#whimsey collection event
fuzzydreamin · 1 year
Doing the Writer Bingo thing, considering myself tagged by @theartofblossoming because they said so
I got bingo twice!
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Gonna tag @new-eyes-extra-colors @bokatan and @nukanaptime if yall haven't already done it - blank template is under the cut along with me talking about my answers and writing - feel free to ignore it if you want lol.
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I don't actually have any of my fics public rn because I hid all of my old ones (they were HP and thats blech now), but I had... 13 fics, including a completed multichapter amongst a bunch of oneshots and abandoned starters, lol.
So I have had a Fanfiction.net account, but I never posted fic on there. I just read fic there. I also read fic on a bunch of other old sites that don't exist anymore and haven't for many years, but didn't have profiles on them. I don't even remember their names, I know some were primarily non-english sites that just happened to have some of their fics translated - some of the best fics honestly. I've only ever posted on Ao3 because it wasn't until I was basically done with highschool that I felt confident enough to write publicly.
Never had a wattpad phase. Never even read fics on it and I honestly click away if fic links lead there. I just don't like how it's set up.
My most popular oneshots were my two hard E rated smut fics, which rivaled by multi-chapter fic for a while but got overtaken by it while I wasn't looking, hah.
Some of the earliest writing I ever did was roleplay. I joined a Warrior Cats roleplay guild on the Neopets forum as a wee child. I didn't even know what Warriors was when I joined, I just wanted to play with cats. It introduced me to the series though, which became a big part of my life with reading and art. The roleplaying was fun for a bit but... well there were issues but I guess we were all kids. Didn't help that they were all American so I had to do weird hours to join events. I don't do a lot of roleplay overall, I've dipped my toes in again here and there but never anything dedicated. It's rather intimidating honestly.
I've never beta read anything or had a beta. I work entirely alone and prefer it that way. I just do it all myself and quadruple check everything and then freak out after posting and check again and again to pick up any small spelling mistakes that might've slipped past me.
Always been a nerd for researching. Sometimes I'll be researching something by my own whimsey and that'll become part of a fic after the fact, lol. I like when authors sprinkle in little bits of knowledge, and some of my favourite fics are ones that have me highlighting terms to look them up further.
I never actually had an outline for any of my old fics. I would just start typing up whatever came to mind at the time and post it when it felt ready. It's a miracle I finished a multichapter fic at all honestly. But I'd also be manic in my writing, being that I'd blast out one or even multiple chapters a day for a while and then randomly stop and not look at any of my fics for months or even years. I did begin to start fics with some outlines and collected thoughts later on, and I'm outlining so very much with my newer fic and not writing in a manic state anymore thanks to nearly a decade spent working on my mental health. I'm writing from a better place now, but I often look back at my old works and wonder if I haven't lost something over time due to the large break I took in creating, which is something that goes for my drawing too. Overall though I have a lot more hope for my future works being more planned/thought out and far superior to anything I've put out before - though I didn't get many complains on my old stuff, just a lot of very confused watchers who got overstuffed and then left in the lurch. Sorry.
The "anxiously waits for feedback" thing I think is something pretty much everyone feels when they put any work out there. I really get it with the immediate posting and having to double and triple check that I didn't misspell anything, or get something wrong, and that what I'm trying to say comes out clearly - as if people will point it out and laugh at me or something when I know they won't / haven't even had time to read it yet even though it's public. I've found it's best to just distance myself after posting and doing my doublecheck though, like just enjoying a game or an episode of something and trying to forget about it for a bit and avoid checking it too frequently. Like meditating, but with a distraction.
I have commissioned art for fics at least twice - but neither of the fics actually made it to the point were the art could be used. Oopsy. Was still fun getting the art.
So many unfinished and unpublished fics. I could probably complete that Danse/Butch smut oneshot I was doing back at new years...
"Editing and formatting is hell", I mean... I've mentioned my tendency to quadruple-billion-times check things twice now. This makes three.
Ideas in the middle of the night are the worst. I can't type shit out on my phone, it takes too long and I get frustrated (I'm also sleeping next to my partner and he'd question wtf I'm doing with a light on), and even if I try the ideas are already escaping like very agile moths. My condolence is that ideas that come when I'm half-asleep probably actually aren't that good anyway and just seem so to my sleep-addled self.
I don't need tea to write, but it definitely helps. That or an iced mocha. ... it's totally the effect of caffeine and sugar on the ADHD... I'll be bouncing up and down while I sit there but at least my fingers will be moving over the keys.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event- Ieyasu
A/N: First time ever writing for Ieyasu. I hope I did him justice.
NSFW 18+ content
“So what is this place again?” Ieyasu asked me as we stood beside the stage, waiting for the concert to begin.
“A concert hall.” I answered. 
Ieyasu nodded. “It’s really crowded.” He said. “You should probably stay close to me so you don’t get lost in the crowd.” He was then taking me by the hand and pulling me closer.
I smiled as I leaned into him. How could my boyfriend be so cute?
“It’s not the crowds you’ll have to worry about losing her to.” Haru, Saki’s boyfriend said with a snicker.
“Yeah, it’s the fever pitch of the crowd when Kiss Brothers comes out on stage.” Saki agreed, giggling.
I sighed. “Hey now…”
“Come on, you can act all cool right now…but you know once they come out on that stage…that we are super close to, by the way, you are going to lose your mind.” Saki teased me. “Just like I am.”
Haru was leaning in to speak to Ieyasu. “We are going to be forgotten about as soon as those guys come out on stage…I just have to remind myself that no matter what, I’m the one who gets to take Saki home. You’ll just have to remind yourself about that with Ava, too.”
Ieyasu furrowed his brow. “Why would I…”
Before Ieyasu could finish his question to Haru, the lights were changing and the music began to play. Fog rolled across the stage as the Kiss Brothers came out on stage. I don’t know if it was the infectious feeling sweeping through the crowd, the lights, or getting to stand so close to the idol group I had been a fan of since forever…but something came over me. I was like a woman possessed. 
I began to scream and jump around, my inner fangirl came out. There were tears coming down my face, I was so excited. In my fangirl fervor, I let go of Ieyasu. Just jumping up and down in utter fangirl fever. It became even worse when the brother who was my crush came to stand directly in front of us.
“Ah! TADASHI I LOVE YOU!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
After the concert, we were all backstage, waiting in line to meet the group. When they came by to sign autographs, we were all so excited…well Saki and I and all the other fans were. Our boyfriends were not. Tadashi came up to us and signed our photos.
“I’m your biggest fan.” I said while Tadashi signed my picture.
He gave me a big charming smile. “And my most beautiful.” He said, giving me a wink. “Would you like a picture with me?”
“She so would.” Saki answered for me, taking my phone from me. “Here let me get it.”
Tadashi was then pulling me from the line and to his side, his arm wrapping around my waist. I was giggling the entire time and he even let us take more than one picture, making a few different poses with me. When the meet and greet was over he winked and blew me a kiss, making me break out into a fit of giggles.
Afterwards, we were all heading back to our hotel. As soon as we had left, Ieasu had pulled me into his arms and had this rather grumpy pouty look on his face. I tried asking him what was wrong, but he just kept telling me it was nothing and then squeezing me tighter.
When we finally arrived at our room, after parting ways with Saki and Haru, Ieyasu was pulling me against his chest and giving me a passionate kiss that took my breath away. When it ended, I was looking up at him, seeing the frown he wore. “Ieyasu, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing…I’m just acting the way any man would in my position.” Ieyasu grumbled, looking away, his cheeks taking on a pink color.
“What position is that?” I asked, trying to gently prod the information from him.
“Well…the position of seeing my lover freak out and lose her mind over another man. You even screamed out I love you to the guy.” Ieyasu told me, wearing an adorable pout.
I blinked. “I’m…I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.” I said. “It’s not the same you know…not the same as when I tell you I love you.”
“Hurt my feelings? You didn;t hurt my feelings…I just…I really didn’t like it.” Ieyasu replied.
“Wait…you…you’re jealous?”
“What else would I be?” Ieyasu replied. “Seeing my lover like that over another man…but don’t worry I know how to fix this.”
“How is that?” I asked.
Ieyasu turned his emerald gaze on me, his eyes burning with passion and mischief. A slight smirk came to his face as he lifted a hand, thumb tracing over my lower lip. “I’ll make sure the only man you’re screaming for is me.” Ieyasu told me.
The next thing I knew, my back was on the bed and Ieyasu was over me, his lips hungrily claiming mine as his hands went to work to remove my clothes. His hands traced over my curves as his lips left mine to trail kisses along my neck.
His hand was on my breast, thumb circling my nipple as his lips came to tug at my ear. “Iey-su!” I cried out at the intense feeling his touch sparked in me.
“No one else gets to touch you this way or see you this way.” He murmured as he continued to caress me.
His hands and lips were everywhere before he was removing his clothes and settling back over me. Taking me in his arms, he positioned himself between my legs and I was soon feeling the familiar stretch as he slid inside me.
“Ieyasu!” I moaned as he began to thrust, still holding me close.
He kissed my lips and my neck as he continued to make love to me, that familiar heat building up inside of me. It wasn’t long after that I was reaching my peak, my walls clenching tightly around him, pulling Ieyasu into his own release.
“I hope you know…that was only the beginning.” Ieyasu warned before bringing his lips down on mine, continuing our passionate night. By the time it was over, I didn’t think I would ever fangirl over anyone other than Ieyasu ever again.
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sonicfanj · 5 years
Sonic Ring Bond Intro
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A sonic the Hedgehog AU by Sonic Fan J
Welcome everyone to my Sonic AU, Sonic Ring Bond. I would like to take the time now to introduce you to my little corner of the fandom and the ideas behind my AU. I had contemplated originally trying to present this introduction as a full-on textbook style document, but frankly I’m a lot better at talking than I am planning so I’ll be treating this more as a text seminar. Hopefully I’ll avoid rambling too much and will manage to entertain and enthrall you with my ideas. At the very least, I hope you’ll come away from this with a firm grasp at least of the world I see for my Amy Rosy redesign, Rosy, to run around in. There’s a lot to cover as well, from the ideas that led to this AU to the setting, the characters, and my take on what games have occurred within it and how the events within unfolded.
