#who asked me about this? no one <33
inkly-heart · 1 month
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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starbuck · 2 years
we talk a lot about “escaping the narrative,” but keep in mind that the frightening thing about escape is the chance you might end up someplace worse.
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dustykneed · 14 days
Hello! Random whipper snipper! Share a WIP of your work!
ooh, with pleasure. six the musical araleyn fanart? in the year 2k24? more likely than you think xDD
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i realize this looks finished, but technically i'm still deciding whether to add a background or not lol. still, for the sake of sharing a proper WIP, here's a line or two from an araleyn brainworm WIP that i started reworking yesterday (mild tw for religious guilt and period-typical internalized homophobia from aragon's pov):
She remembers sharing her bed with Anne at Henry's behest, remembers the nights of tossing and turning and trying not to think about Anne asleep next to her-- remembers waking up to dark hair spilling across her pillow and the press of blood-warm bosoms against her own, softer than sin, as hot as the Devil, remembers lying still as death, mouthing prayers into the heat of Anne's neck like an act of penance.
#six the musical#six the musical fanart#six the musical araleyn#araleyn#araleyn fanart#i... cannot remember if it's fandom custom to use the full name tags#ah so it appears it is in fact fandom custom#catherine of aragon#catalina de aragon#anne boleyn#today we hazard a fleeting glimpse into the abtruse psyche of the dusty...#what other fandoms do they contain? wouldnt you like to know weather boy#well i mean honestly i don't know either but we'll find out as they rotate thru my conciousness#not trek#yeaaah i'm a spones girl (gender neutral) through and through. The more you know#and before you ask no this is not the og old married couple that went so hard i gained a type in ships forever after#though they are pretty up there in my blorbo rotation cycle#... on some level i may be yelling into the void with this one but no harm in that yeah?#but maybe the six fandom isn't as dead as i've been assuming. who knows? this is my self indulgent blog dammit#ill be self indulgent <33#also i keep forgetting it's pride month xDD my straight irls wish me happy pride and im always like OH Right nice yeah#but i haven't drawn these two in so long!! feels so good stretching the old married sapphics muscle again#dust writes#so happy about the vibe in this one ngl! theyre Soft ok. i like that very much. And also this aragon is so my type LMAO#really rambly tonight whoops. but i guess its the closest to a non-art post i can get to keep my page navigable? mm#...dammit now I'm thinking about araleyn in spones' roles. also i REALLY really should study#in hugely dire straits right now yall except i can't stop drawing/writing. whooooops.#sapphic#pride month#dust talks
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amarimeta · 2 months
wait okay. on the topic of people not enjoying the leftovers like i do. my friend's parents started it towards the end of january (per my recommendation of course) and i was getting very minimal updates from my friend. three weeks ago she texts and she's like "my dad is coming around to it but my mom still hates it. they're on season 3 btw" i'm like OKAYYYYYY HE'S COMING AROUND TO IT!!!!!!!!!! two days ago she texts me like "yea i think they've given up on it. my dad might finish it on his own but my mom didn't like it" so then i start wondering where in season 3 they left off. did they get to see _________? she checks the family hbo and they're on season two. episode nine.
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izloveshorses · 6 months
I just saw some dumb post on Reddit about how Anastasia the musical 'could have been great.'
Make me feel like someone agrees with me please 😭😭😭😭
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not only my favorite musical, but my favorite media, period <333 leave my baby alone <333333
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lanternlightss · 4 months
if we ever get nameless bard’s model, i really, really hope at one point we get him framed in the lighting like this (a call back to him surrounded by light in the boy and whirlwind? put upon a pedestal? or the bard, a guiding light from past...)
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volivolition · 2 months
Can you find where Volition says that abt Conceptualization irt ur tags on one of the skills bracket posts omg [we suuuck at finding shit w fayde] we've Never seen that before and like. that's so fucking funny FHDJSJDJF
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i have this screenshot on lockdown, it makes me so violent about him. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT. WHAT DOY UO MEA N.
