#reddie drabble
Started watching the new Barry episode yesterday night.
Blacked out for 20 Minutes thinking about Eddie's reaction to that last shot of Bill Hader-...
Bon appetite!
Alright, so maybe Bev feels a little bit bad for laughing as hard as she does.
Really, normally she is good at being sensible if Eddie asks that of her and it shouldn’t be this goddamn funny. On any other day but today really, in any other situation, Bev would just shut it and talk Eddie through it. But not today.
Because as of 10 Minutes ago she watched Eddie lose his mind over 4 seconds of screentime for Richie’s shoulders on TV.
And the thing is she gets it. Richie does have nice shoulders and it’s not like Bev can’t appreciate a nice back in general, especially in a nice suit, but this thing between Eddie and Richie, ever since their return to Derry over a year ago, also has been going on for way too long at this point.
Richie and him keep dancing around each other and because they aren’t able to talk to each other about their feelings like adults, Bev now has Eddie face first lying on her couch.
Because of a pair of shoulders.
There’s no way she won’t tell Stan about this immediately.
“Hey Eddie, say cheese.”
Eddie flips Bev the bird but doesn’t move any further from his face down position on the couch, while mumbling something into the pillow that Bev doesn’t even try to understand as she’s taking the picture. She knows what he’s trying to say, anyway.
“You could just talk to him you know, get to see that nice back up close.”
Just as Bev opens her messenger, Eddie makes her jump back with a yelp by kicking after her with his socked foot.
“Hey! I’m just trying to help.”
Before Eddie can trip her up any further, Bev sends the picture to Stan with a quick caption about how Eddie had to lay down after the new episode, before sitting down on the floor besides Eddie’s head. She starts poking his cheek but doesn’t get any other reaction besides a frustrated groan.
Bev doesn’t hide her laugh at that either “Well, at least you’ve got good taste. Besides Ben, Richie's got the nicest shoulders out of all of you."
Another muffled groan into the pillow “God, they’re so nice!”
The urge to tease Eddie some more almost wins out when her phone starts vibrating with a message from Stan.
Is he ok?
Bev huffs out another laugh at the question, quickly typing in her response
Oh yeah. The 'sexy shoulder shot' (Eddie's words, not mine) at the end just took him out.
A moment later another pair of dots appears on the screen and it takes Bev exactly two seconds to realize how majorly she just screwed up, announcing herself with a startled shriek at her phone which finally gets Eddie to look up with wide eyes.
“What? What happened?!”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry! I thought I was talking to Stan but I accidentally opened the group chat-“
Eddie hurriedly pulls the phone from her hands and throws it back with his own yelp a few seconds later after getting a look at Richie's message at the bottom
Uh sorry but Eddie called it what-
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derrymilk · 2 years
Richie towering over a kneeling Eddie, holding his chin in place while he spits in his face and calls him a dirty fucking pervert. He pushes his boot into Eddie's erection, just hard enough for Eddie's face to redden with pain and mortification. Richie is fully clothed while Eddie is completely nude... completely vulnerable... completely debauched.
Richie makes him cum with just his words and a few rough tugs of his cock. Eddie ends up a sobbing mess on the floor, completely spent and completely sated.
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wolftozier · 4 months
im coming up onto 30k total hits on ao3! i might do a celebration. please let me know if u have any ideas for me!! <3
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feelingprettypsyched · 10 months
Drabble: Dish
(written for @100wednesday | fandom: IT)
"Taters, whens can we taste the tasty taters, precious?" Richie croaks in his best Gollum, crouched over but still managing to hover above Eddie.
It's a great angle for Eddie to elbow him in the ribs.
But halfheartedly. He's concentrating on the steaming pot of mashed potatoes on the stove: their contribution to the Third Official Losers Club Friendsgiving Extravaganza.
"Seriously, dude? I haven't even added the fucking chives!" Which Eddie does, with a flourish—one more whip—and only then surrendering a spoonful.
