#which would be REALLY good at cons to display necklaces
.... so i may or may not have discovered local online estate sales
well, MaxSold really. so it's like 1/3 estate sales, 1/3 moving out sales and 1/3 downsizing and it's like garage sales but the items are CONSIDERABLY more buckwild in some cases
i am telling you this because i just got outbid on a marble tray with brass handles and I think the emotions of a 2004-era chronic eBay trawler have subsumed my body
edit: there ARE still two hours left in the thing but would paying thirty two dollars on a tray i plan to eat charcuterie in bed off of be #worth?
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nottheripperjack · 4 years
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Still rising towards the dark, don't care what's down below 'Cause no one can see me and no one has to know The atmosphere is lonely and beautiful I don't miss a thing I used to know, I used to know
What words or phrases do they overuse? 
Jack fucking uses ellipses in texts like her life depends on it. She also swears a lot. Probably too much.
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
Jack is pessimistic by nature after her sister’s death. She’s striving to get better but that’s a bitter pill to swallow. 
What bad habits do they have?
What bad habits DON’T they have? She drinks a lot, or rather, she used to. She’s trying to overcome her alcohol addiction but that will... Take a lot of heavy lifting.
What makes them laugh out loud?
Honestly? It could be literally anything. Whatever it is, it has to be her type of humor. Which, let’s be real honest, is all over the place. Just like her. 
How do they display affection?
Jack is a very touchy-feely person. She calls people ‘babe’ no matter who they are. She’ll hold your hand or hug you. Hell, she’ll even snuggle her friends.
Do they make snap judgments or take time to consider?
Snap judgments only happen when its matters of herself or the lack of self-worth she believes she has. When it comes to anyone else? Hell no, you better sit down and think about all the pros and cons. 
How do they react to praise?
Cockily on the outside, not believing it on the inside. 
How do they react to criticism?
Taking it to heart and working on how to irradiate that behavior or thing that is being critiqued. 
What is their philosophy of life?
Life’s short, go fuck someone. (This has since changed).
When was the last time they cried?
When they realized their addiction had gotten the better of them. 
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Ask her on a good day, Jack would say something about her addictive behaviors. Ask her on a bad day? Jack would say that she wishes she could have taken Vic’s place.
What is their obsession?
At the current moment? Animal Crossing.
What are their pet peeves?
Snoring, loud chewing, people butting into the conversation, the list could go on. She has a lot.
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?
Her family is that stereotypical American family. Consisting of her mom, dad, younger adopted brother, and herself. Extended family is all on the east coast so she doesn’t see them much. Her father is Adrian Novak, a well-known author for his mystery crime novels. Her mother is Katrina Novak, a high-school English teacher.
What is their perception of family?
She maintains constant communication with her parents and brother. Unfortunately, she doesn’t talk about her sister much at all. Jack sadly thinks her family blame her for her sister’s death but in reality, its just been her blaming herself for all these years. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? 
Her late sister, Victoria, was her best friend growing up until she died in a car accident when Jack was fifteen and Victoria was seventeen. She has a younger adopted brother named Bryan, who is just now entering the fifth grade. He has CP. 
Describe their best friend.
Jack has several best friends but the one she considers to be her closest confidante just so happens to be Tara Chapman. She’s her kindred spirit, her better half, and someone that she looks up to in all of the ways that she still wishes she could do with Victoria. She’s not a replacement for her late sister by any means but... She means a lot more to her than Tara probably fully realizes.
Do they have any pets?
No but they want to get a corgi and name it Bread Loaf. 
What was your character like as a teen?
Before shit hit the fan? Jack was in sports. Volleyball and martial arts took up the majority of her time when she wasn’t trying to focus on school. And she really, really hated school. 
Did they grow up rich or poor?
Due to her father being on the New York Times Best Seller’s list... She grew up in a pretty good financially stable home. 
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?
Jack definitely came from a nurturing and loving home. After Victoria she disconnected with her family more than she’d admit. She mentally distanced herself from them and shut down. 
What is their greatest achievement?
Becoming a paramedic.
What was their first kiss like?
Jack was kissed by a boy named Stephen in seventh grade. Let’s just say that the second his lips landed on hers, she slapped him so hard he fell into her parent’s swimming pool.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?
Jack believes that it’s her being responsible for Victoria’s death since it was her volleyball game that she was driving towards. However, the worst thing they’ve probably done to someone they loved was let their own shit get in the way of their happiness. It happened with Ben when she didn’t believe her about the drunken kiss. And it almost happened with Riley when she chose to ignore her feelings and pretend like she didn’t care about her more than that for four years. 
What are their ambitions?
Be a mom one day. Own a corgi. Build her own home. 
What advice would they give their younger self?
Don’t go to that damned volleyball game.
What smells remind them of their childhood?
Campfire smoke, cinnamon, and Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume.
What was their childhood ambition?
They wanted to own a video game store. 
What does their five-year plan look like?
They don’t have one. Other than don’t be dead from a work-related incident.
Do they believe in love at first sight?
No. Jack’s far too cynical for that. She believes in lust at first sight. Or rather, she did. 
Are they in a relationship? Are they in love?
Yes, to both. Jack is in a committed relationship with Riley Sawyer, a highway patrol cop. They’d been friends for four years and finally decided to bite the bullet they’ve been dodging for that whole time.
How do they behave in a relationship?
Previously? Not well. She didn’t do relationships and the one that she had in high school wasn’t remotely healthy. Now, Jack is learning how to relationship. 
When did your character last have sex?
Last night.
Has your character ever been in love?
Twice. Once with Ben, her first love. Second time is now with Riley. 
Have they ever had their heart broken?
Three times. First was Victoria, second was Ben, and third was by herself.
Are they crushing on anyone now?
I mean. Hey boo @sonderbound​
What is their current job?
Paramedic at Los Angeles Fire Department
What do they think about their current job?
They love it. They are currently on suspension from March 27th to April 27th due to alcohol abuse. 
What are some of their past jobs?
Barista, pizza delivery girl, EMT. 
What are their hobbies?
Dungeons and Dragons, video games, playing guitar and singing, sketching out her future home.
Educational background?
Associates Degree. Jack tried college but it wasn’t for her.
Do they have a natural talent for something?
Helping others.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?
Volleyball. Yeah they went to state four years in a row and won. 
What is in their fridge?
Well, used to be alcohol. Now it’s full of food and coca cola. 
What is on their bedside table?
Alarm clock, watch, iPhone charger, change.
What kinda car do they drive, and is their car messy or clean?
Her name is Lyla and she’s a Kawasaki Ninja Crotch Rocket. So uh... She keeps that motorcycle very clean.
Do they carry a purse? What is in their purse or wallet?
They carry a wallet. It’s a tyvek Mighty Wallet that’s got a bisexual colored symbol of Wonder Woman on it.
What is in their pockets?
iPhone, gum, keys.
What is their most treasured possession?
Her sister’s silver snowflake necklace. 
~~Jack’s Jams~~ FOUND HERE
In A Nutshell
Work Out, Sweat It Out
Time to Feel Like Shit
Good Times Gonna Come
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myaekingheart · 5 years
Top 5 accessories for cosplaying? (Like, Favorite wig, necklace, dress, etc and if you have photos I’d love to see them. 😂)
1. HANDS DOWN, my Rapunzel wig.  This little baby is truly my labor of love and the pinnacle of my Rapunzel cosplaying experience. I’ve actually always felt kind of competitive about my Rapunzel cosplay? Like I was never a good enough Rapunzel cosplayer, and it took a lot of work and money hrmmm for me to feel this confident and proud of how far I’ve come, and this wig is like the end-all, be-all for that. The dress is gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but the wig just really pulls it all together. Ever since I saw usagi-kirov’s amazing Rapunzel cosplays, I knew I needed to have a super long wig. It took a lot of trial and error to finally get where I am now with it, and I couldn’t be more in love with it. It tops out at 13ft long, and as much as I hate having to clean out all that hair, a part of me wants to expand on it EVEN MORE in the future, until it reaches maybe 30ft! 
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I’d like to say I’m a very detail-oriented person and this is especially true of things I’m passionate about, like cosplaying Rapunzel. As such, I felt extremely compelled to go the extra mile with my wig and add in a special little detail to it that I think makes the whole thing even better: Rapunzel’s brunette strand. 
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In the movie, as a quick refresher, Mother Gothel tries to snip a lock of baby Rapunzel’s hair when she breaks into the castle in the very beginning of the movie. She finds, however, that when the hair is cut, it “turns brown and loses it’s power.” That little strand of hair that Gothel cut never grew back, and Rapunzel displays it to Eugene after they escape death in the cave after the dam breaks and she heals his injured hand with her hair.  Adding this to my own cosplay was probably the best impulsive decision I ever made. The strand itself is a clip in that was originally long and white and bought for a now-defunct Anna cosplay. I got really inspired one night, so I grabbed a pair of scissors and a brown sharpie and voila-- Rapunzel’s brunette strand! Even if you can’t always see it when I’m cosplaying, I always love the fact that it’s there and that I can always pull my blonde hair back and show it off whenever the timing is appropriate. I just feel like it adds an extra little dose of magic, you know? 
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2. Pascal Now this little guy has been with me since 2012 and is honestly one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I found him for $7 on Ebay by a company named Bullyland, and while he’s tiny he’s super screen accurate in design and just the cutest damn thing. I’ve brought him lots of places with me over the years, including Oktoberfest at my grandparent’s church and Bok Tower in Florida! As well as pretty much every con I’ve attended as Rapunzel, too <3
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3. Satchel (Wow this is really becoming all Tangled props, isn’t it? Whoops!)  Now this one I have yet to break out at a convention but I will tomorrow and I am so excited to! I’ve been itching for a replica of Eugene’s satchel from the film for ages, but I didn’t think I was skilled enough to make one on my own, and the internet is a wonderland for people of all different styles and skill levels to sell their own renditions. I put off getting an actual one for so long, and ended up even settling for a slightly-similar brown cross-body bag instead for the longest time, but then came my lord and savior mothership supreme HOT TOPIC. As part of a recent Disney collection, they released a replica of the satchel and I knew my time had come. My parents were gracious enough to buy one for me and bring it up on one of their trips to my college town and I can honestly say, I am absolutely in love with it. It’s so screen accurate and beautifully made, and the inside lining is purple with the Corona sun emblem! It’s honestly just one of my absolute favorite things and I am so grateful to have been able to get my hands on one. 
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4. Rapunzel’s Crown I don’t really wear this one out just because she’s delicate, but this is another beauty I couldn’t be happier to get my hands on. I had wanted a replica of Rapunzel’s beautiful crown for so long, and even more than the satchel, but had the hardest time getting one for years. Disney had released an official replica in 2010 when the movie was released, and it was available until late 2011/early 2012 I believe? But it was so gorgeous, and I wanted one so badly, but I was never able to actually get one, they had sold out way too quickly-- go figure. Disney has never released another crown quite like this one since, so I was heartbroken when I was completely unable to get one. This was really before “princessing” took a huge boom back when Angel-Secret, Fairytale Wigs, and Secret Honey’s Halloween line were really household princess cosplay names (or at least for me). Much like the satchel, there were sellers online creating Rapunzel tiara’s but they were always either not quite what I wanted or way out of my price range. I felt like the only way I’d be able to really get what I wanted was to try and make it which my then-fifteen year old self really did not master. I had first tried sculpting one...we don’t talk about the results of that. I nicknamed that attempt “The Sand Mound” because that is exactly what it looked like: a mound of sand. Then I tried using a cheap plastic tiara that I got in a Barnegat, NJ Target one summer as a base and that worked for a while but it still wasn’t really what I wanted, was super top heavy, and really poorly made to the point where it was just falling apart. It wasn’t until 2015 when I finally found a reasonably priced, screen accurate Rapunzel tiara, the crown of my dreams. It was made by an indie company named Moonfire charms, who has since stopped making the crown, and is one of my most prized possessions, honestly. It’s just so beautiful and detailed and well-made, even if it is a little top-heavy, too, and I’m too scared to wear it to a convention for fear of it breaking on me (which I have good reason to fear because it actually came damaged when I ordered it and they were gracious enough to send me a new one free of charge). Looking back, this one is actually even more screen accurate than the Disney Store one was, so I guess things worked out for the best in the end, anyways! 
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5. Dinglehopper I know what you’re thinking: how can a fork be one of your favorite cosplay accessories? Well, listen, this dinglehopper thank-you-very-much is just super magical, okay? When I was putting together my Ariel cosplay, I thought it would be cute to have a dinglehopper as a prop but I wasn’t too concerned about buying one. It was something that I was just kind of “whatever, I’ll just grab a fork” about. But then I came across this vintage serving fork that my mom had, I think it may have belonged to her grandmother, and I instantly knew this was the fork. 
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“It’s her! She’s the one I’ve been looking for!”  Seriously, though, this fork just has a certain je ne sais quois about it that makes it feel like it was ripped straight from a fairytale. Maybe because it’s antique. Maybe because it has some rose detailing on the handle. Maybe I’m just a sap. Who knows? But this fork is definitely a precious keepsake that I just love incorpoating into my Ariel cosplay. 
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silencedtechnophile · 5 years
==>Rescue the boy
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 4:09 AM
Feferi stared down the security detail that had boarded Karkat's ship. She was big, towering over them, a full Presence that could fill a room all buy herself, dressed in loose transluscent fabric layered over a monocrystaline armor suit shaped like a bathing suit. She held her trident in her hands and they shrunk back from her. Karkat, near at hand was getting a few looks, back and forth between them. "You will escort me to the trails for the crown." She told them imperiously and without a trace of doubt that she would be obeyed- and they were well trained enough to fall over themselves in the face of an imperial tyrian giving them orders.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 4:27 AM
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 5:16 AM
She winked at Karkat and swept up behind them, walking into the large ship she was going to command soon. Or at least. That was the hope. There was no telling how many of her caste mates were here yet, or what kind of trial she was walking into. All she could do was hold her head up high and carry herself with dignity.
And make certain there was a backup plan to get her beloved and karkat off of this bucket if she failed.
Most of them were more concerned with Karkat being a wanted criminal than with his capris and ridiculous sweater- but tyrians did what they wanted. It was a rule, and if you stood in their way you died.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 5:51 AM
This was it. Time to show up or shut up. The wink aimed in his direction was returned with a nod. And then, grumbled low enough that hopefully their makeshift escort wouldn’t hear, and fast enough that she might mistake the tension in his tone for annoyance: “Don’t do anything stupid, got it? I’ll resurrect your ass just to throttle you myself.”
Karkat took a few measured steps back after that, distancing himself enough to seem more like a guard and less like he was waiting to slip away. He aimed ugly looks at anyone who so much as looked at him, an effort to dissuade anyone from properly keeping an eye on them. Internally taking a breath and reasoning with himself that this would be nothing, he had seen worse, he was in the best place he had been in sweeps, he gave one last lingering look to the back of Feferi’s head before abruptly putting himself in reverse and hastily steering himself down a temporarily unoccupied corridor.
After that... Well, he was going to wing it more or less. The flagship was significantly larger than the one he commandeered, and likely laid out in a more intricate manner due to the increased number of troops and notable members of the fleet. So he took a quick inventory of his surroundings, decided he was already hopelessly and utterly lost, and started off toward the nearest door in sight.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 5:58 AM
Somewhere in the engine room a helmsman sharpened to alertness. He watched his matesprit make her way, with dignity and an escort toward the absolute madhouse that was her siblings fighting highlander style for the right to sit on the throne, she wasn't the first to arrive and she wouldnt be the last. He hadn't even known she was incarnated, and now all he had was greedily hoarded video images of her walking through that door, weapon in hand and wading into the fray.
..But he couldn't keep all of his attention and gut clenching nausea on her, no, she'd brought Karkat, and that was almost worse, he didn't know how well he fought now- he had fought his way free once after being caught but this was different. He watched Karkat begin to go down the hall- what was he looking for? Was he headed this way?
The helm casually slammed the door of someone who saw Karkat and started after him with a shout, and opened another door near Karkat. C'mon.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 6:17 AM
The heavy clanging of doors opening and closing was enough to have the hair on the back of his neck rising, especially combined with the cut off shout that came before. He whipped around automatically, doing a neat 360 before looking to the open door. Worst case scenario? An attempt at trapping him or cornering him, which would be an unfortunate delay but not a total game changer. Best case scenario? A bit of inside assistance. A nudge in the proper direction.
There isn’t time to weigh all the pros and cons, so Karkat took only a moment (maybe two) to consider before ducking through the opening. He wasn’t sure if it would close behind him, but in the event that it didn’t he kept moving. He was a notable fighter, certainly heads above when the others would have last seen him and with the bulk to back it up as well as the mouth, but not incapable of making mistakes or getting injured. So he immediately swiveled his head around to survey the area, knees bent in preparation to engage a hostile or take off in the direction of the metaphorical middle of the maze.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 6:25 AM
There were tables and chairs scattered through this space, it was fairly large, but there weren't many people here this time of day. Three trolls were talking and looked up as he entered. From there the startling shade of his red eyes looked more maroon, but he was out of uniform with weapons in hand. So they stood with a clatter of chairs tipping from being too hastily shoved back. Another door at the other side of the public room slid open.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 7:05 AM
Well, it could have been worse. Karkat took some comfort in that, despite knowing it was likely to get more difficult. Unfortunate, but entirely expected. There was no chance he was going to go horns first into stealing the most notable ship’s helmsman and not have to duke it out, okay. In fact, he briefly found himself relieved. Fighting had become a familiar thing over the sweeps, and he was never good at sneaking around or keeping his cartilage nub out of the mud.
Any further introspection there has a pin put in it quickly enough. Karkat let a crooked, toothy grin cross his features and raised one arm in a slight gesture of greeting. “Well pinch my ass and call me a human newborn, I was just inquirin’ about the welcome wagon.”
Trying to take advantage of them being somewhat caught off guard, he swiftly moved for the nearest table, raising one leg to plant a kick the side and send it skidding in their direction. From there he ducked and tried to edge a path to the side of the room, occasionally kicking pieces of furniture out of his way and hopefully into theirs.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 7:23 AM
He really should have worn the steel toed boots to this shindig He tried to kick the table, and sharp pain shot through his foot, the table wobbled and half collapsed in place, causing him to nearly fall- but he managed to catch himself.
His opponents weren't moving too fast themselve,s trying ot untangle themselves from the chairs they knocked over and get over to him through the table maze between them. They are not yet upon him, though none of them managed to face plant while they were tangled up in the fallen chairs.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 7:36 AM
So that didn't work quite as well as he had hoped. Any points for attempted style are immediately rescinded with my immediate pain in his foot. Platform boots? Sturdy, waterproof, assist with the height issues, comfortable, warm... But not protective. Karkat made a note of that for next time, absently deciding to purchase more combat worthy footwear even if it did take away from the overall look. It would be a necessary loss. Just like the feeling in his outermost toe, but he could address that later.
Karkat thanked Skaia for generating trolls that matched his levels of incompetence, trying to right himself. He looked past them to the door, trying to quickly decide if he could make a speedy move for the exit. In the end, he decided against it. It wasn't worth leaving himself exposed, or giving one of them the chance to step into a blind spot.
So he rolled his shoulders and made an impulsive move, one that could pay off or end with him further digging himself a grave of humiliation during serious situations. He took a few long strides forward, then tried to plant a foot on one of the tabletops to vault over and swing his sickles in a downward arch toward the nearest troll.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 7:47 AM
He never saw what hit him. Which was Karkat. Karkat hit him. With his sickles. The vault off the table went nearly perfectly, with the table falling as Karkat lept from it, and his sickles came down, slicing into him and giving him a beautiful ruby necklace. He fell back, clutching at his throat, unable to form even a weak defense.
