#who yall trynna fool
craigslisthorses · 9 months
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how to NOT pose your horse
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sikereviewdotcom · 4 years
undercover brother (2002) review
sup been a while but didnt forget about yall and your eager butts to dive head first right in the flooding words coming out of my mouth today gonna rev "undercover brother" (2002), its gonna be solid guys
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so we start with an introduction where we talk about how black culture was losing its flavour after the 70s, progress was slowed down n all as we reached 2000 but dont be fooled, its all cause of a buncha events orchastred by "the man"... a big racist mf ig whos also the kkk equivalent of the team rocket boss, sitting in a ig chair, never see his face in the flashbacks or like the bad guy in inspector gadget, more like him ig since we actually see the team R boss face quite often nonetheless, theres a form of mystery folding this whole business... THE MAN acts in the shadows and he hates to see how dark those are, he wants things to be like it used to be back in slavery times good oltime for him but.. not for the fam
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ofc then here is introduced THE REAL MAN OF MEN => undercover brother, our hero and damn he has the style of a whole pack of elephants trampling around in pink disco suits every ladies wanna a piece of that sweet fro he is packing up on his head, funky
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ngl, the whole way this mov is filmed n edited is sike asf, dope guys especially considerin its actually made in 2002, loving it anyway then were also introduced to the other secondary protags who are from an organisation here to stop The Mans evil doings and careful: undercover bro was actually a solo act until now cause now they gonna collaborate all throughout da mov: its the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D, with conspiracy brother (tbh a fav here, guys wack like the whole plot guy thinks computer comes from a story involving peanut and idk guys he keeps rambling bout bs which makes him a+ character) smart brother, chief and sister girl (original name/10)
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so btw the organization is on a mission rn at the beginning to destroy The Man (lets call him tm for the rest of this rev) financial infrastructure aka funds to stop him better or smthg and it gets spicy as they get caught but ofc undercover bro barges in from nowhere wow big disguise as an old man no one noticed him so like slash bawow boom vlam, bad guys ko and he squeedaddle out of there like twas breeze gg man, he also get fed a nice editing of xrays battle like with a side of kungfu n whatnot, undercover bro knows his stuff
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nice sounds effects ah yes btw romantic intrigue with sister girl begins here, its the zinc of the flinch as ub (undercover brother) notices her big wink wink nudge nudge, btw later she is asked to go enlist him in the corps so he can help stop the man with them n shit and he trynna get her in his bed cause thats we this brother is used to, getting laid as soon as he meets a chick, who can resist this dude?
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he gots moves, fro, style, skills and also at times he is a pussy but k, not everyones perf sometimes you just simp for a white blond blue eyed woman (spoiler) and crawls on all four looking like a big preppy nerd btw in this review im trynna not spoil the whole plot cause guys, this movie gotta be on yo watch list kay? im not here to ruin this experience in yo life itd be pretty uncool of me so im just gonna state the big lines then its up to you to swoop the tiny ones out of the watch, knot your own breds n stuff
back on the whooper slapping: intro credits roll, we get some nice back story for our hero, making sure we can understand his cause in saving the black peeps from TMs assholery might truth n justice be your guide
so what the big plot then? well yknow how a big antag cant do shit on his own cause hes too busy sticking brooms up his ass in his private quarters? yea well same goes here so there this gay guy who will be twerking later on btw, a scene to behold, rumps to ogle at, so hes a bad guy and gay n gonna do most of the dirty work for TM, whats new? idk what to think of it yknow its a stereotype in movs so ig ok still uncool but ill see it as all in good spirit cause theres bad n good im not excepting this to be the best watch of my life, nah it wasnt either, but i had a good laugh kay? makes up for it cause unlike some here i got no shit up my ass alley its clean scrubbed up n down so i can smoothly take a chillax up n a shit out without a night tormented by constipation, nah its all sliding where it should no pain no sweat