Richie licks it clean. "Yep. Definitely the second best thing I've put in my mouth today."
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jessiewithapen · 20 days
Reddie legally blonde au who else is with me. During the 27 years apart, Richie's girlfriend leaves him because he doesn't take their relationship seriously enough and she leaves for college. Richie gets into the same college with a short film instead of an essay. When he's there he meets Eddie, who's a little older and gives him advice on stuff. Blah blah Eddie is the only person able to see that Richie is more than the jokes he makes and his funny persona and they fall in love. Richie proposes to Eddie in the end as well.
This is one of my more sane crossover ideas.
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marvelobsessions · 2 years
god I miss stevetony
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hughlegat · 2 years
Made to watch
Another thing he did know was six people all around the same age as him, he didn’t know these people in real life but in his head he watched them relive their deaths over and over again.
There was a boy with black hair who stood unable to protect himself as he was killed then there was a brown haired boy who got eaten limb by limb. There was a ginger haired girl who got lit on fire and a dark skinned boy who screamed for help every time another part of him broke. There was a kid who kept screaming ‘georgie’ and a bigger kid who cried the whole way through.
The dream would last for six nights each night being the focus of a different kid, it would start off with a scene from their normal life sometimes it would be set in a school or in the comfort of home. That part didn’t really matter. Then Stanley would wake up for a second back in the hospital before almost immediately falling back to sleep, that’s when it turned into a nightmare.
It was like he was a puppet on strings and the puppeteer was forcing him to watch, he was stuck in place and he couldn’t open his mouth or close his eyes. All he could do was watch as one of the kids came to their deaths. Right as they fell victim to the slaughter he would wake up and it’d be morning already.
A Raven would fly past the hospital windows and Stanley would tried not throw up from the memory of what he’d been forced to watch.
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For the Drabble/doodle prompt:
Fem!Reddie But I’m a Cheerleader AU
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ohhhh babey hell yeah
me and @haaawaiianshirt actually discussed this au like a million years ago but I genuinely can't remember who was who, so after like a full forty five minutes of staring at a wall, thinking about Them, I reengineered it to make eddie megan... except she still gets to be a little butch
ficlet below cut:
i haven't written these babies in so long so I sincerely apologize if im rusty but have some Eddie-specific, non-canon scene, but i'm a cheerleader vibes:
Eddie… didn’t quite see it working out like this.
Which to be perfectly fair, isn’t, like out of the picture. The past almost two months have been exclusively didn’t quite see it working out like this. 
Being accused of lesbianism, being sent to conversion therapy, and, goddamnit, especially not the accusation being right.
But when she’d been sitting outside the office, panic coursing through her nervous system, waiting, Eddie had genuinely thought that she was going to lie. She was fully prepared to pretend she was straight, to say that none of it had ever happened. That she’d never loved Richie Tozier and she was so, horribly, incredibly excited to graduate into a dull, mind-numbingly pink life of heterosexuality.
Richie was going to look at her with huge, betrayed eyes. Richie was going to get kicked out. She’d already carved out a place in her brain for the guilt.
Eddie was a good girl, Eddie was a catholic girl, Eddie was her mother’s perfect daughter, Eddie was a fucking cheerleader. Richie was the brave, snarky, proud-to-be-a-dyke one, not her.
But for some fucking reason, staring her mother down as tears and snot dripped down her face, demanding she reconsider, while Robert fucking Gray in neat little blue suit grinned at her and told her she could have a second chance, she couldn’t do it. Fuck that, she’d thought, considering a life of boyfriends and a raised ranch in the suburbs and two and a half kids, Fuck that.
Richie had said she was braver than she fucking thought that night, her hand slid under her skirt in the back of the Cocksucker, her voice all soft and smiley and genuine. She hadn’t really realized that she’d meant it comparatively. That Eddie was brave because Richie wasn’t.