His friends were stunned, and fumbled for their weapons out of their sylladexes, one of them managed to spill knives everywhere instead of summoning the single one he'd asked for, while the other was cursing and kicking the chair he was tangled up in away.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 8:16 AM
Even Karkat was a little surprised that worked out for him as well as it did. Later, he'll likely spare a few moments to appreciate the move. In the moment, a celebration was the last thing on his mind. While not totally dispatched, the other troll seemed to be at least unable to pose a threat. The other two had become significantly less imposing in their fumbling, as well.
The red blooded troll aimed a kick to the downed troll's skull for good measure, then turned on his heel to face the other two. He went for the one with a puddle of knives first, lunging toward him and swinging one sickle toward his abdomen and then ducking to try to bring the other one into his legs.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 8:24 AM
The down'd troll's head snapped back and he fell in a heap against their table, tipping it over. The troll with the knives twisted away, a bright line of green saturating his uniform, without breaking into the abdominal cavity. and he licked out at Karkat's head as the other troll went down and aimed a shot at his leg, catching him just under the chin- but doing little damage, though this head might ring for a moment as he got his balance back under him.
The last troll had finally sorted himself out and had drawn a gun in hand. The hot lasor fire burned a hole through the oversized sweater- but barely missed doing any real damage, and he can thank the sweater making the target uncertain for that.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 8:32 AM
The foot making contact under his chin knocked him back and he had to brace a hand on the floor to avoid losing his balance, leaving him in a very Twister-esque pose on the floor while the ringing in his ears settled and he reoriented himself to his surroundings. Heat across his skin alerted him to the other armed troll, a warning that he likely didn't have time to debate his options. All he knew was a gun was more dangerous than a knife, and long range had never been good to him.
Instinct took over immediately, and Karkat made a low ugly noise and swung one sickle wildly in the direction of the troll with the knives. Whether it made contact or not, he wasn't concerned. He temporarily abandoned the weapon in favor of making a dive for the troll with the gun. He threw all of his recently acquired bulk into it, less concerned with causing damage and more focused on getting him unstable and unarmed.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 8:37 AM
The sickle struck the troll in the leg , opening it up and making him fall to a knee in his pile of knives- which was, perhaps, not the best thing to fall into.
The gunman didn't stand a chance. He wasn't able to squeeze off another shot before he was on the floor beneath Karkat, head bouncing off the floor with a nasty wet noise.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 8:58 AM
Adrenaline fueled his movements, automatic reactions paired with a desire to not experience another death. He pushed his boots against the floor, abandoned his other sickle to increase his speed. He went for the gun, not sparing even a courtesy glance at his only remaining roadblock. It would be a waste of time and be of no help, especially if the other troll had decent enough skill with throwing those knives to cause him a more serious injury. He figured it was the only reasonable way to explain the sheer number of knives being carried around, unless he was prone to losing them which presented a whole other serious of questions.
If he made it to the gun without any serious hinderance, his reaction would be immediately. He would roll, to increase distance and make himself a harder target by moving, and stop on his back. Then plant his feet on the floor, sit up, and aim a good three shots consecutively at the other troll. If he was lucky, all that badgering and forced learning about guns and how to use them from Vati would for the first time prove to have been of some use.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 9:03 AM
The three shots veered wildly off target- who was having problems of his own, he went to throw a knife and slipped between the injured leg, the blood and the knives, and managed to slice himself up on his own knives, though he was not yet out of the threat zone- Bloody could probably get away from him if he didnt go back for his sickles.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 9:11 AM
Not going back for the sickles simply wasn’t an option. Stupid, sure, but Karkat had never quite been able to detach himself from the things and people the weapons were associated with. The various reasons would be too time consuming to list, but the heat of the moment makes the risk seem worth it.
Karkat had no idea how much ammo the weapon was packed with, but he tried to fire off another two shots while the other troll slipped in the blood and cutlery. If that failed, he would simply launch the weapon at him and make a mad dive to get up close and get enough leverage to land a few good hits.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 9:14 AM
The shots went wild, scorching a table top and splashing against a wall leaving a black mark in the paint. Knives was able to duck away from the weapon being thrown at him, and bring a hand up, to meet Karkat's dive with the sharp end of a blade.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 9:31 AM
An unfortunate development. All of it. Karkat was aware of metal moving through the flesh of his upper body with ease, and the warmth of blood sticking to his skin. He glanced down, back up to the other troll, down, and back up again. And then he pulled his expression into a sneer. This was a familiar experience, and definitely not pleasant, but whatever pain there was is overshadowed by offended and incredulous outrage.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” He raised his voice with each word, careening forward to try to headbutt him. If that was successful, he would try to get a grip on the knife that injured him to turn it on its owner. “You seriously shoved this toothpick imitation of a weapon at me? Are you pan damaged?”
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 9:37 AM
If Sollux, who was watching this whole thing, unable to move, unable to help or do anything but route traffic away from them, could hit his head against something, he would.
Karkat goes to head butt his opponent and finds himself firmly headbutted back, with much of the force of the blow taken on the other troll's horns, The knife was slippery and hard to grip , though he managed to work it out he wasnt able to turn it on his oppoment, who grabbed another knife from the entire pile he was sitting in and slashed at him with it.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 9:44 AM
Okay, okay. He’d admit he didn’t think that one through very well. Karkat reflected on that when he topped backwards and suffered a slash through his abdomen. That one made him pause, clenching his jaw and releasing his grip on the knife. The already bloody hand came to feel out the wound, judging the depth and overall size, and his free hand went on a search for the sickle he previously abandoned.
“What the fuck, man. This was a good sweater, I liked this sweater, this thing had value -“ He ranted roughly, the small amount of verbal filter he had typically entirely dissolved. As soon as he got his hand on his own weapon, he swung it up toward the other troll.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 9:51 AM
He didn't find his weapon, his hand slipped out from underneath him as he searched for it and he fell against the pile of knives this guy had hoarded in his strife deck. His death was quick, a knife dragged across his throat in a quick motion, spilling that imperial red blood all over the place. Knives shakily started getting to his feet. He needed to report to someone, He was absolutely sure on that, although he was a little fuzzy on who exactly. In the rig in the bowels of the engines of the ship a cry was torn from the throat of the helm. No. KK..
bulgeRotLast Friday at 10:05 AM
Death. Another familiar experience, and never a positive one. He only had a moment to reflect on his incoming demise, and then his throat was leaking blood and there was nothing. That was it. No bubbles, no life flashing before his eyes. It felt like a lifetime, but in reality couldn’t have been more than a minute. The major wounds stitched back together with a series of wet, nasty noises, and his eyes flashed with life.
No matter how many times it had happened, the coming back is always disorienting. Karkat was aware enough to realize he was working on a limited time frame, and would likely only have the element of surprise once. But... You know what they say about old barkfiends and new tricks. He coughed a wet breath out and forced himself to roll, making another attempt for his sickle to get the jump on the other troll.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 10:10 AM
It was a grotesque sound, and it got the knife fighter looking back at him, and then cussing and almost falling on his ass as a sickle sliced into his leg while he dodged back from it.- that leg was taking a lot of damage, although fortunately for him this was mostly superficial. What the actual fuck what the fuck "What the fuck"
bulgeRotLast Friday at 10:16 AM
“You are seriously pissing me off.” Karkat spat around the blood in his mouth, working to haul himself up a bit. “What the fuck is about right you ridiculously lucky cullbait.”
Considering he was still recovering from the whole dying thing, running wasn’t an appealing option. He made along swing at the troll, then pushed off from the floor to try to get some sort of distance settled between them to avoid another lackluster demise.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 10:19 AM
This time, with his last rushed and half assed swing, Karkat did what he'd been trying to: The troll didn't dodge in time, and the sickle bit into his neck and saw him falling back clutching it, and not long for this world, as the knight of blood scrambled away from him.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 10:32 AM
“That was stupid.” Was all Karkat could think to say, providing himself with the criticism and frowning. He looked around at the mess before hauling himself up. Then he retrieved his second sickle, giving the weapons a frown. “Really stupid, guys.”
Without taking more time to examine the state of his partially healed wounds, or giving a heartfelt parting word to his three new friends, he made for the exit. Hopefully he would have more luck if he ran into anyone else.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 10:38 AM
The door was still open for him- and it looked like it was taking him into an access area, for servitors and maintenance and the various riff raff who kept this ship running. He was taking him around, through service areas, instead of through the dining hall and residential areas. Ocassionally as he walked along he found someone furiously banging on a door from the other side and cussing the ship for not opening the portal for them. Sollux was keeping traffic away from him, steering everyone into other parts of the ship and restricting access to the areas that Karkat was in.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 10:57 AM
All things considered, Karkat definitely wasn’t going to question the lack of opposition or stop to pass a few snide comments through the sealed doorways. He simply kept moving, following the clearly laid out path set for him. Not that he had any other options, of course.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 11:02 AM
Sollux wasn't taking many chances with his direction impaired friend. It took a bit, because he had to cross the entire ship, and go up and down access ladders, but he kept him away from the open areas as much as possible.
Untill he finally reached the helm room.
The door clanked open for him, and the smell coming out of the place was both organic and full of antiseptic. The lights weren't on initially, two bright lights in the darkness standing out, one blue and one red- and other blinking and twinkling lights on the equipment.
It took a moment but Sollux brought the lights up in the room to reveal him entangled in biowire, hanging from it by the arms and engulfed to the waste, goggles obscuring his eyes.
"took you long enough." His voice was raspy, dusty, like it hadn't been used in a while for anything but screaming.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 8:15 PM
By the time he was getting close, he was also losing his patience. The halls looked the same and the access ladders never seemed to end. He’d dropped his sickles into his sylladex a while ago, upon realizing he might have more luck speeding his way through. Their exit would be a different story, probably, without an inside nudge of assistance.
Karkat didn’t even realize he had made it until the lights came up to expose their surroundings. He took a long gander at Sollux, lingering on the goggles and biowire. It wasn’t a pleasant sight, but he managed to put that on the backburner as he approached. Besides, it wasn’t like his stained red jumper and half knit together injuries were appealing either.
“Took the scenic route.” He grunted, stepping up to the other. This was probably a bad time to realize he didn’t know how to disconnect him. “Made a couple new allies along the way, yeah, traded stories.”
Tentative, Karkat came to a halt within arm’s reach. If they had more time he would lament on all of the changes between the two of them, and maybe take a beat to be self conscious about his own. But they don’t, so he doesn’t. Instead, he blew out a harsh breath and grimaced. “Let’s get this over with.”
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 10:42 PM
Maybe within arms width of someone else, he might as well not have arms, and he wasn't looking to being sober. Well was, and wasn't. It was nice to be able to think, but pain wasn't his friend. Up close Karkat could see the unkept hair, the beard, could smell the reek of his body only occasionally washed down.
"You'll want two put me into maintenance mode" he lisped softly. "we're going to convince the computer the helm needs to be swapped out, so it will let go. - theres an escape pod just below us through that access over there. I can't see through these goggles, but they've been on so long I dont know if you can remove them."
It was amazing, astonishing that Karkat had asked the guy who was helm to come up with the bulk of his rescue plan, and Sollux had stepped up to the challenge where he could. There was no telling what would happen after he killed the Condesce but here they were.
bulgeRotLast Friday at 10:55 PM
"Escape pod. Ri-ght." Karkat held out the vowel, attempting to disconnect his gaze from the helmed troll. A tiny and paranoid piece of his pan seemed to be convinced he would look away and the scene would change, though, so even when he edged his way to the equipment he kept looking back at him. "We can deal with the goggles later, don't need to see to get forcefully ejected from the ship."
The whole thing was like a weird and oddly detailed dream. But Karkat did his best to listen and follow any provided intructions, for once unable to draw up some sort of snarky back-and-forth.
silencedTechnophile Last Friday at 11:03 PM
There was a moment that was probably startling and concerning for the docterror, when Sollux tweaked things from his end through the same access he'd adjusted his medication through, and cut all his vitals to flatline them, supressing the alarm to engineering.
He talked, in his lispy rasping voice, walking Karkat through a procedure he'd only been partially through when they had to replace some of the biowire, and he'd been out of it when he'd been installed---
A little alarm sounded inside the helming room but not outside of it as the biowire began to withdraw, slowly disconnecting and withdrawing from each place it was burrowed into his skin and down his spine.
He spent a moment burning the footage of Feferi fighting her siblings into his mind, before the cameras went dark and he became entirely blind. except for some vague coloured light filtering into his eyes through the goggles.
He'd never felt so small and alone, despite Karkat being right there. A moment ago he'd been powerful, a whole ship. and now he was trapped in this thin shaky body that couldnt support itself again yet. He was lucky, he was a god tier, his recovery would come more easily than for other people.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 12:18 AM
The whole process was fascinating, or would be, if he could manage to block out the specific troll involved. Karkat tried - and failed - not to let his shoulders twitch when every noise startled him. Once he was sure Sollux wasn't actually flatlining, making this a huge waste of time, he returned to doing as he ws told.
When the alarm goes off, his head whipped around toward the entrance to ensure they weren't about to have another set of problems. Nothing. He looked to his companion and had to do a double-take at the sight of wires withdrawing and leaving the other lowblood unsupported. It took most of his willpower not to just freeze up there, like a deer in the headlights. Karkat forced his limbs into action again, short quick steps to the newly uninstalled helmsman.
"This ain't goin' to be comfortable." He informed him in a grunt, all reservations pushed aside due to their end goal here. "I'm haulin' your ass, and if you shock me or the like I will change my pan and turn us both into officials to prove a point." He waited, no more than a few moments, before carefully going to make contact with Sollux. He knew this would be awful for him, so he tried to keep his claws clear of tender areas and his grip light.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 12:23 AM
"I'm not going two randomly shock you, you ass." he hissed his breath softly through his teeth at every jostle, as the chemicals that kept him floating and the pain distant were quickly wearing away without a constant surprise. "Its going two take them a minute to realize we're on auxilery power, I've locked as many doors and suppressed as many alarms as I could before I came out.
He was a limp noodle of a bag of flesh, easily maliable to however Karkat wanted to hold him. His limbs were.. not in good shape, but it was nothing some magical healing couldn't improve on.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 12:41 AM
"Sure. I've heard that before." Well... he hadn't, but it was close enough. "Hold on to your liquid diet, cowboy."
Karkat didn't give him any more warning than that before bending at the waist and manhandling the other troll over his shoulders, like a fresh eveningmeal cull, with ease. He adjusted the long troll's limbs to allow him more movement, one hand keeping the immobile troll steady when he strode toward the acess. Maneuvering was trickier with his makeshift cargo, but less problematic than expected overall.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 1:11 AM
Oof, here he goes, a sack of potatoes. This was more contact than he'd had in sweeps. It was weird, he wanted more, almost as much as he wanted a shower. It wasn't just that he was oozing from holes all over his body, it was the film of filth on his skin, and his long greasy hair. His eyes closed invisibly in the goggles. He was dizzy and at once feeling deprived of stimulation and over stimulated.
No one was coming yet, so far so good. Sollux was small, unlike trying to carry Feferi or Equius, he was easy to handle.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 1:43 AM
Karkat was, if nothing else, used to bad smells. It came with the professsion he had chosen, but also with a fair share of past quadrantmates. Granted, none of them had been leaking various fluids or covered in literal layers of grime but... The comparison was good enough. It gave him something to think on in the lapse of conversation, a distraction from the situation at claw.
When they neared the end of the access, he made sure to pause and listen in the hopes of detecting any potential company. And then he moved into the next area, absently voicing his newest series of thoughts. "I hope you're good at schoolfeeding. I've never driven a thing in my unfortunate, extended lifespan."
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 1:46 AM
Back behind them, distantly someone began pounding on the door to the helmblock and working on prying the door open, shouting.
Sollux hung limply where he was being carried. "I'm going to have two be, although its going to be hard without being able to see anything. we're going to have to pry these goggles off. "
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 1:57 AM
"I'm sure I can manage that." The shorter troll gave a nod in place of a shrug, determined to ignore the shenanigans behind them. "Can't promise it'll be fun either way, though."
Once they reached the escape pod - he was fairly sure this was it, anyway - he carefully deposited the limp troll in one of the seats. There wasn't much time to waste with being gentle, and he figured giving any warning could cause Sollux to tense up (if he could, anyway) and make the process harder. So he leaned down into his face and tried to hook sharpened claws behind the googles to work them off.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 2:02 AM
His breath hissed with a highpitched little pitiable sound of pain as the goggles came away leaving a wet raw welt where they'd rested against his skin for sweeps. Sollux blinked rapidly, tears in his eyes and trying to focus them. Fortunately light had managed to come through the lenses so he wasn't dealing with an intense light adjustment, but he was seeing with his own eyes for the first time in a long time. The filth built up around his eyes and on those lenses that obscured his vision was gross.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 2:17 AM
The ugly noise made Karkat cringe, tossing the goggles as far from the immediate line of sight as possible. He made a note to find a salve for the welts when they were in a more secure spot. Then he quickly turned to the controls while his friend took time to adjust, partially to avoid the inevitable good look at the additions to how own features from the sweeps - mostly, though, he wanted to at least try to familiarize himself with the controls to make this less laughable as an attempt at a getaway.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 2:21 AM
"I wish I could still see her" Sollux's voice was quiet, mostly to himself, fretting about things he couldn't help. Is shoulders were crying out after sweeps in the same position, moving again. He tried to lift a hand but it seemed so heaviy and pain lanced from the joint.
He took a breath. "-Okay lets get this launched, escape pods are designed two be easy two use in an emergency."
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 2:24 AM
Sollux's quiet admission made the other troll pause, unsure as to how to respond or if he should at all. "One thing at a time." Was all he ended up giving out, perusing the numerous buttons and switches, most of which did not have labels. "Easy to use my ass. It's of Alternian design, it's bound to be awful."
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 2:28 AM
Sollux rolled his eyes, not that Karkat could tell. Okay. He had this. Only one visual imput, no access to the thrusters, cut off from his network, but he had this. "Okay you need two-" And he started talking him through the launch, once it was launched they were going to want to get his ship to scoop them up, so they didnt float forever in space.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 2:49 AM
It wasn't as bad as anticipated, Karkat was willing to admit it. Once he was done sputtering and started listening, getting the escape pod fired up was pretty basic. From there, with the help of Sollux, launching it was almost easy. He spared a glance at the other troll as they got the ball rolling, internally debating whether or not to be vocally impressed before he decided against it.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 2:52 AM
Sollux watched the screen intently, chewing at his lip as warnings sounded, but they weren't able to stop the launch. The little pod sped off away from the big ship. "Okay - fuck is anyone on your ship to respond to us or do we need to do the docking from this end?"