To begin, I should note that Sonic Mania did not initially enthrall me as it did so many other Sonic fans who have been with Sonic since 1991. In fact, I was already weary of the nostalgia pandering that so many others had grown tired of as well. I was also at a point in my Sonic fandom where I yearned for Naka and Oshima’s Sonic with only memories of Sonic Adventure 2 and Unleashed keeping me interested in Iizuka’s Sonic. Most importantly however I was having a complete reevaluation of my love of the franchise due to having finally watched the OVA and being overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia for why I had fallen in love with Sonic to begin with. Then there was also me learning of a point in Sonic’s massive history where Amy had addressed him as Sonic-sama which led me on a massive reexamination of her character and what she was introduced as and the role she was meant to fulfill. I learned an awfully lot during this period both about Amy and my feelings and desires for what I wanted out of the franchise. Suffice to say I found myself disliking Amy’s signature Piko Piko Hammer and coming to odds with the franchise direction though Mania gave me a little hope. That hope was born of false expectations of my own creation due to a desire to see how Amy would have been handled before her hammer was ever given to her as her primary creator for the games, Kazuyuki Hoshino had said he was getting back into the mindset of that time as a content director for Mania. As is typically the case with such false expectations, nothing came of them, almost.
In addition to gameplay arguments going around at the time and my dislike of Amy’s hammer taking root in me, in the Sonic community I was a part of at the time, and quickly growing ostracized in due to my dislike of Amy’s hammer, there was concern about Amy’s outfit and the problems distinct to it in a three-dimensional space. This combined with my desire to see Amy with traditional Sonic gameplay led to me creating my Amy redesign Rosy. Garbed in a white leotard to avoid certain problems distinct to a dress while also intending to capture the image of someone who tumbles, I also went with her classic design to fully imply Sonic’s rolling gameplay. At the time that was enough for me and I was pleased enough to just see her serving as my avatar on various sights. I also enjoyed drawing her as it cheered me up with a lot of negativity floating around the fandom at the time. Naturally as I drew her more, more and more people started asking me about her and I had to start considering the why of her. It was no longer enough to just be happy with her as a drawing, she needed something more. An AU was the logical path to fleshing her out, and being a big Sonic fan who loves way too much of the franchise in all of it’s parts I wanted to try and mash as many disparate parts together as I could into a single world while rewriting Amy’s place in it. This resulted in my weird little Hedgehog Circus AU which has does possess several things I still like. But it is busy, over encumbered, and lacking in the simplicity necessary to serve the beginnings of an AU that I can enjoy. So, after a great deal of thinking, studying the franchise, and looking for ways that I could justify to myself Rosy having Sonic’s abilities I started again mashing together ideas I liked, but kept it as simple as I could. The result is Sonic Ring Bond.
The Setting
There is nothing that sells a setting to me more than aesthetics. I am a very visual individual who appreciates what good aesthetics brings to a story and world and nothing captures the sense of whimsey, adventure, and discovery that I yearn for in Sonic better than Hayao Miyazaki. The movies that I am most enthralled by aesthetically and thus become the primary basis for the setting for Sonic Ring Bond are Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Howl’s Moving Castle. Using the imagery of these movies as well as the ever-changing shape and nature of Sonic’s world from the games the world of Sonic Ring Bond is a fading world where technology has fallen to appoint barely hanging on to airships and early industrialization. Human’s, humans with animal traits drawing inspiration from settings like the fighting game “BlazBlue”, the Sonic OVA, and the anime “Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka?”, as well as animal people like Sonic himself all live together or in isolation across the world. But the world is ever changing. One day an entire landmass maybe just across the bay, the next it is not. To keep the world linked together the world’s governments uses an ancient technology they do not understand to build and deploy giant Rings known as Ring Gates to link together communities no matter where they may be one day. These gates are one part of where the Ring Bond title comes from for my AU, but are not used without due consideration. Making a Ring Gate requires a great deal of Rings which are collected by adventurers who are supported by the organization Checkpoint.
Checkpoint is an organization that possesses access to special Ring Gates that bond to an individual and allow them to recall them back to a Checkpoint facility at any time. They are not the only adventurer supporting organization, but access to these unique Ring Gates and even Sonic the Hedgehog being an adventurer who relies on them in the Ring Bond AU has made them very popular. Despite being an organization though, they are more of a hub for adventurers to sell the information found on their adventures as well as receive requests from governments, corporations, communities, and even individuals to explore new and frequently ancient landmasses. The most common of requests fielded by Checkpoint are scouting out resources and determining if a location is worth deploying a Ring Gate to for long term access with resources including material, historical, agricultural, or even culturally if new communities are discovered and deemed worth maintain relations with. Most adventurers have a dedicated agent who monitor them while fielding communications and requests in addition to handling the information they bring back from their adventures. Not every adventurer accepts requests preferring just to see new lands and locales like Sonic himself, reporting in for various personal reasons. Sonic himself in my AU was not even an adventurer who reported into Checkpoint until he rescued Zooey from Sonic BOOM! during one of his adventures and her home island simply disappeared before he could her back. With little other option Sonic left her with Checkpoint due to their reputation and she became his agent. Also, due to being inspired by a pic that @drawloverlala​ once drew with Tails and Zooey dressed Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell from Full Metal Alchemist, in Sonic Ring Bond idecided Zooey also serves as the mechanic for the Tornado. So, where does that leave Tails? Well, Tails is in the Ring Bond AU, but his role is a little different as well as his relationship with Sonic. This has to do with me being fond of the idea that him and Amy would make great friends who support each other in their pursuit of Sonic and his lifestyle. This of course leads me to
The Characters
For my AU I did not really want to change the characters too much, but I did want to answer a few questions I’ve always had while also indulging in some of my biases and preferences. In the example of biases and preferences after seeing artwork from @rontufox​ on deviantart.com that I interpreted as showing Sonic and Mighty as good friends who occasionally adventure together but mostly swap adventuring stories in my AU it is Mighty who is Sonic’s best friend and not Tails due to sharing similar lifestyles that give them grounds to bond on. Tails in Sonic Ring Bond actually becomes close friends with Rosy to indulge in my belief that Tails’ and Amy’s personalities and shared love for and interest in Sonic and his adventures as a starting point. But Rosy and Tails also share one more thing in common that they actually share with Mighty which leaves him concerned about Sonic’s spontaneity combined with his aloofness; the titular Ring Bond.
The Ring Bond
A question I used to ask myself all the time but stopped having to once SEGA and Sonic Team decided to be pretty definitive with how only a few Characters possessed Sonic’s speed instead of nearly everyone in the pre-Adventure days was what is the source of everyone’s speed. I used to have all sorts of headcanons for everyone but Sonic who I just accepted it as being natural for. Outside of speed though there were other things I wondered about as well such as how Tails managed to use Sonic’s Super Spin Attack without Sonic’s spines. As I began really developing my AU, I figured I could address that as well and the solution that I eventually settled with drew inspiration both from the Paramount movie and the Sonic OVA. That solution is that Sonic’s abilities can be shared by others. This solution of course needed to have a solution of its own to the question of how Sonic share could his abilities. Me being me with the need to over explain things as well but wanting to stay reasonably within the limitations of the games it was (Knuckles) Chaotix that would afford me my answer in Ring Energy. Going by the Japanese manual for Chaotix, Ring Energy is a force that can bind two Rings together allowing for the rubber band mechanics of the game. Considering all the other properties and abilities of Rings I came up with the Ring Bond, the ability to share one’s abilities with someone else through Rings.
Within my AU Sonic with his experience with rings and the various things they do simply figured it out and shared his abilities with Mighty, Rosy, and Tails to get each of them out of a situation that he couldn’t just carry them through. In Mighty’s case that was escaping Eggman Island, Rosy it was getting through Metallic Madness on Little Planet (which addresses for me how she made it through and caught up with him by the end), and Tails as the fox needed to be able to protect himself being able to use his tails to keep up with Sonic through the Death Egg Saga. But while Sonic simply figured it out in his own way Eggman has been slowly figuring it out as he has been perfecting Metal Sonic, needing only the Ring Bond to fully add Sonic’s abilities to the robot doppelganger. Luring Mighty, Rosy, and Tails to island that (Knuckles) Chaotix takes place on as part of his attempts to further understand how rings work after realizing that they all have Sonic’s abilities. At this point though I should probably change course and detail what games have taken place in the Ring Bond AU and the order in which they do. I’ll also take this opportunity to further flesh out how the characters met each other so things might get even lengthier and meander even more as we move on into
The Games & History
So before getting too into, it should be noted that in my AU, like the Japanese manual for the original game states, Sonic and Eggman were already at it before any of the games take place. During this time period in Sonic Ring Bond is when Sonic met Zooey and joined Checkpoint. It was during his time with checkpoint before any of the games that he heard of Mighty as an adventurer who would seek out and find the most spectacular of natural locales. After checking out some of them himself Sonic would seek out Mighty to hear about his travels from the armadillo himself. The two being kindred adventurers with a love for discovery they hit it off and became fast friends exchanging stories and places for the other to check out. Their friendship would appear as an opportunity to Eggman who would attempt to capture Might to use as bait to lure Sonic to Eggman Island. By sheer luck however Egman managed to capture both Sonic and Mighty.
Unlike the original game, the Ring Bond version of SegaSonic the Hedgehog only had Sonic and Mighty go through game’s events. Now, as the Sonic Mania Adventure shorts showed that Mighty lacks Sonic’s speed and considering the traps of Eggman Island, Sonic knew there was no way to get Mighty out using his usual methods. Getting his hand on the first available Rings he could Sonic attempted to use Ring Energy to pull Mighty along behind him. With traps designed to overwhelm Sonic however littering the island in a continuous gauntlet doing so would have surely gotten the both of them killed. Wary to do so, but not accepting the alternative, Sonic created a Ring Bond between him and Mighty, granting his abilities to the armadillo. While it took Mighty a bit to get used to using them, his shell kept him safe and eventually he was able to not only follow Sonic to safety, but played his part in their escape from Eggman island.
Possessed of Sonic’s abilities, Mighty wanted to repay Sonic as he would now be able to see the world in ways he never had before. Sonic declined the offer as he believed the effects of the Ring Bond would be temporary but Mighty insisted and told Sonic how to reach Never Lake so he could see the appearance of the Miracle Planet. Figuring if he was in the area while it was around he’d check it and parted ways with Mighty until their next meeting. The Miracle Planet, Little Planet, was not just of interest to Sonic however as Eggman had ambitions of his own using it’s time traveling properties for his schemes and a certain pink hedgehog would receive an order from her cards to head to Never Lake for a fated encounter.
