#which would work here but also it works both wasy so
full---ofstarlight · 8 months
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Delvyre Coppersmythe & Gale Dekarios
She promises to fight them all when it all becomes too much And he, he curses at the world for leaving him behind, and he's falling out of touch And she is stronger than he's ever been, he knows And she brushes her hand through his hair, he's got so much fucking hair And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay And when they're sure no-one can hear them She'll turn to him and say, she'll turn to him and say "It's not fair, it's not fair how much I love you." "Fair" - The Amazing Devil
template by @arcandoria
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
⚜️⋮ Frequently asked questions
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⚜️ General questions
1. Can I manifest _?
Yes you can! If you can imagine it, regardless of whether it feels impossible or illogical, it can be manifested!
2. How would you go about manifesting _?
To manifest anything, all you need to do is assume it’s yours and persist! The idea is to live in the end and feel the wish fulfilled, this simply means that you are accepting what you desire to have/do/be as something that is a fact at this very moment and sustain that feeling. Remember:
“An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.”
You are welcome to go through my list of methods and techniques that will aid you to sustain the feeling of the wish fulfilled!
3. How do I ignore the 3D?
When we say ignore the 3D it just means you don’t let it deter you from what you want, remember that your imagination always prevails so as far as you’re concerned your desires are yours and circumstances don’t matter!
4. What is feeling the wish fulfilled?
“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled.” - Neville Goddard
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⚜️ Questions about Neville Goddard
1. Which Neville book should I read first?
I would recommend The Power of Awareness or Your Faith Is Your Fortune, they’re both pretty short reads so you’ll finish them quickly!
2. I don't understand what Neville is saying
I'll be posting lecture summaries in the near future which I'll be sure to link here! For the time being, you can check our muselogy's summaries here ♡ 
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⚜️ Questions about self concept
1. How can I work on my self concept?
Read my post about it here and I explain how I got mine in less than 24 hours here!
2. Can I just assume that I already have a perfect self concept?
3. What are your favorite self concept affirmations?
You can find them under Affirmations to become Sexy and Hedonistic (ʃƪᵔ◡ᵔ)*
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⚜️ Questions about affirmations
1. Do I have to believe my affirmations?
2. Which tense should I affirm in?
Whichever one you like most, my love! Tenses don't matter so long as they imply that your desires is yours! However, I personally prefer present tense since it’s something you are acknowledging right now. 
3. Can you give me some affirmations for _?
Affirmations are simply thoughts and they don't need to be complex or worded in a specific manner!
"I need affirmations to manifest an SP" My SP and I are together
"I want to manifest an iPhone 13" I have an iPhone 13
"Affirmations for manifesting my desired appearance?" I have my desired appearance
You can also check my blog here for more affirmations by topic!
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⚜️ Questions about struggling
1. I haven't gotten results.
Persist and don’t take no for an answer, my love!
2. I have been trying to manifest for years/months and still nothing. What do I do?
Start fresh and invest in your self concept!
3. I've been struggling for so long that I'm considering giving up on conscious manifestation.
Please read this post.
4. How can I get rid of my intrusive thoughts?
You can scroll through the posts i've reblogged about the subject here and this is how I dealt with mine below (from my self concept post):
Interruption: I had two methods of interruption I opted for. When I had “what if” moments I often interrupted those thoughts by affirming “it is done” and I said that over and over again every single time that came up, like this:
“What if it doesn’t hap-” “It is done.” “But-” “It is done.”
The other method wasI would finish the intrusive thought off in a positive note like this:
“why is my life so-” “perfect in every possible way? I’m honestly so in love with my life like I am literally the happiest person on earth I think”.
Telling them to shut up: I would envision my intrusive thoughts coming from someone else despite knowing it was me but anyway when I would have one literally respond mentally with “shut up, BITCH” the same way the rock did (like I would LITERALLY use his exact same tone and aggression while doing this lmao) and counter affirm and they stopped!
Deciding I didn’t have any: After so much redundancy of combatting my intrusive thoughts I had the sudden epiphany that I could just manifest them away… I was so surprised I didn’t think of it earlier. Whenever one was coming up I would just be like “nope nope nope I don’t have intrusive thoughts I have never had one of those in fact, what’s an intrusive thought? Never heard of that” and they went away in two days <3
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This list will continue to be updated as i receive more questions! (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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helloharani · 4 years
the “big” age
Recently, my morning routines have been quite calm. Only recently, because I just finished my second last semester of university. ... 