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oinkinpigprince · 25 days
How are you my sweet pookie? I know all these requests must be a lot but just remember that we appreciate you 🫶🫶🫶
Hehehemhehehe! I’m great!! Thnxs so much!! Everyone’s been rlly kind to me! Which I don’t REALLY understand it, but it’s really nice though! I’ve been really happy to write, being in fandoms is one of my favorite things. I’m not a very social person so it’s great to meet ppl w/ similar interests as I!! Although smiling friends isn’t my top interest(it’s the Texas chainsaw massacre) it still holds a very special place in my heart!! I’m just happy to write stories :33
I’m just glad I’m not on wattpad anymore *shudders*
Anyways, I want ppl to see my goats
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scattered-winter · 2 years
ok winter...it's my turn now: jaykyle. i am intrigued, and i'd like to know as much as is feasible to tell me. (it's killing me to send something this open-ended but i feel like i don't actually know enough about them to be more specific.)
jaykyle is a ship between two of my favorite dc characters, jason todd and kyle rayner. they're both sooo fascinating on their own AND as a pairing and I just <3333 this is gonna get long because 1) they both have very long and complicated stories that's gonna take a bit to unpack and 2) I love them <33 and I love to talk about them <333 a bit of forewarning, but comics storylines are RIDICULOUSLY complicated and pretty much every single character has more origins, timelines, and personalities than you can shake a stick at. in the comics fandom we take marie kondo's words to heart because if we tried to stick to What Canon Says, we would be running in circles all day because everything contradicts itself. everything is canon and nothing is canon and if it doesn't spark joy, it isn't true <3 I'll explain everything to the best of my ability but it's gonna get Real Complicated Real Fast
tw for death (child and otherwise)
jason todd (playlist) is part of the batfam (group of vigilantes associated with batman) and he's also part of the wayne family (by adoption). I looked everywhere for the panels to show how he was introduced because it's objectively the funniest way to introduce any character but alas, they have eluded me so I'll just tell you: he grew up in the poorer parts of gotham city with his parents, catherine and willis todd. willis got caught up in two-face's gang (because gotham city as a whole has a trend of eating its people alive/forcing them to do crime because they're desperate and have no choice etc etc) and ended up getting killed because of it, and catherine died of an illness, leaving jason to fend for himself on the streets.* he is brought into the story by jacking the tires off the BATMOBILE, and getting caught by batman himself. in response to this he hits batman with a tire iron, calls him a big boob, and runs away (and in the process making bruce laugh out loud in the same place his parents died which makes me SOO OUGHOUGHOUGHOUGH)
*catherine and willis both loved jason very much, but recent comics have portrayed willis as abusive/catherine as neglectful, which doesn't spark joy for me personally so I tend to ignore those ones and stick to the others where they were genuinely loving parents who fell on hard times.
the original robin, dick grayson, recently moved on from the mantle and went to live somewhere else,* so bruce adopted jason and started training him as the new robin. he was a very bright, very loving boy who enthusiastically went to school and read books and loved bruce so so much and bruce loved him because that was his KID.**
*I can't remember if he went to live with the titans or went to gotham's sister city, bludhaven; but in any case he ends up in bludhaven eventually and operates there as nightwing
**In more recent comics, jason's robin days are portrayed as him being brash and violent (new drinking game: take a shot every time a comic describes robin jason as "angry" or "reckless" smfh) and of course while being a vigilante involves violence, and being a well-rounded character, jason did indeed have moments of anger, I strongly dislike this way of thinking because it takes so much away from his character and you'll see what I mean by that in a minute.
however, the happy days weren't gonna last. jason discovered that catherine todd wasn't his biological mother, and he had found some evidence pointing to who his birth mother was. (I think it was a birth certificate that was partially damaged so he couldn't see the whole name but it's been a while since I've read the comic where that happens so don't quote me on that) but regardless of how he found out, jason set out to find his real mother. he'd narrowed down the list of possible mothers to a few different women, so he found them each in turn and ruled them out as he went. he ran away from home to go on his little self-discovery mission, and the only reason bruce didn't go after him was because the joker had a big scheme with a nuclear missile that kinda took precedence. but by pure happenstance, they ran into each other and decided to work together for both their goals (stopping joker AND finding jason's mom). eventually jason and bruce narrowed the list down to one woman: sheila haywood. they travelled to ethiopia to find her, and jason actually did, but moments after meeting her, sheila betrayed him and handed him over to the joker, who proceeded to beat jason within an inch of his life with a crowbar while sheila watched.