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so the big lines is that a war hero whos a black man is gonna become president and wtf no is the only react racist mf could have which is what they have, bad guys gonna stop it from happening at once and the brotherhood aint letting it happens cause obvs something is wrong as every black peeps gonna turn into a stereotype like waddup in this mad world? its all because of the poisonous fried chicken brand TM will get around ty to another poison to make our war hero delusional n so on were also introduced to white evil she-ra later btw, just dropping this in cause undercover brother really wants to make oreos with her n sister girl (his words) ig shes the second love interest, im not too invested in this romantic intrigue it was just necessary not like twas very developped anyway its even more of a bedroom intrigue when it comes the the white blue eyed blond chick, sister girl before hoes yo
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whats it in conclusion about this movie? first, the plot: hilarious biznasty worthy a+ bs especially how its turned yknow, the clichés were turned upside down n if not theyre just turned into a big satire of themselves editing + music ? yknow its actually good, and funky asf im digging it, a travel in time nostalgia of times i lived acting is pretty neat its not an ironically good movie cause its hilariously ridiculous in the making way its all about the plot here, plot twists and characters, the whole universe ig like its superior to big mamma sorta plot or maybe im dropping this comparison cause its been a while since i saw big maam, for sure twas under estimated while over brought when this here? it got freshness packed in
the spoiling was light and this is cause this movie got a 69/10 rating jk 8/10 if were gonna be serious, im gonna list wats unwoke n uncool here: 1 gay villain stereot, gotta be honest here its not that big of a deal tme seeing when it was made and how i still laughed yknow idc this much but some could go apeshit over it 2 not enough conspiracy brother content: this is all i ask for 3 had no snacks while watching the movie, too bad id dig a aj or grape soda right about now n then 4 more lines for car wash chicks jk this last one idc about, but car wash representation is lacking once again in american movies, i cant believe how looked over it is, as if they didnt need smore rep in the medias its not an easy job washing car all day long, standin in those ghost buster lookin suit while staring at the hot guys in hot wheelys, whos gonna pay you a drink when youre just an old carwash lady? thought finally a hero would step up in this movie but there it goes thrown out da window, the potential was real until it got blown away sure sister girl was a solid character but give the washers some credits cut them a slack of free time n have a lil date together there on top of a truck to keep it native
nonetheless this is a top rec for anyone who feels like slipping into some conspiracy slippers
tg, out
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dclas · 7 years
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let’s do this again shalla we??? this is dallas my complete dweeb nd is just so awkward god im excited to get into her she’s brand new yall inspirRED me. like this if i can message you for plots.  
ok so she’s inspired a lot of amy santiago bc uh that’s just whom i happen 2 b fictionally in love with while i’m making this , not bg wise tho 
she grew up on a vegetable farm!!!!! a little corn shucker!!! her parents are both very liberal and almost like... hippies i wanna say ( so like idk where she got her personality from but like...... wrow) well her mom was tbh her dad decided to join the military l8tr in life i’d hardly call that a hippie
n e ways they were always very carefree like almost too carefree.... she could’ve drank 5 bottles of tequila at 10 yrs old nd almost died nd they’d have been like “all part of growing up we’re proud of u!!!!”
she was kinda sheltered at the same time tho.... like home schooled wt a couple other kids from her road nd never rly went out of her county other than for shopping stuff 
it gave her this feAR of like the outside world not rly fear but like tbh she’s very intimidated by it all even tho at the same time she loves it bc like it’s a big crowd no one knows u no one knows ur loony mum even tho that’s also why she hates it
she’s kinda like a modern day fake hippie like she’s all abt peace and love nd does yoga to balance her shakras but that like.... makes her feel like her life is nice n balanced she’s been like that since bein a baby 
when she was 14 she got diagnosed wt lukemia ST SHE NEVER TALKS ABT EVER nd it was like rly weird nd bad for her not bc of the actual cancer but like her parents reacted so weird like they got kinda distant nd did not handle it well at all nd were like emotionally absent nd it made them fight all the time and yeah vry sad /: bc she could sense they were sad nd rly blamed herself /:
she got 2 remission eventually  but in the hospital she made a rly goo d friend who didn’t make it nd it was hr first real experience with death nd he was the same age as her nd it rly just shook her up nd definitely didnt help wt her anxiety like she def doesnt live life fully n e more
@ 16 after they were sure she was in remission her dad joined the military after leaving or however the american version works nd they had 2 move , nd then move again nd dallas kinda rly developed a taste for that like she likes the idea of being new and fresh w/o ppl looking at her 
