#who also had an autistic son and helped mum a lot with my brother who’s also autistic and was involved in a lot of groups and things for
shiftingserendipity · 8 months
so just found out someone spotted my autism at like 7/8 and no one thought to say a fucking thing to me wtf
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My Brother’s Keeper
Rohan x MC
Foster just wants to care for her autistic brother. Her parents are so sure she needs them to set her up to find someone that will love her that way. Too bad they don’t understand her or her brother.
@justtuesdays @csmicletters @rebelrayne
I hope I did this justice 😭
Foster had been described a lot of ways by people in her life.
Her mates described her as protective, softhearted, witty, sharp tongued. She was who they turned to when they needed someone to listen.
Her parents called her hardworking, social, driven, compassionate. She was who they turned to when they needed help.
Her exes complained she was closed off, too narrow focused, stubborn, a type A personality. They would say she never let herself rely on them.
Her exes and her parents had one thought in common- they believed she used her little brother as an excuse, a shield to keep away intimacy and vulnerability, a way to keep people- and romantic prospects- from getting too close.
Her mates had a different line of thinking. They believed that Stevie was more Foster’s final test for a companion. Not out of a place of malice, or even awareness. None of them thought Foster had any idea she did it, but if someone wanted to be in her life and they thought Stevie was a problem or obstacle in the way, then they were never around long enough to matter.
Because Stevie is autistic.
He had needs special to him that had to be met, and Foster was never nervous or agitated about meeting those needs. Their parents tried, they really did. But she was twelve when he was born and sort of just became his person. Like he was a baby duck and imprinted on her. When she was old enough and got a job that required her to relocate, her parents couldn’t handle the meltdowns he’d have not seeing her every day. So she offered, filed the paperwork when they agreed, and became his guardian.
Foster’s mates had been taken aback when they had visited her flat and her younger brother was suddenly taking up residence in the second bedroom, but her best mate wasn’t. Rohan had been the only one she told before the paperwork was filed, and he had volunteered to assist in moving Stevie’s belongings. None of them were bothered, they had met Stevie several times and adored him. Even when he struggled, they were understanding. Her mates understood that she was his lifeline, the only other person he was ever comfortable around was Rohan- they joked it was the hazard of knowing Foster as long as he had.
Their parents would visit, video call, phone them- they tried to make sure Stevie knew that he was still their son, whether they understood him or not. For him it was just part of the routine Foster helped him establish.
But their mum and dad were also convinced that she would never end up married if Stevie always depended on her- they didn’t pay attention to the fact that she didn’t care what they wanted for her. Convinced it was the only way she’d end up happy, her parents decided they needed to set her up. And what better place than their cousin’s wedding? He was a good man, marrying a well-to-do woman. They were sure that her friend would be perfect.
Foster hadn’t wanted to go. Not only did Stevie have trouble with traveling, but she didn’t care for their cousin.
Or more specifically, she didn’t care for his bride.
Lucas was a gentleman through and through, he never pressured her or got annoyed for choosing to care for Stevie and take his comfort into account rather than to go out and have fun. But his bride-to-be had always made it known that she didn’t care for children, especially those that could misbehave. Foster’s parents never saw an issue with her, only seeing her at family events where she had her best face on, but Hope never went near anyone under fifteen.
Where Lucas never flinched at hearing or seeing Stevie stim, Foster had seen his fiancé glare silently in her seat. She wasn’t sure what the woman would do if he couldn’t stay quiet during the big day. Regardless of her parents wishes, she was going to stay home. Lucas and Rohan had convinced her that it would be okay, Lucas would help her where he could, and Rohan would take care of things at home for them.
So she prepared. Stevie’s headphones were put in his bag, the spare set put in hers. Stevie rechecked the bags she packed three times, once each day leading to their departure. Foster watched as he did his best to remain calm as they started the drive, they had gone over everything they needed to know, and Rohan was taking care of the plants Stevie cared for every day.
Waking up at the hotel Lucas had booked for them, Foster sighed to herself. Stevie didn’t like new places- he had thrown the pillowcase off his pillow, he didn’t like the way it felt. His bag was emptied, his things set in the closest relative places they would be at home. But he was awake, he wasn’t unhappy, and he let her help him prepare for the wedding.
They sat near the back though they were early, she knew he didn’t appreciate crowds, and she would much rather be at home with Rohan than to watch her stuffy aunt and uncle parade her cousin around, but she didn’t get a choice. Nearly as soon as they sat down, a man occupied the seat next to her, essentially ignoring the large number of empty seats. “You must be Foster.”