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(batman: a death in the family)
he then tied up sheila and left them both to die in the warehouse because he rigged it with a bomb. jason, despite being betrayed by her literally minutes before, stopped to untie her to get her out instead of saving himself. but the bomb went off with them both inside, just in time for batman (who had been frantically rushing to the warehouse as soon as he heard that jason had been captured) to see the explosion <3
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(batman: a death in the family)
and the thing that REALLY fucks me up is that even after everything she did to him, jason still used himself as a human shield to try and protect sheila. these two panels have literally caused me lasting damage
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(batman: a death in the family)
this is also why the narrative of jason being reckless makes me so angry. he didn't die because he was a reckless idiot who rushed into danger without a thought, he died because he tried to save a woman who nearly got him killed. he died shielding her with his own body even though she betrayed him literally a few minutes earlier. some comic writers have rewritten the scene to take out sheila entirely, but that takes away a huge part of the story!!!! jason didn't die because he was reckless!! he died because he was trying to save someone!!!! I will literally fight people on that to my grave smh
bruce brought jason's body back to gotham and buried him, and was never really the same after that (but that's a topic for another ramble because this is about THE BOY <3)
this is where things get a little trippy <3 first thing you gotta know about comic books is that death is RARELY permanent. the exact details are lost on me since I tend to avoid the big crisis events (and the headache they give me) but basically superboy-prime punches the fabric of the universe and kinda .. breaks some things. and jason wakes up in his coffin (slightly zombified), six feet underground. after clawing his way out of his own fucking grave, jason gets hit by a fucking CAR and is then taken in by talia al ghul (one of bruce's past lovers, daughter of ra's al ghul [leader of the league of assassins]). talia put jason in something called a lazarus pit, which is basically a pool of green bubbly goo that can resurrect someone (ra's al ghul is hundreds of years old and keeps himself alive with the pits). jason came fully back to life and stayed with talia for a time, during which he travelled the world to be trained by some of the best/most notorious fighters and assassins all over the globe. at this point, he'd been dead for quite a while (a year AT LEAST) and so when he finds out that the joker is still fucking ALIVE, it's .... a shock, to say the least. it's a very complicated issue because batman's deepest-rooted rule is to Never Kill, and there were a lot of underlying circumstances preventing him from killing the joker right after jason's death (despite really, really wanting to) but the thing is. the joker just keeps killing and hurting people, and he gets put in arkham asylum, and escapes and kills more people, then gets put in arkham again, and it's just a vicious cycle where the joker just keeps hurting more and more people. and like. jason got murdered by the joker and the guy is still fucking alive and murdering more people. so he heads off to gotham with a huge plan to confront bruce and make him choose once and for all: kill the joker, or let jason die. this whole arc is my very favorite comic book of all time, batman: under the red hood <333 basically jason becomes a crime boss called red hood (which was the joker's old alias before he became...well, the joker) and plots CIRCLES around bruce, joker, and the other crime bosses. they're literally his pawns the entire time <3 but this all comes to a head when jason traps batman, the joker, and himself in a room where he finally reveals his identity to batman and gives him an ultimatum: kill the joker, or kill him. he had the whole place rigged with explosives so that no matter what bruce chose, they would still blow up (as a form of insurance? as a form of suicide? who knows!)
I'd like to point out the obvious and say that jason was NOT in a great state of mind during this whole thing. like. this post highlights it very well imo, but tl:dr jason didn't really...make a plan for after the showdown. it was clear that he had a single goal in mind, which was facing off with bruce and the joker once and for all, and it was also clear how it would end because he knew deep down that bruce would never kill the joker. so he knew he would die going into it but he didn't really care. he did in fact die at the end of under the red hood, since he was originally meant to be a one-off character, but he was so popular that dc sorta erased his death at the end of utrh and established him as a main batfam player.
jason's post-resurrection characterization is REALLY inconsistent, but really at his core, he's deeply traumatized and angry, and his driving motivation is to save gotham in what he deems is the "right" way: killing criminals so that they're no longer a problem. which, considering how many times supervillains break out of arkham and wreak havoc, isn't really that far of a stretch. but because of batman's firm moral stance on killing, the two have a very .... complicated relationship. but regardless jason has one of the coolest designs in the entire batfam in my opinion <3
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(batman: three jokers)
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(red hood and the outlaws) (I hate this comic for what it did to the other characters but the art was pretty at least)
sometimes he's drawn with a white streak in his hair (a side effect of the lazarus pit) which is one of my FAVORITE looks for him <33 and he's a regular contender for my icon because he's my blorbo bingus blob boy <3333
disclaimer: I haven't been reading kyle's comics as long as I have jason's (jason was my gateway character who first got me into comics in the first place so I had a lot more time to really dig into his comics and characterization) and there's a lot of info about each character that's kind of...absorbed over time. because there's so many different stories and comics about each character, it's hard to find everything they appear in, and since I haven't been reading kyle for as long, I don't consider myself an expert on him in any way but I'll do my best to talk about him because he's my favorite green lantern <3
(playlist) in order to explain kyle, first I need to explain hal jordan. he's the Original green lantern (meaning when you think of the dc superhero green lantern, he's probably the one who comes to mind despite there being more lanterns than I can count. he's the most well-known by FAR) but basically, the green lanterns are an intergalactic military/police force led by the guardians (a bunch of really tiny blue guys). they use green power rings that are fueled by willpower, and so only someone with a lot of willpower (specifically, the will to "overcome great fear") can be a green lantern. (there's a ring for every color on the spectrum, but that's another ramble for another day). hal jordan had been losing faith in the lantern corps for a long time, but the last straw was when his hometown, coast city, was destroyed. hal basically went into a massive grief spiral and tried to bring back the entire city and didn't have enough power to do that, so he took on the name parallax and murdered pretty much the entire corps, and most of the guardians to absorb the main green power source to get enough power to Resurrect The City. but one guardian managed to escape to earth, where he found kyle rayner and gave him the last green power ring.
