tare-anime · 1 year
Hi there! I was reading your analysis on chapter 85, and I agreed Wheeler is indicating that Twilight was emotionally compromised during their fight, and hence was taken down ( and also because Twilight was already exhausted with his previous fight with Yuri) . I think Wheeler-Twilight fight was taken off-screen for a flashback when the Forgers reunites?? and i miss Yor!! And Anya too!
Hello there!
Yes of course Twilight was already exhausted before hand. Otherwise I'm positive that he can be on par with Wheeler.
But that line from Wheeler is very intriguing, no?
Flashback would be awesome. I'm dying to know how far has Twilight grown??
I totally miss Yor. I beg Endo to give her the spotlight after this arc.
A family bonding time to close this arc, with complete Forger family: Yor, Anya, Bond also would be very awesome!!
Of course more TwiYor crumbs wouldn't hurt, right?? 😏😏😏😏
(I'm asking too much, I know 🤣🤣🤣)
Thank you for the ask 🥰🥰🥰
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leorawright · 2 years
ow agents being friends w someone who has shark-like features?
Sure! (Only did a few)
Overwatch being friends with someone who has shark features
Soldier 76
At first he was a little antsy around you
He feels justified based on your sharp teeth and the fin along your back
But soon he realizes how good you two's conversations are and how kind you are
He starts accepting you more after that
She's so eager to observe you
She's never seen anything truly like you before
You're certainly not like Whinston or Hammond that's for sure
Mercy then realizes how polite you act and how she tends to go to you for more casual conversations
Then he realizes you're more of a friend than a coworker
At first he gives you the same bright greeting that he gives every new recruit
But he soon stumbles to a stop seeing your strange features
But before you make any assumptions he's already striking up a conversation and he tries his best not to be too invasive about your looks
He's incredibly intrigued by your looks
The only people he's met even remotely looking close to you were on the lunar colony
He'll ask so many questions and he looks so excited to meet you
He tries not to base you two's friendship off of your looks because he wants you to know he genuinely enjoys your company
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lordplavis · 1 year
My speech therapist recommend me an app for my voice training assignments and I'm having so much fun with it.
There is a speach analysis funktion where you have to read a text and it tells you your vocal range and some other interesting stuff.
And for about half an hour I've been reading that text in aaaaaaaal sorts of different funny and serious voices.
I'm having a great time!
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
Hi! How are you doing?
I've never made inquiries before. Could you write about the Thomas' daughter's allergy to tobacco? A strong cough and watery eyes when someone nearby smokes, which began from the first days of her life
I hope it won't bother you. Love your writing💗
Dear Anon,
You could never bother me love! Thank you for saying you love my stuff <3 hopefully, you enjoy this too! Thanks for writing in and for waiting!
Warnings: Mentions of difficult birth, Lizzie being ill, lots of tension, happy ending peaky related themes.
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He looked down at the little bundle of blankets. A small pudgy ball protruded from the top of it and Thomas wondered how something could look so new and yet so old at the same time. She was a darling little girl who had a shocking resemblance to a red, puffy, Whinston Churchill. Then he remembered what John, Ada, and Finn had looked like when they were born. Just as small and wrinkled. Thinking of where she had just come from it made sense.
Panic shot through him as he thought about Lizzie. He pushed those emotions down and tried to focus on his daughter. Again the fear of knowing she might be the only thing left of his family caused his stomach to lurch. Her eyes opened and she glared up at him. 
“You look squished, but you're still the prettiest girl I have ever seen.” He whispered. She seemed to take comfort in his voice and he realized he should probably pick her up and hold her. Poor thing should be stuck to her mother’s side. He picked her up and enjoyed the way she wiggled against him. 
She had no idea who her father was, only that he was her father and that she was safe there. For a moment Thomas was grateful he had been one of the older boys in the family. Being with children was not difficult for him. 
He walked over the windows and looked out at the dark sky. 
“Your mum is a tough lady, eh? Don't have to worry, she’ll come back.” He said in a low voice, was it to comfort the baby or himself, he wasn't sure. Feeling the heaviness in his heart threaten to take over he reached into his pocket and lit a cigarette with his free hand. 
He took a long drag feeling the smoke pull him together. He blew the smoke over his shoulder away from the baby. 
Looking back outside he heard a little cough. He looked down at her and was engulfed with that mixed feeling of pity and the urge to laugh. 
Her little red face was even redder and her eyes were glassy as she started to cough. Thomas wasn't sure what had caused it for a half second till he brought the cigarette back to his lips to hold her with both hands. 