...  CRISIS TIME!!!  But even with classes during the last few months, my days have been generally filled with things to do. Over the year, I have built sort of a schedule. I think with everyone being at home because of Covid, we’ve been pacing ourselves a bit, “pacing” mean that there are things that happen throughout the week that make me realise how the days are passing.  Back to the morning. I’ve concluded that I like having a good breakfast. I think it might be my favourite meal of the day, or at least the most impactful. Even if I wake up at 11 a.m., I find myself eating “breakfast” and then a late lunch. Breakfast is accompanied by coffee, which I have found important to my system. I learned to make my own milk coffee (I guess you could call it a latte under certain circumstances) over the holidays thanks to my mom and Uncle Wasy. He gave us some filter paper and good coffee powder.  Haru takes her morning rounds - she walks in and out of the house, back to the food bowl and away. It gets funny sometimes, everyone wonders why she does it but we’ve just decided that she’s just a wanderer. She’s grown a lot fatter. Snowy would still be sleeping, either on the couch or in my room. Someone (usually my mom) would open the door to my room for him every morning. We have to give him medicine for the next few days. He looked a little sick, and after a trip to the vet we found out that he has a lack of teeth (sigh), and that he was probably sick from flu season. I got worried because he was losing weight. I don’t like thinking about my cats growing old. Or anyone I love, honestly.  The days vary. I’ve been trying to exercise every one or two days, right now I’m trying to stick to this everyday Yoga routine by following a Youtuber named Adrienne. Without class I’ve dedicated all my time to reading, and throughout the past two weeks I’ve revisited an old book series that I hope to write about here soon. I’m mostly in the comfort of my coping mechanisms. When I have the energy I like to see my friends. The nights usually end with snow sessions with Firdaus through FaceTime.  Uncle Wasy and Aunty Zura come over every Saturday for dinner. It feels different that they’ve been around so often, but a good kind of different. I’d like to think that it has always been this way. It feels like it would have been if they weren’t travelling so much every year. Unfortunately for them, Covid has bound them here for now.  Aniqah, Kasih, Myra and I have picked up Girl Guides again properly by trying to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh award. I now see them every Friday for Capoeira class with Norma. Mia is there too. For once we’re all exercising together.  I’ve also picked up bass and Ian teaches me through Zoom every Thursday. I thought I’d give it a try because I’ve been feeling disconnected from the keys. Hopefully this transition creates a new bond for music and me. Senja has been on a break for a while. We’re having our first show in months this Saturday. It’s not actually a show, it’s more of a pre-recording that will be up on YouTube. Our EP recording has been halted until things get better.  I start my internship at MalaysiaKini tomorrow. I also turn 21 in a few hours.  I think what I’m most scared about is throwing my life away. I don’t mean this by me giving up and becoming a slump forever. I mean as in forgetting. I’m not sure if I’ve told anyone this but I have a feeling that if I live long, I’ll suffer from amnesia and that will bring my demise.  I wanted to write this to solidify what I know and what life feels like right now. Turning 21 feels different than turning 20, even though that was the year I left the teens. Who knew that I would end up wanting to be alone on my 21st birthday? I would like to laugh.  I told my friends I didn’t want to celebrate in at all this year. I’ve had the privilege of being surprised and being thrown gatherings by them for the last few years, ever since high school and I couldn’t be more grateful. But I’ve cemented that I want a break this year to just absorb everything.  Partly because on my birthdays, I usually end up feeling terrible. I’ve always felt that at the end of the day, when I see people, I feel the need to please them rather than do what I want to do. And I think this year I’ve become strong enough to actually WANT to do what I want, instead of backing down.  I blame Covid. This year I’ve ventured into myself unlike any other year, and I know for a fact who really cares and who doesn’t. I don’t want my birthday to be just another reason for anyone to do anything for me. Do I sound selfish and whiny? I’m sorry.  Anyway, I don’t know where this ramble is going to. Wake up! You’re 21 soon!  I can’t see what is going to happen tomorrow, or the day after, or the next few days. For good or for bad, I just hope that my 21st year of being alive will be a year full of happy memories, both big and small. 
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From 20-year old me to future me. You are sad and you prefer spending time alone at home (a drastic change from pre-Covid Inarah). You don’t know why. You’ve been let down a lot, both by people and yourself. You’ve found a new sense of gratitude for your privileges, your friends and especially your family; although you have problems showing so. Everything feels mundane, sometimes you don’t even feel like eating. But sometimes you feel good, and you can laugh and cry without feeling bad.  I wonder if everyone will still be living together in a few years. Will I move out? Will we move out? I kind of hope not. What will the politics be like then? Will we go back to living physically instead of virtually? What new items will I own, and what old ones will I let go of?  I hope in the future you find a balance that works for you, and I hope you get to go to sleep feeling good instead of the opposite. I hope you embrace growing up instead of feeling bitter about it, and I hope you enjoy what you do. I hope you cultivate good and healthy relationships, and maybe a better lifestyle. Also, keep your room clean - 
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- and stay true to yourself.  Sending hope and love. 
Lepaklu  30th November 2020 
0 notes
nickikpopart · 6 years
Backstory “How to draw LOVE”
Part 2
“Shocking sweet truth”
Jimin´s POV
I still thought about the idea of that blind-date-thing, because JJK1013 had ask me. Now after i saw the picture of Jin that he had posted today, i was questioning myself more. He is Jin´s brother. Why had Jin never mention it that he had one. I was now more interested in meeting him, even i wasn´t really in the mood for a date-thing. He was quite interesting but i still don´t know his name. So it could might be fun. A message from Tae pulled me aut of my thoughts.
