#initially he and i got along well but 2 days in to training this guy for 3 days straight i was looking for a way out
not one of my coworkers trying to consistently pressure me into drinking/smoking with him and misgendering me nearly every other sentence then getting mad when i un-added him on snap?? when i never once even opened his original snap to me???
when it's not my day off i'm probably going to talk to my DM to remove myself from training him again bc this is getting ridiculous, it's 2:45 am and he's blowing my phone up about this but i can't block him because we work together-ish
#getting a little fed up about this#he's also been treating me like a district manager when i don't even cover his store at all#i trained him originally bc i train all the managers in my system#for reference he's an assistant manager of another store and i'm the manager of my own store#our district manager oversees both our stores and one other store#initially he and i got along well but 2 days in to training this guy for 3 days straight i was looking for a way out#he tells me all about his 'bad trips with weed' and how he 'doesn't wanna drink alone'#like bitch WHAT#you're 5 years older than me and know i can't legally drink#i'm also 99% certain he's gay? which makes it even more confusing#literally just not gonna reply until thursday bc i'm off today for yom kippur#which he made fun of me taking off. for the record.#fuck this guy lmao💀 always talking about how he deserves to be a full manager yada yada#cant even make a decision by himself! always needs to run it by me or our DM#he's also not fully trained#bc he spent most of the shifts i was trying to train him fucking around or disappearing for an hour to go pick up food#which like. whatever. but i already gave up 3 days i should've been focusing on my own staff to train him#why should i be forced to give up more#literally this dude needs so much validation from me it's not even funny#he almost exclusively sends me voice memos and shit then demands i listen to them while i'm trying to do shit in my own store#i don't care about his store's drama! it doesn't affect me in any way!!#ngl i kind of doubt he'll last the winter especially when he finds out he's not coming in our annual business trip#they don't have me running my own store at 20 and training people 2x my age for nothing#sorry not to vent about work at almost 3am#whizzy speaks#personal#tw vent#oh my god and i know he's pissed bc our dm likes me better💀 he was bitching about dm tearing him to shreds about the state of his store#he asked me if dm does the same to me and i got the absolute pleasure of telling him no#our dm really only gets on me about keeping my freezer alphabetized and i run ideas and numbers by him but that's it. he was SO pissed lmaoo
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feeder86 · 5 months
Aaron's Empire
“Yes?” Aaron asked abruptly, seeing that Kirk was calling him yet again.
“He says he’s full already,” Kirk replied. “He’s only had three doughnuts and now he just wants to sit and watch a movie.”
Aaron sighed. As one of his newest recruits, Kirk was more than a little needy when it came to applying the skills that Aaron had tried to instil in him. Every year it seemed like there were more and more guys moving to the city with a kink for fattening up. Although Aaron hadn’t liked it, it had always been necessary for him to outsource to other feeders when he became overrun. He simply did not have the time to tackle all the boys who got in contact with him, desperate to be fattened and submit to him.
“Did you try the trigger words?” Aaron asked. “I made a list of the nicknames Jay gets the most aroused by. They’re all on the file I sent you: ‘Fatso’, ‘Piggy’… I think he even got pretty hard at ‘Lardass’ as well,” he rambled on, trying to recall his observations from the initial feed he had done himself with Jay, three months back.
“I tried them,” Kirk shot back. “Can you come over? I really don’t know what else to do.”
Sighing in frustration, Aaron ended the call. On paper, Kirk looked set to be an awesome feeder: good looking, athletic and masculine-looking. He was one of the star players in the college football team and seemed to have that natural air of authority about him. Feeding a short, little chub like Jay should have been simple. But this was the fourth time he’d got in contact, wanting more support. Perhaps he would make a good feeder one day, but that still seemed like a long way off.
“Thanks for coming,” Kirk smiled, opening the door to Jay’s apartment and seeing that Aaron had picked up a couple of pizzas along the way. He was whispering, having not told Jay that he had needed to get Aaron over to help him.
“Is that what you’re wearing tonight?” Aaron asked, indignantly, seeing the feeder’s attire. “What is with that sweater?” “It’s cold out tonight,” Kirk mumbled back.
“So?” Aaron grumbled, taking his own shirt and pants off as soon as he was through the door. “If you want these fatties to eat, you sell them the fantasy,” he pointed at his own staggeringly built and athletic body. “They don’t need the wholesome ‘boy next door’ look putting them off,” he sighed, still amazed by how average such a sexy guy could look in something so ill-fitting. “And would it kill you to put some product in your hair?” he continued, noticing that Kirk must have come straight from the showers after his football training. 
Kirk nodded, seeming to agree that he hadn’t made enough effort. He followed Aaron’s lead, removing the offending sweater and taking off his pants, despite the slight chill in the apartment. Then he went to the tap and brushed some warm water through his hair to fluff it up a little.
“Hello there, Fatso!” Aaron smiled, leading the way into the lounge area with the pizza boxes.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight as well!” Jay smiled, actually getting up from his chair. Back when Aaron had been feeding the guy himself, the chub had been well trained to stay sitting on his blubbery glutes the entire time he was there. His shirt wasn’t even off and he was wearing actual slippers on his feet, like an old man. Had Kirk really tried to initiate a kinky feeding session when the pig wasn’t even stripped? Just how many other rules like this had the boy been letting slide?
Aaron pulled Jay into a passionate kiss. He allowed both of their hands to roam freely, and by the time they came out of it, Aaron had successfully removed both Jay’s shirt and pants. “You’re looking so big now!” Aaron smiled, taking in Jay’s fattened physique: 350 lbs of tits, belly rolls and blubber.
“I’ve gained another 2 lbs since I saw you last!” Jay boasted, grinning with pride.
Aaron smiled, despite the irritation he felt. Two pounds in an entire month? Did he really think that was acceptable? Did Kirk not challenge him on such mediocre gains? After all the hours Aaron had put in training up the guy’s appetite, back when he was little more than a twink, a two pound gain should have been just a normal part of life for him now.
“Kirk tells me you’ve not got much of an appetite tonight?” Aaron went on, sitting the fat boy back down in his chair, where he belonged. “Is there any reason why?”
Jay looked a little awkward, but smiled as he saw Kirk coming to stand beside Aaron; his toned athlete’s body now on show. “The truth is,” Jay mumbled, “I’ve got my dad and step-mom coming to stay with me this weekend. My dad’s always been somewhat critical of me since I started getting fat. I guess it sort of dampens the appetite,” he sighed.
Aaron nodded sympathetically. “I understand,” he smiled sweetly. “Thank you for being so open with me. It must be incredibly hard for you. As kinky as it is to get this fat, explaining it to your family is never easy.”
“That’s it,” Jay agreed, visibly relaxing now he had shared his concerns aloud. He sat back a little more in his chair and rubbed his tummy. “It’s hard to eat tonight when I know my dad is going to be even more disappointed in me.”
Again, Aaron smiled. He tapped Kirk’s tight butt, silently ordering him into his position, behind Jay’s chair. The next movement was about to begin.
“I really do understand,” Aaron offered lovingly. “As you can imagine, I see it time and time again with all my boys.”
Jay smiled back, with little comprehension of how many guys across the city were actually fattening up under Aaron’s watchful eye.
“But, do you know who doesn’t care?” Aaron asked next, slipping off his underwear and letting his erection spring out. “This guy here,” he pointed at his already pulsing hardness. “He couldn't give a shit about all that sort of crap. The fat boys whinge about how full they are, or how none of their clothes fit. They bitch about their families, their friends not being supportive. They talk about how much they sweat now, how out of breath they get…” Aaron went on, rubbing his boner and seeing that Jay simply could not take his eyes off it. “But this guy…” Aaron emphasised again, “...he just couldn’t give a fuck! He actually gets off on it; their complaints and genuine concerns. He just wants to see them eat and grow, fatter and fatter every single day.”
Aaron nodded to Kirk, letting him know that it was time to tap the newly aroused fatty on the head, ordering him to start sucking. Then, only a few seconds later, Jay’s mouth enveloped as much of Aaron’s dick as possible, moaning with lust as he did so.
Kirk, who was now rubbing Jay’s back encouragingly, looked across at Aaron, clearly impressed at how quickly he had turned the situation around. However, Aaron merely stared back at him in annoyance. It wasn’t just the fact that Jay had always been so pathetically weak at giving blow jobs, but why hadn’t Kirk done this? How many times had he been told these strategies to get the pigs eating when they were less keen? Sometimes their mouths just needed a little warm up; a little lubricating. “Go get the pizzas,” he ordered sternly, about to begin yet another demonstration of how to stuff a pig to his absolute limit.
After that evening, Aaron assigned Jay to another of his feeders, hoping that Jay was simply a poor fit for him. In his place, he gave Kirk a new and highly motivated second year college student who had impressed him a lot when he’d interviewed him about why he wanted to be fattened up. Perhaps seeing the fattening process from scratch might give Kirk the kick up the ass that he needed.
“Five pounds?” Aaron asked, feeling exasperated. “You’ve had three months and that;s all you’ve done to him? He’ll lose that in no time now he’s gone home for the summer!”
“He had exams and stuff, though,” Kirk tried. “I didn’t want to get in the way.”
“Oh, come on, Kirk! How many times have I talked to you about stress eating? You missed a golden opportunity to really push some weight onto him there! He also tells me he’s working on a farm over the summer. How the hell did you let that happen? You know that’s too much exercise!”
“I didn’t really think it was my place to say anything…” Kirk mumbled, realising that he had messed up yet again.
“You’re the fucking feeder!” Aaron shouted, finally letting his frustration get the better of him. “Of course it’s your place to say these things to the pigs!”
Kirk sighed, disappointed with himself. “I’ll do better when I see him next. I promise.”
Aaron shook his head in disappointment yet again. He liked Kirk, he really did. He had all the hallmarks of a good feeder, with a pretty face that made everyone stop and stare. He had the sex appeal to make a guy eat if he really wanted them to. But his application of the basic feeder principles and training were utterly lost on him.
“Look, let’s just take this time as a little breather,” Aaron suggested. “I have some time off at the end of this month. You can come over to my place and we’ll do some little role plays and scenarios; stuff that should help you when your pig gets back for the new semester.”
Kirk nodded gratefully, knowing that he still had so much to learn.
“So, what is a feeder’s main objective?” Aaron asked a couple of weeks later as he led Kirk into his apartment.
The question clearly caught the football player off guard and a long pause followed before he finally answered. “That the pig eats everything we give them,” he offered, seeming confident.
Aaron shook his head. “You’re thinking too short term,” he shot back. “A feeder’s goal is, and always will be, the results: the tight pants, the fat gains, the number on the scales. That’s all that really matters. There are different ways to get there: meal plans, submission, dominance, you name it. But the feeder’s goal is always in the blubber he can pack onto his prey. Is that clear?”
Kirk nodded.
“That means that it really doesn’t matter if you never even use some of the strategies we’re going to revise today. As long as you get the results, that’s all I care about.”
“Okay. That makes sense,” Kirk agreed.
“Feeding is a sensual exercise,” Aaron began, taking his shirt off and removing his pants; still pumped from his gym workout that morning. “You’re never going to feed a pig to his full capacity unless you get the support you need. So where do you find that support?”
Kirk, who had been following Aaron’s lead and undressing, sat himself down in the guy’s feeding chair and pondered the question. “You mean I should call you?” he asked.
Again, Aaron sighed. None of this information should have been new to him. “No, Kirk! The best feeder a pig’s ever going to have is always right between his legs.” He reached out, holding the football player’s semi. “It’s the reason he first fell into gaining and it’s the thing that led him straight to you, so always make sure that you use it in the most effective way that you can,” he explained, rubbing Kirk’s dick until it stood firm and erect. “If fatty stops eating or starts slowing down, give some attention to this thing and you’ll soon see him getting hungry again.”
“Should I suck it?” Kirk asked keenly.
Aaron frowned at the silly question. “It’s entirely up to you. Just…get it hard and keep it that way. That’s all you need to worry about.”
Kirk settled a little more into his chair, enjoying this training more than the other sessions he had had with Aaron. He’d always done better with practical exercises, rather than trying to memorise the theory behind principles.
“Now, most of the time, your pig will buy his own food that he wants you to feed him. But, if ever you’re doing it, you’ve got to choose it all very carefully, thinking about the feeder’s goal… which is?” he quickly questioned.
“The results!” Kirk parroted back to him, pleased that he had remembered something at last.
“Exactly,” Aaron nodded, now pointing to the vast selection of food he had set up on the coffee table for his date with a long-term fatty who was coming over later. “Everything here is from the list I sent you back when you first started. These particular brands are all staggeringly high in calories and quickly digested.” He looked at Kirk’s blank face. “I’ll email the list over to you again then,” he simply stated, deciding not to pull Kirk up on his lack of studiousness.
“What would you start with?” Kirk asked, seeing it all spread out and presented so nicely.
“Well, that depends on your fatty’s preference. You should know what his favourites are; the things that are best to get him started. For example, what is it that catches your eye the most?”
“The cream cakes,” Kirk replied instantly.
“Very well,” Aaron smiled, picking one up. “Before I start, I look down. Is his dick hard? Yes. Are his eyes fixed on the food? Can I make him salivate?”
At that moment, Kirk swallowed a build up of saliva in his mouth.
“Pigs love to be played with. And, at the start, that’s fine. You can waft it under his nose,” he demonstrated comically. “You can dip your finger in the cream and tap it on his piggy little snout,” he joked, doing just that with Kirk. “But when the time comes to feed, you let them know that you’re serious,” he stated sternly. “Because this isn’t a game, is it? And you can’t let the fat boy treat it like one.”
Kirk slowly nodded his head.
“You get their eyes fixed on you now,” Aaron continued, ensuring that Kirk was doing just that. “They realise, you are the feeder. You are the one they are doing this for. During this time, only the two of you exist in the entire world. Pleasure and greed are the only things that have any consequence now. Nothing else.”
Kirk was absolutely silent, taking all of the information in like never before. He looked entirely fixed within the mindset of the boys he would someday feed. Out of a simple curiosity, Aaron brought the cake a little closer to the guy’s mouth, hardly believing that the jock’s jaws were unhinging. His mouth gaping open, Aaron pushed the cake beyond the point of no return, until it squished and fell upon Kirk’s tongue.
Suddenly Kirk was chewing, with his cheeks filled with cream. Had the guy completely misunderstood the concept of role-playing? Sure, the boy was always prettier than he was intelligent, but feeders didn’t do this. This food wasn’t for him. Yet his hardness throbbed every bit as much as the countless others Aaron had done this to in the past.
“Now you praise your pig,” Aaron explained, deciding to take the strange turn all in his stride and act like this was as he had planned. “You tell him how greedy he’s being; how large and fat this will all make him; how he’s going to struggle to get into his pants tomorrow.”
Kirk moaned with pleasure as the last of the cake was pushed into his mouth. He licked Aaron’s fingers clean; his greedy eyes now turning to the other items on the table. Intuitively, Aaron reached across and found the next item, holding it until it was ready and then pushing it deep inside the athletic boy’s mouth.
“Your pig is going to get thirsty pretty quickly, so you need your drinks to hand. These need to be equally high in calories,” he smiled, cracking open a can of soda. “Not too cold,” he stated cautiously. “Everything should flow. We hit them hard and fast while they’re in the zone.”
Kirk took the can of soda and chugged it in one.
Still determined not to show even the slightest bit of surprise, Aaron simply continued his tuition. “Don’t be tempted to just feed the pig what he likes,” he cautioned, seeing that Kirk’s eyes had fallen back onto the cream cakes. “We want to keep mixing up those flavours and textures, pouring in the liquid calories and making the pig wait for those favourites.”
Kirk nodded, accepting whatever was fed into his mouth.
“Always, ALWAYS keep an eye on his dick,” Aaron insisted, taking his hand to Kirk’s hardness and rubbing it for short, gentle periods. “He’s going to want to climax, but it’s your job to make him wait. You do not let him touch himself! His dick belongs to you. You call the shots. And the pig isn’t getting his pleasure until he’s completely stuffed.”
At this, Kirk seemed to redouble his efforts, eating faster and greedier than even before. He’d slipped perfectly into the role; indistinguishable in his apparent lust to feed. His stomach was bloating up, yet still he feasted.
“By this point, your pig is going to be completely disoriented. He’s lost track of what he’s eaten and he has no idea what’s coming next. He’s already massively overdosed on calories, but because of the speed you’re delivering it all to him, his brain hasn’t caught up yet. This is the stuffing ‘window of opportunity’, and you’ve got to push the fatty hard until it closes.”
The food on the table was quickly disappearing. It had been a few months since Aaron had fed a young athlete of Kirk’s stature; almost forgetting how much boys like this could gorge.
“You’ll know when it’s time to stop. The pace slows and they wince at the stretch. But any sign of heaving and you’ve already taken it too far,” Aaron stated. “You make them look you in the eyes again as you take their dick in your hand. You make them say ‘thank you’ for doing this to them, even though they might, even now, be starting to regret how much they have eaten. You tell them what a greedy pig they have been; what all those calories are going to do to their body.”
Kirk was already pulling a face as he felt his orgasm building.
“Now you make them rub their big ol’ tummy,” Aaron ordered, grabbing at Kirk’s limp wrist and placing the boy’s large hand on the top, and most swollen part, of his bloated stomach. 
Immediately, the jock’s hand began to explore that new, tightly-packed and solid shape; all so beautifully timed as his pleasure was about to peak.
“And as tough as it is to admit… this moment… the fatty’s actual climax; it’s really not about the feeder,” Aaron whispered now. “It’s about the pig realising what he’s done to HIMSELF; how completely fucked he is for getting so turned on, eating like he has for you.”
Kirk’s breathing was so erratic, with short, squeaking moans escaping from his lips every couple of seconds.
“You make the fat boy look you in the eye. Do what you want inbetween. You can make him promise to get fatter for you, make him oink like a pig, or force a final doughnut into his greedy little mouth; it really doesn’t matter,” he breathed, holding Kirk’s stare with a vice-like grip. “Just let the pig know that you see him for exactly what he is; that he can’t hide it anymore. That he is, and will always be, your greedy hog.”
A massive jet released from Kirk’s crotch, followed by several others, until an almost unfathomable amount of the boy’s excitement had covered his chest and splashed itself all over Aaron’s feeding chair. Yet more stains that would never come out.
Kirk’s charge was assigned a new feeder when he returned to college after the summer. Aaron had made the decision that the boy, who had been so keen to fatten up when Aaron had interviewed him, had been messed around enough by an inadequate feeder. In fact, Aaron had come to realise that Kirk wasn’t even that. Sure, Aaron had flipped feeders into gainers in the past. He even joked that most feeders came with an expiry date, when it would all become too much for them and they’d long for the blubber to be added to their bodies instead. But, Kirk was such a simple boy. Did he even realise yet that he was destined to become a fatty?