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 3:30 AM
“Uh...” This isn’t something Karkat had properly considered, and the hesitation in his tone was paired with a stiff shrug. “Comms are up, yeah. One thing I did manage to fix. S’matter of if anyone is aware they should have an optical orb out for us. I’m kind of assuming Feferi took care of that, too.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 3:33 AM
"Okay open up a comm line two the ship, I .. don't know what Fef set up we weren't in communication, I havent been able two dial out since I kicked her out of an airlock." He closed his eyes.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 3:43 AM
“What she set up is an oversized mobile bed and breakfast.” Karkat grumbled bit nodded and did as told, hunching his shoulders and fiddling with a few things as he waited for the familiar static to come through. He’d never actually made use of the comma himself, so he was kind of making it up as he went. “Uh... Assholes to base? Is that how this works? Like wriggler radio games?”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 3:46 AM
It took a minute as they figured out where the hail was coming from, but eventually. "Roger, exactly like wriggler radio games. Whats the situation, over"
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 3:52 AM
“The situation? It’s, you know, kind of shitty, but that’s how things usually turn out when more than one of us morons gets involved. Suppose that’s kind of our thing. Shit Session. Uh. Over.” He paused, wrinkled his nose as he considered their injuries, and continued. “Piss pants is goin’ to need immediate attention, he’s leakin’ shit everywhere. I should have the necessary supplies to assist the healing process on board, but quite frankly we’re goin’ to need someone more informed on helming to provide any long term help, over.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 3:57 AM
Right now the very large problem and possibility is that hes going to get an infection, Sollux snorted at Karkat with his eyes closed and muttered some choice insults under his breath.
"we'll have to see what we can do-"
Sollux raised his voice. "We're in the pod that just launched can you bring her around and scoop us up?"
"Got it, uh, over."
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 4:11 AM
“They can just do that?” Karkat asked, and then aimed the same question to whoever they had caught on communication duty. “Hey, you can do that? The ship can scoop shit up and you panless wastes of artificial air didn’t think to just come grab the little escape pod turd the flagship just shit out? What the fuck?”
His surprise had him forgetting to say ‘over’ again, hands coming up to rub at his eyes tiredly. He was beginning to hate everyone on board his stolen ship. What came next was directed at Sollux, and accompanied by a heavy sigh.
“I trained as a doctoreaper, to kee it in simple terms.” Karkat informed him blandly. “The medical bay on ship is already prepared, you’re up shit creek ‘till I strap you in there.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 4:13 AM
"You're a mediculler? thats.. I never thought that was something you'd be interested in. thank fuck though"
"We're coming about now, we'll grab you." The bigger ship began coming about to come pencer grasp the little escape pod and make off with it. Feferi was well and truely on her own now.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 4:21 AM
“It wasn’t.” He responded after a moment of uncomfortable pause. “But things change, we should know that as well as anyone. Turns out to be somethin’ I’m good at.”
The bigger ship was a welcome sight, but Karkat couldn’t help wanting to look back for the flagship. For Feferi. Sure, they had never been particularly close but... He had to stop the line of thinking before it went downhill. She was capable, he decided as they began their exit, and she knew what needed to be done. It was in her claws from there.
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 4:26 AM
"I'm glad you found something you're good at that you like doing, KK."
Sollux drew in a ragged little breath as they left the flagship behind. "-Powers grant we see her again." He hated Hated that she was being left behind, and he hadnt even gotten to see her, to feel her touch his hand again.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 4:49 AM
That got a bark of a laugh out of him. He tried to smother it with a hand with little success. “Yeah. Thanks, Sollux. All it took was the majority of what would have been my natural lifespan.”
It was reassuring to know he wasn’t the only one not pleased with this plan of events. But he also knew it was necessary, and they had different reasons for the discomfort. “We will, I’m sure. Already threatened to revive and skin her if she didn’t come back and take her freak brigade off of my shoulders.” The ship jostled a bit, presumably as they were reeled in to the big ship. “Not worth focusing on now, regardless. Plenty to be done in her absence.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 4:53 AM
"Fucking good, if she loses she deserves it" He grumbled half heartedly. "- I'm really tired Karkat, I might fall asleep as soon as we're safe"(edited)
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 3:01 PM
“She does.” He gave an amused snort at the warning and turned to face him since he no longer needed to be rowing their boat. “Not shockin’. I didn’t think you’d last this long, quite frankly. We’re safe, hell, you were safe the click we got on board.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 3:05 PM
He blinked owlishly at karkat. "..'v you been hanging out with ED? you sound a little like him.." Sollux it was one dropped G its not that important. He was a little light headed. A lot light headed and he might be out soon.
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 5:08 PM
“Not ours. Dave is - was - a bit to blame for it too.” He had to stop himself from trying to explain, it was a long series of stories that would probably get very hard to follow very quickly. “You’re only goin’ to make yourself further exhausted attempting to entertain full questions and conversations, you know. Better off saving it for later, maybe you’ll even find yourself fully coherent wouldn’t that be a doozy.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 9:58 PM
"Dave? Mm." his eyes close. "My whole fucking body is screaming at me."
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 10:02 PM
“Yeah, Dave.” Karkat went uncharacteristically tight lipped at that, picking at the newly acquired holes in his clothing. “You’ll feel better when you wake.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 10:05 PM
"Shit I hope so" He almost asked about where Dave was, but something in Karkat's voice warned him off of it. "I'm gonna take.. the best shower. soon as I can move."
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 10:20 PM
“Got warm water on the ship, now. Lot of good soaps and shit, courtesy of a.... highblooded benefactor.” He snorted. “Shampoo, conditioner, all kinds of shit. Oils, but that might be a bit overwhelmin’ on the senses so soon.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 10:21 PM
"Shit KK do you actually bath now?" he teased him, tense and tired but trying for some normalcy. "..yeah I.. theres too much.. feeling, right now. " By now they were well docked and a button started beeping and flashing at Karkat. Sollux pried an eye open-" Gotta open the airlock."
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 10:48 PM
That earned another laugh. He had forgotten how awful his hygiene was in general, for sweeps. “Yeah. I did. Developed a lot of shockingly good habits, wouldn’t you know. Can’t wait to show everyone just how much I’ve developed into a functionin’ adult. I, uh.” He paused, a bit nervous, before he continued. “I’ve got a couple things that could assist with that, limit exposure in varying degrees while you adjust... Bit old, but suppose Equius would be good with tweaking to fit.”
Karkat hastily opened the airlock, automatically putting his back to a wall to face the friendly welcome wagon. He knew these were Feferi’s allies, and that Equius would likely be among them, but he still found himself dropping a single sickle from his sylladex into his dominant hand. Sweeps of growth would likely never dissolve the paranoia burned into his pan, a number of sources contributing to the edgy twitch of his muscles and hard set to his expression.
Unsurprisingly, the first person to enter - ducking through the still opening passing in a manner that was entirely hilarious given his hulking size - was Equius. Sweat made his long hair stick to his cheeks where it was refusing to stay pulled back, and his fists were clenching and unclenching in his anxiety. He and Karkat exchanged a look and a nod, a moment of understanding, before he approached his kismesis. Karkat stepped to present himself as a temporary blockade, to allow them a few moments. “I clod’nt have thought you could ever l-ook worse.” The other trolls had enough sense to hold off, looking between the three trolls. One large blueblood, crouched in front of his quadrantmate with his hands hovering to avoid accidentally causing a sore spot to worsen. One goldblood, slumped in front of the aforementioned large highblood. And one redblooded mutant, splattered with blue and purple blood, jumped torn to expose wounds that weren’t knitting together and a partially open cut across his throat wielding a recently used weapon.
“Abso-loo-tely smell worse than I hoofed for.”
silencedTechnophile Last Saturday at 10:52 PM
" It's a shitmas miracle" his lips quirked into a smile that was more of a grimace, not because if him, the pain was pretty bad, and his breath only cane more quickly and raggedly as they went. " What's that?" His eyes opened again, familiar and bright, though not as bright as might be hoped. Exhaustion and pain did that " nice two fucking see you too pony boy. I've been in the rig. What your excuse for smelling like a sweaty horse?" He was fine probably. God's it was good to see him even if he'd turned into a fucking giant. He wished he would touch him even with his body's rebellion.(edited)
bulgeRotLast Saturday at 11:18 PM
“Goggles with adjustable levels of opacity, if light turns out to be an issue. Auditory input interruptors, essentially the opposite of an aid. Gloves with detachable bits. Clothes with agreeable fabric and a fit that won’t feel suffocating. Have to adjusted for fit, of course. We aren’t nearly the same size.”
“That is entirely your fault.” Equius tried to sound mad, or even annoyed, but there was a wave of relief in his tone and posture that was hard to miss and entirely justified. “I had assumed...”
He trailed off, likely to figure out his wording. Karkat took that moment to step back, shooting one last warning look to the onlookers before putting his weapon again and shooing the larger troll out of his way. Equius protested, but didn’t force the smaller troll to let him continue.
“You can have your dramedy reunion later.” Karkat snipped, but the look in his eyes was apologetic. “I need to get started before he worsens, gets an infection. Our healin’ rates don’t typically work at the proper capacity, if his state declines he’s likely to face a more difficult healin’ process.” With that he gathered up the other troll again and, with Equius as his escort, made a path out. April 14, 2019
silencedTechnophile Yesterday at 12:36 AM
"Oh that sounds nice-" he told KK then wrinkled his nose at his kismesis and opened his mouth to say something back, trying to maintain and edge of annoyance, of banter and normalcy, but Karkat interupted, and he was a ragdoll being manhandled. He closed his eyes as pain flared in every joint and hole bored into him. and laid his head against the somewhat more built than he remembered troll.
"They've had me on immunosuppressents and industrial antibiotics for a while, KK." He murmured to him. He thought he ought to know. "the shitheads had to keep my body from attacking the biowire."
bulgeRotYesterday at 1:20 AM
“You c-oo-ld be moo-re careful.” Equius aimed this at Karkat, giving him a look over his shoulder. This was not an unusual sort of interaction for them, if the scoff and roll of the eyes from the more stout troll was any indication. From the way Sollux was hung over his shoulders, if he opened his eyes he would be able to see Equius turning an irritated frown toward him. “If you had not previously l-ooked enough to notice, they clod’nt feed coonside mannerisms to him.”
Karkat made a decidedly affronted noise, as the blueblood opened a door to reveal a considerably stocked and already set up medical block. Equius was right on their tail when he strode to the nearest already prepped resting plateau and (more mindful and gently this time) deposited Sollux. He was immediately dropping a box from his sylladex, filled with various supplies, and opening it to sanitize his hands and don a mask and gloves. A bit odd, considering the general state of himself and his own wounds and already being covered in the other’s fluids but... Habitual, familiar, exactly what Karkat needed to flip a switch. It was an obvious change, evident in his posture and even expression. This was what he was good at, what he knew, where he was probably always fated to fit.
“I’m goin to knock you out.” Karkat informed Sollux, for the first time looking him unflinchingly in the face without a single concern over his scarred face or their shared past. “And no, it ain’t optional. I’m not makin’ this harder on myself or more distressing for you -“ here he hooked a thumb toward Equius, hovering literally right over his shoulder, “- or the upscaled grey human Popeye motherfucker about to shit himself already.”
silencedTechnophile Yesterday at 4:57 AM
Sollux rolled his head looking at Karkat then Equius. "I'll be okay you overgrown pony show, I'm a god, remember?" He scoffed softly, then let his head rest with a small little bang,closing his eyes. "Fuck me up KK., I'm half way there already." He already half thought they should just kill him and see if they could force a reset but that was.. tricky, and not garunteed to work, plus traumatic.
bulgeRotYesterday at 9:55 PM
“My memory is impeccable, as it always has been.” Equius frowned at him, but relented and stepped away a bit. “When you acquire the shoes to stay awake -“
“Alright, no, that’s enough.” Karkat aimed a disgusted look at the taller troll and pulled out a needle filled with some sedative. He wasted no time in injecting it into the other troll, careful but sure. “Count up from zero to ten.” He instructed, though having concocted the substance himself he knew Sollux was unlikely to make it past five. “No funny shit either, or I’ll be forced to assume you suffered permanent mental damage and are unfit for continued service.” A bad joke, referencing their throneworld but... Funny for him, at least.
silencedTechnophile Yesterday at 11:39 PM
He opened his mouth to try to dredge up a retort from his addled brain- but then Karkat intervened and gave him an injection. The fog started spreading fast. "-sure" he lisped softly. "..one, two, three, four-" his eyes closed, heavily as unconsciousness embraced him and for a bit, gave him a relief from the pain.
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okaywowcool · 6 years
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 hey guys! back again for another monthly favorites post, this time for july! read below the cut to hear some of my favorite clothing pieces, new shops, trends, and makeup and skincare items that i’ve used in this past month! 
you can also check out this link to read through my past faves! 
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Plus Size Grid Print Overall Mini Dress - $24.90, available in 0X - 3XL
Not too long ago I picked up a few pieces from F21 (mostly out of a Strong fear that they would be going out of stock in the near future, lol) and this was one of them. The zipper feels sturdy with the metal they used (I was worried, since this runs slightly bodycon on a non-padded, average curvy body (if you’ve not read about how plus-sized models are commonly padded out to get the “ideal” shape or “ideal” fat distribution, check out this article here by Refinery29.) and the zipper is the functional closure of the dress. The dress has zero stretch, so I was a little concerned about something flimsy that I felt like would break eventually, but so far so good. I’ve worn it with a super cute beatnik type get up out to lunch and errands with my girlfriend (black turtleneck sweater, beret, and chunky black sandals) and felt super cute, but still a little self conscious just since the more bodycon silhouette is something I’m still not super confident in wearing, which is something I’m trying to get better about. So a big recommend! I’m a size 22/24 and got a size 3XL and thought that was perfect, not too tight, but still hugging my curves in a cute way. 
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Plus Size Grid Print Tie-front Shirt - $19.90, available in 0X - 3XL
I have a serious problem finding button ups that are cute on me...I have a fairly large bust but smaller shoulders and it’s hard to find something plus-sized that isn’t either totally oversized and weird looking on me fit wise, or so tight there’s massive gapping between the buttons at the biggest part of my bust. But this button up really works for me. I’m not sure if it’s the slightly relaxed cut or the fact that it’s a crop, but it’s absolutely perfect...it’s rare you buy something online and it fits exactly the same on you as it does on the model, but this did and I was so impressed! This is definitely going to be a new staple in my wardrobe, as soon as it’s not too hot to commit to long sleeves.
I ordered a few more things that I haven’t had much of a chance to style/wear yet, but everything worked this go round which is pretty rare...this was very much me that day:
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Surgeon General’s Dress - $35, available in XS - 5XL
I’ve been wearing a lot of my own stuff here lately, mainly because it’s so easy to throw on and and still be bold enough for it to feel like a Look, while totally keeping me cool. This dress’s print looks super bold from a distance, but y’all would be surprised to see how long it takes people in an office setting to actually find out what the print is of, since it’s so blown up it can read as abstract. The fabrication is also really good at keeping you out of the hot hot hot hell zone, and is super cute with a breezy sheer cardigan thrown on over it! 
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Avocado Bag, $40
I want to own pretty much everything in this entire store since I found out it existed just a few weeks ago, and if I didn’t have some self restraint I would have preordered at least 3 bags from here so far. Miju Miju is a cute shop full of bags that were originally intended for use as cute, unique ita bags, but they’re also totally cute to use to display your pin collection, or even just leave plain with the empty clear window showing the cute pop of lining color. The fact that they’re convertible from a crossbody purse to a backpack also makes them a literal dream for me, since that’s pretty much the only kind of bag I like to carry. They also have a discount code running right now for the preorder, you can use BOW7 to get $7 off one of these bad boys! I know I want the avocado, egg, and pink coffin ones all sooooo bad. 
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Pastel Rainbow Shooting Star Necklace - $60
Petey Hana is an etsy shop with a lot of super cute hand painted jewelry, perfect for all kinds of kawaii fashion styles and also just bold statement pieces. I’m so in love with the obviously hand made look, especially with ceramic and polymer clay jewelry, because it just feels like there’s extra love put into it. Combine that with all the bright colors and I’m just in love with this whole shop! 
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Strawberry Milk Cocktail Knit Sweater - $31
I’m not sure why it took me so long to realize that the Ester Loves You collab “Ester loves Chuu” was referring to a shop’s name and not just the cute Japanese kissing sound effect....but it took me until doing that cute request for rabbit purses recently for me to figure out that Chuu was indeed, a store. This shop is adorable and has lots of unique styles in it for super affordable prices. I can’t fit into any of it myself really BUT it’s still been a big inspiration to look at their photography and see how they’re styling their pieces! 
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Walk the Line Striped Dress - $78, available in US size 10 - 30
I wanted to use this cute image from Fat Girl Flow, since it was Corissa’s IG where I first saw this shop as well AND because it’s so helpful to see products on non-models. Soncy is a really cute really incredible shop. Y’all know I’m not the biggest fan of the whole Fashion Nova curve look, it just never has felt very “me,” even though it’s a staple for many other plus-sized bloggers/influencers. Soncy feels like Fashion Nova’s classy older sister who has her own very successful etsy business selling fancy leather goods--which is not at all a bad vibe...one part hippie, one part mature, and one part sexy. Still a similar style, but there’s not as much emphasis on the whole Kylie Jenner booty body-con everywhere look, and things just look higher quality...they’re more expensive, but everything in the shop is available in sizes 10 - 30 and everything is miraculously under $100, which is just awesome. 
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Pier Pursuits Cropped Jumpsuit - $64.99, available in XXS - 4XL
Right now, one of the silhouettes I’m obsessed with is super wide leg jumpsuits. This one was really the first one that sparked the intense love for me, the proportions are so unique and perfect and I love that these jumpsuits are starting to show more traditional dress like necklines...this one from ASOS curve does a similar thing which I really adore. 
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Front Twist Flutter Sleeve Tee - $9, 0X - 3XL
Twist front crop tees (even the ones that are just from twisting a not in a normal tee!) are just such a look for me right now. There’s something very nostalgic about them, almost like how when tying jackets around the waist was coming back as a styling choice when 90s nostalgia started going strong, that makes me just super happy and it’s a natural type of ruching that is really attractive without looking kind of dated and old. It just looks good on everyone, truly. 
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Fluted Sleeve Mini Dress in Ditsy Floral - $51 // Infusion Cut Out Bralette in Vintage Floral - $52 // Ditsy Floral Ruffle Jumpsuit - $40
There’s something so nice and vintage feeling about a ditsy floral print, and I’ve been wanting to create some of my own patterns that mimic this feel for a while but still haven’t quite gotten around to it. It’s just such a nice subtle way to wear florals, a print that I tend to be really picky about since they can go ugly fairly easily or run the risk of looking dated or matronly depending (and I mean dated like...2008 versus a nice vintage feel) but ditsy florals just always look so cute and nice, too subtle to ever really be offensive and easy to transition from season to season. 
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Daisy Street Cami with Peplum - $24 // True Stripes A-Line Skirt - $38 // Miss Selfridge Pinafore Dress - $56
i’m also just really feeling chambray this month, especially with a subtle white pinstripe. aside from chambray just feeling really lovely to the touch (bc i’m all about those textures y’all) it’s such a lovely soft approach to denim that feels so airy and perfect for summer. 
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LIPHOP Ombre Lip Balm - $2.59 
I bought this little lip balm for real cheap off of aliexpress a while ago, in quite a few shades since it was so cheap. I’ve found that the darker shades are by far my favorite, though they don’t look quite as dark on me as they do in the photos. It’s very similar to just putting on a little chapstick--these just add a natural little pop of color for a fresh bitten look to the center of your lips while hydrating them overall. I like that it gives that popsicle stain look without the matte feel of some similar products, like Glossier’s Generation G and Colourpop’s Blotted Lip, or the actual commitment of doing a proper ombre lip look. 