“Hey Jimin, i want to talk to you when i´m home.”
“Ok we can do. I will stay up until you here.”
Other POV
30 min after Jimin messaged him, Tae was back at the Apartement. His Hair looked still a little messy which made Jimin laugh.
“It seems u had a nice evening, Tae!” Jimin smirked and made him blush.
“Yeah.. hmmm...” Tae said while covering his cheeks.
“So u wanted to talk with me about something!” Jimin asked him curiously. Tae was putting his shoes of and joint Jimin on the sofa in the livingroom.
“Yes, but there is might be something you want to ask me first. Am i right?”
“Uhmmm... yeah... Did you know that JJK1013 is Jin´s brother?” Jimin asked him directly.
“Not until today. After i saw the picture, i had messaged Jin about it and he said yes to my question.” Tae needed to hold himself back not telling Jimin to much. Their Plan has to be a secret. “Why u ask?”
“Uhmm... so... JJk1013 ask me actually for a blind-date, but i didn´t know yet if i should go and meet him. You know how shy am i and i´m just broke up with yoongi. Wouldn´t it be to soon to date someone new were i even don´t know how he looks like or knowing his name.” Tae was smiling slightly. So Jungkook had already asked him. So their plan might could be work out. “He is nice and i like talking with him, but...”
Ok Jimin... i undertand that you need time but it you like him and i see you do then why not. Go and meet him.” Tae tried to encourage him.
“I don´t know Tae... i... just... “ Jimin was thinking way to much. Jungkook came to his mind. Oh, how he wished it was him. This guy reminded him so much about him.
“Ok, then i will tell you something of the record. Jin told me that his brother is really handsome. Not as much as him but... “ Tae was laughing by saying that.
“hahahaha Tae ok. I think i understand what you want to say. i know he wants to meet me, but actually i don´t want to go alone. i didn´t told him that.” Jimin smacked Tae´s arm while lauging too.
“Then how about a Double Date. Hmmm... Would that be a good idea?” Tae asked him while thinking about to message Jin later that their plan is already on.
“That would help me, Tae. Thank you” Jimin was not so nervous anymore. He was actually a little excited now. Tae said that he would ask Jin later to set the Time for it. A little Do-over-Birthday Dinner.
“Jimin, btw... i was just thinking about something. Why don´t you change your Haircolor again. I know you stayed black because Yoongi didn´t liked your colored hair, but now you can do it again. You are back to be single and you really need a change.” Tae wanted not to be to obvious about that. “And you could surprise your Blind-Date. He might wouldn´t expect that.”
“Hmmm... that is actually a nice idea, Tae. He don´t even know how i look like, so wouldn´t it might be a shock for him!” Jimin was thinking if he should really do it.
“Jimin, why not... just do it. He loves to draw. So he might love colorful hair!” Tae winked at Jimin with a smile on his face. “What about your old hair color? I loved the orange hair on you. You looked so sexy.”
“Tae... hey...” Jimin slapped his right arm while lightly blushing. “Don´t make me blush, but yeah i loved that color to. It´s just bring up some memorys, when i had it.”
“I understand that, but it has nothing to do with that. Ok. just...” Tae didn´t know how to say it.
“Just...” Jimin eye questioning.
“Just do it Jimin. You need a new start. Ok. So should i ask Jin about it?” Tae looked at him, searching for any reaction on Jimin´s face.
“Ok, I will do it and yes you can talk with Jin. You need to help me later with the Haircolor. I can´t do that alone.” Jimin said smiling slightly. The thought of meeting someone he never saw before but liked talking to made him chuckle a little.
“Ok, then.” Tae was rubbing his hands in mind. The plan is perfect now. Jimin agreed to date and change the haircolor. He excused himself to message Jin about it. He heard from Jin that Jungkook agreed to do the double date because he was also kinda shy to meet someone alone. So they settled the date for the meeting right away.
“Time skip”
Two Days later...
“Jimin, come out of the Bath. You look good ok.” Tae was waiting outside since half an hour until Jimin opened the door. “Wow... I really missed that color on you. And don´t worry to much. I think it will be a nice evening. Your clothes are looking good to.”
“If you say so, Tae. I´m still little anxious. What if he don´t like me in real. You know how awkward i can be.” Jimin nervously scratch on his black jeans.
“Jimin, for the last time. Don´t worry to much. Just enjoy the evening. You can´t know what will happen. “ Tae tried to calm him a bit which hardly worked. Jimin was never so nervous before in a long time and Tae could see that. He messaged Jin that they were about to go out now. So they would see each other in 30 minutes.
Jin´s apartement...
"Jungkook are you ready to go?" Jin asked his little brother through the door. When then door got open, he just gave a thumb up for Jungkook´s look. He had choosed the clothes for him. Black Jeans, black Turtleneck Pullover and a leather Jacket.
"Do you really think he likes the way i look?" Jungkook was asking him, still questioning himself about that.