“I’m guessing you’ve played some good football in your time,” remarked Kirk’s football coach, heading over to speak to Aaron after he had seen the guy watching his boys play.
“Is it that obvious?” Aaron smiled, knowing that most people assumed he was some sort of football player, given his statuesque height and build. He shook hands with the guy, knowing just how to handle men like these, immediately inventing a backstory for himself in the game that would give him a lot more credibility with the coach. He folded his arms in the same way as him, mimicking the body language and slowly engaging the man enough so that he visibly relaxed more in his company; believing every word he said.
“So just one little broken ankle and that was your entire future NFL career gone?” the coach asked, full of sympathy.
“I think about it every single day,” Aaron lied, shaking his head bitterly. “But you’ve got some decent talent on the field here,” he smiled, pointing to the spot where all the young guys had last stood before heading in to shower.
“They’re okay,” the coach agreed, sounding unconvinced. “We’ve certainly had stronger teams in the past.”
Aaron nodded, as if he knew what he was talking about. “There was one who really caught my eye; the really tall one who spent most of the time over there,” he pointed.
“Kirk?” the coach asked. “Yeah, he’s a good player. Not necessarily the brightest guy I’ve ever come across. He’s quite versatile and plays in a variety of positions. I wouldn’t say he exactly excels in any of them though.”
“Have you ever thought about playing him as an offensive tackle?” Aaron asked. “From what I saw today, he looks more suited to that than anything.”
At this, the coach winced. “You should see some of the guys from the other teams in our league who play in that position. Kirk may be tall and strong, but he’d be dwarfed if he had to go up against them.”
“Bulk him up then,” Aaron shrugged, deciding to lift his arm and show off his bicep. “It’s what my coach did for me. It was the best thing that ever happened for my career. Before the ankle…” he added.
The two men discussed the idea for a little while longer, but Aaron had no intention of hanging around just in case Kirk came out and came over, giving the game away that they knew each other. Instead, he simply planted the seed and left it there to grow.
“When am I getting a new pig?” Kirk asked a couple of weeks later, settling into Aaron’s feeding chair.
“When I think you’re ready,” Aaron lied. “Which reminds me,” he smiled, pulling out his phone and playing a video to the football hunk. “Your last assignment’s new feeder sent me this. He’s getting great results with your old pig. Look at the blubber in that tummy now. His six pack is completely gone!”
“He looks completely different!” Kirk marvelled.
“That’s not even the best part,” Aaron chuckled, waiting for the section in the video when the pig turned and bounced his butt cheeks. “His new feeder says he’s never seen anything like it. It’s like the muscle just completely vanished and been replaced by pure blubber. Look at those thighs too! He’s going to be so bottom heavy!”
“That can’t be the same guy,” Kirk protested. “He didn’t gain like that for me.”
“Well, it’s all about finding the right technique that works for your pig,” Aaron explained, undressing himself and grabbing the supplies from the kitchen.
Kirk had followed his lead, kicking his shirt, sweatpants and underwear to the side and sitting himself back down again. An obvious coating and ring of light blubber sat around his middle from all the sessions Aaron had conducted with him in the last few weeks, but it wasn’t time to acknowledge that with him just yet.
“This is the shake and suck technique,” Aaron went on. “It’s the method that helped your old pig get that huge ass of his. I made this shake up this morning, so it’s had plenty of time to lose the chill.” Aaron heaved, lifting a huge gallon container of thick liquid and putting it on the coffee table with a bump. “You’ve had it plenty of times before. You know what’s in it,” he smirked.
“Yeah, but…” Kirk mumbled, looking at the size of the container. “I’ve only had the odd flask of it when we’ve been training. No one could drink that much of it.”
“That’s where this funnel comes in so handy,” the feeder smiled, lifting it up for Kirk to see. “It stops the pig from ending the chug the moment he starts to feel a little uncomfortable, and so it gives us a lot more control over how much we want the fat boy to take down.”
Kirk’s erection had returned. His legs twitched and he looked down suggestively at it. “What about the sucking part of this method?” he asked, knowing that no one gave a blow job like Aaron.
“It’s called the ‘shake and suck’ technique,” Aaron laughed. “As in… one BEFORE the other!” he teased, noting that Kirk appeared aroused enough to begin. “All you need to do is hold this flask, like this,” he instructed, resting Kirk’s head backwards into the chair at the same time. “Then just, chug away until the funnel is emptied.”
From his position, standing behind the feeding chair and looking over Kirk, Aaron could fully appreciate the gentle loss of definition in the boy’s stomach muscles. Today’s session was going to do so much more serious damage! He lifted the container and let it glug outwards, filling the funnel held steady by the athlete underneath. Just as instructed, the naive boy began swallowing it all up, even as Aaron continued to pour; never letting it get below half-way.
At the first break, Kirk moaned loudly, rubbing his enlarged stomach. Then he burped, long and coarsely, until he at last felt more comfortable. “Fuck!” he sighed. “How much of that stuff did you just pour in? I thought it was never going to end!”
“There’s plenty more, don’t you worry!” Aaron laughed, turning so that he could feed his own erection into Kirk’s mouth. “This is something you can only do at the start of this technique,” Aaron explained. “And you’ve got to go gentle. You can’t be making your pig gag when there’s all that fattening liquid in his stomach.”
Aaron could tell that Kirk was at last starting to learn some of the blow job skills he’d been taught in recent weeks. Aaron exhaled and felt his eyes widen. Shit, this guy was actually pretty good!
“And that’s enough of that,” Aaron smiled, pulling out before he lost his composure. “Back to business!” he ordered, placing the funnel back into Kirk’s hands. “This second chug has to be shorter, and the next one will be shorter again,” he explained, already pouring from the now considerably lighter container and looking down to check that Kirk’s hardness wasn’t faltering.
At the end of the second chug, Kirk moaned once more and gave off a long fog-horn like burp. However, this time his stomach was so rounded and stretched, actually resembling a belly for the first time. Without even prompting, Kirk’s hands began exploring it as Aaron engaged in a gentle first suck in his crotch. Not that Aaron would ever have told him, but already over two thirds of the gallon of gainer shake was gone.
“Depending on your pig, this method can take all day. And that’s fine,” Aaron nodded. “The main thing is, we want that shake inside them.”
Automatically, Kirk rested his head back again the moment he felt ready. The third session began and Kirk was soon enjoying the rewards of having Aaron’s lips around his erection once more.
“A pretty effective technique, huh?” Aaron laughed, just stopping as Kirk seemed about to climax.
“Let’s finish this thing!” Kirk grunted, throwing his head back and knowing that the end was near. Fuck the consequences. He needed that orgasm soon.
“You want me to take on another pig?” asked Jack, one of Aaron’s most capable feeders, a few weeks later. “That’s two in the last six weeks!”
Aaron nodded apologetically. “I know. I would do it myself, but I just don’t have the time. His name’s Peter; twenty-two, already chubby; great little appetite when I interviewed him. He wants pushing hard, and he’s kinky as fuck. I think you’ll have a lot of fun with him,” he summarised, showing Jack a picture before sending over the contact details.
“Cute!” Jack smiled. “Are you sure you’re okay with letting me have all the fun?”
“I just know you’ll do a great job,” Aaron chuckled, slapping the guy on his back.
Jack simply smiled back knowingly. “I bumped into Kirk the other day. He told me you haven’t given him a pig in months.”
Aaron raised his eyebrows. “Well, there are reasons for that.”
“You’re flipping him, aren’t you?” Jack pressed. “Kirk tried to tell me that his coach is bulking him up to play a new position on the field, but there’s no denying your handiwork on that little paunch of his. That’s where most of your time is going these days, isn’t it?”
“Possibly,” Aaron smirked, liking how direct Jack could be at times. “I’m throwing everything at him and I’ve yet to find a single one of my moves that doesn’t work on him.”
“Does he realise?” Jack asked.
“What do you think?” Aaron laughed, knowing that he didn’t need to hide his wicked side with a guy like Jack. “I’ve even got him writing up an assignment for me on the ‘feeder training’ he’s had in the last few weeks! He’s coming round this evening for the ‘Funnel, Fuck and Flip’ exercise.”
Jack chuckled. He’d only met Kirk a handful of times, so could hardly pity the guy if he had fallen into one of Aaron’s typical games. “So when are you going to make your move on him?” he asked.
“Soon,” Aaron smiled. “He’s almost ready now… Just one last little push!”
Later that evening, Kirk bent himself against the table with his legs stretched. His stomach was hard and swollen with gainer shake, drooping down as his head was held only inches above a decadent three-layered chocolate cake.
“Not many guys can hold an erection like I can,” Aaron explained, having pushed himself inside Kirk’s tight butt hole with a lot less wincing from the athlete than in previous weeks. “So don’t worry if you struggle with this move when you’re feeding a fatty this way.”
“Okay,” Kirk mumbled back, breathing deeply as his body tried to get used to the sheer size of Aaron’s thick hardness inside of him. “I think I’ll be ready in a second,” he whispered.
“Good,” Aaron replied, trying not to laugh. He leaned a little more over Kirk’s broad back. “Now, messy pigs adore this one. All I’m going to do is gently lower your head into the cake before I start fucking you.”
“So the pig has to try and eat whilst he’s getting pounded?” Kirk asked.
“That’s the idea,” Aaron smirked.
“Is that even possible?” Kirk asked again.
“I guess you’ll soon find out,” Aaron chuckled, checking that Kirk was ready and then pushing his head gently into the cake so that his entire face was covered in frosting. “Good Piggy!” he called out, already starting to fuck him. Despite the many fatties he’d worked on over the years, few were ever as thrilling as this!
A few weeks later, Kirk had arrived at Aaron’s in a somewhat distracted mood. “Coach says I’ve put on too much fat in my bulk, and that it’s affected my performance on the field.”
“Of course you have,” Aaron shrugged, getting himself undressed as Kirk did the same. “How else am I supposed to teach you about how to tease a fat ass properly? You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.”
Kirk seemed to consider this.
“Now is the time when you can really get to grips with your pig’s trigger words. Some of them love being called out on being a pig, whereas others are not keen. Some don’t even like teasing at all.”
“So you ask them what words they like to be called?” Kirk asked.
“No,” Aaron sighed, wondering how he ever thought that Kirk could make a good feeder. He simply had no intuition at all. “You try the words out and see what works best. Which ones suit them? Which ones get them the hardest? That’s the way I figured out yours.”
“I have trigger words?” Kirk shot back in surprise.
“Of course you do. All FAT BOYS do,” Aaron smiled, poking Kirk in his doughy middle, making the guy’s hardness bounce. “‘Fat Boy’: the name works on you every time. I never could have got you to complete that pot of whipping cream last week without it.”
“Fuck!” Kirk marvelled, perhaps realising for the first time just how much Aaron had actually burrowed into his head. “Are there more?”
“Of course there are,” Aaron nodded. “There are movements too. Like when I cup your glutes and give them a little bounce,” he demonstrated, giving Kirk’s butt cheek the lightest of wobbles. “See?” he asked, nodding down at Kirk’s weeping erection. “You’ve been so firm and athletic your whole life, this is a completely new experience for you. The feeling of fresh fat invading your body. It’s why being called a ‘fat ass’ works so well on you too.”
Aaron kissed him deeply as he continued to jiggle the boy’s glutes. Kirk’s breathing was hot and heavy; more aroused than ever he had been so early into their sessions. This was new and exciting.
“Few people would spot it in you; partly because you're so broad and muscular. But you’re also a very submissive boy,” Aaron continued.
“I am?” Kirk asked. “I thought feeders had to be mostly dominant?”
At this Aaron sniggered. “Oh, come on, Kirk!” he smiled, still bouncing the soft glutes. “You’re no feeder.”
Kirk closed his eyes to appreciate the feeling of his jiggling butt cheeks. “What am I then?” he whispered, sounding like he was finally ready to hear the truth.
Aaron placed his mouth right next to Kirk’s ear and whispered back, deploying the boy’s ultimate trigger word. 
“You’re my big, fat HOG!”
Just like that, Kirk moaned like he had been shattered into a thousand pieces. He pulled Aaron into him and kissed him with more passion than ever before.
“You’re going to quit football for me,” Aaron demanded, immediately seizing the moment as Kirk had surrendered himself; a part of him released and fully conscious for the first time.
“I’ll do anything!” Kirk agreed, allowing himself to be pushed into the feeding chair; another stuffing about to commence.
“Good!” Aaron grinned. “Because you’re moving in here with me too. I’m taking a six month sabbatical from the other fatties. I want to see what I can do when I just devote myself to one little hog, twenty four hours a day. How far can I take them?”
Kirk looked down at his stout little belly and his eyes filled with lust. “I’m all yours!”
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—𓆩[i’ll kill you]𓆪—
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hey anon honey, quick little thing, the ages don’t make sense so reader is 2 years younger than Tobias, initiated into Dauntless and is in training rn but you and Tobias are dating - more explained in the story. — also, this got out of hand, this is like 2.2K words-
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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You chose Dauntless because Tobias went there, but you never expected it to fit, or how much the rest of the initiates could see you and Four’s relationship.
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Tobias came to see you the night before you would be choosing the faction you would spend the rest of your life in. He snuck into your house, especially because you certainly weren’t fitting into Abnegation.
You held back giggles as the Dauntless soldier quickly slipped inside, a smile on his face as he leaned forward to try and kiss you.
“Tobias!” You whisper shouted, thankful that your parents were heavy sleepers as he pressed a firm kiss to your lips, pulling you closer. “What happened? It’s been a while since your last visit.”
“Everyone is so caught up with the ceremony tomorrow, I finally got the chance to escape,” he says, smiling as you lay back on the bed and he quickly straddles your waist. He lets his hands dance along your sides, his mouth pressing kisses to your neck. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”
You giggle, pushing your hands through his hair. “I’ve missed you too.”
“What did your results say?” He asks, his head resting on your collarbone, lips softly pressing into your skin. “You can tell me.”
You paused, thinking about the results you had gotten, ‘Inconclusive’. She told you not to tell anyone, but Four didn’t count, right?
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’ll go anywhere you go. I can become a guard at Candor, if you stay here I’ll do patrols, if you go to Amity I can become a wall guard-”
“My results were inconclusive.”
He pauses, looking up at you. “What?”
“They were inconclusive,” you repeat, inhaling deeply. “She asked me what faction I planned to go into and put it as my result.”
“And what faction is that, my love?”
“Dauntless,” you whisper, looking down at him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I want to be with you the rest of my life.”
He smiled, lifting himself up with his arms to lean down and press another kiss to your lips. “And I want to be with you, Y/N. I promise, I will never do anything to hurt you.”
You nodded, smiling up at him. “I know.”
The next day, you did choose Dauntless, along with another Abnegation girl named Beatrice. She sat next to you, giving you a slight smile which you immediately returned. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m aware,” you say with a slight hum, shrugging. “I know everyone in Abnegation. Kind of my job.”
She pauses, staring before gasping. “You’re Y/N! You couldn’t choose when you were supposed to.”
“Right,” you giggle, shrugging. “Now I’m here. It’s nice to meet you.”
You both stick together until the train, where you both meet Christina who tilted her head at you. “You seem familiar.”
“My name is Y/N.”
She hummed. “Right, you’re the one who used to know Marcus’ son.”
You pause, but nod. You still knew Marcus’ son, he just escaped and told you not to tell anyone of what happened. You never knew why, mainly because Tobias never told you, but you were hoping it’s because he wants to see his father fall apart on his own accord - mainly because that’s what you wanted.
“They’re jumping,” Christina announces, looking back. “They’re fucking jumping!”
You weren’t surprised, this is something Four told you would happen. You stand, looking out the open door and looking back at them. “Well, you guys ready?”
“Are you sure you were born into the right faction?” Christina asks, scoffing playfully. “You’re not even hesitating.”
“I’m not scared,” you say, shrugging. You had a slight twist at the bottom of your stomach, but it wasn’t fear, maybe excitement? “Let’s go! Or I’m jumping without you guys!”
Beatrice smiles, standing as Christina scoffed. “Alright. Together?”
You all grab each other's hands, you being the first to jump and roll into the gravel covered rooftop. You inhaled deeply as you tuck your head under your arms, your thin gray Abnegation dress bunching up around your waist as you finally stopped rolling and landed on your back. You smiled, laughing as you laid there before Christina stood and held her hand out over your body.
When you stood, Eric was announcing they needed someone to jump. No one was speaking up, so you slowly offered a raised hand. “I’ll do it.”
“Well then, get up here.”
You recognized Eric from when Tobias came around, and you were sure he knew somewhat about your relationship. Slowly, you slipped off your sweater, ignoring the taunting of one of the men before quickly jumping onto the edge. “Today, initiate,” he leans close to your ear, humming. “Your boyfriend will be down there to catch you.”
You glared at him before slowly tipping forward, giggling as your weight finally got caught by gravity and you fell straight down. For a minute, you thought you’d keep falling until you finally hit the net, gasping as you finally fell into it, bouncing before you looked to the side. You smiled widely when you saw Four, quickly crawling to him as he offered his hand.
“Did someone push you, Y/N?” He asks curiously, smiling as you shake your head.
“Mm mm,” you hummed a no, taking his hand as he helped you out of the net. “Just thought about seeing you.”
“Well then,” he smiles. “First jumper, Y/N!”
Dauntless was different, and to be honest, you were liking it before you were shown the dorms. “If you like this, You’re going to love the bathrooms. There’s clothes on the cots, Y/N,” he looks at you, humming. “You’re coming with me.”
Your nose scrunches in confusion, looking back at Christina and Tris who stared at you. “Wh-Why-?”
“Y/N,” his voice is more stern, a raise of his brow making you inhale deeply before grabbing your clothes. “Come with me.”
You quickly walk after him, inhaling as he leads you down the hall before he signals you to come to his side. “To- Four. Four, where are we going?”
“You can call me by my real name, Y/N,” he smiled, his hand slowly pushing into yours and pulling you down the corridor. “I like it when you say my real name.”
You giggled, holding his head as he pulled you closer to him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. He was never really one for pet names or terms of endearment, but he always made up for it in actions. “Where are we going?”
“To my room. Our room,” he corrects, shrugging. “I pulled some strings and you can stay with me. For the rest of your training and life, our life.”
You gasped as he pulled you closer to him, his hand pulling your body close to his as you hummed against his lips, stroking his hair. His hands hold your hips, grunting softly as he pressed you harder against the wall, his fingers bunching up your dress before someone clears their throat, laughing. “You got a stiff as a girlfriend, Four, I didn’t expect that.”
Four pulled away, glaring at Eric as he pulled your face into his chest. “Fuck off, Eric.”
