shikitsune · 4 years
whitepearl09 - - > shikitsune
Felt it was time for a url change 😊
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shihomiyano · 5 years
9 for the gifset ask? :3c
just posted it, thank you so much for requesting one 💕
send me a dcmk gifset request
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kaitokinnie · 5 years
1, 2 and 23 for the anime ask 🌸
1. first anime you ever watched-> Let’s be honest it was probably Pokémon or Sailor moon but the first I watched knowing it was anime was Death Note. Tho it’s a bit fuzzy to remember as I did watch Black Butler around the same time. 
2. first anime crush -> It was either MisaMisa from Death Note or Dr.Stein from Soul Eater. Tho my focus came to Stein cus I was in big denial of being into girls
23. unpopular character you love-> Weather Report. He’s not very unpopular but yknow. Unpopular enough for me to consider him such (aka there’s too little fanart)
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animepenguin · 6 years
whitepearl09 replied to your post: ��
I’m also bad at conversations, especially at starting one.. ’////‘
Same here, all I can do is send ask prompts instead of actually talking to people  ;~; 
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yurinnocent · 6 years
5 & 8!
5. Describe your aestheticI already answered it here but I’m not sure what it means?? if it’s my “fashion style” I guess it changes every day, some days I’m more feminine and some days I have more of an androgynous style I guess?
8. Current haircut?I’m letting my hair grow out and it’s currently shoulder length, I’m not sure what to do with it yet, maybe bleaching/dying the ends!
thank you for asking!!!
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elvhenaan · 7 years
There's blood on your liesDisguise opened wideThere is nowhere for you to hideThe hunter's moon is shining
running with the wolves - aurora
put a “∞” in my ask box and I’ll shuffle my itunes and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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lonelyhanzo · 7 years
For the music ask: Sonata Arctica!
I have never heard of this band, of course you’d suggest a Finnish metal band to me. It’s appreciated though, considering I really like the genre. xPFirst song youtube took me to: FullMoonFirst Impression: Nice build up to the chorus, good vocals ^^Do I like it?: Yes!Would I listen to more from them?: Most likely! Their stuff isn’t total screaming and I could see myself listening to more eventually.Rate: 7/10Send me music asks please I’m begging you
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pocketsleuth · 7 years
Detective Conan for the tv show thingie :D
!!!I I actually got one! Woo-hoo! Thanks, dear ;)
Favorite Female Character: Haibara Ai/ Miyano Shiho, though I think it’s obvious since she’s the one I draw the most apart from Conan.
Favorite Male Character: Edogawa Conan/ Kudo Shinichi, surprise!
Least Favorite Female Character: huh, I don’t actually have one, all the girls are lovely, except the ones who commit murder.
Least Favorite Male Character: ……Amuro Touru/ Furuya Rei, I don’t know why, I don’t hate him, he’s just not my fave. Though I do get excited when I see him come up cuz it usually leads to something bigger.
Favorite Ship: Kaishin! Not because I think they belong together or make the perfect couple. I just find it the most intriging. Detectives and Phantom Thieves, I mean, come on. Plus, there’s some really good fic for this pair. I can get into any ship if I read some good fics.
Least Favorite Ship: I can’t believe it actually exists but Gin x Shinichi, no, just no, for the very obvious reasons.
Film/Show Rating: 7/10The show is very slow paced in plot but very quick paced on individual cases. Love it for being part of my childhood. For a Murder Mystery Show it’s still tons of fun and retains it’s child like sense.
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junjunkii · 7 years
3, 5, 7 and 22 for the gay ask!
3. do you want kids?— No. I want to focus on my career entirely. I can’t even imagine taking so much time and energy away from pursuing my dreams to raise children.
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on— lmaooo you’d think I’d have gone on dates before but I actually haven’t. At least not with just myself and a girlfriend. Which is kind of sad now that I think about it.
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?— NIGHT. TIME. GAY.
