe not even the birds. Hm. Yknow im not sure i ever had a specific class for geography i think they might of bundled it into history for me but oh well. Kudos on the rad teacher you had for it. Seems they're few & far between. Gosh yeah mood i had 1 good pe teacher that made it fun to just. Get out & do things. Probably why i like to hike so much. Thanks! I got seele so now its time to save for wolf. I saw people saying she's not as good now & i was like what? She'll probably be op always. I have main story caught up finally & not much has after luofu story end. Yet anyways. Though im curious about like. Yang & himeko in other stories like hi3. & otto i think his name was? Also uh. Genshin is getting childe's master who at least has durandal's va. Not sure if she is an expy yet though. I have so many now but i think the next 2 or 3 all have one i want so uh. Rip my primo hoard. Yeah! Even artifacts seem a bit easier. Though that might be because there arent so many sets yet. Yeah for sure. Which is still funny because so many back in 2.0 thought she was gonna be terrible & now shes a staple of like so many teams. Oooh congrats on the chem score that subject is so tricky. !! I adore im in love with the villainess the series is just. So good.
HEHE HI!!! YEAH IT WAS JUST. SOSOSO FUN AUUGH. i miss her [alicante beach]. our homeroom teacher said we Might go on one more exchange in the upcoming years so im EXTREMELY hopeful for that. and of the dishes yeah i remember a couple!! montaditos [like. little sandwiches served warm], empanadas [an argentinian dish actually, theyre like little. well the look kind of like dumplings but they have a different dough. with meat and vegetable fillings] paella [its like. a rice dish idk how to describe it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paella], tortilla de patatas of course, and churros [its like. fried dough, but usually eaten as a dessert, often with hot chocolate]. anyway. RIGHT???? ITS SUCH AN. EXPERIENCE. AHHUGH. and yeah the same ones from my class!! theyre very fun even if literally none of us have common interests and hang out based on vibes only. like literally theres me, my Dear Classbestie [likes classical novels and goth music.], The Chainsmoker [writes poetry. was in 3 different psych wards and tells stories about them. Horrendous political opinions. adhd icon.], The Artist [crochets, draws, animates. likes the magnus archives.] and The Ice Skater [christian koreaboo? strange but very fun to talk with. as her nickname suggests, shes obsessed with ice skating. adhd icon #2.] so were kind of a mismatched group but we chillen. ANYWAY I STARTED RANTING SO COMING BACK yeah i have the same thing ajdjlskdkfldf but ah well. perhaps one day i will Rember. AND FOR REAL LIKE I WAS LIKE "gonna get attacked aaaaaany minute now". and then i??? didnt????? but i generally consider myself a lucky person so. damn i heard the Stories ab australian animals... actually my sister just recently moved there so i might ask her if she has any stories someday. and oh thats???? quite interesting actually. as in i suppose it makes sense why these two would be one subject but its pretty unheard of over here. hm. and thanks!! we actually have a group chat for fans of our geo teacher JSJDK and i think a part of why pe teacher is so cool to us is because shes also our second homeroom teacher [since the first one is from spain and, as my classmate once responded to the question if hes cool, "xabi is a nice person but hes just so spanish". and by that i mean he does Not know what is going on. Ever]. HEY CONGRATS ON THE SEELE AND ALSO ON GETTING WOLFIE IN THE FUTURE!! idc what meta says shell always be op. To Me ❤. ALSO I AM ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS UP TO TALK ABOUT THESE THREE IN HONKAI [tho for welt specifically i rec tumblr user caydencrypted, The Welt Expert]. AND OH OH HUH??? DO TELL ME AB HER???? also speaking of biankas va. did you know she shares a chinese vn with yanqing!! the range is insane!! and ah good luck in getting everyone you want o7 i managed to get furina luckily [tho i also got jean in the process.............] and now im torn between pulling for her weapon or saving for arlecchino.... i have 70 pulls left but ik weapon banner is a scam so auugh..... but also the sword sounds like. Good. so ill think about it. and yeah right?? tho i actually have Pretty Terrible relic luck compared to my artifact luck so. yeah. but auto battle does make it less painful. ANYWAY THANKS HEHEHE!!!!!! just had another test this week and im a little nervous ab it but i feel like i did well. VERY stressed ab my history exam next week tho. 7 am on monday. and im a bit sick rn so i have less energy to study. but eh ill be fine, i just wanna pass. AND RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT IM SO OBSESSED WITH IT ACTUALLY......... maaaaaay or may not have bought physical versions for the first two novels three days after getting into the series akdlkdf. luckily it was near my birthday so my mom decided to fund them for me. BUT AHHHH IT IS SO GOOD i keep meaning to read the 3rd novel but ah..... so busy recently.........
