#while in pacifist chara finally lets go and stops haunting the story... and frisk. who has to go on and live their own life
carlyraejepsans · 2 years
do you. have any charisk fic recommendations. i’m so close to shipping them but i’m on the fence tbh
no tbh, i just ship the hyperspecific, highly self catering version of charisk that only exists in my brain
#it's a very weird slightly codependent.. thing. especially on frisk's end#because i was working off of the premise that they must have been abandoned and so very lonely before climbing the mountain#so having chara by their side constantly would've been of tremendous comfort to them and they would get more than a little attached#while chara is basically haunting the underground. constantly wanting to do things again and again and again because they can't let go#(neutral runs basically)#and frisk being so attached to them that they go along. as long as they can stick together#world's least stable 12 year olds#it's not even like i ship them in a kissy smoochie way it's not romantic#but it's definitely more than platonic too y'know. VERY codependent#but also the main appeal to me is the inherent tragedy of it. because in genocide chara becomes stronger and stronger#until frisk is fully put aside as they become aware of and interested in US. players#while in pacifist chara finally lets go and stops haunting the story... and frisk. who has to go on and live their own life#and while they DO have a support system and a new family with them. it's still gonna be a pretty big blow on them#especially since chara holds the SAVE file and the power to reset (even if they did manage it together throughout the game)#and now they're gone. like either way there's no ending where they break the loop AND they stay together#and that concept just makes me insane and is. so underrated. or at least i haven't seen anything with that premise yet#answered asks#hcs
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springbons · 1 year
ASGORE ISN’T A BAD GUY AND I’M TIRED OF PRETENDING HE IS! (Note: I am wrong. I change my view.)
(Everything below this is Conjecture and my failed opinion, but I refuse to delete it for archival reasons. Consider it a tagline of my failure. Do not take me seriously, cause after review of what others have told me, the whole POINT of the storyline is both of them were being stupid. But then again, this post is mostly “She’s not perfect either, and people need to not hate asgore and give him the love he deserves, and to be able to look past what he did because what she did was just as bad.” That’s the TL;DR.)
That’s it. I’ve had it. I’ve had it for too long. I’m not even mad at the people, I’m more mad at Toriel. Toriel is a selfish woman who caused a million problems, blamed her husband for it, pushed it all onto him to solve, and he’s just trying to do what he can to SLEEP AT NIGHT. Let’s get into it!
Let’s start with a line that Toriel says at the end of the run, because this is the hardest to account for IMO, and has pissed me off the most; "If you really wanted to free our kind, you could have gone through the barrier after you got ONE SOUL, taken six SOULs from the humans, then come back and freed everyone peacefully."
Now put yourself in Asgores shoes. You’re a big, fluffy, push-over who has barely enough strength to fight a single human without feeling like scum of the earth. Do you think he would be able to go out and just slaughter 6 innocent lives and live with himself? Do you think he could sleep when every time he closes his eyes he sees one of their faces? No. He made a choice, a difficult one: He found a solace in compromise, the people of the Underground would go free eventually, but he would not hunt those merely living their lives. Let them fall into the mountain, be their own foolishness that lets them get killed.
But Toriel here thinks that’s not good enough. Like his choices were all wrong, as if he had a right one. Well, Ms. Know-It-All, let’s count every single choice you’ve made and see how many fuck-ups we can rack up, hm?
She let a human (Considered Enemies of War at the time) into their home, child or not.
She was so bad at supervising them at she didn’t catch on when they started stuffing Buttercups in their mouth
Ontop of that, had their plan succeeded, ALL humans could’ve ended up dead in some ungodly reign of terror, who knows what would’ve happened then.
Then when his husband declares War on humans for killing their Children despite the fact they were completely peaceful while on the surface, instead of being his only voice of reason and beacon of light remaining, she runs off and secludes herself in the ruins to make him feel bad.
She then spent years manipulating every human child that ever fell into the underground into staying with her, forcing them to stay in her home against their wishes until they finally had to fight her just to leave
And then she doesn’t help them when they DO leave, instead deciding to let them go into this “Harsh and Cruel” world completely unprepared and alone, not even answering their calls.
And she never leaves because why? Because she just couldn’t abandon the grave of her first child. This child, that she brought in, which caused so many problems. Her son is dead, Frisk is haunted by Chara, and all the blame was put onto her Husband, who’s just doing his best.
I even got some extras!
You could technically say she causes the Genocide Route. Her negligence to watch over The Player, (or Frisk,) as they slaughter countless monsters is humiliating to say the least. She lets a child run rampant, completely on their own, in a dangerous place, and not only do they get hurt in Pacifist, they could level an entire town in Genocide before they get to her home. And then? She reads them a story, and bakes them some pie. How. Lovely. You blind-ass goat.
Another thing that pisses me off is did she ever stop to think how her husband felt after all of that? His children, dead. His wife, gone. A man with no strength and will, left with the toughest possible decision in the worst situation. Do you think that if Asgore didn’t have hundreds-of-thousands counting on him to run the Underground, (Oh yeah, she left him with that responsibility alone too btw,) that he may not have been able to take it? He had to stay strong for so many, he had no other option, but if it was just him? If all that happened while they were above-ground, while he wasn’t king? ...Do you think he would’ve killed himself from the stress alone? Cause I certainly do. Asgore is a very, very hurt soul who didn’t deserve any of what he had to face or do, and Toriel is a fool. I rest my case.
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undertalethingies · 4 years
Undertale Characters Ranked by how Dramatic they are
So, just a note before we begin:
Mettaton is not at the top of this list. I considered it, I really did, but despite how dramatic he is, I have two reasons for picking someone else. One: I didn’t want to just go for the obvious choice, two: I genuinely believe the character at the top of this list is more dramatic.