She blinked, glad he at least chose to sit on her side away from her brother, but confused how he knew her name, “I am. If you’re looking for Lucas-“
“No,” the man grinned, he almost looked like it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do, but it was obviously strained after a moment when she didn’t seem to recognize him through his posturing, “I’m Reese. Your mum wanted us to meet.”
She cringed internally, remembering how her parents demanded she give him a better chance than she had her exes. They kept emphasizing she couldn’t stay single forever. If only they knew, “Right. Good to meet you.” As more people filled the room, she became more aware of Stevie shifting uncomfortably next to her, so she directed her attention to him. Ensuring his noise cancelling headphones were in place, she turned back but Reese was gone. She couldn’t dwell on it as the wedding began, she had to focus to keep him calm.
But the room was crowded.
Stevie’s clothes made him itchy.
The seven or eight year old girl of the couple next to him kept trying to take his comfort toy- a stuffed triceratops Foster had bought him as a toddler.
She tried to calm him down, muttering lowly as to not disturb the others in attendance as she helped him count out the windows, focus on the patterns he could observe as he usually did to relax-
But then the girl finally slipped his toy from his hands, and Stevie had let out an instinctual yell as it slid from his grasp.
Foster didn’t think twice, snatching the dinosaur back and letting him tug it into his chest, eyes narrowed when the couple tried to glare her way at the disturbance.
The minister had halted his speech, all eyes in the room shifting to look at the two of them and she wished they would stop. Stevie hated having eyes on him. Lucas, bless her cousin, cleared his throat and insisted that they continue, but his bride had other plans.
“Not until that’s over.” Hope snapped, sneering at the groom, “I told you I wasn’t a fan of kids attending fancy things, they don’t care.”
Lucas pulled back like she’d slapped him, repulsion clear on his face, “Stevie is doing his best.”
“Sure, whatever.” She pursed her lips, “You promised me this would go off without a hitch, it was the only reason I let you invite them.”
Several of the guests were still turning to look at Foster as Stevie began to rock in his seat, she finally got him to look at her, “Want to go outside? We can watch the clouds.”
He didn’t nod exactly, but he jumped to his feet with his toy still clutched to his chest, and she followed him out, shooting Lucas an apologetic look as they went.
She hadn’t been sure how the rest of the ceremony went, finding a field for Stevie to lie in with a clear view of the fluff drifting over their heads. Eventually people started drifting out of the church, some glaring at them as they went, but some seemed to be shooting grateful looks their way. She noticed the former must’ve been from Hope’s side, while the latter she recognized from Lucas’s side. Their parents emerged eventually, both nearly red faced as they started to stomp their way over, but Lucas flew past them and scooped Foster into a hug, “Bloody hell, thank you so much.”
She blinked, entirely unsure what she was being thanked for, “For interrupting your wedding?”
“For giving me the reason to cancel my wedding.”
“I’m sorry- what??” Her eyes widened, disbelief flooding her features as he smiled far too largely for the news he shared.
Lucas just shook his head, “You know I don’t want kids, neither does Hope, and I thought that was a good sign for us. But she actually just can’t stand to be around children- especially any like Stevie, and I love the little guy too much to marry someone that talks about him the way she was.”
She nodded, still not understanding exactly what happened, “So what now?”
Lucas shrugged, “Reception is still paid for. We go have a drink and dance- I’ve got a room set up for Stevie in the hall we rented. Standard things he likes- food specified for him, those history channel shows on the Telly he loves on dvd.”
Foster had just finished listening to a forty five minute ramble on the intricacies or pro wrestling when she felt a tug on her sleeve, turning to see Stevie, “Every day at three o clock.”
“What?” Reese cocked his head, somehow looking annoyed that someone was stealing his limelight, “What does he mean every day at three o clock?”
She shushed the man beside her, redirecting all her attention to her younger brother, “Were you supposed to do something today at three?”
“Every day at three o clock.” The boy fidgeted, glancing around like he was looking for something, “Every day at three o clock! It’s nearly three- I’m gonna be late!”
“I understand.” She offered firmly, but softly, understanding without the strength to scare him, “I know you don’t like questions, but you need to help me understand what happens every day at three o clock.” She had schedule memorized, but Lucas had talked her into a drink, and then she needed two or three more to deal with Reese’s non stop ego talk.