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kayleerowena · 2 years
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kras meowzov send post
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
WAAAAAA i meant like you suould suggest an anon name for me bc i am so soooo terrible at coming up w names but i think it would be so cute if all ur anons were named “some adjective” darling!! just like the ones you mentioned!! hmm hmmm then, chami… i will be sunny darling!! bc people have told me im bright and smiley!! it would be saurrrrrr cute if all your anons named themselves some kind of darling too, ur anon following would be so cutely organized in that way!! idk if thats what you meant though </3 maybe were not on the same page at all and im just running my mouth again, as per usual!! anyways, regarding my super super hyper specific ideal yan type…
I LOVE SUBMISSIVE CLINGY YANS!! you know… kinda like the sensitive yan?? but not too shy, not to the point where they cant even speak to me. i mean. i like when theyre all cute and stuttering and blushy, but i wanna be able to tease them and mess around with them!! i want them to crave my attention and pout and beg and whine for it. i think its cute when theyre kinda like a puppy or kitty!! desperate and needy and cutie <33 its cute when theyre shy and soft spoken. its cute when theyre outspoken and outgoing. the common denominator here is that theyre obsessed with me and love me and want me to dote on them! awww they want me to hug then and ruffle their hair and compliment them… all of which i will gladly do!! my mindset is so healthy, i know! but as other anons have stated, we’re all normal here!! <333
and u know whats funny. im ace too but when it comes to sub yans my brain does the funny thinky and h0rny thoughts appear. subby yans swoon swoon!! i am okay i promise. also i swear im not stalking ur blog but you just so happen to be posting p frequently (as of rifht now) and i am eating it UP!! but ofc dont feel pressured to respond quickly or post a lot!! im just saying i appreciate u chami <33 LET ME KNOW IF IM ANNOYING then maybe i can be annoying darling instead LMFAOO (i hope not though </3)
waaaa sunny darling is so cute!!!! you know, i think you would do well with a subservient yandere! theyll do anything for you, just say the word and theyre So Normal about it! your hands get cold easily? they have an 'extra' pair of gloves. your hungry? they have extra cash! you wanna go shopping? its on them! someones annoying you? dont worry about them anymore. they just work so so hard to please you without thinking twice about you!
you tell them to jump and they dont ask how high, they just do it until you tell them to stop.
i like thinking theyre p rich, were neglected when they were a child, the stereotypical story. rich parents who never pay attention, blah blah blah and then they meet.. you... so bright, so loud, so talkative and so so sweet, they cant help but cling to you. somehow, by some miracle, they become friends with you and follow you around whereever you go. every gift you give them is put in a shrine they have that is. VERY hidden. and i just know they regularly have to have 'bathroom breaks' whenever you hug them tight or compliment their outfit or pay any extra attention and the poor thing just has to keep splashing water on their face to get the redness to go down! so cute!
aaa i just love sub yanderes, theyre just so... pathetic but in a good way! makes me feel safe! i just KNOW theyd do anything for you, darling <3 and if someone calls you annoying or is too rude to you, thats when their aggressive side shows up.
they corner them in some secluded area and bludgeon them to death. to a pulp. they didnt even have time to think about it, they didnt even question it for a second and afterwards, well, they feel kinda bad. not for the new dead person but because, well, they just know youll feel a bit scared now because of this 'random' murder and they dont want you feeling that way! but dont worry, theyll protect you!
and you need to stop worrying about bothering me, sunny darling! you need to take up space and be unapologetic about it! and i find stalking, intentional or not, very very sweet! <3 it doesnt bother me at all. spam liking or rebloging or anything really boosts by ego! i love it! im a touch of an attention whore lol and the entire reason why i started this blog was for ppl who have more 'dominant' (but not exclusively) personalities and wanted to see more subby yans! but i also enjoy a nice subby darling with a subby yandere, so cute! but what im saying is, i have zero issue standing up for myself or setting boundaries! so dw! <3
(P.S. to other askers, feel free to stake claim on a name! itll help me know who yall are and remember ur interests!)