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?— Nope! I’ve always been sure before I asked.
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animepopheart · 8 years
siguenevando replied: Sakura from CCS!
OH YES, definitely!!
ninjaattackatthemoefactory replied: How about....Flonne?  I feel like Disgaea isn't cosplayed often.
Sounds like a challenge. I’ll look around and see if I can find any good ones, Charles!
whitepearl09 replied: If there's any Saber ones that'd be awesome :o
Oh, I have soooo much Saber in my drafts already. I’ll be posting them here and on my Instagram in the coming weeks.
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stfutoya · 4 years
i was tagged by @yuiaka to do the url song tag! thanks for tagging me, i love doing song tags kjhajkfh
Rules: Spell out your URL with song titles, then tag 10 people.
B- beware the dog / the griswolds
A- asian resort / kiki vivi lily
Q- quit / cashmere cat, ariana grande
U- unlucky / iu
K- kiss in the sun / three1989
O- o2 / suho
U- un village / baekhyun
tagging @tobsioos @todorokees @whitepearl09 @shoutosm @choiashley @toya @schech
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shihomiyano · 5 years
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gif request meme: favorite brotp ♡ heiji hattori & conan edogawa
that’s because I’m kudo’s best friend! (requested by @whitepearl09)
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fish3s · 5 years
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a commission of @whitepearl09 's OC! thank you for commissioning me :')
(enlarge for details/click for full resolution)
› commission info!
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animepenguin · 7 years
☝ - How tall are you? Uhhhh I haven’t measured myself in about 3-4 years, but I’d say I’m around 175-180cm.
💉 - Have Tattoos?Nope, I’m not really a big fan of tattoos.
♥ - Do you like anyone?Uhhh not really??
📝 - Story from your childhood. I was about 5 years old when this story happened:My little brother was born on New Years Day and was the first baby born in Australia on that year, so we had some reporters come and visit us to do one of those heartwarming-fluff pieces for our local news station. I’d mostly forgotten about it until my dad found the old recording of it, and when we played it back there was this one part where they were just filming us acting normally together as a family and whatnot, and for some godforsaken reason 5-Year-Old Me decided that this would be the prime opportunity for me to ask my mother where babies came from. Of course the news station got a real hoot out of that and made sure to specifically include that bit of footage at the end of the segment and have a grand old laugh at me on national television.So yeah, pretty embarrassing stuff.
Thanks so much for the ask!! Ask me more stuff!
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stealthgrass · 4 years
Tagged by @whitepearl09
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better
Real name: Jace
Nickname: KK, jaceypennies
Zodiac: Cancer
Favorite musicians or groups: Panic! at the disco, Weezer, Ninja Sex party
Favorite sports team: I don’t watch any sports lol
Other blogs:  @jaceinspace my art blog
Do I get asks: Not really, but I wouldn’t mind it at all
How many blogs do I follow: 705
Tumblr crushes: Pretty much any artist I follow lol
Lucky numbers: 4
What am I wearing: Leggings and a big ass shirt 
Dream vacation: Going to Japan, I pretty much want to go anywhere though so any vacation would be cool with me
Dream car: Green and black mustang 
Favorite food:Pad thai or curry, also love turkey burgers
Drink of choice: Coke or Coffee with cream and sugar
Instruments: Don’t really know how to play any but I want to learn to play the piano one day. 
Languages: English, I am slowly learning Finnish lol
Celebrity crushes: Brendon Urie, Dan Avidan
Random facts: I have  Déjà vu moments everyday and sometimes multiple times a day, lots of times In those moments its a few seconds in a day I feel I have already experienced and sometimes I will change what I feel like is supposed to happen just to see what will happen instead. I don’t really have anyone to tag I just wanted to do this for my friend <3
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jaceinspace · 5 years
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A commission for my amazing friend @whitepearl09 of her just as amazing character!! I had so much fun doing this!!
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