simplyghosting · 2 years
Friendly prompt to check out the accessibility features on your phone if you haven’t before!
Settings > General > Accessibility
Settings > Accessibility
A lot of newer smartphones have pretty cool features, like reduce whitepoint (makes white less bright) or invert colors (dark mode). Mine even has a white noise generator that can play over media. Lots of other stuff, too. It can be fun to explore your tech and find ways to make it more customized to you.
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circus-k · 6 months
god gives his hardest battles [laptop with limited visual accessibility options] to the world's strongest soldier [guy with eyes like a baby bat]
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deepdarkdelights · 1 month
WIP Sneak Peek
A/N: Hello everyone, it has been a very long time since I have posted a fic and I am truly sorry! Life in grad school has been ten times harder than I thought it would be, and my presence here has suffered because of it! Whenever I have found time I have been trying to work on my wips. So, today, I am giving you a sneak peek of my most developed fic so far! I hope you enjoy this Bridgerton inspired sneak peek!
“A letter has arrived for you, my lady.” Your maid called for you as she unsealed the envelope with a letter opener, “It is from your mother.”  The pianoforte made a ghastly sound beneath your fingertips as you startled at the mention of your mother. The five years you had spent in isolation from the Ton’ had included your beloved brother as well as your mother. Your aunt had done her best to enforce the privacy that you had requested and this had included correspondence, all letters had been addressed to or intercepted by her and her alone at your request. You cleared your throat and collected yourself, regaining the composure you had trained yourself into in the past years. “You may take that to my aunt, Lilah, I have not corresponded with my mother in quite some time as you are aware.” “My mistress has requested that I deliver this to you and you alone, my lady.” Lilah replied, placing the unsealed envelope on the top of the pianoforte, “I will give you your privacy, when you are ready to draft your response I will return.” You stared after the maid’s retreating form. In any other house, her words and disposition would have been mistaken for disrespect. However, Lilah had been a faithful servant to your family since you were born, she being only eight years your senior. She truly had the best of intentions when it came to you, and she knew when to talk to you like the petulant child that you were being despite your age. Your fingers trembled as you slid the stationary free from the envelope and began to read. Dearest,  It has been quite some time since you have been home. Your brother and myself have missed you deeply during this time that we have spent apart. Your dear aunt has told me of the woman that you are growing into, and I am deeply saddened that I have missed these defining years of your youth. Your brother and I have spoken often of your return, and as we approach your fifth season away from home we have come to a decision on the matter. While Seokjin was in firm agreement with your decision to leave home, I have made my stance on the matter very clear. While I hold little authority as dowager viscountess, I still hold much authority as you and your brother’s mother. It is upon my request with the approval of your brother, that you are to return home this season.  While you may not think this to be so, I do understand the heavy burden that comes with being a woman in society. However, as your mother, I can no longer stand by and allow you to hide from your responsibilities in the country. I have listened to your brother long enough and I have given your aunt plenty of time to prepare you for your return to society. You are quickly approaching spinsterhood and it is now time to find you a suitable match. Your aunt has let me know your stance on this as well, and I regret to inform you that we are no longer in a position where we can wait. In spite of your aversion to marriage, I will be securing you a match by the end of the season whether you return home or not. However, if you decide to stay with your aunt in Whitepoint, you will have no input in the suitor that I choose for you. With this knowledge, I find that it will be in your best interest to return home at once. Do not think me heartless, dearest. It is with a heavy heart that I have made this decision. Your brother and I have missed you and we both are doing this to ensure that you will be taken care of. And, selfishly, I knew that this would be the only way I would see you return home to me once more. I know that you will be angry and I know that you will be hurt, however, do know that we have tried to give you the most time that we could possibly afford. You have had five years now to explore your passions and grow, that is more than most women have ever been able to have. Your brother and I eagerly await your return. With all my love, Mother
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greedtter · 10 months
[wip] a whitepoint star.