Now in Sonic Ring Bond, Amy’s background is a bit more detailed. The reason for this is like answering why she, Mighty and Tails have Sonic’s abilities, I felt a need to answer why I would use her original nickname over her actual name. To do so, I fell back on my Hedgehog Circus AU where before she met Sonic her fortune telling abilities allowing her to find treasure had resulted in her being sought out by Fang the Sniper. Being the treasure hunting ruffian that he is, Fang didn’t take to Amy’s personality and took to calling her Rosy as commentary on her outlook. Choosing to travel with Fang to indulge her desire for adventure and how playful she was would result in others calling her a rascal. But Rosy the Rascal would not spend all her time in the company of Fang as if the power of the cards gave her an order she followed without hesitation. Following the order to the letter was a different story as when she reached Never Lake she was enamored by the Miracle Planet and made her way up to check it out oblivious of the dangers posed by Eggman. As for how she got up there, for Sonic Ring Bond I’ve decided to play with a headcanon of mine that she owns the magic carpet that her stage in Sonic the Fighters takes place on. She probably found while adventuring with Fang and simply kept it for herself without ever letting him know she has it. I see her keeping it a secret from everyone as magical artifacts could very easily change the world in unexpected ways.
Rosy was not the only one thinking about the effects of mystical artifacts as Eggman was well on his was to tracking down the Time Stones so that he might unlock the flow of time and conquer the world. Ever the industrial genius, Eggman was expecting Sonic’s eventual appearance and to that end using the advanced technology he found in Little Planet’s future created his most advance machine, Metal Sonic. Despite how advanced Metal Sonic was and Eggman’s genius being able to easily comprehend and make deft use of technology long lost to the world, the robot was still pretty much just a mannequin built around a jet engine. Not wanting to waste his creation willy-nilly Eggman waited for an opportunity to use it where Sonic would have to take on it’s full capabilities without just trashing it. Rosy’s fangirling over meeting Sonic who as a hedgehog adventurer herself she idolizes would be the perfect opportunity and Metal Sonic would make his debut by abducting the hedgehog girl. Perhaps more bothered by not having the opportunity to talk Sonic into taking her on his adventure than being held hostage, Rosy would get her desire in a way she did not quite expect.
When Sonic finally caught up, spending more time leaving Rosy a hostage than she would have liked as he went about removing Eggman’s influence on Little Planet and making sure the Time Stones were safe, he found himself pitted in a race against his robotic doppelganger. Unfortunately for Metal Sonic, Sonic won the race and was able to rescue Rosy, to a point. The road to Eggman’s fortress was where the race had taken place and Eggman had completely annihilated it making doubly sure of Sonic’s end should he lose to Metal Sonic. With the road gone and the only way forward being through Eggman’s fortress, Sonic found himself having to figure out how to get Rosy to safety. It was unlikely that Eggman’s fortress on Little Planet would be any less dangerous than Eggman Island, and Rosy was obviously younger than him and lacking the ability to make it through such a place. Begrudgingly and hoping that the effects of the Ring Bond truly were temporary, Sonic shared his abilities with Rosy and led her into Eggman’s fortress. Unlike Mighty though, she was not as quick to pick up using Sonic’s abilities and would barely catch up to Sonic as he drove Eggman off of Little Planet.
Escaping the planet after Eggman just as it’s one-month appearance came to an end, Sonic headed off towards his next adventure leaving Rosy behind. The change in status quo for Rosy after her life changing adventure on Little Planet would come back to haunt Sonic in due time, but not before answering a call for help from the legendary South Island. Eggman had taken to the island after hearing of the major losses of the terrifying sky pirates, the Battle Kukku’s, who were searching for the legendary Chaos Emeralds. Conducting his own research into them Eggman discovered and tracked down South Island. Naturally he upended the island in his search and Sonic being so well known was reached out to by the inhabitants for help. Upon arriving at South Island, Sonic found Eggman waiting for him with a devious trap in play; to slow Sonic down he had captured all the animals on the island and shoved them into his robots.
Now, for the Ring Bond AU things are a little more complicated as Fang the Sniper and Metal Sonic also make their way to South Island. Eggman is surprised by Metal’s reappearance, both him and Sonic oblivious to Sonic using the Ring Bond having an effect on the robot allowing it to make its way back to Eggman. With Metal Sonic’s mysterious return and eavesdropping on Sonic and Fang discovering that the treasure hunter blames Sonic for his loss of his treasure tracker as Rosy suddenly had Sonic’s abilities leaves the doctor curious. Thus, while attempting to discover the Chaos Emeralds in a race against Sonic and Fang, Eggman repairs Metal Sonic and sends it out to cause interference. In the end Sonic beats them all, and through his Ring Bond ability harnesses the power of the Chaos Emeralds to undo the damage caused by Eggman. In his use of the Chaos Emeralds however Eggman was able to witness their power and desired more and more to harness them. To that end he would have to repair Metal again as the robot seemed affected by Sonic. He would need more data however as well as the chance to get his hands on the Chaos Emeralds again.
Whether by sheer coincidence or perhaps design, Sonic and Eggman both descended upon West Side Island, the Illusory Island providing the doctor the opportunity he had been waiting for. Sonic however was oblivious to his nemesis’ arrival and had simply set down on the island to take a break between adventures. While there he found himself starting to be followed by a two-tailed fox boy who could use his tails to keep up with him. Nicknaming him Tails and viewing him as little more than a minor distraction, Sonic ignored him for the most part during his time on the island and let him do as he pleased. This was enough for Tails, who despite having fended off the Battle Kukku Armada lacked the courage and confidence to approach a hero such as Sonic. He did however desire to become a hero like Sonic, especially after having defeated the Battle Kukkus. Having just a little more confidence in himself he had trained himself to use his tails to reach groundspeeds around the speed of sound in the hopes of one day impressing his hero as unlikely as it was that he would meet him. Impressing him was not quite what Tails would manage to do though.
Eggman’s plans eventually sprung into action and the destruction he caused in the process naturally drew Sonic’s attention. Racing off to save yet another legendary island from Eggman, Sonic found himself being followed by the young fox. Suddenly Tails’ ability to keep up with Sonic proved to be problematic as though Tails believed if he could keep up with Sonic everything would be fine and believed he could help, Eggman was far greater than the Battle Kukku Armada. Unable to chase Tails off and fearful that the stubborn fox would get himself hurt or worse, Sonic made the decision to grant him his abilities through the Ring Bond. Surpassing Sonic’s expectations, Tails took to his abilities like a natural and became a major asset in saving West Side Island. His ability to fly the Tornado elevated him even higher, but not nearly as much as his ability to slap a rocket on it and repair it in the time it Sonic to bring down Eggman’s airship. Impressive as Tails’ abilities were, however, he could not keep up with Sonic as Sonic chased Eggman into space and had a battle with a far clunkier robot double of himself. Clunky as it was, it was combat capable and the space fortress that Eggman built put him even further and further ahead of the technology of the world below. Unable to let Eggman keep his latest and greatest creation for the sake of the world below, Sonic again used the Ring Bond to harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds hoping to undo the space station’s creation. To Sonic’s surprise the Chaos Emeralds transformed him and granted him the power to do as he desired to protect the world.
With the Death Egg seeming destroyed, Sonic allowed himself a few days rest. Tails, amazed by Sonic’s extraordinary feats spent those days rummaging through the remains of Eggman’s bases on West Side Island to see what Eggman had dug up on the Chaos Emeralds. Tinkering around with Eggman’s tech Tails managed to put together a Chaos Emerald detector and to his surprise picked up reaction in the middle of the ocean. The direction was the same as the epicenter of a tidal wave that brought an ancient Ring to Sonic’s attention reminding him of the legends of an island that floated in the sky. Deciding his next adventure would be Angel Island, Sonic headed out allowing Tails to join him again as his Chaos Emerald detector would likely lead them to the legendary Angel Island.
Finding Angel island proved far easier for Eggman as he simply had to wait for the Death Egg to crash land to find it. Attracting the attention of the island’s guardian, Knuckles the Echidna, Eggman managed to trick him into believing Sonic was his enemy. Doubting that Knuckles would serve as much of an obstacle to Sonic, Eggman took his combat data from Mecha Sonic Mk. I to start work on a Mk. II unit in addition to digging himself in on the island. Eggman however vastly underestimated Knuckles, as the island’s guardian was more properly the Guardian of the Master Emerald, a legendary gem that controlled the Chaos Emeralds. Due to his duty and the stories engrained into the island and him he was blessed with abilities matching Sonic’s as well as knowledge of the Ring Bond. As a result, he introduced himself to Sonic by breaking his Ring Bond with the Chaos Emeralds. It was a shock to Sonic and Tails both and when they discovered that Eggman was already on Angel island things got desperate.
The battle for Angel Island was unlike any other as Sonic had to restore his Ring Bond with the Chaos Emeralds to prevent Eggman from gaining access to them, fend off the misinformed Knuckles, and stop the Death Egg from making it back into space. It was more than Tails could keep up with and as the Death Egg began to ascend Sonic’s journey would continue on alone. He would stop the first launch on his own and would soon after discover the truth about Knuckles. Deciding to help out the echidna he would use his Ring Bond to restore the bonds between the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald. He would not succeed at stopping the Death Egg from finally making it into space however or keep Eggman from getting his hands on the Master Emerald. Realizing the error of his ways, Knuckles sent Sonic on ahead to try and catch up to Eggman exposing him to Mech Sonic Mk. II. Despite the improvements of his latest doppelganger Sonic managed to still catch up with the Death Egg. After an epic encounter in space, Sonic would truly destroy the space station this time and meet back up with Tails before reuniting Knuckles with the master Emerald. Despite saving Angel Island though, Sonic had a nagging feeling and after parting ways with Tails took the Tornado once again into the sky after the legendary floating island.
For Knuckles it was a good thing that Sonic did as Eggman’s robots had long overstayed their welcome, but most importantly, Mecha Sonic Mk. II had managed to get its hands on the Master Emerald. After a grueling battle with the emerald powered machine, Knuckles was saved by Sonic from plummeting to his doom. Relieved to hear that Knuckles had dealt with Eggman’s leftovers, Sonic left Knuckles and Angel Island for a second time. But neither he nor Knuckles realized that the Master Emerald’s Guardian had not fully dealt with Eggman’s leftovers. There was enough left of Mecha Sonic Mk. II for Eggman, who had survived his last clash with Sonic, to salvage and analyze the data it held. It was more than Eggman could have ever hoped for as it revealed through the bond with the Master Emerald the Ring Bond.