"Yes, you look good. Not as handsome as me but close." Jin smiled while said so.
"Hahaha, stop it, Jin. Don´t praise yourself to much." Jungkook smacked his brother´s arm. "Btw... so your Tae knows him. How small the world is. Huh..."
"Yeah..." Jin scratched his head and thought how the evening will go, when both will see each other. "Kook... we have to go. Tae wrote me, that they are already on the way to the restaurant. So we have to hurry a little."
"Ok, then let´s go." Jungkook took a deep breath while putting his shoes on. He was a little scared to meet that guy. He still couldn´t fully blow off his feelings for Jimin, but Jin was right he has to move on. And he had actually started to like that guy since they were talking more often now. So he tried to be friendly with the idea of meeting him now.
While at the restaurant...
Tae got the message from Jin that they are on their wasy now and Tae told him that they were standing in front of the restaurant now and were about to go in. Jimin was wearing a black jeans and a darkred long sleeve shirt. He had put on a hat, not only because it was cold, also because he thought the orange color wouldn´t fit really color of the shirt. As they were going inside the restaurant, he still insisted to take him off. So they were sitting down like that at the table, while Jimin got a questionable look from the waiter. Jimin was looking on his phone, so he didn´t really saw that. He was anxiously waiting for his blind date. 
Suddenly Tae received a message.
"Tae... we are here now and about to come in."
"Jimin, please take your hat off ok. You look good and it is not nice to be like that here inside. Your shirt goes well with your haircolor." Tae pleased him and he finally took his hat off, not knowing that Jin and Jungkook already entered the restaurant.
"Jin... what... hummm..." Jungkook was really shooked when he pointed at the table were Jimin and Tae were sitting. He knew that color to well. He saw that the last time on Jimin and he really loved it on him. So why this guy was wearing that particular color. It couldn´t be, or?? He was grabbing Jin´s arm with a questionable look. Jin didn´t said anything while walking to the table. He greeted Tae with a kiss while Jungkook still was hanging on him. Standing in front of that guy, Jungkook was looking at his hands and he knew it. Almost whispering, he directly asked:
"Jimin?"  The guy in front of him was lifting his head and Jungkook looked in those brown eyes he fell for when he saw him for the first time. How much he missed it to look at them.
"Jungkook?" Jimin was shocked when he heard that voice saying his name. It was this voice he was longing to hear for some time now. Jungkook could see that the way he looked at him. It was all both said for now. Just that and not more. They just looked at each other while Jungkook was sitting down on the other side of the table. Just looking at each other the whole time. Even during eating they were stealing glances from time to time. One was looking, the other shyly looked away and reverse. Jin and Tae were watching the whole scenery silently smiling. They gave each other signs to leave both of them alone. The thought it was time to go. They should be alone to talk about everything.
Outside of the restaurat they high-fifth each other with a laugh. Their plan had seemed to work but they knew also that it will took time to work things out between them.
"I´m happy Tae." Jin smiled while taking his hand. "My brother is finally getting a chance to confess. I hope he is doing it right this time!"
"I think he will. Didn´t you saw how he looked at Jimin and Jimin at him. There are unsaid feeling between them, they just have to admit them, but surely it will take time." Tae grabbed Jin´s arm and pulled him into a hug. After that they deceided to go to a bar to celebrate that.
Still inside...
"Jimin" Jungkook finally found his voice back to talk to him because he was still little shocked but also happy.
"Hmmm.." Jimin also still couldn´t say a word. It was Jungkook in front of him, it was really him and he caught himself staring at him.
"I... I really like you since i first meet you and i wanted to say that to you back then but i was too scared because after i got to know that you have a boyfriend, i thought you would rejecting me." There was it, it was finally out. Jungkook said it and was glad he did. His heart felt at ease now.
"Ohhh..." Jimin´s cheeks got red right away and he finally knew it. "That´s why you never came back to see me? Ok, now i understand. But then i have to admid something to."
"Yeah you can say it like that. What is it, Jimin?" Jungkook asked curiously, might be knowing what Jimin would say.
“Ok hmmm... I had gained feelings for you too in that time.” Jimin gulped by saying that. He told Jungkook also that back then he didn´t confess because he was scared too and there were also Yoongi. They had problems in that time but tried to fix that with him, so he putted his feelings for Jungkook aside. “Btw.. Uhmm... Huh.. Where are Tae and Jin?”
“Hey, they left us alone? That´s... “ Jungkook was a little shocked about his brother´s behavior but he also liked it that he was alone now with Jimin. They could talk now everything out. “Actually it´s ok that they are gone. I wanted to be alone with you anyway. If it´s ok for you. We can talk better without them.”
“Even i´m freaking out a little right now.” Jimin started to laugh about his own words. “Sorry, hehehehehe... it´s just... i didn´t saw you for a long time and we are outside of the Coffee-Shop. I´m a little shy when it comes to meet someone outside of my comfort zone.”