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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greenlikethesea · 2 years
Hi omg hello i needed to hop on your askbox to tell you i just finished reading 'theres a phrase that fits' ive recently been on a binge of your and sparklyslug's works i think the whole series is so fantastic its so well written i can almost see and hear the characters voices the emotion you pour into each work is just amazing, last one really resonated with me it was fun and exciting to hear eddie talk about his life about his oppportunity to get to know will in a new light about his friends and experiences and the places hes been and the places he HAD leave for HIS OWN GOOD!!! and the fight was fenomenal i love to see people READING EACHOTHER it was funny and then eddie was like 'this is serious' with this dungeon master voice and ///I had to straigthen my back as well!!! and after all that i love how he realises will isnt mad at him will is mad at himself and thats why hes being a little asshole!!! loved when eddie defended steve he said he was in LOVE, OUT LOUD i screamed honestly i SQUEALED like a little pig oh god oh jesus i swear at the end i could feel my heart beating in my chest my doctor said that was impossible well here i am doc!!!
reading this was kinda funny bc we KNOW eddie and steve get together but its so REAL the way will and eddie try to move on despite being in love with their best friend, so much happened in 10k im still processing it i finished reading it at 3am bc i was that into it, i loved how the fight/argument really strenghten their bond and friendship bc it was important and it was necessary they said those things to eachother but theyre STRONGER bc of it and i loved how in the end it tied in with the rescue steve from the road and his wife thing that we've been hearing for a while now its so interesting the moments in one persons life that lead them to their present and i love love love love looooove to hear and read and see it and experience it
i hope you have a beautiful day bc u have altered my brain chemistry FOR GOOD so yeah thank u so much if you see me in your notes i am also @regretdotcom on here ily ily ily byeeee ✨✨✨✨✨✨
This is such a lovely, kind, beautiful ask. @sparklyslug and I were talking the other day about what incredibly thoughtful, articulate, and passionate readers we have. I’ve been sitting with this ask for a few days, wonder how to adequately respond! You very much are picking up what we were trying to put down with “phrase that fits,” which I appreciate so greatly. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my weird little heart. ❤️
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
13 Gloria, 25 Victor, 42 Lucia + 31 Rocio?
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
Ok I have 3
Nature in general: pretty straightforward originally she was associated more with the city but I think she prefers more rural communities/places close to nature now. This isn’t really a motif the other two are actual recurring elements specific to this character and have actual metaphorical meanings
The color red: originally her character’s like main color scheme was white brown black and yellow and it’s now red and black which I like better. But also in my mind like hypothetically if I were to do illustrations or comics or something I would use the color. Probably to represent moments of extremely strong emotion that she has so just like any key moment that is negative for her I think I would have that color in the background 
Snakes: like the animal. They reminded me of her a lot for some reason so now it’s a recurring thing at least in my mind. The idea is 1) snakes in universe are associated with healing bc their venom can be processed into medicines relatively easily and with some species their bites straight up have minor healing properties (curing nausea, reducing pain). which is like her second or whatever. also like despite this many species are still venemous when their venous has not been processed and should be handled with caution, also 2) you get too close to like a cobra or whatever and it will lash out and bite you which is similar to her character or whatever
but yeah all of these were kind of as an accident and showed up over time
25. who is their best friend?
You’re gonna ask this about the kid who died and survived by stealing until he was taken in by a band of killers who kept him around to have him run errands and to torture him and kill people and laugh at his reactions after killing people :,(
It’s Angel I guess. Actually I don’t think I would say that because I don’t think best friends is the type of relationship they have it’s more like siblings with nothing in common but who care abt each other a lot. Especially Angel is always trying to make Victor feel better, it’s not that they never spend time together doing like normal things but theyre not like on thr same wavelength usually if that makes sense. Mostly because Angel is a way more upbeat/energetic person than he is. So although they are very close don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t describe them as best friends.
Since there is no other option I’m going to make Joseph and Victor friendship canonical whatever it’s cheesy but I think it would work theyre ofc the same age but they’re also both emos I think theyd enjoy spending time together + it would help them to feel normal. Also it would be kind of funny Angel driving them places or whatever. I think Joseph would moderately dislike Angel but tolerate him for Victor’s sake.
42. can they dance?
Yes! She enjoys doing it a lot going out to do so she thinks it’s really fun. There’s not much else to talk about with this but I feel bad having this answer be so short so I’m going to answer another question for her as well. Question ummm 66 what is their favorite fruit bc it doesn’t take much effort to answer its any citrus but especially lemon. Ok if it’s going to be that short I’ll do another one question 49 how often do they cut their hair if at all like every six months and even then it’s just a trim she’s trying to grow it out. Very ambitious considering she has somewhat curly hair it’s going to take forever to detangle
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism?
If the person who criticizes then is in some way their superior or whatever like this is a practical dispute with regards to college or work or something, they are incredibly argumentative. Not so much anymore but they used to in the past. Actually I take it back they still are it’s just via writing now when in the past it would also be in person sometimes as well. However if they are eventually convinced they will change their mind they’re not stubborn abt things like this just very defensive and willing to argue their point.
If it’s of them personally they could either be like fair lol and then not care or just not say anything at all. They are not very responsive to criticism of their choices in life or personality.
If it’s about their work or research or something like that:
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If it’s about them personally (very unlikely to happen):
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