#whistle and i'll come to you 1968
mostlygibberish · 2 months
"A bit too spooky for me."
I liked the part with the grave robbing.
A minimalist piece of gothic horror. Basically a weird old British guy mumbles to himself like Mr. Bean then gets haunted by a ghost. The movie started with a narrator outright explaining the plot and themes of the upcoming story, which was certainly an odd choice.
Michael Hordern's character was eccentric to say the least, and didn't exactly make for a relatable protagonist. I loved his expression of instant regret after blowing the whistle, and his final breakdown was pretty good too.
Paranoia inducing camerawork and a lack of score built a very effective sense of dread. The practical effect of the ghost on the beach was a lot cooler looking than the frankly goofy one in the anti-climactic ending.
Strangely surreal and potently ominous. Quite good.
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diogenesprintco · 7 days
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Screencap study from Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968) dir. Jonathan Miller, an M. R. James adaptation which inspired the Ghost Story for Christmas series on the BBC. I love how this one turned out - I'm using a different type/weight of lokta paper and it adds a nice grainy texture to the print.
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aliypop · 5 months
Return To Sender : Chapter 6
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Word Count: 1,220
Writers Note: Alright, bare with me yall, dealing with Depression, but I promised to write the last chapter
Warning: Language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis / OC x Jerry
Plot: It's 1968 and Natalya Dyer a divorcee and single mother is tasked to interview Elvis and Cecelia Presley at their humble mansion Graceland about their spicy relationship only to learn more about them as people.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Las Vegas August 1970 
3 am in Vegas was oddly serene, with the neon lights flashing and low traffic, but still comforting like California. As Natalya lay close to Jerry, she felt warm and comfortable, something she hadn't felt in a long time, but they were the perks of dating strong for two years. "Pst Nat..." She heard a whisper as she grumbled, rolling over, "Nat..." She heard it again and rolled the other way, "Babe..." Natalya woke up from her groggy state of mind as she looked up at "Jerry... hey baby..." she said, rubbing her eyes, "Where were you?" She asked as Jerry got undressed, "After party with C and E," He smirked, "Without me!" Natalya grumbled as Jerry laughed, "No, I was with the clean-up crew." He smiled as he felt her hands on his waist, hoping she wouldn't reach into his pocket,
"And while I was helping. I thought of something,"
"Like..." She asked, her short lace nightgown flopping about. 
"What if we got married?"
"Jerry, you're kidding?"
"I mean, we're in Vegas, the city of Love," He smirked, kissing her forehead, "That's Paris. Vegas is the city of lights, liquor, and lust," Natalya replied, "And besides, I don't have a wedding dress or a venue. Jerry, we don't even have a" She looked to see Jerry on his knees, "Ring... there's a ring, that's a huge ass diamond..."
"It's bigger than my sister's ring!"
"Where'd you get it!?"
"Nat, are you going to marry me or-" Natalya tackled him to the ground and kissed him, 
"Hey, Jerry E needs-"
"CHARLIE WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" And like that, the news traveled like a speeding bullet.
"El... Please come to bed," Cecelia sighed, lying in the bed of their extraordinary hotel suite, "I'll be there in a minute, honey." Elvis said as he buried his nose deeper into his book, "What are you even doing in the tub!" Cecelia shouted as Elvis froze, "Uh man stuff!" He shouted back as she laughed 
"Ah, yes reading a romance novel again?"
"Uh no!"
"Then what are you reading, dear?"
"Uh... PORN!" He shouted as Cecelia cackled, "There's no shame in reading romance novels, especially when they're my romance novels..." She smirked as Elvis rolled his eyes, Elvis got out of the tub and he wrapped a towel around his waist his book in the other hand as Cecelia whistled, "God, how did I get so lucky..." She bit her lip as Elvis climbed on top of her, 
"I should be askin that, honey..."
"Why don't we put the pillow on the headboard and..."
"JERRY AND NATALYA ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Joe shouted slamming their door open, Elvis and Cecelia were a shocked blushing mess, 
"First Joe knock... Second when?"
"Sorry... uh they wanna get married in one of those quick chapels..." 