“Don´t worry, Jimin. Me too but with you it is more easy. Btw... should we go somewhere else?” Jungkook asked him. “To many people here. Oh, i hope my brother didn´t left without paying.”Jungkook called the waiter who told him that the bill was already paid. He was relieved.
“If you want we can go the Coffee-Shop even it is late. I have the keys and we can sit there drinking coffee and talk.” Jimin thought it was a good idea to do and Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. It would bring old memorys up. He smilde by the thought to be alone with him. Finally he has a chance. Jimin saw that little smile on Jungkooks face and he thought that he wasn´t actually never really mad at Jungkook for leaving him without a word. He understand now how he must have felt. How both have felt about the situation. Both putted their jackets on and were about to leave the restaurant.
“No Jimin, don´t put that hat on. I missed seeing that color. I like it on you.” Jimin chuckled a bit by Jungkooks soft voice and pushed the hat in his pocket.
“Ok, because it´s you who said that, i will not wear him.” Jimin left out a little giggle and Jungkook died immediately inside. How he missed hearing that. He found it so cute when Jimin was doing that. He blushed by the thought and turned his face away.
“Jungkookie, are you still blushing?” Jimin said smiling because he definitly saw how red his face became. Jimin knew how shy Jungkook becomes when he giggles. He missed it to tease him like that. They were walking for some minutes now as suddenly Jimin´s phone was vibrating, He knew who it was but he decided not to notice for now. Jungkook was important now.
“Is everything ok?” Jungkook noticed that Jimin was nervous about something.
“Yeah everything is ok. It´s just... Yoongi...” JImin saw that Jungkook wasn´t really happy about hearing that name. “I´m sorry Kookie... I just...”
“It´s ok Jimin, no need to tell me. You are here with me now.” Jimin´s breathing go lighter right away. Jungkook did noticed that and was not so nervous anymore, He will gave his all now to make him happy. While they were walking side by side Jimin had noticed that their hand were brushing together from time to time.He just couldn´t point out if it was because of their walking or if Jungkook did that on purpose. He stopped and looked down on their hands that were so close and then he looked in Jungkooks eyes.
“May i...?” Jungkook said with his soft voice almost whispering. Jimin just nodded his head and Jungkook interwined their fingers. Both were looking down now and had immediately the same thought. It was right, it felt so right. They walkedl like that to the little coffee-shop and even when Jimin was about taking the key out of his pocket and open the door, he couldn´t let go of Jungkooks hand. Jungkook found it really cute how Jimin was reacting.
“Jimin if you want to make us coffee, you have to let go of my hand.” Jungkook said smiling and Jimin chuckled by hearing that. With a sights he let his hand go, already missing the warmth. While he was making the coffee, Jungkook was sitting down and watching him. He still couldn´t believe that it was him all the time who he was talking with and jimin was might thinking the same.
Suddenly... Jimin´s phone rang. He had enough know.
“What...., what do you want. I said it is over.”
“Jimin, please let´s talk. I wanna....”
“Jimin can you bring some milk and sugar with you when you done?” Jungkook was asking, not knowing that it was Yoongi, who Jimin was talking with, right now.
“Who is that... the guy... who are you with?”
“That is non of your business. You don´t have the right to ask. Bye” Jimin was hanging up and took the coffee he made and was going back to Jungkook.
“Hey Kookie, where are you with your mind” Jimin was putting the two coffee´s on the table and placed himself next to him. He interwined his fingers again with Jungkooks. Jungkooks smiled by looking at it.
“Can i guess who it was on the phone.” Jungkook asked him.
“Please let´s not talk about him. i´m over him and i´m here with you ok. So what were you thinking about?” 
“Ok, i will not ask.” Jungkook said. “I know you are Single now but i won´t push you into a new relationship with me. We will take our time. You need time to trust someone again.We will go on dates and will have long talks. I wanna do the right way, ok”
“Kookie, i´m so happy that you think that way and it´s more than ok for me. I think the same. We don´t need to rush. We need to know each other better.” Jimin was glad that Jungkook had the same thoughts like him and he was indeed happy about that. Jimin was looking at him and smiled. Jungkook was holding his hand a little tighter and got almost lost in his eyes. Suddenly he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.
“Jimine...” Jungkooks eyes widened and started blushing “Why... what... Ohhh..”
“Everything ok?” Jimin smiled and laid his head on Jungkooks shoulder. The next few hours they were just sitting like that and talked about everything. How they felt about each other. What they did they past 2 years, how Jimin came to follow him and so on. Jungkook didn´t ask Jimin about Yoongi because he knew that he wouldn´t want to talk about him. It was arount 4 am when they went home seperately.
When they got home, Jungkook messaged Jimin immediately and received short after a message from him:
“Hey, it was a nice evening. I can´t wait to see you again.”
“Yes it was and me too. Can´t wait ;)”
“I miss already your small hand in mine.”
“Hihi Kookie.”
“What, it´s true. Are you in bed already?”
“Yes and i will sleep now. Good night Kookie and btw... i like holding your hand too. ;)”
“Jiminie..:) Good night and sweet dreams.”