“Well, the stiff doesn’t look that stiff anymore,” Eric leaned against the wall as you attempted to cover your face in embarrassment. “Does she? She staying with you, hm? Don’t think that’s fair to other tributes… or instructors.”
“You better choose your next words fucking wisely, Eric,” Four pushed you behind him, shoving the other Dauntless male. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Four,” you whispered, tugging on his shirt. “Please, take me to our room, I want to leave.”
He looked back, cursing under his breath before shoving his finger into Eric’s chest. “Fuck with her I’ll fucking kill you.”
He pushed you back, slowly turning around before guiding you down the corridor. “See you both later!”
It didn’t take you both long to get up to his room, watching as you changed in front of him. He stared at your form, your body not foreign, but the need to memorize was filling his head. He stared at your body, the curves of your torso and your hips, eyes staring at your beautiful body.
“Look good?” You giggle, spinning in the leather pants and tight black shirt. “I like it.”
“You look perfect in it,” Four stands, walking towards you and pressing a firm kiss to your lips. “Do you want to go eat?”
You pause, then shake your head. “I’m not very hungry.”
“You want me to bring you back food?” He offered, smiling when you nodded. “Okay. Get some sleep.”
You nodded, leaning up for a kiss as he slowly pushed your hair back. “I love you, Tobi.”
“I love you too, honey.”
During training, you were certainly doing better than anyone would’ve thought, and maybe that was the problem. “Maybe our little stiff is sucking off Four to get some more points,” Peter says, laughing as Will snorted. You didn’t miss the slight giggle falling from Christina’s mouth, but Tris looked shocked.
“Why would-”
“Oh, the other stiff doesn’t know!” Peter stood up straight, walking towards you. “Y/N here is in a… relationship with Four. Or is it just a fuck buddy thing, because if you’re sucking him off, that means you can do the same for me? Hm?”
It was a split decision to punch him, taking great pleasure in the way he groaned and quickly held his nose before smashing your elbow in between his eyes and kicking him in the shin to watch him crumble to the ground. Your hand grabbed the back of his head, slamming it into your knee before Christina tries to step forward. “Y/N, calm down-!”
“You’re thinking the same thing, aren’t you?” You let Peter fall forward, shoving her. “All of you are!”
She scoffed, but didn't fight back knowing you damn well would beat her. “What else do you expect us to think, huh?! Just because you’re doing so well in physicals, you’ve passed up fucking Dauntless borns!”
“But no one is questioning Tris? Why not, why is it just me?!”
“Because you’re fucking a damn instructor!”
“Fuck you, Christina!” You clenched your fist, holding back from shoving her as you groaned. “Fuck all of you!”
You left in a hurry, storming up to Four’s room and screaming out in frustration. You were glad that he wasn’t here as you kicked everything in sight, shoving the walls as though they’d move.
“Y/N, what the hell happened?” Four asks as he came inside, your naked form covered with his thin blankets as you hugged his pillow. “Y/N? What's wrong?”
“Am I… is the only reason why I’m high in the ranks because I’m fucking you?” You whisper, the word already making you wet. You had already gotten off a few times against Four’s pillow that you hugged tightly, mainly because you stripped and being surrounded by everything that belonged to him was such a turn on.
“What? The fuck are you talking about, did someone say something?” He was walking towards you as you tighten the blanket around your body, watching as he paused. “Someone said something, didn’t they?”
You inhale shakily, nodding as he slowly pulls the covers off of you, humming when he sees the wet patch on his pillow. “I… I love you, I love you Four, but I'm doing… Am I doing good?”
He nodded, pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes, slowly pulling your legs apart. “You’re doing so fucking good, honey. Perfect, everyone thinks so, and what you did to Peter just proved it. I think… I think that I should give you something to celebrate how good you're doing.”
You smiled, biting your lip with a nod. “Yes… yes, I think I should be praised. I want you to… show me how good you think I’m doing.”
He laughs, leaning down to press a firm kiss to your lips and letting your hands tug at his pants. “You think I’m lying to you? I could’ve gone to Candor, darling, I would never lie to you. I think you’re doing great,” he hummed as he let his fingers push into you, a gasp falling from your lips as his two thick fingers slid into your pussy easily. “Fuck, you already fucked yourself? How many times did you cum?”
“Th-Three times,” you whisper, whimpering as he twists his fingers inside of you and flexes them. “Thinking about you, Tobias. Thinking about your cock fucking me.”
He groaned, humming as you slowly gripped his cock, pumping his already hard length. Four smiled, hissing softly as you pulled his tip to your entrance, bucking your hips. “You want me to fuck you? Hm?”
You nodded mindlessly, eyes rolling back as he slowly pushed into you, groaning. “Fuck, fuck Tobias!”
He groans into your neck, sucking hickies onto your skin, his girth making your legs spread wider in an attempt to make your cunt suck him in faster. You whined loudly, attempting to make him push deeper as he laughs. “You’re that desperate? After three orgasms, you still want my cock? Fuck, I like seeing you like this. I love seeing you like this, I think it would be fucking amazing if I came home every day and you’re fucking yourself thinking about me. Can you do that for me?”
You nodded, your mind focusing on his cock ramming into you, eyes rolling back and head thrown into the pillows as your hands held his shoulders. “Yes! Yes, I can! I can, I can!”
He groaned loudly, his cock finally bottoming out as he panted above you. “I’ll show you how good you’re doing, honey, because you’re so, so good.” 
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stevensaus · 8 months
Godzilla Has A Cthulhu Problem (Review of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)
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Kaiju -- including Godzilla -- have a Cthulhu problem. At least, when it comes to Legendary's film "MonsterVerse" franchise. FYI: No spoilers that you can't get from seeing the trailers for "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters", "Godzilla vs. Kong," and "Godzilla x Kong: New Empire."
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The early form of what became the Cthulhu Mythos {1} was, at its best, pure nihilistic cosmic horror. The Great Old Ones and Outer Gods penned by Lovecraft, Howard, Lieber, Moorcock, et al -- Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, and the rest -- are not merely big monsters, but effectively forces of nature that are not malevolent so much as completely indifferent to humanity. Rather like the way humanity regards, say, ants. And then came along August Derleth. Derleth's efforts were absolutely instrumental in preserving and maintaining these works. Derleth even coined the name "Cthulhu Mythos"! However, Derleth also added in his own stories, which altered the entire tone so much that his works are sometimes called the "Derleth Mythos" to emphasize the distinction. Derleth's Christian world-view muddied the cosmic horror elements, even going to far as to add quasi-benevolent entities that could oppose the existing amoral Great Old Ones.
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This impulse is completely understandable -- nihilistic cosmic horror is intended to be deeply uncomfortable -- and has more than continued since Derleth's death. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone; right now, I have a crocheted Cthulhu plushie, wreath, and finger puppet all within my sight. That said, there is a CTHULHU SQUISHMALLOW, for crying out loud. By making the Great Old Ones into simply "the big bad guy" or something cute, it makes that horror comprehendable and manageable. Which completely undermines the entire point of the Mythos. Cosmic horror is not "there's a big critter out there that can eat me." Cosmic horror is the inescapable realization that the universe is a place so large, so vast, that we cannot possibly comprehend it. So large, so vast, that all of our mighty struggles and triumphs and defeats, every act of valor and courage and triumph and defeat, are as utterly unimportant as the fate of a single bacterium on a drop of water somewhere in the sea. That space beyond human understanding is also the space that Godzilla -- and other kaiju -- inhabit. Godzilla's roots are in Japan's trauma from nuclear weapons and a society trying to come to grips with this force that is so indiscriminately destructive. That trauma is a clear parallel to the horror that the Cthulhu Mythos conveys. Godzilla is a force of nature, fundamentally unknowable. You cannot reason with Godzilla; merely get out of its way and hope it does not notice you. The single best line in Godzilla (2014) knows this.
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There is no way that humans can manage -- let alone defeat -- the kaiju. Ishiro Serizawa (Ken Watanabe's character) knows this. The best he and humanity can hope for is that the kaiju that is least problematic for humanity wins. Not the one that is on humanity's side. The one that is least problematic. The distinction is vital. This is their world; we just happen to live on it.
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This sensibility is perfectly done in the Apple TV series "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters". I initially approached it skeptically, but in ten episodes it manages to hit all of these notes perfectly well, solve most of the plot problems in the Legendary Godzilla franchise {2}, and got me to care about Monarch, the characters, the story, and even Godzilla itself. The plot is clever, the characters believable, and it is perhaps the best Godzilla story I have ever seen on screen. {3} "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" is so good it even got me to forget the train wreck of "Godzilla vs. Kong" for a while. Then the day after the series finished, I saw the trailer for "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire". I have problems with counting Kong as a kaiju, even though Legendary seems hellbent on doing so. Kong -- unlike Godzilla or Cthulhu -- is not unknowable. While Kong is not able to be tamed or controlled, Kong is understandable. He -- like us -- is an ape. Even in the original, Kong is moved by empathy towards Fay Wray, though humanity (in the film) does not return the favor. But place him alongside Godzilla, and suddenly Kong is a stand in for humanity. Kong suddenly represents understanding and empathy and compassion and struggle and, eventually, triumph in the face of a nihilistic universe that does not care. By including Kong as a peer of Godzilla, the tone immediately shifts from cosmic horror toward action movie. "Godzilla vs. Kong" -- aside from not understanding either of these themes -- was overstuffed and underwritten, fumbling plot point after plot point in service of "oh, that'd look cool" without thinking about what would make it cool. I guess the difference is here: In the last episode of "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters," the plot builds in such a way that a final reveal hits, even though I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming early enough that I stood up and turned off the overhead light (it was glaring on the TV). My amour started to ask why, but I just said, "Wait." The reveal was glorious. It was fulfilling and satisfying while simultaneously evoking a sense of horrified awe. Nearly every episode of "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" pulled that off. I did not get that feeling -- not once -- from "Godzilla vs. Kong." Regardless, the first minute of the trailer for "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" seemed to tack back toward that cosmic uncertainty, with a voice-over emphasizing the limits of human understanding. But then there is a shot of a cute mini-Kong, followed quickly by these lines of dialogue: "Kong can't face this on his own." "He won't be alone." And then this image of Godzilla and Kong doing the "superhero team-up dramatic run" toward an enemy.
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The second trailer is worse, doubling down on dumb discredited ideas about "alphas", ignoring the work that "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" did to make the Hollow Earth idea less stupid (largely by still calling it the "Hollow Earth"), and then giving us THESE lines: "Kong is going to need some help." "Godzilla is on its way."
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Look, I get it. My inner five-year-old went "OOOH," because that's exactly the sort of thing I would have done with my toys when I was a kid. I understand the impulse that made Legendary want to pit two big critters against each other. I like seeing really cool visuals and effects. But it completely fails in the way that "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" succeeds. Legendary's kaiju franchise -- at least, in films -- is a stuffed plush Cthulhu, filing all the uncomfortable and disquieting edges off in order to sell something more palatable. They are big, dumb movies that turn cosmic horror into action figures. Literally. Yes, it looks pretty. And the trailers use swelling, rising music to great effect to try to make these absolutely dumb things seem inspiring by confusing our limbic systems. Normally, I wouldn't care. I would just continue to not particularly worry about it the same way I've not worried about the live-action Transformers franchise for ... well, all of them since the first one. I'm not just out to yuck someone else's yum here. But damn "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" for showing us how much better it could be. For being so damn good that it made me care just in time to be disappointed again. {1} Obligatory acknowledgement of the straight-up xenophobia and racism of Lovecraft, which is not the point here. {2} I've yet to see "Godzilla Minus One"; however, "Shin Godzilla" produced such a ludicrously funny-looking version of Godzilla that I cannot take that film seriously.
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{3} John Scalzi's The Kaiju Preservation Society is near the top for non-filmed kaiju stories overall. HIGHLY recommended. Featured photo by Fabian Reus on Flickr under a CC-BY-SA license. Read the full article
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
I must ask... Does Elpis have any particularly strong opinions on any of those funny managers? :3
As tempting as it may be to give you the full list and go off one by one, which would indeed be easy, it's probably best to pick off a few notable ones that caught the deer's eye (or ire).
Prethinker (Brian) - Elpis tried to reason with him but got shot down because they're just a "dumb animal" with "no intellect to speak of". So now they just plain hate him, full stop. Not enough to want to end his existence, more like they want to style on him in his own battle of wits. So, their opinion? "I despise him and I want to beat him at his own game, maybe then he'll realize what a pompous mee he is."
Duck Shuffler (Buck Ruffler) - Initially, when they moved to Toontown, they were somewhat intimidated by this manager's presence due to them being a newbie in the Toon Resistance at the time, but after training and getting acquainted with Buck, they really want to join Buck on his escapades to the casino and win BIG BUX. Their opinion of Buck is: "Used to be scary but is actually just a little goober. An idiot. A dummy. And if anything happens to him, I will shoot everyone in this room, and then myself."
Rainmaker (Misty Monsoon) - After an initially rough encounter with her, Elpis just kind of feels sorry for her because it just seems like she wants to have a good time but can't due to 1) some toons attacking cogs on sight and 2) her boss wouldn't like it. Nevertheless, they have attempted to make contact with her and tried their hardest to make friends with her. So far, they have been attempting to bring her a picnic and is currently trying to figure out her favorite drinks, which would be easy if it weren't for the fact that, well, robot and robots don't take kindly to most toon drinks, if at all. She is one of the biggest reasons why El has the opinion that they could potentially make friends with the cogs in the end, and maybe get them to loosen up and not be so stiffy and all about money and profits. Their opinion of Misty is: "One day I'll show you that toons and cogs can get along, Mity. I'll keep trying, no matter how long it'd take, for both of us."
Major Player (Dave Brubot) - I haven't experienced his fight in-game yet, despite having MML kudos awaiting promotion to level 10 because I'm slowly working on everything else first. I can wager that Elpis was initially weirded out when they found out about the video tape containing said manager's hijinks (if you could call eating cereal several hours straight as such...) but hearing that he was behind the snazzy tunes in the buildings they've invaded as well as hearing about the live performances, they're pretty much a fan. Maybe not as crazy as some because they tend to carry an air of composure (as much as a toon can be anyhow), but if they were to actually meet Dave, they'd probably be inwardly screaming the entire time.
Firestarter (Flint Bonpyre) - Actually feels really sorry for this dude, to the point where they've started to hype him up whenever they cross paths and encourage the poor guy, even when he accidentally sets something flammable on fire. This, of course, also means they want to crush him with a boulder but it's because they love him (platonically speaking, btw).
Chief Operating Officer (Thomas Saggs) - Not a manager, per say, but at the moment he gets a special spot here. Despite disagreeing with Thomas's opinions on some things (such as not really doing much to stop the cogs from taking over), they do find some common ground in a lot of things, as well as just generally appreciating the discussion as it is a welcome break from the wackiness of the toons and the outright hostility from most cogs. They have quite a bit of respect for him and are probably gonna be sad when the Toon Resistance decide to take on the Boardbot HQ, whenever it finishes construction that is, 'cause that means there's a possibility of fighting him.
High Roller (High Roller) - NON-CANON - Absolutely loves High Roller, in fact, they love High Roller so much that they have a shrine dedicated to Their Quackjesty in their home's attic. They never leave home with the green rubber duck and will happily shout out HR's favorite catchphrase: "It'ff High Roller time" and then High Roller all over the floor. Okay, okay, but to be serious about this, if High Roller were to exist in canon, they'd be a big fan of the fused cog, maybe not to the craziest extent but they'd still carry the green rubber duckie and be proud of being a member of the Low Rollers.
Those are the ones that kind of stood out to me right now either because I haven't truly experienced their battles in TTCC yet or because I haven't given too much thought to Elpis's opinions of a particular manager at the moment.
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julykings-blog · 14 days
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Hi guys have a nice day today, well it's been really quite long since I created a blog, this time I'm going to explain what happened to my life in 2024,
While I was at my mom's house I tried to apply for multiple jobs and companies, Of all the companies I applied for fortunately I got hired at BPO company for Telco or Telecommunications, it's a minimum compensation and benefits but at least instead of just waiting at home and just reading book and watching movies, I accepted the job offer.
So far at training everything is quite simple and good, everything was going according to plan, expectation and my plan, I got at least the number 2 spot as best sales employee of my team, not bad for a beginner in this account though I had previous experience,
But lately when I get endorsed in the production floor everything is out of my hand
I felt that my new team really doesn't like me,
They never approached me even though I tried to get along but even though they tried to be friendly toward me it still shows the un authentic approach and feeling of unwelcome,
I tried to ignore it since I know that it is not easy for me to get along with since I'm an introvert person, but at least I tried, specially my team leader I tried to give her a present at least she will become lenient and just to avoid the inconvenience or aloof between us.
After a month of calling I felt that it's really hard to approach her, she didn't even initiate to help though she knows that I'm a newbie on the account she didn't even try to ask if where or what process I'm having difficulty,
When I tried to ask for assistance, I was always pleased with her just to help me, she's always not available and just found out she was in another station and just did some gossip,
The other day, she told me that they forgot to punch my log in which results in an insufficient salary, though I never react but that is painful since training I always get inadequate salary which is really different from what I signed for,
I'm really eager to get the incentives, I never late in my entire days in this company nor did absences and I almost meet all the metrics but unfortunately, I missed most of the sales opportunities due to system issues and equipment issues like malfunctioning keyboard, mouse, monitor and system issues, this might be a constant despite switching stations, especially the lack of help of my team leader.
I compared my last Team Leader where he will do everything to help you, he will initiate to help you, he will not stop until everything is resolved, you can feel his sincerity though I know that not all the Leader was like him, but at least now appreciate that kind of help,
And the day comes that we only have 1 day remaining to get the incentives, I was able to meet all the required metrics, then suddenly there's another system issue, I approach my team leader to help me out but no help on that day she prioritize her tenured agent, and I'm really having a hard time on that day especially on how to operate the tools, equipments, no help at all, no support at all, I'm really piss off but I don't want to show it, I keep myself relax and avoid myself to get out of control and I really tried my very best to get everything under control not until the next day.
It has been 3 days since this happened I wanted to report this Team Leader to the Manager, then suddenly I'm really getting annoyed by my team mates, they didn't even respect their co-worker who's taking calls they like shouting, screaming and even gossip behind my back, and the very person annoyed me when my colleague occupied my desk and laid on his foot with his dirty shoes and that's almost everyday, I really tried my best to keep calm but day by day, this frustration really triggered me.
