#which like. whatever. but i already gave up 3 days i should've been focusing on my own staff to train him
not one of my coworkers trying to consistently pressure me into drinking/smoking with him and misgendering me nearly every other sentence then getting mad when i un-added him on snap?? when i never once even opened his original snap to me???
when it's not my day off i'm probably going to talk to my DM to remove myself from training him again bc this is getting ridiculous, it's 2:45 am and he's blowing my phone up about this but i can't block him because we work together-ish
#getting a little fed up about this#he's also been treating me like a district manager when i don't even cover his store at all#i trained him originally bc i train all the managers in my system#for reference he's an assistant manager of another store and i'm the manager of my own store#our district manager oversees both our stores and one other store#initially he and i got along well but 2 days in to training this guy for 3 days straight i was looking for a way out#he tells me all about his 'bad trips with weed' and how he 'doesn't wanna drink alone'#like bitch WHAT#you're 5 years older than me and know i can't legally drink#i'm also 99% certain he's gay? which makes it even more confusing#literally just not gonna reply until thursday bc i'm off today for yom kippur#which he made fun of me taking off. for the record.#fuck this guy lmao💀 always talking about how he deserves to be a full manager yada yada#cant even make a decision by himself! always needs to run it by me or our DM#he's also not fully trained#bc he spent most of the shifts i was trying to train him fucking around or disappearing for an hour to go pick up food#which like. whatever. but i already gave up 3 days i should've been focusing on my own staff to train him#why should i be forced to give up more#literally this dude needs so much validation from me it's not even funny#he almost exclusively sends me voice memos and shit then demands i listen to them while i'm trying to do shit in my own store#i don't care about his store's drama! it doesn't affect me in any way!!#ngl i kind of doubt he'll last the winter especially when he finds out he's not coming in our annual business trip#they don't have me running my own store at 20 and training people 2x my age for nothing#sorry not to vent about work at almost 3am#whizzy speaks#personal#tw vent#oh my god and i know he's pissed bc our dm likes me better💀 he was bitching about dm tearing him to shreds about the state of his store#he asked me if dm does the same to me and i got the absolute pleasure of telling him no#our dm really only gets on me about keeping my freezer alphabetized and i run ideas and numbers by him but that's it. he was SO pissed lmaoo
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egg-but-with-style · 2 months
Butcher ghost 2, electric boogalo
Tw: definitely ooc
1 2 3
You were panicking at the moment, standing outside his shops door. Holding day old chicken spadini in your hands. You threw in some fettuccine alfredo that you had made too.
You had texted him yesterday night, after you left your parents house, waiting until you got home to decide if you wanted to talk to him or not. Of course you did, he was handsome, or atleast his eyes looked handsome. Or maybe you just had a thing for guys with huge arms and a small penchant for violence.
When you had texted him, he seemed so dry. Only a couple word responses, then he told you to meet him inside his shop, said Tuesdays were always slow. In the back of your head, there was a little common sense. 'What if he's actually a serial killer? How do you know he isn't a creep?' which were questions you should've probably taken more seriously, but the knife and taser in your purse gave you reassurance.
You finally, having some courage, pulled open the door and went in. He seemed alot less focused today, like he was waiting for something. You watched his head snap up once the door closed, it letting out a slight creak.
He was surprised when you actually texted him, he was speechless when you agreed to come back to the shop, and now that it was all real, you standing in front of the counter, it made his jaw hit the floor.
He wasn't good at romance, or first impressions, or flirting. But he liked what he saw, he liked what he heard. He also might've stalked your socials after you told him your name over text. Only to check if you had a partner, definitely only that.
You saw him looked a little surprised, but the mask definitely blocked most of the facial expressions you would've seen, which he was thankful for. You spoke up, "Hi, Simon. I um.. bought the chicken..oh and I put some pasta in there too, figured chicken wasn't a balanced meal on its own and all that." You walked over to the counter and set down the Tupperware container. He spoke, his voice a little less rough today for some reason. "Mum used to tell me I couldn't just eat meat, now I run a butcher shop"
You let out a giggle. Your round cheeks becoming almost circles as you smiled. He felt his face heating up behind his mask, which was already so humid. He swore if he looked in a mirror now, he'd see his pupils being about the size of a saucer. He cleared his throat, trying not to feel embarrassed.