Desperate to study the secret of the Rings and learn about Sonic’s Ring Bond ability, Eggman was thrilled when a whole island began to rise up out of the ocean in response to the Master Emerald’s time on the surface. Hoping that the island would lead him to unravel the mysteries of the Rings Eggman was more amazed than he anticipated he could be. He discovered the Rings could be used to directly access the Master Emerald and more secrets due to the island having once been part of the same civilization that Angel Island had been part of. Gleefully building a new base on the island to support his research, Eggman invented the Dark Ring and began enhancing Metal Sonic. He still needed more data though to complete his original Sonic doppelganger and recalled three individuals who he knew about who possessed Sonic’s abilities. Hatching his next scheme Eggman proceeded to lure Mighty, Rosy, and Tails to the nameless island. Unfortunately for Eggman, someone he did not account for got involved.
Since having rid Angel Island of the last of Eggman’s influence, Knuckles had been watching the world below for signs of the Master Emerald having affected it. The rising of an island from the ocean in a world constantly shifting about seemed little to worry himself about, but Eggman’s interest in the island kept him keeping an eye on things. When the Master Emerald began reacting to the Chaos Rings, powerful Rings born from long lost Ring Bonds with the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald, Knuckles knew he would have to investigate what was going on. He didn’t know about the Chaos Rings themselves, but was not surprised when a trio of adventures with Ring Bonds with Sonic showed up and fell under attack from Eggman. What horrible fate awaited them had Knuckles not come down from Angel Island is one Mighty was glad he would not find out.
For Mighty, his time on the nameless island was a lot like his time on Eggman Island constantly avoiding traps and Eggman’s attempts to stop him. Matters were more complicated this time though as the presence of Rosy and Tails also sharing a Ring Bond with Sonic and believing they could help Knuckles with his reason for being there meant he couldn’t just flee. Someone had to take responsibility for Sonic so recklessly making Ring Bonds and Mighty felt with what he saw of Knuckles’ personality he was unlikely to keep Tails and Rosy out of trouble. When they had to face off against Metal Sonic and a giant monstrous version of the machine, he was glad though that Knuckles was present as his combat expertise proved integral in stopping Eggman’s plans and the creation of the Dark Ring. Knuckles took it a step further however and used the power of the Master Emerald held in the Chaos Rings to destroy the island and make sure that they could never be used by Eggman again or endanger the master Emerald. Saddened by the loss of history, Mighty would have liked to spend some time speaking with the echidna about his past and everything he knew about the world but had to deal with Rosy and Tails.
During the adventure Rosy had hit it of with Tails in their shared idolization of Sonic, even if Tails couldn’t grasp Rosy’s crush. Completely hyped up by the adventure Rosy wanted nothing more than to team up with Tails to go adventuring and try to find Sonic but Mighty wasn’t having it. That Sonic had shared his abilities with the two and did not bring them to Checkpoint to make sure they could develop their skills safely left Mighty far to concerned. Though rosy put up a fight, he managed to get the two of them to Checkpoint. It was not the best start either as Rosy wanted to meet everyone and hear their stories while Tails found himself meeting Zooey who had more than few words for him for making her maintenance work the Tornado harder by attacking a rocket engine to it. Eventually things smoothed over and Zooey became Rosy and Tails’ agent in Checkpoint, though policy kept her from telling them where Sonic was at any given time no matter how much Rosy pestered her. Staying with Checkpoint at Mighty’s insistence Rosy and Tails would become exemplary Ring Hunters, a respectable if not exciting role as though Rings were finicky and no one knew how they worked or why, Ring Gates needed them to be built and function so the two slowly built a reputation for themselves. Mighty already having quite the reputation was free to go as he pleased and once he was confident that Rosy and Tails had settled in headed out in search of Sonic, something he could use to get Sonic to come to him, and to make sure that if Eggman was up to anything someone might know.
The funny thing about Sonic and Eggman though was that they were always bound to bump into each other at one point or another, even when Eggman would prefer they did not. After his defeat on the nameless island to Knuckles, Eggman went about compiling all of the data he managed to gather, and though he lamented losing almost all of his Ring data had more than enough to finally complete Metal Sonic. The only thing left he needed was what a dubbed a Chaos Factor to forge a Ring Bond between Metal Sonic and Sonic. Of course, he also had to repair Metal Sonic again, upgrade it to receive the Chaos Factor, and then test it to make sure that it was indeed Sonic’s equal, or even better. To that end, he sought out Mirage Island, a place where Little Planet was said to appear, even if it was not a tangible appearance like over Never Lake. It seemed the perfect place to work and Eggman sure enough found ancient ruins with hints to the Chaos Factor he needed. Thus he set up base and began his search while preparing to test the eventually completed Metal Sonic by putting out old Badniks that Sonic had already proved were failures, though adding a few new twists to test Metal Sonic’s adaptability.
Sonic had no clue what Eggman was up to when he arrived on Mirage Island by chance, but seeing Eggman’s old machines littering the island, and with the local fauna stuffed inside, he was quick to act. His testing grounds suddenly under attack by the wrong Sonic, Eggman had to scramble to meet his long-time foe. Unfortunately his little twists to his old designs were not enough to deter Sonic, and only by launching his incomplete low-orbital base was he able to pull Sonic away from Mad Gear Zone so that Metal Sonic might be completed in peace. Unfortunately Sonic still inflicted tremendous losses and Eggman lost his new, though much smaller, space station as well as great deal of the tests he had set up for Metal Sonic. It was not all a loss however as Sonic was unaware of why Eggman had chosen Mirage Island for his latest scheme. That meant that the Chaos Factor he was after was still untouched, though he had lost the machines to excavate it. That was fine though as the completed Metal Sonic was more than up to the task, a task that made him truly complete for as he absorbed the Chaos Factor his Ring Bond with Sonic was completed and the machine was non longer just a constructed copy of Sonic, but for all extents and purposed a robot Sonic. Eggman was overjoyed by his success and needed now only the opportunity to spoil Sonic’s fun and let him meet his perfect machine counterpart.
And that wraps up how the games that have occurred in the Ring Bond AU and the order. My apologies for the format and meandering approach, but I hope it helps paint a picture of the AU’s history. For a quick recap though before I wrap this up, the game effectively took place in the following order
SegaSonic the Hedgehog>>Sonic CD>>Tails Adventure>>Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)>>Sonic 2>>Sonic 3>>Sonic and Knuckles>>(Knuckles) Chaotix>>Sonic 4 Ep. I>>Sonic 4 Ep. Metal.
From here the Sonic Ring Bond AU will be going in its own direction. How the characters develop and grow is for the future, though I hope I’ll make something of it. If not, for now this AU is the one that my Rosy occupies. She has Sonic’s abilities and the desire to master them so that she can go on adventures with him and maybe even win his heart. Her shared idolization of Sonic has resulted in her and Tails becoming best friends, while Sonic is best friends with Mighty. Eggman has completed a version of Metal Sonic that is for all extents and purposes Sonic and is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to ruin his fun and gloat in victory. Meanwhile, the Battle Kukku Armada is still out there and desiring revenge against Tails, and Rosy leaving Fang in pursuit of Sonic and his lifestyle has left her and Sonic yet another crafter enemy who himself wants “compensation” for losing his treasure tracker. And all of this takes place in a world where Eggman’s robotics and engineering skills puts him decades ahead of the rest of constantly shifting world full of ancient ruins and legends barely hanging on to airship technology fueled by early industry. But with the help of Checkpoint, it is a world that is a home to many adventurers who live out their dreams of a lifetime of discovery.
Thank you to everyone who read to the end, and I welcome any question or suggestions you may have. For the sake of organization though, please send questions or suggestions through my ask and I’ll be glad to answer. Thank you again everyone for your time.
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SCOUT OF THE WEEK: Monkee’s of Ridgeland
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We’re back with this week’s Scouted business- Monkee’s of Ridgeland! Monkee’s owner Suzanne Ketchings is just about the cutest gal on the planet, and we are thrilled for the chance to get to chat with her! Let’s get to it! 
Tell us about your business in just a few sentences!
At Monkee’s of Ridgeland, we offer the finest in ladies clothing, shoes and accessories. You can find a fabulous outfit, a great new pair of shoes or earrings, and the perfect gift for a friend, or for yourself! Some of the brands we carry are Crosby by Mollie Burch, Julie Vos, Barbour, Sheila Fajl, Anna Cate Collection, Tyler Boe, APL, Ilse Jacobsen, Kaanas, Stoney Clover Lane, and Nest.
What do you love most about being a local business?
The connection we have with our customers and through them, our community. Since we opened in August 2019, the greater Jackson, and Mississippi communities have been extremely supportive of our store, and for that we are thankful. I love meeting women from all across our state, hearing their stories, listening to their fashion wants and needs, and helping them find beautiful pieces to bring into their wardrobes that will make them feel beautiful and happy when they get dressed each day. Additionally, I love the platform I am afforded as a local business owner to be an active and involved member in the charitable endeavors so many in our community spend their time planning. Whether it is donating an item to a silent auction or using our social media platforms to bring attention to important causes, I feel fortunate to be in a position to play a small role in affecting positive change in our area.
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What is on the horizon for your business that you’re most excited about?
I am most excited for the much needed joy I know the upcoming holiday season will bring to many, for the trunk shows we have planned in November and December, and to continue seeing our amazing customers in the store each day. Since we were in our first year of business when life came to a pause and our storefront was forced to close during the period of shelter in place, we have many customers who began shopping with us online and whose names we know and recognize, that we are just now seeing in person for the first time as they are now able to shop in the store! We love meeting everyone face to face (even in masks!) and are enjoying and appreciating even more the in-person interactions we have on a daily basis.
What has been your biggest challenge as a business owner during COVID-19?
Our biggest challenge has been finding creative ways to take the in-store Monkee’s experience and make it digital. We strive to give every person who walks in our store the highest level of service possible, and when the in-person shopping experience was taken away and altered due to COVID-19, we were challenged to show our customers that same level of service, through our phones and computer screens, as well as through alternative ways of shopping. We had an e-commerce website before the pandemic that we updated regularly, but now our website has become an even more important part of our business, and the vast majority of our merchandise is now online. Through try-on videos and photos on Instagram, to offering free shipping on all orders, in-store/curbside pickup, free local delivery, and shopping by appointment, we were able to adapt to our new circumstances and meet the needs of our customers during a difficult time for us all. I am proud of the ways in which we responded to the challenges our business faced due to the pandemic, and feel positive that we were able to establish our new digital focus, as well as the different shopping services we now offer, as permanent parts of our approach to doing business moving forward.
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What is your favorite local place to grab lunch with a client? What do you love about that restaurant?
I am always up for grabbing lunch at Caet! I love that the atmosphere is lively and comfortable, and the food & drinks are top notch!
Spread the love! What’s a local business that you just can’t live without?!
