#which they already proved in his scene with Chrissy in the woods
kurokoros · 1 month
I stand by my point from two years ago that the scene where they find Eddie hiding in the shack would have been sooooooo much funnier if Eddie jumped out of the boat and Steve straight up knocked him out with the oar. there's a cut and Eddie wakes up to something with everyone else arguing with each other about what they're going to do now
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
it always makes me sad when eddie scares the one girl in the cafeteria and is nice to the cheerleaders walking passed it seems he's only a gentlemen to pretty girls :/
This is not true, though! I'm not sure whether this ask was meant to be passive-aggressive or not, but since it's sometimes difficult to tell with a text message, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and reply.
First of all, I don't like comparing people's looks but I'll do it here because it's neccessary to analyze the scene. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if the message of that scene had been meant to be "Eddie is only nice to pretty girls", they'd have picked actresses whose "prettiness" is varying more. That being said, look at the scene again:
When Eddie approaches the end of the table, the cheerleaders are in the background, still a few feet away while the only person walking by in that moment is the blonde girl.
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Eddie picks her for the jump-scare because she's literally the only person walking past right then - and he smiles friendly at her (and blinks. Blinking is a subtle way of telling someone you're not a threat. It's what many people do when joking good-naturedly: blinking to indicate 'I don't mean it in a mean way'.)
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Everything in his expression and body language screams that he's just joking and it's good-natured. He keeps his distance, doesn't invade her personal space, keeps his hands locked behind his back instead of stretching out his arms like you usually do when you want to startle/jump-scare someone. And he gives her a genuine smile. The Duffers went to extreme lengths to make sure we wouldn't think Eddie's a prick in this first cafeteria scene (they said so themselves) and even without everything that happens after, we already know in that moment that he's good-naturedly teasing and playing with the label "freak" he's been given, and if you don't agree with me you can agree with Dustin, who's absolutely delighted and laughing and definitely not uncomfortable (and Dustin would definitely be uncomfortable if Eddie's joke hadn't been good-natured). He wasn't rude, or unkind, or mean to the girl he jump-scared.
But everything in the scene is a character-establishing moment for Eddie, and him letting the cheerleaders pass with that little bow (hands still behind his back, making sure not to seem threatening) fulfils a purpose in establishing this new character Eddie Munson (as someone we're supposed to like, I might add). The purpose of this little moment is to prove further that Eddie is not rude or mean; it's meant to show us that he's a gentleman and not some prick, that he was only joking in the moment prior. Because the alternatives would have been to a) not have other girls trying to pass and let him walk back to his chair straight away or b) not let the girls pass but go to his chair first (which would have been rude). Letting those cheerleaders pass was a subtle, well-written way to smoothe out the situation and tell us how it was meant to be read.
And the fact that the girls he's letting pass are cheerleaders is important because cheerleaders are symbols of the popular crowd he dislikes (and just offended a minute ago). I said it in my other reblog, the one which I feel sparked this ask in the first place: they already openly show their disgust/disdain for Eddie, pulling that "ew, freak" face at each other while passing him by, and still he smiles and bows and acts genuinely like a gentleman even though he knows the kindness and smile won't be reciprocated.
This scene isn't meant to be read as "he's nice to the cheerleaders because he's only nice to pretty girls" but as "he's revved up and joking and parading around playing with the name Freak that the bullies gave him because if he owns it, they lose, but he's a kind, sweet guy letting ladies pass with a dorky little bow".
If you still doubt that Eddie's a genuine gentleman, not "only to pretty girls", take a look at all the other scenes:
with Chrissy in the woods, he keeps his distance, tries to set her at ease even though he's intimidated by her and clearly defensive/has his hackles raised at the start because he thinks she'll be mean and scary to him until it's clear she's not and he relaxed and lets his guards drop
at Eddie's trailer, while Chrissy is in her trance and he's alone with her, he respects her boundaries and personal space. He keeps his distance and doesn't touch her at first, doing everything he can to wake her until he realizes it's not working and only then, when it's evident everything else is futile and she needs to wake up because she's in danger, does he tocuh her shoulders and as a last resort pat her cheeks
during the earthquake in the Upside Down, Robin falls into him and Eddie, while tumbling to the ground himself, angles his hands away from Robin so he won't accidentally grope her (in a moment where the natural reaction would have been to hold on to the nearest thing, i.e. Robin's boobies)
So, Eddie's a genuine gentleman, not only to pretty girls. And if you still have doubts, look at everything Eddie embodies, the way he himself is judged for his appearance/looks and the way he cares for the lost little sheepies. Only being nice to others when they're pretty doesn't even remotely fit his character. He's fictional, he's written and acted in a way to show us he's one of the good guys. And while he has flaws and is complex, he's still a Good Guy TM, meaning it would neither fit nor serve the narrative if any of the writers had went "oh yeah he's that dorky outcast who's soft and caring to the point of dedicating his last breaths to making Dustin promise he'd help the outcasts now that Eddie can't do it anymore...but he's only nice to pretty people muahahaha."