being practically the only green lantern left, kyle had to defeat parallax and restore the corps practically by himself. and the thing about kyle is that he's the GOOFIEST guy on the planet (affectionate). upon finding out that he's now a superhero he proceeds to immediately go tell his ex-girlfriend about it (alex <333) and they have a photoshoot of him in his suit. I fucking love them <333
but alas!!! happy days don't last <3 kyle leaves alex alone for literally only a few minutes to go be a hero, and while he's gone, one of green lantern's biggest enemies breaks into her apartment and murders her. kyle comes back to find her dead body stuffed inside the fridge (fun fact: that's actually where the term "fridging" came from <3) and he proceeds to. torture and almost kill the guy who did it. we love an unhinged icon <3
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(green lantern #55)
it's been a while since I've read his origin comic, but kyle eventually defeats parallax. further down the line, he becomes a white lantern (mega-powerful because it has the powers of all the colors in the spectrum, not just green) and in my personal favorite comic, also becomes ion (basically the living embodiment of green lantern power. also basically a god) and tbh it's his BEST look of all time
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(ion: guardian of the universe)
like I said, I don't really have as clear of an idea of kyle's timeline since there's a few gaps in my reading, but the essentials is that he literally can't keep a girlfriend because they keep dying, and he continuously gets the power of a literal god and is so humble and heroic about it that it never goes to his head. but he also consistently tortures and kills without really showing any remorse whatsoever <33 he has the range <33
BUT. AT LAST. WE GET TO JAYKYLE. THE THING YOU ASKED ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE. there's only ONE comic that I know of where they actually interact on-panel, and that's countdown presents: the search for ray palmer. it's tied in with countdown to final crisis, which is one of the biggest dc events of all time, and I haven't read it and probably never will because the big crises always give me SUCH a headache to try and understand </3 but I HAVE read search for ray palmer because <3 of them <3
essentially it's a story where the atom (ray palmer) gets lost in the multiverse and so 3 people who are already kind of...Outside the Mainstream Timeline embark on a multiverse journey to find him. those 3 people? jason todd, kyle rayner, and donna troy. jason is only alive because the timeline shattered, kyle was literally a time-and-reality-altering god not just once, but multiple times, and donna troy has also died and come back and like. is the only comics character with Self Awareness (remember when I said every comic book character has a gazillion different origins and reboots? donna remembers ALL of them <3) and so all three of them are affectionately referred to as "cosmic mistakes" because. they're literally irregularities in the cosmic timestream. and I love them for it <3
the reason I'm a jaykyle truther is because. they're so fucking funny in that comic. they argue in pretty much every single panel they share, but their internal monologues are....very, very homoeretic.