It’s a tie between two of my favorites: Whimsey Cookie Company and Lavish Fleur. First, I have to give a shoutout to our neighbor in the Renaissance, Whimsy Cookie. They have the sweetest owners/staff, not to mention the best cookies that have kept me going, whether its an afternoon pick-me-up or a treat at the end of a long day. Stop by and see them after you shop with us, and you have yourself a perfect afternoon! Second, I adore Mallory Henry with Lavish Fleur. If you need a floral arrangement big or small, Mallory is who you need to call. Her work is exquisite and she is incredibly easy to work with on a project. You tell her what you need, and she makes it happen. I can’t wait to see the beautiful wreath she will do for us at the store this holiday season!
What else do we need to know about you/your business?
We are always here to help with any of your fashion needs! Our store is filled with items you won’t see on every corner, or in every photo on social media, and our goal is to always to help you look and feel your best when you get dressed so that you can tackle the important parts of your day with confidence. I love it most when a customer comes to us with an event for which they need the perfect outfit or the perfect gift, and we work together to find them something they love and feel confident with when they leave the store. If shopping/gift giving isn’t your thing, we have you covered! We love nothing more than to shop for you or your loved ones, and can take the pressure off of you by selecting just the right thing for any occasion. We have beautiful signature gift wrap that is complimentary with all purchases. Don’t forget, if you are not local to the Jackson area, are unable to shop with us in person, or simply are in a hurry and want to buy online and pickup your order curbside, you can shop with us on our website 24/7 at www.monkeesofridgeland.com.
Shipping is free and we also offer free local delivery within the Jackson area. Be sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook @monkeesofridgeland to stay up to date with all of our new arrivals, store events, and promotions. On a personal note, my husband, family and I are so very thankful for the overwhelmingly kind reception you have given our small, family owned, family run business. We hope to continue to serve you well as we all move forward into the holiday season, 2021, and beyond! 
You can visit Monkee’s of Ridgeland by visiting Renaissance at Colony Park in Ridgeland! Their storefront is right there on the roundabout in the middle of the shopping center. You won’t have any trouble finding it! 
Thanks for your time, Suzanne! 
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how to find your final grade
walls of the room, and reminded them to frolic their assigned roles. Wanting to bestow a discernment of urgency, I hip them that in spite of the short instant, I supposed a attribute production from the groups. Furthermore, since everyone had eminent contributions to get, they needful to neaten reliable that all members of the radical participated actively. Succeeding, I proceeded to protector the groups through observing and providing feedback. As the students were excavation, I intervened cardinal nowadays: to clarify the instructions to the strain for one of the groups, to ask a challenge around a groups product, and to praise a alum for a specially generative whitener to a problem. In debriefing the monition, the conversation proceeded on two levels: Initial, the examinee teachers rumored on their experiences as members of the groups, and described their products and what they had scholarly roughly the visible system. Wares, they projecting their experiences onto their own screechy education classrooms. Time they known the benefits of groupwork, they also voiced galore authenticated and lawful concerns: Their classrooms were overcrowded and there was no somatic place nor capable furnishings for runty groups. Groupwork is too time intense when one needs to deal numerous topics and book tread with the relief of the teachers in the department. Umpteen drunk civilize students are rowdy and do not experience how to occupation unitedly. The Maneuver teachers were greatly relieved when they pioneer out that they were most to acquire how to calculate what i need on my final exam to code and palliate more of these problems. People the technique that continued to process as a extension lie, I made connections to the supposed argumentation underlying the simulation and the come it represented finished a telescoped reproof and a communicating of the assigned readings from Cohens Designing Groupwork (1994). Though the principles and the findings implicit tangled code were emphasised throughout, the large observational evidence almost the pedagogue, cognitive, social, and affective outcomes of small-group message as reportable by researchers much as Slavin (1983), Lexicologist and Lexicographer (1990), and Sharan (1990) were presented to the participants in the education. There may be primary arrangements in localise to better you with lectures. For example, impaired students are entitled to ask for larger produce handouts or may be permissible to disc lectures. Ask for collection from a educator or from the disability living operate on your campus, or inquire the impairment funding country on your universitys website. 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College A accumulation of donnish units that thatch, research and care in maternal disciplines. See also Faculty and Schooltime. Informal Conversational line and phrases old in everyday line (e.g. slang), and generally incongruous for dress and pedagogue penning. Unsupportive changeable An runaway source of misconception that varies in step or contestant with many new restrained variable. This can change a spurious correlation between the pressurized changeable and the metrical inconsistent, and hence which can trail to erroneous conclusions. See also Contain. Possibility An judgment shaped on uncompleted grounds. Harmonious (bacteriologist.) All letters additional than the vowels. Contingence Something put in put in instance of crisis or to meet unforeseen circumstances (e.g. a sum of money indrawn for use, depending on circumstances). Dogging categorisation Sorting throughout the scholarly gathering. Also familiar as in-course classification. 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Counselling Employment provided by the establishment to livelihood students, sharing substance or advice, especially at times of ain stress or exertion. CPD (abbr.) Continuing paid development: the whimsey of ownership skills and nsis up to appointment during a procession. Sarcastic mentation The communicating of facts, concepts and ideas in an objective way. The knowledge to valuate judgment and information systematically, clearly and with role. Curriculum vitae (Human) A authoritative execution for assisting a fermentable employer to see out who you are and what undergo, skills and qualities you make to substance. CV (abbr.) The short attribute of curriculum vitae. Assign (vb) To ask another to brook responsibility for or to convey out a limited task, or act on ones behalf or a teams behalf (e.g. a lad aggroup member). Denominator The lessen split of a reckon. Section An donnish league within a university scheme, unremarkably treatment with a particular penalize or mortal. 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This place of instrument among the respondents may be attributed to the nature of human to contend with others most especially when one is highly impelled; has a thought of pauperization to cater himself; and the environs he dwells in may make pushed him to vie against others.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event-Mitsunari
A/N: Here is the first story in my idol crush CE! We have a very spicy Mitsunari! NSFW 18+ content. ENJOY!
I stood in the VIP section with my best friend Saki, her boyfriend Haru, and my warlord boyfriend Mitsunari. “Oh my…I still can’t believe we are here, Saki!” I squealed in delight, hugging her. 
Saki hugged me back just as excitedly. “My company provided me with the opportunity. I knew I just had to take it for us.” Saki squealed back.
“I’ve never seen you this excited about something.” Mitsunari commented.
I turned to look at him, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, my cheeks reddening. “Oh…I just…I really love this group. They’re my favorite music group.” I confessed as I released Saki.
Mitsunari gave me his usual angelic smile. He lifted his hand to cup my cheek. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed. I find this side of you cute.” He told me, effectively making me melt.
A big grin came across my face. How did I get so lucky as to find this sweet and wonderful man? “You’re the cute one.” I replied.
“You two are going to make me sick.” Saki teased.
“Oh, how could we help? I think we packed some stomach medicine…” Mitsunari said, his obliviousness to snark was endearing.
I put my hand on his arm. “It’s nothing for you to worry about, Mitsunari. She was just joking.” 
“Oh.” Mitsunari said, still not fully understanding the situation.
“Boy is snark proof.” Saki said with a shake of her head.
“It’s cute though.” I said.
“Well, hopefully it will all serve him well once you two start screeching like banshees once the singers come out on stage.” Haru said.
“Please, all that screaming and fangirling is behind us.” Saki said.
“That’s right. We are grown women.” I echoed. “We are perfectly capable of controlling ourselves.”
“So, this group sings and dances?” Mitsunari asked.
I nodded. “Yes, performers now can draw a really big crowd like this.” I explained.
“It is a wonder…and it is nice to see people getting to enjoy such entertainment together like this.” Mitsunari said, smiling as he looked over the crowd of excited concert-goers.
It was at this moment, the host of the evening was coming out on stage. “Alright, gentlemen and mostly ladies, get ready to welcome for the first time in five years, Temptation!” He was then walking off the stage, the lights changing, going out in most of the concert space and focusing on the stage.
Fog rolled across the stage as the music began to play and soon the guys of Temptation were coming out onto the stage. They began their performance, singing and dancing. My eyes couldn’t help but to be drawn to the stage, which we were right in front of. I mean I could end up with their sweat falling on me, we were so close.
It was even better when my favorite member of the group came close to our part of the stage. He was not only my favorite but Saki’s. Before I knew it, we were both screaming out his name, excitement on our faces as we completely forgot about the rest of the world around us.
We both had on jean jackets over the t-shirts we wore. We opened our t-shirts, which had Kyo’s face on them. “WE LOVE YOU KYO!” We screamed out in excitement.
Kyo turned to us in his next dance move. He gave us a wink and seemed like he was singing directly to us. We were both screaming and crying, utterly losing our minds, hugging each other. What I didn’t realize was that Mitsunari was watching me intently this entire time.
Haru placed a hand on Mitsunari’s shoulder. “Don’t worry we all play second to their idol crushes.” He told Mitsunari as he leaned in. “But once this is all over, they’ll still be leaving with us.”
After the concert was over, we were all waiting backstage with the few other pass holders. We each held an item we wanted autographed. When it was our turn to meet with the group, Saki and I were both trying (and failing) to get a hold of ourselves.
“Well, there’s my two biggest fans.” Kyo greeted us. “Spotted you two beauties from up on stage.”
This set Saki and I into a fit of nervous giggles. “Oh…thank you.” I squealed out.
“Y-yes thank you.” Saki agreed.
“Anything for my girls.” Kyo replied.
“Can we get your autograph?” I asked, holding up the photo I’d brought.
“And a picture?” Saki added.
“Of course, beautiful ladies.” Kyo replied. He signed the photos we’d brought and then Saki was pressing a camera into Haru’s hands. 
“Will you take it?” She asked.
“Of course.” Haru answered.
Saki and I were then standing on either side of Kyo. He was putting his arms around our waists and holding us close. “Don’t be shy, come in close ladies.” He said.
Saki and I both giggled as we practically pressed ourselves to him. We took a few pictures before our time was up. After it was all over, we were heading back to the hotel we were staying in for the concert. Saki and I were riding high on the feeling of having been that close with our idol crush and having finally met him.
“I still can’t believe we met Kyo.” I gushed.
“Right? And he called us beauties!” Saki squealed.
We spent the entire elevator ride up to our rooms like this, just gushing and squealing. Still fangirling. Haru just watched us passively, rolling his eyes occasionally. What I didn’t notice, at least not until we were separating and Mitsunari and I were alone, was how quiet he had been.
I turned to face Mitsunari, the smile on my face instantly falling away when I saw my angel wore none. In fact he had a rather sullen expression on his face. “Mitsunari?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”
Mitsunari looked at me, as if he were debating with himself a moment. Then the next thing I knew, his arms were coming around me and he was pulling me to him, his lips pressing to mine in a hungry kiss. I let out a little gasp of surprise but then quickly wrapped my arms around him.