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Why Eddie's trauma scene is one of the best in the season
iN tHiS eSsAy I WiLl-
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You might be wondering what I mean by Eddie's trauma scene. He has quite a few, of course he does, he saw a lot of scary stuff. But what I specifically want to talk about right now is the scene at the end of Chapter 2, when Steve, Dustin, Robin and Max find him in the shed by Lover's Lake. I think it's a perfectly constructed scene for a lot of reasons, which I will be going into now. Fasten your seatbelts and get a snack lmao.
First of all, the point I wanna broadly make is that Eddie is an amazing character as it is. His introductory scene is brilliant, all of his scenes with Chrissy showcase his internal conflict of morals so well, and of course I must give my compliments to Joseph Quinn for just... nailing his line delivery every single time. Many might not really see it, but I think Eddie's character is a clear trope diversion from "the freak" archetype. With the strong front he gives, some would expect his arc in the show to start out as a chaotic wildcard on the older kids team, and slowly develop into a more grounded, caring team player. Stranger Things ain't about that. From the get-go, Eddie is given his strong front, and by the end of the very first chapter, it's stripped away by his witnessing of the supernatural event of Chrissy's vecna-fied death. Eddie barely gets a chance to be "the freak" in the audience's eyes.
Another, smaller point I'd like to make, is that as someone on the neurodiverse spectrum, it is very easy to read Eddie as an individual with autism, from his poor academic performance to trouble with social cues to his abundance of clear stimming. This insinuates that he is never really a freak at face value, but due to his differences he gladly accepts the role of the Hellfire Club leader, and guides all of the other "little sheepies" who don't fit in.
All of that aside, though, let's get to The Scene™ in question. One thing I must preface with is that I. LOVE. NEW. CHARACTERS. ESPECIALLY the moments that they discover the supernatural elements of Stranger Things. I will never get tired of watching the OG squad taking a scared, confused newbie under their wing, and explaining everything that has happened in the previous seasons to them. I have to say though, Eddie's introduction is the best so far. I am obsessed with the way Dustin tells him "what I'm about to tell you may be a little... difficult to take." Even if you don't favour Eddie too much, you must admit that Dustin's dynamic with him is top notch.
I did not plan the structure of this essay, so let's forget Dustin for a moment and talk about trauma :)
I'm something of a whump author and film student myself, so the scene where they find Eddie is already in my good books, but let me just prove to you how good it is even as a casual viewer. In seasons 1-3, very rarely do we see a character truly traumatised, besides Will and perhaps Eleven. In a way, every surviving character who knows about the Upside Down has had a much slower introduction to the horror elements of the story, whether it be from one of those explanations I previously mentioned, or from the original kids finding Eleven in the woods before they found the Demogorgon. One character I might exclude from his point is Steve, who was thrown into the Demogorgon fight face first, but since he's an original character that's a conversation for another time.
I have never, in the whole show, seen a more realistic response to a crazy supernatural event than I did with Eddie. The guy was shaking when they found him. He could barely speak, he wouldn't let anyone touch him, he was whispering to himself over and over. It's unintelligible and the subtitles don't provide anything, but me and my friend think he's miming "I'm fine" or "it's fine" to himself over and over. His voice cracking as he finally boils over and shouts that he knows how crazy he sounds. The feeling of numbness taking over as he tells them that Chrissy couldn't move. Everything he did had me going absolutely wild.
The moment he lets go of Steve and sinks down to the floor is the moment his "freak" archetype is diverted, the moment the audience realised that his unpredictable, chaotic nature is all a front, and the moment his "cowardly" arc begins.