Maybe that wasn’t fair. Eddie just… doesn’t know how to feel fair right now. 
She was supposed to leave with her and she hadn’t.
(The spot in her head she’d reserved for betraying-Richie guilt has been instead taken up with the image of Richie herself, pale and crying and more quiet than she’d ever seen her be, mouthing silent ‘I’m so sorry’s. With the words, ‘It’s been decided, then. Richie will do the simulation with Connor. Edith, you can go.’)
Adrien and Don had told her to take her time with the whole thing. Stan had rolled their eyes and told her that she’d get over it. She doesn’t think either of them are fucking right.
Not when she’s so fucking mad and confused, and every time she closes her eyes she pictures Conner fucking Bowers, sleazy, gay Conner Bowers, simulating sex that she knows Richie doesn’t want to have. 
She stares hard at the ceiling of her new bedroom. It’s smaller than her one at home, the walls painted a bright, angry red, and self-help books and dyke memoirs and magazines she knows you can’t buy in the grocery stores unsubtly sitting on the bedside table. 
It’s a weird, hands off sort of acceptance she’s not used to. And it’s better than her Mother’s cloying need to have control, but it almost makes her uncomfortable.
She doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing, in general and as a fucking lesbian and… god, maybe it’s selfish but she almost wishes Richie were here just so she could tell her the steps. 
Richie was the same age as her, sure, but she had more experience with this whole thing. She’d kissed girls, she knew what fucking… scissoring meant, she was good at it, she had the fucking training hours and everything that Eddie specifically lacked. 
(Though, she realizes, maybe that's the difference.
Richie knew. Richie came into this whole thing well aware she was a lesbian. From what she’d whispered, hidden in the dark corners of New Horizons, when they’d stopped making out just long enough to talk, it’d been one of the openly apparent things everyone around her knew and hated since she was thirteen. 
All her sex talk and bold sexuality shit that Eddie’d been so intimidated by at first, that she kind of longs for now, was just a defense mechanism that could be easily broken down and manipulated. 
Eddie… had honestly just never considered the idea before her mom sent her away.
Having sex with Conner would have grossed her out before, probably. She’d never even wanted to kiss Myran when they were dating, and now that she knew why, she wasn’t about to back down.
Somehow, Richie having more time to figure everything out made it even more complicated.
Christ, it’s not like any of this shit feels simple for Eddie, though.)
Without thinking about it she kicks herself off her bed and slams into the bathroom. 
‘Sweetheart, don’t worry about being a perfect lesbian,’ Adrian had soothed when she’d shown up, crying with suitcases, ‘Just worry about being yourself.’
It’d probably been good advice. If she’d known who the fuck she was.
She knew she was a cheerleader, that one had just been a fact.
She knew she was a lesbian, she’d figured that one out fast and then let it sink it incredibly slowly. 
She knew she was angry and she knew she was sad, and she knew that Richie might have had a point about her being brave. And that one had been after doing something impulsive and maybe stupid. 
She doesn’t really have time to recreate the first two, slowly burned life changes, but she can probably do the impulsive stupid one again. 
The least she could do was try, she thinks, digging in one of the drawers under the sink until she finds what she’s looking for. 
Her hair falls in clumps as she hacks at it with dull, bathroom cabinet scissors, uneven and probably ugly and she’s gonna have to get someone to fix it. Suddenly, though, she doesn’t think she gives a shit. 
She wonders if it’s a cliche, a dyke with short hair. She’s not necessarily sure she cares any more. Her head feels lighter than it ever has. 
She wonders why the fuck she hadn’t done this earlier, short hair would be so much easier for cheer than a fucking hair-sprayed stiff blow out. 
She wonders if Richie would like it. 
(Mother fucker… well, impulsive and stupid worked twice, right?)
She slams into Stan’s bedroom, the sudden plan shaking its way out of her skin too hard to take anything slow. They blink up from their book and look her over, cocking an eyebrow, “Nice hair.”