“btw.. Kookie… the kiss I gave you was something I wanted to do two years ago! ”
"ohh... :), I will do that more often now... Jimin. ;)"
"I hope so... ;)"
Both immediately were drifting off to sleep and dreamed about each other. They knew also they would get squeezed out from Jin and Tae but some parts of the evening would be remain secrets just between the two of them.
HOW TO DRAW LOVE AU ( 11-12/? )
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
So they were at the blind-date today. huh. we will see what´s coming next. Update coming soon. @golden-kookmin :) ;)
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josephkchoi · 6 years
25 Things You Can Do With Unbounce that Your UX/Web Team Will Love
It’s Day 3 of Product Awareness Month. Today’s post is about discovering new use-cases for your products that can be useful for different functional users in your customer’s company. — Unbounce co-founder Oli Gardner
If you read the opening post of Product Awareness Month, you would have read about the concept of Productizing Our Technology (POT).
Productizing Our Technology By taking our core tech, combining the available features, with new jQuery scripts, CSS, and some 3rd-party integrations, it’s possible to create a plethora of new “mini-products” that if embraced by the community, could inform future product direction.
When we created an initial list of product ideas, expanding upon what the base product can already do, I realized that — as we’ve moved from a single product to multiple — we’d not changed our perception of who the functional buyer persona is.
If you look at the table below, notice how product #1 is a standalone landing page used primarily for paid ad campaigns, but products #2 and #3 are designed to be used primarily on your website.
.tabular {table-layout:fixed;} .tabular td {border:1px solid #333 !important;} .tabular td strong {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .tabular td a {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .tabular td {padding:10px !important; vertical-align:top !important;} .col1 {width:15% !important;} .col2 {width:50% !important;} .col3 {width:10% !important;} .col4 {width:10% !important;} .col5 {width:15% !important;} .pmmPot {font-size:0.8rem !important;} .now {background-color:#d2e0cf;} .nowDark {background-color:#B7D6AA !important;font-weight:bold !important;} .nowLight {background-color:#fff !important;} .now td {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .nowDark td {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .mvp {background-color:#fce6ce;} .mvp td {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .mvpDark {background-color:#F8CB9F;font-weight:bold !important;} .mvpDark td {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .new {background-color:#f4cccc;} .new td {font-size:0.6rem !important;} .newDark {background-color:#E9999A;font-weight:bold !important;} .newDark td {font-size:0.6rem !important;font-weight:bold !important;} .section {font-size:0.7rem; font-weight:bold;} .headerRow {font-size:0.6rem !important;font-weight:bold; color:#fff !important;background-color:#0F4F6E !important;}
PRODUCT #1 Landing Pages #2 Popups #3 Sticky Bars Primary Use Case Use standalone landing pages to convert more of paid (AdWords) traffic. Use on website pages to convert more organic traffic. Use on website pages to convert more organic traffic. Primary Persona Campaign Strategist Website Owner Website Owner Secondary Persona Designer Campaign Strategist Campaign Strategist Tertiary Persona Copywriter Web Designer / Developer Web Designer / Developer
Note: that for the personas listed, these are intentionally general, as it’s still part of our discovery. My goal is simply to show that they are most likely different.
We didn’t immediately realize that the teams using these products may not even be in the same department (marketing vs. web team vs. software development), for example. Or if they are in the same department (marketing), they might not work together on a daily basis.
This is a huge problem because it assumes that someone who runs paid campaigns is also going to be optimizing the organic traffic to a website, and is no doubt one of the reasons for low adoption of product #2 and #3.
A WTF Moment – How Could We Be So Blind?
When we talked to our customers and community members, we uncovered a startling fact: most people thought that the new products could only be used on Unbounce landing pages.
WUUUUTTTT! Not true.
Yes, you can, if you want. But the primary use case for the new products is for your website. We really didn’t see this misconception coming, which shows how important it is to always talk to your customers.
Who uses your products?
If you have more than one product, or if the users of your single product have different job roles, are you targeting and communicating with them in different ways? Or have you assumed that everyone will understand the same messaging?
Web developers are not very likely to be downloading an ebook about marketing, and thus will not be on our mailing list to hear about new products that could, in fact, make their job easier and more productive.
So, today, I’m going to share some of the functional use cases of popups and sticky bars that would be used by the UX and web teams that work on and manage your website. This is a very different market than we normally speak to, but super important as some of our research has indicated after the initial launch.
As I explore these use cases, try to follow along with your own products, to see if there are ways that you can create new mini products from the technology you possess.
(Click image for full-size view)
Across the top (in yellow) are the core products, their features (such as targeting, triggers, display frequency), and the different hacks, data sources, and integrations, that can be combined to produce the new products listed in green in the first column.
To recap, each mini product is labelled as either NOW/MVP/NEW depending on how easy it is to create with our current tech:
NOW: These products are possible now with our existing feature set. MVP: These products are possible by adding some simple scripts/CSS to extend the core. NEW: These products would require a much deeper level of product or website development to make them possible. These are the examples that came from “blue sky” ideation, and are a useful upper anchor for what could be done.