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mrleopard25 · 1 year
Doctor Who Regeneration Series Revisited: The Eleventh Regeneration
Wilfred: “Still with us?” The Tenth Doctor: “System’s dead.  I absorbed it all.  Whole thing’s kaput.  Oh!  Now it opens…yeah.” Wilfred: “Well, there we are then!  Safe and sound.  Mind you, you’re in a hell of a state.  You’ve got some battle scars there. But they’ve…your face!  How did you do that??” The Tenth Doctor: “It’s started.”
Story (from “The End of Time (Parts 1 and 2)” and “The Eleventh Hour”):
After hearing the prophesy that his life will end after hearing a man knock four times the Doctor goes on numerous trips through time and space to avoid his fate. Finally Ood Sigma contacts the Doctor and convinces him to come to the Ood Sphere. Once there Ood Sigma informs the Doctor of not only the Master’s reincarnation but a dark force threatening to wipe out all of existence (again).
The Doctor arrives at Earth in the present day to find that billionaire Joshua Naismith has acquired a devise called the Immortality Gate and plans on using it to grant his daughter immortality. However he can not get it to work and has kidnapped the Master to fix it. The Master’s reincarnation was incomplete, however, and he has become unstable, brimming with strange telekinetic powers and requiring a constant supply of meat (even live humans).
The Master sabotages the Gate before the Doctor can stop him and changes the function of it to overwrite ever human’s DNA and mind with that of the Master’s, except Donna Noble due to her subdued but still imbued half Time-Lord nature (see “Journey’s End”) and her grandfather Wilfred (who the Doctor has protected).
However the true nature of the Gate soon becomes apparent. In the last day of the Time War the Lord President Rassilon (more on this later) and the High Council, save two, voted on sending the whole of Gallifrey into another time and place, away from where the War Doctor was about to use The Moment. To achieve this they had sent a signal through the time vortex into the mind of the Master when he was a child and staring into The Untempered Schism (see “The Sound of Drums”). It was this signal that drove him mad. And now that the Master is using a Whitepoint Star Diamond with the Immortality Gate, the Time Lords can escape the Time War.
At first the Master tries to take advantage of this opportunity by using the Gate to overwrite the Time Lords biology as he did with the Humans but Rassilon easily thwarts this attempt. The Doctor warns the Master that the Time Lords have to be sent back and reveals that during the Time War the Time Lords became insane with the evils they had committed.  Indeed, now free of the war, they intend to evolve themselves to a higher plane of existence at the cost of the universe itself.
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As the war-torn Gallifrey begins to appear in Earth’s orbit the Doctor, with Wilfred’s gun, finds himself having to choose between severing one of the two points keeping the link open: the Master or Rassilon. He hesitates between shooting either until he sees one of the dissenting High Council is a woman he recognizes. She nods to him and the Doctor is inspired. He turns and shoots the Whitepoint Star Diamond, destroying the focus of the link. The Time Lords start being sent back into the Time War and Rassilon prepares to kill the Doctor with his gauntlet before he vanishes. The Master, infuriated that his whole tormented life was orchestrated by the Time Lords’ plan, rushes at Rassilon and the two fall into the Gate and back into the War to be killed.
The Doctor, astonished that he is still alive, suddenly hears four knocks from Wilfred, who is in a chamber sealed for the Immortality Gate’s radiation purge.  The only way out is for someone to go into the adjacent chamber and release the door mechanism. Wilfred pleads with the Doctor to not bother saving him, as he is an old man who has already lived his life. The Doctor is anguished at first with being confronted by this scenario but knows he can not sacrifice Wilfred’s life for his own.  He goes into the second chamber and releases Wilfred just as the radiation purges and seeps into his body.
With the radiation released the chamber door opens and Wilfred perceives the Doctor as being all right. The Doctor reveals that he is dying due to radiation poisoning then leaves.  While dying the Doctor visits all his past companions to see how they are faring (but we only see a select few) even pausing to wish Rose Tyler a happy New Year in January 2005.