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(kyle, about jason) (countdown: search for ray palmer: wildstorm)
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(jason, about kyle) (countdown to final crisis #33)
and honestly, it's about how fucked up they would be together. they would tear each other apart and also tear apart everyone else and it would be a horrible time for everyone involved <3 there are ships for cute cuddles and then there are ships for fucking killing each other and jaykyle is the second one <3333
#i kind of. ran out of steam by the time it came to talk about jaykyle which is. funny. given that it's what you Asked about#but listen. they're so so messed up. it compels me <3#i wrote a lot of fic for them and tbh i didnt really lean into the fucked up-ness of their relationship as i could have <3#but like. they do care about each other in their own ways but they're both so headstrong and almost...Too different that it wouldn't last#like. jason is Very repressed. my mans is batman's kid he's learned from the best when it comes to Not Feeling Emotions#and kyle has literally mastered the entire emotional spectrum to the extent that he could wield the white ring.#you have one guy who's ruled by his emotions because he can't express/truly feel them on one end#and you have a guy who's ruled by his emotions because he wears his heart on his sleeve and follows his heart with everything he does#and factor in how they're both so stubborn? and how they're both so damaged and traumatized in their own ways??#they're a disaster <3#anyway. i lomve them <3#tysm for asking this literally took me hours to write but it was the BEST few hours of my life#typing with the biggest goofiest look on my face <3#jaykyle#leo 🌻#jason todd#kyle rayner#fun fact! for a while i was one of the top jaykyle blogs <33#probably not anymore since my 911 blogging has kinda taken over my dc blogging for the moment#but still. for a while there i was winning <3#there are also quite a few mutuals of mine who definitely could have explained this better but alas.#very very glad you came to me with this it made my day <3333333
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mvshortcut · 1 year
what do you think milligan was like as a kid? for ask game
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
ooh okay. For Show Milligan, I feel like he was generally a quiet and introverted kid. I imagine he enjoyed building things/making stuff with his hands - Legos or blocks when he was younger, but he quickly took to woodcarving. I imagine he was carving/making things in Season 2 because he remembered he used to enjoy it as a kid. Also, I feel like his mother was a single mom for some reason; I think they were really close and he'd really try to help her out whenever he could.
I feel like Book Milligan was a snarky little shit (affectionate). He's pretty calm and level-headed as an adult, but I think he was the kid that was constantly getting sent to the principal's office for trying to fight bullies 3x his size that were being mean to his classmates. (Yes he won. Of course).
And for both, I think they won the pancake eating contest at the county fair for 6 consecutive years in a row before finally being banned as a teenager. Gotta let someone else have a turn
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keeps-ache · 3 months
today! on the agenda we have [tears paper away to reveal the single word 'do'] ...
#just me hi#today on the agenda i've added the words 'draw' and 'make valiant efforts' so >:3👍#//vv has sent me an ask and the sketching. oo it's sketching alright hfhs#am i going to make full character designs for these? probably i have no control in that aspect Hbfhvsfjs#if there is ONE thing i can consistently go all the way with it's character design. i literally could not tell you why that is lmao :3#there are nights where i design whole casts of characters and then Forget About Them ?????? like dude. why did we do all that hbfvh#really i made a cast of like 10 characters one night they all had their signature colours clothes jobs hobbies dislikes and personal#relationships and then i......... never thought about them again hhhfhsh#[holds them up like a wet cat] does anybody want a strange half-baked story with a cast of about 12 people who are all clones of one guy#who's trying to kill them. cuz man hfhsh#//anyway all the sidings from that i think i'm coming out of the Saute Mode#what's Saute Mode? well you see it's when i've already taken out the ready-made good stuff in my brain and now i need to put in new#ingredients and let them get hot and ready again. Saute Mode :3#sure it might just be artblock but i think i need an artbreak sometimes so loll#plus Saute Mode means i get to play viddy games without feeling guilty so YAY :33#but Saute Mode does Also mean i sort of don't. talk to anybody out of my own volition HH#it's the side of the coinage. you understand hfbvhs#//annnnnnywhoodle back to my sketching :>>#posing my wretched beloved.. you are strange and impossible to understand hbvhfs#/:3 toodles !
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hi hello!! i just read your latest work for the modern au! series and ugh i fell so hard for that indigo butthead i'm all bruised now ;-; you write so well it's AOXLAMXIWO I'M IN LOVE OKAY ;^; i can't wait to read for the rest of the group, i'm sure they will be extremely wholesome as the others!
now, i had a little thought when seeing the series masterlist and remember how the boys met their cutie, and it had me giggle and it'd be almost impossible to make since it's a x reader series but- how funny would it be if, once all the boys have met their special one, said people meet in the tattoo studio and be like "??? wtf!" IDK IT HAS ME ROLLING cuz probably some would be very smooth and flirty ??? while others shy and embarrassed ??? idk i can see the boys squabbling because yes they're all dorks and and and and i'm rambling am i not ;-;
okay one last thing and then i will end this torture: the boys talking about their special one while on a break or during a night out, ending up teasing each others cuz they're so ridiculously head over heels and it's very uncommon for them!