When we broke the kiss, I was looking up at him a question in my eyes. Before I could voice that question, his eyes were looking down at my shirt. “We have to get that off of you.” He said, his hand reaching for the hem of my t-shirt.
Mitsunari was soon taking my shirt off of me and then pulling me back to him for a deep kiss. I couldn’t believe how demanding he was being. Normally he was so sweet whenever we were together always letting me take the lead…but tonight…tonight he was going after what he wanted and what he wanted was clearly me.
The next thing I knew, my back was meeting the mattress and Mitsunari was over me, his hands roaming over my curves as his eyes drank in my form. “I didn’t…like that.” He spoke.
I looked up at him, confused for a moment. “Didn’t…like what?” I asked.
“Seeing you…get so excited over another man.” He answered. “Or seeing that other man touching you…even if it was only briefly and he didn’t touch you in an intimate way…I still didn’t like it…it gave me a funny feeling in my chest.”
My eyes widened in surprise a moment. “You…you’re jealous?”
Mitsunari’s fingers were tracing over the skin of my collarbones. “I…didn’t realize that’s what it was at first, but…yes.” He confessed. “And now…now I can’t help but want to touch you everywhere…kiss you everywhere, until all you can think about is me.”
My breath hitched in my throat as I looked into those amethyst eyes. There was a passionate fire burning in those eyes and it was threatening to melt me to my very core. I reached for him, wrapping my arms around him. “Of course, Mitsunari…I’m all yours. You’re the man I truly love.”
Mitsunari gave me a smile, reaching a hand to cup my cheek. “You’re mine…” He breathed out before leaning in to place those handsome lips on mine once again. He moved from my lips only to trail kisses down the side of my neck. When he reached a particular spot, he felt him lightly sucking on my flesh and soon he was pulling back, his eyes and fingers tracing over that spot on my neck. 
“There.” He murmured. It was at this moment I realized he had left a mark…not that I minded. I felt supremely turned on by this side of Mitsunari.
“Mitsunari…” I breathed.
Mitsunari was tracing his fingers over my flesh before removing the rest of my clothes. His hands roamed possessively over my body even as he kissed over every inch of  my flesh, leaving love bites in what seemed like a strategic manner.
I soon felt his long fingers parting my things, stroking my sensitive bud. “Ahhh! Mitsu…nari!” I moaned out as I felt a jolt of pleasure course through me at his skillful touch.
Mitsunari left more stinging kisses over my body as his fingers continued to work their magic between my legs. I moaned out my pleasure, calling his name over and over again. Just when I was about to tumble over that edge, Mitsunari was removing his fingers from me before quickly removing his own clothes and repositioning himself between my legs.
I let out another moan when Mitsunari slid inside, filling me so completely. “Mitsunari!” I cried out, as I reaching for him.
His arms came around me, hands still caressing over me tender flesh, lips descending upon mine as he claimed me body and soul. “I’ll make you cry out my name…so that you forget any other.” He breathed in my ear as he thrust in and out of me, his thrusts harder than usual and hitting that sweet spot each time.
I felt that white hot heat building up inside of me and soon the coil snapped and I was coming completely undone. My walls clenched tightly around him even as the rest of me clung to him. “Mitsunari!”
Mitsunari was peppering my face in kisses as I came down from my high, his hips having stopped moving. “I am sorry, my love.” He told me. “But…I can’t help myself…after seeing you get so excited…getting attention from another man…”
He looked so conflicted, but I was reaching my shaking hand up to cup his cheek. “I…am the one…who should be…apologizing. I never…wanted…to make you…jealous.” I told him. “YOU are my one and only love, Mitsunari Ishida.”
Mitsunari smiled softly at me, turning his head to kiss my hand. “I am glad to hear you say that as you are my only love.” He replied. “But I am afraid that I won’t be able to stop myself.”
My eyes widened a moment. “Huh?”
Mitsunari’s lips were on my neck, his hands roaming over my body once more. “I want to hear you scream my name more.” He said before going to work on my body, loving me in all the ways he knew how.
It was well past sunrise by the time he finally allowed himself to find release. I wasn’t sure how many times he made me cry out before that time came, but I had lost my voice screaming his name before we finally fell asleep, both of us more than satisfied. Who was my crush again?
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Whimsey's Collection Event
Alright, I have some ideas about what my next collection event will be. I would like to put which one I go with to a vote among you my lovely followers! Below are the options:
MC and her warlord travel to the future and he witnesses her intense fangirling over her idol/celebrity crush and gets jealous.
MC gets mad at her warlord over something he did in a dream and then they spend time trying to make it up to her.
Please comment or reblog with your vote!
@thezestyone @creativem1 @venulus @voltage-vixen @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @themysticalbeing @tiny-wooden-robot @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @zulablaise
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event-Masamune
NSFW 18+ content
I stood in the crowd, so close to the stage. Saki and I were excitedly clutching onto each other as we waited with baited breath for Swagger, our favorite idol group to come out on stage. Masamune was behind us with Haru, Saki’s boyfriend.
“Are they always this excited about these…concerts?” Masamune asked Haru.
“Only for this group.” Haru answered. “It’s been years since Swagger put on a performance. They were really popular when we were all kids…and let’s just say these two put the fan in fanatic.”
“I heard that Haru.” Saki called over her shoulder, giving her boyfriend a pout.
“Yeah…no need to tell Masamune all of my embarrassing secrets.” I added, my cheeks reddening.
Masamune just grinned at me. “Don’t worry about it. You’re pretty cute when you’re excited like this.”
Now I was blushing for entirely different reasons. It was so amazing how Masamune was so cool and confident…otherwise he might get annoyed and jealous. Of course, none of that made me feel any less embarrassed by my fangirling. It’s not like there were events like this in the Sengoku.
It was at this moment the announcer was coming over the speakers. “Alright, ladies and the poor gentlemen who were dragged along…give it up for Swagger!”
The group was then coming out on the stage, Saki and I, along with all the other women in the audience, were screaming as the lights changed and lit up the stage. The group came out, dressed completely in white pants and shirts. Some of them, there shirts were button-up that were open apart or all the way. Others were in tank tops and the lead singer was completely shirtless.
“Ahh!” Saki and I screamed together along with all the other ladies in the crowd. I honestly think there were tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe how excited I was. Not to mention…we were so close to the stage. Like…I could probably reach up and touch the band.
They went through some of their greatest hits before the music slowed to one of their love ballads. Each member of the group went to a different section of the stage, carrying a rose. I lost my mind when Ritsu, my favorite group member, was in front of us. He knelt down and was looking directly at me, as he sang.
I felt myself dying a little inside. This was a dream come true. I started crying, I was eating this entire thing up. Towards the end of the song, he was reaching the rose out and tossing it to me. I was screaming and squealing, Saki jumping up and down beside me just as excited for me. 
When the concert was over, we were all backstage, waiting in line for our chance to meet the group and get autographs and pictures. Saki and I were excitedly clutching onto each other again. “Ugh…I still can’t believe I caught the rose…I swear this is the best birthday present ever, Saki.”
Saki was grinning at me. “I hoped you would say that.”
“Oh, we have a birthday girl here.”
Saki and I both turned as  Ritsu was approaching us, looking so fine. I burst into a fit of giggles, Saki joining me. “Yes, it’s…it’s my birthday.” I said, my cheeks bright red.
“Well, then I am glad you caught my rose. I had a feeling when I saw your beauty from the stage that there was something special about you.” Ritsu said. “Happy birthday baby girl.”
I giggled and lifted a hand to play with my hair nervously. “Th-thank you.”
Ritsu was then signing our photographs and posing for pictures with us, before he was getting the rest of the group together to sing Happy Birthday to me. The ride back to the hotel, Saki and I spent squealing and reliving our favorite details of the night. We bid each other goodnight, still grinning like complete idiots as we headed to our rooms with our boyfriends.
Once Masamune and I were alone, his arms were coming around me from behind, pulling me against him. “You know, Kitten…this has been an interesting night.” He told me, a note of displeasure in his voice.
“Why…do you sound like you didn’t enjoy it?” I asked.
Masamune’s lips were coming to the side of my neck, sucking hard until he had left a mark. “Because…” He replied, his hand sliding up under my shirt, teasing over the flesh of my ribs.
“Masamune?” I breathed out as he trailed his hand up before cupping my breast through my bra.
“You’re cute when you’re excited, Kitten.” Masamune went on, his lips kissing along my neck. “But even I can only take so much.”
The next thing I knew, Masamune was spinning me around and pushing me up against the wall. His lips were on mine in a fierce kiss. His hands were making quick work of my clothes before sliding over my curves.
I was breathless by the time the kiss ended, Masamune pulling back to look at me, that blue eye so intense. “I…” I breathed out too stunned to form a coherent sentence. Masamune was always a whirlwind -one of the many things I loved about him- but this…this was different even for him. “What’s…what’s gotten into you?” I asked.
“I have an impudent kit that needs punished.” Masamune replied, lifting a finger to trace over my lower lip.
“But…I…I thought you…said I was cute?” I asked.
“You’re always cute, Kitten.” Masamune replied. “It all just hit me differently than I expected.”
I met Masamune’s gaze then. I saw a spark of something in his eyes and my own widened in recognition. “Wait…were…were you jealous?” I asked.
Masamune got that grumpy cat look on his face. “Yes.” He admitted reluctantly.
I was having to fight the grin that tugged at my lips. “But…I thought YOU didn’t get jealous?”
“I don’t.” Masamune replied. “Not when another man is making a move on you anyway…but seeing my kitten get all worked up over another man…that’s a different story.”
I gasped, realizing that Masamune was jealous because of my intense fangirling. I wrapped my arms around him. “You know…there’s really only one man for me Masamune and that’s you.”
Masamune was grinning at me. “I’m just going to spend tonight reminding YOU of that…you won’t be screaming for any other man ever again.”
I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine at his words. “Well…if it makes you feel better…” I said before his lips were on mine in a hungry kiss, his hands roaming over my naked body.
Masamune was then trailing biting kisses down the side of my neck and over my chest as he slid a hand between my thighs, going to stroke that pleasure pearl. I let out a moan as his touch sent thrills through me. 
Masamune’s fingers were sliding back and he slid two inside, stroking and curling, hitting that sweet spot over and over until my walls were clenching around his fingers. Masamune didn’t let me rest long as I was coming down. The next thing I knew, I heard the zipper of his pants coming undone and he was sliding inside of me in one swift motion.
