#who's interested in this? also no one i wrote this for myself <33333
friendsoup · 10 months
I'm like low-key a little embarrassed to leave a comment on the fic itself and expose myself, so I'm going to write it here. So I was the one who requested it, and it was so so good I adored it. I'm also nurodivergent, and the small details in her character were so cute. The piece was bite-sized and perfect, and I absolutely loved the angst in it.
Again, the fics are lovely, and I enjoy them :)
WAAAAAAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I had a lot of fun writing Vertin! She's a really interesting character! I'm really glad you enjoyed what I wrote! Your words mean the world! Thank you so much for the support!!!
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goshawk · 3 years
a guide to wing and feather language in wingfic
while losing control over his wings/feathers is a very fun trope to put cas in because it serves as a window for less outwardly emotive character, i often see actions that just don’t align with how birds emote. it’s fiction and do whatever you want! but if you want to make cas more birdlike, read up. here’s some thoughts on wings, feathers, and emotions, but if you want examples, Cinderwings by @bendingsignpost​ does a phenomenal job of capturing emotions via wings and a lot of the other intricacies in aerial hunts/fights. i could talk ages about how peregrines restrain their dives to drive starling flocks down, but this post is long enough.
i have to preface first that the emotions birds show though their feathers are limited. scientists and responsible animal trainers avoid anthropomorphizing avian behavior, which means the signals that we get from birds don’t mirror to complex emotions like jealousy/bitterness/embarrassment and are more like happy/sad/angry. obviously your characters have a different emotional range and express that physically via their wings. also, i’m basing this mostly off of raptorial body language. some of this is universal and applies to parrots/psittacines as well, but i’m not aware of where those boundaries lie
my biggest pet peeve is when authors write a character unknowingly fluffing or moving their wings. are you aware that you’ve moved your arms? do you notice when your hair blows in the wind? birds have excellent control over their feathers. primary wing feathers are rooted in ligaments that birds can control. on the upstroke, feathers rotate slightly to create slots in the wing that allow air to flow through better, then return them to a flattened position to create the most lift on a downstroke. birds likely don’t make that flight feather rotation choice consciously, but they’re definitely gonna know that they’re moving their wings.
negative emotions—angered, alarmed, threatened
as it relates to emotion, wings flare when surprised or threatened and raise up when alarmed. wing feathers may spread slightly in those positions, but for the most part the wings flare, not feathers. feather control is mostly about rotation and different degrees of moving in/out, which is more subconscious
consider raised wings in a threat position: you might describe feathers as splayed out, but once the wings are in full extension, the feathers cannot flare further. if you want to express that, you might use language about the tension in the line of their wings, “strain”, or “quiver.”
feathers on a raptor’s nape or hackles will rise when they feel any of the above emotions. this might translate well into the smaller feathers where the wing joins the back. in birds, those back feathers only rise after they’ve signaled their distress via nape/hackle feathers and it’s been fully escalated to a threat.
mixed—fluffing up: contentment/safety, cold, threatened
birds will fluff their feathers for a mix of positive and negative reasons. the differences are distinguished by other factors
the whole fluffing up when embarrassed that i see in wingfic probably comes from people seeing a bird rouse out of context, which is when a bird lifts feathers across their whole body and shakes them out. it looks a little like how we hunch our shoulders in embarrassment since in the process, birds will beat their wings against their bodies while they’re still folded. however, rousing is a sign of contentment and safety (they feel safe enough to make the noise associated with rousing)—NOT the discomfort that comes with embarrassment.
birds will also fluff up when they’re cold in order to trap warm air in their feathers. flight feathers aren’t usually involved in this since there’s no down there, but coverts on the wing may rise. this is represented pretty well in fic.
birds threatened or threatening others will puff up their feathers to make themselves look bigger. you’ll get other cues though, and fluffing isn’t a surefire lead in to a threat display so you’ll want to look for wing flaring.
positive emotions—contentment/safety, preening
birds will stretch their wings when they’re content and feeling safe! but they don’t really open them like in flight. stretching on birds looks like them pointing the wing downwards rather than parallel with the ground. their shoulders will drop with the outstretched wing as well, so they look like they’re about to tip over. 
rousing is another indicator of positive emotions (covered above). theres a couple of other indicators of happiness but they’re not really wing/feather motions
ah. the holy grail and source of so many rated E fics. birds preen when they’re feeling safe and comfortable. they have to contort themselves, and aren’t able to keep as vigilant of a look out when they have their head dipped under their wings. allopreening is when one bird preens another, and is most often exhibited in flocking birds. it’s very uncommon for mates of solitary birds to allopreen. this is an opportunity to work something avian into your character’s culture. however, the feathers of birds without partners are just as well kept as birds with partners.
not gonna go too far into this one. sex up your oil (uropygial) glands as much as you want on your characters but the oil secreted is more waxy than you think. that shit is not olive oil. it is a wax
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catcze · 3 years
hey it’s kiwi anon! i’ve been melting at the thought of musician kazuha lately so i just knew i had to let it out somehow. ^^;;
*before reading, i’d like to note that this is somewhat of a modern au where the reader and kazuha attend a prestigious music school known for raising successful musicians. only the best of the best are accepted, so it’s certainly a privilege to be there! (though, of course, it has its downsides but we’ll get to that later..)
and i wrote it in second person (gn!) this time!! >:)
(tbh i’m not particularly proud of this one but i really hope you guys like it anyway. ><)
“The stray melody:
its echo reverberates
such sad solitude.”
“Only at the right time shall the day come when I may ride the infallible winds of freedom to the place where creativity bears no bounds.”
“You are bound?” “How so?” You questioned.
After a long awaited interlude, you were finally face to face with the (formerly) faceless musician.
About a month ago, you were assigned a new practice room. Although most students would view this as a blessing from the archons, you found yourself in an unfavorable situation. Suddenly being thrown into playing in a new environment made you uneasy, and though your stance on this was unwavering, there was no disobeying the school.
But the first time the sound of violin seeped through the walls and filled your room with its charming tune, you were bewitched. For some strange reason, it was comforting to know that someone else was on the other side of the wall. Occasionally, you would pause practice abruptly only to listen to the chords, losing yourself in thought with the way they blended together in the most musical way possible; but before you could notice, an hour or two has passed and you’ve barely done much of anything.
Maybe this was a curse, but you surely weren’t one to complain about it.
One day, with no warning, it seemed the violinist began to play along with you. It never occurred to you that they could also listen through the wall, so it came as a complete surprise. It became a chivalric battle of wits; melodies fighting for dominance but only ever resulting in a satisfying draw. You couldn’t help but imagine their fingers dancing along the stringed instrument as your own strutted along the keys of the piano. And the way you two subconsciously created a heavenly harmony was enough to spark your interest and unhinged curiosity. Who are you?
But before you could ask, a faint voice spoke, “My dorm is located on the top floor near the gardens. I… do not expect you to meet me, but this could be considered as a statement or an invitation, however you perceive it.” That is what he said that day. God, even his voice was musical.
You, too, had no intention of meeting him directly. The thought of the school suspending the two of you for doing the bare minimum brought you back into your shell. You had limits, and there was nothing getting between you and your music career.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t willing to give some small effort into discovering the truth. Into the late hours of the evening, you took a casual stroll around the school’s gardens. Fortunately, you were alone. The silence was pleasant, but it didn’t last for long. As the familiar sound reached your perked ears, you searched around for the source of the noise. And there he was, standing on his patio with his long, bright hair tied back as the evening winds stroked each strand in its clutches— a violin held in his hand.
Everything about him was musical— even the way he pressed his delicate yet calloused fingers along the strings of the violin's neck. It didn’t take long for you to catch interest in the ruby-eyed violinist.
There was no explaining the way you two locked eyes for the first time. Though joyous, it seemed you both were lost— since when had you cared so much for someone you’d never met?
As it turned out, your dorms happened to be in close proximity with each other. It became routine for you to lean expectantly against the edge of your patio and for the violinist to leave his doors open so you could listen to his music as the sun would find its slumber, resting upon the horizon.
It didn’t take long for you to grow rather greedy. You longed to learn more about him, but everything about him was shrouded in an empty veil of unanswered questions and an identity you failed to identify.
Luckily, fate has its ways.
Curiosity led you to find yourself exploring into the deeper, abandoned depths of the school’s halls. You entered into a seemingly empty music room before shortly realizing you weren’t alone. The feeling of eyes staring daggers at your back made you prickle with fear until you turned to realize that such eyes belonged to the skilled violinist himself.