"No," Cecelia said with a serious tone,
"No?" Joe asked,
"You heard boss lady she said no," Elvis winked,
"Tell them, we're going to plan 'em a wedding and it will be done right."
"But how!" Natalya asked, as Joe was now talking to her and Jerry, "Well, they're going to plan everything," Joe shrugged, "I mean, it's possible, they're the Presley's anyone bends to their command even the President!"
"Now you're pushing it." Natalya rolled her eyes,
"He's right," Jerry smirked, 
"I still don't Believe it." 
"Hello Mrs, Presley speaking, yes we need 200 flowers," 
"Of course Mama Dyer, first class to Vegas," Elvis smiled,
"Mhmm, that chapel is perfect," Cecelia nodded,
"Food choices sound great," Elvis responded,
"5 teared cake, by tomorrow, you're a godsend." Cecelia grinned, They then had made the last calls, Elvis ordering the tux's and Cecelia calling Midge for the dresses, "We planned an entire wedding..." Cecelia blinked, "And it's only.... 7 am!" Elvis kissed her forehead as she began to flutter to sleep, 
"Baby you go to sleep and I'll handle everything," 
"Nope, I'm up." 
"Cecelia Shanel Presley..." Elvis said, his voice was low and stern, 
"Sleep... I'll wake you when we need ya." 
"CECE WE NEED YA!" Midge opened the door, Rosa was doing Natalya's makeup Carlotta was doing her hair Daphane did her nails and Cheryl was trying to talk her down. 
"But what if Jerry doesn't want me..."
"Oh, honey he does." Rosa smiled teasing her long hair up, "Does he make you feel loved and stuff?" She asked, "Yeah,"
"He loves you," Cecelia smiled, walking in, Natalya looked up and smiled, "Marriage isn't easy, but you know that you've been married before and the way he makes you feel and your son feel should be all the reason you two get married," Cecelia mentioned as she flopped on the bed, 
"Someone had a long night with Elvis..." Carlotta smirked,
"Yeah planning a wedding." 
"Hey E,"
"Yeah Jerry," Elvis asked as he straightened out his velvet suit jacket,
"Any marriage tips?" 
"Well, Marriage is hard but worth it, it's give and take, it's sick days and gettin' on each other nerves, it's fights and long nights of cramps and sick kids, and nights where you don't always get what you want, but you get what you need." He patted him on the back,
 "Would you do it again?" Jerry asked,
"Every time," Elvis smiled as he remembered his wedding and how nervous he was marrying Cecelia, but when he saw her walk down the aisle, he knew she was all he ever needed, 
"Mama!" Jericho ran in. He was in a little tuxedo as Natalya teared up, "Mr. Jerry wrote you this!" He handed his mother the envelope as he opened it,
 "Well, what's it say..." 
"To Natalya, I can't wait to marry my best friend," She blushed, "love Jerry." The women all swooned as Natalya teared up, The chapel was filled with family and friends, beautiful flowers, and love all around. All the women had gathered into place as Cecelia found "El thank God I found you," Cecelia chuckled as she ran towards him, "What's wrong baby," He turned to face her, and she saw him in his tux, Cecelia couldn't help but stare, 
"I ...I" 
"Wanna get married again?" Cecelia asked as Elvis chuckled, "Yes I would," He kissed her cheek, the music started and it was time, Jerry was calm as could be, he knew this was what he wanted and nothing would stop him, as Jericho, Jesse, and Elaine walked down he knew that any moment his bride would come. 
"You look beautiful, honey," Natalya's father said as she nodded, "Thank you..." She smiled, kissing her cheek as he gave her away to Jerry, 
"You look..." 
"Like my wife," He smirked as she took his hand, "Thank God, cause you look like my husband," She smirked back at him, 
"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife," Jerry kissed Natalya as she held him close to her, "So do we have a reception..."
"Something like that..."
"We get to see Elvis in Concert..." Natalya smirked as Jerry rolled his eyes, "We always see 'em perform, which by the way where are E and C," In the limo, there was snoring as the two were cuddling close, "Mmm, Happy team better dreams huh," 
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ourlittlesister2015 · 6 months
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968), dir. Jonathan Miller
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culttvblog · 10 months
afterlife and the BBC Fake Psychic Podcast
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Content warning: death, ghosts, abuse, suicide, mental health, fake psychics.
