#which means Eddie goes feral over Richie going feral on screen
Started watching the new Barry episode yesterday night.
Blacked out for 20 Minutes thinking about Eddie's reaction to that last shot of Bill Hader-...
Bon appetite!
Alright, so maybe Bev feels a little bit bad for laughing as hard as she does.
Really, normally she is good at being sensible if Eddie asks that of her and it shouldn’t be this goddamn funny. On any other day but today really, in any other situation, Bev would just shut it and talk Eddie through it. But not today.
Because as of 10 Minutes ago she watched Eddie lose his mind over 4 seconds of screentime for Richie’s shoulders on TV.
And the thing is she gets it. Richie does have nice shoulders and it’s not like Bev can’t appreciate a nice back in general, especially in a nice suit, but this thing between Eddie and Richie, ever since their return to Derry over a year ago, also has been going on for way too long at this point.
Richie and him keep dancing around each other and because they aren’t able to talk to each other about their feelings like adults, Bev now has Eddie face first lying on her couch.
Because of a pair of shoulders.
There’s no way she won’t tell Stan about this immediately.
“Hey Eddie, say cheese.”
Eddie flips Bev the bird but doesn’t move any further from his face down position on the couch, while mumbling something into the pillow that Bev doesn’t even try to understand as she’s taking the picture. She knows what he’s trying to say, anyway.
“You could just talk to him you know, get to see that nice back up close.”
Just as Bev opens her messenger, Eddie makes her jump back with a yelp by kicking after her with his socked foot.
“Hey! I’m just trying to help.”
Before Eddie can trip her up any further, Bev sends the picture to Stan with a quick caption about how Eddie had to lay down after the new episode, before sitting down on the floor besides Eddie’s head. She starts poking his cheek but doesn’t get any other reaction besides a frustrated groan.
Bev doesn’t hide her laugh at that either “Well, at least you’ve got good taste. Besides Ben, Richie's got the nicest shoulders out of all of you."
Another muffled groan into the pillow “God, they’re so nice!”
The urge to tease Eddie some more almost wins out when her phone starts vibrating with a message from Stan.
Is he ok?
Bev huffs out another laugh at the question, quickly typing in her response
Oh yeah. The 'sexy shoulder shot' (Eddie's words, not mine) at the end just took him out.
A moment later another pair of dots appears on the screen and it takes Bev exactly two seconds to realize how majorly she just screwed up, announcing herself with a startled shriek at her phone which finally gets Eddie to look up with wide eyes.
“What? What happened?!”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry! I thought I was talking to Stan but I accidentally opened the group chat-“
Eddie hurriedly pulls the phone from her hands and throws it back with his own yelp a few seconds later after getting a look at Richie's message at the bottom
Uh sorry but Eddie called it what-
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