“Comedic coincidence always has its ways,” he remarked, the corners of his lips lifting into a gentle grin.
His face was always melded into the shape of endless pondering. He had a relaxed nature that was simply unchanging. And though he often appears to be a simple man at first glance, Kaedehara Kazuha was anything but simple.
It surprised you to see a vulnerable side of him, because you never expected him to have one. First impressions were surely deceiving.
He crouched over, his hand supporting his head in a lazy manner.
“I sense that I am suffering from a lack of passion— the kind that children may experience as they wrap their fingers around a bow for the first time,” a stray shadow came across him as he breathily sighed, “The walls of this school are suffocating, but I, like many others, can endure this drowning feeling.”
Kazuha often spoke in a unique manner— resembling a loud whisper.
“So, I wasn’t the only one who noticed,” you noted, “I’d hate to admit it, but this school is a living nightmare.”
Kazuha’s eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“And neither of us can wake from it.”
Momentarily, he shifted his position so he sat closer to you. His shoulder shrugged as his arm straightened and his hand held onto the edge of the seat to support himself, his handsome head hung idly backwards.
“But, I feel like I have a reason to keep going, but as of now it lingers in my head as an enigma of sorts. Perhaps it is odd to find myself blindly following passion without reason, but I have a feeling that perhaps,” he paused, his fingers traced along the seat and his pinkie linked delicately with yours, “you have a role to play in this.”
Your face burned slightly at the sudden display of physical touch.
His speech was vague. You naively wanted to question his use of words (and actions), but it didn’t seem timely. Until, next time.
You beamed slightly, “Perhaps so.”
Kazuha’s pinkie finger squeezed against yours before letting go. He stood up with his eyes still burning into your own.
“It appears I have surpassed my original practice time,” his eyes shifted towards the door, “We must take our leave before someone discovers that we are here.”
With his back facing you, Kazuha wrapped his hand around the door knob, but before he could turn it, he turned his head to look at you once more, flashing that signature smile of his.
“If you don’t mind me asking, would you like to be my accompanist for the upcoming concert?”
To you, Kazuha was like a hatchling, growing each day and itching to spread his wings and fly to places that are unheard of. He worked constantly, trying to rewrite the textbook definition of music into something more meaningful. He was ambitious, highly so; but you adored that about him.
It is silly, but you began to think that perhaps one day, you could be the one who frees him from the school’s heavy shackles.
- kiwi ! (hopelessly falling for ridiculously complicated plots to write about-)
(and no, i don’t play the violin hahah so sorry for any errors. :/ i play multiple instruments and have taken and still take music education so i hope that suffices.. might go for something more sweet and simple next time with more snarky kazu <3)
Holy shit!! Kiwi, babe, you never fail to impress akjndajks 😭
ajndkjsdPLEASE this is so good oh my goddakjsdas <33333
BABE you just keep outdoing yourself I–– 😭💞
This was literally so good?? Like, all of it? ajksndajks holy shittt <3333
Kiwi I am at a literal loss for words but I really, really hope you see how in love with this I am from my keysmashing akjsndkja <33333
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five good things
I have another week off! (although what has actually happened is: I haven't taken my leave, I need to take it, I was burnt out in August and had to just stop, and my trip to Helsinki wasn't for another month, so...anyway, I was only taking off the days I'll be away, Wednesday to the following Monday, but now this Monday is a bank holiday so there wasn't much point in going to work on Tuesday so...I booked it off. :D )
I'm going to Helsinki next Wednesday and not coming home till Monday. Ah, one of my favourite places in the world. <33333
And I'm seeing my all-time favourite band, my all-time hero, and a whole bunch of other bands and people I've loved for decades!
Everything is fascinatingly historical this week. Yes, I know, I know there are Issues and Tumblr loves to go on about them, I'm well fucking aware, but as a historian I am observing and soaking it all in with great interest. I'm also vastly entertained that everyone with a flagpole who's flying their flags at "half mast" (the people who bother flying a flag in this country are also the ones most likely to get all aerated at a union flag being flown wrongly - flying the flag is generally seen as a very nationalist/right-wing thing to do, particularly with the English flag) clearly have no idea at all what half mast actually looks like. Most of them are halfway down the flagpole, although I've seen one that's half the height of the flag down from the top...
I've gone back to learning Finnish (last-minute panic XD ), using Duolingo this time, and I've retained a good bit of what I learned 15 years ago (how is it that long), and I'm figuring out the grammar stuff that they don't teach you because I've just been studying German at a fairly elevated level so that's what I'm used to. I'm struggling to remember the new words, and the 'words' feature on the website doesn't include the English translations, so I can't remind myself of the meanings of the words I'm struggling with in that way, which is an absolute pain in the arse, but I'm getting there. The way Duolingo teaches, it's not much use for tourism, but it's a fun challenge anyway.
I finished TRSB and had a marvellous time (the fic and art are here, do check them out, it's a bit quiet over there!) and have been writing furiously on a request fic and an unexpected sequel thereto which should see the light of day soon :D
I've had an idea as to how to get out of Job Number Two, which is a weight off the mind. It may not work, but I'm going to get out in the next year or so anyway because I'm out of my depth, stressed, frustrated and not particularly enjoying it. My boss at Job Number One suggested doing an options analysis of the various possibilities to illustrate that my idea, although they may not like it, is going to be the best long-term solution, and I wrote that up today, although I'm not going to broach the subject for a while (my backup plan needs time to establish herself in her new IT contracting business XD ).
I've started the preliminary work for my new OU course Exploring English Grammar and it's fascinating :D Looking forward to the rest of it.
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luninosity · 4 years
2020 fic round-up - original / published fic!
Time for the original fic overview, from this year! There’s a LOT, but some of that was written (at least mostly) last year, and only published this year. So let’s see...
Original Fic (at least mostly written and published in 2020) (Character Bleed, E, 254,099 words. **Pretty much all of this was written in 2019, so I'm not really counting it as 'new words' - but all the editing - and the publication!!!! - happened in 2020!** THIS STORY, YOU GUYS. I love it and these characters so much. It's  the  most ambitious thing I've ever tried to write, that whole  story-within-a-story, being about actors filming a  Regency-era gay love  story, and falling in love themselves. I'm just looking at it all...and  I'm in awe...and the response to this, oh wow. I've been so amazed and  so grateful and so thrilled - the art, the trailer, the comments, the  people thinking about these characters and loving them along with me -  I'm so lucky to have all of you. *hugs everyone* And now you can buy it! As three volumes - Seaworthy, Stalwart, and Steadfast! Available via JMS Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere!) Character Bleed Bonus Scenes,  E, 84,125 words, which means 58,428 new words! Also there're at least three special bonus scenes that *aren't* on AO3, only included with the published books! (Conversely, there're at least two bonus scenes that will only ever be on AO3, for all of you reading there!) So that's probably an extra, oh, let's say around 5k words. Cinnamon and Strawberries (A Character Bleed Story), E, 12,169 words. My Jason & Colby holiday novella! Full of celebrations, love, moving in together, and interesting uses for holiday ribbon... Cadence and the Pearl, E, 60,097 words, About 30k of it written in 2019/2018 (Was this really also published this year? I had FOUR novels out this year? Gosh.) I really love this one, honestly - historical, paranormal, pensive, ocean magic, a fairy tale. The Arch-Mage's Firebird, E, 11,220 words. A spin-off story in the Kitten & Witch universe! (I really ought to write the third part of the main story...) A runaway firebird, and an Arch-Mage in hiding, and a beachside town. One Night in London: Robert & Anthony, E, 29,247 words. My part of the fabulous collaborative three-part novel, with @turtletotem and @thebestpersonherelovesbucky ! <33333 You can buy the collected version here - they're more fun to read together, since our characters interact, but they can technically stand alone. Regency m/m romance, ballrooms, scandals... (I also wrote the prologue for the collected edition, so, + about 5k words!) Eventually there'll be a print version of the collected edition! We had so much fun - perhaps we'll do it again sometime... :D :D A Demon for Forever, E, 13,752 words - surprise! I thought I was done with the Demon for Midwinter  universe - but JMS did a submissions call for stories celebrating LGBTQ  marriage, and, well - I'd written the proposal story for Kris and  Justin, so...we should get to see the wedding, right? With Justin in a wedding dress. A sparkly one. This story is also available