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Bliss Makeup Melt Jelly Cleanser - $12
This one is actually not one I’ve gotten to try yet (it’s sitting in my cart to be purchased as soon as my current cleanser runs out) but I wanted to include it on this list anyway because I’ve been wanting to try it for a while now. It’s supposed to be a really good dupe for Glossier’s Milky Jelly Cleanser, but has a smaller price tag ($12, vs Glossier’s $18) as well as coming with more product (6.4oz vs Glossier’s 6oz). Last winter I was looking for a good cleanser that wouldn’t dry me out quite as much as my current one does. I’m currently using Tony Moly’s Peach Foam Cleanser, which I think is really lovely in a lot of ways--the foaming is fun, the smell is amazing, and it does really make you feel clean, but it dries my skin out sooooo much right now, even in the summer where I have a little more oil. It claimed to be moisturizing and gentle but I guess my skin is still just too wimpy to take it, and I’ve been looking for a change. This dupe is also rose scented, which I’m super excited about--I’ll be sure to tell you all how it is! 
so that’s it for july! look forward to seeing some of my highlights for august next month and feel free to let me know if there are any other categories you’d like me to add each month! <3 
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cookinguptales · 6 years
So while I was in NYC, I got to see Mean Girls, Spongebob Squarepants, and Anastasia. It was really a combination of lottery winnings and tkts, though I did splurge and get myself the Mean Girls ticket ahead of time. Despite how I got the rest of the tickets, I actually had pretty good seats at all the shows! So that part was nice.
More in-depth thoughts under a cut, but can I just say how weird it is that like... I think I had the most fun at Spongebob? I only went bc I won the lottery but like. I genuinely enjoyed that show. lol. Reminds me of when I went to see Shrek: The Musical on a lark with my friend, and we were shocked that it’s actually a great show.
I saw Spongebob first, an evening show. It was also my most high-pain day, so I have to admit that something funny and a little stupid (with a good heart) was probably exactly what I needed. The music was fun and catchy (not a shock, I guess, considering the people they got to do music for them) and the actors did a really spectacular job. I realized after coming home that I had some different actors than appear on the recording, but I liked my actors more. The Mr. Krabs I saw sounded so spot-on that it was a little creepy, lol, and our Plankton was super fun. I was kind of shocked when the guy who played Squidward started talking in a straight-up British accent after the show, lmao.
I laughed at a lot of the jokes, and though I never really expected to see Patrick Star leading a cult, it was apparently exactly what I wanted out of my evening. Plus, it actually had some pretty good lessons for kids. Don’t turn on each other and scapegoat immigrants when bad things happen, think for yourselves and always try to fix problems rather than running away from them, sometimes people say things that sound profound but won’t actually help you, diversity is valuable… I think it kind of veered into a trope I’m not in love with (immigrants are great because they’re useful) but I think it was also good for kids to see a character who was female (and played by a black woman) who was fantastic at science, kind, determined, and the one who ultimately saves the day. I also liked that the show was clear that her pain and wariness didn’t go away just because people started accepting her again. I think it managed to go in on some really good lessons without ever feeling preachy about it.
Plus, again, the show was just super fun. I love how it played with the space (like the way the actors kept interacting with the band and the conductor) and the jokes were genuinely funny. Patchy wandering around and trying to crash the show was great. The songs were catchy and fun and it was really cohesively done. Also, I think it really managed to nail the feeling of the characters and this underwater world without being too on-the-nose. (I’m looking at you, Little Mermaid.)
Was it the deepest, most memorable show I’ve ever seen? No. But it was a lot of fun, and fun is frankly what I needed right then.
Next, I saw Mean Girls. I’ll admit that my enjoyment of this show was marred by a couple things. It’s not the most accessible theater (I never did get to see the merch booth…) and the lead actress was out. There was a standby actress who could play like… 6-7 different characters? And I was really ??? when I saw that, like. There were really two options. Either she’s the best actress on earth, who can totally transform herself so she can play such diverse roles… or she’s generic af. Unfortunately, she turned out to be the latter. Like, don’t get me wrong! She was technically proficient and could sing really well! She just didn’t feel like Cady. There was something missing there, y’know? Some spark or charisma. She was just boring to watch, which kind of dampened the whole show. I overheard that it was her first time playing Cady, though, so idk. Maybe she was just nervous.
That aside, though, I did enjoy the show! It was a Wednesday (so I did wear pink) and it had a lot of the heart of the movie. It was really funny, and I liked how Janice and Damien were used to frame the show. They made for great, hilarious narrators. I really enjoyed most of the songs, too. Some were a little forgettable, I’ll admit, but others were really touching (particularly Gretchen’s solos) or super funny. Damien sings a whole song about how sometimes you just need to STOP and I loved it. The song was hilarious. The script itself was packed with good stuff. There were great jokes and good social commentary, more depth for some of the forgotten side characters and some really touching moments.
Plus, Cady aside, the rest of the actors did a tremendous job. My one gripe with the original movie is that… idk, the actress who played Regina George never quite felt like she could actually be a queen bee in a real school. Is that weird to say? The other girls around her just felt prettier and more charismatic, so it was hard to buy that she would actually be in charge. The Regina in the musical, though? Holy shit, you feel it. That woman could walk through Times Square and every eye would be on her. She did an absolutely fantastic job with Regina, and the other huge standouts to me were Gretchen and Janice. Just excellent, excellent jobs all around. I really love how much time the show gave to Gretchen so you could really get where she was coming from. Get that poor girl a therapist, honestly.
I think part of the problem is that, all things considered, it’s difficult not to compare Mean Girls to Heathers. And frankly, Heathers is a better show, imo. They’re both good! But I do sort of feel like Mean Girls could’ve gone in a little harder, and its music wasn’t nearly as memorable as Heathers’s. That said, like Heathers, Mean Girls: The Musical has a LOT more potential for f/f than the movie. lmao. And isn’t that really what we’re all here for?
(I mean no, probably not, but it’s what I’m here for.)
The third show I saw was Anastasia, and I gotta admit it. I’m shocked how much I didn’t like Anastasia. I’ve been wanting to see it for ages because that movie was my childhood, but I bounced hard off that show. Like I was kind of hanging in there for the first act, but I was literally wishing I could check my watch during the second act. Plus we had an u/s for Dmitri and he was. Not fabulous. I always feel bad saying that about understudies but like. He was……… not fabulous. So the criticisms I have going forward about Dmitri in the show might be colored by that. Bear with me.
Now, the show is super different from the movie. And I understand why they chose to go for realism rather than fantasy, but I disagree with that choice very, very firmly. Not only did it make the whole show a real fucking downer, but like… I feel like when you make movies about real people, you either have to go completely realistic or go real fucking far off the deep end. Like the movie really went in on the near-mythic stature that Anastasia and Rasputin had in history and folklore during that period. It went in hard with magic and zombies and had a real fairy tale feeling that only really worked because of the wild tales people were already telling about the historical personages. No one watched the animated movie about Anastasia and went “wow, I bet that’s just like real life”.
The show decided that they wanted to be more realistic and talk about like. God, execution of political prisoners and people starving in the streets and refugees and just generally the politics of Leningrad. So not only was that fucking depressing, but it really pulled things back to be like… If you’re being all realistic about this, shouldn’t you be more realistic about the real life people you’re using for this story? This isn’t how Anastasia’s life went, and I can buy that in a fantasy what if? AU, but when you’re aiming for gritty realism, then telling this story about a person who was executed (and yes, we now know she was executed) is just… It feels disrespectful, y’know?
Plus once you start bringing in the real politics of the world, I’m going to start examining the characters through a real historical lens. A love triangle is annoying and unnecessary anyway, but you managed to make it fucking creepy by having this guy stalk her after his dad killed her entire family, and while he’s still working for an oppressive regime. That’s not romantic! But you also managed to fuck up royally by making that actor far more handsome and charismatic, not to mention a much better singer, than the actual love interest!
Like! Dmitri only barely worked in the movie, y’know? You have to straddle such a fine, fine line with a lovable con man. If you take out the lovable, he’s just a fucking con man. And in the show, he just felt like a con man. Again, the fact that the u/s couldn’t sing all that well (he went sour several times and sometimes sounded just like Ernie, of Sesame Street, which is kind of the opposite of sexy) did not help things. But he was also just a fucking dick to Anya and it was difficult to tell why she liked him, other than the writing’s new decision to make her basically a street urchin like him. (As in, she’d been living on the street for many years previous to the show’s start — he also never worked in the palace and saved her life in the musical; it was never actually stated how she escaped in the musical.)
The actress who played Anya did an amazing job, but the writing for her character was pretty ??? most of the time. Like I get that you want to make her feisty (and why did you choose AN ATTEMPTED RAPE TO DISPLAY HER STRENGTH?) but if she’s really so street smart, why does she constantly make bizarre decisions? Why does she want to go to Paris if she doesn’t have the Together In Paris necklace? Why is she having a weird love triangle between a man who verbally abuses her and a government official who wants her dead? WHY DID YOU MAKE IT CLEAR THAT SHE HAD A DOG AND THE DOG IS DEAD? Poor Pooka!
Speaking of people I can’t root for knowing actual historical fact, they changed Sophie into an ex-Russian dilettante named Lily who spends all her time complaining that she used to be rich af in Russia and it’s so sad that all of the Russian elite had to give up their major Russian fortunes so they could… have minor French fortunes and cushy jobs. Like every time they started reminiscing about the good ol’ days in Russia, I was just like “oh right, that’s why they had a revolution, eat the fucking rich”. Like the new background they made up just made me despise her and all her friends.
They also made Anastasia’s grandma kind of a bitch. You’re really kind of forcibly reminded how awful monarchies can be whenever she talks about politics! And that cute, short scene in the movie where she finally meets Anya? Drawn out to like a half hour of this old woman rambling about how awful the world is and how she hates everyone and Anya is just a tricksy bitch. Fun times for all!
Plus like. I don’t remember a single song from the musical that wasn’t in the movie. I hate that they took out all of the magic and the talking animals and Rasputin (how did they never even mention the HISTORICAL one?) and they just had to rub it in by cannibalizing In The Dark of The Night and turning it into a depressing-ass song about political refugees who were fleeing Russia and would never see it again. (Note: the singer of this song was shot in the head by Russian authorities shortly after singing it.)
The only thing the musical really did was make me so sad for these people who had a revolution because their rulers were deeply corrupt and used the lives of the poor like pawns, and then had an equally corrupt government regime move in. The people were starving either way! And the musical trying to romanticize all that (they kind of wanted to acknowledge the historical crimes but still make me like the people who caused the problems??) just felt awful. They tried to work this story in with the real historical timeline by being like YEAH SHE WAS REAL AND THEY REUNITED BUT THEN SHE DECIDED TO LEAVE AND NEVER TELL ANYONE WHO SHE WAS AGAIN SO THE CREEP IN THE GOVERNMENT DIDN’T GET IN TROUBLE AND NO ONE EVER KNEW THAT THE REAL ANASTASIA WAS ALIVE. Like what. No. They found her fucking corpse. You can’t try to follow real life and have her actually be Anastasia. You can’t have your cake and eat it too! Do you want to make a musical about the plight of the Russians during this time period, or do you want to write a fairy tale? You can’t do both! All you’ve managed to do is play out some bad history and make me feel kind of gross.
….and boring music, questionable politics, and fuckin dreariness aside, the writing was just bad. The second act dragged on and on and on because they would never say in a minute what they could say in an hour. I was kind of bored and annoyed both. If you’re going to change a story and add an hour and a half of material, it better be good material. And it wasn’t. The only bright spots for me were the spectacular costumes (really gorgeous), the interesting sets, and the woman who plays Anastasia.
Other than that, I was not thrilled. All it did was make me want to go watch the ding-dang movie so I could just see the ding-dang bat.
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charliejrogers · 3 years
Paddington (2014)
Sometimes you watch a movie and want to be challenged. You want your head to explode. You want to get lost in a world of plot twists and double-crosses. Other times you don’t. TV more often than movies fills the role of comfort food for people looking for passive media, but let’s all take a moment to recognize the power of a good comfort movie. Sometimes your comfort movie is that dumb rom-com you’ve seen 1000 times, other times a mindless action movie of good vs. evil. Many comic book movies certainly can fall into this camp, but really any series like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings can become comfort food whenever those fans begin to think of the characters more like old friends than avatars on a screen. And never is that more true than when a childhood friends makes their way onto the big screen.
I don’t believe I have ever read (or has someone read to me) a Paddington book. In fact, after writing that sentence I had to Google whether Paddington was a series or a single book. I’m not from the U.K. so please excuse my ignorance. It’s not that people in America don’t know Paddington he’s just not as popular here as he is across the pond. Therefore when this hit theater six years ago and I heard critics rave about it, I didn’t get it. Christ, it was even nominated for the best British film at the BAFTAs in 2015. There was Paddington, a family movie about a walking, talking bear, right next a serious drama about Stephen Hawking (The Theory of Everything) and the very adult ScarJo sci-fi film Under the Skin. Plus, think also I was at an age where I was “too cool” for kid’s stuff. I was in college, so why watch a movie that could make you happy when you could watch something that could project to others how smart you thought you were. All of this is to say that, I went into this movie without the advantage of nostalgia, something I suspected might have been boosting audiences’ and critics’ scores.
Paddington from director Paul King tells the story of one unnamed Peruvian bear who is among the last of his kind. What makes this particular species of bear so special is their uniquely high intelligence. The film starts with a black-and-white film reel documenting the journeys of the explorer who was the first among men to stumble upon this particular subset of bear, sometimes back in the early 1900s. The explorer first instinct is to hunt and kill the bear to bring back to a British museum, but he is eventually won over by the sheer intelligence of the bears. They are already master builders and have developed unique, modern-looking housing structures when the explorer first finds them, but quickly he discovers they can understand English,  can even reproduce it to some extent, and are adept at new technologies. The explorer leaves them with a phonograph and a record of him talking about how to be a proper gentleperson in London.
Fast forward some hundred years, and the original two bears the explorer essentially perfected their understanding of English based off the explorer’s record. They also know quite a bit about early 20th-century etiquette and about a hundred different ways to tell fellow Londoners that it is raining outside. And though now aged and frail, they have passed much of this knowledge onto their young nephew whose character can be summed up by the following four traits: 1) undying love for his aunt and uncle who raise him 2) utmost and strict adherence to etiquette 3) deep desire to belong to a home 4) obsession with marmelaide.
All four of those things turn out to be of vital importance when disaster strikes his home in Peru and he is forced by his aunt to seek a new home in the only other place they know: London! With only his uncle’s hat and a marmelaide sandwich on his head, the bear stows away on a freighter to London. He heads to the nearest train station as he has heard stories about how during WWI, orphaned children would show up to train stations wearing certain necklaces to signify their need for a home. The bear does just that, but the world of 1914 is very much different from the world of 2014. People don’t so much as look at the bear. If they do, they assume he’s a poor beggar, vendor of cheap goods, or just a plain con-artist. They’re too busy rushing this way and that. “In the age of technology, Britain has lost its way” the film seems to suggest. Or, more cynically, it seems to make a comment (albeit) on xenophobia and Britain’s lack of openness to immigrants, especially prominent given the distinctly colonial feel of the explorer’s documentary and his attitudes towards these “primitive” creatures.
Except, of course, this is a light-hearted family film. A fantasy film at that. For example, no one is freaked the fuck out like they would in real life by a talking bear roaming around a major metropolitan area, in some cases doing serios damage (albeit accidentally) to various property throughout town. E.T. this is not, so there’s no plotline of the government trying to snatch him up for research purposes, nor does this apparently talk place in our reality where the bear would become an instant viral internet star.
Instead, as a family film, the movie mostly focuses on the idea of “family.” The bear is eventually approached by Mary Brown (Sally Hawkins), the matriarch of the Brown family who are a well-off family who live in a cozy townhouse in a quaint London neighborhood. Mary is more empathetic to the bear’s plight than her ill-tempered husband Henry (Hugh Bonneville) who is a risk analyst who sees the bear for what he is: a risk! Still, he begrudgingly agrees to let the bear, who names himself Paddington, stay with them for one night, but then he’s off to the orphanage  institution for young souls whose parents have sadly passed on.
Mr. Brown’s not wrong about Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) too. Despite his undeniably genuine nature and complete absence of my ill-will, he’s a natural klutz. His childlike innocence and curiosity finds him tinkering with things that just ought not to be tinkered leading to a movie defined by its many great misadventurous set pieces, such as when Paddington accidentally floods the Brown’s bathroom to when a pickpocket accidentally drops a wallet that he stole and Paddington begins chasing him around London in grand fashion, not understanding why the thief doesn’t want his wallet back.
More than anything, though, Mr. Brown’s hostility towards Paddington stems more from his concern for his children, specifically that his son Jonathan (Samuel Joslin) will end up being hurt either as a direct result of Paddington’s activities or will simply try more daring things inspired by Paddington’s free-wheeling and wild spirit.
What I love about the character of Mr. Brown, who truly seems to be the secondary character after the titular bear, is the way he is a true character and not a one-dimensional rule-follower. The way the film (comically) demonstrates that Henry Brown was not always Mr. Brown, but was a motorcycle-riding Wildman who was suddenly and permanently changed by fatherhood makes him an incredibly relatable character, and grounds this silly cartoon in something of a reality.
Less can be said about Mary Brown. Sally Hawkins does a wonderful job portraying her seemingly boundless kindness and love, but ultimately there’s not more to her character than just being nice and kind. Her only story arc revolves her relationship with the Browns’ daughter Judy (Madeleine Harris) who is a stereotypically moody teen who doesn’t want to introduce her boyfriend to her Mom because, as Paddington puts it, “she suffers from a terrible disease called embarrassment.”
But no one’s watching this movie to watch the Browns or learn about their characters. It’s nice that Mr.’s character is so well-established as it makes his little sacrifices and gestures to try to help Paddington so satisfying. One second he was pushing to get Paddington out of his home, the next he’s in a dress breaking into an archives to learn more about the explorer who originally visited Paddington’s aunt and uncle one hundred years prior.
This little detour to the archives relates to one of the two other sub-plots to the film. The first is how Paddington’s quest to find a new home (since Mr. Brown refuses to let him stay with his family forever) leads him to want to find the explorer (or at least the explorer’s family) since he figures they of all people would love to take in as family a bear whom their father had so loved. The second subplot (and the more hackneyed and boring plot) deals with Nicole Kidman’s Millicent, a deranged, taxidermist employee of London’s Natural History who has a nasty side hobby and collecting (and stuffing) rare animals. She hears rumors of a talking bear, she starts to hunt him. Kidman actually does a very good job leading a cartoonish seriousness to the role, but just the whole subplot feels very perfunctory, like the studio was afraid no one would want to watch a movie that didn’t have a clear bad guy. Add in a sub-plot to this sub-plot where the Browns’ sad-sack neighbor Mr. Curry (Peter Capaldi) teams up with Millicent in the hopes of being her lover, and you got my least favorite part of this movie.
Taking away the villain plot would deny the Browns the opportunity to rescue their little friend from the jaws of danger, and prevent me from seeing that tear-jerking display of love with which the film ends, so I suppose it’s worth it. With snow falling around them and love in the air, Paddington with its focus on the importance of family, is almost a Christmas movie, or at the least is a perfect movie for the holiday season.
It’s also funny for all ages. I can imagine sitting in a theater with children and hearing the little cackles of children as Paddington fights a shower head using a toilet seat lid as shield and toilet brush as sword. The film does not go for easy jokes. Its physical comedy is often elaborate, and there are plenty of jokes meant for the adults in the room that aren’t necessarily sexual in nature. For example, the Browns’ daughter is learning Chinese “for business,” which means she’s learning phrases such as “How do I get to the business center?” and “I’m being investigated for tax fraud.” But more than anything, it’s a distinctly British film in its humor, favoring throw-away lines and sight-gags over fart jokes. One of my favorites in the idea that Millicent’s office is full of taxidermied heads of exotic animals, and when she walks into her workshop on the other side of the wall, we see all the rear-ends of these same animals. Another pitch perfect moment is when a downtrodden Paddington finds himself at Buckingham Palace and having revealed the sandwich he keeps under his hat for emergencies, we find out what things the Queen’s Guard keeps under their Bearskins. It’s silly and ridiculous in a way perfect for a kid’s film.