The core technology is denoted as LP (Landing Pages), POP (Popups), SB (Sticky Bars).
In the table below you’ll find 25 of the ideas we came up with — that I selected from of a total of 121.
Follow our Product Awareness Month journey >> click here to launch a popup with a subscribe form (it uses our on-click trigger feature).
Product Name Product Description Core Tech Core Features Extras NOW: Can be built with existing features Micro sites By using the URL targeting feature, a single Sticky Bar with links to multiple Landing Pages can effectively create a microsite. LP + SB Targeting: URL Trigger: Entry N/A EU Cookie Law Bar You’ve probably seen them all over the place. “All websites owned in the EU or targeted towards EU citizens, are now expected to comply with the law.” The EU has always been very strict and this requirement is why these bars have been popping up everywhere. Good news is, they’re wasy to make with geo-targeting. SB Targeting: Geo Trigger: Entry N/A Two-Step Opt-In Form Instead of showing a lead gen form, you use a button or link that shows the form in a popup when clicked. This can help remove the perceived friction that a form conveys, and applies a level of commitment when the button is clicked that makes people more likely to continue and fill out the form. POP Trigger: Click N/A Cart Abandon Use an exit Popup on your ecommerce product/cart/checkout pages to provide an offer to encourage a purchase. POP Trigger: Exit N/A Multi-location GEO Redirect If you have websites for multiple countries, you can present the entry Popup that uses geolocation to ask if the visitor would like to visit the site in their own country. POP Targeting: Geo Trigger: Entry N/A Poll / Survey Add a form to a Popup of Sticky Bar to present poll or survey questions. POP or SB Trigger: Entry, Exit, Scroll Down, Scroll Up, Delay N/A NPS Survey Present a Net Promoter Score in a Sticky Bar to ask your visitors and customers to rate how likely they are to recommend your product or brand to others. SB Targeting: None, Cookie Trigger: Exit, Scroll, Delay N/A Outage Notification Present an entry Popup or Sticky Bar when there is site maintenance happening. SB or POP Targeting: URL, Cookie N/A Tooltips Present a popup when someone clicks to show more info/instructions. POP Trigger: Click N/A Referrer Contextual Welcome Present a contextually relevant message to people arriving from another site. POP or SB Targeting: URL, Cookie, Geo Trigger: Entry N/A Co-marketing Contextual Welcome Present a contextually relevant message to people arriving from a campaign run by you and a comarketing partner. This could show the relationship (both logos) and the joint offer. POP or SB Targeting: Referrer, URL, Cookie Trigger: Entry, Scroll Up, Scroll Down, Exit, Delay N/A Mobile GPS: Closest Store Present a Sticky Bar when someone on a mobile site would benefit from knowing where the closest store is to them (potentially with an incentive to visit the store). SB Trigger: Entry, Scroll Up, Scroll Down, Exit, Delay N/A Holiday Hours Announcement Show details of changes in store hours. Could be used on exit to provide some urgency “We’re closing in 1 hour”. SB or POP Trigger: Entry, Exit N/A MVP: Can be built with existing features by adding some simple scripts/CSS Sticky Nav By removing the standard close button [x] from a Sticky Bar and adding smooth scroll anchor links, you can create a sticky navbar which can help increase page engagement. SB Trigger: Entry CSS: Hide close button Javascript: Smooth scroll Mobile App-Style Nav By placing a Sticky Bar at the bottom of the page (on mobile), using icons/text, you can create a mobile experience that looks and feels like an app. Check out plated.com on your phone as an example. Adding smoothscroll Javascript lets you use the nav to scroll up and down the page. SB Trigger: Entry CSS: Hide close button + mobile only Javascript: Smooth scroll Mobile Hamburger Menu A hamburger menu is the three lined icon that opens up a navigation menu. They typically slide in and out from the left side or top.Check out a demo in the Unbounce Community. SB Trigger: Click jQuery: Slide in/out Progress Bar Similar to a microsite, a progress bar could be targeted to appear on several pages. Using cookie targeting and CSS the progress bar could be updated to show which pages (steps) have been completed and which steps are remaining. SB Targeting: URL, Cookie jQuery: Set/Read cookies CSS: Prev/next step visual state “Maybe Later” Maybe Later is a new concept for ecommerce entrance popups that I will explore in depth on day 9 of Product Awareness Month. A large number of ecommerce sites have discounts/offers that show on arrival. This can often be a major disruption to the experience, even if the offer is of interest. The way ML works is that the popup would present 3 options: Yes/No/ML. If “Maybe Later” is clicked, the Popup closes and a persistent Sticky Bar appears at the bottom of the page to act as a subtle reminder of the offer – ready for when the visitor wants it. POP + SB Targeting: Cookie jQuery: Set/Read cookies, Log “Maybe Later” click Video Interaction Offers Having a CTA embedded in a video is great, but it’s very limited in its ability communicate more than a few words.Click here to visit a demo of this concept (created by Unbouncer, Noah Matsell). POP Targeting: Cookie jQuery End-of-video Talk to Sales Present a popup to someone who completes a video such as a demo. POP or SB Trigger: Custom script jQuery Sticky Video Widget You may have seen this on news blogs, where a video at the top becomes a smaller video stuck to the side or bottom of the window as you scroll. It’s a great way to