as part of the JMS Books 2020 Top Ten Anthology! The Demon's Choice, E, 19,365 words - extra surprise! I'd had to cut this whole subplot from an earlier Demon story, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, so...I finally wrote it as a bonus story! Hurt/comfort, Justin confronting his heritage, and of course a happy ending. Refuge at Clifftop, E, 17,262 words. Third in the Extraordinary superhero polyamory series! Lots of hurt/comfort in this one, near-death self-sacrifice, tons of heroic love! Leather and Tea in London, E, 20,909 words - the third  of the Leather and Tea stories! Written for the JMS Books BDSM  collection call. Simon's brother needs a favor. So Ben and Simon head to  London, bringing Ben's retired-spy skill set and also some fun toys for  enjoying themselves. This story is also available as part of the JMS Books Hurts So Good BDSM Trio Collection! A Penny for Your Thoughts, E (but mostly implied / discussed - those darn truth-telling coins!), 3,981 words. A original-fic rewrite of an Evanstan drabble, expanded somewhat - and I really love these characters! A magician, his hero, mutual pining, and love confessions. Of Starlit Balls and Starship Captains, T, 6,596 words. M/F, with bi/pan protagonists - my attempt at mixing space opera and Regency romance! Technically I'd written an earlier version of this a couple years ago for a contest, for which it was not chosen, so this isn't all new writing, but substantially so. Statuesque, E, 3,491 words - some lesbian erotica! Short and kinky - established Dom/sub relationship - and loving. Honey Witch, E, 4,032 words. More short lesbian erotica! A witch and her princess, finding each other. Original Fic (written/heavily revised in 2020, publication contracts signed but not yet published) A Sonnet for a Thunderstorm, M, 3,202 words. An expanded original-character version of a several-years-old Cherik drabble - 18th century historical, thunderstorms, a poet and his pirate. Probably out in April/May 2021. (Frost & Raine, expanded version - the version that's still on AO3, which I'll have to take down, is about 31k - the published version, coming in February 2021, is currently 40,020 words. So...8,141 new words!) Original Fic (written in 2020, not yet under contract or published other than on AO3) In Focus, which is the Character Bleed spin-off, Leo's story - still in progress! it's up  to 68,458 words, so that means...52,947 new words in 2020! Not bad. Whumptober 2020 - Original Fic Edition, E (overall; individual chapters vary), 13,271 words. All the Whumptober fics for my original fic - fanfic for myself! A couple of the Character Bleed-related ones might make it into publication, as well as the Jamie/Brendan story, eventually, I hope. Ember and Serenity,  E, 23,170 words currently - I added chapter 5 in 2020, so that's 2,418 new words! I do have plans for this one. Oh yes. My  librarian-magician and his book-thief...yes. And if you're wondering who  hired Serenity, well, there already has been a clue... :D Spells and Sensibility (working title), aka the Mystery Project I'm working on with @thebestpersonherelovesbucky  - which involves Regency-era magicians, and is currently 35,546 words!
That’s a lot of words! I feel Accomplished. Looking forward to more words in 2021 - and sharing them all with all of you, without whom I’d’ve never had the courage to try to publish stories. Thank you - you’re why I do this. <3333
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daemour · 4 years
Writing Tag
Tagged yet again by the lovely @ditttiii <33333
1. What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
Ideally on a peaceful beach, with a notebook, and a pen that never runs out, with music. But that's not gonna happen. So more realistically, In my room, with my laptop, and some inspirational music.
2. What is your favorite genre to write?
Romance!!!! I write multiple genre stories, but the most prominent genre is usually romance. Fantasy romance, historical romance, etc.
3. Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
I think up and outline ideas and SOMEtimes start the story on paper, but I write mostly digitally.
4. It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
I've never woken up in the middle of the night with an idea, but I have had an idea right before I fell asleep. When that happens, i have a notebook next to my bed just for that exact situation.
5. Who is your favorite person to write about?
In general, it's whoever is in the fandom i'm most currently obsessed with. So when i first started this blog, i wrote a lot of bts and nct. Now, I'm writing a lot of got7. It doesn't usually matter who, though i tend to not write about someone i don't know well. Like, I avoid stories about Youngjae and Xiaojun since I don't know them enough to write.
Though currently, it's Yugyeom and Mark of GOT7!
6. Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to make my own characters, but I write more about real people.
7. Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yep. I've written a Harvest Moon: Animal Parade story of about 104K words.
8. How often do you get ideas?
It really depends. Somedays I get more ideas than other days. Ideas usually come around the most when I first join a fandom, when I read a particularly good fanfiction, or if I sit myself down for about an hour and really focus.
9. Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Definitely. I have so many anime and kpop fanfiction ideas. Even some of my published fanfiction now I have yet to finish. They're always the ones I promise sequels to, but seem to always be in a writing block for it.
10. What is your least favorite plot?
I don't have a least favorite plot; i'm not picky. However, I hate plots where they jump around from objective to objective and don't seem to have a clear goal. I also am not a huge fan of where the mc has to choose between romantic interests. It's not because it's a bad plot device, it's just cus I can't decide who I want the mc to be with haha.
Tagging: @keopitae @xionysus @nightskyhoseok @moonmintrails @yeontanismypresident @taexual
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 6 liveblog/review thing
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HEEEYYYY WHAT'S THIS?!?! I ACTUALLY DID MY LIVEBLOG ON TIME?!?!? yes, i actually did it!! i squeezed this into my schedule. also, i wrote a lot this time for my thoughts after the end of the episode. i wrote an essay!! so, um, please read??? well, i really want someone to read it!! ;__; i kept rambling because i was imagining myself lying down on a couch talking to a psychiatrist about all of my complicated emotional issues THAT WERE CAUSED BY THIS EPISODE. o__O *eyes twitch*
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5)
see this episode here!! http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-6-the-mermaid-of-the-abyss-775637
the first thing i see is a VERY REALISTIC image of a telephone pole. o__o what do you mean it's not a photo?!?!?!?
wow, that girl is impatient. XD
he has been making that sandcastle the whole day and all he can come up with is just a big lump??? maybe if you had better sandcastle-making skills, other kids would want to be friends with you.
he read "the little mermaid" for a reason... is he reading about himself?!?!? he's a merman????
awwwww ikuya is precious ;__;
THAT YODEL!!!!! MY GOODNESS!!!! IT WAS PERFECT!!!! he needs to make an album immediately!!! XDDDDD
"haru really is gone." well i'm sorry he didn't follow you to america to continue his lifeguard career???? lol
i feel like ikuya's constant thinking "i need to be stronger" and "i can't become weak" is actually making him weaker somehow. o__o
"what can i do for him???" you have to stop and realize that you can't fix everything, hiyori.
i love how he clearly heard ikuya speak japanese and he responded in english! kawaii desu!! XD
"we've met somewhere before, huh?" wait, you guys forgot about it?? -__-
abrupt scene change... o__O
"there is one book i like." HMM, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS.
yes, ikuya, it's girly. just admit it. XD
"what can i do for ikuya?" i just told you, you can't always fix everything. just because you saved ikuya before, you think you always have to be the one to "save" him from everything? but that's not realistic. you can't control everything, so you shouldn't feel like it's always your job to save ikuya.
...aaand i'm talking to a fictional character. moving on!!
HOW ARE THEY JUST HAPPENING TO ALSO READ THE LITTLE MERMAID TOO?!?!?!? i guess everyone in this area has a little mermaid obsession. okay, now i seriously want to go watch the little mermaid movie. that was not a joke. i actually feel like i want to watch it sooner or later. free! gave me the idea!!! <3
HOW IS THAT MOM JUST HAPPENING TO DESCRIBE HIYORI'S SITUATION?!?!?!?!? what the... is she psychic?? i am scared of her now. what other powers does she have?!?!?!
oh man, hiyori now has that classic look where you can't see his eyes through his glasses. that is never a good sign... lol
makoto's swimsuit <333333 i love it so much. when i think about makoto in that swimsuit, i feel like all is right with the world. i can breathe easy. i can go to sleep happy. i know that there is peace and hope in the universe.
MAKOTO'S LITTLE BLUSH!!!! <3 did you see that?!? did you all see that? he is such an angel!!!! ^___^
"what's ikuya up too? have you kept in touch with him?" OH NO, you done went there. you done went and asked the question. you done messed up, my friend.
makoto is trying to explain everything but it's not working ^__^UUU
"it's my fault." OMGGGG HARUUUUU NOOOO. STOP. NOOOOO. i'm done. i'm dead. his little quiet voice broke my heart. he feels SO guilty about all this!!! i want to give you a hug, my precious baby. <33333
oh now he's telling nao about the "suffering" thing. i thought i was already dead but now i have died again. this show is TOO PAINFUL!!!! .>___<.