On the other day I went to the office upon logging in on my station, again all of the tools weren't working again including the equipment, and again I saw my colleague laid his foot with his dirty shoes on my desk or chair again this time I lost my control, I shouted very loudly and said unnecessary bad words, without my conscious I throw everything that I see including keyboard, mouse, and headset and shouted very loudly, with my satisfaction to release my anger, I keep throwing the chair and kicked my colleague who is sleeping inside the office the one who laid on his foot on my chair with his dusty shoes.
Upon releasing all my frustrations, I suddenly I realized the mistakes I have made. I plead with my team leader to exit and file a leave since I am not in a good mood,
I sincerely say sorry to all the people that got affected by my behavior and left and never came back.
Now I lost my job, and ended up jobless again.
While I'm at my dorm I just remembeyr the verses that I read in the bible:
Proverbs 29:11 A stupid person gives vent to all his feelings, But the wise one calmly keeps them in check.
Proverbs 14:29 The one who is slow to anger has great discernment, But the impatient one displays his foolishness.
Though I already read these verses, however when you're in that situation it's really hard to control your emotions until you burst them out then you realize all you have done was all wrong.
0 notes
shytiff · 2 months
Had what felt like an epiphany and really wanted to write something, but as soon as I face a blank page I dont know what to say lol. 
I feel like jelly fish is my spirit animal. It has just 2% of stuff and the rest is water. And it passively floats along the water, no thoughts head empty. And there’s no problem with that, its just the way they live. 
Novel things/experiences sometimes happen, but it occurred to me rather than initiated by me. First time trying out something new in 2024 was triggered by my work friend. You know, might as well. He applied, so I might as well follow the current and see what happens. Even though in the end I didnt get it, some other events happened as the consequences of me joining this thing. And it led to one another, until I attempted something new together with (and also initiated by) a friend. And I got to converse and hear people’s stories. And I may or may not be going to Bali. All in all, its generally a nice thing (I know its a very-very late observation to have at my age. Pardon the jellyfish-ness)
Cut to this one random day when I was at Dinkes listening to presentations all day, and one IG scroll lead to another. Funnily, there was some point in that month when I felt a bit of quality-time crisis, and as someone who cant stand their own company, I needed to make sure that the months ahead got something, if not hangouts or meet ups. So I browsed some freediving schools (my friend has tried it before so she got some recommendations and tips) and I got on to the waiting list that afternoon. The date of course was still 2 months-ish away. And later at 8 pm the slot was open lol. I dont know if its a marketing tactic or it truly was a nice timing, but I pondered for a bit and ended up paying the down payment that night. I’ve tried scuba diving once, and wanted to try freediving bcs of that one time I was snorkeling but struggling to get underwater. I wanted to know how you swim in the waters, not on the surface. 
I was honestly a bit scared, not the most comfortable, with the thought of meeting new people. Life in medicine is not the most accommodating when it comes to meeting new people who -doesnt- work at healthcare. But I thought, it's only 4 sessions, so you can just come and train and go home. It's not really a big deal. Think of it like ACLS or something.
First Session
The original practice venue was Bubbles Dive Center (which was wayyy closer to me than Citos pool). Headed by motorbike, KRL and MRT to Citos and met up with the fellow course people. The coach, who kind of looks like a GP from my place with his thick frame glasses, came with big bags containing fins and wetsuits. The theory sesh was done by the pool side. Mike introduced himself while slipping in some snippets of freediving theory. I had to introduce myself first, along with the reason youre interested in freediving and how did you know the freedive club.
Based on the stories my friend told me, I said to Mike "freediving is a bit masochistic, I think. It really is mind over matter". He agreed on the mind over matter thing and partly disagreed on the masochistic part. I also joked that I won't be pushing myself that much, and while others give 100% id probably do somewhere around 80% lol. He kindly told us that it won't be THAT military-like. Its for recreational purposes, guys. Except if you want to train competitively then he'll do a different program. The first thing I asked was the possible injuries of the sport, in which he replied that he'd experienced almost all of it, so he'll know what to look for and how it felt having to go through that stuff. It's interesting to hear the reasons people want to learn more about this. The singular guy in our group wanted to overcome his fear of water. Others want a 'cheaper' alternative to scuba diving, or wanted to try something new. (spoiler alert: its not that cheap)
The coach explained to us how you properly take a breath to maximize that lung expansion. When he's the one doing it, it kind of reminds me of inflatables being pumped. He's got air tanks for lungs while I basically have a tiny balloon in my thorax lmaoo. (fun fact: apparently you got about 6 Ls of air in your lungs, think about it as 4 big aqua bottles). We tried breath holding on land and got about +-45s ish. When the coach said "we can double that time" I was like "?!?!?"
0 notes
thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 77, Replies Part 2
1) “Now Koichi, I know you`re our lovable dumbass and all that, but I don`t think you reached the point where you would forget she`s being possessed by a brain-eating parasite and has no actual control over her actions. You`re gonna give her a good talk and then what, smartass? The bee will feel shame and let her go? And then everybody gets ice cream and a rainbow shoots across the sky?”- Well, Knuckles’ father-daughter talk with Tamao didhave some effect, if only to make her more destabilised and erratic, so presumably making Pop likewise go crazy increases the odds of Koichi being able to lead her around by the nose on their running chase plan, focusing her ire on him rather than on bombing civilians and buildings. 2) “Koichi, she was a fucking tsundere, of course she got mad without a reason, that`s no reason to try to have a chat with the goddamn parasite.”- Maybe activating her Tsundere switch will confuse the parasite? Give it mixed messages on how to act and what to do? 3) “And Koichi is betting on the power of love breaking her out of the Queen`s control, which might as well happen considering its a shonen. Me, I`m still betting on the power of guns and a well-placed shot to her head.”- That, and since this is Knuckle’s hideout where he planned how to trap Tamao, he might have left schematics or notes lying around of his method to safely extract the Queen from her head with on-site brain surgery. He left them basically everything else to do the job themselves, it’d be irresponsible to skip out of the most vital step. 4) “Oh, you mean that literally halfway through the chapter we finally will start talking about what the tittle of the chapter refers to?”- That, and it also refers to the strategy the heroes are putting together to stop Bee Pop as well, along with Nomura’s own strategy lurking underneath that one, waiting to strike… 5) “No Koichi, don`t. We don`t respect him on this house, continue your plan of using the power of love to solve everything.”- One guy has a plan, tactical strategyand a methodical idea of what to do to save the day. The other is a bumbling goof who already failed once and whose plan for a rematch is basically winging it after some prep time and see what happens. But since one of these two is Soga, we’re going with the actually-likable, if unreliable, Koichi. 6) “A tad too late for that i`d say, but whatever. And wasn`t him supposed to be resting? You took over his spot just so you wouldn`t let him goddamn rest you ass?”- He wanted his own chance to be the ‘guy in the chair’ for Not-Spider man 7) “…
I`m feeling a bit disturbed by this, not gonna lie.
It all looks a bit… uncomfortable.”- Oh good, because I’m pretty sure that was the intended effect…. 8) “…
uh. okay. you know, that page was… well, it was- you know? Am I the only one that realized the implications of this whole thing? I hope I am, because that would mean that I am wrong. I prefer to be wrong about it this time.”- Nope, you weren’t and I think it was intentionally framed that way for a reason. 9) “Okay let me just pause a moment to reflect a bit.
I`m not simply overreacting, right?
That last page was as fucked as I think it was, right?”- Yes. Yes it was. We did say that Vigilantes starts getting dark around this point… 10) “Also what`s all this about now? Don`t tell me we`re suddenly hiring vigilantes to keep a neighborhood watch.”- More like part-time/semi-retired lower-rank heroes to increase the number of boots on the ground and those who can be the first-responders to people in danger when the next attack happens. Not knowing when the attack will happen means they just have to be constantly ready for an attack to happen anytime, and with crimes around the city requiring Pro heroes to respond to those, having volunteers available to handle initial crises response until they arrive to take over makes sense. 11) “Yeah, you all are hardline™ veterans that are highly trained on advanced warfare™, exactly the kind of people we need on the vanguard™ to deal with villains that disappear like ghosts™
Those are difficult days, it`s makes you feel like the world at war™ out here, but I`m sure you all can handle it”- It’s also a convenient way for Nomura to infiltrate events from the inside to maintain his ability to manipulate the situation as a seemingly-inconsequential side-character, without drawing too much undue attention. In contrast to Koichi basically planning to show up and cause a ruckus in contrast to the heroes’ plans, He’s stealthily working within said plans for his own aims. 12) “ALSO, WHAT IN GOD`S NAME IS THIS HERO
FURUHASHI KNOWS THAT THE HEROES ARE ALL HIGHLY-TRAINED WARRIORS, OR AT THE VERY LEAST INCREDIBLY ATHLETIC RESCUERS, RIGHT? WHAT AM I EVEN LOOKING AT HERE? THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE BOUGHT THIS ON A CORNER STORE AND DOES THIS ON THE WEEKENDS WHEN HIS BUDDIES AREN`T UP TO PLAY GOLF”- He puts me in mind of a Robin that quit the Boy Wonder deal for a while, but still loves the glory days and isn’t quite ready to hang up the cape yet. Not helped by the fact he’s clearly put on weight since that hero costume was fitted for him, judging by how he’s having to constantly pull the top down to cover his stomach. 13) “FURUHASHI, YOU KNOW THAT HEROES AREN`T VOLUNTEERS, RIGHT? THEY DON`T DO “HEROES GIGS” ON THEIR DAYS OFF, WHAT AM I READING NOW, HOW DID WE GOT HERE, WHAT IS THIS WHIPLASH FROM FUCKED UP SCENE TO FUCKED UP WORLDBUILD?”- Even Nomura seems a little put off by the tonal whiplash, going by the sweat drops on his face there. 14) “YEAH, WE NEVER KNOW WHEN THE VILLAIN IS JUST WALKING RIGHT BY OUR SIDE, AM I RIGHT FELLAS?”-The most devious devil hides in plain sight. If there was one advantage to AFO’s disfigurement at All Might’s hands, it’s that he’d never again be able to appear ‘normal’ to deceive others- not that he wasn’t experienced enough to still be a devious SOB regardless. 15) “And that`s the end of the chapter, and- Boy, you know when you can see two trains speeding towards each other, but you can`t look away because that was what you came here to see in the first place? Thsat`s how I`m feeling about the story.
It`s an impending trainwreck, but I just- can`t look away.”- That vibe increased my investment in this series tenfold throughout these chapters. Not just the fact that Koichi has to save pop even from the official heroes, but that he’s got a villain out there specifically against him and he’s still clueless about it, or how these events are being deliberately engineered to screw with him. You can’t fight what you can’t see, and Nomura’s very good at remaining unseen. @thelreads
0 notes
ynscrazylife · 3 years
where its just a day in the life of being the adopted daughter of the BLACK WIDOW her picking us up and training us, trying to bonb with us
love your stories ♥️
Being Natasha’s Adopted Daughter Would Include . . .
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/piratanjo
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Natasha met you post-Black Widow. She was helping out Yelena with freeing the Widows’ when she came across you.
You were a teen at the time - but still brainwashed. Thankfully because of your age you hadn’t been brainwashed into doing anything too bad yet, but you were almost finished with your training.
Something struck Natasha when she saw you. Looking back on it, she assumes it was the fact that like her and Yelena, you had been put into the Red Room at a young age, and you were the first teen they saw while on these various missions.
While she was okay with fighting the other Widows’, it was hard for Natasha to fight you. At the time, she brushed it off as not wanting to hurt a kid, but she knew that she was taking a liking to you.
Which was why, when Yelena managed to free you, and you told them that you had nowhere to go, Natasha felt the need to do something about it. Unlike the other Widows’ who were adults, you couldn’t go out into the world alone and, after talking with Yelena, Natasha decided to take you along with her.
It wasn’t adoption per say, at least at first, but it was close enough.
You jumped at the opportunity to tag along with Natasha and while Yelena continued the Widows’ mission, Natasha took you back to Melina’s house., where you met Melina and Alexei.
You were wary around them at first, clinging to Natasha, but you warmed up.
However, it wasn’t long before Natasha had to go on the run again. She offered you the chance to stay there with Melina and Alexei but you had grown very close to Natasha and wanted to come with her.
So, you did.
It was difficult, escaping authority and having to constantly be moving, but it in a way it strengthened yours and Natasha’s bond. You guys got closer and learned to work together — as fighting partners as well as mother/daughter.
Which was why, not having known your biological parents or where they were, the word ‘mom’ easily fell off her lips.
It happened when you guys were eating take-out in your latest house. Natasha had passed you the water pitcher and “thanks, mom” just came so naturally.
For a second, you didn’t realize what you had said, until you looked up to see Natasha staring at you with wide eyes.
Then, it hit you. Holy shit my god. Had you just said that?? What just happened?
You got scared that Natasha would react badly, but it was the opposite. A huge grin broke out on her face and even happy tears of pure joy.
When you asked her what was going on, she said: “I’ve never been a mother.”
That’s when you smiled and hugged her and you officially agreed on becoming mother and daughter.
Natasha was worried on being a mother at first, scared that she messed it up, but after reassurance from Melina via a phone call, she fell into the role naturally.
She became much more protective.
Not that you minded.
This went on until the Avengers called upon Natasha to fight Thanos.
She brought you along with her and the team was thoroughly stunned.
“wHO ArE yOU???”
Yeah, it was chaotic.
You weren’t fazed though and quickly befriended Wanda and attempted to befriend Vision.
Steve and Sam also became like uncles.
Tony was a bit more difficult because you initially blamed him for you and Natasha on the run, so you were distant at first.
You were also kinda disappointed that Clint wasn’t there. You had wanted to meet him (and Natasha wanted you to meet him) after the stories you heard.
Nonetheless, you went to Wakanda and that’s where you met Bucky. It wasn’t long before he became another uncle.
You absolutely loved fighting alongside Okoye and meeting Shuri. You were fascinated by her technology.
You also kicked ass on the battlefield.
But then . . . You lost.
You watched Bucky disappear and even though you hadn’t known him for nearly as long as Natasha and Steve did, you still felt great pain.
Then you learned to that Sam and Wanda had gotten snapped and it got worse.
The days leading after were some of the most difficult days ever.
It was the first time you had to be strong for your mom, seeing as she had lost her friends too, and you panicked at first.
But you had been her daughter for awhile now and you knew what to do. You hugged Natasha and was there for her.
In the months coming, you helped the reminding heroes rebuild the world and you eventually joined the Avengers under your mother’s lead.
You also met Clint but it wasn’t a happy meeting, really, since he had lost his family.
You continued on as an Avenger with Natasha by your side. You met Carol and she was like an aunt and was amazing.
Things started to turn on the bright side when one day Natasha walked in with a genuine smile and held papers.
You could only guess what they were for at first, but quickly was shown and freaked out (a happy freak out) after.
Adoption papers.
You jumped and yelled and screamed and cheered, unbelievably happy that this was becoming official official.
You were Natasha’s daughter.
While the past few years had been difficult, this made it all worth it. You didn’t know where you’d be without Natasha and she was always with you.
Eventually, the team had a plan to defeat Thanos.
Which felt liked a miracle.
Natasha lives because I say so.
You and her got to tag-team Thanos’ enemies.
Literally the best team since Clint and Nat.
(Clint was jealous)
Then, you got everyone back!
You were SO happy to see Bucky, Sam, and Wanda again, and so was Natasha.
After you all reunited and the world went back to semi-normal, you and Natasha visited Yelena, Alexei, and Melina who were beyond happy to see you both.
Things started to turn up again and you were so grateful to have Nat at your side.
She was the best mom EVER.
Always looking out for you and protecting you
If any of the other Avengers made the slightest of snide comments, she was on them like a bloodhound
She always reminded you to hydrate and was always asking you how you were doing
It was hard to believe that she hadn’t had any experience with children before
Well, she had, with Clint’s kids, but still
Speaking of Clint’s kids, they all looked to you like an older cousin
But getting back to Natasha
She insisted that only she would train with you, not trusting the team to not injure you (besides, she knew you best)
You loved training with Natasha too
She always made it fun, putting on music and stuff
It helped you had similar music tastes
She also would always gush to anyone but really Clint, Sam, or Bucky on how cute and adorable you were
And they definitely agreed
One time during movie night you fell asleep with your head on Nat’s shoulder
She was so happy
Made Bucky take a picture
But she did feel a little bad because you must be tired
So she carried you to your room and put you to bed, kissing you goodnight
You had missed out on a childhood so it was nice for your mom to bring you to bed
All in all Natasha was the best thing to happen to you
Despite it being tough, you were thankful for every second of it
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character  (could not tag)
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion @yori-nakajima @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @natromanoffxox @lilymurphy03 @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @kozumekoi  @mjaudrey @un-name-d
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landinoandco · 3 years
Hey could you do one with max verstappen, where the reader a fight about him not helping around the house (witch he doesnt do because he is just tired from working hard but the reader dont know) so they yell at max and he suddenly walks away but then they find him crying in bed, because hes overworked and feels like hes never gonna be good enough at being a driver and the readers boyfriend. And feels like he can only dissapoint the reader, his dad and cristian. But the reader comforts him. Tnx
Because I'm not good enough...
Max Verstappen x Reader
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Warnings: angsty
Word count: 2 k
Requests are open :)
You were sat at the dining room table, staring out at the empty seat in front of you. Your arms crossed across your chest and your lip in between your teeth. You had been sat there for an hour - in the grand scheme of things an hour didn’t seem like such a long time but it was his final warning and an hour was just long enough to allow for your anger to boil over.
Dinner was in the fridge - the same dinner you had cooked an hour ago, your phone lay screen up on the table - the same phone you used to call Max two hours and a half hours ago, he told you he was on his way home. Home whilst you were in the UK was 25 minutes away from the Redbull HQ. This was becoming a regular occurrence, some nights he would come home so late that you had already taken yourself to bed. The atmosphere in the house seemed to freeze over whenever he was around even though you were yet to come out of summer, there was something hanging over the pair of you - unspoken feelings and as of now a red hot anger that threatened to escape from your usually composed nature.
Ever since the championship had taken a turn in the favour of Redbull, Max had started to become much more distant. It started off with him not inviting you along to the races, leaving on the Wednesday before race weekend and sometimes not seeing him until the following Tuesday and that was on a stand alone race weekend. On the triple headers, it could be nearing two weeks until you two were spared 5 minutes alone and even then it was a brief conversation before he rushed back to the factory or to train.
You thought you knew what you signed up for and since yours and Max’s relationship and that was three years ago so you thought you had seen it all - been through it all with him, witnessed every high and every low. This was a new territory and you knew that if it wasn’t tackled soon -
The click of the door lock echoed in the hallway, you straightened in your seat - eyes locked ahead of you and your knee bouncing.