I also love how the film gives us a view of the world through Paddington’s eyes, and I give much credit to the film’s director Paul King for translating for us through film Paddington’s essential innocence. Twice, once towards the beginning, and once at the end, the film presents us with a toy-house that is an exact replica of the Brown’s home and we can actually see the Browns walking about and interacting in this odd meta-moment as Paddington narrates their goings on and provides his interpretation of what is happening. It lends an air of frivolity to our lives. Yes, the world is sad an hard, but for those innocents, the children, it’s a world of wonder and curiosity, a dollhouse in which anything is possible.
In the end, this movie is damn near perfect comfort food. It’s family focus creates a heart-warming tale that helps tries to inspire us that, despite our splintered isolated world, the world can be a place of love and welcoming. I wish the villain weren’t such a drag, but I am happy to report that despite not having any contact with Mr. Paddington in my life previously, I fell in love with his character almost instantly and am very happy to count him among my cinematic friends and follow him on any of his next adventures.
*** 1/4 (Three and one fourth stars out of four)
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seven-oomen · 4 years
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Hi, Ben!  Hope you had a good time with your mom and brother, and that the call with the therapist went well!  The casual Dean cosplay got me thinking; do you suppose going forward cosplayers will start wearing a nail necklace instead of a Samulet?  XD  Also, I found out Netflix has the last episodes up, so I told my friend who’s been watching, so I’m very much looking forward to seeing what kind of reaction she has to them whenever she gets there.
Since you’d been curious, here’s how my Christmas tree turned out this year, with bonus tiny side table tree.  One year I’m going to have the room to get a tree big enough for all my ornaments (there are a few I left off), as well as garland and maybe popcorn strands.  Yes, there are indeed two x-wings and two Lukes (there will be even more Lukes if I find them for sale) on there.  There are quite a few Star Wars ornaments, actually, including Ewoks on the tiny tree.  There are also a lot of Marvel, several Batman, a number of Looney Tunes/Tom & Jerry/Scooby-Doo, and at least one converted anime keychain.  The View-Master actually works and has extra slides.  I still need to get some dino ornaments.  I feel like the only ones I ever find are glittery, which, pretty, but I don’t want to deal with the mess.
And don’t worry, my French is probably even rustier than yours.  I got the gist, but I won’t pretend I didn’t double-check myself with Google Translate to be sure I wasn’t mis-remembering.  But both previews are adorable, and I can totally feel their pain on wanting to pet the puppy.  (You can always tell when a really cute one has come in the store, because all the employees start subtly flocking towards it for a turn at playing with it.  XD )  I can’t help but wonder a bit how they’ll take to the idea of having three parents instead of two.  Stiles and Malia would likely be pretty used to the idea, because of Claudia, and Allison doesn’t seem like she’d mind, but Jackson…did not get off to the best start with his extra parent…(not that I think Noah would hold it against him in any way.)  Also, if this happens on the child’s first full moon, did Stiles and Malia get introduced to Chris and his twins, or had they left by then?  Since they would definitely have been gone when Malia turned for the first time, will she have to be “introduced” to everyone as well?
And it may be amusing to you that they haven’t kissed, but some of us are developing an eye twitch and drinking vicariously through Melissa while internally screeching.  XD  They are like the absolute embodiment of that Two Characters Finally Kiss meme, but when you reach the bottom it’s nothing but feral screaming because “BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE STUBBORN ONE?!  THEY’RE ALL THE STUBBORN ONE!!”
Also, the random headcanon question of the day is about their singing voices.  Are any of them tenors, or are they all three baritones?  (I can’t quite picture any of them as a bass.)  I know Noah’s the best out of the three, but do any of them have a voice suited to any particular styles (jazz/blues, rock, country, crooner/pop, etc?)  Mostly this stemmed from trying to decide who’d sing what parts in duets, etc (I may have been listening to way too much Christmas music lately.)
That post about John Winchester only getting to be in Heaven as long as he kept his stupid comments to himself was amazing.  I may have cackled out loud reading that one.  Also, I don’t care if it makes me old, I’m legit still sad that there aren’t visual options anymore when listening to stuff in Windows Media Player.  I could zone out for hours with that shit.  XD  Oh, and omg, the manly knots thing made me think of this one time at work, where I was sorting through some boxes of freestanding displays (called shippers, ironically XD ), and they all had descriptions on the side of what kind of dog toy they contained.  One of these was “KNOTTED DUCKS” (they were a rope and canvas toy of some kind, I think), and I nearly gave myself whiplash double-checking that one, because I did not read “DUCKS” the first time (and I don’t even read much a/b/o, and hadn’t written any at all at that time.  My brain is just permanently in the gutter, and I accept that about myself.)
Anyway, I hope your day was a good one overall, even if long!  I hope tomorrow is also good, and I look forward to the full moon shenanigans whenever you feel it’s ready!  (I may have to go reread the puppy pile snippet again, actually.  It’s so cute!)  :D  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Oooh that’s a really pretty tree! I love the ornaments and the organization of it <3 that is awesome! You have so many dude, that is sooo cool!
I still want to get more ornaments for mine but so far this is my “super gay” Disney Christmas tree:
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And now I really want to make like a fake nail to wear around my neck for my Dean cosplays XD. I think that would be a nice touch at cons if I make one out of EVA foam. (Reals nails would not be allowed on the con floor.)
And I think I said Stiles and Malia were two weeks old (about) when Chris left. SO that would mean Chris left around the 27/28 of March in 1994. And I looked it up and the full moon was on 27th March. Which means it’s up for debate. 
It does mean that Allison and Jackson were introduced to the pack at 3 days old, since the full moon was on the 27th and they were born on the 24th. Which also means that Chris was probably still very tired and sore when he had to introduce his children to a rambunctious wolf pack. Though I like to think that both John and Peter kept a very close eye on them.
As for Malia, she would probably be have to reintroduced to Chris and her siblings in a way. I’m not sure how I’ll do it. But it makes for an interesting premise. Since she probably ran with Peter and the Hale pack during full moons back when they only visited her father. So she would still be pack to Derek, Peter, Noah, and Stiles.
The real wildcard will be Scott. He’s not gonna handle this full moon well and I haven’t decided if I want him to full shift immediately or if he has to learn it. After all, he’s not born into it and he doesn’t have a wolf parent.
And Jackson in particular will not take well to being parented by Noah. There will be a lot of bitching from Jackson. Ben’s not gonna mind and Noah’s basically been adopted by Ben as Poppa. Allison will be the neutral. She will be calling him Noah but will also allow him to comfort her and parent her.
Malia would be pretty cool with Chris, she feels like she can tell Chris anything and he’ll understand and she adopts him as another guardian figure, but she still calls him Chris for a while. Stiles will ironically call Chris papa and bitch a little (mostly about Jackson and “how could you give me a brother like that?”) But he would also defend Chris (and Jackson) from anyone who tries to badmouth them (that’s his job) or tries to uproot his family. And he’d go to Chris for advice.
XD I am planning to get them closer in chapter 14. That one is going to be filled with romance. Hold on for that one.
Ooh good question. I guess I’d say Noah’s voice is more suited for Classic rock and he’s the best singer out of the three. All three of them are barritones but I think Noah can get the highest out of the three. Peter’s voice is very well suited to country or ballads (hallelujah etc.) and Chris is more the Jazz/Blues kinda guy.
Knotted ducks send me places XD GOOD GOD XD You are not the only one with a dirty dirty mind my friend, never worry. XD
Hope you’re doing okay, my day’s been pretty quiet so far and I’m hoping to write the rest of the chapter tonight.
Lots of hugs from me and Mo!
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mulder-isms · 7 years
 New York - (Thorcid Fanfic)
A/N: Believe it or not I’m still here lmao so, this fic was heavily inspired by St. Vincent’s New York and THIS OUTFIT. I mean, we could write poetries about it.
It takes place a little before NYC Drag Con and Alotta makes her first appearence! 
Thank you for all of you that still read me for God knows why and feedback is always welcome! ❤︎
Ps: Smut alert 😜
Jamin spent a week having dreams about it.
After the proposal, his groom-to-be was swept away to the technicolor land and fake brick walls of AS3. Shane needed to hoard for clothes and be sure he got everything he wanted in the midst of fighting inner and questioning voices, that were rattled and louder with such a big event coming.
He didn’t want to make him even more worried with his own feelings about the subject. Jamin reached the point of his life that being overshadowed somehow by younger queens didn’t trigger him anymore. Especially one that he loved so much.
Damn, especially one that he planned to spent the rest of his life with.
The last time he saw Shane, their good-bye was rushed, they were at his doorway in Williamsburg, three minutes for the Uber to arrive, Kirk in the hall waiting for the elevator. Shane had sweaty palms and was biting what was left of his nails. Jamin took his hand from the mouth, before Shane started having them for dinner, and kissed his knuckles.
“You need to paint them black, so save these fingers for later” he reassured him and Shane smiled relieved for seconds before leaving.
People fleet quite easily from one’s memory.
Getting back to his old reclusive life was easy for Jamin. Since they started their relationship this was going to be their longest period apart, but dealing with the distance was not that hard anymore. But the uncertainty of their future after Shane would come back was slowly creeping.
Jamin wasn’t the one to be consumed by anything, even if it meant to come undone.  He taught himself how to stop emotional investments since a very young age. He was more than used to people leaving, disappointing him. It was a matter of survival, to low his expectations.
He could say he knew Shane. He felt safe with him.
He knew when he was lying to trick him, because there’s always a sort of hidden smirk in the corner of his mouth. He knew all the signs and freckles along his long body and moods of his hair. Each hairdo meant a different feeling. His favorite was when was too lazy to care how messy the dreads were, just sorta tying up some of them loosely.
But would he know post All Stars Shane?
A big change was coming, but he tried blocking the anxiety. There was nothing to do but wait. So he did what he was the best. Worked his ass off. New design projects, new outfits, new merch. Everything he could put his crafty hands and mind on.
After filming, Shane come back home, and promised to tell him everything about the All Stars experience when he was ready, and Jamin didn’t want to pressure him at all. He didn’t want to be with Thorgy, he missed Shane.
His busy boyfriend spent three days in Brooklyn and then he was in Montauk with his family. Jamin knew how being with his folks eased his mind, and he was going to join them but he had so much work to do, so he thought it was for the best. The beach was lovely and the weather wasn’t too hot. Shane would come back probably still smelling like sunscreen and margaritas and he would sleep nuzzling his sunburnt neck.
He was in bed eating pizza when Shane texted him to have a quick Skype session. When Shane’s face appeared on the screen, his nose was pitched rose, the green of his eyes popping like emeralds. His arms were half tanned and half pale.
“What?” Shane asked with the gaze of his boyfriend on him and checking himself, fixing his dreads that were quite frizzled. “I know, I look like a hippie that sells necklaces made out of seeds by the beach”
“You do. God, I miss you. New York, isn’t New York without you, love...” he replied putting the pizza down and smiling.
Shane was slowly blending in his musical taste to Acid’s. He spent three days listening to St. Vincent’s new single and it stuck on Jamin’s mind. The bright primary colors of the video and the lyrics could be their constant state of mind.
“Someone’s been listening to my ipod.” he smiled proud at himself and then realized how sweet that was. “Tomorrow” he reassured Jamin hugging his legs and caressing the screen like a pet. He seemed to be on the kitchen and there were people talking around him. “Save a piece for me. You know how I like them cold. This is my niece’s laptop. Can you believe she knows how to use the internet? When this happened?”
“Ask her to teach you then”
“Fuck y-” he covered his mouth with a big ooops expression and cackled. You are never old enough to curse in front of your family.
They didn’t last too much longer on the conversation. They had all the time in the world tomorrow.
One of the big changes in Jamin’s life after Drag Race was coming back to Brooklyn. Really coming back to Brooklyn night and being accepted with the girls. Alotta was one that he got closer. He was loud, honest, knew everything about video games and sports and and had a huge collection of BDSM clothing.
Jamin was working with Alotta to make the Brooklyn corner in Drag Con really special, and they were running the whole week with costumes, pins, stickers, t-shirts  and everything to make their booths nice. It was late at night and he was finishing the tail of his new dress, a sort of fashionable monster, with plastic thorns coming out everywhere.
Alotta was there because Jamin was going to fix some details of her outfit. It was late at night and Shane was going to pick up gloves for Ragga that she ordered. Shane was also running out of time to pull everything together.
Jamin’s dress was on the mannequin as he analyzed if the length of the tail was right, measuring tape around his neck, scissors in one hand.
“So this will be my first day look!”
Alotta entered the living room wearing a jockstrap, football shoulder pads and a mask that covered his whole face covered with plastic sticks. Jamin quickly glanced at his friend body, dominic was typically his type. Hot but a little rough around the edges. It felt like ages ago, before Shane becoming all he desired.
“Isn’t this your everyday look though, bitch” Jamin teased him drawing his attention back to the dress.
“It’s NYC drag con, I need to show quintessential Alotta too”
They heard the lock opening and Shane was there in seconds, leather bag in one shoulder, a zebra printed shirt on, wearing baggy shorts and toms. He was taken by surprised with the vision of Alotta semi-naked so close to Jamin probably.
“Um, hi” he replied smiling softly and widening his eyes a bit hesitating.
“I was showing Acid my first day look” Alotta whirled again, his bare hairy ass looking fabulous with the strap on.
“You use this to go to the grocery store though” Shane answered putting his bag on the table and looking at Jamin’s dress. “This is fucking incredible”
“That’s what I said!” Jamin asserted pointing to Shane. And Shane kissed Jamin on the cheek, which was quite atypical for him. “Hi” he answered his display of affection full of curiosity.
“Shit, I’m leaving. You guys want to fuck and chill, right?” Alotta noticed that and was quickly grabbing his things. Jamin and Shane exchanged embarrassed looks. Everybody that was close enough to them already knew but it was process to getting used to it. “Thorgina, are you coming tomorrow for Beckie’s friend bachelorette party? Acid is going to be my driver. It’s in a fucking mansion in Manhattan, the money is insane. ”
“Pass. I still have shit to do before Drag Con. I have this Marc Jacobs event with a bunch of models for his new perfume at the Plaza…” Alotta raised his brows impressed but Jamin was  still concentrated on the dress.
“Take that All Star gig, honey!”  Alotta teased with his ass up in the air as he picked up his shoes from the floor. Jamin winced with the vision holding a laughter, Shane was still suspicious.
“ And girl, please.I’m not staying in.” he replied tapping Jamin’s arm. “The gloves?”
“So I’m going with you!” Alotta had the idea and somehow Shane looked more relieved, but he shrugged in agreement pretending disinterest. Jamin was finding amusing how transparent was Shane’s jealousy about Alotta’s presence. It was not visible for not trained eyes, but he learned to track down all his body language.
“ Ragga is waiting for me in the car so hurry up” he rushed clapping hands.
“The gloves are on my bed” Jamin replied getting back to work, inserting a pin in the waist of the dress.
Shane got into his room, analysing it real quickly, as if he was going to find evidence of the crime. Jamin’s bed was made. Alotta handed him a jockstrap and winked. He was disgusted holding it like it was dirty.
“Bitch, this is new! Acid says she won’t use it, but that ass and that jewish cock need to be displayed in a jockstrap”
Shane softly chuckled shaking his head, but he put it in his bag anyways.
The party and the place was Gatsby luxurious. The mansion didn’t look like it belonged to New York, with the glass walls, high ceilings and flamboyant decorations. The bride and her friends were wearing gloves that Beckie have made for them. Jamin was the only man there but the bartenders that were all the typical gogo-boy types, he even knew one that used to work at the Ritz. It started very early as a pool party, so he got drunk as fast as he could so when Alotta was ready to leave he was sober enough to drive.
Alotta had already performed and he was sitting on the bar stool checking his messages, he was staying in Shane’s tonight but he had no idea when the Marc Jacobs was going to end and Kirk was probably sleeping there too. Jamin was definitely still a little bit drunk when one of the girls from the party sit by his side.
She was wearing a beautiful rosé dress completely beaded in crystals that were matching the beige gloves that were also stoned. She was pale with a long black hair and didn’t seem to have not even twenty-five years old, and too much money and time in her hands probably.
“Hi” she said leaning in with her drink to Jamin’s side. He was so not in the mood to make conversation but he wasn’t going to be an asshole.
“Amazing party, right? Cecile told me your sister made these gloves, these are like, so good” she caressed her forearms. She was completely fried, and leaning in too close to him.
“Yes, I’m glad you girls liked it” he replied softly laughing politely and taking a sip of his drink.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Claire!” she grabbed his leg and spoke to his ear although he could perfectly listen to her from a normal distance.
“I- I’m Jamin.” he replied pulling back as discreet as possible. He looked over her shoulder checking if the group of girls that she was hanging with was missing her. “Um, I like your dress. You look beautiful”
She looked down at her body as if she was aware of what she was wearing the first time and smiled all proud of herself. And then as if she woke up from her lethargic state she was pulling Jamin by the neck for a kiss. The girl’s tongue invaded his mouth, he couldn’t even think to open it and she was pulling him by his sweater.
“I was checking you out the whole night...I’m so sure these bartenders are all gay and I need some real dick, and not lollipop ones…I love older men” she whispered kissing his neck and her hands were all inside his shirt.
Jamin was stopping her slowly and the bartender was looking at them holding a laughter.
“Claire...Claire…” he was grabbing her by the wrist and pulling back, she was petite but very eager to climb him like a tree.
“I know, let’s go to the bathroom” she replied trying to pull him by the shirt and he stopped being so nice and grab both of her hands down in a more firm way. But that seem to make her even more horny.
“Girl, calm the fuck down. Look, I’m gay”
She immediately stopped and pulled back.
And the naughty smile from her face fade away, she looked at the bartender behind them and he nodded his head in confirmation. Straight rich girls probably never heard of Acid Betty or Drag Race.
“I feel so stupid…” she said laughing and covering her face but finally understanding why that man was rejecting her. “It’s just that you, you didn’t seem gay at all” she honestly put it.
Jamin was wearing jeans and a black sweater and his stubble was quite thick but he was pretty sure his gayness could be seen from a mile, so he was lowkey offended.
“Sorry” she said still rubbing her face, and she fixed Jamin’s sweater that she pulled too hard “If you change your mind…” and then she wrote her number in a napkin and put it in his pocket. Jamin was impressed with her audacity.
“Yep, still full homo and I have a boyfriend” he replied and she shrugged leaving them as Alotta was joining them, out of drag and backpack on her shoulder. She peered at Jamin with smeared lipstick all over his face and the bartender. “Girl, don’t even ask…”
Alotta was making fun of straight Jamin the whole ride back home. He dropped his friend at his place and Jamin was unsure if he should tell Shane about it. Alotta said he would laugh his ass off but “Thorgy is weird. When she gets mad she turns into Dexter and will cut you into pieces”
That wasn’t very reassuring. During the whole year Jamin managed to dodge all the bullets of men hitting on him and he ended up with a girl’s tongue in his mouth.
“You might wanna clean that” Alotta reminded him leaning on the window of the car and Jamin pulled the driver’s mirror to clean the lipstick traces .