"It..it looks good though."
He hadn't eaten for the last 5 hours just because he wanted to be able to eat whatever you gave him. (Including dessert, if you catch my drift) Which you seemed to give him an ample portion, he was a big guy after all.
You thought he seemed a tiny bit nervous. Was it..you that was making him nervous? You shook off the idea, maybe he was just a little jumpy specifically on Tuesdays.
"Do..do you want to try some? I heated it up before I drove here. Even though you probably have a microwave.."
You realized maybe it was kind of a stupid idea to heat it up for him, but you had been so worried he might not have liked it. So you just wanted him to eat it as soon as possible. Not wanting to deal with the fear.
"No, no that's fine. I'd have to run all the way upstairs to my flat to heat it up anyway."
You watched him slowly open the container and pull up his mask just slightly to get the smell in. It seemed like his shoulders physically relaxed once he got a good sniff in. It was kinda cute.
"Do..do you want me to look away or?"
You weren't sure if the mask was just for protection, or if he just didn't like people seeing his face. He looked at you and seemed a little stunned that you asked. He slowly shook his head. "It's alright."
He hoped you wouldn't judge him because of his face, of all the scars, from acne and otherwise, not to mention the nose that had clearly been broken before, but when he pulled down the mask fully, you swore you were seeing something carved from marble.
His nose was crooked, a few scars lining the philtrum and the bridge. Then to his lips, the top one have a scar through the left side and slightly cleft because of it. His jaw and chin were just as impressive, being a bit soft, but still so pretty.
"You're beautiful.." you quickly covered your mouth, looking embarrassed for even saying that. "I..I'm so sorry! I didn't, I wasn't thinking.." Oh you were thinking, you were just thinking about how handsome he was.
That's when you saw his face turn a bit red. "Its..it's no problem. Don't worry about it" He looked away for a second, coughing and then looking back to you. Trying to play off the blush finding it's way to his ears.
He picked up a fork he brought down here specifically for the chicken you were bringing him. He felt kind of like a dork, but all that was forgotten when he took a bite of the chicken. He even let out a little groan. The seasoning, the flavor from the overnight marination in the sauces. He felt like he was in heaven, he looked like he was too.
Once he chewed and swallowed, he spoke up. "This is really fucking good." He really wanted to scarf it down right in front of you, but he already felt embarrassed and vulnerable enough, so he closed the container, to his own dismay. "I'll eat the rest of it once I close down shop. I..I wanted to ask you something"
You had been staring in awe at his reaction to your cooking, snapping out of it once he addressed you directly. You had a feeling what he was gonna ask, you just hoped you were right. "What did you wanna ask me?"
He blurted it out, hoping if he said it fast enough you'd just say yes. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?" Was it a little werid to ask the lady he just met yesterday out on a date? Yes. Yes it was. But he could care less. He knew he couldn't charm you the normal way, so it was a Hail Mary.
You heart fluttered a little, hearing the words come from his lips. "YES! I..I mean sure. Yeah, totally." You really didn't mean to yell but who gets the chance to go on a date with a beefcake like him everyday?
Your enthusiastic reply made his lips quirk up into a small smile. He was glad you were just as nervous, terrified, and frankly down bad as he was.
While you were indeed as taken as him as he was with you, you were still a woman and wanted to meet in a public place. You had some common sense left. "How does coffee on Saturday sound? Or..or tea if you don't like coffee.." He in fact did not like coffee. His smile got a little wider and he nodded. "Sounds like a date."
Authors note: In my au, I don't think ghost joined the military, but I do think he did some boxing in his teens and early 20s, definitely getting roughed up alot. I'm not sure if I'm happy with how I wrote this, so who knows I might rewrite it in the future.
I also wanted to thank you guys for 300 some notes on the first part of this! I'm really new to writing, and I'm glad you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it. Also, I'm a dork and a goofy ghost believer, so deal! Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it!
