#white christofascist supremacy is an existential poison beyond belief
qqueenofhades · 2 years
Aaaand Roe is officially gone, with an opinion making clear that Griswold (right to use contraception), Obergefell (nationwide legalisation of same-sex marriage) and Lawrence (legalisation of consensual same-sex activity) are up for "review" next. Aka if any of the lower courts can successfully get a case challenging any of these laws as high as the Supreme Court, they WILL take it, and they WILL vote to overrule.
So maybe, just maybe, it was a bad idea to vote for a fascist coup-plotting conman and let him appoint three theocratic dark-money evangelical Christian fundamentalist operatives to a lifetime and unreviewable post on the final arbiter of law and policy in the United States. But y'know, HER EMAILS.
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