Max sighed loudly and wiped his hand over his face, it had been a long day - he had been at the factory up until Christian had invited him out to lunch, it was nice to catch up with his boss and Max felt like he owed the man so much; guiding him through the years that had led up to the moment they found themselves in. Max felt like over the past years he had matured as a person, sometimes still short tempered but being an F1 driver it wasn’t necessarily a bad trait. After his lunch with Christian, his dad had called him - the less said about the conversation the better. By the time you had called, the last thing he wanted to do was come home and risk upsetting you. He had taken himself on a run - to clear his head and focus on what he was going to say to you because he felt like something definitely needed to be said.
He also owed a lot to you, you had put up with so much over the years and standing by his side even when he had made a mistake - although you were very quick to tell him when he was in the wrong. You seemed to be on his level, a blunt and forward look at life - there was no time for dawdling about when you had things to be done. Life was short and there was no time to waste.
Recently however, he was putting so much pressure and stress on himself about work that the hours slipped away from him and so did the time spent with you. He felt the atmosphere change around the pair of you - as though he was always walking on thin ice, the cracks beginning to show. The guilt he felt was nothing like he had ever felt before, all he wanted to do was talk to you but he was scared of pushing you away - which is ironic because not talking and letting the pent up anger build up was having the same effect. He was never that good when it came to talking about how he felt - as much as he wanted to he felt as though he would be a burden and that he would put too much pressure on you. He could never tell you what he really felt like inside. It was embarrassing, he knew that a professional athlete should never feel what he felt. It weakened him and having weaknesses in a sport like Formula 1 was not an option.
Max shrugged his coat off and walked through to the main room of the apartment - the room where you were sat waiting to pounce as though he was your unsuspecting prey.
He offered a tired smile, in response he got a sneer. Swallowing hard, you felt the anger take over, like some monster escaping from a cage.
“I have been sitting here for an hour, Max -” You shot to your feet, pointing at the table, your voice cracked slightly. “For months, you’ve been leaving me - it’s me who’s been cooking for us both, cleaning, washing - everything, Max. By myself.” You were shouting now, your heart threatening to break free from your chest. Max just stood there, a blank expression on his face - his gaze fixed to the ground. “I don’t understand what went wrong, Max. We were happy, hell, we spoke to each other. Now, I’m alone. In fact, I may as well be alone if this doesn’t change.” The words had fallen out of your mouth before you had any time to consider them - or the consequences. Your eyes went round with shock and you fell back to your seat. A loud silence filled the room.
Max, too, had not expected the words that had initiated the silence. He opened his mouth, eyes still on the ground, then closed it again before raising his head and looking you dead in the eye.
“You don’t mean that.” He managed to mutter, barely being able to raise his voice any louder. He felt a tired emptiness, this was the last thing he had wanted to happen.
“That’s all you have to say to me.” You rounded on him again, angry tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“No - I -” He stuttered, then closed his eyes, inhaling slowly, “I just don’t think we should talk things through whilst you’re angry -” He saw you about to interject, when he raised his hands. “You have every right to be. That’s not what I’m saying. I think we should wait to talk about it so we don’t say things we are going to regret later.” Max could feel his throat constricting, he was battling to keep his emotions at bay.
You sniffed and nodded slowly, placing your head in your hands - hot tears escaping and shoulders tensed.
Max swallowed thickly, his eyes swimming with tears. He made a move and after no interruption left the room. He had only made it to the stairs before he collapsed, the fatigue getting the better of him. He was such an idiot, a fact he was certainly aware of now, how could he have let things get this bad. Did that make him a selfish person?
He couldn’t hold it in any longer, a harsh sob escaping from his mouth - fingers shaking and his head a loud mess.
As soon as Max had left the room, you had gotten up to get some water - when you paused, a sound catching your attention - a deep sounding sob. You waited, a line appeared between your brows. Slowly and carefully, you inched towards the door - waiting with baited breath for the sound again.
It was coming from the stairs and there was only one person it could be. Regret instantly pooled in the pit of your stomach, you hadn’t meant for him to cry. You were just so angry and he needed to know that.
“Max.” You called out softly, unsurprisingly there was no response. You went in the direction of the stairs and hunched over in front of you was your boyfriend - attempting to stifle his sobs. You rushed forwards, placing your arms around his shoulders and pulled his body into yours. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around your waist. You kissed the top of his head, stroking his hair as he continued to cry - you allowed him to empty his emotions out; some tears of your own betraying you entirely.
“I’m sorry, I really am.” Came a muffled voice. Pausing, you released your hold of him and placed your hands either side of his face - offering him a watery smile. Then, using your sleeves you wiped his tears away - he watched your every move, waiting for you to say something. When you didn’t, he braced himself - lips trembling; he knew it was now or never. He had to tell you how he really felt.
“I’m not good enough.” He stated simply, his eyes glossy. Your forehead furrowed. “I’m never going to be good enough to take the championship, I’m going to let everyone down. Everyone that has ever believed in me - it doesn’t matter what I do, how much work I put in - I’m never good enough. And you -” He paused, meeting your gaze, a lump forming in the back of your throat. “I keep letting you down, time and time again. I was the one who caused this, I’m never going to be good enough for you.”
“If you believe that -” You began, kissing the newly formed tears away, “Then I will eat your race shoe.” You moved to sit next to him on the stairs, pulling him into your side. “Why didn’t you tell me that’s how you felt.”
You felt Max shrug, the side of his head resting on yours. “I didn’t want to burden you with all of my problems, you already put up with so much.”
“I will always have time for you, Max.” Grasping his hand in yours, “You are enough, you are more than enough. You are Max Verstappen, the fastest, strongest guy I know.” You chuckled lightly, “I know it may sometimes feel like that and that’s ok. You are putting yourself through so much - maybe, it’s time to give some consideration for your personal life. It’s unhealthy to work all of the time - then we run into issues like these.” You spoke softly, almost whispering but you could tell he was hanging onto every word you spoke. “I love you, Max. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You admitted, turning your head to look at him. He chewed on his bottom lip, processing your words.
“I love you too, more than anything.” He murmured, placing his forehead on yours. You lifted your head slightly to leave a soft kiss on his nose, earning the corners of his lips to quirk up.
Closing your eyes, you relished being in his arms again, to have him close to you. You had missed it. You had missed him. Both of you knew you had a lot to work through, that it wouldn’t simply disappear but both of you were going to do it together. Hand in hand. And that was more than enough.
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As much as I believe Vlad to be an iredeemable asshole in cannon, I like the idea of a begrudging mentor Vlad. Like, say in an alternate universe everything starts of the same but he's not got some evil plan to kill Jack and marry Maddie. He's bitter and resents them for turning him into this abomonation, resents them for being happy when he can't, he tries to stay connected, but he just can't stand being near them and fears their reaction to his ghost side. (1/3)
(2/3) He takes advantage of his new powers, he steals and cheats his way to power, living life lavishly, but it doesn't make him happy, none of it fills the emptiness in his heart. He spends most of his life miserable up until one day he invites the Fenton's on a whim, perhaps in some desperate attempt to find happiness again, where he meets Danny. It goes similarly how it went in the show, Vlad discovers he is a halfa like him, see's how his parents treat him... ~ ~ ~ i think part 3 got eaten, bro, but i'm gonna work with what i got.
Vlad sees this kid who's like him who's parents still talk about killing ghosts and destroying them in front of him. not knowing that they're threatening Vlad. that they're threatening their own son. he see's these so called scientist haven't learned anything about ghosts in the years that they've been estranged and that they've managed to make the same mistake twice.
and he see Danny, a moody teenager, going through the traumatic process of dying and gaining hard to control powers on top of being a highschooler and social pariah. he sees this kid in desperate need of guidance and sees his parents who are neglectful and unaware of a fact he learned within a day of knowing Danny. and he says, "if you can't handle the responsibility of having a kid, he's mine now." yoink
except, obviously, he's really, really bad at it. being a mentor, winning Danny over, being a good person. all of it.
initially he just straight up offers to help Danny learn his powers and that works, Danny agrees, because Vlad isn't trying to kill danny's parents or attacking him, or stalking them, so Danny has no reason not to accept the help. Vlad seems okay for all his rich guy eccentricities.
but then the lessons actually start and danny realizes. oh. this guy has no idea how to teach. and oh this guy has the moral compass of a rotary fan. and Danny initially goes with it. in canon danny's can be swayed by petty stuff and money up to a point. he can let a lot of shit go and is even willing to do some soft crime if he thinks it's for the right reasons. and Vlad might beat him up when trying to teach him to fight, but that's part of training, right? and he might be changing a little under Vlad's influence but danny doesn't see that as a bad thing, until Sam and tucker basically call him out and he accidentally hurts one of them. something that Vlad had told him to do.
so danny bails. basically confronts Vlad and tells him he's a shitty mentor and that he's gonna peace out. suck eggs, fruit loop.
but Vlad had thought things were going well. he's gotten attached. he doesn't want to go back to being alone and he and danny are the only two of their species in the world. so typical villain/stalker stuff happens between them for a bit. Vlad tries to win danny over with money, with manipulation, with blackmail. and Danny isn't having it. (he has blackmail on Vlad too). Vlad is growing increasingly desperate and looks and acts a mess. this is a vulnerable Vlad. we're not getting well kept always cocky and put together except when danny embarrasses him Vlad. we're getting a pathetic man trying to cling to the only human(ish) connection he has and slowly falling further into depression and insanity.
and Danny pities him. because Danny had that human connection too. in the early days before he decided he got to see vlad's dorky and cool side. Vlad was generous with his money. vlad only swears in food. he lights up when he watches a packers game and is a total fanboy.
and Danny kinda gets how he became like this. how his isolation and loneliness and fear drove him further and further down the road of corruptness and evil. Danny learns what he would become without his friends and if anything Vlad is better than that. it's almost similar to how he is with val. he understands where she's coming from and sees that she's a good person even if her actions have taken a turn in the wrong direction. he feels the same about Vlad. he thinks maybe he can convince Vlad to be better.
so redemption arc/reverse mentor relationship because danny is gonna be trying to teach Vlad how to stop being a fruit loop and start making some friends his own age. the comedy potential of that is amazing. i have the mental image of Danny convincing vlad to go on a date with Harriet Chin and coaching him from behind her even though he has next to no dating experience either. pure shenanigans.
i also see there being several back and forth instances of kidnapping. Vlad locks Danny in his house because he doesn't want to be alone (Danny eventually escapes and gets mad. Vlad learns never to do that again). Danny kidnaps Vlad to be a chaperone at a school event, mostly to get Vlad to lie for him. another time Vlad kidnaps danny to go to a rich person party because he said he had a kid in a pathetic attempt to make a friend (moral of the episode is lying to make friends doesn't work) so he just has Danny pose as his son that whole episode and they're trying to get along and seem happy, meanwhile snipping at each other in whispers. they think no one is buying that they're related but ironically them arguing at the end of the night is one convinces the person they're family. "me and my daughter would fight all the time, especially at events she didn't want to come to." probably muddies the moral but that's common enough in dp.
just gradually develops into a weird redeemed uncle/mentor dynamic. Vlad really isn't teaching Danny much. he still occasionally has his moments to shine with explaining new powers and showing danny how to commit tax fraud or lie to the police. but he's mostly just this weird guy who's first friend in twenty years is a teenager.
- Hestia
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The Jungle Unknown Part Two
*This is a soulmate AU*
Pairing: Steve x Bucky x reader
Warnings: cursing, flirting, little implied smut,
Summary of the series: You are a close scientist friend of Bruce’s so when the team needs help from someone with her expertise, they call in the best, you! But what happens when you find the 2 people you’ve been looking for your whole life?
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You woke up at 5am, got a quick shower, threw on some workout clothing and got ready. You were in the gym at 5:45 waiting for the guys to meet you there.
They arrived promptly at 6:00am right on time, though looking a little groggy, wishing they were asleep. “Tired Bucky? I guess an old guy like you does need more sleep than us youngsters.” You teased. “Not all of us can be this cheery, this early doll” he spat out grumpily. You roll your eyes with a smirk on your face. “Alright, first off is the easy bit, I only have 2 weeks to whip you two into shape for this mission, both physically and mentally, so what normally would take a year for basics, we have 2 weeks. So you both are going to do a baseline test so I can see what I can skip over, and what I need to desperately teach.” “Sounds like a plan!” Steve agrees. “First is the physical test, this probably won’t be too hard for you two but it’s still important. FRIDAY please initiate the Jungle terrain only program I made. Here put these packs on and we are going to go through this together.” FRIDAY initiated the program and you three were suddenly in a sort of virtual reality world. “Wait what are the packs for, and why are you doing it with us?” Steve questioned. “The packs are to simulate the bags we will be carrying with supplies on our journey and I’m doing it with you because I’m not going to make you do anything I wouldn’t” you responded. “Plus it’s good practice.” You shrugged.
After walking and running through the course, all 3 of you were tired, you probably a little more, after all you weren’t a super soldier. The program ended and you congratulated the two soldiers on a job well done, “well, that will make it easier for me, I just need to prep you guys for the mental part and not any endurance or strength stuff.” “Oh, doll if you want to see my endurance and strength, you should’ve just asked, I have a much better way to show you.” Bucky teased you with a wink, getting you back for this morning, now that he was wide awake. Both you and Steve laughed along with him, you could tell you would all be good friends.
The three of you decided to order pizza as you didn’t want to cook or go out anywhere. Sadly the pizza would take 20 minutes to get there. “So Y/N what exactly do the mental tests have on it?” Steve asks as you pick out a movie to watch while you eat and wait for the pizza. “ Well it has what plants and animals are poisonous, and what you can or can’t eat. It also has survival skills and Boy Scout type of things, but with a little more depth.” Bucky was about to make some snide remark but was stopped by Y/N squealing. “Look they have Y/F/M on here! And by the look on your faces you haven’t seen it so we are watching it end of discussion.” The two men chuckle and agree to watch the movie. The pizza comes and they eat it and finish the movie.
After the movie finished you three went back to training. You gave the guys a mental test, which mushrooms would kill you and which was a tasty snack, how to tell if a snake was poisonous. The tests also included important skills like making fires. The guys did decent enough but not well enough to survive Satan’s Hell. You spent the rest of the day relaxing, and told them you would begin the real training tomorrow.
You decided to make dinner for the whole team, letting the guys help was probably a bad idea. “What does this do?” “Back in my day…” “Ahhh doll the microwave is yellin’ at me again!” Eventually you had a pretty good looking lasagna with garlic bread and salad. The team came when they smelt the delicious food and were all super excited to eat it.
Dinner was full of funny stories and talks of how everyone’s day went. “So, which was harder Barnes, basic training or today’s hell ?” Natasha jokingly questioned to Bucky. “So far, basic training, but that was because today was just tests to see what we already knew.” “Which was about 60% I must say, not bad for the first day” you say letting the mens’ egos grow. “The real stuff starts tomorrow, the hard stuff.” “Well good luck with that” Bruce scoffed “ I’ve seen what kinda stuff you do on the job, I went on one once, never again.” Everyone stared in shock that Bruce of all people had gone on one before. “Care to elaborate maybe!” Tony surprised said. “It was before, you know, the incident, and I went on an easy one, as a favor to Y/N because she needed my expertise, I hated it and I will never ever go on one again.” Everyone laughed and continued on with the conversation. After dinner everyone cleaned up and went to get ready to sleep.
You hadn’t told Steve or Bucky what time to be up tomorrow so they knocked on your door to ask, when you didn’t answer they assumed the worst and wanted to check on you, so they opened the door to see. You had just gotten out of the shower so you hadn’t heard the knocks. The two men had just walked in when you walked out of the bathroom in just a towel as you’d left your clothes in the main bedroom area. They both started to apologize profusely when something caught Steve and Bucky’s eyes. Your two soul marks. They were normally out of view but with just the towel on they were in plain view. “Doll, are those your soulmate marks?” Bucky shyly questioned. “Yeah, why…….” You suspiciously questioned. “They, kinda match ours” Steve replied as they both took of their shirts and showed you their soul marks. They matched. You three were soulmates. This might make the trek and the preparation better or worse, only time will tell.
AN: Chapter 2 complete!! I hope you guys like this! No it’s not the end, there are more chapters to come! Will they survive the jungle, maybe, only I know, for now……..muhahahaha
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
I Did Something Bad - 1.
Bodyguard!Stucky x Reader AU
Part 2 <<
Run-through: You’re a rich spoilt brat, and your two bodyguards are the ones who have to put up with you and your attitude all day every day. Until one day, they’ve had about enough. And they decide to tame the brat in you…
Themes: bratty!reader, smut, daddy kink, bodyguard!stucky
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“What a brat.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I agree.” Bucky sent a brief nod towards him.
They were both right behind you, each holding your countless shopping bags as they walked the steps which led to the front door of your house.
Correction, your father’s house. You didn’t actually own anything, you were just blessed enough to have been born in a filthy rich family. And you were an only child, so your parents treated you like you were the most precious thing in the world. You were spoilt.
Spoilt like Steve and Bucky had never seen before. You had people to do everything for you. You didn’t even do your own make up or hair in the morning; you had an entire team for that.
Your parents were away most of the time, on business trips and earning more money so you could be even more of a spoilt brat. Given they were away, they had two of the most highly trained, professional bodyguards stay with you to ensure your safety – Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
The two were the best of friends, and initially they didn’t even want to put up with you. But the paychecks which came from your father each month were hefty. So they compromised; put up with your annoying, bratty self just for the salary.
There were other perks of the job. They got to stay in a lavish mansion, they got to travel everywhere, enjoy the finest things in life, along with you.
 “Uh, can one of you guys come help me?” came the sound of your voice from inside your bedroom. The two men who were outside your bedroom groaned quietly.
They shared a look and opened the door to your grand bedroom and stepped in. They always envied you, and all the nice things you had without even having work a day in your life. They both looked around, looking for you in the spacious bedroom.
You stepped out of the walk-in closet wearing a black, lace bodysuit – showing off your cleavage and your legs.
The two men’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
Oh another perk to the job, you were smoking hot. And that almost made up for your attitude that they had to put up with at times, because who wouldn’t like a doll parading around them all the time?  
You walked up till you stood in front of them, nonchalantly checking out the new rings and jewelry you had on, which you had bought earlier. Not caring about the fact that you were semi-naked in front of the two.
“Can one of you zip me up?” you spoke, without looking up.
And it took both of them a few seconds to process everything. They shared a look again, filthy things on both their minds.
“I’ll do it.” Steve spoke up before Bucky could even open his mouth and offer to help. The latter glared at his friend. Steve walked up behind you, and gently pushed all your hair out of the way and shifting it over your shoulder while he shamelessly let his eyes roam over your semi-exposed body.
He took his sweet time to find the zipper and closing it gently, letting his fingertips lightly caress your skin. He admired the shape of your body once he was done, Bucky did the same. You walked away from Steve, not even thanking him and went on to admire yourself in the mirror.