“Fuck.” He said in a defeated tone. To confirm his suspicion he blew a small puff closer to her only for her to erupt into a coughing fit which she started to fight to breathe. Panic shot through him knowing all too well what that feeling felt like. Before flashes of the war could break into his mind he quickly put the cigarette out and brought her over to the window opening it. He rocked her back and forth and eventually, she settled against his chest. 
No smoke. He thought about how often a cloud of smoke followed him. It was as apart of him as his own shadow. How on earth was he to manage this? Remembering how scary the sound of her breathing was he have to figure it out. 
He’d promised Lizzie and Pol no more liquor but now he’d have to ditch smoking too. A flare of frustration ran through him. The whole situation was a big mess from day one. His thoughts became harsh and only broke when he looked down at the center of all his problems. 
The center of all his problems, and his entire universe. Guilt poured over him like cold water. It had been a long and uncertain birth, and now Lizzie was somewhere broken. 
Broken and unreachable. She was in the hands of the doctors now. He held his little daughter closely and watched her eyes flutter as he said a prayer for his new wife. 
Polly was irritated. She wasn't asked to attend the birth which was fine, but she wasn't sure how much support Lizzie would have gotten from Thomas and the hospital staff. 
Hospitals were places for death and sickness, not for bringing life into the world. Too many lost souls wandering around. She sighed and gave up waiting. Picking up the phone she dialed the hospital. 
The news she expected came through clearly over the receiver. Close family was now able to come and visit, except they clearly didn't think to call her to tell her everyone was okay. 
Polly threw on her coat and stepped out in the brisk early morning air. Arriving at the room and looking around she could see that everything was certainly not okay. 
Thomas’s hair was striking up from his fingers running through it. He was pacing the messy room with a small bundle attached to his shoulder. Coming into the room she walked up behind him and saw the dark blue eyes of her niece peering over his shoulder. 
Thomas turned and almost walked right into her jumping out of his skin. No one had ever been able to sneak up on him before. She wasn't sure what to say till she realized that Lizzie, nor her things, were in the room. Her heart wrenched but seeing the fright in Tom’s eyes she pulled herself together. 
“Fuck sake scared the life out of me.” He grumbled quietly.
“Sorry, love.” She said kindly, in a tone she hadn't used since he was small. “Do you want me to take her for a moment? Have you eaten?” She started fussing over him and was grateful that he had accepted her help. 
She took her niece and tears prickled in her eyes. 
“Lizzie is going to be alright.” His voice was tight. “She’s going to be in recovery for a few days though. When she wakes up we can take her over.” He looked out the window to avoid Polly’s gaze. 
“Are you alright?” She asked hesitantly not wanting him to snap in front of the baby. 
“She’s too small, she won't take a bottle but she’s hungry, and she’s allergic to smoke.” The last part caused the edges of her mouth to curl. The image of Thomas being up all night without drinking or smoking was not something she thought would ever be a reality. 
“Pol Im serious she gets really ill - her lungs just” His voice caught again and he went back to staring out the window. 
“I’m not laughing.” She said calmly. “I’ll have some people go the house to air the place out.” This seemed to make him relax a little. 
Just then she started to cry out, Thomas automatically reached out for her and then relaxed when Polly waved him off. Poor thing was hungry and Pol was grateful she came out as round as she did. She had enough on her to wait a while for Lizzie’s milk to come in. 
She brought the bottle to her lip and laughed as she stopped crying to glare up at her. 
“You look just like your da.” The baby’s face stayed just as stony when a nurse came through to tell them that Lizzie was up and requesting them. 
She followed Thomas anxious to look over Lizzie and make sure they had done a good job with her. 
Her dark eyes greeted them. Her face was puckered from an argument and Thomas had never been happier to see someone in his life, this Polly was sure of. 
She looked shocked, eyes wide as Thomas bent down to hold her tightly. She gave Polly a look and it took a lot to keep from laughing again. 
“Here she is now.” Pol brought the babe over and moved to the chair in the far corner of the room. She said a prayer thankful that their little family had made it through the night. Her prayer was interrupted by Lizzie's voice.
“What do you mean I can’t smoke?!” Lizzie hissed at Thomas and Pol got worried they would scare the babe. “Bring the doctor in I’m going to cut him myself.” 
“It’s not you, it’s her. She’s allergic. Gets really sick - Her lungs - You can’t - she just-” His voice was wavering again and Pol was relieved that Lizzie registered that he was scared for the little girl. 
“Oh, she was ill?” Now Lizzie’s voice was worried.  
“Yeah, but I caught it quickly.” He reassured her. “Pol is going to get people to clean the house and air it out.” 
“Oh, no. Tom.” Her voice got high and she clutched the little girl tightly. “It must have been a horrible night.” 