This post may either mark the final end or a pause in my posts for Seventies TV Season. I actually have another dozen seventies TV shows listed on a post-it on my laptop, but of course I could always keep them for another Seventies TV Season in the future! I haven't written a post of conclusions after the thirteen posts on seventies TV series because I honestly don't have much to conclude except to say that seventies TV obviously needs to be treated with caution but I am particularly pleased to have discovered The Organisation, which I didn't think I would like.
I was turning over the possibility of a series of posts in the run up to the holiday about the legendary BBC series associated with Christmas, appropriately enough called A Ghost Story for Christmas (1971 to 1978 and 2005 onwards), and the show which was their inspiration, Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968), broadcast in the Omnibus series. However I think that these would probably be difficult propositions for a series of posts lasting over weeks, since they have all been chewed over at length and it would be a bit difficult to say anything which hasn't already been said. In point of fact if you haven't seen it, my personal opinion is that the 1968 Whistle and I'll Come to You is head and shoulders above the rest.
Instead this post may be a stand-alone post about afterlife or it may be the first of a number. In fact I can't believe I haven't blogged about this series yet, since it is honestly the best ghostly TV series there is. Perhaps I should make it clear that this post is about the 2005 to 2006 ITV series created by Stephen Volk and starring Andrew Lincoln and Lesley Sharp, and not the 2019 to 2022 Netflix series After Life created by and starring Ricky Gervais, and I really wish people would start copyrighting the titles of their shows. The series stylises its title as afterlife with a lower case a but I doubt I'll remember to do that for a whole post.
The show takes virtually all of the tropes of the classic Victorian ghost story and brings them horrifyingly into the 21st century: ghosts who warn, the angry dead, a ghost who kills her abusive father, the dead who refuse to die, the dead who just won't leave, an apparent ghost which foretells the future, those who've dies by suicide and accident, ghosts who kill people, and so on. Take any of these stories, set them in a nineteenth century castle of cathedral city, and you pretty much have M R James. Stephen Volk is perhaps best known to TV fans for writing the legendary mockumentary Ghostwatch (1992) which was so realistic that there had to be an enquiry into the show's effects as a result of people thinking it was real. That sheer writing ability shows through here in stories which really take hold of you and shock you, even after repeated viewings.
The idea is that Robert Bridge is a university lecturer in psychology who deals a lot with the psychology of belief in the supernatural in his lectures, including taking his students to see a medium, Alison Mundy, and the rest of the show is how Robert and Alison get involved with each other and an exploration of what follows from both their perspectives. Robert starts off deciding to write a book about Alison but ends up more involved than he would like to be. Lincoln actually does an incredibly good job of playing the world's least competent and sensitive psychologist, who has a habit of saying 'No, no, listen to me,' to people, and Sharp absolutely shines as the unwilling medium who is pursued by the dead everywhere she goes but doesn't want to be. I cannot overstate how challenging these roles must have been, especially as both portray incredibly difficult things in both their lives that are revealed in the course of the series.
In line with this the emotional pitch of the series is cranked up to the max. This absolutely is not a criticism: you can't talk about having a dead person trying to kill your baby in a calm tone of voice so it fits perfectly. In fact I would say it is perfect that the whole cast all act at such an extreme emotional pitch because if there was somebody acting normal in the cast it would make the others look completely loopy. I suppose the show didn't really have an option about this because it is a drama rather than a documentary, and so cold, objective description isn't the agenda here.
That notwithstanding, afterlife does not stray away from the terribly difficult life events that are involved here, however always depicts them with sensitivity. Both Robert and Alison face things from their pasts during the course of the series: Alison a train crash, her previous compulsory mental health treatment and issues with her mother, and Robert the death of his son and the break up of his marriage. This show is not light viewing unless you've been burned out by years of psychiatric nursing and stopped feeling emotions as a result.