The two men couldn’t take their eyes off you as you posed in front of the mirror, checking yourself out and clicking pictures here and there.
“I want a green smoothie.” You said, to no one in particular. But neither of them heard because they were busy checking you out. And seeing they weren’t moving you turned around and faced them. “Hello? I said I want green smoothie.” You said, as usual, in that bratty voice of yours. You had absolutely no patience, you were a total brat.
But that didn’t matter right now. Not when you looked like that; beautiful and enticing, but so out of their league.
Bucky cleared his throat and peeled his eyes off you. “Steve will get it. Someone has to stay here with you.” He made the decision without even sparing Steve a look.
And poor Steve had to agree and leave the room. While Bucky stayed in your room and enjoyed the show as you tried on all the clothes and lingerie you bought earlier today.
 You caught Bucky staring at you through the mirror and you internally smirked. You considered yourself lucky that the two bodyguards your dad had appointed were both eye candy. All your friends drooled over both of them; you included.
How could you not? They were always so… hot. Black suits, dark sunglasses whenever you were out, broody and handsome; they could make any one’s heart flutter. You knew how the brat in you annoyed them, but you couldn’t help it. You liked the look on their faces when they realize that they can’t do otherwise but obey you.
 Steve returned with your smoothie and you took it, again without thanking him. He noticed you were in another bodysuit, nude colored this time and much more flimsy. He discretely sent a questioning look towards Bucky and the latter smirked and raised his eyebrow at him. As if boasting and saying, ‘yup, I helped her with that one.’
 “I’m going to the club later tonight.” You announced and the two men almost groaned out loud.
You were a true party animal. And Steve and Bucky hated your useless, equally as spoilt, friends. Each time you went clubbing, they always had to carry you home because you cannot handle alcohol for too long. And the worst part, they’d have to deal with your hungover self the next day.
Steve couldn’t help but point out. “This is the fifth time in the past three weeks. Are you sure you should be partying so much?” he sounded like he was done with you, but was still trying to be polite because you were still his boss’ daughter.
Bucky nodded, agreeing with his friend. And you frowned at both of them.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but do I pay you to lecture me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, your action accentuating your breasts.
Steve looked down at the ground, afraid he might have been staring at your chest for too long. “No ma’am.” He replied, hands in front of him – standing in a classic bodyguard pose.
You scoffed, giving them both a look which told them not to mess with you. “Good. We leave at ten thirty.” You announced and walked back into your walk-in closet.
As predicted, you were wasted within the first three hours of being at the club. And just like always, Steve and Bucky had to carry you out and bring you home.
Luckily you didn’t throw up on the sidewalk or in the car this time. Your driver drove all of you home, and Bucky had you on his lap in the backseat, your feet on Steve’s lap. You were blacked out.
“She looks so angelic when she sleeps.” Steve commented, quietly.
Bucky chuckled. “Wait till she wakes up tomorrow and makes everyone’s life a living hell.” Bucky said, remembering the last time you were hungover and how you had him, Steve, your housekeeper, maids and chefs, all run around like headless chickens.
Steve chuckled at the same memory. “I swear if she treats us as her slaves like last time, I’m gonna quit.”
Bucky sent a look towards his friend. “Please don’t, I can’t handle her on my own.” He pretended to shiver at the thought of him having to put up with your antics all on his own.
And the two men shared a laugh.
 They put you to bed once you all made it home. They placed you under the covers, the maid took off your shoes and most of your jewelry, took out the pins in your hair and turned the lights off before they stepped out of your room.
The next day, the minute they each woke up in their rooms, they heard your loud voice coming from upstairs. And they both groaned as they got ready for the day.
Steve was out of his room and on his way to you first. Bucky came shortly after. And they found you in bed, whining about having a terrible headache.
“Do you need painkillers?” Bucky asked and you glared at him.
“I already took them.” you spat at him.
Clearly you were going to be even more of a bitch today.
“Did you have breakfast?” Steve asked, standing at the end of your bed.
You groaned.
“The thought of food makes me want to throw up.” You whined, testing his patience already.
Steve sighed. “Look, you need to eat. It’s the only way you’ll get rid of the hangover-,”
You cut him off.
“Ugh, okay mom!” you mocked. “Fine, whatever, just get out.” You said rather rudely. And while Steve was still debating what to say to you, Bucky spoke up.
He stepped up closer to you, standing by the side of your bed. “Hey, easy. We’re just trying to help. You need to eat so y-,”
You cut him off as well. “Like I said before, I don’t pay you to lecture me, why do you even-,” you were going off but this time Steve cut you off.
“Enough!” he raised his voice, and both you and Bucky turned to look at him. He had never acted like this before. You could see the irritation on his face as he stared at you.
“You don’t pay us, first of all, your father does! You don’t do anything other than sit there and be a brat and spend his money! We technically don’t work for you, we work for him. So let us do our jobs, which is to take care of his spoilt daughter who has no manners whatsoever. His daughter who treats people like slaves! People who actually care about her more than her own parents do!” He spat, making your jaw drop.
He continued, less loudly this time. “For once, drop your attitude and do as we say. Get in the shower, and then come downstairs. Breakfast will be ready by then.” He looked at you dead in the eyes while he scolded you. “Move, now!” the authority in his voice had you scram out of bed and rush into the bathroom immediately.
Once you shut the bathroom door behind you, Bucky turned to Steve and extended his arm so they could do their secret handshake.
“What was that?” he asked, clearly impressed.
Steve smirked. “Just taming the brat.” He answered.
Bucky laughed. “What if she tells her dad and gets us both fired?” he asked.
Steve knew you would never tell your dad because you would be somewhat ashamed in saying you got blacked out drunk at the club and then were rude to people afterwards. “She won’t.” he said and they both made their way out and into the kitchen.
 Breakfast was ready by the time you came downstairs, rather sheepishly. You kept your eyes to the ground as you sat at the kitchen island. Surprisingly, you waited patiently for your breakfast.
Bucky took the plate and placed it in front of you. Baked beans, hash browns, eggs, toast – not your usual breakfast because you normally had sugary cereal in the morning.
You sighed rather loudly, frowned and began complaining, “But this is n-,”
Bucky cut you off by grabbing your chin gently and tilting your head up so you looked up at him. He didn’t even think twice before touching your face, but you didn’t mind it. At all.
You looked up into his ocean blue eyes, very similar to Steve’s.
“A big breakfast will help, trust me. And it’s better than that bowl of sugar you’re used to.” He said, cracking a faint smile. You shyly returned him a smile. “Eat.” He pointed at the plate and went to find Steve in the living room.
You were pretty quiet for the rest of the morning. Quiet as in, you weren’t throwing a fit when the meal that the chef made for you wasn’t what you wanted. Or you weren’t whining about how you hate everyone in this house. Or you weren’t being a bitch to absolutely everyone you saw because you were hungover.
You spent most of the day in your room, sulking. Mainly because you weren’t used to people talking in loud voices at you. Steve and Bucky came to check up on you a few times, asked you if there’s anywhere you need to go. But you said no each time. You barely spoke to them, at least you weren’t rude.
 You were tame – but it didn’t last for long.
The next day, you were back to being a brat. Once the hangover passed, you were just as loud and rude as before. You were even rude to Bucky – all your manners from the previous day forgotten – when he came to ask you what you wanted for breakfast.
“Is there a way to ever get a straight answer out of you for once, without you being sarcastic and bratty all the time?” he asked, wishing you were back to yesterday when you were all quiet and obedient.
You scoffed and got out of bed. “You or Steve yell at me one more time, and I will call dad and have both of you fired. You hear me?” you spat at him.
And he wanted to tell you off, like Steve did, but then he took one look at your appearance. Messy hair, your reading glasses on, an oversized white shirt – no pants. You looked too adorable to scold. So he let you go.
 You tested Steve’s patience too that day. As usual, people ran your errands and Steve brought you something that you had asked for and you took it without thanking him.
“Will a ‘thank you’ hurt?” he asked.
You glared at him.
“Stop it. You’re not my mom.” You said bitterly and he groaned and walked away.
This had been their daily lives for the past year and a half. And each day they thought there was no way you could out do yourself and be any more of a brat. Yet, each day you kept surprising them with how annoying you could be to deal with.
Then one day, you truly out did yourself.
You were nowhere to be found.
 “This is it, I’m calling her dad.” Steve took out his phone but Bucky stopped him.
“She’s our responsibility, calling her dad would be equivalent to digging our own graves. Don’t.” Bucky reasoned. He couldn’t even imagine calling a parent to tell them their child has gone missing.
They were both panicking. You had snuck out earlier in the afternoon, and it was now nighttime and you still weren’t back. The two were pacing around the living room.
“I don’t get it, usually she tells us before even going outside in the yard.” Bucky was trying to figure out what must’ve gone wrong.
Steve sighed, ready to punch something out of frustration. “She acts like such a child sometimes. Can’t even track her phone because she left it here.” He shook his head.
“It’s nearly midnight Steve, she should be back by now. We need to do something. Did you get anything from the camera footage?” Bucky was worried sick – both about your safety and his job.
Steve swore under his breath. “Nothing on there. I mean we don’t even know if she went out on her own or got kidnapped or some-,”
A voice cut him off.
“Chill moms, I’m fine.” You walked into the living room with a smirk on. And the two men looked at you like they were witnessing some miracle. Bucky was relieved, yet somewhat irritated. Steve was just angry.
“Where the hell have you been? You were missing for 8 hours!” Bucky asked, the smug look on your face was beginning to piss him off.
You didn’t bother answering, you walked right past them and into the kitchen. The two, now irritated, followed you.
“Answer, god damn it! Where have you been? We were worried sick!” Steve hissed.
You took a water bottle out of the fridge and took a long sip while looking at them both with nothing but cockiness in your eyes.
“Well good news, I was so annoying and bratty that the kidnappers dropped me right back home.” You fake smiled, obviously being sarcastic and walked out of the kitchen. You heard the two groaned as you left them in the kitchen.
 You rushed upstairs and went right into your bedroom, and not even a few seconds later – they both walked into your room very angrily and without even bothering to knock first.
You sighed. “Get out. I’m tired, I need to sleep.” You spoke, without looking up at them.
“I don’t think so. Now answer me, where the fuck have you been?” Bucky asked, clearly mad.
You chuckled. “Watch your tone with me.” You sassed.
Steve stepped forward and walked right up to you. He stood closer to you than usual, invading your personal space. But you didn’t mind it one bit.
“Or what, huh?” he asked, sliding his hand into your hair gently, tugging on it a little making your head tilt back so you looked up at him.
You were speechless as you looked up into his ocean blue eyes. Mainly because you weren’t expecting this, but also because the look on his face sent a tingle dancing down your spine, and ended right at your core. Definitely not a bad tingle.
When you recovered, you were about to lift your hand up and slap his hand away from you but then you realized that Bucky was behind you, locking your wrists in his grip behind your back.
“Let’s try that again, sweetheart. Where have you been?” Bucky whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear and making you shiver.
You looked up at Steve, immobilized and not hating it. “I… I was out with my girlfriends.” You confessed and almost whimpered when bucky tightened his grip around your wrists.
“And what did we say about sneaking out, or going anywhere without informing us?” Steve asked. You believed it might have been your imagination, but it felt as though he leaned in a little, bringing his face closer to yours.
It took you a few seconds to process given the proximity of the two men was interrupting your ability to think straight. “You… you said it was against the rules.” You remember that long talk you had with both of them the day they joined. When they took the time to explain the rules to you but all you did was roll your eyes at them and sigh.
Bucky chuckled darkly right in your ear. “Seems you have broken an important rule, sweetheart.” He gently kissed the skin beneath your ear and your eyes flew shut. Your lips parted as you tried hard not to moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.
When you opened your eyes, you found Steve smirking down at you. He felt a rush course through him and leaned in to gently take your lower lip between his teeth; tugging on it playfully. His actions were gentle, but you shivered still. Steve bit down on your lip, while Bucky discretely kissed down your neck.
Then and there, something shifted in the air. It was a pleasant shift.
Steve chuckled against your mouth. “You never learn, babygirl.” he mumbled, against the side of your mouth. And the nickname had you almost whimpering.
Bucky softly nibbled on your skin at your shoulder; making you shudder. Steve tugged a little more on your hair and pulled away to look at you. If there’s anything you knew for sure in that moment, is that you wanted them. Both of them. Bad.
“Teach me then.” You whispered. And both of them smirked and shared a look.
If only you had been careful about what you wished for…
 You were kneeling on your bed, naked and with Bucky still holding your wrists behind your back. His grip was tight and strong, but you didn’t complain. You couldn’t because Steve had his two fingers gently pumping in and out of your mouth.
He had searched your bedside table a few minutes ago, and pulled out the vibrator wand which you had hidden in there. You wondered how he knew it was there. But before you could think over it too much, he turned it on and placed it in between your legs; right on top of your entrance.
You whined in pleasure, but he quickly shut you up by pushing his fingers past your lips. “Always whining like a brat.” He commented, smirking and wiggling the wand a little and making you whine louder. And to add on to your sweet torture, Bucky circled his arm around you and gently circled your clit with his two fingers.
“What is it babygirl, you can’t take it?” Steve taunted again.
You whimpered under their touch, but something told you that they wouldn’t let you have your way so easily this time.
“I know you’ve never heard ‘no’ in your life, sweetheart. But you will tonight.” Bucky murmured in your ear, making you tilt your head back; shivering against him.
Steve chuckled, removing his fingers from your warm mouth. “You’re not allowed to cum until you have our permission, babygirl. You hear me?”
You nodded and whimpered a pathetic yes.
Your thighs began trembling as they both messed with you. Steve changed the setting on the wand, making it more intense while Bucky tilted your head back and kissed you deeply. More like invaded your mouth like he owned it; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. You whimpered, happily trapped between the two of them.
You felt the pressure forming in between your legs, and you involuntarily bucked your hips against the vibrator, trying desperately to chase your orgasm. Steve noticed, and he didn’t think twice before lifting the vibrator off you – denying you your release.
You groaned louder, the sound muffled by Bucky’s mouth on top of yours. He pulled away from the kiss and chuckled. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it baby?” he asked, softly. You looked up at him and nodded. His soft demeanor went away the minute you agreed. “Well that’s exactly how it feels when you don’t listen.” He growled leaning in again. You thought he was going to kiss you again, but instead he licked your swollen lower lip and spat into your open mouth.
His actions elicited a loud whine out of you.
“Look at me.” Steve slid his hands into your hair again and tugged on it. You looked at him with nothing but desire in your eyes. He let go of your hair and gripped your jaw while he placed the vibrator back against your core. You felt the vibrations all over your body, a familiar warmth washing over you while you stared into his icy blue eyes.
“Always boasting about your family’s money and power, you little brat.” Steve whispered, leaning in to bite your mouth again while he pressed the vibrator further against your core, making you drip and moan louder. “Who’s your daddy now, huh?”
Bucky fingers found your clit again, and they teased you just like before. “Tell us baby, who owns this bratty little cunt?” Bucky whispered menacingly in your ear, biting on your ear lobe.
You moaned again, both at the sensations and the words. “You do…” you breathed out, unable to form coherent sentences. They both chuckled, and continued their sweet torture on your body. Steve kissed along your jaw as he wiggled the wand around and make you scream louder, while Bucky’s fingers rubbed your clit furiously.
And you couldn’t take it anymore. “Can I-… please…” you begged and it was the first time they heard you ask for something so politely.
“What was that, babygirl?” Steve asked, pretending that he didn’t hear you the first time. And seeing you weren’t answering, he lifted the vibrator off you again. “I said, what was that?” he asked again, more sternly.
You whined and whimpered at being denied again. “Please… please can I cum?” you asked again, begging with your eyes shut to stop the tears of frustration from falling.
Bucky immediately wrapped a hand around your throat and tilted your head back. “Ask nicely sweetheart. Say ‘please daddy, I’ll be a good girl from now.’“ he mumbled against the side of your mouth.
Steve increased the intensity of the vibrator again and it made you repeat Bucky’s words wantonly. They were both pleased at your obedience, but not quite done with you yet.
“Look at me, babygirl.” For a moment, Steve’s voice had you fooled. You thought he was actually going to give in and would actually let you cum. “You want to cum for daddy?” he asked, and you nodded with hot tears falling down your cheeks. And just when you thought you were getting closer to your release, he lifted the wand off your body again.
“No. You will not cum until you’ve learnt your lesson.”
 They both toyed with your body like they owned it. They switched places and Bucky had the most fun in teasing you with the vibrator. He trailed it up and down your body, circling your erected nipples with the tip of the wand and then back down to where you craved it the most.
Tears streamed down your face.
“Are you crying, baby? Good, this would teach you not to be a brat next time,” Bucky spoke as he wiggled the toy around against your wet folds.
You begged them relentlessly, but they denied you each time. Looking you deep in the eyes and saying, ‘No.’ Yet, a twisted part of you liked how they treated you like they owned you. Like you were nothing but a toy to them, for them to play with as they pleased.
Your pleas were incessant, and wanton. Steve pushed two of his fingers past your entrance while Bucky placed the wand right on your clit – unmoving. Steve’s fingers stroked your walls so slowly that it was almost agonizing.
“Aww you’re dripping all over my hand, babygirl.” He commented, making you squeeze around his fingers. Your arousal leaked out of you, coating the tip of the toy and his fingers alike. He could see what they were both doing to you, and he liked the control they both had over you. “Look at how you’re shaking.” He taunted again.
You begged again, to no one in particular. And the reply was just as disappointing as earlier. “No. Spoilt brats with no manners don’t get to cum so easily.”
And you whined again.
“Shh, you’re gonna take all that we give you. And you’re not gonna be a brat about it, you understand?” Steve silenced you.
Bucky gripped your jaw and kissed you deeply again, swallowing your pathetic moans while he pressed the wand further against you. Your body trembled, you moaned as soon as the vibrating tip came in contact with your sensitive spot. Your body shuddered as he wiggled it around just a bit. The sensation was overwhelming.
“Do you want us to stop, babygirl?” Steve mumbled in your ear, his fingers slipping in and out of you and the wet sounds were obscene.
You shook your head and Bucky pulled away to let you talk. “No, no please… don’t stop…” the last thing you wanted was for them to leave you here, frustrated and burning with desire.
 Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they did.
“Well guess what, sweetheart? You don’t get to make the rules this time. You can’t always have what you want.” Bucky smirked as he lifted off the wand from you and turned it off.
Steve chuckled and kissed your neck, releasing your sore wrists. “Good night, babygirl.” They both stood up from your bed, leaving you naked, whimpering, and tear-stained, burning with need and most of all; dripping wet.