“Cat. Every day at three o clock. I need to feed the cat- the cat is always there! I need to feed the cat.”
She smiled, hands hovering in front of her to show she wouldn’t touch him, before she gave him a gentle reminder, “Someone is feeding the cat, remember? We wouldn’t let that poor stray starve just because you aren’t home.” Pulling out her phone, she realized the time was two fifty eight as she opened a video call, the flat they shared immediately coming into view, “Hey, Rohan! You know what time it is, right?”
The dark haired man’s beaming smile didn’t fade as he laughed at the check up call, “I am opening the cat food right this second,” he flipped the camera to show the can opener latched onto a half opened can of wet cat food, a familiar dish sitting next to it, “I have the bowl Stevie bought for him, I’m going to put it exactly two feet away from the wall centered behind the rubbish bin under the fire escape. Stevie, you are welcome to stay on the call and watch it happen.” He didn’t ask if he wanted to watch the simple action of a cat being fed. He gave him the option, open ended, and left it up to Stevie to decide.
Neither were surprised when he didn’t take the phone, but watched with an intensity as Rohan put the food into the bowl and began carrying it outside. She resisted the urge to reach out, as she would for anyone else, when his shoulders started to rock forward and back, the time was two fifty nine. At exactly three o clock, they watched as he set the bowl under the fire escape, centered behind the rubbish bin, measured and marked two feet from the wall. And they saw the stray cat edge out from behind forgotten scrap piles in the alley, cautiously approaching the man he didn’t know, before recognizing the bowl and hurrying forward. “Thanks, love.”
“Thank you.” Stevie echoed.
“No problem, little dude. Enjoy your day, if you want to call again at seven, I’ll be here to water the plants. Swear, I’m following the schedule to a T. You can catch me up on the big day.”
As soon as the call ended, Stevie was directing himself back out of the crowded room they were in, and she watched him meander down the corridor to the room Lucas had set up for him.
Only for an annoyed voice to cut into her attention, “Love?” Reese scoffed, “Bit familiar to address a friend, innit?”
Foster snorted, “Maybe, but how else do you address the person you’ve been dating for two years?”
Reese was gobsmacked, staring at her like she’d grown two heads, “Wha-“
She waved her hand, “Yeah, yeah, my parents wanted to set us up. But it’s not because of me being single, it’s because they refuse to acknowledge that my boyfriend understands my brother and loves him as much as I do. They think I need to find someone that loves me despite Stevie. Not including him. And that’s where we differ.” She shrugged stifling a laugh as the man stomped away. She didn’t feel the need to explain, even though she would when prompted. Lucas understood, because he loved Stevie just as much. Her mates understood, because again they loved Stevie just as much. But Rohan had always been her best mate. Despite the feelings she had spent years smothering inside, she never let them bubble to the surface until she had seen it one day.
Stevie had been having a terrible day. They needed to take the tram because her car had died, people kept getting too close and bumping into him, his dinosaur had gotten wet when someone spilled juice on it at the café they had stopped at for lunch, the waitress had given him mango slices instead of apple slices and he bit into it without looking as he counted the tiles in the ceiling. He hated the texture of mangos, too slimey. She wasn’t sure what she could do, what could be done.
And then Rohan had gotten the text about it, showing up at her flat without her ever uttering the request. He distracted Stevie with the DVR’d episodes of How the States Got Their Shapes he’d recorded for them to watch together, giving Foster time to wash his triceratops and prepare food that he would eat. And when she finally made it back to the living room, she saw Stevie- eyes still focused on the tv- reaching and gently resting his hand on top of Rohan’s. She had nearly dropped the plate, surprised to see him touching anyone else. Rohan had stiffened, imperceptible to Stevie, and glanced back at her with nearly teary eyes.
That was when she knew.
Because yes, admittedly she used Stevie’s attachment to her as a shield, a test, but not to keep people away.
But to keep him protected.
Foster always knew that she would go to the ends of the Earth for Stevie, so anyone that wanted to be in her life needed to be able to be in his.
Rohan had been in her life nearly as long as Stevie had, ten years compared to his twelve, and he treated her brother like his own. He helped her find everything she needed for guardianship, he would babysit during the seldom times she needed to go to the office for work, and he learned the boy’s schedule by heart so that he could help him get through the day.
So when he made a move that night, after Stevie had fallen asleep holding his hand, Rohan had originally only given her a hug and promised to always be there when she needed a shoulder to lean on.