“No, no it was nice. She’s excellent company. Just glad you are alright.” He put on a brave face and Pol had hope that this experience would only bring them closer. 
She had cleaners go through the house and brought them food. Surprised that Thomas took the time off work to stay by Lizzie for her recovery. The family struggled at first but adapted to smoking outside. 
It was a curse till she was a teenager, in which Tommy rejoiced knowing it kept her far away from pubs, parties, and nightlife. Not to mention if she had friends over to play or for sleepovers they had to come to their smoke-free house. If a boy wanted to take her out for dinner, they ended up eating alone in the kitchen at the house as restaurants were no better than pubs. 
(Unfortunately, the only boy in all of England that didn’t smoke happened to be the son of Alfie Solomons)
(Hehehehe can’t help but sneak that pairing into everything I write)
Hope you enjoyed it love! <3
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dreamingcurrent · 4 months
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Catherine declared, emphatically: and she seemed to speak sincerely. “Nelly, help me to convince her of her madness. Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation; an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone. (...) He’s not a rough diamond—a pearl-containing oyster of a rustic: he’s a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man. I never say to him, ‘Let this or that enemy alone, because it would be ungenerous or cruel to harm them;’ I say, ‘Let them alone, because I should hate them to be wronged:’ and he’d crush you like a sparrow’s egg, Isabella, if he found you a troublesome charge.
Wuthering Heights, Chapter 10
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eternal--returned · 1 month
The stars burned with a lidless fixity and they drew nearer in the night until toward dawn he was stumbling among the whinstones of the uttermost ridge to heaven, a barren range of rock so enfolded in that gaudy house that stars lay awash at his feet and migratory spalls of burning matter crossed constantly about him on their chartless reckonings.
Cormac McCarthy ֍ Blood Meridian (1985)
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PLEASE CHECK THIS POST!! https://www.tumblr.com/the-multifandom-oc-ask-blog/721938536742420480/hey-yall-this-is-somethingoff101s-oc-ask-blog
Miitopia/Tomodachi Life
Object Shows
Doctor Syringe
Flower Pot
Warrior Cats/Warriors
Codename: Kids Next Door
Numbuh 7
Numbuh 34
Numbuh 55
Mary n’ Barry
Ratboy Genius
Sad the Onocentaur
The Thief
The Trapper
The Chef
The Pediatrician
The Guard
The Armament
The Stout
The Track
The Icer
Unicorn Wars
Pizza Tower
Red n’ Blue
Don’t Starve Together
Mr. Frederick
Mrs. Willa
Miss Sixa
Animals Across The Fence (ORIGINAL WORK)
God Of Alba
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saintkevorkian · 1 year
“I wouldn’t be you for a kingdom, then!” Catherine declared, emphatically: and she seemed to speak sincerely. “Nelly, help me to convince her of her madness. Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation; an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone. I’d as soon put that little canary into the park on a winter’s day, as recommend you to bestow your heart on him! It is deplorable ignorance of his character, child, and nothing else, which makes that dream enter your head. Pray, don’t imagine that he conceals depths of benevolence and affection beneath a stern exterior! He’s not a rough diamond—a pearl-containing oyster of a rustic: he’s a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man. I never say to him, ‘Let this or that enemy alone, because it would be ungenerous or cruel to harm them;’ I say, ‘Let them alone, because I should hate them to be wronged:’ and he’d crush you like a sparrow’s egg, Isabella, if he found you a troublesome charge. I know he couldn’t love a Linton; and yet he’d be quite capable of marrying your fortune and expectations: avarice is growing with him a besetting sin. There’s my picture: and I’m his friend—so much so, that had he thought seriously to catch you, I should, perhaps, have held my tongue, and let you fall into his trap.”
Wuthering Heights, 1847, Emily Brontë (as Ellis Bell)
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deafeningdestinyaster · 3 months
readin updates
Rough as a saw-edge, and hard as whinstone!
Current read: wuthering heights...kinda like Lockwood.. 9% but still I dunno his first name..been a while since I read old classics..tbh not that great fan..thing is that I dunno who's the mc...hope I'd finish it.. let's see
edit: i googled his first name's not actually given..yaay..thought i might have skipped it..
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thenewsart · 10 months
Texas Bitcoin Mining Operation Shut Down By Host’s Armed Security
Last Monday, November 27, Whinstone Inc.’s private security entered the Rockdale, TX-based premises of Rhodium Enterprises in order to remove employees to cease operation of their 125MW Bitcoin mining facility. The legal battle that culminated in this seizure started on May 2, 2023 when Whinstone US, Inc., a subsidiary of Riot Platforms, filed a lawsuit against certain Rhodium entities. The…
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northeastjobs · 11 months
Headteacher - Whinstone Primary School
Whinstone Primary School are looking to employ a Headteacher Contract Type: Permanent | Working Pattern: Full time | Salary: L17 - L24 (£69,970 - £83,081) | Advert End Date: 28/11/2023 09:00 |  http://dlvr.it/SymyBF
0 notes
theswedishpajas · 1 year
I wish my computer could handle proper streaming.