"makoto and i haven't suffered at all!!" don't say that!!! the writers of this show will hear you say that and they will try to think of a way to make you guys suffer!!! that's how writers are. writers like to brainstorm ways to make our characters suffer. it's what we do. XD
having watched ikuya throughout this whole season so far, he seems to be feeling worse and worse, to be honest. =(
haha, ikuya is so clueless. um, hiyori is talking about YOU, dude!!!
haru doesn't even want to eat mackerel?!?! WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS THE REAL HARU??????
oh it's that shady guy again. i forget about him all the time!!!
*pauses to read all the crunchyroll subtitles for Shady Guy's blog*
haru is COMPLETELY COOL while the shady villain guy talks right into his ear. XDDDD
#cafeteriasoba #hidakauniversity #tanukisoba #sobarules
ryuuji??? he has a name? but i don't want him to have a name. i want him to continue being Shady Evil Villain Guy.
WHO IS HE?????????? now i want to know!!! >=(
i'm pretty sure you made up all those provers but whatever
wait, what?!? wait!!! what just... they are all talking about ryuuji?!?!
"he suddenly quit swimming competitively." why? i bet the reason is something bad...
haru has his excited face on, i see.
"he probably missed your calls because he's busy focusing on the next competition." sure, okay, i believe you... you've been 100% honest all the time, of course!!
hmmmmmm okay i can kinda see one reason why hiyori feels such a strong need to "fix" ikuya. natsuya has assigned that job to him!!
haru's been thinking about why he only swims freestyle... uhhh you're just now thinking about that after how many seasons/episodes??? lol
i love how makoto and haru act like this kid is a genius who just revealed a brilliant scientific discovery
*mysterious person appears* wait who is that???
i knew that wishing star thing would come back eventually. (well, duh)
"even if i sink, no one's going to save me anymore." he's talking about swimming? or... his emotions???
i had a feeling someone would start yelling soon. this scene was too quiet!!
"i couldn't become human." ha!!! that proves it. ikuya isn't human. he is a merman. like i have said before, free! is a fantasy anime <3333
hiyori??? i think that ikuya knows how to come down the slide on his own. it's not that difficult. little kids do it all the time. XD
he's on top of him. WELL THIS IS AWKWARD
that scene with their feet looks so weird o__o
"can you just forget about nanase??? i'm way more attractive than he is, so why don't you love me instead????"
ikuya finally gets aggressive toward hiyori!! i felt like that was going to happen!! but wow o___o you guys. just continue being friends already. ;__;
hiyori!!! you just told him to "forget about nanase." it didn't work the first time so obviously it's not going to work the second time!!
"sorry i just assaulted you. whoops"
omg, i want this episode to be over. it's too sad. ;__; *looks at time* uh-oh. there's time for another scene...
looks like Evil Shady Villain (i don't care what his name is) has evil plans for haru with his evil smile!!! haru... you've got to escape!! get away now!!!
that's all!!! now here are my thoughts: i was very emotionally destroyed by this episode because like i said, i noticed that ikuya kept getting worse and worse (not just his swimming times, but his feelings) and then he got into a fight with hiyori at the end. ;___; ;___; ;___; i'm so upset because hiyori is GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP and it's just not working. you saw the flashbacks where hiyori and ikuya's friendship formed. so you can see that ikuya means a lot to hiyori, which is why i said that hiyori is genuinely trying to help. plus, i pointed out that natsuya wants hiyori to watch over ikuya. so that's something that adds to the pressure on hiyori. so i felt so bad for him when first, he tried to invite ikuya to a cafe and he didn't want to go, and then, he tried to tell ikuya "stop thinking about nanase" and ikuya got mad at him for it!! remember, from hiyori's perspective, haru is just a bad person who's causing trouble. so from that perspective, it makes perfect sense that the solution to ikuya’s problem would be to stop thinking about haru. so i think it was surprising for hiyori that ikuya got mad at him. =( remember how earlier in the season, ikuya tended to be agreeable with hiyori? he went along with most things hiyori said/did. that's what hiyori's used to, and so that's why i think it was surprising for hiyori when ikuya got mad. he thought ikuya would just agree with his suggestions as usual.
ikuya actually has a positive view of haru and he does want to keep thinking about him. he is grateful for haru's rescue of him, and he wants to be "strong like haru." at the same time, he's angry at haru. but his true feelings toward haru are actually positive, which is why he rejected hiyori's advice to stop thinking about him. i don't think either of them are listening to each other. hiyori wants to fix ikuya instead of listening to him, and ikuya feels that doing things alone gives him strength, so he's not interested in trying to be fixed by hiyori or anyone else. he just wants to be "strong" on his own. ...it's not going well.
i loved the part where ikuya was on the slide and hiyori was on top of him. XD it was so dramatic. hmm, maybe i am beginning to ship them??? i don't know though, because they really need to work out their problems first. they're not quite at a point where i'm like "YEEAAAHHH I SHIP THEM, HIYORI x IKUYA 4EVER!!!!!!!" they'd be so cute if they weren't... you know... in a pretty damaged relationship right now. ^__^U actually, it's not just about this fight. even before that, their relationship was "off" to me. (not when they were kids. i'm talking about the present day) something about their friendship wasn't quite right. and so i'm not surprised that they ended up fighting.
...still, i'm hoping that they will soon work everything out and have some heartwarming moments!!! <3333
wait, i'm not done yet. i also want to say that it was so painful to me when haru said "it's my fault." there was something so broken in his voice. i could hear it. i think that every person has had situations in their lives where something that someone said or did bothered them and it continued to bother them for a long time even though it shouldn't have. you know that feeling when you can't stop thinking about something even though that thing keeps weighing you down??? it really shouldn't make you so upset, and you should let it go and not let it get to you, but you just can't stop thinking about it because you're taking it too seriously. what haru is going through right now is so relatable. 
honestly though, asahi and makoto don't seem to fully grasp how deeply this is hurting haru. asahi said that he and makoto swam with haru and were fine, and makoto agreed, but i was thinking, "haru's not going to instantly feel better just because you guys said that." when you're feeling that bad about something, one quick and simple answer isn't going to fully heal you. i expected makoto to understand how hurt haru is right now, but i'm not sure if he does!! (...which is weird.) the good news is that nao seems to have a plan, i guess. i don't have a clue what he's thinking of doing, but i'm sure that haru and the others will get through to ikuya somehow. right? RIGHT???
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taetortotss · 7 years
gone → min yoongi (1)
helloooo i’m back with another angst (why do i put myself through this i always cry) and i really hope you enjoy this as i put my entire heart in this :’)
also congratulations to bts!!! so proud of my boys <33333 they deserve everything and the world
request for a part two? 
also, i highly recommend listening to halsey’s room 93/hopeless fountain kingdom aka my inspiration/playlist in writing this (esp sorry UGH MY HEART)
anyways, that’s all from me! <3
gone → min yoongi ANGST w abit of fluff he was your best friend. at least you thought he was. (SLIGHT OOC WARNING)
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From the moment you met him, you somehow knew that Min Yoongi was going to be your best friend “4 lyfe”. Well, that was your mentality as a child.
The two of you were six when you met each other. His family moved into your neighbourhood and lived right across you and your family. When your mother heard of their moving in, she cooked up her special tuna casserole as a welcome gift and brought you along to deliver the dish.
Yoongi’s mother answered the door, with Yoongi hiding behind her, his small arms hugging her leg. He seemed to be the shy type, his head peeking out in a cautiously curious manner.
Not to be judgemental, but your first impression and probably the first thought that crossed your mind was, “Oh, hey, this boy’s only 1cm taller than me. Sweet!”
The two mothers seemed to instantly clicked, and they introduced their children to each other before engaging in a conversation.
“This is my son, Yoongi. He’s quite shy to new people,” Mrs Min gave his son a tiny push forward.
“This is Y/N, she’s quite the bubbly one,” you gave a tiny wave to Yoongi, who responded by flashing a quarter of a smile and running away. You watched his tiny figure run up the stairs, probably to his room.
And something started to bubble in you. Determination.
Your six year old self was determined to make Yoongi your friend.