Somehow the lines got blurred in that talk and they ended up confessing to each other in the same breath, but she would never look back.
Because Rohan was exactly what she wanted, exactly what her brother needed, and everything in between.
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Ok rambling about the relationships between the characters of the AU my quotes take place in below. Character names are coloured cos…they are.
Let’s start with the league:
Magne and spinner are both idiotic siblings, best friends and mother and son all at once. Magne is a bit more sensible and is mildly confused by Spinner’s nonsense but joins in and tries to make sense of it all. Their relationships is based off mine and my mum’s relationship at surface level. I say that because unlike me, spinner is not secretly terrified of Magne and gets paranoid around her to the point he believes she can read his mind and will get yelled at for it.
Magne’s relationships with others are: Aizawa, who she’s known since middle school and is currently in a relationship with, Ms joke, who is Aizawa’s other partner and they gang up on him to make him take care of himself, Stain, who she acts pissed off by but in reality would kill for and Toga, who she surprisingly doesn’t spend too much time with, but when they are together, it’s carnage and someone will die or at the least lose a limb.
Spinner’s other relationships include: Stain, who he’s dating and has been for a few months, Toga, who he’s mildly scared of, Shigaraki who’s like an annoying older brother to him, and Dabi, who kinda bullies him but in a light hearted way.
Aizawa’s relationships include Magne and Ms joke who we’ve gone over, Mic who he considers an annoyance that he only interacts with because he just won’t go away, and Stain, who he went to UA with. Oh and Tiger, who he’s actually best friends with and has been since they were small children. Wow Aizawa knows a lot of Orange characters. Aizawa, Ms Joke, Stain and Tiger were all friends in UA.
Stain’s relationships include Tokoyami who he met by chance and they bonded over love of poetry and emo shit, Shinso, who he met by extension of Tokoyami, Spinner, who we’ve discussed Magne, who he’s a little scared of and Aizawa, who he occasionally runs into at night when they’re both doing their patrols. They have a sort of truce between them that they’re not to harm each other. Even if one is fighting someone else, the other is to either walk away or defend the other.
These two aren’t part of a bigger thing like the league but:
Pony and Ibara: They’re best friends and have been since the beginning of school, bonding over both being foreign, as in this AU, Ibara is from England. They like to chat shit about the other students in English behind their backs. They also both get on with Kendo and think it’s fun to wind up Monoma.
Ok! Finally the Shie Hassaikai! Buckle up!
Overhaul and Chronostasis are dating and have been since they knew what the word meant, they were friends since they were babies. Since they started dating so early, it wasn’t a proper relationship until they were about 14, that was when they started actually taking it seriously.
Chrono, Setsuno, Tengai and Tabe are somewhat of a friend group, though it mostly consists of Setsuno being dumb, Tengai being traumatised + autistic and not realising, and Tabe being confused, while Chrono tries his best to keep them all in line, stop Setsuno from doing dumb shit and slowly push Tengai towards getting therapy.
Obviously Setsuno, Tabe and Hojo are all best friends, no change from canon with the trash trio.
Hojo is Deidoro’s half brother and Deidoro takes great pleasure in annoying him.
Setsuno, Tengai and Tabe are all in a poly relationship together. It started by Tengai trying to help Setsuno with his abandonment issues and trying to help him not be so closed off from the world emotionally, and since they grew so close in that time, Setsuno decided that while he had learned to trust and love again, he loved Tengai the most. Tabe then got upset they got to spend all their time together and were leaving him out, so they explained the situation to him and he decided he wanted to be part of it. They just kinda accepted it and they all love each other.
Nemoto and Chrono wind each other up constantly. It’s the only time neither are sensible.
Nemoto is slowly gathering the courage to tell Deidoro he wants to be in a Queer platonic relationship with him.
Rappa and Tengai have no change from canon.
Rappa and Katsukame both despise each other but act like they’re dating at the same time. No one knows what’s going on with them. One second they’ll be raging at each other, the next they’ll be basically cuddling together and complimenting each other. Everyone in confused.
Mimic and Katsukame get on surprisingly ok. Mimic likes hitching rides on his back when in plush form.
Pops isn’t in a coma and actually takes care of Eri. Eri loves all her weird uncles and brothers. Tengai and Chrono are her favourites.
That’s all I can think of right now so yeah.