“Thank you,” She grins, feeling hot all over and shaky and kind of like she’s gonna pass out. Just, in a good way, somehow, “Wanna go crash the graduation tomorrow?”
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A while ago I had this idea for a Reddie AU where Richie got in with the wrong crowd after he left Derry for College and eventually ends up as a wanted criminal in New York, where Eddie has started working as a police officer.
This eventually resolves in a cat-and-mouse chase where they keep seeking each other out, even without their memories.
Until Mike calls them back to Derry and everything comes rushing back.
This has been sitting in my drafts for months and I don't think I'll continue the story but for anyone who's interested in some angst, here's the moment after Eddie gets hurt in the cave:
"Eds, come on. Who am I supposed to play cops and robbers with now, huh? You haven't even caught me yet."
It pulls a weak laugh from Eddie, followed by a bloody cough that wipes Richie's smile straight from his face. Thankfully Eddie doesn't seem to notice.
"Not my fault you tricked your way out of custody the last time."
"That's a shitty excuse, even for a cop, Eddie." Richie tells him and tries to blink against the burning in his eyes.
He just has to keep him talking and if anything, Richie knows he's good at that.
He readjusts his jacket against Eddie's chest but Eddie doesn't even flinch. Instead he slowly blinks at him and for a moment it reminds Richie of his cat at home.
"You gotta meet Alfie."
Another slow blink "Who's Alfie?"
"My cat. Alfredo Howard Tozier the first. I got him from a shelter last year."
Eddie huffs out another weak laugh. "Of course you did." Richie can tell that Eddie's starting to have trouble breathing. It takes a long moment for Eddie to go on with the conversation.
"What does he look like?"
Richie quickly wipes at his eyes with a wet laugh "Oh he's a huge black tabby cat that likes to stand on his backlegs a lot. If Al Capone ever got reincarnated as a cat, that would be Alfie."
Richie startles at the loud screech on the other end of the cave. As he looks up he can't see any of the others. He just hears them shout.
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lemonleafloser · 10 months
- Me at my desk writing on my chrome book.
- Dad comes in asking if I fed the pets.
- I tell him I fed Mickey (my cat) because I thought he fed the others (Ziggy, Dads Dog and Kitty, Mums cat)
- He says he hasn’t but he’s happy to do it now.
- I tell him I don’t mind feeding them cause he’s cooking.
- He insists he can do it saying “You keep doing what you’re doing because it’s important isn’t it”
- Me trying to to crack the fuck up because I’m literally writing fanfiction right now and I don’t want to reveal that so I say hesitantly “… yeah”
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derrymilk · 2 years
We can all have a little murder-happy Eddie, as a treat.
CW: murder, blood, homophobic slur, nsfw content, dubious consent (Eddie doesn't outwardly ask for consent but Richie's into it)
Thinking about the moment that Eddie finally snaps and kills his mom. There's nothing irregular about that day, except that Sonia pushes him just a little too far and suddenly twenty-three years of trauma comes crashing down on him. It's too easy; they're making dinner, the knife is right there, all he has to do is grab it...
And a minute later, he's watching as her body slumps to their kitchen floor, blood pooling out from her lifeless body. He's not sure how long he stands there, staring in intrigue, shock, and awe, but when he finally comes to it's because Richie is in his kitchen, shakily whispering, "What did you do...?"
Because Eddie has no more rhyme or reason, because he has nothing else to lose, he grabs Richie's face between his bloodied hands and kisses him breathless. Once the fever is ignited he can't stop, he falls to his knees, jeans staining in the pool of blood beneath him, and begins to suck Richie off.
Eddie feels light-headed, nauseated; his brain is running a mile a minute while also being the quietest it's ever been. He feels guilty about it, but he gets hard thinking about how his mother's corpse is mere feet away from them. He feeds off the horror he knows she would be feeling if she was alive to witness her sweet Eddie Bear, down on his knees for that Tozier boy. He'd been a f*g all along, just like she'd always feared.