Your body was worn out, after being with them for the past hour or two. Or maybe more, you couldn’t tell because you were a little disoriented. But you couldn’t believe that they were just walking away from you, without giving you what you so desperately wanted.
“And don’t you dare touch yourself.” Bucky said, before he walked out of your room.
Steve took a good look at you; what a beautiful mess he and Bucky had made. “See you tomorrow.” He winked before he shut the door behind him.
a/n: fear not, there’s a part 2 coming soon ;)
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ryouverua · 3 years
Saimota is a fantastic ship that only improves with age and their respective maturity. Right from the get-go we see this in canon, too! They have a tumultuous first clash at the end of chapter 1 which is immediately turned on its head, and the subsequent growth and development of their in-game relationship really stands out that much more because of it.
This is a long one, so strap in!
Kaito realizes his mistake in his approach after punching him the night before and rectifies it immediately the next morning when he notices Shuichi hasn’t come to breakfast, rightly guessing that he’s stewing in his own grief and misery. And then, being the emotionally intelligent guy he is, he follows up that night and drags him out to exercise (which, y’know, releases endorphins and is scientifically proven to help with mood boosts and even depression) - a move which Shuichi says in chapter 5 saved his life.
A couple days pass and a body drops. Kaito supports him through the investigation knowing that Kaede had been with him last time and that there’s a danger of him relapsing. In the trial, too, Kaito makes every effort to let Shuichi know that he isn’t alone and someone does have his back if he fumbles. This is the real moment that Shuichi chooses to depend on Kaito and is rewarded for it, and while Kaito does get plenty of ego-feed out of it, he believes in Shuichi and his talent wholeheartedly (enough so that it’ll come back to bite him later). But despite it being framed as a ‘hero and sidekick’ relationship, it’s not just for Kaito’s self-worth - it’s to take some of the mental load off of Shuichi, who really, really doesn’t want the pressure of everyone’s lives solely on his shoulders, and is now dealing with the guilt of two cases where uncovering the guilty party hurt him.
(quick chapter 2 interlude! while this is where a lot of the big hero-worship begins for Shuichi and happens to be where I also did his first FTE and got to witness this:
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this is also the chapter when these moments happen, post-breakfast and post-casino scene respectively:
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and this happens in the very next FTE:
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mmm yes, the duality of man. Suffice it to say, while Shuichi has definite rose-coloured glasses on for a lot of the game, Kaito is definitely not an invincible, untouchable hero in his eyes)
Interestingly enough, despite Shuichi still very much leaning into their friendship (and vice versa), they don’t spend a lot of time together in Chapter 3 after he brings Maki out to training that first night! While Chapter 4 is their real ‘break’, Kaito spends a lot of time in his room in the second half while Shuichi gets to know Maki better. And while Maki is a much, uh, meaner investigation partner (love you girl, but that tongue is sharp), they make a great team. Shuichi also starts poking at Kaito’s reason for holing up in his room, incorrectly guess that it’s just related to the occult being brought up. Most importantly, Shuichi is able to do an investigation on his own independent of Kaito just a week after the end of Chapter 1.
Chapter 4 and its immediate aftermath in 5 is great because it showcases Kaito’s flaws and insecurity, and what conflict between the two of them look like. It’s because Kaito respects Shuichi so much that cracks in his own confidence start appearing - and while Shuichi can be obtuse and awkward at times, he shows signs of wanting to broach some more sensitive topics with Kaito; if you do FTEs with Kaito in Ch 4, he even has an inner narrative in which he notes that Kaito had said his stomach hurt before.
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He’s not so self-absorbed as to not worry about his friend (but narratively we gotta save that juicy plot point and subsequent reveal for the end of the trial) but hey, Kaito wants to chill and just shoot the shit - so why not have some downtime with his friend in the murder school. Btw, their FTE availability ends here - so if Shuichi has completed them with Kaito, he’s already had his canon-saimota thoughts at this point. While I have given Shuichi the side-eye for his ‘I can rely on Kaito for anything’ spiel, he is fully able and willing to stand up to Kaito in the Chapter 4 trial despite his canon feelings for him at that point. By the way, it’s been a week and a half since the end of Chapter 1 at this point. Shuichi and Kaito have had an arc together where they become fast friends in a pressure-cooker situation and bonding over shared grief for Kaede (even if Kaito’s is less obvious), Shuichi starts as dependent on Kaito’s emotional support but learns to stand on his own two feet, and Kaito is forced to confront his own weakness and hero persona, all while classmates are dropping (including Kaito’s own ex-hero figure, a stark reminder that ‘heroes’ do have flaws).
So the beginning of Chapter 5 is wild to me because of how it’s so often misinterpreted as Kaito immaturely giving Shuichi the silent treatment despite the entirety of the game preceding it explicitly showing that Kaito will tell you, loudly, when he’s angry at you, and that’s purely because we’re in Shuichi’s perspective and he thinks that’s what’s going on - but that’s a bit of a tangent. What I like about it is how we get to see what happens when Kaito (as sick as he is at that point) feels badly and embarrassed with someone he is close to; he withdraws as opposed to lashing out. And while Shuichi is really, really bad at reaching out too without an inciting incident (tunnel escape), he does try and broach the topic when push comes to shove. He’s not lost in hero worship, not even close - he is rightfully upset that the person he’s closest to at the school is upset while still maintaining to himself and the others that his actions were correct. He doesn’t waver on this, despite his attempt to offer an olive branch at the window of the hangar’s bathroom. He truly stands by his own choices in the last class trial and know he won't back down on that if push comes to shove, and that's important - he won't yield the point just to appease Kaito. Shuichi then manages the investigation on his own, leads the trial on his own, faces off with Maki (and who he thinks is Kokichi) on his own, because he has *reached* a point where he can be independent. And to bring it back to how we get a look at ‘saimota in conflict’, Shuichi and Kaito both make amends with each other by the end of the chapter. Even if it’s spurred by it being their final goodbye, Shuichi gets to say his piece, Kaito lays out one of his own vulnerabilities so he can make peace with Shuichi - and even if I’d love to have had them delve into all of Kaito's various issues, there is a very murderous robobear overseeing this which makes time a factor - and I firmly believe that if they had more time, they could’ve resolved even more of the issues that would come up for Saimota. The groundwork wasn’t just there; there was already half the structure in place. And that’s what makes saimota even more appealing to me, tbh. We get to see them build a relationship, run into a big issue, struggle through it and resolve it by the end of the game - and it means that there’s precedent for them to do it again as more interpersonal challenges come up! It’s a goldmine of ship exploration, and they care about each other enough to work through it.
… By the way, at this point they are 2 weeks past the end of Chapter 1.
Imagine if they had more time. Imagine if Shuichi, who is absolutely dogged in pursuing an issue once he catches wind of it (despite how he can get wrapped up in his own head), who cares a lot for other people, who doesn’t just find runaways as part of his detective talent, but follows up with them after because he cares about more than just finishing the job, had the chance to spend years with Kaito and realize he uses his hero persona to protect a much more fragile sense of self. Imagine Shuichi forming that initial friendship with Kaito without the albatross of Kaede’s death hanging around his neck; about how he’ll still look up to Kaito and his fantastic positivity, passion and excellence in his chosen field, and that would only be matched by Kaito’s own admiration of Shuichi’s skills as a detective. Imagine if Kaito, who repeatedly shows the ability to reflect and change his mind when presented with evidence against his viewpoint and was able to express his own insecurity and jealousy to Shuichi in the end, was given the breathing room and space to get more comfortable with doing so. Imagine how difficult and emotionally mature they were to navigate as well as they did in a life-or-death situation that took place over a couple of weeks tops, and how much more they could grow if given the time and space for it.
... And this was nearly going to be where I ended the post, until Ira reminded me of TDP and sent me this wonderful Saimota event (which takes place before the final graduation/training trio event):
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Oh hey, Shuichi picked up his catchphrase! It's quite cute how he's finishing Kaito's sentence here - he's spent a couple of years being friends with Kaito at this point, and has even taken up exercising on his own for stress relief. I wonder whose influence that was?
Anyway -
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Shuichi has figured out at this point that he does need to firmly extend that helping hand to Kaito rather than worry and keep it to himself. On the other side, Kaito has learned that it is okay to accept that outstretched hand, even if he doesn't need it right now - that he can admit that some day, he might. He's being blase, sure, but it is a far cry from his in-game 'I don't/won't need help'. Good for you, Kaito - you've grown a lot! And that's the most important thing their TDPs show - their capacity for growth not just as individuals, but in a relationship. Of course there will be bumps along the way - it’s very rare that any relationship won’t have them! - but they've proven that they can work these problems in the worst of circumstances. This is by far one of the strongest ships with canon foundation in the entire series, and my goodness do I still love it years later.
168 notes · View notes
S/o that asks for affection unconsciously when they wake up without even noticing (nsfw?), how would the Bucci gang + josuke + young joseph+ giorno react? :>
So I don’t age up characters for NSFW, so I’ll just do fluff for Narancia, Josuke, Fugo, Giorno and Trish, but I will add some Adult Characters with NSFW for your troubles. :) I’ll add a cut for the NSFW as well so anyone can read before the cut, but only 18+ after please!
Warnings: Language
Bucciarati (Fluff):
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-He’s surprised when you hug him from behind when just standing around, or when you slip your hand in his just sitting, or stand behind him while he’s sitting and scratch his back (BLEASE DO THIS FOR HIM he will on god love you forever) 
-So when you two decide to move in, he’s also surprised to find that this carries over into sleeping. 
-He’ll wake up with you literally splayed out on top of him, And he blushes so hard. He’ll try to gently push you off of him back onto the bed, because surely you can’t be comfortable like that.
-Will immediately stop when you tighten your grip and stir, instead allowing his hands to rest on your back.
-He’s honestly not used to it but he will indulge you because god you’re so warm, and so soft and so beautiful in his arms. 
-You’ll notice when you’re awake that he’ll start to return your touches, leaning into your back scratches, squeezing your hand when you slip yours into his, Place his hands over your arms when you hug him from behind. 
-Will never say why, though. It’s his secret. 
Abbacchio (Fluff):
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-You may not notice, but god, does he.
-He Panic. You’re half awake, and you just reach out and pull yourself closer to him, nuzzling your face into his chest, Your breath evening out. 
-Oh god what does he do with his hands are you even comfortable there’s no way you’re comfortable jesus what the hell
-He opts to push you away, but you tighten your hold, babbling something out in your sleep about being warm. 
-(He do be warm tho ngl) 
-It takes everything, and I mean, E v e r y t h i n g in him to give in and rest his arms around you, but once he does, and you snuggle even closer? God he’s in love. You’re literally the most precious thing to him. 
-When you’re awake tho he will absolutely push you off the bed without remorse. (Expect a top of the head kiss from him though he’s soft.) 
Mista (Fluff):
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-He’s laying awake, tracing his finger along the wall, making damn sure the sex pistols don’t wake you. 
-In his distraction, you reach out, grasping his arm and hugging it. 
-(Arcana reference but Julian laugh) Oh ho ho!
-He takes note that you’re still asleep, and pulls you on top of him, securing his arms around you so that you don’t slip off. 
-Instead of tracing the wall, he will now be trailing his fingers up and down your arms and back, and through your hair. 
-His heart is melting you’re so god damn cute. He’ll tighten his grip, just gazing down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
-He will tease the everloving shit out of you when you wake up. Like he will not stfu about it. 
-He will also be a million times more physically affectionate with you during the day lol it’s sickening
-He is NOT stinky JFC
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-Whaaaaat are you doing?
-Oh, you’re asleep.
-He’ll stiffen up, but oh no you’re sleeping he cant just...push you away... he’s not heartless....
-He is confused to say the least, and a lil bit uncomfy, but he trusts you. 
-Watches as your features relax as your face presses into the crook of his neck and your arm tightens around his middle. Oh fuck you’re cute
-you’ve won him over. 
-He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, (So you don’t fall dsjdsjdsj) and let you be close to him. He enjoys it too, if he’s being honest. You’re so cute. 
-When you wake up, he’s much kinder and softer towards you. He’ll make any excuse to gently bump knees while you’re sitting or to brush his hand against yours while reaching for something. 
-Only because you asked for it tho
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-Nani in tarnation is goin on?
-He’s completely taken by surprise. You’re asleep? And you want him? To hold you? ???? ?????? *Windows start up sounds* 
-He literally doesn’t know what to do He’s so soft and so confused with his negative brain cells (I do hate him but I will admit he does have a big heart he is a sweetie) 
-He will, a little too eagerly, hug you back. His tenacity may or may not wake you up. (It does. Sorry.) 
-You wake up to a surprise hug though so win win?
-The more you subconsciously ask, the more he gives, until you two are literally glued together. (Social distancing whomst? We don’t know her.) 
-Expect sloppy kisses everywhere. On the other hand, funnily enough, you will have to initiate the hugging. He’s so scared. What if he hugs you too tight? What if he wakes you up again? What if he suffocates you? What if you don’t like his hugs
-Hug him jfc he needs reassurance that you want to be held. 
-Sleepy morning hugs where you two are just breathing in sync and there’s not a care in the world are his favorite
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-He is a light sleeper. I know I’ve said this before, but he is a very, very, very light sleeper. 
-So when you reach out and grasp at any piece of him you can reach, trying to close the gap between you (It’s a cold winter morning, come on) 
-He’ll startle awake and look over at you to check and see if you’re okay. 
-Oh, you are okay. Oh, you just want held? Alright. He’s up for that. Oh. You’re asleep? He’ll have to be especially careful to not wake you. 
-He will pull you close and rub circles into your back, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. He might even fall back asleep. If you stir, it’s not for long. His warmth and soothing movements lull you back to sleep in the safety of his arms. 
-When you’re awake, he’ll definitely be more affectionate, pressing tiny flowers into your hands, brushing your hair back, k i s s i n g y o u r k n u c k l e s (Im so fucking soft) 
-But seriously imagine Giorno getting down on one knee, taking your hand, and brushing his lips against your knuckles while looking up at you with literally nothing but love and affection in his eyes im going to cry
-Anything he does will have you a blushing mess
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-Who tf is waking her up? 
-oh, it’s you
-Oh, you’re hugging her
-OH, You’re still asleep.
-O H, you’re fucking cute!
-She’ll study you for a minute, before reaching up to lightly cup your cheek in her hand, careful not to wake you up. Her fingers will flutter over your face, tracing your features. She absolutely adores how precious you look snuggled up against her. 
-When you wake up, expect to have your hand held all day. Trish is the queen of hand holding. She will also take your face in her hands and kiss the corners of your lips, and rest her head on your shoulder when you two are sitting next to each other.  
-She’ll have this smug look on her face the whole time too dsjdsjdsjdsjds 
-Will absolutely do the disgusting feeding each other thing. “Babe, try this!” *Proceeds to hold forkful of food in front of your mouth. “Oh, that looks good, can I have some?” *Lets you do the same* 
-It’s revolting and I love it. 
Joseph (Fluff):
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-He’s already awake. He’s got to get up early and train (Viva reverie reference: “With these tall hat guys for a looooong time!”)  But oops, you just so happened to burrow against him, and your arm seems to have found its way across his stomach. What a predicament, you’re still asleep! He can’t wake you!
-He decides that he just doesn’t have the heart to move you, and wraps his arms around you to pull you even closer. What if you get cold? He’s warm, you’ll be warm next to him!
-He will hold you against him until you wake up, no matter how late it makes him. Punishments be damned. You’re way too cute and this opportunity is way too good to pass up. 
-In all honesty though he’s elated that you want him to hold you. This carries over into you being awake. He’ll be hanging off of you. Hell, He’ll carry you around if you give the okay. He will absolutely kneel so he can carry you around on his shoulders. 
-He’s very handsy, so rip to your personal space. You asked for it, after all. You wanna sit in that chair over there? Aww, that’s too bad. He’s your chair now. 
-Are you complaining tho? He’s got some thicc thighs, you’ll be pretty comfy. 
-Psst his hands are gonna be like twice your size compare hand sizes he will love it
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-He’s already cuddly bb
-But if on the rarest of rare occasions he either 1.) wakes up before you or 2.) Isnt already holding you, and you press closer to him in your sleep, just maybe ball his shirt up in your fists as you clutch at him, yearning for the affection you’re too scared to ask for when you’re awake
-Oh god he cry
-He cry so hard
-He is the (Parker James’ Steven Voice) CEO of bear hugs. Especially if someone as adorable as you is cuddling up against him.
-He will pull you up against him and bury his face in your hair, maybe even falling back asleep himself. (good luck getting out of his embrace when he’s asleep lol There’s no chance.) 
-it is always a nice surprise to wake up cocooned in his arms, his entire body wrapped around you. 
-When you’re both awake, He’ll do lots of little things for you. Absentmindedly rub your back and shoulders, sling an arm around your shoulders, link pinkies, hold hands, forehead kisses
-He will lift you up and spin you around and kiss you but shh don’t tell anyone
-He is
-so GOD damn soft I love him 
18+ ONLY
-He’s in the midst of registering being awake, getting prepared for the day, when he notices that you’re uh
-he can’t help his erection when he sees you bury your face in his neck and grind your hips against him. You’re still asleep, what could you possibly be dreaming about? 
-Oh god if he hears you whimper his name it’s all over for you. 
-Shakes your shoulder, peering into your sleep-gripped eyes and smiles nervously. 
-”Tesoro, would you mind if I made love to you before I left for work?” 
-Your lips on his are answer enough. He’ll thrust into you at a slow, sensual speed, showering you in praises, leaving soft kisses all over your body. Never marking, but always making sure the feeling of his mouth lingers on your skin. 
-He will speak only in italian during this time, so unless you know italian, don’t count on understanding anything he says. (You’ll have a pretty good Idea of what he means tho 👀)
-He will absolutely make sure you won’t be getting out of bed for the rest of the day. He definitely has a way of making your body melt under his touch. He’s never rough. He’s so, so gentle with you, and you’d be surprised how quickly he can have you cumming because of it. 
-If you ask nicely, he’ll stay in bed with you for a little longer afterwards, pressing kisses into your hair and telling you how much he cherishes you
-”You don’t have to be afraid, dolcezza. My arms are always open for you. You’ll find in them nothing but home.” 
-Did you just grab his tiddies?
-He’s in the middle of telling you off when he sees that you’re asleep, mumbling about how you want him to take you, grinding against him. 
-Something feral awakens in him at the sight of you, unknowingly begging for him, and he grabs your wrists, flipping you fast, waking you, and leaning over you, his breath hot against your ear. 
-”Dolcezza, Is it okay if I fuck you?” 