The series also deals very well (in what I suppose you would call a 'non-denominational' way) with the religious aspects of death and mediumship. The people who invite Alison to medium for them after she moves to Bristol certainly look as if they would be church goers and I think most mediumship in Britain carries on under the aegis of the Spiritualist Church, but no church is mentioned and God barely comes into it except at a funeral. The cosmology Alison describes sounds broadly in the line of modern mediumship: of describing people 'passing over' etc.
I f you want a criticism you could say that this highly-layered show covers most of human life and you may think it's a bit ambitious, but of course that's what makes it such an excellent show. Where it doesn't do so well in my opinion is that I don't think it is as sure-handed at dealing with the mental health aspects that come up. For example, there is an episode where a young man called Daniel is troubled by another entity who he calls Daniel 2, and ends up sectioned and diagnosed with schizophrenia but Alison unravels what is actually happening. We don't notice it because Nicholas Shaw does an excellent job of running round half naked, covered in blood and being deranged, but I'm far from happy with Daniel being diagnosed with schizphrenia when he has been the same and seeing the other Daniel for well over a decade. This feels terribly nitpicky, which is a reflection on the quality of this series. My background is in mental health not psychology, but I'm not sure how representative what we see of Robert's teaching would be with undergraduate psychology lectures. I suppose in common with shows featuring nurses or clergymen, the profession is the background, and I still feel really nitpicky. My final criticism, which I think is more reasoned, would be that as depicted in the show Alison is just fair game for any passing spirit. I refuse to believe that if you are a trained medium you wouldn't have ways of defending yourself from just any odd spirits passing you who might wander in. In fact, I know for a fact that these ways exist because Dion Fortune published Psychic Self Defence in 1930 (and incidentally I can highly recommend her novels).
afterlife is one of those shows that you have to watch by order.
On the same subject matter but in a very different vein, I have listened to the BBC's Fake Psychic podcast, and can also recommend that very highly. It is about self-confessed fake psychic Lamar Keene, who was a medium trained by the Spiritualist church and set up his own church. He published a (hotly denied) expose of the tricks he saw used to produce messages from the dead for people, and in fact said that the whole thing was fake. It's a fascinating listen, although again it provides a reflection on human life when he tells the members of his church that he has been cheating them, expecting them all to walk out, but they are all quite happy to stay in the church and continue to be cheated!
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Every October, I try to watch a horror/spoopy/Halloween movie/show/special etc. every day. I'll watch old favorites but for the most part I try to watch things that are all-new to me. I keep a list of everything I watch and I thought I'd start my list here since I can't find my journal right now.
01. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
02. Cat People (1942)
03. The Last Broadcast (1998)
04. The Love Witch (2016)
05. Halloween is Grinch Night (1977)
06. Betty Boop's Halloween Party (1933)
07. Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
08. The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
09. Eyes of Fire (1983)
10. Dead Silence (2007)
11. Coraline (2009)
12. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
13. The Invisible Man (1933)
14. Garfield's Halloween Adventure (1985)
15. The Skeleton Dance (1929)
16. The Ape (1940)
17. Noroi: The Curse (2005)
18. The Haunted House (1929)
19. Corpse Bride (2005)
20. The Raven (1963)
21. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
22. Vincent (1982)
23. Evil Dead II (1987)
24. Gretel and Hansel (2020)
25. Brides of Dracula (1960)
26. Trick 'r Treat (2007)
27. Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968)
28. Saturday Night Live Halloween Episode (2023)
29. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (1966)
30. Beetlejuice (1988)
31. Thriller (1983)
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My ★★★★ review of Whistle and I'll Come to You on Letterboxd
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George Woodbridge (16 February 1907 – 31 March 1973)
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Ruddy of cheek and round of belly, Exeter born George Woodbridge started out as jovial rural policemen before going to the pub to play either landlord or patron in, most famously, a string of Hammer horrors. A personal favourite is his role as Alastair Sim's subordinate Detective Sergeant Hendricks in 1946's Green for Danger.
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Woodbridge had nigh on 200 credits to his name but arguably would achieve his greatest claims to fame on TV, first in 1968's Whistle and I'll Come to You as the mumbling hotel proprietor and then as Inigo Pipkin in the original run of Pipkins. Half way through filming the second series in 1973 Woodbridge died aged 66.