Staggering into the TARDIS the Doctor engages in flight before tearfully admitting he doesn’t want to go.  The regeneration commences explosively, shooting radiation and heat out of his body, and devastates the TARDIS console room.  The regeneration complete, the Doctor inspects himself cheerfully to see how he looks and then remembers the ship is plummeting towards the Earth.
Crashing in a backyard pool in 1996, the Doctor climbs out of the dilapidated TARDIS and meets 10 year old Amelia Pond.  The Doctor demands to be fed and Amelia tries to feed him an assortment of food, which the Doctor in his confused state believes to all be poisonous.  He soon discovers that Amelia is haunted by a crack in her wall which is a crack in space-time leading to an Atraxi prison.  And coming from that crack is a message that “Prisoner Zero has escaped.”
After three full years David Tennant and the production team had taken the already successful Doctor Who and built upon it.  Ratings were consistently high, and every season head writer / executive producer Russell T Davies was shooting for bigger and better things in the program.
Under his wings plot elements from the classic series crept back in for a new audience including Davros (creator of the Daleks), the Sontarans, the Macra, and the Master.  There was even an appearance of the Fifth Doctor in “Time Crash.”  At this point there was no question that not only was it a continuation of the old series, but was as popular as it as well. David Tennant became as recognized in the role as Tom Baker had been thirty years before.
However Tennant decided that he had spent enough time on the series and was game to move on.  Likewise the production team was ready to move on as well and Davies was ready to hand over his titles to Steven Moffat, a regular writer on the series. To ease the transition, in lieu of another season, 2009 would have five hour-long specials airing through out the course of the year: Christmas 2008, Easter, November 15th, Christmas 2009, and New Years 2010.
Steven Moffat was the most logical choice to fill the shows Davies was leaving behind. Again, he was already writing for the program, and he was also a long-time fan. Sitting down with the rest of the new production team (executive producers Piers Wenger and Beth Willis, and producer Tracie Simpson) it was a consensus that they wanted to find a older, more distinguished actor.  26 year old Matt Smith was the first person to audition and greatly impressed the team.  However they continued to audition others because they were worried about passing the torch to someone so young.
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In the end the team couldn’t find anyone who matched Smith’s obvious talent and hired him on, making him officially the youngest actor to play the Doctor so far.  Unlike Tennant, Smith had no real exposure to Doctor Who before.  Granted, he was aware of it but he was from a generation that grew up in that gap between series.  So Smith took the assignment to heart and watched some old stories to catch up.
The production team’s initial idea for the Eleventh Doctor’s costume was actually more like Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise (a chic swashbuckler?). However Smith became quite taken with the Second Doctor’s portrayal upon watching “Tomb of the Cybermen,” and insisted on a costume more reminiscent of that. He noted that the chic swashbuckler look was not how the Doctor would dress himself, and instead brought back the bowtie.
As for the regeneration itself, Davies’ team had already firmly established that unlike regenerations in the old series they wanted consistent-looking effects. As such, when the Master regenerated in the Tenth Doctor story “Utopia” it was basically the same effects but with a few different colours. So when the Doctor regenerated in this story we see essentially the same effect yet again with one notable difference: the explosion of fire outwards.  This served the story well too; after this devastation they could change the TARDIS set.
When I wrote the original version of this article, I had serious qualms about the Doctor lamenting how much he didn’t want to go. I thought it took away from his assertion of his identity over the temptings of the Time Lord Victorious, and removed some of the heroic nature of his character. After all we had seen him stare down the biggest threat to all of creation while still finding the bravery to accept death through sacrifice. And further to that, I felt the shrieks of despair of ravenous Doctor Who fanatics who were crying their eyes out and wailing back to their television screens that they also didn’t want him to go.
But I’ve come to reevaluate this stance.