-The answer is yesssssssss
-Oh bby he is R o u g h. He’ll use his stand to hold your arms above your head and push your legs up so far that your thighs will be pressed against your chest, and he will pound into you with a speed and force that’s almost inhuman
-He will kiss you hard, and long, so that when he pulls away, you’re gasping for air, your lips bruised, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
-Any qualms he has about being this close to you are out the door. You’ll have deep handprints in your legs from where he was holding them, and the darker the bruise he leaves with his mouth, the happier he is. He doesn’t care where he leaves them, either. Expect some on your chin, your neck, your chest, anywhere he can reach, honestly. But if your lips are bruised, that’s what satisfies him the most. 
-You’ll definitely cum more than once, and once he cums, it’s hard, and he’ll pull you flush against him, breathing heavily, burying his face in your shoulder. Tell him it’s okay, because once he’s come down from his high, his fear that he hurt you is overwhelming. He loves you, after all. Reassure him. Hold him close, and don’t let go. 
-(Once again Julian laugh) Oh ho ho! 
-He’s gonna watch for a minute, but wake you up if the pressure becomes too much for him. He’ll give you a moment to wake up, and then ask you to fuck. 
-(Yes yes yes) 
-He’s like a mix of Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Rough and kinky, but will literally shower you in praise and affection. 
-He likes tugging your hair while taking you from behind (If you have hair. If not, his hands will grip your waist, or reach around to rub your clit/stroke your cock depending. 
-He will kiss down your back while leaning over you, making sure to leave little marks that’ll last, but not long 
-Definitely makes you cum before he does, but if he can, really enjoys cumming together. To him, it adds to the intimacy of the moment. 
-”Oh, Bombolone, do you need me so much that You want me even in your dreams? I’ll wake you each time, I need you more than you know. You are so perfect. You are so wonderful, and adorable, and I love you so much.” 
-He will literally not shut the fuck up during sex but it’s okay because it’s all sweet and loving. 
-Oh jesus christ stroke his ego why dontcha
-if you’ve discussed it beforehand, and you’re into Somnophilia, he’ll fuck you right there. But if not, He’ll take the time to wake you, his ears burning red. 
-”Oi, babe, You were holding onto me kinda tight and grinding your hips against my leg. If you want me that bad, say something.”  
-He will destroy you. Something about seeing you want him when you’re not even aware of what you’re doing? OOF. 
-He also has a bad case of not shutting the fuck up during sex. 
-The best remedy to this is to just pull him down into a kiss while he’s snapping his hips against yours. Hold it for as long as possible. It’ll make his heart happy if you’re bold enough to initiate a kiss as well. 
-He cums before you but will help you cum as well, whether it be eating you out/blowjob or fingering you/handjob. (If you’re AMAB then he’ll let you return the favor tbh) 
-Will shamelessly ask you for a blowjob. If you indulge him, he’s on cloud nine, His hands weaved into your hair, watching your every move as your mouth closes around his cock and your tongue swirls around him. It takes all of his self control not to throat fuck you. 
-Once you’ve reached your limit, he’ll help you into the shower and massage wherever’s sore, washing you off with a gentleness that’s a stark contrast to his movements prior. 
-When did you end up in his sleeping bag? 
-He’s awake before you or Johnny, and he notices you’ve burrowed yourself close to him. You’re also
-Nyo-ho. Oh are you also. 
-He’ll shake your shoulder, and once you’re awake, he’ll flash his grill and lean in, whispering in your ear
-”D’you wanna fuck me that bad that you’re doing it in your sleep, doll?” 
-Who cares if johnny’s sleeping right over there, with your consent, he’s inside of you faster than anything. He’ll give you a moment to adjust to him, and then start off slow, massaging your hips and thighs, whispering how amazing you are. 
-He goes slow, but makes sure he’s down to his full length with every thrust, pressing his lips into the corners of your mouth, then crashing them directly against your lips, not letting you come up for air until your legs are trembling around him. 
-He won’t change things up until he hears a “Please” 
-That’s his favorite word. If you groan out a “Please, Gyro,” And your voice cracks, oh, are you in for a t r e a t. 
-He’ll make you see stars, but shh, don’t get too loud, doll. Johnny’s asleep. If you’re being too loud, he’ll cover your mouth with his hand. 
-Please hold onto him. Wrap your arms and legs around him while he fucks you. He loves it so much. 
-Once you’ve cum, he tumbles not long after, blurting out something in italian that you can only hope to understand if you don’t speak it. (Hint: It’s praises for you and your body.) 
-Once he’s done, he falls back down next to you, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead, deciding that It can be a later start than usual today. Besides, you look so cute curled up against him like that, doll. 
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graykageyama · 3 years
dream come true.
synopsis: when you fall in love, you fall in love deep. they become your world, while you became theirs. they’re your dream, and you are theirs. but all it takes is a change of heart to change the courses of your dreams, and maybe only one dream can come true. 
pairing: Suna x reader
genre: angst
word count: 3k +
Part 2: but you were my dream, too
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“And then Atsumu never saw it coming. So he was running from his fangirls right? He ran like he was running away from an apocalypse. As stupid as he is, he never saw it coming. He ran straight to the gym and when he opened the door, he triggered the trap. Dude, got the whole floor wet.” Suna laughed hard as he tells you about his day - well trying as he can barely get the words out.
You glance towards his direction and you just cannot believe that this man is your boyfriend - he looks so ethereal under the glow of the street lamps lighting your way home before the dusk completely envelops both of you. With his gym bag slung over his shoulder and his other hand warming yours, his head tilted back as he tried to catch his breath, this was another rare moment where Suna -your Suna Rintarou- is completely carefree, defenseless and well, just him. His piercing, slanted eyes which usually intimidates most people, are now closed. Even with his awkward hair style still damp from practice, and hunched-over posture, you still think of him as your Mr. Perfect.
You’ve been  together since the start of your third year in high school, and honestly, this is so far your best year. Being friends with him and the twins since first year of highschool, you can’t help but to just fall for him. Despite his usually cold persona, he is always so sweet to you. He makes sure to walk you home everyday, since he always asks you to watch him at practice. It’s amazing really, how he can transform to this scary, intimidating middle blocker into an adorable fox always seeking for your affections. He loves it when you hand his towel, or maybe dry his hair with your gentle touches. You know he secretly loves how you cheer for him even in practice games. You also know to yourself that you would want to do these things for him even in the far future. Even if it would mean you would have to sacrifice your dreams to become Suna’s perfect wife, you know that you’re going to stay with him for the rest of your life. To become Suna’s number one fangirl is now your dream.
“Y/N?” Suna calls out, interrupting your thoughts. “Watch this. Ain’t he stupid?”He laughs again as he shows you the video clip of Atsumu being drenched with water, and his face flat on the floor. “Yeah, he is. He falls for it every time. Smart athlete on the court, but in reality, he’s pretty stupid. Kita-san and the other alumni must have had a hard time in handling you three. ”  You laugh along at his story. “He misses Kita-san though, the dude cries when he remembers how Kita-san took care of him when he got sick.”
“Well, Tsumu can be a baby sometimes, that’s why we love him” He faintly slows down his pace as he asks, “Come to think of it Y/N, I’ve never seen you cry. I mean, I wouldn’t want to make you cry or anything, but even when we were still friends, you never cried.”
Pinching his side, you giggle “I cry too, dumbass. I’m human too.I don’t know though, I just don’t cry easily I guess.” You shrug. “What about you? I rarely see you in tears, too.” You tease as you poke your tongue out. He smirks as he looks over at you,”I don’t easily get affected by my emotions and honestly I don’t need too, sweetcheeks. There’s no reason too. I always win.” He lets out another hearty laugh, as you think. That’s true. No one can really beat and outwit Suna. Maybe only the french fry from Karasuno, but I guess no one can easily faze him.  
Suna lets go of your hand as you both stopped in front of your house. He clasps your hands together with his one hand as he places the other on the top of your head, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Rest well, Miss I-don’t-easily-cry.” Placing a tender kiss on your forehead, you shut your eyes. This had been your routine with your boyfriend ever since you got together, but you would never wish for anything else to replace these moments.
As you both graduated from Inarizaki, you decide to follow your dream - your Suna - and support him as he aspires to be a professional Volleyball player. You go to a University near where he is training so that it would be more convenient for him to fetch you. Life goes by quickly. Your boyfriend trains hard day and night and hones his skills and game sense. You study a business course to help you land a good job, a job that can still be pretty flexible to work with according to Suna’s. You rarely see your boyfriend nowadays, but no doubts cross your mind as you are assured that you were Suna’s one and only, his love of his life. Whenever you think otherwise, you try to remember these evidence of his love and assurance.
You closed the door as you said your goodbyes to your mom. It pains you to see her get cheated on by your dad, but you couldn’t do anything about it. You sat on the couch and hugged your knees together. Forcing your eyes shut to keep you from crying and sharing her pain, but alas - your tears betrayed you as it streamed down your face.
How can the guy you loved for so many years, easily replace you?
Suna saw your broken state as he gave you a warm hug. He didn’t say anything, but you’re comforted by his silence and the small circles he rubbed on your back. You looked up at his eyes and cried, “It’s so scary, Rin. How one day you’re hopelessly in love with your best friend for so many years, but then they suddenly act like you are just trash - disposable, replaceable, and no longer wanted. They were so perfect in my eyes, you know? But why did he cheat on her? He just gave up in the middle of solving their problem. Why? I’m scared, Rin. Will that happen to us?”
Suna tilted your head to maintain the eye contact you had initiated. With his soft voice, he said “No matter what happens, I will never hurt you, leave you, and will never make you cry intentionally.” He wiped away your tears, then placed his hand on top of your head. Kissing your temple softly, he assured you. “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
You both try to make your relationship work, spending all of your free time together. He is still the Suna you loved. Always affectionate to you alone, and always caring about you.
Things are going great to the both of you. You are now in your last months in university, and Suna gets scouted to play for the EJP Raijins, a V. League Division 1 team. You are so proud of your boyfriend. He is finally reaching his dreams, and your dream of seeing him so successful is also coming true. You understand how he puts more effort in his training, with him usually coming home to dim lights. But you try your hardest as his girlfriend to warm up the dinner you have prepared for him earlier. With only the kitchen lights lit, you always wait for your boyfriend to come home, to greet him with a kiss even if it is past 11pm. This is just the life of a professional athlete, and you, as his partner, should adopt this life too.
“Y/N baby, no need to wait for me. I’m not coming home tonight. Coach offered to let me sleep at his place since we’re just really fatigued from the hard training we had today.”
This slowly becomes a habit, and you are getting frustrated over the lack of attention you’ve been receiving. You understand this was his job, and he needs to work hard with the season coming up soon. But does he have to be away for almost every day of the week? You rarely get to see him now, with most encounters only at night. He’d usually go home at 1 am, and when you’re lucky, you get to feel your lover’s intimate touches again. But before dawn cracks up, he's out on his training again, and who knows when he’s coming home.
“Hey, Rinnie. I miss you so much babe, and I know you’ve been training really hard, but I’d like to spend some time with you.” You approached your boyfriend as you saw him packing his things up for training. “Maybe I could go by your gym and visit you! I could make some packed lunches for you and your teammates too, and maybe I can finally meet them.”
“I’ll try Y/N, I can’t say much now with our new training schedule.” He utters out rather coldly, while shoving his equipment down his gym bag.
“Ohhh okay. But are you able to come home early on Wednesday? Just for one night, pretty please? You’re rarely home these days and I--”
“Well, I just can’t laze around right? I’d have to work hard in order to feed the both of us. Can you stop being clingy, and act like a more understanding girlfriend. It’s getting pathetic how you’re acting like I’m not doing this for the both of us.” He zipped up his bag and slings it over his shoulder. He went up to your frozen state, and gave a light kiss to your temple. “Look, I don’t really want to fight. I’m sorry. But please be an understanding girlfriend for me, and stop being extra clingy.” He walked up to the door, and left - leaving you to blame yourself for being another burden to your partner. Although he said some hurtful things, he says he’s sorry right?
You love routines, and it makes you feel your life has a structure it has to follow. But this new routine was not one you would wish to have, to be honest, you did not know when did your old routines fall out. Suna’s rarely home, if he used to go home once a week, now, he only goes home to pick some of his clothes, makes love to you if you ask him to, and leaves the next day. His texts are getting drier each day, even taking hours to reply to yours. You’re scared. Even his words don’t seem to assure you now, he feels so far away. He’s slipping through your fingers, and you know you need to do something to keep your relationship together.
“Rin love, can you go home tonight? I just really miss you terribly, and honestly, I’ve been craving your touch for so long. Come home tonight, love.” (Sent, 2:51 PM)
“Ok.” (Received, 4:30 PM)
You’re ecstatic. You’re finally going to spend time with your boyfriend after such a long time. You prepare his favorite dinner, and you choose to wear his favorite nightgown for you. As you hear his steps outside the apartment, you greet him with your sweetest smile.
“Hi, Rinnie. I’m glad you’re home” You give him a tight hug, as you offer to take his gym bag.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N. Go now to the room, I’ll just wash up.” He mutters as he steps out of his shoes. You stand frozen, as you suppress the tears forming in your eyes. “I made dinner, Rinnie. Your favorite, actually. Come eat with me? ” You try to invite him again, holding his hands as you try to lead him to the kitchen.
“Ï’m a busy man, Y/N. What more can you ask from me? You said you wanted my touches and love, right? That’s why I’m here. I need to go back to the dorms immediately, and honestly I just want to have it over with.”
“Rin,” you called out. “Can you at least spare me some time and attention that  you have been refusing to give me over these past months? All I’m asking is to spend time with you. I’m even trying my best to make time for you. Why are you like this?”
The eyes. The eyes you never had thought would frighten you as much as it did to the other players in the court, pins you down. Suna glares as he seethes through his teeth, “Make time for me? You don’t even have a job yet after graduating a few months ago. You stay here, enjoying your life as I worked hard to keep this up. You are demanding too much from me, Y/N. And now you are asking me for my share in this relationship? Well aren’t you one selfish woman.”
You cower away from his gaze, but you still try to express your frustrations. “I never asked for an expensive life. I just wished to be with you, Rin! To support you with your dreams.” You lift your head to meet his gaze.  “I’ll always try to take care of you, Rin. You are my dream. Seeing you pursue yours, makes me feel as if I’m accomplishing my dream too. But all I’m asking is for you to still treat me as your favorite girl, your partner, and I can give back ten times more than what you can give me, just please give me the small attention and love I have been craving for.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you Y/N, but you’re the least of my priorities now. And aren’t you pathetic? Sacrificing your dream to support mine? You’re just lazy to pursue yours, and you’re just leeching off of me. I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N. You’re getting more pathetic each day.”
“I wanted to go and look for a job, but how could I when I don't know how you are lately? How is our relationship lately? It’s like it’s hanging by the thread now, Rinnie.”
“Well, just cut the damn thread, then!” He forcefully slams the counter as his eyes snap backs to yours. “Ï can’t deal with this right now. If you keep on acting up Y/N, just stop. Have some pity over yourself.” Suna picks up his things, and leaves. Shutting the door as hard as he could, the loud bang conceals the sound of your shattered heart.
Weeks go by slowly as you patiently wait for your boyfriend’s return. He wouldn’t leave me right? He promised .He promised.. Scrolling up to your text messages, you reviewed the texts you’ve sent him.
“Hey Rinnie, I’m sorry for the things I’ve said. I hope you’re taking care of yourself, babe.” (Sent. April 13, 8:53 AM.)
“Hey baby! Please don't skip your meals, and drink lots of water too! Drink your water, bitch!” (Sent. April 14, 10:14 AM.) You slightly smiled as you reminisced how both of you loved to tell that to each other after hearing it from a famous personality, finding it amusing and adding it to your routine.  
“Call me whenever your free, okay? Don’t forget to rest in between, Rinnie. I miss you.” (Sent. April 14, 8:42 PM.)
The text messages go on for two weeks, still with no replies from your Rinnie. As you are cleaning the apartment, you hear the awaited notification tone ring. You immediately grabbed your phone and checked out the notification. But it was not from Rin, it was from your friend from university calling you up.
“Hey, Y/N-san. Congratulations to Suna and his team for winning the pre-seasonal tournament. It’s all over the news right now.” Akaashi exclaimed over the phone. Your heart leaps upon hearing your boyfriend’s name. Rushing over to see the news for yourself, your heart flutters as you see your perfect man - in his wet jersey while holding the medal wrapped around his neck as the reporter angled the microphone in front of him. Your perfect man responds casually and smug, as usual.
I’m so proud of you baby. Always had, and always will. I knew you could do it, Rin.
But your thoughts are interrupted as the reporter asks, “Is there any special someone you would want to celebrate this victory with, Mr. Suna?”
Suna looks over at the camera and he smiles bright. Brighter than the ones you’ve seen when you were with him during these past months. “Yeah, actually I do.” He replies as he smiles back at the reporter. “She’s just the best and I’ve been training really hard for her, you know? Gotta make my baby proud.”
The spark of hope ignites within your heart upon hearing those words. Even when doubts clouded your mind, you still never fail to have faith in him. You always believe that everything will be perfectly fine, and your Rin will always stay by your side. He said he’ll never go away, and you know that you’re here to stay.  “I will never go away, no matter how rough it may become. Every single day for the rest of my life, I will be by your side.”
But what you see next finally wakes you up from your own self-deception. Suna Rintarou. Your Rin. Has his arms around another girl as he smiles back again to the reporter. “She’s the girl I’m talking about.” As if it wasn’t enough, Suna placed his hand on top of her head and placed a tender kiss on her temple.
I’m supposed to be that girl, that should have been me.  I should be the one greeting you back from your training. I should be the one with you as you receive your recognition. That should be me. That used to be me.
Even though it hurts, you stare at the couple in front of you and see how Rin was just casually cool and okay, as though he wasn’t the cause of your heart breaking.
All this time. While you have been fixing your own shattered heart, someone else is mending his - no, there was nothing to fix as it has been replaced. It’s so unfair, how can you be so fine? All the fights we’ve gone through, I even deceived myself that I was being a burden to you. Convincing myself to no longer bother you as it may faze you and your performance, too. It takes so much for me to just go through the day, and live for you, for us. But I guess you’re my dream, right? You win again, Rin. You always did.
Dreams do come true, they said. But it seems only your dream came true. And it’s wonderful to see you reaching your dreams, love. Even if it meant that my dream won’t come true.
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A/N: HNGHHH, I am sorry for Y/N becoming so heads over heels over him, which is why she’s hurting so much!! But reality’s a bitch, there really are people who be martyrs for love :<  Would love to hear you thoughts uwu reblogs, likes, comments, asks and messages are very much appreciated! There will be a part 2!! Will try to post within this week, after doing my requirements T.T .  
Message me or send an ask if you want to be tagged for the update! <3
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