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cheezewhis · 2 years
Been watching some folk horror
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"What happens when the rules don't work?"
"Then we change the rules! But we
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hypergremlinisation · 7 years
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27. Whistle And I’ll Come To You (Jonathan Miller, UK, 1968)
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shestoodintears · 3 years
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (dir. Jonathan Miller) 1968
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dresdencodak · 3 years
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My top 12 movies of 2021. Yes, some of these are OVA's, but I'm counting them. It's a very vibes-based list this year, I'd recommend all of them.
Stalker (1979)
World on a Wire (1973)
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Neo Tokyo (1987)
No Such Thing (2001)
Cyber City Oedo 808 (1990)
Twilight Q (1987)
Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968)
The Psychic (1977)
Killer's Kiss (1955)
Streets of Fire (1984)
Filibus (1915)
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notwiselybuttoowell · 5 years
In honor of the late Jonathan Miller and the frosty, turn of the year tradition of ghost stories, here's his 1968 adaption of M.R. James' Whistle And I'll Come To You
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Diary of a Horror Buff 8.28.22
Ugh ok so I kinda just have this weird listliss feeling right now so lets watch movies instead of doing anything productive with my time.
I mean I am also doing laundry but you get what I'm saying.
also I watched the rest of the Ghost Storys for Christmas so lets get into it.
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The Dead Room (2018) dir. Mark Gatiss.
So it turns out Mark Gatiss is the director for the last four AGSFC and while I still like Clark better I don't hate his style. This one is an original story and its a bit meta, its about a voice actor who reads ghost storys for radio, you know a real david cummings type. A reference that totally doesn't show my age.
The dude long in the tooth and grumpy and also
but also the ghost is gay cause he is a HOMOSEXUAL and I love that for them.
So this was an alright film it had some nice ideas and some lampshading references to the series. I can't say this is my favorite of the series but it has its moments.
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Martin's Close (2019) dir. Mark Gatiss
so this is a more traditional rendition of M.R.James and it really pointed out to me why people don't like the new series as much as the original clark run. Mostly theres no Grit. this stuff is too clean too brightly lit too crisp. And yes you can have historical fiction without patina but it needs to sell itself in other ways. This was solid plot wise I liked the court drama aspect. The bridge narrative was completly pointless but it was watchable.
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968) dir. Jonathan Miller.
so this was my least favorite in the series. This film is aestetic it has some lovely visuals but dear lord is it rather dry and I careth not for the main character. so um yeah lets just spam some gifs of it.
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Ok enough about the subliminal and empty expanse of the oceanside lets watched some fucked up shit.
Inside the Human Lab (2018) dir. Joe Blandamer
CW: Gore, Torture, Animal Abuse(symbolic)
Ok so claymation we always love how fuked up that looks. Basically this is a story about human experimentation and its styleized and fucked up and also meant to be a metaphor about animal testing which honestly is super fucking up.
The Twins (2022) dir. Michelle Tang
honestly his twin brother is kinda a bitch.
so we start off with as you can imagine a pretty shitty sibling rivalry, and then we get to what makes animation such an amazing medium, the ability to suddenly change tone to blur the lines between the natural and the fantastic. This like many of the Calarts ones we have seen are absoltuely lovely. Good job bitches.
Winters Last Bones (2022) dir. Izabella Itzia
CW: Child Murder
ok so this was exactly the vibe we would expect. The art style is reminescent of Emily Carrol, Minna Sundberg, or maybe, Josceline Fenton. that sort of loose storybook style that feels heavily reminscent of folktale and myth.
Its grimy it uses these desatriated pops of color , and you have these graunt gangly characters, absolutely lovely, my bussy is popping over everything in this. what an icon what a qween.
Teeth ALTER (2015) dir. Tom C J Brown, Daniel Gray
CW: Teeth Harm, Gore, Titties.
Ooh dear god I hate it i hate it i hate it.
everything about this is pain and suffering.
this is a story about a man obsessed with teeth and how much he hates have them inside of there head. this is distrurbing on so many levels, The teeth, the gore, the sound design. the narration, it had everything I needed to make my skin crawl.