When Jamin got into Shane’s apartment it wasn’t not even 1 a.m. He heard Kirk’s voice from the hallway so she was probably sleeping in. She opened the door eating what it seemed to be macarons.
“We brought a ton of sweets from the hotel” she replied raising her brows.
“Where is Thorgy?” he asked looking around the apartment.
“In the bedroom unpacking”
“Can I pass as straight?” he asked what he was dying to know. The tall redhead cackled out loud in full scoff. “That was the answer I wanted, thank you”
He entered the room and Thorgy was coming back. Jamin was struck by how beautiful she looked, wearing an embodied robe with flowers, a dark and rich red velvet leotard under it. She was blonde with a  vintage black headpiece.
“You’re early” Thorgy noticed picking up three truffles from a goodie bag on the table and stuffing in his mouth.
“You...you, look amazing” he stuttered still impressed and Kirk bumped shoulders with him.
“I know. Sometimes we forget this clown is a beautiful woman”
Thorgy rolled his eyes eating a pizza very much like Shane.
“People are losing their minds on IG about it.” she shrugged as if she didn’t care licking the fingers.
“Well, they should” Jamin confirmed again pointing at all her body. Her obscene long and toned legs looking like a million bucks in the red pumps.
Kirk noticed how smitten was Jamin and got the cue that three was too much for the night. She picked up her bag and her goodie bag and another Marc Jacobs bag with the new fragrance.
“Yeaaah, I’m leaving”
“You’re not sleeping in, today?” Thorgy asked sitting on the kitchen’s table putting her legs on it, the robe’s tail on the floor.
“Nah” and then she exchanged Jamin glances with Jamin that cleared this throat and threw his backpack on the couch.
Kirk left and Jamin joined Thorgy on the tiny kitchen’s table. Billie Holiday was playing on the tv from the living room. He picked up Thorgy’s legs from the table, while she was eating her third macaron, removed her red pumps and put them on his lap and started to massage her toes and the palm of the feet, making Thorgy let go a soft moan. There was a small rip on the left leg of the fishnet tights, that made Acid trow her judging eyes. Her green eyes were sparkling under the heavy eye liner as they wandered through the dirty dishes on the sink.
“So, was Alotta often half naked in your apartment while I was away?” she asked what was hanging in the air since she laid her eyes on that vision. She was playing with the candy wraps and stopped to her arms in front of her chest as a good inquisitor.
“I knew you were were weird about it” he softly chuckled rubbing his thumb on the bridge of Thorgy’s feet. “Girl, are you really jealous of Alotta? Really?”
“I’m not jealous” she cut him immediately raising the pointer finger. “I just don’t think it’s appropriate. Dominic doesn't think it’s a problem if he sleeps with you, or anyone’s else boyfriend. She actually hooked up with many dates of mine while I was still with them, and then she was like “Sorry girl, I thought you were just fooling around”, she rested her case making an impression of Alotta’s deep voice. “Look, I love her, okay? We’ve known each other since forever and we have each other’s back, I was just a little bit startled like having a deja vu….”
Jamin was listening to Thorgy quite surprised while still rubbing her feet. When she was in this monologue state the best thing to do is always to let her go all the way.
“And he is completely your type” she addressed rubbing her forehead, her beautiful nordic profile enhanced by the cheekbones make-up.
“You are my type. Now. That’s all that matters” Jamin reassured him caressing her legs, his hands rising up, but Thorgy wasn’t buying.
“You know what I mean…” she rolled eyes impatiently shifting in her chair. “I’m not exactly anybody’s concept of trade. And everyone wants to fuck you”
Jamin cleared his throat and Shane noticed something strange. She investigated his face for few seconds.
Jamin pulled Thorgy’s legs closer to him so he could massage the muscle of her thighs. She was still waiting for the answer hanging in the air.
“First, I don’t know what you mean. You are a fucking handsome man and if you can’t see that I’m here to remind you, even if you roll your eyes every time. And second, a girl kissed me at the party tonight. And I kissed her back since there was no choice since her tongue was popping out like that scene from Alien”
Thorgy had a funny expression of whaaaaat in her face, she even tried to say something but stopped midway stuttering.
“I was at the bar getting my ass drunk while Alotta was doing her thing and apparently, Claire, had eyes on me the whole evening. She really thought I was straight???”
Thorgy laughed so hard she almost fell from the chair.
“Oh god...she knew your sister made the gayest gloves and...oh my god, I’ve been living a lie. All that anal...you were thinking about pussy the whole time!”
Jamin started laughing too and his cheeks were burning, quite relieved. When the laughter was fading away Thorgy was getting in the mood of the languid jazz music playing in the background, so she stood up and straddled Jamin. She stared him in the face and noticed the faint traces of lipstick on his face, and grinded on the fly of his jeans putting his arms around him.
“So what did you think about her kiss?” Thorgy asked shimming her shoulder and biting her lips.
“Ahem, I’ve kissed better girls” he dismissed never leaving her eyes.
Thorgy leaned to kiss Jamin wrapping his head, the long sleeves of the robe covering completely. She was a great kisser, she would go slow first and then fast the pace, moving her head and letting her tongue explore pushing in and out, sucking on his lower lip, gently nibbling on his piercing.
When she let him go for air she was very proud of that the only lipstick on Jamin’s face was hers.
“Sit on the couch” Thorgy asked in a sultry tone straddling out of Jamin.
He sat waiting in anticipation, removing his sweating and keeping only the gray shirt he had under it. The song that was playing was “You go to my head” in Ella’s nostalgic voice and ironically fitting. Thorgy dropped, taking a seat between his knees, and her hand reached down and cupped Jamin through the heavy fabric of his  jeans. He was fighting the urge to get hard the minute he entered the apartment and saw her like that.
She kissed him once again passing roughly her cleavage against his chest. Jamin panted heavily into her mouth, his breath heavy with desire. Jamin tried to kiss her gently, but Thorgy kissed him back with force, sliding her tongue into his mouth and nipping at his lips.
“Is my mouth better?” Thorgy teased into his mouth.
“The best....but I need you to remind me....” he managed to say between deep, breath-taking kisses.
Thorgy tugged his jeans and briefs down finally letting his erection free. She started moving her hands over Jamin’s bare thighs, only inches away from his crotch. She spread his legs wider and lowered her head  planting kisses in his inner thigh.
“Does this ring a bell?” she teased getting closer and closer to his cock. Jamin couldn’t get out more than a grunt, as Thorgy wrapped her fingers around his length and started jacking him off slowly.
Thorgy let the tip of her tongue dart out of her mouth and slowly, tracing a path from the base to the tip of his erection, her headpiece almost tickling Jamin’s belly.
"Oh, fuck, Thorg!” Jamin knew she wasn't’ kidding when she took the head in her mouth while her hands went back to kneading his thighs. Thorgy, musical as she was was, hummed around his length and took him in deeper, holding Jamin’s gaze, looking him directly in the eye.
“Oh, that feels so good” Jamin was whispered melting on the back on the couch, her long earrings brushing lightly his crotch.
Thorgy stopped for a moment and giggled proudly, and removed her earrings throwing them aside. Then she roughly spread his legs further apart, in this position Thorgy had good access to his balls so she put one of them into her mouth. Jamin started to pant, as she tenderly licked the most sensitive parts.
Jamin couldn’t grab her head because of the wig so he gently massaged her shoulder, savoring her approving soft moans at the attention. With his entire sack in her hand now, Thorgy deep-throated him up to the root of his cock.
"Jesus, Sh-sh!” He didn’t seem capable of saying much else and Thorgy liked it, a lot.
Thorgy was drenching him with her saliva, letting her tongue stroke the sensitive underside of his dick, feeling the muscles tighten even more in her mouth. Jamin was sure he didn’t need any more stimulation, but Thorgy still started to suck him off hard while her hands slipped underneath him to squeeze his ass. Jamin gasped as Thorgy left the tip of his cock with a smacking sound.
“In my mouth, okay?” he winked wickedly. “This robe was too expensive to be baptized so soon”
God, he was going to stay with that man forever.
As Thorgy took him in again, Jamin started to buck his hips and squeezed Thorgy’s shoulder harder, caressing her neck with the other hand. She swirled her tongue wildly around the head of his cock, and started swallowing around him when he hit the back of her throat, driving Jamin mad with desire. A shiny layer of sweat appeared on his skin while he was groaning and moaning loudly. He didn’t believe it was possible, but his pleasure increased as Thorgy began sucking with more strength.
"Thorg...I’m gonna...��� he tried to warn using his last drop of self-control.
Thorgy sucked in her cheeks with all her might as the strength of Jamin’s grip on her neck became too much. Her nose, the only oxygen source, was buried in Jamin’s lap, thighs pressed against the sides of Thorgy’s face as her fake eyelashes brushed against his pubic hair.
Jamin’s groans became louder and louder, and his breathing started sounding desperate.
“Oh! Fuuuck!”
Thorgy felt the intense rush of hot come inside her mouth, her throat coated in Jamin’s desire for her. With this in mind, she kept sucking him dry, loving every second of him. After the contractions faded, he became flaccid in her mouth, but she lovingly kept on going and licking up every drop of him. Thorgy looked up at him and he smiled with the most innocent face, as if she wasn’t sinning minutes ago.
“The best” Jamin smiled back still panting and drinking in all the pleasure waves.
She was up again, and Jamin sat straight to rub her knees that were pretty red even with the thighs covering them and kissed her hips.
“I need to be free of this tuck right NOW” she hugged his head quickly and ran to the bathroom.
Jamin took a shower in Alvy’s bathroom while Shane was getting rid off Thorgy’s clothes in his bedroom. He was faster than Shane, that was toking  a long shower probably to rest his limbs. Jamin brought some candies to the bedroom and a piece of pudding that was on the fridge and didn’t seem too old. Something cold, but not too cold for Shane’s throat. He was probably sore as hell.
He was watching TV and eating the a chocolate truffle when Shane came out of the bathroom only with a towel wrapped around on the waist. He loved when Thorgy would get dirty with him, for sure, but nothing turned him on the most like the vision of post shower Shane, all fresh, his pale skin sill reddish. Jamin was pushing forty this year, and he couldn’t believe how much stamina he still had. Maybe even more that when he was younger, and he was getting hard again.
“Okay, I’m going to show you something, but don’t laugh” Shane warned him still clentching on the tip of the towel.
“I’m definitely not laughing” he replied feeling his cock twitching back to life in his pajamas shorts.
Shane dropped the towel and he was wearing a jockstrap. He turned around quite shyly, but his lean body looked really good in it. Shane’s ass was irresistible, small, but round, enhanced by the black straps.
“This is so not me” he replied checking himself wincing and laughing nervously.
Jamin pulled him to bed and they started to making out again. Few minutes later Shane was getting fucked doggystyle while Jamin pulled his hair back like a leash. He left his big mirror in the room while he was dressing up before going to the plaza. Jamin asked him to watch himself in the mirror while he was thrusting him from behind, whispering how hot he was, and how much he loved him, and he smiled in pleasure biting his lower lip, surrendering completely to the moment.
Jamin analysed the finished dress proudly in the mannequin.
He loved Drag Con. Electronic music was blasting in the living room. He looked over his phone on the table ringing with Shane’s message.
“Alvy wants to kill me, half of my merch prints are defective and they only noticed now so I need them replaced by tomorrow, and my jumper is still not ready. You're the only motherfucker in the city who can stand me…”
Jamin texted him back making sure that everything would be sort it out. That song resonating again. The first Drag Con at home, New York wouldn’t fail them.
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
In Conversation with Danny Trejo: From Character Actor to Taco Mogul
The actor talked to Fortune about his adventures in Hollywood and with Trejo’s Tacos.
Nothing about Danny Trejo is what you might expect, including his secret to success.
“Everything good that’s happened to me is a direct result of me helping other people,” says Trejo, 75, whose surprisingly compact 5-foot-6 frame—clad in all black, his long dark hair hanging loose alongside a silver cross necklace—is tucked inside a booth at the Hollywood hub of his booming taco business, Trejo’s Cantina.
His soft-spoken reflectiveness and fondness for high-fives belie a life that could have gone very differently: Born to Mexican-American parents in Los Angeles, Trejo spent most of his young-adult life in and out of California prisons for drugs and robberies. It was during that time and since then that he honed his boxing talents (a helpful skill in venues like San Quentin), got sober at 25, became a prolific character actor, and, from working as a youth drug counselor and motivational speaker, discovered how much he loves giving back.
Danny Trejo inside the kitchen at Trejo’s Tacos on July 11, 2019. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Today, Trejo’s iconic craggy visage fronts eight Trejo’s Tacos locations across Los Angeles, and the eats are a hit: The Los Angeles Times named the rainbow cauliflower tacos on its 2017 list of 10 favorite recipes; the Cantina location serves around 500 diners a day on weekends; and there’s talk of expanding the business, which now includes a doughnut shop, outside California. (He’s also recently launched Trejo’s Cerveza, currently for sale at L.A.-area Whole Foods and Total Wine.) Somehow Trejo also still has time for acting: He’ll soon add 20-plus roles to his nearly 300-credit film and TV résumé, including a second Machete sequel and August’s Dora and the Lost City of Gold, in which he voices a monkey named Boots, a role Trejo says proudly “will give me a whole new audience.”
Fortune chatted with Trejo in early July about his food-mogul renaissance, his adventures in Hollywood, and how he learned to channel a misspent youth into a force for good.
Fortune: Trejo’s Tacos feels like an L.A. institution, yet it’s only three years old. What inspired you to get into the restaurant business?
Trejo: My mom was a gourmet cook. When I around 12, I’d say, “We should start a restaurant,” but my dad was like a Mexican Archie Bunker. “Hey, we’ve got a kitchen right there!” [Laughs] Seven years ago I did a low-budget movie called Bad Ass, and one of the producers, Ash Shah, noticed that I didn’t like junk food. I am pretty picky! A few movies later, Ash says, “Danny, you should start a restaurant.” He created a business plan for Trejo’s Tacos. My team said, “If nobody’s asking you to front 50 grand, seems like a good idea!” We opened, and it totally blew up. Two years ago we opened the doughnut shop, and we sell out by 2 p.m. every day.
Anthony Bourdain raved about your tacos when he filmed Parts Unknown here in 2017. What was that day like for you?
Amazing. He joked, “You’re Mexican and you have a cauliflower taco?” He loved it. At around five or six o’clock at night, you’ll see a lot families coming in here. One woman told me, “Thank God for this place.” The kids can be gluten-free, mom can be vegetarian, and Dad can have cow!
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Trejo’s Tacos offers gluten free and vegetarian taco options. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
What’s your favorite thing on the menu?
I love the nachos with steak and two eggs on top for breakfast.
Your latest incarnation as a restaurateur is another twist in an already surreal career. To what do you attribute your staying power?
I have good people around me. The same agent for 25 years. I met my assistant Mario at San Quentin when I made a movie there, and he was a prisoner. He’s been with me for 15 years.
You were discovered while working as a boxing coach on the set of the 1985 Jon Voight movie Runaway Train. But it wasn’t until you were cast as the knife-throwing Navajas in your cousin Robert Rodriguez’s 1995 film Desperado that you started to play substantial roles. Is it true you didn’t know you were related until shooting began?
We first met when I auditioned in L.A. He said, “You remind me of the bad guys in my high school.” I said, “I am the bad guys from your high school!” Then we filmed in Acuña, Mexico. My family from San Antonio visited the set. My Uncle Rudy says, “Who’s that?” I say, “Robert Rodriguez, the director.” He whistles at Robert, “Hey! Say hello to your second cousin Danny!” I was like, “What’s up, cousin? Make my role bigger!” But he didn’t. He said, “Danny, you can do more with your face than most actors can with dialogue.” I’m walking around with no shirt, all these tattoos, people asking for my autograph. Robert says, “They think you’re the star.” I said, “You mean I’m not?” Nobody really knew [lead actor] Antonio Banderas at the time. He was quiet—unlike me. [Laughs]
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Trejo’s Tacos and Trejo’s Coffee merchandise on display for purchase. Two years ago, Trejo opened a doughnut shop that sells out by 2 p.m. every day. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Robert went on to create the vigilante-hero character Machete for you. How did he evolve from a minor character in the Spy Kids franchise to fronting two, soon-to-be three features?
After he put Uncle Machete in Spy Kids, Robert did the Grindhouse movies [with director Quentin Tarantino], and they needed fake movie trailers. One was for a Machete movie. At the premiere, everybody was like, “You have to do that movie.” Machete was the first Mexican superhero. I was almost in tears when I saw 8-year-old kids dressed like him on Halloween.
Of all the people you’ve worked with, when have you felt the most starstruck?
With Robert De Niro, when we did Heat. Then Robert [Rodriguez] somehow got him to do Machete! I see him on the set and he says, “Well, well, well, number one on the call sheet now, eh?” I was like, “Can I get you some coffee, Mr. De Niro?” [Laughs]
For what roles are you most often recognized when you’re out in the world? Seeing your severed head on a turtle in season two of Breaking Bad left quite an impression with fans.
Spy Kids. Machete. Anchorman. Bubble Boy. And every Mexican I know loves Blood In, Blood Out. For Breaking Bad, I remember my agent saying, “Danny, you’re going to have a Hollywood first: You’re going to go across the desert on a turtle.” I’m thinking it’s a cartoon, or a really big turtle? “Actually, no. It’s just your head.” [Laughs]
A lot of your roles lean campy, but you’ve also acted in serious films like Maggie Gyllenhaal’s Sherrybaby about a mother who’s a drug-addicted ex-con. When did you think to yourself, “Wait, I can actually act?”
I’m a drug counselor at a place called Western Pacific Rehab. A few years ago, my son Gilbert cast me in a drug-themed movie he wrote called From a Son. There’s a scene where I break down and cry. I’d never had to do that in a movie. I was thinking I’d do a John Wayne, tough-guy thing, but my son…shit, he’s so brilliant. He reminded me of stuff from when he was young. He showed me a picture of us from 1985, when he was a little baby. Then, I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t even cry at my parents’ funerals.
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Trejo’s silver cross necklace and watch. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Did you surprise yourself in that moment?
Completely. I thought, “Wow, okay, this must be acting.”
Your son is named after your Uncle Gilbert, who you’ve said led you down a path of crime when you were a teenager. What do you remember about that time?
My dad came from a family of 11, and Gilbert was the youngest. He was only six years older than me. I had no siblings, so he was like my older brother. Unfortunately, he was also an armed robber and a drug addict. He showed me how to rob when I was 14. He gave me a sawed-off shotgun and put me in front of a mirror to practice. “Give me your money, bitch. I’ll slap you!”
Your first acting job.
[Laughs] Yes. We robbed an Asian grocery store together called Far East Market in Burbank. We had a revolver, but you had to hold it just so or it would fall apart. I go, “Give me the money! Give me the money!” The woman gives me $8 from the cash register. I grabbed it, and we ran down Lankershim as this guy comes out of the back, screaming, with a hatchet!
How do you feel now about the crimes you committed?
I feel regret. I’ve never been mean, but I’ve also never let anybody take advantage of me. In prison you’re predator or prey. My friend Cookie and I had a protection ring for young kids coming in, including for gay couples who’d been married on the streets. When I got out of the pen, I’d get cards from kids we protected. Their parents also said thank you.
Did your own parents live to see your success?
My mom did. My dad saw me get sober but never saw me get into acting. He would have laughed. Even my mom was like, “Get a job, mijo,” even after I’d worked with Robert De Niro in Heat! She did get excited when I was on The Young and the Restless in 2008. She had four of her friends over to watch, and they were like, “Oh, my God.” That was it. I’d made it.