It wasn’t easy at all. Yoongi was willing to be your play date, lunch date, but he wasn’t willing to talk. He hasn’t muttered any word besides “hello”, “excuse me” or “goodbye”. It seemed like he doesn’t want you to know you better and he doesn’t want you to know him better.
You, on the other hand, were a chatterbox. You filled in the empty gaps and you just talked about anything and everything under the sun. It didn’t seem like it but Yoongi was actually listening, reveling in every word you said.
This continued on for a few weeks, Yoongi showing little interest in maintaining a friendship and your endless chatter. Until one day, you somehow managed Yoongi to accompany you to the nearby woods for an “adventure”.
Unknown to you, amidst Yoongi’s cold demeanor, he has grown pretty fond of you. He was a good listener; he knew your favourite colour, your birthday, the fact that you were afraid of cockroaches, your silly talents.
You were rambling on about your stuffed toys and how you play with them, when you missed your footing and fell down a tiny hole that your eye didn’t seem to capture. Besides being extremely talkative, you were also quite the klutz.
“Y..yoongi!” you started to cry, feeling the pain of your grazed leg. The impact of your fall has caused you to crash land onto a few rocks in the hole and a puddle of mud and dirty water.
You heard a sigh come from Yoongi’s part before he crouched down and helped you up. He slung your arm over his shoulder (completely disregarding the fact that your clothes were soiled and dirty), and helped you walk.
“Why am I always the one looking out for you?” he whispered, but your ears managed to catch it and your sad frown contorted to a smile.
“Because I’m your greatest friend?” you poked out your tongue.
Yoongi didn’t deny it.  
Before you knew it, the 1cm difference between you and Yoongi increased and he was now a lot taller than you. The two of you practically grew up with each other, and now you two have entered a new phase in your lives.
The Teenage Years™.
Six years have gone past really really quickly. And you and Yoongi have grown up alot. But some things just don’t change - for instance, your amazing ability to be a klutz and Yoongi’s inclination towards roasting and criticising things he doesn’t like. You remember how he wrote a haiku on how this boy pushed him once and how he utterly despised him.
Your relationship has also grew. Yoongi pretty much grew on you, and the two of you were the ‘bestest of the best’ friends. He would wait for you at school just so the two of you could walk home together, he would share his lunch with you, he would help you with your homework, et cetera.
Sleepovers were also a constant, with the two of you living really close to each other. You’d play video games [to which you were (surprisingly) better in], read comic books, play cards but you two would usually fall asleep on each other to which the mothers always found adorable.
Yoongi was your listening ear and you were his comforter and pretty much vice versa.
But everything changed, when the two of you turned 16.
Typical 16 year olds worry about their puppy loves, their relationships that last for a few weeks or months or days, if they fit in at school or about their grades and future.
But when Yoongi was 16, he worried about something completely different.
A month or so ago, his mother broke the news that they were going to move out of Daegu as their father had found a new job out of state. And they were leaving in around a month’s time.
Yoongi didn’t know how to break the news to you.
How could he leave you, the person who never fails to put a smile on his face, the person who has stood by him, for another state?
So, for the month, he tried his best to see you more often. He was at your house a lot, he brought you out more often. He couldn’t believe that he had to leave you, his best friend of oh, so many years. His mother also couldn’t foretell if they were ever coming back and couldn’t promise that they would be coming back.
Yoongi tried to leave the topic at the back of his mind, but as the days dwindled, he couldn’t avoid it any longer. He could run away from it, but he has to face it at some point.
Before he knew it, there was only a week left.
On the night of your birthday, he would break the heart-wrenching news to you. There was no running from this.
As Yoongi was preparing himself to come clean to you, he realised one thing.
Seems like 16 year old Min Yoongi did face a worry some typical 16 year olds face.
He has fallen in love with you.
“Y/N,” he started, his heart palpitating.
The two of you were laying next to each other in his backyard, staring at the stars, hands slightly touching, your head on his shoulder.
Yoongi took in a deep breath. He could do this.
“My dad got an offer to work at Seoul, and the thing is, we’re all moving away with him.”  
Pin drop silence. You removed your head from his shoulder and sat up and turned away from Yoongi. Thank the heavens the night shadowed your teary eyes.
“Oh. When?” Any more words and you’ll probably break. How could he keep this from you?
“In a few days, Y/N, please don’t cry,” he reached for your hand.
He knows you so well.
You turned back to him, tears freely falling from your eyes. The sight of you crying caused a tear in his heart. You cried a lot, due to your clumsy nature, but Yoongi couldn’t handle it if he was the cause of your cries.
“Hey,” he proceeded to engulf you in a soul crushing hug, “It’ll be alright. We can always video call, text, visit. Heck, if I could fly back to you, I would.”
“Do you promise to come back?” you cried on his shoulder, your heart couldn’t handle this pain. This was possibly the worst heartbreak you ever felt and you’ve never gotten your heart broken.
Yoongi couldn’t promise anything, but for your sake,
“I promise.”
And the two of you stayed in an embrace under the stars.
You didn’t want to let go.
The days seemed to pass by so quickly. It was like a snap of the fingers and your family was in the airport, about to send the Min family off. You weren’t the only one heartbroken by their departure. The mothers aka the two best friends were crying to each other, the fathers giving each other firm handshakes and bro hugs.
You, were just holding Yoongi’s hand, engulfed in a comfortable, heartbreaking silence. For once, you were at a loss for words. You didn’t know what to say, and you could feel the tears coming again.
The two of you were just sitting in silence, until Mrs Min called for Yoongi. It was time to go. You quickly tightened your grip on Yoongi’s hand, not wanting to let go as you knew the moment you let go, Yoongi would be gone. Your best friend, would be in another city, probably find and replace you in a zap.
The night before, you and Yoongi promised not to say a word to each other before he left for Seoul. You held onto him so tightly, that you could barely sleep a wink.
“Yoongi, it’s time to go.”
You closed your eyes as you loosened your grip on Yoongi’s hand, before he entrapped you in another bear hug that might very likely be your last hug.
And before you knew it, Yoongi was gone.
A few moments later, you were still unmoved from your position, your face maintaining a poker face expression, you heard your name being called.
This time, you couldn’t control the waterfall from falling from your eyes.
“Screw the stupid promise, I can’t leave without telling you this. Y/N Y/L/N, I am deeply in love with you. From the roots of your hair to your toes, I am in crazily in love with you. I love the way you always apologise to an object after tripping over it, I love the way you laugh, the way you always engage everyone in a deep conversation. I love you. And moving to Seoul will not change the way I feel about you.”
You could barely react before you realised that your lips were the one reacting. You stood on your tippy toes and pressed a kiss to Yoongi’s lips. Your lips were coated with your salty tears and you could feel that Yoongi was crying as well.
It was a messy kiss, with the both of you bawling, and the people all around you just walking and doing their own thing. It was also one of desperation, the two of you trying to cling to each other with the limited time the two of you had left with each other.
When you pulled away, Yoongi had to leave almost immediately and you opened your mouth to say three words that could have or not made all the difference.
But he was gone. Lost in the crowd of people.
You didn’t even get to say it back. You’ve always felt something different for Yoongi, besides the admiration and fondness but your innocence prevented you from completely figuring it out. Your mother has always warned you about best friends who felt infatuated to the other, but her words fell on deaf ears.
But Yoongi’s confession was like an eye opener.
You were in love with him too.
But you didn’t get to say it back. You don’t even know if you will ever get the chance to ever say it back in real life.
Because Yoongi is gone.
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helloanime247-blog · 7 years
Wait a minute....you cannot possibly be doing another tag!! ;) :P
I did not go looking on the internet for these anime questions, I swear!! :P  I still have loads more questions that I want to answer, but I’m going to start with these 11 questions!