i'm done and i hope i didn't take much of your time, sorry for rambling i just love this series so much ;-; have a nice day/night and take care of yourself <3
hi hi!! thank you so much for all the enthusiasm!! and don’t apologise for rambling, i‘m quite prone to it myself ^^;
as for the rest of the piercing studio group (read: heizou, venti and aether), they’ll have to wait a little longer sorry boys bc new locations have yet to be explored, can’t keep the triple [???] in my masterlist forever after all
i think if all the different reader characters ran into each other at the studio, it would be the most wholesome yet chaotic scene ever; if i had anything to say about, they’d click and link up immediately; it would probably look like this jsjdj
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it‘s just a whole bunch of “omg i heard so much about you!!”, “so you’re the one who picks all the beautiful flowers!!” and “your boyfriend will literally not shut up about you!!” meanwhile the boyfriends in question just go all shy and red in the face if you feel like exchanging funny stories about them though, maybe meet up somewhere else, they might try to melt into the floor otherwise
but oh boy does that tune change when it’s just our beloved boys bc suddenly it’s a bragging contest over whose partner is the loveliest and, my, are they all determined to win it!! if your ears are ringing or you can’t fall asleep that night, it’s bc your boyfriend is still listing all the traits he loves about you <3 alcohol may or may not be involved
and yeah, once everyone is done with their very cute rant, you can bet the others will ruthlessly tease them about being down bad and absolutely whipped, but it comes from a place of love!! of course everyone wants their friends to be happy in love!! insults just come with the territory of being friends <3
modern au series
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lem-argentum · 7 months
to all four, please tell me your favorite of cos's ocs :3
🎼: OH, oh, he has this musician character named Lyra? Very cute, she reminds me of myself a bit. :-) And Cleo!!! Cos has a lot of passion for his story, so the effect is contagious, ehe. <3
🍂: it’s WAY contagious. one of his older ones… pero. meant a lot to him, and he was fun, so. him, i guess. and did he never tell you about his oc boyfriend???? their name is fifyr. don’t tell cos i told you. but they’re cool too (even though i’m way cooler than them and he doesn’t need to make up boyfriends ‘cause i’ve got like, a gazillion cool boyfriend points. off the charts over here).
📸: he’s never really told me about them, actually… there is this mysterious cloaked person he puts in his paintings sometimes? i’ve always wondered what they’re all about. i should totally ask him…
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sunjoys · 9 months
i hate customers i need to gnaw their arms off pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
#hen party from hell today at work#my coworker who was taking their order did fuck up a few times im ngl (like she kept going back to check stuff etc altho she did get#it all correct once it was put through to the kitchen)#but like i KNOW our service overall wasnt that bad bc a table that arrived at the same time + similar size tipped us 20 eur and said#“everything was great”#but like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hen party !!! ohhhh my god .#17 people all trying to pay separately . i need my workplace to set up a policy of no splitting bill more than idk 5 times#anyway when there was about 5 ppl left my coworker was like “would you mind splitting the bill between you? it would make things simpler”#they said sure and paid#AND THEN THE BRIDE (?) CAME UP TO US AFTER AND OCMPLAINED#amongst other things she was like “halfway through paying you told us we couldnt pay separately and at the start u said we could”#GIRL MY COWORKER ASKED IF YOU COULD SPLIT IT BETWEEN YOUS. YOU COULDVE JUST SAID “NO WE WANT TO PAY SEPARATELY”#LIKE YOU HAVE THE POWER HERE#i just .. .. we told the manager after she complained and he was chill abt it lol#but then she SENT AN EMAIL. WITH PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF US#“the one w nose piercings the blonde the redhead etc” like jesus crhist. if i gave you a gun you would def shoot me without hesitation#anyway . im sooo. i just had a coffee so now im like intensified. and i have to do hashtag homework mmm yummy#long post#<- in case the long tags r a pain. i probably couldve made a separate post but i couldnt be bothered to be quite honest. anywya. <3#live laugh love guys <33
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
kinks are good actually yeah even that one 👍huh? yeah that one too 👍
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
okay so update about the dating sim thing from last night: spent all of today trying to complete it fully (bad ends and all) and managed to do as such!! i don't think any of the route characters are gonna infest my brain *that* much to the point that they become official f/os (keyword here being think) but. um. there are two characters i might be screaming about eventually so >_>
one of them being this JERKFACE who i couldn't get the good ending for my first couple of times around and had to look up a guide for. apparently he cannot handle people being as good at tongue twisters as him. coward. i still love and appreciate him though so u_u /hj
this reply wasn't even from his route but i still. a >////<
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