Because I don’t want to spend 10 hours picking through every npc interaction in Undertale, this list includes only the major characters. Because not everyone agrees on which characters in Undertale are major, I’ll list out the ones I’ll be discussing.
Chara, Flowey, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Napstablook. 10 in all. (Frisk will not make an appearance, as their behaviour is dictated by the player)
Without further ado: let’s do this
Number 10: Napstablook
Not a hard pick, really. Mostly all he does is cry, and it’s more depressed than dramatic. Dapper blook might qualify, but when it’s the only remotely dramatic thing he does? Definitely the bottom spot.
Number 9: Alphys
This one was a bit harder. Alphys is one of the least dramatic characters, but she does have her moments. I suppose the most dramatic thing she’s ever done in-game would have to be the phone call she gives you at the end of one of the neutral runs, as she ends it with the phrase “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.” However, the fact that this feels almost out of character belies the fact that she doesn’t normally deliver such lines. Another dramatic thing she does is the note. I hesitate to label it a suicide note, but it definitely gives off those vibes. Finally, I feel like the narrative tension in the lab entries (so many cliffhangers!) should really be mentioned. I mean, she made an entire entry that was just the word “no” over and over. 
Number 8: Toriel
I had some trouble deciding between her and Alphys for this spot, but in the end, Toriel is the only character who can lay claim to having dramatically stormed all the way from New Home to the RUINS. Presumably while carrying Chara’s dead body, unless she had it delivered or something. (“Is this the pizza?” “No, it’s your kid’s corpse”) While this is the most noteworthy thing she’s done, it’s not the only one. I mean, the line “what a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent child...:” is dramatic when delivered to Flowey, and amazing when given to Asgore. Also: throws fire at you for your own safety.
Number 7: Asgore
Having him this low on the list causes me physical pain. However, Undertale has a lot of drama. While he’s only number seven, trust me, he’s very dramatic. Just as an example, “Human. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.” I mean, what can I even add to that? Honestly, that entire scene feels like a fantasy novel, which is a bit of a departure from Undertale’s normally fun and lively vibe. The bit where he destroys your MERCY option, especially. There’s also something else I’d like to point out. When he realizes you’re a human, he says: “nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming…” Which is almost exactly what Sans says on the genocide run. What’s more dramatic than coordinated dramatic speeches? Nothing. Nothing ever. There’s also nothing dorkier.
Number 6: Undyne
I almost put Asgore in this spot, but anime. I mean, she stands on a rocky crag and gives a speech. What more can I even say here? I dunno, maybe that her geno theme is called “Battle Against a True Hero”, and her pre-fight song is called “but the Earth Refused to Die”. Oh, and? “I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one!” not to mention freaking “let me tell you the story of my people”. Honestly, the only reason she’s not higher on this list is because she doesn’t finish said story.
Number 5: Papyrus
He’s Papyrus. He’d be at the top, but that justification also works for everyone in the top four. Also known as: the really really dramatic ones.
Number 4: Chara
So, I support narra!Chara, because I found a lovely proof of it which you can read here. Now, narrating your entire journey through the Underground is pretty freakin’ dramatic. What’s more dramatic? “Chara. The demon that comes when people call its name.” the speech Chara gives at the end of the genocide run is chilling, truthful, and very dramatic. The whole thing is basically one long callout for the player, reminding you who really held the knife, and the way it’s delivered is far too perfect for Chara to have improvised it. That’s right, I’m proposing that they rehearsed it. What else would they do while you wander around looking for murder victims? Also: “But nobody came” is just absolutely top-tier.
Number 3:
And the bronze medal goes toooooooo: Sans
It was really hard to pick whether Sans or Chara should get this spot, since they’re both just so dramatic, but what it came down to in the end is that Sans is just more of a presence. He follows you throughout the pacifist run, showing up at least twice in every area till Hotland. And every time he shows up, he uses his appearance either for a dumb joke... or to make you feel a chill down your spine. In Grillby’s, he stops time, completely casually, and doesn’t even say anything particularly incriminating! Rather, it’s a casual display of his ridiculous power that’s clearly done just to freak you out. Another thing it would be criminal not to mention is the restaurant scene, which I’m not going to recite, because it’s impossible to forget. And, of course, the geno run. Sans doesn’t show up as much on the geno run as he does the pacifist, but he plays a much larger role, as the final boss. He haunts you throughout Snowdin, dogging your footsteps and remonstrating you for choosing the violent path. He also repeatedly tells you that if you continue as you are now, you’ll face consequences. He’s right. You face him. Do I really need to tell you how that qualifies as dramatic? Yeah, didn’t think so.
Number 2:
Our silver medal winner is the silver man himself!: Mettaton
Need I go on?
Number 1:
Who could be more dramatic than Mettaton? More secretive than Sans? (well, no one is as secretive as Sans, but this character might come in second) More creepy than Chara?
It’s your best friend, Flowey!
The very first thing Flowey does in the game is to be unnecessarily dramatic to the point of harming his goals. Because he pretends to be nice before betraying you, rather than just murdering you, Toriel arrives in time to stop him. Of course, you can reset, so it wouldn’t have made any difference, but he didn’t know that. Then, after Toriel, he straight up tells you he has plans in the works! Also “I am the prince of this world’s future” is peak drama. But wait! It only gets more ridiculous! He specifically waits to murder Asgore until you’ve almost killed him, even though he could have absorbed the SOULs and fought you at any time during the fight! Then comes the true pacifrisk- sorry, true pacifist run. His introduction? Tell me with a straight face you’ve seen something more Extra than the ASRIEL DREEMURR name drop. I’ll wait. Also, the absolute god of hyperdeath? Really? REALLY? Yeah, I think we’re done here.
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