The acting in this scene is phenomenal. A lot of people have mixed feelings towards acting in Netflix original shows, and so do I, to an extent, but the addition of Joseph Quinn to Stranger Things is the best thing I have seen in years. I'm glad he's getting the attention he deserves, because I've loved my fair share of criminally underrated actors who stay criminally underrated (absolutely aching to talk about Iain De Caestecker right now but I must refrain.) I don't know how much of Eddie's trauma response was scripted, given that Joseph improvised quite a few of his lines in later scenes, but everything from the shaking, to the painfully present discomfort as he describes what he saw, to that noise that he makes as he tries to keep talking whilst reliving what happened to Chrissy. Fuckin... Joseph Quinn, everyone.
Now I could sit here and compliment Joseph Quinn all day, and believe me I would, but I wanna talk about Gaten Matarazzo too. Dustin's back and forth with Eddie throughout the whole scene is just perfection, from the viewpoint of someone who writes their own trauma scenes regularly. I wish my characters had the level of patience and gentleness that Dustin has with Eddie. I do not say this lightly, I would gladly trust Dustin Henderson with my life. I would let him be around me while I have a mental breakdown, a sensory overload, just anything honestly. Some little moments that have me absolutely ascending are when he tries to touch Eddie, and quickly understands that physical contact is not okay and doesn't try to touch him again. And of course the previously mentioned line when he tells Eddie he might not take his explanation well. The dynamic that these characters have is certainly one of the most outstanding in this season, much like Dustin's friendship with Steve was in seasons 2 and 3.
Now enough about acting, let's talk about my favourite shots in the scene. The best one by absolute miles has to be the shot of Eddie slowly sinking to the floor with his back against the wall. At first, so much is going on and you don't know where to look, at Steve recovering in the background, at Robin and Max looking unsure of who to tend to, at Dustin slowly approaching the foreground, or at Eddie, literally lowering the protective walls he put around himself as he lets himself be vulnerable around someone he trusts (Dustin). The chaos of the first few seconds in this shot perfectly encapsulates the release of tension, and the audience's relief that no-one was hurt. Whether you guessed that Eddie would release Steve or not, I'm willing to bet that you were still relieved it didn't break into a fight scene. As the cooldown comes to an end, the focus is brought to the two characters on either side of the foreground: Dustin and Eddie.
Eddie has literally sank below the other characters, showing his vulnerability and willingness to trust them. This is starkly contrasted against the previous shots, where he stands above the others and has one character, Steve, under his complete control. And Dustin is crouching opposite him, lowering himself to the same level to comfort him, to assure him that he's not alone. And he really isn't, Dustin knows that Eddie has just seen something inhuman and unnatural, but he also knows that everyone in the shed has seen things like that too. Without even saying it yet, he's letting Eddie know that he isn't crazy, and he's willing to hear him out.
I think this shot, and this scene as a whole, really shows just how impactful a trauma response can be in a show like Stranger Things, that honestly needs it, I mean Jesus H Christ these kids adjust too well to the Upside Down and monsters and shit. I hope for more of them in season 5, seeing as a lot more characters have witnessed supernatural events in Volume 2.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
- Seb :)
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jhathaway71 · 7 years
#Emmerdale #Robron Robert Sugden Character Analysis Part 1: Rebecca White Potential Fling (October 2016)
Why I see a potential for Robert to have a fling with Rebecca?
This by no means is meant to wind up the fandom or be inflammatory in anyway to any individual within the fandom or involved with the production of the show.
For starters, I want to just state for the record my belief that Aaron is Robert’s one true love. The evidence has been clearly presented by the brilliant acting by Ryan Hawley, delivering the lines written and directed by the equally talented staff and production team at ITV’s Emmerdale studios!
The introduction of Rebecca White into the village, with the addition of a backstory of Robert having it away with her behind Chrissie’s back was the beginning catalyst for a potential fling.
Robert, just like any soap character and any individual, has his own flaws and demons; His feelings of inadequacies, feeling second best to his adoptive brother, his long term struggle with his own sexuality.
Now the history with references to the show to leading to this hypothesis:
11-October-2016: Robert & Rebecca have their first flirty chat outside the bogs. This culminates with Robert’s statement “Who said anything about being tamed?”