Eddie looks up through wet lashes and takes in Richie's disheveled form; Sonia's blood is smeared across his ruddy cheeks, his eyes are hazy and unfocused even though he's gazing down at Eddie with more love and admiration than is probably appropriate given their surroundings.
And that's how Eddie cums in his pants: with a shaky breath and the realization that Richie is just as fucked up as he is. That despite the fact that Eddie had just crossed a line of no return, Richie had willingly crossed it with him.
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argyleheir · 1 year
One more tag game!
Tagged by @complicitsacrilege - thanks!
Current time: 3:55 PM
Current mood: relaxed
Current activity: making pizza dough
Currently thinking about: vacation 😍 will have limited internet next week, which I enjoy
Current favorite song: many; here’s a pretty one
Currently reading: have so been enjoying the recent flurry of Charioteer love that I’ve resolved to do a full reread. This book is dear to my heart - and while it’s one I’ve often reread certain scenes, I think I’ve only given it the cover-to-cover treatment three times. The last was in 2021 (‘53 edition)… I feel I’m in need of a refresher to fully appreciate and participate in the discourse (and write fic)
Currently watching: seeking enthusiastic recs 👀
Current favorite character: Jonathan Harker
Current WIPs: mostly Dracula (90s AU, drabble set), still hoping to finish my Reddie longfic for the WIP Big Bang
Tagging a few I didn’t catch on the last game @grimgrinningghosts456, @ellewidogast, @jackie-the-obscure, @livesonthebside and anyone else who wants to play 🖤
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feelingprettypsyched · 8 months
Drabble - Current
(fandom: IT (2019) | prompt: holiday, from @lemonleafloser <3)
It's been a decade since Eddie set foot on a beach, the last time being that disastrous trip to Atlantic City to see Barry Manilow: Myra's thirty-first birthday present. But Eddie doesn't want to think about that; and anyway, beaches are different out west.
Everything's different—with Richie.
The glimmer of sunlight on the water. The regular crash of waves. The breeze, sweet more than salty.
Eddie feels good. Like really. Enough to shut his husband up with a kiss after some dumb fucking joke about Eddie's limited tolerance of sand and even that's pretty nice, 'cause Richie's here too.
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reddie-ao3feed · 2 months
Derry Canal Days Festival
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RnQ19Gx by Arrow_Jaeger “Will you guys still go down to the festival with me?” Richie asked. “Is this an invitation for a date?” Bill teased. Bill’s question went ignored. “Fireworks!” Richie announced. “Rides! Fucking games?! Enough fried food to make you sick for the rest of the weekend-” “Are you describing what’s supposed to be a good time?” Mike chuckled. “I’m down for fried food,” Beverly said, raising her hand. “Gonna win us all prizes throwing darts?” Eddie asked. “Maybe just for you and probably not by throwing darts…” was Richie’s answer. Ben grinned. “Buy me an ice cream, and you’ve got yourself a date, Tozier,” he joked. Richie sighed, accepting his fate. “So I’ll pick you all up at six?” AKA Richie invites the Losers to Derry’s Canal Days Festival where rides, games, and food are waiting for them. But along with the fun comes risk. Words: 10028, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of Reddie Drabbles | Arrow_Jaeger Fandoms: IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Minor Original Characters - Character Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, The Losers Club & The Losers Club (IT) Additional Tags: Derry Canal Days Festival (It - Stephen King), Period-Typical Homophobia, Homophobic Derry (Stephen King), The Turtle (Stephen King), References to the book, Use of the f slur, (by a gay author), Fluff, Carnival, Festivals, happy fun times with the losers, then homophobia strikes read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RnQ19Gx
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itnewsletter · 1 year
IT fandom, this week so far!