While I will admit there is definitely some fan service, and arguably some writer service, in going back and seeing all the companions and having the Doctor begin to weep at his upcoming regeneration, I don’t think it is just that. Firstly with hindsight we now know that the Doctor is now using up his last regeneration. So this is more than just regenerating - this is his final regeneration and is one step closer to death. And in that time we is still filled with regret over the Time War. Not only does he still have no way to absolve that guilt, but he had to reaffirm it by ensuring that the High Council and the Master were forced to stay behind on Gallifrey while it burned. And that the planet itself was sent back into the hellfire. That’s pretty rough!
Remember, he has no memory of the events of “The Day Of The Doctor”!
He has also had to watch as an actual half-human doppelganger is now living in an alternate universe with one of the very few women he has allowed himself to fall in love with. Actually scratch that: he didn’t just watch it, he facilitated it. His best friend, Donna, has had her mind wiped and is living as a more shallow previous version of herself.
But perhaps most telling of this mentality comes from his experience in “Human Nature” and “The Family Of Blood”. As the human John Smith (missing his Time Lord memories and nature), he fell in love with Joan Redford and intended to spend his life with her. The Doctor retains those memories and even shared a telepathic glimpse with her of what that life could have been like. For all the times the Doctor has empathized with humans, for once he actually became one and felt real mortality.
I think it’s that retreat to and acceptance of those feelings of mortality that the Doctor allowed himself to experience one last time that led to his sudden declaration of not wanting to go. Whereas when it was said during “The Day Of The Doctor” it was more of a musing, when said here it’s him stripping down and being honest with himself. And even more important to note, it is only him with the TARDIS.
As for the story itself, I like “The End of Time” quite a bit.  I think it really ties things together for the Time War, at least up until that point. I originally had written that I felt Davies had tied together all the loose ends of the Time War and was looking forward to moving on to new things. Fortunately Steven Moffat was able to bring in some new angles on the War as well as introducing some excellent new material. I wound up being very happy with the Eleventh Doctor’s run.
Rassilon, played by the ever sinister Timothy Dalton, is a great addition.  And yes I believe he is THE Rassilon, hero of Time Lord society, who has been dead for millennia.  We saw in “The Five Doctors” that he was really not dead as much as non-corporeal. So I think it’s reasonable that the Time Lords resurrected him in this great time of need. Too bad he went bonkers.
There’s some question as to who that mystery woman from the High Council is that helps Wilfred and tips the Doctor off at the end.  Davies said that it’s implicitly supposed to be the Doctor’s mother (again, totally disregarding the “half-human” theory) but could we not entertain the notion that it’s Romana? If you’re firmly in the camp that Romana never escaped E-Space (even though the audio adventures state she did and became Lord President for a while), what about Flavia?  Or here’s a wild card…the Rani? The Time Lord High Counsel would not be above recruiting a sociopath like her to include in their ranks.
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I’m quite happy with the Eleventh Doctor and Matt Smith’s portrayal.  I’m a big sucker for a youthful appearance betraying the wise man underneath – hence why I really dug the Fifth Doctor. That doesn’t mean I want only young men to play the role but handled correctly I think it makes for a fascinating character to watch.  And Smith nailed the costume on the head; the look is excellent.
“The Eleventh Hour” was also a great introductory episode.  It was very accessible which is something I really expect from a first episode even for a season. There’s no real need to see any Doctor Who previously.
The Doctor post-regeneration is a little less catatonic and a little battier. He’s first worried that he’s swapped genders and then he’s dismayed to learn that he’s still not a redhead (something the Tenth Doctor was hoping to be, mentioned in “The Christmas Invasion”). He has a strange curiousity about every new experience but the knowledge is still there in his head and it slowly reasserts itself through the episode. The adult Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, is a great choice as well. This is a quirky girl who’s tormented – not an easy role to fill.
I have always enjoyed Steven Moffat’s stories in the past seasons so imagine my elation to hear that he was becoming head writer.  I was ecstatic.  I remember a lot of fans were likewise thrilled, but Moffat’s tenure quickly became a divisive one. Truthfully I don’t see what the big issue was. RTD was a great writer but released some stinker scripts, and Moffat was the same. But Moffat was focused more on the fantastical stories and I think that tone shift rubbed some fans the wrong way.