13-October-2016: Rebecca meets Aaron with Robert present. Robert is uncomfortable with Rebecca & Aaron being together because of the backstory which hadn’t been introduced and his prior flirting with her. This is when we first see Aaron’s doubts, based on his facial expression while pouring Rebecca’s drink. In comes Victoria to introduce the idea of marriage to Robert.This is also the episode which introduces the idea of marriage for Robert by Victoria. When next Robert interacts with Rebecca, he is left with what appears as annoyed, fearful and confused of her continued advances. 
14-October-2016: When first visiting Rebecca at Home Farm, Robert rejects her advances. Continuing her advances, Rebecca basically offers Robert Home Farm with the question, “How Gay Are You?” This leads to Robert appearing uncomfortable admitting to Vic that he hasn’t done something stupid, but is about to do something. *The idea of marriage being previously introduced by Vic, this is who he turns to. We do not see any additional conversation at this point, but can only guess until later scenes. Robert returns to Home Farm and a flirty Rebecca. The pair share a kiss initiated by Rebecca which only lasts a few seconds on screen. Once done, he thanks her for proving that he “feels absolutely nothing for ya.” (This resolves the confusion from the 13-Oct episode). It is then, we finally get the big reveal as to what Robert & Vic had previously talked about with the introduction of the engagement ring.
Again, I don’t doubt Robert’s love for Aaron, it’s Robert’s motivation behind the sudden proposal. In 2014, Robert told Aaron that once he married Chrissie, he wouldn’t stray. Robert’s decision to propose to Aaron appears to be an attempt to stop him from feeling tempted by Rebecca’s offer. Not to have an affair or even relationship with Rebecca, but his temptation to get back at Chrissie & the Whites and get his share of Home Farm. But, there is more which hasn’t been revealed as of yet.
17-October-2016: Vic is talking with Robert while he packs bread (and lots of it) into the back of his car. Vic questions Robert’s commitment decision, asking if it is because of “Bex, because I know she upset ya?” We now have additional details of the first conversation in the Woolpack kitchen between Robert & his sister. Robert honestly says, he’s sure...because he can’t see his future without Aaron in it, but admits Rebecca made him “think a bit”. One of Robert’s demons appear when his facial expression changes when Vic says “Dad would be proud of ya!”
17-October-2016: Robert turns to Paddy for his blessing. Robert lashes out at Paddy when his past is alluded to when he says Robert is “the worst possible person for him.” (This is important for the future, after Paddy & Robert call an uneasy truce after Aaron is incarcerated).
17-October-2016: Outside the Woolpack, Aaron voices his fear of losing Robert under the threat that Lachlyn could carry through with his threat. He’s already asked Robert to stay away from Rebecca. After Lachlyn let’s it out of the bag about the backstory to Aaron, Robert being caught out in hiding things from Aaron, confesses some of what has transpired with her. Wanting to reassure the love of his life, he states: “She doesn’t come close. No one else comes close!”
After their fight in the car, Robert and Aaron take off into the woods. It is then that Robert, let’s go of another of his demons explaining why he has had trouble accepting his bisexuality. This confession and his heartbreaking statement of “I just want to be myself, with you.” is what brings Aaron to as Robert puts it “Finally” say that he loves him. They’ve been together officially since April 2016. While we have not seen it, I would doubt that he hadn’t verbally expressed this since before the April 2015 Woolpack stairwell scene. When Robert first said “I’ll wait.” This is explained with the “I guess I’m not good at discussing this stuff either” to support that lapse. 
It’s the importance of Aaron’s declaration though that changes the motivation for his wanting to propose to Aaron. What was constructed initially as his attempt to be faithful and not tempted, we now have Robert’s acceptance that Robert is someone worthy of someone’s love. His fears of being inadequate by his dad’s behaviour regarding his sexuality and being unloved by his father during his breakdown have been allayed by his one true love, Aaron. And this is where we get their further declaration with “Well, you know.” to which Robert responds, “I know.”
(Just a side note, while everyone’s performances were outstanding as usual, Mr. Ryan Hawley was beyond exceptional! His breakdown on the hillside as he spoke to of his father, still gets me to this day and the delivery of his dialogue was more than award worthy!)
20 & 21-October-2017: Now, that Robert has the confirmation he had been waiting for, that Aaron loves him, and never stopped, there is now no one for him in his life. He is fully committed in his relationship with Aaron and his desire to marry him. As previously stated, his motivation has changed.