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millieisokay · 6 years
While atypical is a terrible stereotype of autism I’m actually enjoying
When season 1 first appeared I decided to look past the not autistic lead and the white male stereotype that is often a negative thing for people who don’t fit that. ( I am a massive believer in “if you haven’t tried it don’t dismiss it” )
I feel that there’s lots of things in the series that are made just for autistic people and things that i can relate to that non autistics I don’t think will pick up on. The bus scene when he laughs on the bus to himself for example, I noticed that not many neurotypicals picked up on that and I was like yes this is a thing.
I love the sibling relationship between Sam and Casey because I find it more real. My brother would do anything for me and has always looked out for me and if someone was to pick on my autism he would go all bananas at them but at the same time he has farted in my face before cause he’s nasty but my autism doesn’t mean we can’t be normal siblings.
I relate strongly to sams need to be in a burrito that helps him feel calm and his anxiety about not being at home because of things like the sound of his tortoise. I hate staying away from home because I have hamsters and their noises are soothing for example and without them how am I supposed to sleep?
Autism speaks previous excitement and endorsement before season 1 made me want to explode because we all know they are terrible. I haven’t seen as much promotion from them about it because atypical quickly stopped fitting their belief about autism for example the Mum (Elsa) is terrible and overly too much but she has started to work threw her issues and the dad has stopped being a whining person about his son not playing America football or whatever and he’s started forcing the Mum to let him have his relationship which Sam which I think is nice to see.
So far atypical has brought up issues like the interaction between autistic adults and the police. There’s been countless amounts of deaths at the hands of police in America because autistic people having a meltdown and American police being trigger happy. While Sam didn’t get shot I panicked because they really showed a massive concern for autistic parents and autistic people To do with the police.
The kindess showed by some characters I really like because they have been given information and have an understanding about autism for example the bus driver who knew what to do (ring sams parents) when he had a meltdown and also how the guidance counsellor talks to all the autistic people is exactly like my experience of understanding people making adjustments and not judging.
The tone and the way Sam talks is a steretype of autism for sure and I have not encountered the way he speaks from any autistic person. I believe the people in his autism group with the guidance counsellor are all autistic and that’s closer to the way I say stuff and how in my experience autistic people communication. I don’t know how to explain this point very well but I think the way sam as a character with his speech I think is another potentially harmful stereotype? I see this style of talking a lot in actors who are not autistic playing autistic roles.
I LOVE THE HUMOUR in the group of autistic people this defys the stereotype that autistic don’t have a sense of humour we just have our own humour like everyone else. I like very obvious humour and while I can use basic sarcasm (saying this is great when it isn’t) I still have a real laugh and it’s nice to see this represented in the group
Sams love for penguins is nice because it’s not trains . While some autistic people love trains that’s all I ever see and penguins are cool. Also they have a side character who loves trains which is cool but it’s not an obvious part of the show. I also LOVE finding things out about penguin behaviour and how Sam relates penguins to real life because I for
sure do that with my special interests.
My final point is that I really enjoy the parts of the show that aren’t about Sam but are about Sam. The way Casey, the dad etc act and we see them doing their own thing is something I throughly enjoy. I know my autistic ness existence influences my family and it’s nice to see how that comes across in the family’s interactions with others. (Mum and dad talking about penguins for example, how dad talks to other autism parents positively about their children’s special interests.) also can we just say how great izzie (caseys new friend) is nice to Sam and helpful and how Zahid makes his house as comfortable for Sam as he can while seeing him as a friend NOT as something wrong.
I resepct other people don’t see it how I see it but for me I see it as something not terrible and nice to watch. (Also if you want to get angry with me please don’t because I’m autistic too and can’t handle that but want to be able to write things on my blog without having a meltdown thank you)
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fuck-customers · 7 years
the screech of metal and manager
possible trigger for an autistic child entering a meltdown, ignorant customer reactions.
so i've been working in a concession shop in a department store in the centre of town. It's my first ever job (yay me!) and I've been there 2 weeks, which on my 8hr contract is 16 hrs total. The customers, for the most part, are like docile sheep a lot of the time. I don't use the till, so I just shepherd them over to various stock they like, and I have an hour on the dressing room on saturdays. It's a good job - monotonous in the extreme, but it could be a whole lot worse.
Yesterday (bank holiday saturday), was a whole lot worse. 
