#who learnt to be charming bc they had to learn to mask
soloorganaas · 1 year
You think Remus is good flirt but not Sirius? Can I hear more of your thoughts about this??
rolls up sleeves gets out thesis notes yes you absolutely can!!!
so remus is canonically very charming. he’s funny, he’s easygoing, he makes people feel good. he’s quietly confident and has a latent power about him but his energy is also very safe and comforting (by design!! a manipulative king). and as i said he’s a good performer and he knows how to read people very well. i don’t think he goes around ostentatiously hitting on people, but he’s very good at being naturally flirtatious
sirius on the other hand is not charming at all. at every age we witness him he’s a complete dick. and it’s because he’s never had to be charming, he’s hot and he’s powerful so he doesn’t need to win anyone over. he doesn’t ever try to make people feel good - he’s an asshole to basically everyone he meets. he’s funny for sure but in a really dry sarcastic way, not one that has people giggling and twirling their hair unless they’re deeply deluded about his personality. the only person he’s good at flirting with is remus and that’s because he knows him incredibly well, they have a lot of chemistry, they’re very in love, and at like 16 sirius realises he really wants to fuck him so he learns how to win him over
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gold-rhine · 13 days
For the ask game :tell me why you love nuevi or kaeya! Feel free to talk A Lot I like your long posts
i also love reading my long posts, i wish i wrote them more asdfghjk its hard for me to just talk unspecifically about character without like pointed theme bc to me it feels like everything is obvious and everyone understands same things, why am i spelling it out.
anyway, KAEYA. my prettiest cursed princess. noble daughter of the fallen aristocratic family with generational curse coded. jon snow AND daenerys targaryen vibes at the same time. why noble daughter? bc instead of how heirs of nobles are kept close and taught to rule, his family treats him like pawn, like currency, his fate determined at his birth with no agency, sent away to another family he has to fit in. he's not a bastard, but he is half blood, and he cannot return. he's brother to diluc, but not equal, no matter how much they get along, like jon to robb stark. dawn winery is not his home, he's only welcomed conditionally, when diluc allows it. told to be "last hope", but what he's last hope of is a rotting cursed shambles of hubris. but even with how badly he was treated, he's still torn with loyalty to them, with duty, he still tried to ran away to khaenriah as a kid, just like dany wants to go to westeros. terrible prophecy hangs over him and he knows it. we don't even know if alberichs were really regents or if clothar is just delusional and sees himself forming abyss order as "regency"! he wants to walk off the stage, but he can't. and even if he could, he won't, not in the end, because against his will he still cares about people left on that stage who do not know what they are in
and he's coping with all of that by not letting people close even though he's lonely bc that curse and prophecies hang over him, bc he learnt from diluc he will not be accepted unconditionally no matter how loyal he is, no matter how good of a friend and brother he is, no matter how much punishments he takes for diluc and how he follows him like a shadow. he tried so hard to be a perfect child in dawn winery, polite and sweet and it didn't matter in the end. and now he's hating himself for secrecy and underhanded ways he was forced into as a child and deeming himself bad, finding ways to blame himself even for doing good deeds bc he's such a manipulator, treating relationships as transactions of favors to keep score, to keep in control.
mask worn for long, it grew into him and is impossible to take off now. "and they say my charm is fake" he IS naturally charming, he just had to learn to use it as a weapon. he IS sweet and interested in people, he just had to learn to get profit out of it. the worst thing he could be is himself. sad adult with a fake smile. and at the same time he's proud, he's talented, he's funny and sarcastic, he likes goofy jokes and slipping clever metaphors into silly stories, he likes writing books for people he cares about with advises on how to solve problems and deal with people, and also likes telling stories and can improvise a monologue on a stage. he should have been an actor and a writer, but duty to one father threw him into mond and duty to the other locked him into knights, so now he's just miserable, he's a hedonist, a cynic, he can't have real connections, so he will take pleasure and attention and use it for his greater means, he's coping with substance abuse, but he is so paranoid he will not be caught actually drunk bc that's weakness. he wants to belong so much, but think he's not allowed to. traveler finding him in the shadows after he tries to leave community event HE organized and dragging his reluctant ass by hand is THE theme for them tbh.
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