No offense to my sweet baby boy Whinston, but he’s a really crappy laptop for a lot of the things I do OTL
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cointahmin · 1 year
SBI Crypto, Whinstone US’a milyonlarca dolarlık ziyan sebebiyle dava açtı.SBI Crypto‘nun Whinstone US’a dava açmasının akabinde Bitcoin madenciliği operasyonlarında yaşanan problemler tekrardan gündeme geldi. Kripto para madencilik bölümü pandemiden beri zorluk yaşamaya devam ediyor.SBI Crypto, Whinstone ABD’ye Tazminat Davası AçtıBitcoin madencilik dünyası, SBI Crypto’nun (SBIC) Whinstone US bilgi merkezine dava açmasıyla çalkalandı. SBIC, Whinstone US’nin sanayi standartlarını karşılamadığı ve vaat ettiği gücü sağlamadığı suçlamalarıyla dava açtı.Whinstone US’nin vaat ettiği 20.000 madencilik ekipmanını teslim edemediği yahut uygun bakımı sağlayamadığı tezleriyle milyonlarca dolarlık ziyana yol açtı. Dava evrakında dolandırıcılık, hileli mukavele teşviki, ifşa edilmeyen dolandırıcılık, ihmalkar para yatırma ve Barındırma Hizmeti Mukavelesinin ihlali üzere birçok suçlama yer alıyor.Bu dava, kripto para üniteleri alanındaki güvenilirliği tartışmaya açabilir. Bitcoin madencilerinin yatırımlarını yönlendirecekleri bilgi merkezlerinin, mukavelelerinde yer alan vaatleri yerine getirip getiremedikleri sorusu kıymet kazanıyor. SBIC’nin Whinstone US’ye açtığı dava, Bitcoin madenciliği bölümünde sanayi standartlarını ve kontrat şartlarını gözden geçirme muhtaçlığını da beraberinde getirebilir.Bu dava, Bitcoin madenciliği kesiminde yaşanan zorlukları ve riskleri bir kere daha gözler önüne seriyor. Fakat bölümdeki yatırımcılar ve teşebbüsçüler, kripto para üniteleri ekosistemindeki büyüme potansiyelini de göz önünde bulundurarak, zorlukları aşmak için çalışmalarına devam edeceklerdir.
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coinatory · 1 year
BTC miner Rhodium faces lawsuit over an alleged $26M in unpaid fees
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In an effort to recover "more than $26 million" in allegedly unpaid mining facility fees, cryptocurrency mining company Riot Platforms, formerly known as Riot Blockchain, has filed a lawsuit against Texas-based Bitcoin miner Rhodium Enterprises. Rhodium Enterprises allegedly broke its agreement with Riot by neglecting to pay hosting and service fees related to the usage of Whinstone's Bitcoin mining facilities, a wholly owned subsidiary of Riot, according to the company's Q1 2023 financial report, which was released on May 10 by Riot Platform. On May 2, a petition was submitted in the District Court of Milam County in Texas against Rhodium Enterprises with the aim of recovering "more than $26 million" as well as compensation for the legal costs expended during the case. Riot further requested that “certain hosting agreements” a
Read more on BTC miner Rhodium faces lawsuit over an alleged $26M in unpaid fees
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Rhodium owes Riot Enterprises $26 million; Riot Files Lawsuit by CoinEdition
Rhodium owes Riot Enterprises $26 million; Riot is filing a lawsuit Riot Platforms filed a lawsuit against Rhodium Enterprises, alleging that the latter failed to pay $26 million. Rhodium has been using Whinstone’s mining facilities since 2021, but has not paid the service fees. Although Riot has asked Rhodium to pay the fees twice before, the latter refused to pay. Riot Platforms (RIOT), the…
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todaynowreport · 1 year
BTC miner Rhodium faces lawsuit over an alleged $26M in unpaid fees: Report
Crypto mining firm Riot Platforms – formerly Riot Blockchain – is seeking to recover “more than $26 million” in alleged unpaid fees from Texas-based Bitcoin (BTC) miner, Rhodian Enterprises, according to its Q1 2023 report. Published on May 10, Riot’s Q1 2023 financial report stated that Whinstone, a wholly owned subsidiary of Riot, filed a petition on May 2 in the 20th District Court of Milam…
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