her mom didn’t take it well nd she became distant like permanently nd kinda checked out on dallas nd she would apologize after disappearing 4 days nd it’d be ok n then she would go do it again nd have no money nd be in rough shape acting like a total scrub asking HER for money nd yeaaaaa
it was just really disappointing to her ////: nd it rly shook dallas up bc like she was older then not like when her mom got distant when she was a kid and got mad at her nd there ws a big giant fight b4 dallas left for college nd her nd her mom didn’t speak for a long time 
n e ways dallas came for computer nerd stuff bc that kid she met in the hospital got her into it nd she’s loved it every since like trynna be mr.robot over here for real even tho like,,,, she rly wants to be a game developer like she’s so fckn nerdy about that 
she’s so like,,,,, structured nd type a partially bc she had no structure like any of her life hfjdkghjthrgj so she hates feeling lost or out of control nd she just rly needs.... a break.... she needs 2 have fun and not care for once
she’s so competitive too /: it’s like she feels like she has something to prove like bc she doesn’t want 2 end up like her mom she’s so proud it’s literally so annoying /:::: 
she’s so scared of like,,, everything i mean i wouldnt say like scared but she used 2 be so sheltered that it’s like..... nerve racking she’s a v flighty and anxious person but like on the inside most of the time ghfjkhgjkfh
this girl is so kind like........ she doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body she’s nice just bc it’s the right thing 2 do nd like if ur mean.... she might cry but she won’t even be mean to u i don’t think she knows how 2 be 
it’s kinda hard to tell sometimes tho like her personality is kinda like the resting bitch face thing bc she’s so awkward nd quiet tht ppl probs think like “wow she’s rly stuck up ,, thinks she’s better than everyone else” but they’re all bein fooled 
she’s like,,,, a gaming goddess like legit ppl know abt her she’s a staple in the community 
she found out like a few months ago the lukemia relapsed nd she’s like /: kind of detached from the fact that like... wrow that’s bad nd it’s like bad timing too bc her is coming back into her life atm nd she doesn’t want her 2 find out abt it and get weird again nd like,,,, she doesn’t rly wanna tell anybody ya /: 
her mom is already letting her down tho /: she doesn’t want to see it but /: she’s still up 2 the same tricks  /: 
dallas is already becoming like,,, successful :))) so proud of my baby she’s already put some apps out nd worked under some p big deals so like :))) im so proud of her 
she’S SO NERDY oh my god even her humor is like lame.... but like in the hip dad joke lame way it’s actually rly cute
is a sensitive baby 
eyah she’s adorable im v excited for her she just needs 2 loosen up ... a lot ... she needs 2 be cared abt
plots mayb???
anything here
bff someone tht she’s comfortable with nd actually 100% herself around it’d be so cute i love friendships i love brotps she probs make s them a lot of food and sends them the freshest memes nd like... beautiful 
unexpected friends like not 2 be stereotypical but someone legit cold nd who doesn’t give a heck abt anything nd is kinda not the nicest like wrow,,,, i love opposites 
hmmmm give me someone who she can crush on .... she a big lesbean .... she’s so awkward 2 ,,, wow
calling other nerds?????? who else is she gon gush too 
ex gfs 
someone who has a lil crush on her wuld be fun too bc she’s so oblivious she’d never notice nt even if they said anything 2 her
jake to her amy like not the romantic way but the shit head odd friendship kinda way ykkkkkkkkkkkkk 
definitely someone who tries to gt her to be wild and drags her 2 random things
older brother/sister protective kinda thing bc she def needs that person in her life for her sanity 
ok elt’s plotttttt
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
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Stanley Deleting the text message I block yet another number. Why can’t he take the hint and just leave me alone. Parents are suppose to be loving and caring which is not even close to my birth father. He stopped coming around completely then randomly started trying to come back two years ago. You’d think hearing his daughter tell him she doesn’t want him around anymore give out a clear sign. Looks like I’ll have to change my number yet again. Taking a deep breath I calm myself down. I can already feel my heart beating faster than it should I go on getting myself ready for school.
Letting the last curl fall off my wand I sigh fluffing my hair. I always keep things simple over the top just isn’t for me. The clock on my phone read 6:30 meaning I should be eating right now. Grabbing my bag, new iPhone 7 custom earbuds I walk out my room.
“Get that kid!” Maurice yelled from down the hall.
Maliki was trying so hard to run from him slipping because of his socks. I caught him just as he was about to pass my door. Maurice tackled him making them both go flying.“What are yall doing running around this early?”
“Give me my phone you toad! Don’t know why you thought you’d get away from me so easy.” He snatched it out his small hands.
Laughing I pull Maurice from on top of him. “You two got some serious problems to work out. Come on let’s go have breakfast.”
“Your not always gonna be around to save him Stanley. Imma get you when I get back from school.” He playfully pushed his head.