24-October-2017: Robert confesses to Aaron, “I nearly lost you twice, and I can’t do it again.” We get to see his honest declaration to Aaron...”You’re enough!” and “I don’t want easy, I want messed up with you. Forever.” These help alleve Aaron’s previously voiced fears about Robert’s bisexuality will lead to him cheating.
27-October-2017: While Robert is lashing out at Chrissie regarding Rebecca, he calls himself “the man of her dreams” referring to Bex even going so far to say that she still in love with him. Again, this is important because it comes into play later.
So, this only part 1 in my projections of the Robert & Rebecca fling potential which I foresee happening in May/June 2017. While the fling may not happen, this is also an analysis of why we watched the Event That Shall Not Be Named that horrified all of us on 16-Mar-2017.
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Valentine's Day Sweethearts: The Cutest Celeb Couples Who Can't Get Enough of Each Other
Valentine's Day is officially here and we can't help ourselves from obsessing over all the love in Hollywood!
Whether you're single and spending the day with your gal-pals, or looking forward to a romantic date night with your significant other once the workday is done, we think it's safe to say we all have one thing in common -- we can't get enough of cute, celebrity couples.
In honor of the holiday, ET's rounded up the famous pairs who haven't been able to stop gushing over each other this year.
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry
Alexi Lubomirski
This is an extra special holiday for the royal and his fiancée, as it marks their first Valentine's Day as an engaged couple. During an interview with BBC News last November, the two were all smiles while recalling how they first met, and how Prince Harry ultimately popped the question.
"I'd never watched Suits, I'd never heard of Meghan before, and I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her [for the first time]," he said of their first meeting, which was a blind date set up by one of their mutual friends. "I was like, 'Wow, OK. I'm going to have to up my game here. I'm going to sit down and make sure I got a good chat.'"
"The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was a confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned and everything was just perfect," he continued. "We are a fantastic team, we know that we are, and we want to, over time, have as much impact for all of the things that we care about as much as possible."
As for how Harry proposed, Meghan described the moment as "so sweet, natural and very romantic."
"[It was] just a cozy night," she said, adding that they were "trying" to roast a chicken. "It was just an amazing surprise. He got on one knee."
George & Amal Clooney
Elisabetta A. Villa/WireImage
For George, life changed for the better the moment he met Amal, whom he married in 2014. In a sweet clip from his revealing interview on My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman, streaming now on Netflix, the 56-year-old actor opened up about finding the new, "very odd" purpose to his life. "I have to say, before I had the twins, I felt that about her," George says of his wife, who gave birth to their twins, Alexander and Ella, last June. "I felt that I met someone who, you know, I would absolutely trade my life for. I'd met someone that, her life meant more to me than my life, and I had never had that experience before."
David & Victoria Beckham
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Ken Paves Salon
Proving they're still going strong as one of Hollywood's hottest power couples, the lovebirds, who tied the knot in 1999, weren't shy about packing on the PDA earlier this month during New York Fashion Week. The former Spice Girl planted a giant smooch on her husband, who sat front row at her fashion show with three of their four kids. "Show day... proud of mummy," David later wrote on Instagram.
In an interview with Today last March, Victoria couldn't help herself from marveling over her "great" partner in crime. "I'm lucky that David is the most fantastic father and husband," she shared. "We're very equal at home, and we're a really, really good team."
"I think he's my soulmate," she added. "We complement each other. He's the most incredible husband, fantastic father. He inspires me every day. Not just seeing him with the children and how he treats me. It just works. We're lucky to have each other."
Tom Brady & Gisele Bündchen
James Devaney/GC Images
Through good times and bad.
After a devastating Super Bowl LII loss earlier this month, we have a feeling the New England Patriots quarterback may be the one receiving the chocolates this Valentine's Day! But all jokes aside, the athlete couldn't be happier about having the greatest support system by his side, 24/7.
"My love, we are incredibly proud of you because we are able to see every day all the commitment, sacrifice and hard work that you have devoted to become the best in what you do," Gisele shared on behalf of her and their children following the NFL championship game. "We love you!"
Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez
Kevin Mazur/One Voice: Somos Live!/Getty Images
Speaking of the Super Bowl, the game was a much happier one for these two lovebirds, who celebrated their one-year anniversary together at the U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. When ET caught up with J.Lo the night before the game, she had nothing but amazing things to say about the former MLB star.