The Clockmaker's Secret (1907) dir. Gaston Velle.
ok so this is another one of those medieval storys adapted as morality tales type things. Basically some mayor dude is like yo I want a big fucking clock and this dudes like UWU and then the devil comes over and is like yo you want this cool clock plan and the guy was like bet. but then the devil like but like BTDUBS you kinda owe me your soul now and the dudes like oh no.
honestly this is actually a really charming film. theres a lot of charm in melies especially his later works but this one managed to take that inspiration while still having its own form. Its hard to understand early cinema since it just doesn't have the same visual language as modern cinema. its takes a lot of inspiration from stagecraft and I really like how this one has a central story but has these short but very satsifring performances like the clock dancers at the mid way point or the devils running around with torches. Its a type of vibe that really sings with me every once in a while. Obviously I'll need to watch a lot more of these films before I can trully appreciate them but I do like this Gaston Velle guy would watch his stuff again.
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide (1954) dir. Friz Freleng
Oh dear lord where these characters annoying we have this obnoxious pipsqueek character who basically just constantly sucks his friends dick whose this generic bull dog thug type. Like bro literally has a cockney accent which just feels kinda offensive.
also I think Slyvester was trying to give him a glasgow smile which is a bit fucked up just saying.
Theres some quite gags here but honestly I never really enjoyed this era of cartoons. Its the lack of cell shading for me I think. That being said its cool to watch the history of cartoon animation during this challenge.
Eaten Horizons (1950) dir. Wilhelm Freddie, Jørgen Roos
OK so this is definetly something I don't understand.
so this one follows two hobos? maybe who interact with a scary loaf of bread and a woman filled with either motor oil r beef stew. I don't understand the imagery and maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe I need to understand that not everything is representary. that just like other art not everything is a representation of some deeper emotional state. Some things are simple a interplay of light and shadow, an aestetical exploration of format devoid of inherent meaning. I can fuck with that. But seriously why is that bread so scary.
The Little Mermaid (2011) dir. Nicholas Humphries
Ok I always love a story thats like mermaids but make it fucked up.
This has a general dark circus vibe which I love theres something so mysterical about the concept of curios or freak shows. Think of The Jar by Ray Bradbury. This one feature swhat appears to be a honest to goodness mermaid and proabably one of the top 10 most fuckable ringmaster daddy doms ever.
So I mean if this sounds like the aestetic you wan't in life well do I have a short for you.
Missing Girl (2017) dir. Andrew Adams
so this is another one of those short teaser type shorts thats basically what if you were walking along and you found a bunch of missing posters of yourself.????
Meow CRYPT TV (2019) dir. Christopher Jopp
ok so first everytime I see that thumbnail I'm like bitch thats the Junjo Ito cat.
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Its like looking in a mirror.
so yeah this is the story of a girl who moves into a new apartment with a no pets policy and as you can imagine theres a car involved.
theres a lot to like about this. the music, the aspect to aspect shots, the main character, The POV shots.
Of course like junjo ito I just like cats so this was always going to be a win for me.
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My First Day CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Jon Kovel
OK so i picked this one since its one of the last of Jon Kovel's shorts on letterboxd. This one features little Anthony Kane on his first day of school, that school being a school for serial killers and slashers. So good for him hope you get straight A's bucko.
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The Oven CRYPT TV (2017) dir. Unknown
Yeah this is just a guy being burned to death in an oven. Riviting stuff.
Anyway home slices that was the end of our movie watching for today. We have three days left in the month so stay tuned for whats left of the movie challenge.
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rotch · 7 years
It follows...
Jamás pensé necesitar un cuento con moraleja sobre no tocar una flauta que recogiste del suelo, pero aquí estamos. 
Ese tiene que ser el encuentro con un fantasma más aterrador, realista, bien actuado y convincente que he visto en un rato. Ah, y el diseño sonoro es proto-Lynch a full.
Logged on Letterboxd
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shestoodintears · 3 years
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Whistle and I'll Come to You (dir. Jonathan Miller) 1968
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