In the kitchen dad was reading something on his laptop mom was at the stove. The twins were in their high chairs snacking away on their Cheerios.
“Morning everyone!” They both looked over with smiles.
“Morning baby girl. Where this ugly kid come from?” He kisses my head then takes Maliki tossing him around.
“He looks just like you Chris if he’s ugly so are you.” Mom laughed setting a plate in front of me and kissing my head. “Mona lets go Julian will be here any minute and if you late I’m kicking yo ass!”
“Can I please get myself together without being interrupted!?” She yelled back followed by her door slamming.
“Did she just-Imma kill her.”
“No no I’ll go get her.” I put on my winning smile stopping mom from charging.
“Thank you Stanley lord knows if she goes to jail we all fucked up cause I can’t take care of all yall lil trouble makers.”
Jogging back up the stairs heading to the room across from mine I knock. The music was sorta loud so I knocked again.
“Uh what oh good Stanley come help me pick one an outfit and two a song.” She pulled me in.
“Uh ok I guess but you know mom was about to come up here and rip your head off right?” Laughing I sit on her bed.
“Yeah I didn’t meant to yell its just I’m so fucking stressed right now I wanna pull my hair out!”
“Your fourteen what could you possibly be stressing about?”
“Have you forgotten what today is!?” She shook my shoulders.
“Uh no we’re trying out for the cheer team today remember. This is the highlight of my high school life!”
Rolling my eyes I go to walk out. “Hurry up Julian is on his way.”
“Yeah yeah I just hope you remember our cheer!”
Getting back down to the kitchen Julian was now here and playing with Maliki. Seeing me he smiled coming over. “Wassup LeLe.”
“Hey Mona should be down soon.” I sit back at my seat.
“Cool. You know the fair is in town?”
“Oh yeah it was lit last week you trynna go this weekend?” Maurice asked mouth full.
“Swallow it boy don’t talk with your mouth full.” Mom slapped his head.
“Dang it momma you messing up my hair.” He glared getting another slap but from dad.
“Shut up and do what she said. Mona five seconds or I’m coming up there!”
A door slammed and she came running down. “Morning everyone.”
“Mmhm hurry up and eat before yall are late.” Mom said sliding a plate her way as I take mine to the sink.
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Julian Grabbing another hand full of grapes aunt Cam started swatting me. “Boy get out my kitchen!”
“Love you to aunt cammy!” I kiss her cheeks. She squirmed only making me laugh more. “Let’s go hoodlums!”
“Are max and your mom coming over for dinner tonight?” She asked picking out my curls.
“I don’t know probably but I’m trynna hit up the fair tonight can I bring your kids?”
“Yes take all of them!” Uncle Chris came in putting a mug in the sink. “And tell Isabel and max not to come.”
“For what?”
“Im taking my wife to dinner then coming home for dessert so they spending the night at your place.” He wrapped his arms around her.
“All of them like Mona Maurice Maliki the twins and Stanley?” My heart started pumping faster.
“Well the first three the others going with Cam parents. I’ll even give them all money.”
“Cool with me but y'all gotta let mom and Max know.”
“That ain’t even a problem but y'all need to be going. Niggas out my house!” He called out.
One by one we walked out the house and to my car. Maurice and Mona fought for the front seat like always. Stanley had ear buds in just walking to the car. I jumped in front of her watching her jump.
“You scared me don’t do that.” She laughed hitting my arm. I open the door for her making her blush. “Thank you.” I held her hand as she got in.
“No problem. Stop fighting over the damn seat and get in the car!”
“Tell mush mouth to get in the back and we can be gone!” Mona yelled pushing Maurice face.
“No tell super forehead to get in the back!” He pulled off her glasses. “Now what four eyes!?”
“I swear Imma stop taking y'all to school y'all can take the bus for all this shit making me late.” I clench my jaw starting up the car. “Either one of you move or y'all lapping up I gotta go!”
“You guys come on just-”
“Nah here’s how this goin.” I get out looking at my watch real quick.
Going over to the front seat I yank them both out then open Stanley door gently pulling her out. I let her sit up front. Mona and Maurice started yelling. Paying them no mind I go back to the driver side getting in.
I dropped off Maurice first being sure to let him know he catching the bus home then head to our school. “So uh Stanley did you wanna go to the fair tonight?”
“Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted to go?” Mona moved up.
“Because I just asked her first and sit back. Y'all staying at my place tonight anyway I was just seeing if she wanted to go then I would ask you.”