“I’m not giving you any rest tonight, Kitten.” Masamune whispered in my ear as he began to pound into me.
I was already sensitive from my climax so each thrust pushed me further into madness. It didn’t take long before I was coming undone, my walls clenching around him…and Masamune still wasn’t done. He spent the night making love to me, moving me from the wall to the desk and finally to the bed. It was well past sunrise when he finally relented and I was falling into an exhausted sleep on his chest. His name was the only word to have left my lips all night.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Dance to Remember- Hideyoshi
Going home with Hideyoshi after the belly dance.
Content Warning: 18+, NSFW, oral, femmc/reader receiving
"That's any easy choice. Of course, I will be going home with my love, Hideyoshi.” I declared looking up at him with a warm smile.
Masamune let out a whistle and Keiji laughed.  
“You are one lucky man.” Shingen said, looking at Hideyoshi.
“I knew you wanted to keep her all for yourself.” Nobunaga said, an amused smile on his face.
There was more teasing from everyone before we exited the audience hall. Hideyoshi still had his coat wrapped around me. “We should stop by your room so you can change.” Hideyoshi said.
I looked up at him, feeling a bit mischievous. His cheeks were red. “You really want me to change?” I asked, a seductive smile on my face.
He let out a gasp. “Why you…” He said. He was then looking around before ducking us into a quiet hall. The next thing I knew, Hideyoshi was pushing me up against a wall, his body pressing against mine. He looked at me, his golden eyes molten with passion.
“Hide…yoshi…” I breathed out as he moved his hands to open the haori he had placed around me.
“If you don’t change…we won’t be making it back to my manor tonight.” He told me before capturing my lips in a heated kiss. His hands caressed my bare sides before coming to rest on my exposed hips.
I shivered under his touch. I pressed myself closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His tongue slid past my lips to deepen the kiss. After all too short a time, Hideyoshi broke the kiss, pulling back to look at me.
“You know…we aren’t that far from my room.” I suggested.
He shook his head. “For what I have in mind tonight, we need more privacy than that.”
I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine at his words and the heat in his gaze. We quickly walked back to my room. I ran in and grabbed a thick robe and threw it on over my costume. Seeing that look on Hideyoshi's face...I definitely wanted to tease him a bit more when we got back to his manor.
The walk through town felt like it took forever. Hideyoshi kept an arm around me the entire way, holding me close. Normally he just held my hand, but I found myself enjoying this side of him. Protective and possessive.
When we finally reached his manor, Hideyoshi led me to his room and practically slammed the door closed behind us. I grinned up at him as he turned to face me. "What's that look on your face?" He asked.
"Well, SOMEONE didn't let me finish my dance." I told him, untying my robe and then dropping it to reveal my costume.
Hideyoshi sucked in a breath. "I thought you changed too quickly."
I shimmied my hips then, my belt jingling. "It's not that often I see you get so flustered." I teased him, watching as a lovely flush covered him, going to the tips of his ears.
I giggled and walked over to him, taking his hands in mine and leading him over to a spot on the floor and instructing him to sit down. "Come on, let me finish just for you." I told him.
"There's no music." Hideyoshi replied.
"I can do just fine without it." I replied. I then began my performance once again, moving to the beat in my head. Now that we were alone, I made my movements slower and more sensual.
Hideyoshi watched my performance, allowing himself to enjoy it now that we were alone. As I danced closer to him, he reached his arms up, his hands latching onto my hips.
I ceased my movements and looked down at him. "Hideyoshi?" I asked.
He grinned up at me as he leaned in, his breath whispering over the bare skin of my middle. He leaned in and kissed my belly, right above the waistband of my costume and below my belly button. The kiss was slow, sensual, and I gasped when I felt his tongue.
"I've taken all I can handle tonight." He told me, looking up at me as he slid a hand through the slit in my costume to trace his fingers over my thigh. He was then moving my leg, sliding it out of the slit, exposing my thigh. He began kissing up my inner thigh, lifting it as he did so.
Soon he was resting my leg on his shoulder as his lips reached the center of my heat. He moved his arms so that he was supporting me, as I was soon trembling from his ministrations. Then his tongue came out to play, lapping at me and hitting all of the places he knew I was most sensitive, until he had me crying out his name as the rush of white hot heat ran over me.
Hideyoshi drew his lips away from me. Slowly, he helped me as I melted into his lap. "I hope you're ready. That was just the beginning." He told me before kissing me deeply and pushing me back onto the futon.
We were both breathless by the time we broke the kiss. Our hands made quick work of each other's clothes and we were soon melting into one. Hideyoshi was true to his word as our long night of love-making had only just begun.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Dance to Remember Collection Event
My First Collection Event! I hope you all enjoy!
A Dance To Remember (ikesen fic, featuring all warlords reacting to a belly dancer MC)- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684009871356624896/a-dance-to-remember
Each fic below here is NSFW 18+ content.
Hideyoshi- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684156408027136000/a-dance-to-remember-hideyoshi
Shingen- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684279734011609088/a-dance-to-remember-shingen
Keiji- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684372708227727360/a-dance-to-remember-keiji
Yukimura- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684451033654624256/a-dance-to-remember-yukimura
Mitsuhide- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/684735964199911424/a-dance-to-remember-mitsuhide
Nobunaga- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/685074162982731776/a-dance-to-remember-nobunaga
Motonari- https://writingwhimsey.tumblr.com/post/685153867203215360/a-dance-to-remember-motonari
And with Motonari, this collection event comes to a close! I hope you have all enjoyed my first collection event!
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Dance to Remember-Yukimura
So, I wasn't intending to do a fic for Yuki in this collection event...but well I just had one line in here that kept playing in my head over and over again. So, it had to be written. Plus, I just had to have a little fun with this loveable dummy haha! I hope you all enjoy!
NSFW 18+ content, fingering, penetrative sex
"That’s any easy choice. Of course I will be going home with my love." I answered. I then turned to the man in question and let out a sigh. "I just have to bring him back to consciousness."
"Or you could not and join me, my goddess." Shingen said, giving me that flirtatious smile.
"Or ya can come back ta my ship with me. Only an idiot would pass out from seein' a beautiful woman dancin' like that." Motonari added, giving me a crooked grin.
"I still don't know where I went wrong with him." Shingen said. "Though he apparently does something right since he managed to win the heart of such a beautiful goddess."
I sighed and rolled my eyes at the both of them. "He may be an idiot, but he's my idiot and I love him." I declared. I was then shrugging off Hideyoshi and his haori and walking over to where Yukimura lay passed out.
"Are you planning to wake him up like he's sleeping beauty?" Sasuke asked me.
I laughed and shook my head. "Nah." I was then reaching over and pinching both of Yukimura's cheeks. "Hey dummy, you need to wake up."
Yukimura grumbled, but was soon waking up. He gave me a slightly grumpy look at he grabbed my hands and removed my fingers from his cheeks. He sat up and was rubbing his cheeks. "You didn't have to pinch my cheeks, you know…dummy."
I put my hands on my hips as I looked at him. "If anyone here is a dummy it's you."
"I have to agree with the goddess on this." Shingen said.
Yukimura's cheeks turned pink as he came to full realization of what just happened. "Ah man…I'm never gonna live this down." He muttered to himself.
Sasuke gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "It's okay. We'll all only make fun of you until the next embarrassing thing you do."
"Gee thanks." Yukimura replied sarcastically.
I laughed and shook my head. "Hey, he's still the dummy that gets to take me home." I reminded the guys. I then looked at Yukimura. "Come on, let' go."
"Yeah…I'm definitely ready to get out of here." He replied. He then stood up and offered me his hand.
I took it and allowed him to pull me up. It was then that he seemed to realize I was still in my costume. His cheeks reddened further and he turned his gaze away from me. As we walked out, he picked up the robe I had worn earlier and discarded. He then wrapped it around my shoulders.
We made our way from the audience hall, the guys whistling and hooting as we did. Yukimura only growing redder. I didn't have any of my own usual bashfulness. There was always something about my belly dancing that just made me feel confident and sexy.
We soon reached the guest room he was staying in and shut the door behind us. Yukimura had been quiet the entire way. "Are you going to say anything?" I asked him after a moment.
"What do you want me to say?" Yukimura asked, still not looking at me and blushing like a school boy.
I dropped the robe and walked closer to him. "Yukimura…"
He looked at me and I am quite certain he could have lit up the room. No need for a lanturn. "You…"
I grinned at him. "You know, I don't know what your problem is. I don't understand why you passed out like that. It's not like you haven't seen me naked hundreds of times by now." I pointed out, unable to help myself. He was so fun to tease.
"Yeah…well that's…this…it's just different." He replied.
"How so?" I asked.
"Well, you're not intentionally being sexy then, dummy." He answered in exasperation.
"So…you found my performance sexy?" I asked.
Yukimura finally seemed to be getting a handle on himself. "Well, duh." He answered as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "I'm not a complete idiot to think that wasn't sexy."
I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Did you wanna see more?" I asked, smirking at him.
"Nah." He answered, smiling at me as he leaned in. His lips were just mere milimeters from mine. "I was just thinking we should get you out of this costume."
"I think that can be arranged." I replied.
Yukimura was then closing the distance between us, his lips and tongue meeting mine. As our kiss deepened, his fingertips traced over my skin before going to undo the ties on my costume. I was quickly reaching to bare him as well, wanting to have his skin on mine as quickly as possible.
Once he had me bare, Yukimura was sliding his hands over my flesh, his fingers quickly finding the places I was most sensitive. I broke the kiss to moan as I felt his fingers slide in between my thighs. "Mmm…ah Yuki…mura!"
He began kissing my neck and over my breasts as he backed me up against the wall. All of his bashfulness from my dance gone. Yukimura was all confidence now as he made me melt. "You're s beautiful." He whispered, his breath tickling my skin. "You looked sexy in your costume…but I prefer it when we're alone…and I can hold you like this."
I smiled at him as he brought his gaze to mine. "You won't hear me complaining…I love it when you hold me like this."
He smiled at me. He moved his hand to my thigh and lifted my leg until he was hooking ot over his hip. "And what about like this?" He asked, just as he slid himself inside of my welcoming heat.
I gasped at the sudden fullness. "Ah…ngh…yes…I especially love it…when you hold me…like this." I replied. "I just…hope you don't mind…if I hold on to you?"
"Dummy, you better not let me go." He replied before thrusting.
"Y-you're…the dummy." I replied, clinging onto him.
"Yeah, but I'm your dummy." He said before kissing me.