1. Who are your favourite male anime characters?
Okay…..this question is really tough….as there are just too many husbandos to choose from!! ;) I’m going to pick five male characters…..that’s allowed, right??!! ^^’
a). Osamu Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)- On the surface, he comes across as a big dork, who is a suicidal maniac!! However, Dazai as a character is far more than just that, as he proves to be a kind-hearted person, who takes in an orphan (Atsushi Nakajima) without a seconds thought and nurtures him into becoming a fully fledged member of the armed detective agency. He also instills in him confidence and a feeling of self-worth. Dazai is also really intelligent and can instantly deduce his opponent’s next move, meanwhile remaining calm and in control! His features are striking….as he is tall, has brown hair and brown eyes….I mean he’s just PERFECT!! :P ;)
b). Sakata Gintoki (Gintama)- Gintoki is just one of those characters who will forever make me laugh! <3 I mean, I could be having the worst day EVER, however, Gintoki will somehow find a way to make me laugh…and seriously what could be better than that! :D Initially, he may come across as lazy and self-centred, but I can tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth! Gintoki would literally do anything for both Kagura and Shinpachi! I actually just finished watching an episode, where he helped his friend Hasegawa (which was hilarious….by the way!!). In reality, he actually values friendship higher than anything else and that’s a beautiful trait for anyone to possess!
c). Okita Sougo (Gintama)- The self-proclaimed masochist is HOT….which is his only good trait…..I’m only joking!! :P Okita is another great character because like Gintoki he’s really funny. If you’ve seen the Mitsuba arc….minor spoiler….you will understand how much of a loving brother he is towards his sister, which was both one of the most beautiful and one of the most saddest things to watch!! T.T <3
d). Hijiktata Toushirou (Gintama)- Like Okita, Hjikata is also a member of the Shinsengumi (…..and he is also really good looking….I’m just saying! :P)! Once again, I’m going to refer you to the Mitsuba arc because that truly shows how great of a guy Hijikata actually is! <33333 I mean…..I dare you to watch that arc and not cry…..!! T.T
e). Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice)- I identify with this guy so much, he is literally the male version of me….lol! All the ups and downs that he experiences through ice-skating are somewhat similar to the ones that I’ve experienced in my life…..expect for the fact that mine are in no way ice-skating related, as I’m a terrible ice-skater….lol!! :P He is definitely one of the most relatable characters that I’ve ever come across…..and that makes me love him all the more! <3
I’m sorry for picking three Gintama characters, but I’m currently in Gintama hell…….which is actually not a bad place to find yourself in!! ^^’ :P
2. Who are your favourite female characters?
a). Megumi Tadokoro (Shokugeki no Souma)- I love her…..because she’s basically ME…..except for the fact that she can cook…and sadly I can’t!! T.T </3 The self-confidence issues that she experiences are somewhat similar to my own, however, like her, I’ve also learned to push past them and come out the other side! She’s actually sort of an inspiration to me (not to sound too cheesy) but I often found myself saying…if she can overcome her nervousness then so can I!!
b). Kagura (Gintama)- Kagura is feisty and will always do things her own way, which once again I can relate to! She doesn’t care what others think of her and rightly so, it’s pointless caring about what others think…just be yourself!! :) However, deep down she is also a caring person, who loves both Gintoki and Shinpachi as if they were her brothers!
3. If you could meet an anime character who would it be?
I would actually like to meet Mikoto Mikoshiba from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! We could talk about anime figures (which is one of my most favourite things to talk about…hahaha), we could game and even draw manga together! He would also be such a cool person to just talk to!
I decided this time to not go for another Gintama character!! :P
4. What is your favourite thing about anime?
Hmmmmmmmm….I’d probably say that anime has allowed me to pursue my other hobbies and interests….ones which I never really knew I had! Recently, I bought a camera so I could get into Nendoroid photography and I actually realised that I love taking photos of my nendoroids depicting the beauty of our natural landscape! I’ve also started to cross-stitch again, which I haven’t really done in over a year! I even made my own pattern of Midoriya Izuku from ‘Boku no Hero Academia’……which I still have to start!! I’ve always been a collector of ’stuff’ since I was a child, so therefore, it was only natural for me to start collecting anime figures, I love this hobby! The only drawback being that it’s super expensive and super addictive….eeeekkkkk!! I’ve also recently delved into the world of cosplay and it’s a lot of fun too! Drawing has been a passion of mine….since forever and I love nothing more than to draw my favourite characters! <3 Therefore, it allows me to explore my creative side! I also love learning about other cultures and anime has definitely made me want to learn more about Japan. I’m also in the process of learning Japanese, which is probably something I never would have done without anime in my life! I’m also currently writing some fanfiction! It was always my dream to write a novel and I wrote many books when I was younger, so anime has definitely reignited my desire to write again! ^^’ Last but certainly not least, it has allowed me to meet new and interesting people…both in real life and online…and that’s just a wonderful thing in itself, as it’s nice to talk to people from all around the world!
5. What is your least favourite thing about anime?
It’s probably the over obsessive fans…who call people out over a little mistake that they may have made, it’s just so petty!! I also dislike when people turn savage over an opinion that you may hold……just because it’s not in line with their own personal beliefs on the subject matter!
6. Who are your favourite anime couple?
That’s the easiest question EVER……..Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice)…..they’re just soooooooooo CUTE together…..need I say anymore! <3 :P ;)
7. Who are your favourite anime animals?
I really like Keroberos (Cardcaptor Sakura), Sadaharu (Gintama), Makkachin (Yuri on Ice)….and are Pokemon animals?? Well, if they are….I LOVE them too! <3
8. What’s your favourite type of anime?
I really love anime that have amazing action scenes, a little bit of romance (although….I normally like the romance not to be the central aspect of the anime) and for there to be good humour sprinkled throughout every episode! However, I also love nothing more than an anime to adopt a really serious tone too! I actually think all of these characteristics are found in shounen anime, so I really like this genre a lot!
9. What anime would make a good game?
I actually think that Hunter x Hunter would make an excellent game, as that anime moves from one adventure to another adventure with seamless ease! I mean one minute you could be trying to collect all of the cards on Greed Island and in the next minute…you could be battling against powerful ants, who seek to destroy human life! :O
10. What was the first anime you ever watched?
It was Pokemon! :D
11. Do you think you’ll ever stop watching anime?
Definitely not!! I love watching anime, I love how there are so many different genres of anime to choose from, therefore, you can literally never be bored! My day never goes by without me thinking of anime, I’m a really sad person…..!! :P :D
I tag @akatsuki3519 and @yuratchkaplisetskys!! If you don’t want to do them……then that’s perfectly fine! :D ;) Also, if you do want to do them…..then there’s definitely no rush…please…take your time!! :D ;)
Also, if anybody else wants to do these questions…..feel free to do so! I would love to see your answers, so don’t forget to tag me…! ;) :D 
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ashethehedgehog · 7 years
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OKAY U GUYS LMAO TY FOR THE ASKS <33333 I’ll do ygo for all the letters here! It’s long so I’ll put it under a read more! So dive on in for some talk about my writing and puzzleshipping fics! (Also some snippets I posted below so wink wink)
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Not like directly, but I definitely put some of my influences into them. Like Yugi wanting to be a knight in The Beast Within was 100% because I used to want to be a knight lmao. 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ohhh off the top of my head? Gosh mmmm. Okay so off the top of my head there’s this one scene in an AU I’m probably going to abandon actually, so it’s kinda ehhh to show it now and tease u all like this lmao, but I did really enjoy writing the interactions between Yugi and Atem in them, so I’m going to put one of those for this! I just like the way they butted heads and Atem refused to relent, but then so did Yugi so they just tip toed around each other looking for the weak spot while referring to ‘the pharaoh’ as if it’s someone else and not Atem lmao. For context, it’s from an AU where everyone is an anthro animal, felines are considered the high ranking ones, spotted cats (Yugi’s species) is endangered and highly revered, Atem is a lion.
“You’re under the protection of the pharaoh, and as such are to remain in the palace where said effect can be carried out.” Atem answered as dully as he could manage. It seemed to work, as Yugi’s expression dropped.
“That order can be extended and revoked by the pharaoh himself should he wish. Do you think the pharaoh realises that? I wonder…” Yugi clicked his tongue, a thoughtful hand tapping his chin.
“I believe the pharaoh wishes for the spotted cat to remain within the palace walls, where he would be safest. I wonder if he realises that he could have servants fetch anything he needed from the city.”
“He wants to go look at what the city has to offer. With his own eyes, not those of servants not belonging to him.”
“You have your own staff I have assigned to you.”
“They’re not loyal to me.”
Atem paused, finally giving his full attention to Yugi. So that’s the kind of game Yugi was playing today. It seemed he had slipped up, however, and Atem wasn’t beneath taking advantage of this blunder.
“You question the good intentions of the pharaoh, who has given you his place as residence while asking nothing of you?” Atem tsked, turning back to his scroll, attention slipping from Yugi. He knew that would irritate the little cat, and sure enough, Yugi gave a soft growl in warning.