It doesn't interfere with my life so badly that I don't feel the need to declare it in my employee paperwork, but I have a sensitivity to sound. I'm prone to migranes, and loud unexpected noises can make me flinch as a minor reaction to panic attacks at the worst. If I know a noise is coming, it's fine enough - I can screw my courage to the sticking place and deal. Doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me, though. Now, the vast majority of my job is tidying up, which I enjoy to an extent. The new stock is on the nice, new hangers and shelves which are blessedly silent, and are a sheer joy to arrange in comparison to the sale rail.
Dear God, the sale rail. Not on a bank holiday weekend. 
So I'm there, tidying the dresses up off the floor onto this old, rickety, rusted and overflowing rail. and in order to do that, I have to shunt all the hangers down the rail to fit the fallen ones back on. We're talking thick, taffeta dresses on a vastly overcrowded rail, in a cramped corner. I can't help but screw up my face in reaction to the sound of scraping metal, but after that I resume my Nice Customer Service Face. 
Now here comes the plot. This lady comes in, smartly dressed, had a teenage daughter she treated like dirt, and her 8 y/o (best estimate) son, who had his hands over his ears, tear tracks down his face, rocking on his heels. My younger brother is on the spectrum, so I know the hallmarks of a meltdown and autistic or not, this poor kid was 2 hot seconds away from the most stereotypical meltdown I've ever witnessed. Why any mother with an ASD or similar kid would take him shopping on a bank holiday weekend was utterly beyond me.
I have my arms full of dresses, which I have to put on the rack before I can actually physically leave the sale corner, which involves the godforsaken screeching metal sound, which at that point, I really, really did not want to make, on behalf of the kid. so I maneuvered my way to the front of the rack, quickly hung up all the stock, and booked it into the stockroom to find my manager, who needs to be informed if there's going to be a possible incident. By this point, I can feel a migraine creep over my forehead. 
I find my manager and an employee of the department store itself, and tell them both an autistic kid is likely on the verge of a meltdown, is there any store policy to follow here (shopping with my brother has been a master-class in the variety of store policy, but it's always best to ask stupid questions than get fired here.) And neither of them believe me. Then they tell me to 'just deal with it', which if I do so incorrectly, could see me out of a job. Then I finally get them to come out the room and help me figure out .. literally anything. I just wanted a witness to the kid's emotional distress by that point. Manager sees the sale corner, flicks her eyes over the kid, who's now huddled at the corner of the corridor to the dressing rooms and is getting stared at by other customers, and rips into me for the untidy dresses. She just started yelling at me, barely 16 hours on the actual job, with zero direction from her, and yells at me in front of 20+ people for a few dresses at the front of the queue. so she takes the misplaced dresses off the rack, pushes the remaining hangers towards the back of the rail, and tells me to fix it.
And of course, this yelling and metal sounds sets the boy into meltdown. I do my best to keep the other customers away from him & stop anyone touching him. The mother is in the dressing rooms at the time, and comes storming out demanding that her son a) stops crying, and b) yelling at everyone in the vicinity to tell her who hurt her kid. I had to summon every ounce of mental strength not to reply to her "you did." 
My manager then phones up the store security and a higher-up manager, which turns out to be the store police for employees to follow, and they show up to take the kid and his mum up to the loos on the top floor. 
I'm still holding the freaking dresses, after all this is over, and turn to put them back on the rail. A woman taps me on the arm, and lifts the bottom dress from under the stack in my arms, and asks if she can get a 10% discount on it, on top of the sale deduction, for having to see a kid have a meltdown (in more crude language). I blink, paste on my Nice Customer Service Face, and have her ask me again, because I genuinely wasn't sure if she was taking the mick, or if she was serious. She was serious, and I said some spiel of 'sorry ma'am, I can't do that for you', when all I really wanted to do was tell her to get out of my sight.
I put the dresses away, and turn around to find our section's dressing room clearing rail has disappeared. I'm looking around wildly for it, because customers aren't allowed to touch it, on a technicality, when the previously mentioned department store worker comes out the dressing rooms and demands in the most cold, condescending voice I've ever heard, that I take the clearing rail out the dressing room and do my job, thank you. 
Well, meet like with like, so I just smile and apologise for my lack of attention in the best saccharine service voice I can muster. The cow looked ready to hit me, which is exactly the reaction I wanted from her. 
This was hour 1 of my 5 hour shift, and I went home and crashed for the next 24 hours. fuck retail.
TL;DR, manager yells at me in shopping rush hour for untidy dresses and ignores me asking her how to deal with an autistic kid having a meltdown, ignorant customers are ignorant. Co-worker is also a rude cow.
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