She smacked her teeth sitting back. “We had already made plans to go with Sam and Ian.”
“What!? Who’s Ian?” I swerve into a spot.
“Stanley new boo.” Mona gushed getting out. “Come on before the bell rings.”
“Wait since when you got a boo?” I catch up to them after locking up my car.
“He’s not my anything Mona just wants us to be together because in her mind it’ll be cute. Ian is Sam friend.” She rolled her eyes putting her ear buds in her bag.
“Ay Julian over here!” Some of my friends called for me.
“Mona!” Their friend called out.
Stanley was at her locker getting books while Mona was talking. I wonder what that’s about. I went over leaning on the locker next hers. Seeing me she smiled. “What?”
“Why you not over there with Mona and them girls?”
She looked back at them and shrugged. “Their more her friends than mine plus I have to get my things together for class which will be starting soon.”
Looking over her I lick my lips. “True so about this Ian nigga.” She laughed making my heart skip a beat. “You feeling him or something?”
“No…what’s it to you?” She closed her locker smirking up at me.
“Well your my favorite of all these fools so I’m just looking out for you. I’m not gonna let no nigga play you.” I stood a little closer seeing her still blushing. “I wouldn’t let that happen with Mona either but know you.”
“O-ok well uh t-thanks for looking out for me.”
“No problem LeLe. We gone have fun tonight then come back maybe we can watch some scary movies or something.”
“Yeah but we have to have popcorn or something Mona and I hate watching any kind of movie without snacks.”
I was kinda hoping for just us two but Mona being there is cool to…I guess. “Well just get some shit on the way back.” Just then the bell rang. “I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yup bye Juli.” She smiled and walked off.
A few feet away and she looks back at me. I winked and chuckle as she covers her mouth with her books.
“Ay come on what you doing?” My friends came over pulling me. “What you doing talking to the youngin ain’t she your cousin?”
So I guess you can already tell I have a little thing for Stanley. I’ve honestly had these feelings for years now. I wanna tell her but afraid she’ll turn me down because she’s my cousin adopted sister and she might consider us cousins to…I don’t.
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Mona Almost lunch time just this last class and I can finally eat something. I should be fat as hell honestly with the way I eat but I’ve been blessed. Clare and I were walking arms linked with Stanley in front of us.
“Hey baby!” Ian ran up arms out to her. She ducked him and kept on walking. “Man stop playing me!” He ran after her.
Sam smirked taking me from Clare wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck. “I missed you.”
Giggling I kiss his cheek. “I missed you to. We still going to the fair together right?”
“Yup.” He squeezed me making me giggle again.
“Ay watch all that.” Julian pulled him off me pushing him in a different direction.
“Uh really Julian?”
“Yeah better hope I don’t tell uncle Chris on yo fast ass get to class.” He pushed me a little.
“Hi Julian.” Clare waved twirling her hair. “Did you get my uh text?”
“I blocked your number since me telling you stop texting and calling me didn’t get through your head….anyway like I said Mona get to class.” He walked off with his friends.
“Your cousin is so sexy!”
“Uh ew.”
Walking into our classroom Clare and I just laughed all the way to our seats. “I swear my body leaks for that boy I just wanna do so many unholy and possibly illegal things to him.”
“Excuse you miss freak of the week that’s my cousin I don’t wanna hear that shit. Shame on you!” We walk towards our desk and I see Stanley face in her book. “Hey don’t forget about cheer tryouts it’s after school.”
“I know Mona I’ve only gotten at lease five messages about it from you.” I took my seat on her right side. “Hey Clare nice shoes.” She waved with a smile.
“Mmhm thanks. Anyway Mona I’m super excited for you to be on the team since there’s no way you could possibly not get on.” She squealed.
“Yeah yeah me and Stanley have been practicing our asses off for this-”
The teacher gave us a warning. We both just rolled out eyes and wait until she’s not pay us any attention again.
“Wait so Stanley is trying out to?” She turned up her face. “Why that’s not her thing…..I did hear that the chess club is looking for some new nerds for the cult.” She laughed flipping her hair.
“What the hell are you saying?”
“Mona and Clare not gonna warn you again.”
“Ok ok go on.” I looked at Clare then back up front. What is she trying to say? Whatever it is if it’s bad and about my sister she bold as hell.