The new title sequence and the new TARDIS set were also welcome additions to the production.  If the production team was looking for a way to kick-start the series and bring in fresh blood, they definitely found it.
I want to quickly mention The Sarah-Jane Adventures episode “Death of the Doctor.”  For those who don’t know, back in 1981 a Doctor Who spinoff series called “K-9 and Company” spawned a pilot episode.  The series would revolve around ex-companions Sarah-Jane Smith and the robot dog K-9.  It was not produced further than the pilot allegedly because the then-BBC1 controller really hated it (I saw it recently and it IS a little silly).  Anyway in 2007 the Davies Doctor Who team produced a new version of the show called “The Sarah-Jane Adventures” which again starred Sarah-Jane but had less K-9 and instead a supercomputer named Mr. Smith, and a kid named Luke who’s some genetic copy of someone or something.  Anyway there was a few Doctor Who crossovers and the “Death of the Doctor” includes the Eleventh Doctor. While talking to this kid Clyde the Doctor says he can regenerate 507 times.  Naturally fans were aghast.  How does THAT make sense?  Time Lords can only regenerate 12 times! Davies (probably) sighed really loudly and then issued a statement saying the Doctor was just being glib, and that he had no intent on taking something so integral to the series and tossing it out in an odd line on another series entirely. This wound up being held true, but I figured I’d mention it anyway since it’s related.
And Another Thing…
The Sarah-Jane Adventures would be far better if they got rid of the teens.
The Eleventh Doctor: “Legs!  I’ve still got legs! Good.  Arms!  Hands!  Ooh, fingers!  Lots of fingers!  Ears!  Yes, eyes, two.  Nose.  Ooh, I’ve had worse.  Chin!  Blimey!  Hair!  I’m a girl!  No!  No…I’m not a girl!  Oh…and still not ginger!!”
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asfaltics · 2 months
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6653 . whitepoint adj . 20240725  
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disabledfurries · 2 months
my name is laika, i'm 28, white and tme. i'm a disabled furry who wanted to make a blog to showcase art of disabled furries because "disabled furry character" seems to be a particularly niche category.
babyfurs, zoo, transmisogynists, and disability/illness fetishizers are not welcome here.
i reblog art depicting disabled furries, general furry art with descriptions and alt text, and stuff about how to write and draw disabled characters.
posts with image descriptions and alt text will be prioritized. images without image descriptions will be tagged "undescribed".
all writing/character creation advice posts are tagged "dev", and by the specific condition, e.g. "fd" for facial difference, "limb difference" for limb differences, "vitiligo" for vitiligo, "albinism" for albinism, etc.
any posts about mobility aids are tagged simply "mobility aid". i have a cognitive disability; i may get confused with tagging. but this way of tagging for me should remain consistent.
if i manage to find any posts about how to represent medical aids that are not mobility aids (monitors, ostomies, etc), they will be tagged "medical aid", as well as the name of the specific aid to make searching easy. however, you can also check out these blogs:
cripplecharacters: x
a-little-revolution: x
cy-cyborg: x
blindbeta: x
vitiligo-is-not-a-trend: x
as well as just eye strain, i also tag specific vision/seizure triggers. it's unlikely i'll be rbing a lot of eye strain in general, but a list of tags i use is under the cut.
eye strain
bright colors, for neons and saturated rainbows. i also tag by color, like bright red, neon pink, bright yellow, bright blue, etc
primarily seizure risks: static effect, scrolling gif, checkerboard, thin stripe pattern, chromatic aberration, fast gif
visual clutter (too many details or information in one image. people with certain neurological and eye conditions can experience fatigue from just seeing too many things at once.)
low contrast, for dim or dark images
keep in mind i have my own vision problems and may improperly tag things eye strain when they're not, or not tag eye strain when it is. i always tag things i suspect may be, though.
