abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 13: Happy Socksunday This is my only signed copy with my name as well and I love it its beautiful and I love Rainbow Rowell I also love these socks and I need to weat them more this winter! Day 13: Funko Friday Part 2 Its not friday but I love my funkos so much I only own 4 but they are beautiful especially the harry potter ones! But they are soe expensive sometimes but I really want more on day! . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #carryon #socksunday #funkos
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 12: Author you own the most books/merch from J.K Rowling aka Harry Potter is my baby and I own so many things related to it these are just a few of many I promise I am not addicted or anything but the merch is just so magical!! And I love my wand so much its PRETTY Day 12: Guilty Pleasure Reads Definetly BLACK DAGGER its hot vamps and sexy times and possive males I just sometimes I need this trash also there is lgbtq+ representation and its amazing I got my mom hooked on these and she has read them many many times! And there are still books coming its neverending . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #harrypottermerch #funko #blackdagger #loveratlast #jkrowling #jrward #guiltypleasurereads
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 23: Bookstagrammers You Love My girl Vanshika @thatreadingwraith love her post and her bookstagram so much and also her love for WDMR I loved that book so much and so does she but a bit more than me 😂 Go follow her!! She is amazing Day 23: Ebook Loving I used to hate ebooks and never read them but then I got akindle for my birthday and I have to say I've grown to lovw it. Its amazing to read books for uni on and also small contemporariss that are only ebooks also its good for the earcs I get send so its my new favorite way of reading ( I still prefer physical books tho) . #bookstagram #wdmr #theseafarerkiss #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #ebookloving #shoutout
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 30&31: Best Read Of August + August Haul & Wrap Up My best and only read this month was WDMR and I really really enjoyed this book and I cannot wait for the chompanion novel! About Rishis brother its gonna be amazballs! As the books I bought I was finally off my book buying ban and I got those two lovely books! I have heard great things about Caraval and Wintersong and Can not wait to dig in! What did you read this month? And which books did you buy? . #bookstagram #auginbooks17 #WhisperingRexdsAugust #wrapup #bookhaul #bestreadofaugust #whendimplemetrishi #caraval #wintersong
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 29: The Bool Makes Me Want To: Bake! I love how much lara jean loves baking and so do I and everytime I pick up those books I really want to bake and eat warm cookies yummy! Day 29: Happy Books So happy and soft and not too saddening just all around feel good books! And I can only recommend my love lara jean to all of you! . #bookstagram #happybooks #larajean #toalltheboysivelovedbefore #baking #auginbooks17 #WhisperingRexdsAugust
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 25: Funko Friday I only own about 4 funkos but I love them and they are adorable and I want more!! But money is better spend on books tbh! Anyway how many funkos do you own? Day 25: Standalone Book Recs Enjoyed both of these books imensly! And they both made me CRY my eyes outtbh! I can only recommend them I also love standalones! Its not that much of a committment as series are! . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #funkoparty #bookrecs #standalone #thesunisalsoastar #allthebrightplaces
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 24: Kiss Marry Kill I am kissing Juliette yall even though it might kill me but I love that bad ass girl. Obviously marrying warner not a question he is my everything and Im marrying that babe. I am killing Adam because he is unnecessary and a big ahole hate himokay? So bye bye adam Day 24: Favorite Bookish Trope Enemies to Lovers my darlings Juliette and Aaron are star crossed lovers and the ultimate OTP love him love the trope I cant wait for more books 🙏🏼 . #bookstagram #shatterme #bookishtrope #kissmarrykill #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #thaherehmafi
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 22: Time Travel Book I have to say I really like time travel stuff and I am looking forward to reading this series one day when I habe time and read all my other tbrs! Im very excited to start this series! And I heard many great things Day: 22 Book you regret buying Defo the matched series I own the whole series and I only ever read the first book and that twice but I could never get into book 2 so its just sitting there unread and that probably forever . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #timetravel #passenger #regretbuy #matched
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 21: Hyped Book you haven't read Those two I have been wanting to read them for ages! And they seem so good but Why I have not started them? I dont really know to be honest! I will hopefullyget to them some day Day 21: Bookish Shop Shoutout To my girl brittany at @stardustcosmetics_ yall need to buy her stuff she is working so hard to make it all happen and I just want yall to check her out . #bookstagram #auginbooks17 #WhisperingRexdsAugust #thesavagesong #thehateyougive #hypedbook
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 20: Happy #shelfiesunday What a mess of a shelf I need to organize this mess one day I am feeling a rainbow theme tbh but TIME Is not allowing me atm! How are your shelves organised? . #bookstagram #auginbooks17 #shelfie #allmabooks #couldntdo #WhisperingRexdsAugust #today #nocovertorecreate
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 19: Bookmarks Lover I do not own so many book marks honestly just this cute light one and I love it I rather spend my money on books that bookmarks honestly 😂 Day 19: Book & Snack Love me a good cup of tea plus a yummy french pain au chocolate those are the most delicious things ever and those plus a good book I am set for life . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #bookandsnack #bookmarks #tea #croissant #flameinthemist
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 18: Title Starts w/ your Initial S all the way and what other series than six of crows! Still have not read crooked kingdom I know SHAME but I am trying yall! I am in such a book slump though Ugh! Day 18: Mythical Creatures Who else but your wonderful Fantastic beasts? I love both the movie and the school book so much information! And so many wonderful creatures like Yetis or Unicorns I love it . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #mythicalcreatures #titlewithyourinitial #sixofcrows #fantasticbeasts
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 17: Bookish Sunset I tried my best and I feel like it came out great? I don't know I like orange/yellow books and sunsets are just magnifique 🌅 Day 17: Epic Fighting Scene Glass Sword has some epic fight scenes and I enjoyed them so much because so many kick ass women dominating the prison scene I just love the Red Queen series . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #epicfightingscene #glasssword #bookishsunset
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 17: Bookish Sunset I tried my best and I feel like it came out great? I don't know I like orange/yellow books and sunsets are just magnifique 🌅 Day 17: Epic Fighting Scene Glass Sword has some epic fight scenes and I enjoyed them so much because so many kick ass women dominating the prison scene I just love the Red Queen series . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #epicfightingscene #glasssword #bookishsunset
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 16: Male Lead Appreciation Simon is such an important character I can't say too much about him because I'veyet to read this glorious book but I've heard great things about him and I just want to appreciate the gay struggles with being outted and the coming out process Day 16: Forgein Authors I love Since I am german every english author is forgein to me as is Becky Albertalli and I love what she is doing with her voice to write books that mean so much and are so diverse just sending abit of love out to her . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #simonvsthehomosapiensagenda #beckyalbertalli #forgeinauthors #maleleadappreciation
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abookishthoughts · 7 years
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Day 14: Book Spines Poetry I like poetry but this was hard! I had an idea of what I wanted to say but I didnt have the fitting book titles oh well I tried my best! I hope you enjoy my little poem! Day 14: Most Owned/Most Read author I've read the most books on my shelf by sjm I know i know!! Shame on me but they are a guilty pleasure and i like them alot! . #bookstagram #WhisperingRexdsAugust #auginbooks17 #bookspinepoetry #mostownedauthor #sjm #acowar
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