ensure higher engagement with the video. Noah made a demo of a sticky video widget in the Unbounce community. SB Trigger: Scroll CSS Guided Tour Show a popup that begins a guided tour of the page/product. If you close it, the tour is over. If you click a next button it closes and a new popup is opened, positioned close to the feature it’s describing. POP Trigger: Click jQuery NEW: these require a deeper level of product or website development to make possible Ship it Faster By setting a cookie based on the shipping method on an ecommerce site, an exit Popup or Sticky Bar could be used to suggest a different shipping method (more expensive) to get it delivered faster. A smart upsell feature. POP or SB Targeting: Cookie Trigger: Exit Feature: Dynamic Text Replacement jQuery Out of Stock By setting a cookie based on stock availability on an ecommerce site, an exit Popup or Sticky Bar could present an email address field to ask if the visitor would like to be notified when the item is back in stock. POP or SB Targeting: Cookie Trigger: Exit jQuery CSS Sold Out: You Might Like By setting a cookie based on stock availability on an ecommerce site, a Popup or Sticky Bar could be shown that presents a set of recommended products related to an out of stock item. POP or SB Targeting: Cookie Trigger: Exit Feature: Dynamic Text Replacement jQuery CSS
As you can see, there are a ton of new use cases for the products, which are useful to a completely different set of functional users. Unless we do something to specifically target these new functional users, adoption won’t be our only problem, acquisition will be too.
How can you target different functional users?
Approach 1: Product Pages for Organic & Paid Traffic
One way to start validating these use cases is to create new product pages for them to see if you can attract some organic traffic. In our case, this would allow those searching for this type of product to arrive on our website where we may be able to demo the product as part of the experience.
Approach 2: Cross-Function Advocate Email Marketing
Another approach is to explicitly connect the different team members, through suggestive email copy. For instance, we could email our customers and educate them that our product can help others on their team – getting the conversation started. This has the benefit of communicating through an established brand advocate.
Prioritizing Product Development
One of our goals with POT is to gather insights into which new product ideas are in demand. There will without question be an increase in technical support questions based on the implementation requirements of these ideas, but I consider that a good problem to have. If there’s enough call for full productization, that’s a great way to increase adoption and the stickiness of our products.
How many new products could YOU build?
I’d love to hear in the comments how you can imagine doing this with your own software/products/services. Please jump into the comments and let me know. If you’re worried about your competitors stealing your ideas (I definitely thought about that when I decided on this approach – but I’m erring on the side of our core Transparency value), you could simply mention how many you think you could come up with, which is also very cool.
Now, everybody POT! Cheers Oli Gardner
p.s. Tell your web/UX teammates about this blog post :D
25 Things You Can Do With Unbounce that Your UX/Web Team Will Love published first on https://nickpontemrktg.wordpress.com/
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Beccy Hamilton caught up with Actor Anton Cross ahead of this weeks open at The Lowry.
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Anton Cross (As You Like It, Stig of the Dump, Gentlemen of Verona – all Storyhouse Summer season 2016, Chester) has been cast in Arinzé Kene’s good dog which will be opening at The Lowry on 22nd February.
Arinzé Kene - star of The Pass, Eastenders and Crazyhead - has returned to writing for theatre for the first time since God’s Property in 2013. In this vivid, high-energy monologue, Kene tells of community, growing up in a diverse area unified by class and survival, and what happens when you lose faith in being good.
Click here https://www.quaytickets.com/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=E781DA4E-DC7B-48F6-887F-52C04F4D1DC9&SessionSecurity::referrer=canalst  for more information and to book.
• What drew you to want to be a part of Arinzé Kene’s work? Arinzé created a play that is so familiar to me which initially drew me in. Plus, the idea of doing a one-man show excited me, I'd seen so many great ones in the past.
• What do you hope people take away from the performance? Joy, Openness, Understanding, Inspiration.
• You mentioned in another interview that you’ve never done a one-man show before- would this experience encourage you to do more or do you prefer being part of an ensemble? I now know I enjoy doing both but I'll admit I do miss the camaraderie you get from working in an ensemble!
• Did you have any particular experiences from 2011 that gave you a connection to the subject matter? Well, I was in London at the time, I think that's enough of a connection to go off. I am also from Peckham where the riots spread to. It was a very unsettling time to be in London.
• Political instability like we’re in today, and like the time set of the play, often inspire a lot of creative pieces or desire to put new things out into the world – do you have any advice to aspiring writers or performers? Always remain true to yourself.
By Beccy Hamilton for Canal St Online Images courtesy of Wasi Daniju.
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