"What was I doing one year ago today? I was with Alex," she exclaimed. "We had just met and, you know, it was good. It was a good night."
"It's crazy. We both are so happy about our lives right now and where we're at professionally, as well as personally," she continued. "Things seem to be flowing in a really beautiful way. We both have a lot of support for each other and a lot of love for each other. ... We're just really happy. It's a good time."
Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel
Getty Images
What better way to show your love for your significant other than by dedicating an entire album to them? That's exactly what Justin did for Jessica and their 2-year-old son, Silas, on Man of the Woods. He also included his wife in the music video for the title track, in which he croons, "I brag about you to anyone outside. I'm a man of the woods, it's my pride."
Last month, the lovebirds made the Golden Globes their date night, adorably gushing over each other ahead of the awards show. "DAMN, my wife is hot!" Justin marveled in a sweet Instagram post.
Chrissy Teigen & John Legend
Christopher Polk/Getty Images for NARAS
Always keeping us entertained, this happy pair was a definite on our list! Chrissy, who is currently pregnant with their second child, a baby boy, has been together with John since 2007 (they tied the knot in September 2013), but they seem to have no problem keeping the romance alive.
ET caught up with the "All of Me" singer late last month, where he opened up about expanding their little family. The two are already parents to a 1-year-old daughter, Luna. "I'm very much in love with my wife and my daughter," he shared. "So, if the next baby has any of their characteristics, I'll be very happy."
Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Todd Williamson/Getty Images
Last but definitely not least, a couple that's kept their love alive for over a decade! Nicole and Keith are never shy about packing on the PDA, always looking head-over-heels in love whether they're just casually out in public or all dressed up and posing for pictures on the red carpet. 
But behind the scenes, their bond is even stronger. "Keith always says to me, 'You stay raw and sensitive, and I'll buffer things for you,' which is a beautiful offering," the Oscar winner recently explained in her Glamour magazine interview. "He is always told, 'You're so tough,' and he says, 'That’s not what I want for you, Nicole. You don't need to get a thick skin.'"
"I think for me, it's about having a place that's safe to nurture you, where the tears can be shed," she added. "That way I can actually go back open and curious and willing. And at times scarred and a little damaged."
7 Celebrity Couples Who Prove Love Is Real
Kim Kardashian Sends Taylor Swift, Blac Chyna and More 'Haters' Her Valentine's Day Perfume
Jason Bateman Talks Long Distance Valentine’s Day Plans With Wife Amanda (Exclusive)
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
What are your thoughts about the Duffers in their Eddie interviews??
Summed up?:
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I don't know. I can't read these guys. They're either geniuses who have a master plan for season 5 that'll blow our minds...or they are just two guys who are rolling with the punches, don't have a clue what they're doing, think D&D lore symbolism is just neat and got very lucky with Netflix.
I want to believe the first one.
I still desperately hope, should #2 turn out to be true, that they'll simply listen to what the fans want and bring Eddie back.
Either way, the default is "they're lying", which would be okay to protect a good story, of course. They lied about Hopper after ST3, too. Granted, his death was off-screen and his return already teased in the post-credits but even though we all had a feeling he'd be back, they still lied and said he was dead.
And we know that Max, who actually died on-screen, is still alive.
If they were planning to bring Eddie back, they wouldn't tell us. And they already proved that they're willing to change the script for characters. They did it for Steve, for Billy (who was supposed to die in ST2) and as far as I can tell from the tone of that interview, they would have done it for Chrissy as well hadn't her death already been filmed. They didn't do it for Bob, who they disn't want to die, but Bob would have been in the way of Jopper and they needed to kill him to avoid the situation we now have with Nancy, Jonathan and Steve (they never openly said it but it's clear they've been building Jopper from the beginning so Bob had to go).
Eddie isn't in the way of any ship, my man was just out there vibing so his return wouldn't be the iceberg for another Titanic, which is good.
What we definitely know is that the Duffers fell in love with Eddie and Joe as well. I mean, they cast him on the direct way without the usual in-between-steps; they said they'd be happy to have him in ST5 and the scene in the woods with Joe and Grace was one of their favorite scenes in ALL 4 season (if they fell in love with Chrissy there, they 100% fell in love with Eddie there, too).
And what we also know is that writing will only start in August, so there will be time.
I'm clinging to hope.
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