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kiegosbby · 4 years
hawks x f!reader
Chapter 12. Tell me if you want me to continue this or wrap it up.
word count: 950
warnings: nothing
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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after your patrol you went home and took a shower, you and hawks had fought 3 villains today and it was rough. There was some blood on your costume but nothing that wouldn't wash out.
You and hawks had been blowing up on social media, and everyone was shipping you. You didn't hate it, looking at all the posts about you to. Then you saw a picture of you two walking down the street holding hands.
you screenshoted it and sent it to him
to: birdy ❤️🐔
don't we look absolutely adorable together? :)
Birdy ❤️🐔
yes baby bird we do <3 I'm gonna come over tomorrow after patrol and I'm gonna make you dinner ok? then we can watch a movie or somethin :)
sounds good ! see you tomorrow at work have a good night :)
you put your phone down and laid down losing your eyes and letting sleep take you into a dream
when you woke up you got ready for work, your normal routine. Get up take a shower, eat breakfast and then go to work. It was oddly calming. you checked your phone and saw a text from hawks
from: Birdy ❤️🐔
good morning baby bird :) have a good day and I'll see you soon
you smiled and sent a quick reply, and headed off to work.
when you arrived you said a polite hello to the receptionist, and went to see hawks. When you walked in you ran to him and hugged him tightly.
"Good morning!" You smiled widely
"Good morning! What's got you in  such a good mood?"
"Oh just thinking about you" you said with a wide smile. you were really happy now, and you were living in the moment forgetting almost everything in the past.
"I'm glad" he gave you a little kiss on your nose "but we do have to do work eventually" he pointed to the paper work on his desk and gave you a little frown.
"I don't care what we do as long as we can spend it together" you said and sat down, getting started on the work. you hummed slightly as you worked and hawks couldn't help but be extremely calm next to you. he had never had a real relationship before, no one close to him like this, it felt weird. But he loved the feeling..
after a day of work you had finished your paperwork, but hawks still had a massive pile.
"Hey birdy what's the problem can't finish your work?"
"It's difficult to do when you are focused on something much more important then some dumb paper work"
"And what's could that be?"
"you, your very distracting you know that?" you were both blushing at this point and you were at a loss for words "don't worry angel I'll finish it tomorrow, right now we got other business to tend to remember?"
"Yes I do and I'm very excited so let go please!" you took his hand and went to the balcony in his office, quickly taking off with him behind struggling to keep up with your speed. "meet me at my place in 30 minutes ok? Your cooking" you said and took off towards your apartment, smiling like a madman.
you got home and got ready waiting for him. you heard a flutter and he appeared walking in
"ok let's get down to business. what am I making?" he asked while walking in the kitchen.
"hmm I'm in the mood for {whatever you want idc}"
"we're making that then I'll make this quick. Go pick a movie and we can watch it after dinner"
as hawks cooked you watched him intently, the way he moved, how he bummed while cooking. he was just perfect and you continued watching him cook, in a gaze.
"your staring pretty bird" His comment startled you, he turned around and plated your food, walking it to the table.
you muttered a sorry before sitting down at the table.
"so what do you want to know about me?" hawks asked and you thought quickly already knowing what you want to ask
"Well since I already know so much about you from the media I guess I want to know your name?"
"my names keigo, keigo takami. and I know you already know about me and my life, everyone knows but bird I know nothing about yours, which I want to know so go ahead and tell me"
"okay keigo" the name felt foreign on your tongue but sounded good, it suited him.
"you know that when I was little when I had discovered my quirk I was sent away to a government facility. I was there for 14 years, when I was 18 I was released and I became a hero. Nothing much to know except my past relationships, it was only one but it was the worst experience of my life. He was abusive and toxic. I should've left sooner then I did, but I was young and dumb. that's basically it. Any questions?"
"I'm sorry about that relationship angel but I want you to know that I'm not like that and I would never do anything to hurt you like that ok?" his voice was reassuring and it soothed your nerves.
"Okay keigo. let's watch the movie yeah?" by now you had both finished your food, and you just wanted to cuddle up next to him and fall asleep. he quickly said yes and took both your plates to the sink, and joining you on the couch.
you both cuddled together while the movie played in the background, you were both happy with each other. you fit each other perfectly and you didn't want it any other way...
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