Sunday, the 26th:
• 18+ reddie, stozier, or stenbrough Roleplay Ad by @bugaboo726
• eddie kaspbrak Fanart by @edskspbrk
• pennywise Fanart by @toffiproto
• reddie Fanart by @theartsharki
• beverly marsh Moodboard by @trashmouth-writes
• reddie burned out flames should never reignite (but i thought you might) Fanfic Update by @eternalgoldfish
• reddie Fanart by @softreddie
• reddie Richie Tozier's Guide to Accidentally Saving the World Fanfic Update by a0llusi0n on AO3
• billwise The Supplemental Alpha Fanfic Update by No_Soap_Can_Clean_My_Dirty_Mind on AO3
• reddie Kick the bucket Fanfic Update by Lynn1998 on AO3
• tostetter 321: "Give me a kiss." Fanfic by Queen_Preferences on AO3
• stenbrough The Clubhouse Fanfic by ScroodleTheNoodle on AO3
• stenbrough the friendship of harmony 😜🍓🍋🌈 Fanfic Update and Completion by M1NTCH0C0K1TTY on AO3
Monday, the 27th:
• stenbrough Drabble by @antisociallilbrat
• hanbrough Fanart by @whatthefuckisasweep
• pennywise Fanart by @toffiproto
• eddie kaspbrak Fanart by @xavierlynn1998
• stanley uris Fanart by @bluedoor7dawn
• 18+ reddie Roleplay Ad by @fourtown
• chosen jacobs Fanart by @pimplepogue
• tostetter Fanvid by @katvalts999
• it time loop Fanfic Recs by @veryace-ficrecs
• frankworth Fanart by @cciirceee
• reddie Fanart by @pleasantlyeddie
• reddie Fanart by @nukoneedsleep
• eddie kaspbrak Fanart by atiredbun on Twitter
• reddie Fanart by viagox on Twitter
• reddie Fresh Air Fanfic by @padmedala on AO3
• reddie Summer of Chaos Fanfic Update by Mushroom_ace on AO3
• reddie I Want you to Drunk Text me Fanfic by AugustAle on AO3
• reddie are you lost enough? Fanfic Update by @lanekim & @the-crack-in-the-bell on AO3
• reddie i’d probably still adore you Fanfic by strangertwentypanic on AO3
• reddie happy endings Fanfic by surgeonofdeath on AO3
• henpat 3 times Patrick proposed running away and one time Henry agreed. Fanfic Update and Completion by RandomGayFandomKid on AO3
• cozier Awkward Teenage Virgins Fanfic Update by febuaryhargreeves on AO3
Tuesday, the 28th:
• reddie moments of all time Poll by @the-plural-of-moose-is-meese
• stanley uris Fanart by @whatthefuckisasweep
• pennywise Fanart by @penny-in-a-robe
• wip big bang Big Bang Announcement by @wipbigbang
• reddie Fanart by SmshMouthTozier on Twitter
• reddie Let’s Start Again Fanfic Update by @death2toby
• poly losers club fic exchange Fic Exchange Poll by @poly-losers-club
• reddie Met You in The Dark, I Was Talking to the Sea Fanfic by theoceannymph on AO3
• reddie Beautiful boy Fanfic Update by Southparkgeek on AO3
• reddie Reddie My Love Fanfic Update by byler_reddie on AO3
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seecarrun · 2 years
Baby and work and LIFE are busy today. So if I don’t have time to throw together a lil reddie drabble, enjoy this premade one from 2021 lol
Happy Valentine’s Day!! 💘
A Carnation Situation -
And Richie loathes that he's so attuned to Eddie that he can easily read between his words. Even more than that, he loathes that he knows this and has the desire and power to do something about it, but knows that he wont, because at the end of the day, he's nothing but a coward; able to smash a killer clown in the face with a baseball bat, but can't buy a cute boy a fucking flower.
A coward, but a smart coward nonetheless, because he may just have an idea.
Time for the ol' Tozier special: When in doubt, make it a joke.
Read it on AO3 here 💐
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