Over the years you’ve appeared in dozens of commercials and ads—selling products from Snickers to AARP—and you’re now a spokesman for the erectile dysfunction product Giddy. What appealed to you about tackling that taboo subject?
We don’t talk anything in our society—condoms in high school, birth control. We definitely don’t talk about erectile dysfunction, especially in the Hispanic community. I don’t know a man who hasn’t experienced it. I think it’s like everything I do—teaching people to neuter their dogs, warning kids about drugs, you need to show them you’re cool. You need a face like this to get through to them. Not so much as “Danny Trejo” but the guy from Spy Kids, the guy from Heat, the guy from Desperado. People think, “Okay, I want to hear what this guy has to say.”
More must-read stories from Fortune:
—Woodstock 50 lives on for now. But here’s how it all unraveled
—‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ debut overperforms—but can its spell last?
—Amazon’s TV bosses want to remind you (again) why they’re not Netflix
—A taste of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s new mezcal
—Listen to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily
Follow Fortune on Flipboard to stay up-to-date on the latest news and analysis.
Credit: Source link
The post In Conversation with Danny Trejo: From Character Actor to Taco Mogul appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/in-conversation-with-danny-trejo-from-character-actor-to-taco-mogul/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=in-conversation-with-danny-trejo-from-character-actor-to-taco-mogul from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186647339637
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
In Conversation with Danny Trejo: From Character Actor to Taco Mogul
The actor talked to Fortune about his adventures in Hollywood and with Trejo’s Tacos.
Nothing about Danny Trejo is what you might expect, including his secret to success.
“Everything good that’s happened to me is a direct result of me helping other people,” says Trejo, 75, whose surprisingly compact 5-foot-6 frame—clad in all black, his long dark hair hanging loose alongside a silver cross necklace—is tucked inside a booth at the Hollywood hub of his booming taco business, Trejo’s Cantina.
His soft-spoken reflectiveness and fondness for high-fives belie a life that could have gone very differently: Born to Mexican-American parents in Los Angeles, Trejo spent most of his young-adult life in and out of California prisons for drugs and robberies. It was during that time and since then that he honed his boxing talents (a helpful skill in venues like San Quentin), got sober at 25, became a prolific character actor, and, from working as a youth drug counselor and motivational speaker, discovered how much he loves giving back.
Danny Trejo inside the kitchen at Trejo’s Tacos on July 11, 2019. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Today, Trejo’s iconic craggy visage fronts eight Trejo’s Tacos locations across Los Angeles, and the eats are a hit: The Los Angeles Times named the rainbow cauliflower tacos on its 2017 list of 10 favorite recipes; the Cantina location serves around 500 diners a day on weekends; and there’s talk of expanding the business, which now includes a doughnut shop, outside California. (He’s also recently launched Trejo’s Cerveza, currently for sale at L.A.-area Whole Foods and Total Wine.) Somehow Trejo also still has time for acting: He’ll soon add 20-plus roles to his nearly 300-credit film and TV résumé, including a second Machete sequel and August’s Dora and the Lost City of Gold, in which he voices a monkey named Boots, a role Trejo says proudly “will give me a whole new audience.”
Fortune chatted with Trejo in early July about his food-mogul renaissance, his adventures in Hollywood, and how he learned to channel a misspent youth into a force for good.
Fortune: Trejo’s Tacos feels like an L.A. institution, yet it’s only three years old. What inspired you to get into the restaurant business?
Trejo: My mom was a gourmet cook. When I around 12, I’d say, “We should start a restaurant,” but my dad was like a Mexican Archie Bunker. “Hey, we’ve got a kitchen right there!” [Laughs] Seven years ago I did a low-budget movie called Bad Ass, and one of the producers, Ash Shah, noticed that I didn’t like junk food. I am pretty picky! A few movies later, Ash says, “Danny, you should start a restaurant.” He created a business plan for Trejo’s Tacos. My team said, “If nobody’s asking you to front 50 grand, seems like a good idea!” We opened, and it totally blew up. Two years ago we opened the doughnut shop, and we sell out by 2 p.m. every day.
Anthony Bourdain raved about your tacos when he filmed Parts Unknown here in 2017. What was that day like for you?
Amazing. He joked, “You’re Mexican and you have a cauliflower taco?” He loved it. At around five or six o’clock at night, you’ll see a lot families coming in here. One woman told me, “Thank God for this place.” The kids can be gluten-free, mom can be vegetarian, and Dad can have cow!
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Trejo’s Tacos offers gluten free and vegetarian taco options. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
What’s your favorite thing on the menu?
I love the nachos with steak and two eggs on top for breakfast.
Your latest incarnation as a restaurateur is another twist in an already surreal career. To what do you attribute your staying power?
I have good people around me. The same agent for 25 years. I met my assistant Mario at San Quentin when I made a movie there, and he was a prisoner. He’s been with me for 15 years.
You were discovered while working as a boxing coach on the set of the 1985 Jon Voight movie Runaway Train. But it wasn’t until you were cast as the knife-throwing Navajas in your cousin Robert Rodriguez’s 1995 film Desperado that you started to play substantial roles. Is it true you didn’t know you were related until shooting began?
We first met when I auditioned in L.A. He said, “You remind me of the bad guys in my high school.” I said, “I am the bad guys from your high school!” Then we filmed in Acuña, Mexico. My family from San Antonio visited the set. My Uncle Rudy says, “Who’s that?” I say, “Robert Rodriguez, the director.” He whistles at Robert, “Hey! Say hello to your second cousin Danny!” I was like, “What’s up, cousin? Make my role bigger!” But he didn’t. He said, “Danny, you can do more with your face than most actors can with dialogue.” I’m walking around with no shirt, all these tattoos, people asking for my autograph. Robert says, “They think you’re the star.” I said, “You mean I’m not?” Nobody really knew [lead actor] Antonio Banderas at the time. He was quiet—unlike me. [Laughs]
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Trejo’s Tacos and Trejo’s Coffee merchandise on display for purchase. Two years ago, Trejo opened a doughnut shop that sells out by 2 p.m. every day. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Robert went on to create the vigilante-hero character Machete for you. How did he evolve from a minor character in the Spy Kids franchise to fronting two, soon-to-be three features?
After he put Uncle Machete in Spy Kids, Robert did the Grindhouse movies [with director Quentin Tarantino], and they needed fake movie trailers. One was for a Machete movie. At the premiere, everybody was like, “You have to do that movie.” Machete was the first Mexican superhero. I was almost in tears when I saw 8-year-old kids dressed like him on Halloween.
Of all the people you’ve worked with, when have you felt the most starstruck?
With Robert De Niro, when we did Heat. Then Robert [Rodriguez] somehow got him to do Machete! I see him on the set and he says, “Well, well, well, number one on the call sheet now, eh?” I was like, “Can I get you some coffee, Mr. De Niro?” [Laughs]
For what roles are you most often recognized when you’re out in the world? Seeing your severed head on a turtle in season two of Breaking Bad left quite an impression with fans.
Spy Kids. Machete. Anchorman. Bubble Boy. And every Mexican I know loves Blood In, Blood Out. For Breaking Bad, I remember my agent saying, “Danny, you’re going to have a Hollywood first: You’re going to go across the desert on a turtle.” I’m thinking it’s a cartoon, or a really big turtle? “Actually, no. It’s just your head.” [Laughs]
A lot of your roles lean campy, but you’ve also acted in serious films like Maggie Gyllenhaal’s Sherrybaby about a mother who’s a drug-addicted ex-con. When did you think to yourself, “Wait, I can actually act?”
I’m a drug counselor at a place called Western Pacific Rehab. A few years ago, my son Gilbert cast me in a drug-themed movie he wrote called From a Son. There’s a scene where I break down and cry. I’d never had to do that in a movie. I was thinking I’d do a John Wayne, tough-guy thing, but my son…shit, he’s so brilliant. He reminded me of stuff from when he was young. He showed me a picture of us from 1985, when he was a little baby. Then, I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t even cry at my parents’ funerals.
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Trejo’s silver cross necklace and watch. Photograph by Joe Toreno for Fortune
Did you surprise yourself in that moment?
Completely. I thought, “Wow, okay, this must be acting.”
Your son is named after your Uncle Gilbert, who you’ve said led you down a path of crime when you were a teenager. What do you remember about that time?
My dad came from a family of 11, and Gilbert was the youngest. He was only six years older than me. I had no siblings, so he was like my older brother. Unfortunately, he was also an armed robber and a drug addict. He showed me how to rob when I was 14. He gave me a sawed-off shotgun and put me in front of a mirror to practice. “Give me your money, bitch. I’ll slap you!”
Your first acting job.
[Laughs] Yes. We robbed an Asian grocery store together called Far East Market in Burbank. We had a revolver, but you had to hold it just so or it would fall apart. I go, “Give me the money! Give me the money!” The woman gives me $8 from the cash register. I grabbed it, and we ran down Lankershim as this guy comes out of the back, screaming, with a hatchet!
How do you feel now about the crimes you committed?
I feel regret. I’ve never been mean, but I’ve also never let anybody take advantage of me. In prison you’re predator or prey. My friend Cookie and I had a protection ring for young kids coming in, including for gay couples who’d been married on the streets. When I got out of the pen, I’d get cards from kids we protected. Their parents also said thank you.
Did your own parents live to see your success?
My mom did. My dad saw me get sober but never saw me get into acting. He would have laughed. Even my mom was like, “Get a job, mijo,” even after I’d worked with Robert De Niro in Heat! She did get excited when I was on The Young and the Restless in 2008. She had four of her friends over to watch, and they were like, “Oh, my God.” That was it. I’d made it.
Over the years you’ve appeared in dozens of commercials and ads—selling products from Snickers to AARP—and you’re now a spokesman for the erectile dysfunction product Giddy. What appealed to you about tackling that taboo subject?
We don’t talk anything in our society—condoms in high school, birth control. We definitely don’t talk about erectile dysfunction, especially in the Hispanic community. I don’t know a man who hasn’t experienced it. I think it’s like everything I do—teaching people to neuter their dogs, warning kids about drugs, you need to show them you’re cool. You need a face like this to get through to them. Not so much as “Danny Trejo” but the guy from Spy Kids, the guy from Heat, the guy from Desperado. People think, “Okay, I want to hear what this guy has to say.”
More must-read stories from Fortune:
—Woodstock 50 lives on for now. But here’s how it all unraveled
—‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ debut overperforms—but can its spell last?
—Amazon’s TV bosses want to remind you (again) why they’re not Netflix
—A taste of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s new mezcal
—Listen to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily
Follow Fortune on Flipboard to stay up-to-date on the latest news and analysis.
Credit: Source link
The post In Conversation with Danny Trejo: From Character Actor to Taco Mogul appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/in-conversation-with-danny-trejo-from-character-actor-to-taco-mogul/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=in-conversation-with-danny-trejo-from-character-actor-to-taco-mogul
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malicemismanager · 7 years
The promised report
I have no excuse for how long this took. I literally just forgot all about it. >_>
Con was fun despite being stuck behind a table for most of it, though I did join a group of peeps cosplaying Marvel characters for a group pic. Or pics, to be more specific, as people kept showing up to snap more. My face hurt by the time it was over. How do people do that shit all day?
I sold quite a bit of stuff. Not as much as I would have liked, but I did make over $300, so that’s good. Now I just have to convince my dumb ass to actually use some of it for myself and not throw all of it into work. I am really bad at that.
I had a bit of a hard time actually interacting with people, which I fully expected, but at least I didn’t get overloaded like I was worried I would and annoyances were few. Had this one bitch who, after trying on, like, five different things and doing her level best to find faults in them (there fucking weren’t; I know what I’m doing), wanted me to give her a discount for buying several pieces. It took all I had to not tell her to take her designer purse and fuck right off, but I managed. And then she went over to my sister’s table and did the exact same thing because of course she did. 
There was also this one gal who asked if one of my dream-catcher chokers was real gold and I had to smile and tell her that, no, it wasn’t, while thinking, ‘Bitch, if that was real gold, do you really think I’d be selling it for $12? Fuck outta here.’ Gold plated charms that size alone cost that much. But a whole necklace, with beads and everything? Come on.
I also gave some serious consideration to putting up a sign declaring that if you stared at my boobs for more than five seconds you had to buy something. Swear to gods, I would have sold out my whole inventory in a day. Good grief.
And now pictures! (under the cut because I am shy and hope you won’t actually click and secretly judge me)
First off, my table after finishing setting it up on Thursday:
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(yes those are my hands. the displays are mirrors. very convenient.)
The booth, plus our whole lovely team (and me) on Friday:
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I was supposed to be wearing a wig, but it got a bit tangled up so I just let my hair loose for the first day. I also decided to stick to one outfit for the whole weekend; the other dress had last minute complications I was too tired to fix. I’ll just save it for some other time.
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It me! (and my bother-in-law XD)
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We are so exited to be there. You can’t possibly measure this level of enthusiasm. (it looks like i’m looking at the camera but i’m actually way spaced out and just happen to be facing in that direction)
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Selfie with my mom (we still have no idea what that hat thing is supposed to be but it’s hella cute)
Saturday the whole wig situation was sorted:
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Look at me, pretending to be a Professional Adult.
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My sister and I, hard at work. XD (i didn’t even notice when this was taken)
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Picture with my mom, the Background Character.
Sunday selfie with MamaPool:
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(and me looking down at the last second because someone walked up to the table and then left without buying anything, the bastard)
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And this pic, courtesy of a friend.
And now you know what I look like. My condolences. 
I wish I’d had more time to work on my cosplay, but it kinda took a back seat in favour of work. I do have plans to improve it, though, and maybe trying my hand at making a sceptre to go with it. And I have an awesome idea involving scale mail that I’m going to start working on, if not for next year’s con, then the next one, but it will happen. Honestly, I’ve got enough ideas to not have to repeat a cosplay for years to come if I can make them all. XD
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dukereviewstv · 3 years
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Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Continue Our Look At Batman The Animated Series By Looking At Episode 17 Of Season 1, See No Evil...
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This Episode Introduces Us To Lloyd "Eddie" Ventrix, Who Is On The Verge Of Losing His Daughter, Kimberly (Who Is Voiced By Elizabeth Moss) To His Ex-Wife, Helen Due To His Past As A Con Artist...
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But Determined Not To Lose His Daughter, Ventrix Dons A Suit Stolen From Where He Used To Work, Which Grants The User Invisibility While Becoming Highly Toxic And Chemically Driving The Person In It Dangerously Insane...
Now, I Know What You're Asking, "Andrew, Isn't This Kind Of Like The Recent Invisible Man Movie Which Also Had Elizabeth Moss, That Came Out Not That Long Ago?" Well, Yeah I'd Basically Say So..,.
In Fact, I Wouldn't Be Surprised If They Took Story Elements From This Episode When They Were Working On The Film, Instead Of Actually Taking More Elements From H.G. Wells' Novel, Like They Should Have Been!...
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In Fact, I'm Surprised Elizabeth Moss Didn't Realize She Did Something Similar Like That When She Was A Kid, But I Guess Anybody Will Do Anything For Money, Isn't That Right, Holly Madison?
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But This Isn't About Leigh Whannell's Invisible Man Movie, It's About This Episode Of Batman: The Animated Series, So, Let's Get Back On Topic...
Will Batman Save Kimberly From Ventrix When He Poses As Her Imaginary Friend?
Let's Find Out As We Watch See No Evil...
The Episode Starts In The Run Down Suburbs Of Gotham City, Where A Window Of A House Opens Mysteriously On It's Own So A Disembodied Voice Can Wake The Young Girl Sleeping In The Bed Named Kimmy, Who Believes The Disembodied Voice To Be Her Imaginary Friend Named Mojo...
Is Your Imaginary Friend A Evil Talking Monkey Who Is Bent On Taking Over The City Of Townsville?..
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Who Gives Her A Gold Locket, Placing It Around Her Neck, As He Promises To Bring Her A Pearl Necklace The Next Time He Visits But Mentioning That Her Mother And Her Are Planning On Moving, There's A Shock In Mojo's Voice As Kimmy's Mom, Helen Enters Asking Kimmy Who She's Talking To...
But Mentioning That She's Talking To Her Imaginary Friend, Helen Chuckles As She Puts Her Daughter To Bed...
The Next Day We Meet Lloyd Ventrix (Played By Michael Moss, Who Would Later Play Warren McGinnis, Father Of Terry McGinnis Aka Batman Beyond) Who Walks Into The Men's Room At A Jewelry Expo, Where He Puts On A Sheath Of Gray Material Before Pressing A Button On His Watch Which Turns Him Invisible...
Walking Out Of The Bathroom, He Lifts The Jewels Off The Displays In Plain Sight, With People Staring Baffled At What They See, Bruce Wayne (Who Just So Happens To Be There) Suits Up And Goes After Ventrix...
Cornering Him At The Construction Site, Batman Throws A Bucket Of Paint At Ventrix So He Can See Him. But When He Touches His Watch Again, The Paint Burns Off. Taunting Batman, Ventrix Gives Him A Good Beating Before Running Off...
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Returning To His Hideout, Ventrix Becomes Visible Again As He Looks At A Picture Of Kimmy As He Goes That His Wife Won't Take Her Away From Him...
Visiting Helen At Her Work, Ventrix Tries To Reconcile With Her, Swearing That He's Not Only Turned Over A New Leaf But Is Doing Well To The Point That He Can Provide For Them Both, But Helen Wants Nothing To Do With Him, And Tells Ventrix To Stay Away From Them Both...
Remembering The Name Of A Scientist Who Approached Wayne Tech With The Idea Of A Cloak Of Invisibility, Bruce Goes To See Lucius Fox Who Tells Them That While They Were Interested, The Scientist, Dr. Karos Withdrew His Proposal Before They Could Close The Deal...
With Karos Passing Away A Couple Months Ago, Bruce Goes To See His Assistant, Sam Giddell As Batman About The Suit, But He Swears That He Was Working At The Time Of The Robbery...
Looking At A Roll Of The Special Plastic The Suit Uses, Batman Asks Giddell How It Works, So, Giddell Explains That When An Electrical Current Runs Through The Plastic, It Bends Light Instead Of Absorbing It, Making It Invisible...
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But, The Electricity Also Makes The Plastic Toxic, Which Is Why Karos Withdrew His Proposal. Giddell Has Actually Been Trying To Fix The Problem But Has Had No Success...
But When He Tried Destroying It, He Discovered That Some Of The Plastic Was Missing. With Batman Asking If Anyone Else Knew About The Plastic, Giddell Remembers They Had An Errand Boy, Who Happened To Be An Ex-Convict Named Lloyd Ventrix...
That Night, Batman Visits Helen To Tell Her The Plastic Which Has Her Finally Putting 2 And 2 Together That Mojo Is Ventrix...
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Going Inside To Warn Kimmy, Helen Discovers Kimmy Is Gone As All There Is On The Floor, Is Kimmy's Favorite Doll...
Taking Kimmy To An Abandoned Drive In Theatre, Mojo Finally Reveals Who He Is, Causing Kimmy To Recoil As Her Mom Warned Her That Her Dad Is A Bad Man...
Attempting To Drag Kimmy In The Car, Batman Catches Up With Them And Kicks Ventrix Aside Allowing Kimmy To Run Home...
(Start At 1:10)
The Next Day, Kimmy Is Talking To Someone Outside Her Window, Telling Him That Her And Her Mother Moving To Somewhere That Ventrix Won't Find Them...
That Would Prove To Be A Bad Decision As Kimmy Would Later End Up Joining An Apocalypse Cult Run By Jon Hamm, Only To Be Released 15 Years Later So She Could Live In New York With Titus Burgess And Carol Kane...