“I do not question the pharaoh, only wonder if he remembers whether or not he will honour his agreement.”
“What agreement?” Atem rolled his eyes.
Yugi pushed off the desk, slamming a hand down on the table, tail lashing angrily behind him. “You cannot keep me locked up here, pharaoh. Protective rules or not, if I leave, you cannot stop me.”
“No, I can’t,” Atem responded calmly, adjusting the scroll in his paws. “But you lose my protection if you venture into the city. You go alone.”
"I will be going into the city, pharaoh. And you will provide me with the necessary guards."
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I tend to write random scenes around as I get inspiration for them, but mostly I write it chapter by chapter to keep it consistent! But if I’m in a slump, I write scenes that I had the motivation to work on, even if it’s for like three chapters ahead. I did this a little with my Big Bang fic because I had a deadline and needed to be working on it lmao. Fun fact tho, The Living Daylights I started off with the opening scene from chapter nine! Yeah nine chapters in right crazy ahaha, but that was what inspired the AU! xD
H: How would you describe your style?
I dunno? Semi-decent descriptions enough to understand locations and a fuckton of travelling montage work and fighting scenes. I couldn’t tell u dude I dunno my own style lmao.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Sure, why not! So my list of fics I’m currently writing are:
Prince and King on AO3
Dragontaur AU/ Opportunities in Unexpected Places on AO3
The Demon Prince Yugi and Knight Atem AU, which will be my next multi chap fic after PaK is done.
A naga!Yugi and vampire!Yugi AU that I’m writing, buuuuut they’re both for my smut blog, where I post them exclusively, and I’m not going to move them to AO3 either soz (anyone is welcome to IM me for the link to the blog, but it’s on private so access is message only lmao).
Magic AU, which u can find some snippets of here! I don’t plan to take this further than a longshot, even with the potential for more there, I just don’t have the time for another fantasy AU world to build rn lmao. But I hope to have something of this to share soon!
Lion Atem, which I gave the snippet of above, where they’re all anthros. I never wrote much for this, and although I liked the concept, I don’t think I’ll work on it anymore. Maybe I’ll post the 6K I wrote just as a ‘read if u want but don’t expect more pls’ kind of thing. But yeah, at this stage this one is p much discontinued because I don’t have the time to work on it. 
And that leaves Elf King Yugi, something that has definitely been on the back burner for MONTHS now (ever since Trial and Error, so u do the maths lmao) which I have written a fair amount for, but need to do some serious plot work before I consider doing more. Since there is a chance I’ll continue to work on this one tho, I’ll post a snippet here!
"You know the council isn't going to like this Yugi. You're in for a long and dangerous fight with this one."
"I know Anzu- you don't need to treat me like a kid." Yugi scolded her with a quick frown.
"I'm just warning you. Be prepared to argue into the night."
"I am- believe me." Yugi groaned, a hand rubbing his forehead as if to still a headache.
Yami tittered at the edge of the room near the door, unsure if he should interrupt what looked like a conversation (or argument) between friends.
Luck wasn't (or was) on his side though it seemed, as Yugi took that moment to crane his neck to where Yami was standing, his eyes lighting up. Yami suppressed a groan as he waved him over. Yami stepped lightly, his steps hesitant as he approached the two.
"Oh wow Yugi is this him? Your narcissism is showing with this one." The girl’s eyes gleamed with something predatory, like she was sizing up how long Yami would last in... Something.
"Would you please stop saying 'this one?' It implies I do this frequently- which I don't." Yugi said, shooting Yami an apologetic look. "This is Anzu- she works at the castle here-"
"You forgot to mention I'm your best friend." Anzu said in a sing song voice. Yugi shot her a look this time.
"Yes, and you're my annoying best friend." He turned back to Yami. "She's going to give you your tour, alright?"
Yami nodded. "Where are you going?"
"I have to go to court today. We'll see each other later, my dear Yami." Yugi smiled at him, reaching out to pat his shoulder as he passed him, disappearing out of the room.
Yami turned back around to immediately jump in surprise.
Standing way too close for comfort in front of him was Anzu. She had a wild grin on her face, like she knew a secret Yami didn't.
"Well well Yami. Looks like it’s just the two of us for the rest of the day." She practically purred.
"Uh... Okay... Should I be worried?" Yami frowned, not liking the glint in her eyes. It's like a maze of demons here, Yami observed. You turn away from one only to find another.
"Not at all," Anzu hummed, patting Yami's shoulder. "We're all friends here I assure you. Yugi wants me to take extra good care with you. And I must say- I can see why. You're a keeper."
"A keeper?" Yami's frown deepened, and he suppressed a sigh of exhaustion. Just what have I gotten myself into here? He was beginning to seriously regret his decision to break the elves' border seal now.
"Never mind." Anzu waved him off, trotting over to the door only to swing back around, her hand on the handle. "You coming? Yugi wants you to see the castle."
"Oh, right, of course." Yami muttered, following Anzu as she made her way out into the hallway.
"Alright, first things first- unless Yugi gives you public permission to travel around, don't go anywhere without an escort, okay?"
"Why? I'm not a kid." Yami scoffed.
"Mmm, technically you are to a lot of these folk. Most of the population in the kingdom are elves, and they tend to be a lot older than they appear."
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
The plot! Mainly because fanfic so the chars already exist lmao. I usually start with one thing that catches my interest, and work out from there. Sometimes my AUs start from dreams, like Demon Prince started because I had a dream Yugi was a demon in jail trying to seduce Atem to come work for him so lmao there u go. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m much more of an architect, because without a decent plot written out in front of my, in like a chapter by chapter format, I will easily lose motivation and focus because I won’t have a ‘oh yeah that’s what’s happening next!’ sort of thing. It helps with building up foreshadowing and stuff too for me. The stories I try to ‘gardener’ for I guess are the ones that often don’t see tumblr or AO3 lmao. AKA u will never hear of them because I have a few lmao.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
Interesting question! I suppose it depends what kind! I like collaboration ideas, in fact my first multi chapter fic The Living Daylights was a collaboration in ideas between me and my pal Ren! But I still wrote the entire thing lmao. I guess I like to have control over the writing for style consistency, but I think tackling the entire concept with another writer would be fun! I’ve never tried to write something with someone else so I dunno how that would go!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
[kinda nsfw] INNOCENT PURE YUGI MUTOU WHO MUST ALWAYS BOTTOM FOR ATEM BECAUSE ATEM IS SEX GOD AND YUGI IS VIRGIN WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT SEX. Listen nothing rustles my JIMMIES more than that that troupe which is EVERYWHERE in puzzleshipping. I don’t understand why it’s so popular??? Like, this isn’t to say Yugi 100% CANNOT bottom because he totes can! But of ALL the puzzleshipping I’ve ever read that involved smut, especially in multi chapter fics, Yugi topped like... once, maybe??? ???? That’s SO MANY fics where Atem almost NEEDED to top. It kind of feels like people were too scared to write it at times? Like some stories I could totally see it either way, but it was ALWAYS with Atem topping, always. I don’t really understand why people are so against Yugi topping in puzzle but auuuugh I just wish there was more of it u know? Like if I want top Atem material shit man I got hundreds of fics for that, but top Yugi? Man, I can list them on my fingers...
Long story short ppl shouldn’t be afraid to let Yugi top pls. I’m not saying he ALWAYS HAS TO TOP, but more of that than Atem always topping would be real nice? A nice mix instead of everything seemingly so bias would be cool? Sometimes I want top!Atem, and sometimes I want top!Yugi, isn’t that the same for everyone lmao. Like they’d totes switch it up all the time so why is there so little for top!Yugi? The mystery of my life lmao. Let Yugi Top 2k17.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Probably Atem, sorry to the kid but he’s the one who ends up suffering the most in my fics opps. I think there’s like ONE fic where Yugi suffers more maybe? The rest is all like nope lmao soz bro but ur the punching bag ahaha.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
(this is the one I picked myself lmao) I like really specific ones! I like to know exactly what I’m writing, and unless I get a burning idea in my head I’d rather do (not often) I’d prefer prompts that give me more to work with, or at least more detail than like a one line simple prompt lmao. 
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todokori-kun · 7 years
The fix was quicker than I expected! Dad’s bringing it (the computer) home today :D
someone needs to photoshop smiling cherubs and flowers around them
OH whoops, sorry about the misunderstanding ^^;; Idk what I even want to happen to the Touken baby, I just don’t want it to die in the womb.