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that-darn-clown · 1 year
accidentally turning my whitepoint back up and getting flashbanged
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tawkel15 · 1 year
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photochannyc · 2 years
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Breakfast special this morning at our fave diner. @whitepoint_diner (at Whitepoint Diner) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIVhfEuB_4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minnesotatrust · 2 years
Displaycal software
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Using Displa圜AL (ex dispcalGUI) already for several years, I have only praise to express. Create synthetic ICC (matrix) profiles with custom primaries, white-, and blackpoint, as well as tone response.Test chart editor: Create charts with any amount of color patches, easy copy-and-paste from CGATS, CSV files (only tab-delimited) and spreadsheet applications.Also supports custom CGATS files (e.g., FOGRA, GRACoL/IDEAlliance, SWOP) and using of reference profiles to obtain test values.
Profile verification and measurement report: check the quality of profiles and 3D LUTs via measurements.Support of colorimeter correction for different screens via correction matrices or calibration specral sample files (the latter only for specific colorimeters: i1 Display Pro, ColorMunki Display and Spyder 4/5).Displa圜AL is a graphical user interface developed by Florian Höch for the display calibration and profiling tools of Argyll CMS, an open source color management system developed by Graeme Gill.Ĭalibrate and characterize your display devices using one of the many supported hardware sensors, with support for multi-display setups and a variety of available settings like customizable whitepoint, luminance, tone response curve as well as the option to create matrix and look-up-table ICC profiles, with optional gamut mapping, as well as some proprietary 3D LUT formats.
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sciencetoastudent · 6 years
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The @schleichofficial ones were a bit better anatomically (and that's surprising), but I'm still happy with my new @safariltd find! #shark #sharks #safariltd #whiteshark #whitesharks #greatwhiteshark #greatwhiteshark #whitepointer #whitepointers #science #usofscience #scicomm #ocean #sea #fish #elasmobranch #selachimorpha #marinebiology #toy #collectible #model https://www.instagram.com/p/BpBXjstgp-O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fygeeghakm5l
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thedunwitchghost · 3 years
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I'll punish you with the power of love!
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honeybeeadear · 3 years
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Happy Mermay everybody! Here’s my loving contribution to the cause of giving sharks in media more character development!
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jimabernethy · 4 years
#Repost from my good friend as well as Nautilus Dive Master @adil_schindler @download.ins --- Great white shark ID series - Mace As if great whites weren't intimidating enough already with their sheer appereance.... Now this guy, Mace, really gives you the chills. Not only is he constantly circling the cages almost too close and giving you the unshakable feeling of WANTING YOU, but also half of the left side of his face is ripped into pieces which makes him look like he is straight out of a horror movie. Simply a-MACE-ing!!! Seen aboard Nautilusliveaboards at isla Guadalupe/Mexico. #nautilusliveaboards #nautilusdiveadventures #greatwhiteshark #greatwhite #islaguadalupe #shark #sharks #carcharodoncarcharias #maneater #whitepointer #greatwhite #mexico #divewithsharks #sharkexpress #discoverychannel #sharkweek #W92Y9M #cagediving #sharkattack #ocean #oceanlover #oceanlovers #waterproofvideo #gansbaai #neptuneislands #conservation #sharktourism (at Isla Guadalupe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Aor34Jsaq/?igshid=s3k5x5bset9a
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amorousdino · 5 years
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A Shark Week sketch. Hopefully I can dish out a couple more before the end of the week. Based on a great photograph by @iphotographsharks #greatwhiteshark #whiteshark #greatwhitesharks #shark #whitepointer #art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #drawing #tonedpaperdrawing #animals #animalart #animalanatomy #anatomy #wildlife #wildlifeart #wildlifedrawing #naturalhistory #naturalhistoryillustration #naturalhistoryart #marinelife #marinebiology #sharkweek https://www.instagram.com/p/B0o3Xdhll99/?igshid=jqj1lxmujh43
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