We held on tight to each other as we made love. Nothing brought me as much joy as being with the man I loved. He was a dummy, but he was my dummy…and I was his.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Announcing Whimsey's Events!
Alright, so I am having lots of fun getting to work on my little collection event like fics stemming from the Dance to Remember fic I just recently posted. And since I am having fun with this, I want to make it a regular thing. So, every month, I will be doing a collection event or story event for ikesen!
So, this will be similar to collection and story events in the game (except you know free) and unlike cybird, I will feature more than just like the big three (Nobu, Kenshin, and Mitsuhide, because with the way events have been in the EN app lately, those are the most heavily featured guys).
Collection events will be lots of fun. I will start off with a post of all or most of the warlords and MC (similar to my Dance to Remember fic) and pick a handful of the guys (or if you guys want to put in a request for the warlords YOU want to see, put it in the comments or rb with your fave guy(s)) to write a little individual story of them and MC (will either use my MC name Ava or I will use the official Mai).
Story Events will feature three warlords. I will write a short fic for each warlord and MC going along with the theme of the event. Oh, and I will definitely do a wedding event (and unlike cybird, there will be an actual wedding).
So, that is my announcement! I hope you all will enjoy it!
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC Idol Crush Event- Shingen
NSFW 18+ content
“I still can’t believe you managed to get us these tickets, Saki!” I squealed in delight, practically bouncing from my place in Shingen’s arms as we stood in the VIP section of the concert hall.
“Hey, my bestie finally came back, even if only temporarily. We are celebrating your birthday with something you will never forget.” Saki informed me. 
“I am excited to share this experience with you.” Shingen told me, hugging me close. He was standing behind me, his arms wrapped around me. “And I am happy to see this beautiful smile on your face. It’s a different one from all the others I’ve seen.”
I turned my head, smiling up at Shingen, my cheeks reddening. “I’m glad you’re excited.”
“Yeah, well his excitement won’t last long once this concert starts.” Haru, Saki’s boyfriend said.
“Why would that be?” Shingen asked.
“You’re about to see a new side of your girlfriend.” Haru answered.
Shingen looked at him perplexed, but before he could ask for further elaboration, the lights changed and the music started to play. The members of Quiver were coming out on stage then, beginning their song. Saki and I -along with every other woman in the audience- lost our collective minds. Swept up in the moment, we all started screaming and crying.
What I didn’t know, was that Saki had made a HUGE NEON yellow sign and was holding it up. The sign read: IT’S HER BIRTHDAY!!! And had an arrow pointing to me. The band members seemed to notice her sign and ten, Toji, my favorite was kneeling down on the stage, right in front of us.
“So, it’s your birthday, baby girl?” He asked, looking at me.
I pointed to myself, unable to speak.
Toji gave me a warm smile. “Yeah, you baby girl.”
My cheeks were so red, but I nodded.
“Well, thank you for coming to spend your birthday with us.” Toji went on. “I think we should do something special for our birthday girl here, don’t you boys?”
The other band members nodded. “Definitely.”
They then broke out into a version of Happy birthday, singing it as if it were a love ballad. I was turning into a puddle of goo right there, my insides just melting. This was a dream come true. 
After the concert, we were going backstage, where we got to meet the members of the band and pose for pictures. I got them telling me “Happy Birthday” one last time before we were leaving and returning to the hotel for the night. As we rode the elevator up, Saki and I were gushing over the entire thing. 
“I still can’t believe that happened!” I squealed. “And I can’t believe you made that sign!”
Saki giggled. “Hey, I had to make sure we got noticed and what better way than to share it was my bestie’s birthday?”
“It was a dream come true.” I said, hugging her.
When we all got off on our floor, we were parting ways and heading to our rooms. Once Shingen and I were alone in our hotel room, he was locking the door behind us and pulling me back against his broad chest. His lips were then on the nape of my neck.
I let out a gasp, but smiled as I tilted my head, allowing him to have more access to my neck. “Shingen…”
I felt his lips twitch into a smile against my neck. He was pressing his nose to my skin then, slowly drawing a line up the side of my neck to my ear. I could feel his breath on my ear, tickling me and causing a shiver to run down my spine. “You know…I try to be a grown man about things… I try to remain mature… but sometimes… it’s difficult to do so.”
“W-what… are you…talking about?” I asked, my brain already becoming scrambled by Shingen’s touch.
“Do you have any idea…what it does to a man… to see the woman he loves… losing her mind over another man?” Shingen asked and I could hear the pout in his voice.
I gasped. “Wait…you…you got jealous over the band?” I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.
“I am used to other men desiring you.” Shingen told me. “However to see you desiring another man…”
“I don’t desire any other man, Shingen.” I assured him. “I mean…when I was a kid, I had a crush on Toji… and maybe I just let my inner teenager out, but there’s no one who I could ever want besides you, Shingen.”
“That’s good to hear.” Shingen replied, hugging me tighter. “Though I hope you don’t mind if I want some extra reassurance?”
“Hmm…just depends…what you have in mind?” I asked.
“I was thinking…marking you for one thing…and then spending all night having you call out my name…over and over again.” Shingen answered, his voice pure seduction rumbling in my ear and rolling over my body.
“I think…that can be arranged…” I replied, already feeling breathless from just his words and voice.
Shingen needed no further invitation. He was nipping at my lobe before putting those gorgeous lips at my neck once again, leaving a stinging kiss there. When he pulled back from my flesh, I felt his fingers glide over the spot he had just kissed. “The first mark…” He murmured. 
Shingen was then scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over to the bed. He was climbing on, hovering over me and soon his lips were on mine as his hands moved over my body, making quick work of my clothes. I was reaching my own hands to undo the buttons of his shirt, sliding over his nicely sculpted chest and abs.
Shingen let out a groan of pleasure. “Mmm…you are a troublesome goddess, my love.” He told me as he began to kiss down the side of my neck, my collarbones, and over my breasts, leaving little red lovebites over my flesh as he went. 
“Shingen…” I gasped out as each touch of his lips sent a jolt of pleasure through me.
“I will have you knowing no other words but my name by the time I am finished.” Shingen said, giving me a devilish smile before resuming his journey down my body with his lips. He trailed loves bites over my ribs and stomach, his fingertips tracing low over my hips. 
He trailed those gorgeous lips over my hips and down my thighs. He lavished my thighs in affection, using lips, teeth, and tongue. My body was already trembling as his mouth came ever closer to the apex of my thighs. “You’re so beautiful and precious to me, my angel.” He murmured against my flesh before spreading my thighs wide, resting them on his shoulders. 
Seconds later, his lips were on my core, drawing my sensitive bud between them and sucking. My hips bucked at the sensation, pleasure flying straight to me. “Ah…Shin…gen…” I moaned out.
His hands were gripping onto my hips, holding me in place as he continued his ministrations. His tongue came out to place, licking a stripe up my slit before focusing in on that little bud. I could already feel that coil tightening inside of me. “Sh-Shin-gen!” I moaned out as the pleasure washed over me. He seemed to be hitting every nerve ending with his tongue. I was soon reaching my peak, my release barreling through me. “SHINGEN!” I cried out, his lips and tongue continuing, drawing out my powerful release.
Slowly, he withdrew from me, smiling up at me from between my thighs as I began to come down from my pleasure high. Though he didn’t give me long to recover as he was soon rising up, my ankles now resting on his shoulders, his length positioned at my entrance. 
“We have a long night ahead of us, my angel.” He told me before plunging inside of me, filling me so completely.
I was still sensitive from my earlier climax and I could already feel that white hot heat building up within me once again. “Shingen…” I gasped, my hands reaching for him.
He smiled at me, taking my hand in his. “I love you.” He told me. “And I will make you feel so good, you will forget about any…former crushes…”
“How…could I ever…think of anyone…other than you… Shingen…I love you.”
Shingen soon had me moaning out his name again…and again…and again. All night, he made love to me, making sure that I knew there was no one else I could ever think of. Who was it I had even had a crush on?
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Whimsey's Collection Event Master List
Just a master list of my collection events that I am starting! I hope you enjoy! Each link will take you to the master list for the collection event.
A Dance to Remember Collection Event Master list
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event Intro & Masterlist
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Whimsey's Collection Event Announcement!
Alright! So, it seems we have a clear winner in the little poll I created! This collection event will be our warlords and MC travelling to the future and watching MC's intense fangirling over her favorite idol group!
Now this collection event will be a tad different than my last one with the belly dancer MC. Instead of one big fic, I will just be creating a short intro to set the scene. Then I will be posting and linking each warlord I intend to feature in the event.
Featured Warlords are:
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
MC's Idol Crush Collection Event Intro and Masterlist!
A/N: Below is the Intro to my latest collection Event. At the conclusion of the intro, there featured warlords will be listed as I complete/post their stories. Each warlord's story will be a mixture of genres and will likely end on the spicy side with NSFW 18+ content.
Thank you and Enjoy!
It was crazy how I ended up back in the future, but sometimes a wormhole really just shows up when you least expect it. I was thankful however when my warlord boyfriend had safely returned with me. We’d been in the future for a few weeks now…and boy had it been an adjustment, but we managed.
Thankfully my family and friends had managed to keep my apartment for me, so we had a roof over our heads and nothing too terrible had really happened. I’d also managed to introduce my boyfriend to my friends and family…and after some initial hesitation everyone got along great. Only a handful of those friends and family did I tell the truth to about who my boyfriend really was and how we met. Those people had really helped me with getting him used to life here while we tried to figure out a way to get back to the Sengoku. In the meantime, we were making the most of our time together.
I showed my lover all over the modern day, wanting him to see the world that he helped to shape. The world he helped to save. It was also fun showing him around and seeing all of the modern inventions I had only been able to describe and some of them barely at that.
Of course, I wasn’t at all prepared for when my best friend, Saki, approached me with a surprise for my birthday. Tickets to see my favorite idol group perform…well it was her favorite group as well. I had been unable to hide my excitement at the unexpected gift…there were enough tickets for Saki to not only bring me, but my boyfriend and her boyfriend along as well.
I was both excited and nervous. So many things about going to this concert could go wrong…especially given that Saki had managed to get us into the VIP section and some backstage passes to meet the group after the show. I wouldn’t have another chance like this. However, I was nervous about letting my boyfriend see this side of me. Though I was certain I could control myself…but when you get to meet your idol (who also happens to be your celebrity crush)...well how could you not be excited? I was a bit worried as to how my boyfriend would react to that.
I have to control myself. I have to. I can’t embarrass myself. I can’t let him see that side of me…no matter how hard it is. This was the mantra I told myself and I only hoped it would hold me through the concert.
Oh how wrong I was…
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