Uta/Touka child might also be pretty attractive, now that I think about it ;)
(Uta/Rize or Uta/Itori child would look even better though)
I was in a nice, fluffy mood when I wrote that. Unfortunately, as I’m going to get my computer back and will be able to start working on the Heathers AU again tonight, this will probably be the last you’ll see of Cinnamon Roll Evans for a while :) 
YES I read the new Kuro chapter! Honestly I disliked the 2CT for various reasons  but now that it’s actually become canon I think I feel a little better about it (also, is it just me or does ‘real’ Ciel look a bit different from 'our’ Ciel on the last page? His face looks too…perfect, if that makes sense). I’m excited to see what this means for Lizzy’s relationship with both Ciels and Undertaker’s connection to the Phantomhives!
Oh, actually I agree with you there? What I meant by 'op’ is more of a really strong character, not an overpowered one ^^;; sorry, I’ll try to explain myself better:
Super strong characters like Levi, Mikasa, the Titan Trio, Kaneki, Eto, Arima, Sebastian…they are all technically 'op’ (especially Sebastian, dude has literally no weaknesses so far). However, they work because they also have traits that interest us beyond just their strength. Kaneki is a lonely child, a selfish person with a fear of being left behind, drifting and unable to find a reason to live. Levi is an orphan who was raised by a serial killer- he clawed his way up to where he is now. Annie is a sixteen-year-old trained into a killing machine from childhood, she went through life believing that the only person she could trust was her father, and she was desperate to return to him.
(It’s also difficult because everyone seems to have a different definition of 'op’; I personally just use it to jokingly refer to powerful characters or when I talk about strong characters whose power levels are inconsistent with canon to the point where it gets ridiculous (example: we know titan shifters take some time to heal, so if a titan shifter came along who could be behaded then have their head instantly stick back onto their neck like some sort of AoT version of Noro, I’d consider them OP).)
I guess what I was trying to say was that it’s fine to have strong characters, just make sure that they have an actual personality (readers need a reason to care about the characters, after all!) and that their powers make sense? ^^;;
(Also, I think I might have sounded a bit passive-aggressive or rude during this convo about op characters, I'm really sorry if I did OTL I didn’t mean to, but when I reread my comments I realized they could come off that way)
I agree with you about the AoT OCs though. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good ones…actually, most OCs I see for popular fandoms aren’t very interesting. Other than the powers or character designs the thing that bothers me is the lack of proper personality (why do so many people think 'happy’ is a personality trait???).
And definitely agree 100% on the angsty backstory. Like, that’s just overkill. There’s a difference between tragedy and being edgy. (It also sort of depends on how good the writer is at conveying emotion and handling the angst, but for the most part stuff like that is
That’s a great way to do things! :D I’m really, really disorganized when it comes to making characters…usually a concept pops into my head and I run with it, adding in details along the way. Tatsuo was created when I wanted to make a male TG OC and suddenly this image of a smug-looking guy with a long black ponytail popped into my head, Naomi started from the idea of making a character with the themes of 'self-discovery’ 'identity’ and 'lies’ woven into their arc. Louisa was literally born from an outfit- I randomly thought of an outfit that looked really pretty and traditionally feminine, yet was actually very practical when you looked closer. Then I tried to imagine what kind of person would wear these clothes and that was Louisa…
idk, I’m bad at explaining stuff haha
(also: Tatsuo was also inspired by various vampire characters I saw in anime/manga, books and TV shows. He’d be so offended if he knew LOL in fact, he just might serve me for dinner at the restaurant or something ;-;)
TYSM! I’m really glad you’ve liked all three of my OCs so far, thank you for listening to me ramble about my babies (actually only Naomi is my baby, Tatsuo and I disowned each other and Louisa moved out) <33333
As for Lou, I’ll send you some more info about her after I develop her a bit more if you like? :) For now, a few random things:
-rarely shows emotions like anger or sorrow
-not because she’s bottling them up, but because she’s learned how to handle them in a healthy way
-always smells like mint for some reason
-maybe because she’s addicted to mint tea
-her bodyguard suspects she doesn’t drink water at all and lives on the stuff
-she also likes strong flavors
-has the kind of bright, pretty smile that makes you want to trust her
-so you do
-and you (probably) get killed
-had a girlfriend named Iris once, a nice, sensible girl who managed to keep her from getting too buried in her work and various plans for her family and took care of her in ways that her bodyguard couldn’t (AKA somehow got her to realize that mint tea does not equal a proper meal)
-unfortunately Iris did not know that Lou can be a bit terrible
-she walked in on Lou casually wiping the blood off of her knife with the dead body of a certain businessman on the floor in front of her
-“Oh, Iris. What are you doing here, darling? I thought I asked the servants to keep you upstairs, my private meetings can be a bit messy… Iris? Love, are you quite alright? You look a little pale…”
-Well, that was the end of that relationship
XD the titan designs are one of the best things about AoT, in my opinion. You could make a gallery out of all the pictures of them that that have appeared in the anime and the manga so far lol
Oh, really? Hope you enjoy/ed the list then :D was it ok??? (Part 2 was intended to smash feels)
Sweet! That wasn’t so long ^^
I know you meant Voldy and Draco by the flower statement but...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I’m this close to finding a physical copy of the manga and throwing it in the fire while yelling ‘Lighten the fuck up’.
Gimme the Uta/Itori love child now, pretty please. Damn, that would be one attractive baby. 
And now I fear for my life. Great. Well, more for my hear than for my life, but whatever.
Well, I never really had a formed opinion on the 2CT theory, but I did read a few things about it. I didn’t expect it to be true, though. Welp, now we can assume it is true, and I am SHOOK Here’s an accurate description of me during the chapter.
I think that might be since he’s a tiny bit more similar to Vincent, while Our Ciel is more similar to Rachel. I mean, we know that there are physical differences between the two (if we assume that Real Ciel is the one who was previously Lizzy’s fiancé), because Real Ciel is taller than Our Ciel.
Yep, I definitely can’t wait to see where it’ll go from now. I remember seeing a post that said ‘This is the biggest shock to the fandom since we found out Undertaker was fuckable’
Also: Our!Ciel: three years ago I lost my dear twin brother to some cultists and a demon. Real!Ciel: Quit telling everyone I'm dead! Our!Ciel: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Oh, I see! I always think of OP as OverPowered, that’s why I got a bit defensive ^^;;;;;
Well, like you said, everyone has their own definition of OP.  Sometimes, I’ll even think of OCs who have trait that’s already specific to another character as OP, like Titan-Shifter OCs, or OCs with a plot basically the same to a canon character (not OP but very irritating) And don’t get me started on Demon-Contracted OCs in the Kuro fandom. Those make me want to defenestrate myself.
Yup, I have no problems with strong characters as long as they’re not ridiculously strong and aren’t there purely because of that power, but they also have personality.
Don’t worry, I reread my original statement about OP characters and was like ‘man this sounds so bitchy and high and might hnnnngh’ but couldn’t find a way to rephrase it properly ^^;; So, no worries, I know how you feel ^^
Well, for some reason, it seems that the people who make believable OCs are either lazy or scared to post theirs. Or they simply don’t care. The ones with Mary Sues like to holler at people with ‘LOOK AT MY BAE CHARACTER AREN’T THEY PERFECT???’
There’s this blog I follow (it’s gone inactive, unfortunately) that takes Mary Sues and breaks them down (well, the correct term would be make fun of, but they do offer some advice on how to improve them), and you wouldn’t believe the shit I found there.  Here’s the link if you want.
For some reason, people seem to think that the edgier the backstory, the ‘more original’ the character, which (of course) isn’t true, because that means everyone will have a super tragic backstory that no longer makes sense.  Another thing I’ve noticed is that they sometimes avoid some pretty important details like ‘Character was born into a healthy, happy family. One thing led to another and the family was killed, while character was molested (a very common backstory theme) and taken in by a cult’ and I’m like ???
My character usually start out like this: *luna is watching a show*  OK BUT WHAT IF THERE WAS A CHARACTER WHO-
And so a new character is born. 
But your ways of starting a character are also quite interesting ^^ Especially by looking at an outfit!  I ALWAYS WANNA LISTEN TO YOU RAMBLE ABOUT CHARACTERS! 
Titans make me laugh, honestly. Like, these are supposed to be the main bad creatures? Steampunk zombies (kabaneri) look scarier than that.
It was the hulk smash of feels :-))))
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