Stanley may only be my adopted sister but were closer than any blood sisters could actually be. Yeah we are complete opposites but that’s nothing. Nobody can talk about her like that. We held off talking mostly on my part cause I’m low key pissed off about whatever Clare is hinting at. While I’m working she tapped me.
“All I was trying to say is…she doesn’t fit with us I mean look at her. The teacher is teaching….everyone else is paying no attention well most of everyone and then there’s her taking notes and listening.”
“Yeah because she’s not a dumbass like everyone else she’s really smart. Friends or not your not gonna talk about my sister like that.”
“But she’s not your sister. She’s a poor kid who got lucky befriending the right people.”
“Is that what you really think about her?” My foot started bouncing and I clench then unclench my fist.
“Well yeah because it’s true.”
“You got some serious balls to be talking about my family like that and to my face.”
I quickly raise my hand and ask to be excused using the reasoning of cramps. With the way I’m thinking and feeling Clare might not make it home and I will get expelled. When I got a yes I gather all my things.
“Mona what’s wrong?”
“I’m just leaving before I hurt Clare.” I say standing.
“What did you do to my sister?” I heard her voice making me turn back.
“Nothing you don’t have a sister.” Clare shrugged talking all loud making everyone look back.
“Who are you tell me who my family is? You don’t know anything about us.”
“Oh but I know enough. Befriend a wealthy family and get adopted by them making you set for life. I’m sure this was all just some plan made by your drugged up whore mother.”
“Clare your really pushing some buttons you don’t even want to be near.” Stanley walked up in her face. “You clearly only follow what you hear from blogs and nobodies like some lost puppy. If you’d spend more of your time invested in books and learning instead of what I’ve been through maybe things also your grades could be a little brighter.”
Clare balled up her fist standing and that’s when I dropped my things and start putting up my hair. If anything pop off I’m ready!
“I have much more important things to do other than worry about your sorry life.”
“Clearly that’s untrue. So what now your gonna try to beat me up to make yourself feel better? I’ll just go ahead and tell you now I’m not fighting you.” Stanley stood arms crossed.
“Oh what you gonna do call up your bodyguards or something? If it wasn’t for Mona family you’d probably be on your back with eagle legs getting that dope money for momma.” She smirked getting a few chuckles from other kids. I looked at them and they all stopped.
“What did you do Google me I’m not that important like honestly I’m not.”
“No duh.”
“Then why are you so invested in her life? You sound like some psycho.” I chuckled standing close behind Stanley.
“Because she’s a fake and shouldn’t be here. The kids who go here earned their way here unlike this unloved dope child.”
“Where is here Clare? Living a healthy life with a family who actually cares and loves me? Why are you so pressed about that….are you jealous?”
“Of what I got everything you do plus some and all because it’s rightfully mine.”
“Oh you’ve been working for that house those cars for how long now? Your clearly just jealous of our life and want to be her. No one likes a bitter bitch Clare trust me.” I laughed shaking my head getting some laughs. This bitch is crazy.
“Sorry your life sucks but don’t take it out on me that’s just petty and pathetic but then again look at you parents who leave for months without you….being this way is all you know especially since you don’t pay attention is class. Your a lonely soul just wanting love and when you see it in me how I’ve been saved and blessed with someone like Mona and her family it makes you think….who’s gonna save me?”
I swear I love this smartass sister of mine. She is reading this girl like her favorite book!
“I don’t need saving I have everything anyone could wish for!” Clare got closer and so did I. I’m telling you I am ready!
“It’s ok to cry for help but bullying is not the best way to do it that only makes things worst.” Stanley shrugged with a smile. The bell just rang but no one moved. She got her things together smiling at me.
I hugged her tight. “I’m glad we saved you.” Looking back at Clare she still wore her sad pathetic look of defeat. “Talk about my sister again….and I’ll make you cry more than every time your parents leave you. Don’t play with me bitch.”
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13unspokenthoughts · 7 years
I feel
I feel ashamed
I couldn't live up to my proclaimed hall of fame
I let myself lose it
It's been more than a year since I chose it
I'm treated like I dumbass
Nothing I do will get a grade A pass
Let the fools walk all over me
While they behind each other's back whispering foolishly
How old are you
But you're trynna fool me
I'm young and dumb but who asking for the young one for that C
Fuck all of y'all. You just hurt me.
But I'll let you make yourselves feel better
I'll just keep playing with yalls dumb pleasure.
Watch out, I told you I'm psycho .
I'll fuck your shit up Bitch.
But secretly, you won't even know.
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