But When Helen Hears Kimmy Talking To Somebody, She Tells Her That She's Talking To Batman, But Of Course, Helen Doesn't Believe Her Despite It Being True As Our Episode Ends...
And That's See No Evil And...It's Ok...
It's Better Than The Recent Invisible Man Movie, But I Wish That We Had More Info About Helen And Ventrix's Relationship Then We Get In The Episode, As I Really Don't If Ventrix Is A Really Bad Guy Or If He's More Like Scott Lang In Ant-Man A Guy Who Wants To Be A Good Guy But His Ex-Wife Just Considers Him To Be A Bad Guy Until He Becomes The Good Guy...
But Despite That, I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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ddrkirbyisq · 5 years
I guess I may as well try to be good about linking to previous posts...here is Fanime 2018.
Blogging just to say "blahblahblah happened" and reporting on it is actually strangely exciting.  Reminds me of good old times...let's get into it!
As I mentioned earlier, I didn't have much lined up for Fanime this year and I had to leave early on Sunday to go teach private lessons (and also left Friday night to go to dance) so I wasn't even there for all that long anyhow.
Arcade gaming -- seemed pretty cool this year, but I didn't really have the time nor desire to really play a lot.  Arcade machines were set up as free play this year which is cool but may have contributed to long lines and/or the machines always being occupied at any given time and I really did not feel like trying to wait for a machine to open up.  That said I did hop on TGM3 for a bit, though not as much as I normally would because A) the sticks and controls felt a bit weird which threw me off a bit and B) I'm really not used to playing on a cab so just the actual size and style of the CRT display kind of throws me for a loop visually.  It was a different setup than the old one (my user data wasn't there) so I created a new account...was initially thinking that maybe I'd play until I got a promotional exam or something, but it became pretty clear that I really wasn't able to perform well on that cab at all, so I stopped.  Unfortunate really, but maybe for the best as I didn't have that sort of time to throw around anyways.
I also saw somebody playing 3rd Strike and he wasn't button mashing so I hopped on and played a bunch of friendlies with him!  They were pretty fun matches!  Despite my rust, I took most of them =O  He was a Hugo player, so a relatively unfamiliar matchup for me and though I had some trouble recognizing certain mixups like dash -> SPD or his running command throw, I think the hardest part was knowing what buttons to press in neutral because Hugo has such good long ranged pokes that beat out a lot of moves from afar.  He switched up to Makoto for a couple games as well and then back to Hugo and finally took one, after which I switched to Ken and played a few more before somebody else asked to play and I hopped out.  Good times. Didn't get to hop on either (there were 2!) of the Bishi Bashi games unfortunately -- again, just didn't have the time or willingness, since I already had other gaming plans, etc. and people were already playing.  I guess these sorts of things are great for those times when you go to con early Friday or whatever and it's super not crowded.  I'll have to remember that for next time, that going on Friday during the day is actually probably a great idea to get all the Artist Alley stuff/etc done with since you want to go through those when it's less crowded, then you can do photo posing and all that when more people are around... Went to one panel this year, Queerness and Magical Girls, which was great!  It also reminded me of just how awesome Madoka was, haha, but also had a lot of good content and great things to think about.  Yay~ We went to IPOH for roti, yay~ For my own gaming, I brought my laptop complete with Melee setup and a small group of us sat down to play some friendlies.  There ended up being 4 of us so I decided we should try out the epic "Dual 1v1" mode of 20XX where you play two simultaneous 1v1 matches (that can't interact with each other!) on the same stage, then the winners of both face off in a 2-stock match.  It was pretty hilarious, especially since having both matches going on in the same space was super visually distracting, and after one match finishes the victor is free to just spam tech skill as much as they want in an attempt to distract the other match, and do things like charge f-smashes, do rolls to confuse techchases, and general other shenanigans.  We played a few doubles matches as well -- 2v2 is not something I play very often (well, not that singles is either), but I knew that more than anything it's important to just look out to fish for kills whenever one of them is at high %.  That's one of the great strengths of Fox in a 2v2, his upsmash is just such a great quick kill option that can be thrown out whenever opportune, and it doesn't require the precision of a tipper marth fsmash or something like that. Watched one or two of my friends perform at Fanimaid Live, so cool and so good!  Woo~ Also played around with some Puyo Puyo Tetris as well as Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with another friend, which was great! Artists' Alley and Dealer's Hall: Went through, bought some Journey pins and a necklace from Stephanie Kao (already have some of her prints!) -- only thing I bought all con, but it's nice to have a Journey necklace!  You know, to go along with my Journey messenger bags and Journey lanyard and Journey phone charms as I'm wearing my Journey cosplay lol.  Didn't make it all the way around Dealer's Hall (again, didn't really have the time to spare) but didn't quite care either. I did make sure to spend at least some time going around with my hood/mask on, which surprisingly was more comfortable than I remembered for some reason.  I also discovered that the trick for photos is to just find a good spot somewhere in the main hallway (not blocking traffic) to just sprawl out and do a meditating pose -- then a ton of people just start taking photos as they pass by.  So I'm glad I got a chance to do that before leaving con for good. Overall a chill con as expected, though Saturday was quite a long day still.  No B&W ball this year since I had to go teach private lessons and dance with the Stanford kids, so a bit of a shame, but honestly I wouldn't have been able to handle that much dancing (let alone social energy) this weekend anyways.  But yeah, overall pretty satisfied with how things went. Speaking of dance, that went well too.  Private lessons are always a challenge trying to really drill down and distill useful practical knowledge in a short timeframe, but they're fun and they also really push my own understanding of dance as well, so great all around. For now in the aftermath of the weekend I'm just taking it easy I guess.  I didn't do that much today besides spend some time cleaning up and trying to work on All in a Day's Work 4.  That'll be my main project moving forward for the week I'm sure.  Don't think there will be a postmortem for Inflate Me to the Moon (the only thing I'd really talk about is the SPC-style music).  There is still a fair bit of work left for All in a Day's Work 4 though.  I've gotten the album design all done at least, which is great, and I =thought= I had the tracklist done, but then I remembered that there are actually a bunch of OHC entries I did after I stopped making my "Monthlies" series where they were WIPs or other projects, so they've never been formally released.  Things like the WIP version of "Convergence", or "Song of the Sea", or even some Mysterious Space songs.  And some of those are actually pretty great!  So I had to try and make some room in the tracklist for those.  In the end I decided to cut out a few of the more recent songs and just save them for All in a Day's Work 5, because there are just too many songs that I want to put into these albums!  (figures, since it's been soooo long since All in a Day's Work 4)  Anyways, I still have to do the liner notes for all that and make =sure= that I've included all the tracks I want in the order that I want, so that'll be my main thing for the coming week....though I am also very overdue for some letter writing time. Let's hope we can have a good week this coming week.
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cutshoe15-blog · 5 years
Five Awesome Pieces of Marvel Themed Jewelry
The first thing we want you to know about the items on this list is that they are all affordable, priced between $10 and $30 each. It is no secret that the Marvel Universe is very popular right now, and looks to continue that way for the foreseeable future, no matter how bad the movies are. That means that no matter which of the items on this list you choose to buy for a 10 year old or a geeky 20-something, you can be sure they will proudly wear it for years to come.
Of course, jewelry is always a matter of personal taste, so be sure you know the gift recipient’s personal taste because as awesome as these pieces are, no one wants to have their gift sit in a drawer. People are like that you know. You should also know that all the selections have been officially licensed by Marvel, so there is no fake jewelry here. These are only 5 of a number of choices, but we think they are the most awesome of the lot.
Avengers Group Rectangle Belt Buckle
We really like this Avengers themed belt buckle that measures 2 x 3.5 inches. It’s large enough to be noticeable but not so big to appear gaudy. It has all your favorite Avenger characters characterized in color, and includes a Comic Con Iron Man Dog Tag as an exclusive Comic Con bonus.
Spider-Man Red Enamel Face Stud Earrings
We decided to show our love for Spider Man with this choice of Spider Man earrings. One of the other choices was 2 spiders hanging from your ear lobes, which might cause a bit of a stir. Red is always a good color to get attention, and the earrings are a collectible, with a Grade A+ Gear rating and are a limited edition creation. By the way, you did know that the color of the hourglass on the Black Widow spider is red, right?
Spider Head and Charms Multi-Chain Necklace
There are a couple of reasons this was next of the list. Despite having a couple of spiders crawling down the chains, they aren’t all that visible on the design of the chain, so it’s not likely anyone will really notice. The chain is about 18 inches long, and like its cousin above, is a limited edition creation. The multi-chain effect works well in giving the appearance of a spider web, but note that there are also a couple of what we think are beetles caught at the bottom of the chain. Ladybugs perhaps?
Wolverine Pewter-Tone Octagon Cufflinks
There are a variety of cufflinks available in the Marvel collection, but these were chosen because they definitely offer a unique look to a shirt. The pewter tone doesn’t make them come off as too flashy, but of course any Marvel fan knows who The Wolverine is, so there is no doubt they will be immediately noticed. What we noticed was that there is a bit of a disappointment with the cufflinks – they are not made of Adamantium. Well, nothing is perfect. But they do measure about three-quarters of an inch high and wide.
Captain America Money Clip and Golf Divot Boxed Set
This is perfect for any gender, and has a number of ways it can be given. Beyond the red, white, and blue, All-Captain America theme, it can be a sign of encouragement to become financially successful or to handle the financial success already achieved. As for the golf divot, we all know that rich people play golf. Even if you are one of the few that don’t the Captain America shield is a display piece of its own. The money clip is about a 1 x 2 inch rectangle and the golf divot measures 1 x 2.75 inches. Obviously not for large wads of cash.
So those are our selections. There is something here for everyone, and if we were to pick a favorite from the list it would be the Spider Head and Charms Multi-Chain Necklace. Not all the choices come with a bonus item, so you will want to shop around and see which ones will be worth the asking price. Every collector of Marvel Universe history will want one or more of these pieces to add to their collection.
Source: https://unrealitymag.com/products/marvel-themed-jewelry/
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sofiepagan-blog · 6 years
More about Sofie
1. Real Name: Sofie Pagan 2. Age: 35 3. Birthday: June 3rd 4. Family members: Anna (mother), Sebastian (father, deceased), Inger (grandmother), Johan (grandfather, deceased), and numerous members of her father’s family in the States and Puerto Rico. 5. Relationships: She’s dated a few times, but never anything serious or long-lasting. 6. Hidden talent: She’s double jointed, plays the guitar, and can sing fairly well, though she won’t usually display any of these unless asked. 7. Their Job: Owner and bartender at The Wolf’s Den 8. Hobbies: Dancing, shopping, relaxing with friends, coming up with new drinks. 9. Something they dream of doing: Seeing the family she has in Puerto Rico. 10. A food they can't resist: Arroz con dulce and strawberries. Really, any food. 11. Favorite sport to play: She isn’t very athletic. 12. Favorite sport to watch:  Soccer. 13. Religion: Agnostic, though her father’s family was heavily Catholic. 14. Worst fear: That someone she cares about won’t know she loves them as much as she does. 15. Injuries: She broke her arm when she was young, but has otherwise remained unscathed.  16. Something they dream of having: Enough money and free time to do more travelling around the world. 17. How they react under pressure: Sofie thrives under pressure and tends to become hyper focused on the tasks at hand. 18. Hot or cold places?: Hoooot. She loves the sun. 19. What literature they enjoy: While not a huge reader for leisure, she enjoys romance novels and anything about psychology. 20. What movies they would watch: Romantic comedies, feel-good flicks, psychological thrillers, and family movies. 21. What music they would listen to: She loooooves Prince, most classic pop, and anything dance-able.  22. Morning schedule: She’s usually up pretty early to make sure everything at the bar is in order. She takes quick showers, maybe slaps on some eyeliner and mascara, and chooses something comfortable and cute to wear, along with sturdy shoes. She always makes sure to eat a good breakfast before heading in to work, sometimes popping in to eat with her mom and grandma. 23. An object that is important to them: The necklace her father’s mother gave her, and the hospital badge her dad was wearing the night he died. 24. A skill they are bad at: Anything artistic 25. Something relaxing: A good soak in the tub, some quiet music, a good movie and some comfort food. 26. Pet-Peeve: People who can’t follow/listen to instructions; being inconsiderate; poor tippers; being called ‘hey you’ when she’s working. 27. Favorite holiday: New Year’s - always a chance to start anew, and people tend to be hopeful around that time of year. She feels it brings out the best in people. 28. Favorite color: Bright colors, especially orange and pink. 29. Do they prefer simpler life, or more modern life?: Modern life, for sure. She couldn’t live without Netflix and indoor plumbing. 30. Favorite animal: Dogs. 31. 5 words to describe them: Affectionate, compassionate, no-nonsense, vibrant, inviting. 32. Nationality: She identifies most as American, but having lived in Kingsholm for half her life now, she’s starting to feel a bit more local. 33. A goal they have:  34. Where they would go on vacation: Jamaica, England, and Puerto Rico. 35. Where they live: Kingsholm. 36. Where they would like to live: She’s pretty happy with where she is, even if the weather isn’t her favorite, since she can’t imagine living far from family. 37. How they would react to being the last person on the Earth: She’d be so bored; Sofie isn’t the type that does well without someone to talk to regularly. 38. Do they like being in pictures?: She loves it. Pictures are one of the best ways to remember things. 39. A pet they had: She had a dog when she lived in Michigan, but they had to give it to her father’s family when she moved to Kingsholm. 40. A person that gives them encouragement: Her mother and grandmother, for sure. 41. A person that demoralizes them: She can be her own worst enemy if she overthinks, but for the most part, she doesn’t let people get to her. 42. Something that angers them: Injustice, people not believing in themselves, animal abuse. 43. Something that pleases them: Being around her friends and family, a good party, being able to help someone who needs it. 44. Political party/viewpoint: If she had to pick, probably something close to socialism. 45. Preferred weapon: Hugs. 46. Favorite type of weather: Balmy, slightly overcast, with a good breeze. 47. 3 companions in a zombie apocalypse: She’d be horrible in an apocalypse, so she’d probably take whoever could keep her alive the longest. 48. Viewpoint on accepting help: Everyone needs it from time to time, including herself, so she’s very receptive. 49. The perfect day: A day off from the bar, spent with luxurious foods someone else has cooked and spa-like pampering. She, her mom, and grandma have a quiet lunch and trip to the ice cream shop. Then, she spends the evening with her friends, chatting over drinks she didn’t have to make, to come home to a perfectly clean home and her favorite movie on the television. 50. Something they want to learn about: People. Always people. Though she’s studied them her whole life, Sofie feels like she can never learn enough. 51. Education: B.A. in psychiatry from Kingsholm University 52. Favorite mode of transportation: Biking or plane. 53. Driving skills: Capable? 54. Favorite board game: Monopoly and trivial pursuit. 55. How they react while in the spotlight: Depending on the situation, she’d be happy or bashful. She doesn’t mind attention, but she prefers to work behind the scenes. 56. Did they inherit anything from their parents/guardians?: She received some money when her father died, which she put toward college. She also has his name badge, some letters he wrote her when growing up, and several pictures. 57. A time they were lied to and haven't gotten over it:  58. Something they tried out for/applied to but didn't make it: Technically, she didn’t make it with her psych degree, though that was intentional. 59. Favorite place to sleep: In her own bed, or passed out on the couch with someone after a movie. 60. Something they need to be corrected on: Not putting herself first. She tends to exhaust herself with giving. 61. Have they kept a journal? How did it turn out?: She’s always kept a journal, ever since she learned how to write. They've served as a good coping mechanism, and a way to look back on different parts of her life. 62. Something they are allergic to:  Shellfish and wasps. 63. Do they get lost easily?: She’s pretty good with navigating, but never knows what direction (north, south, etc.) something is. 64. Favorite season: Summer. Preferably in Michigan, but she still likes it. 65. Do they listen to their instinct?: Above most things. She’s a big believer in intuition. 66. Are they easy to approach?: It’s what she prides herself most on - if she wasn’t approachable, she wouldn’t be able to help people. 67. A type of art they would like: She appreciates any kind of artistic talent, but likes photography the most. 68. Something they don't leave home without: Keys, chapstick, phone, purse, comfortable shoes. 69. Something they have a reputation for: Being motherly to pretty much everyone, and super generous. 70. Do they get into trouble often?: Hardly ever. 71. Do they easily accept advice?: Usually, if it comes from someone she trusts. 72. Their history: *see her bio* 73. Do they deal well with pain?: Depends on the pain - being sore from working is fine, but she isn’t the best with needles and injuries. 74. Their reaction to receiving compliments: Accepts them, and showers the giver with about a thousand more. 75. Do they swear a lot?: Not usually, but she does if things get heated or if she needs to put someone in the bar in their place. 76. A place they go to think: Her room, or to her grandmother’s library. 77. How they would react to becoming blind (If the character is blind, then being able to see again): She’d be a wreck, since she needs to see to work and to enjoy her hobbies. 78. Something they collect: Shot glasses from everywhere she’s been, psychology text books, and sweaters. 79. Something they're proud of accomplishing: Opening the Wolf’s Den. It was a lot of hard work and required a lot of sacrifice. 80. A secret they have: She’s a pretty open book, but she doesn’t like talking about her degree. It makes people more wary about talking to her, and a lot of people think she dropped out to open the bar, which puts her on the defensive. 81. Are aliens real?: She knows about the existence of Silvers, but she’s not sure about aliens. But anything’s possible, right? 82. Which is better? Luck or skill?: Skill. Hard work gets you more than sheer luck, though she doesn’t say no to the latter. 83. Would they rather money or happiness?: Happiness. 84. Would they rather be the shining knight, or the ferocious dragon?: A knight, since their job is to protect people.  85. Are they competitive? Who would they have a rivalry with?: Life’s too short to be a competition. Besides, what’s the point when she could help someone achieve their goals instead? 86. Something that disgusts them: Gum smacking, mouth breathers, abusers (she simply can’t fathom it), and gas lighting.  87. Are they a romantic?: 1000% percent. 88. An unpopular opinion of theirs: Jaeger is the worst drink in the world. 89. Someone they can relate to: Her mother, most of all. 90. The strangest thing they've ever seen: To date, someone with silver blood. There was an altercation at the bar she worked at in college, and though her grandmother explained it to her, it was such an unexpected and jarring sight. 91. The best dream they've ever had: Both the best and worst dream she ever had was of her father being alive and taking her to buy her first car shortly after he’d died. 92. Something they could talk to anyone about: Probably anything. She prides herself in being an easy person to talk to. 93. What they would give to save someone's life: Her own life. Without hesitation. 94. Something they threw away that they wish they had kept: She used to have a bunch of silly notes her dad had written on post-its for various things - shopping lists, ‘I love you’s, event reminders. They didn’t seem worth keeping at the time, but she wishes she’d thought to store them somewhere. 95. Something they regret: Not being able to see her dad one last time before he died. 96. Someone they would be there for, no matter what: Anyone she cares about. Probably even someone she doesn’t know. 97. A bad habit: Giving people too many chances, and talking with her mouth full. 98. An aroma they like: Roses, cumin, cinnamon, and pipe tobacco. 99. Something they wish they could do over: Her early life, so she could spend as much time with her dad as possible. She knows trying to save him would likely not work out, but she could make more memories, tell him that she loved him more. 100. Who do they look up to?: Her mother and grandmother for being such strong, independent women. Pretty much anyone who has stuck to their beliefs and tried to make the world a better place.
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