#whoaaaa another gun
haro-draws · 10 months
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goldenteaset · 6 months
I love Legato’s role in Trigun Maximum because he has so many layers and is so vital to the narrative (also very much the case in ‘98 *digs in heels*) and
*Legato does something like kicking a massive flail that’s also full of guns into a wall with acrobatic grace, or stitch himself back together after nearly dying from severe blood loss*
…This has been another “rereading the Vash and Legato fight” post. =v=
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felassan · 4 years
Main takeaways from and some speculation based on the new video (not including what I’ve already posted):
DA4 is still in early production
From concept art and conceptual game stuff it looks beautiful
The 3 characters in the foreground of this image remind me of Dorian, Harding and Isabela
“It’s got mystery, hard-boiled detective stories” - sounds reminiscent of the mystery/thriller and crime noir-style stories in Tevinter Nights. Neve Gallus is a private investigator, for example.
Warden base? What if it’s Weisshaupt??
Tevinter Siccari?
Floating boats
underwater gameplay? will we be able to swim this time?
omg this waterfall city
caged ghast
storybeats: Interact with people who grew up in these new places we’re going to; telling a story of what happens when you don’t have power? (this sounds like the complete opposite kind of situation we had as the Inquisitor, who was in charge of a massive, very powerful organization); what happens when the people in charge aren’t willing to address the issues?; stories this time will focus on the people around us and the friends and family that we make; really close relationships with characters
“We want characters to be either loved or hated. One of the best examples of that is Solas. Half the community wants to kill him, half want to marry him, and another part want to do both.”
The eldritch, cthulu-style monsters and stuff introduced in TN are HERE
Gross Taint/Blight fleshy masses from the ‘tree’ teaser returns and looks intense when fighting it
New prominent character Bellara is adorable, and from her dialogue about rubble (rumble?) I’d guess she’s a dwarf
New prominent character Davrin is most likely a Warden. he sounds like a noble badass
spider with human hands
red lyrium undead?
Solas sounds very antagonistic towards who I presume is the new PC whoaaaa
Mortalitasi / Necropolis?
Lord of Fortune?
Mortalitasi companion? or undead skeleton companion
fifth from the left: is that A GUN?
If the final image is anything to go by: 7 or 8 companions
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moariin · 4 years
guys for real, how do you feel when you see this? i need answers 
“ Whoaaaa!! That’s a 🅱 gun in 😏 his ✅🅿 handdd!! Guns usually shoot bulleetssss!! If 🙄 I had 😷✊ a 😍 gun that 😐😩 shot bullets, ⚫⚫ and 🐣 I’m 👁 playing ⛹ a 👌💯 video 🏼▶ game, 🎮 I’m 👉👩 gonna 😦💯 be 🎮 aiming those bullets at another 🏗 player!!! I wonder 😁🤔 if 👏🤔 this game will let me 😐 shoot 🎯🤤 bullets ⚫ at 💰 another player! crackhead yelling remember 😎 to SMASH 🔨😩 that ➡😐 like 😻😄 button, 👌 Ali-A Army!! unintelligible sounds 👌 “
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ryvswb · 5 years
@proximio-5 Asked: Have Wash and Carolina met the girls yet?
Washington, walking alongside Carolina and Weiss on the sidewalk: Well we certainly met one of them. Wait how many of you are there?
Weiss, leading the way towards the pizza place she left Yang and the Reds at: There are four of us.
Carolina, jokingly: Well I sure hope your friends aren't as...rowdy as ours.
Weiss, as the pizza place comes into view: Oh don't worry, We've met the Reds and Blues and I can assure you that we aren't as destructive or as chaotic as these-
Weiss, stopping in her tracks, stunned at the carnage going on at the pizza place: -imbeciles...
*Weiss, Wash and Carolina all stand there in disbelief as they see Adam's unconscious body laying next to Tyrian's poorly parked stolen car, the latter fighting Yang inside the restaurant all the while Grif seems to be shooting at both of them*
Carolina: God...
Yang, brawling with Tyrian, before taking a volley of bullet, causing her aura to flicker, her eyes turning red as she turns towards Grif: WHERE ARE YOU AIMING AT!?!?
Grif, reloading his rifle: You said you're super power made you stonger when you take damage right? So by shooting both of you not only am I damaging the scorpion asshole but I'm also powering you up AND saving myself the extra effort it would take for me to avoid shooting you!
Yang, after ducking to avoid another volley of Grif's bullets: Your shots still hurt me you dumbass!
Tyrian, kicking Yang in the stomach, sending her flying into a wall: Why thank you for the assist orange boy! We make a great team you and I!
Donut, still calmly sitting in the back of the restaurant: Huuuuh Grif? I really don't mean to hurt your self esteem, but I don't think you're helping very much.
Simmons, poking his head out of his hiding spot under a table: Yeah I think you should just leave this to Yang Grif, she looks like she knows what she's doing........unlike you.
Grif: Oh shut up! If you're gonna complain then why aren't you two helping!?
Donut, in an innocent tone: I just ate! I need to digest before I do any straining physical activity!
Simmons, retreating back under the table: I-I'm huuuuuuh ALERGIC TO SCORPIONS! Yep thats it! *cough cough* sorry can't help...
Grif: I hate you both...
Tyrian, talking to himself: My my! This is almost as easy as the time I sunk Fairgame!
Tyrian, getting clocked in the face by Yang, causing him to recoil backwards and clutch his face: AAUURGH! WHAT IS IT WITH YOUR FAMILY AND PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE!?
Yang, shrugging lightly as a smirk form on her lips: I don't know. You just have a very punchable face I guess.
Donut, cheering from his seat in the back: Yeah do it again Yang! I love a good fisting!
Literally everyone else inside the building including Tyrian: SHUT THE FUCK UP DONUT!
Donut, offended: Alright you know what? Since its seems like I'm not welcome here, I'm just going to go take a light power walk to help my digestion then!
Donut, standing up with a huff and walking towards the front door: If anyone is looking for me I'll be shopping for essential oils!
*Everyone silently and awkwardly watch Donut as he walk trough the ravaged restaurant, past Yang and Tyrian, and finally, leaves trough the front door*
Tyrian, breaking the silence: Okay can we go back to killing each other now?
Carolina, meeting Donut halfway in the restaurant's parking lot, Weiss and Wash at her side: Donut! What in the world is going on in there!?
Donut, in a frustrated voice: Oh you know, just a bunch of MEANIES too busy fisting each other to appreciate my input!
Weiss, getting flustered: E-excuse me they're doing WHAT!?
Washington, apathetically: Just don't think about it. You'll learn to zone out his innuendos eventually.
Donut, slightly choked up: Now if you'll excuse me, I have some much needed theraphy shopping to do. Weiss. Agent Washington. Agent Carolina.
Donut, looking at Adam, whom is still unconscious on the ground: Mysterious man who got ran over.
Donut, walking away: I hope all of you have a good day!
Carolina: Donut wait! We need your help to stop thi-
Donut, not stopping nor turning around, choking back tears: I SAID HAVE A GOOD DAY!
Carolina, turning back to Wash and Weiss: *sigh* Great! Now what?
Weiss, in a serious tone: We need to formulate a plan. Okay...one of us stays out here to cut off Tyrian's escape, meanwhile the other two-
Washington: Whoaaaa whoa whoa! Why are we wasting our time making plans right now? The fight is already going on! Theres no time!
Carolina: Are you saying we should just waltz in guns blazing!?
Washington, as Yang and Grif can be seen fighting Tyrian trough the restaurant's windows behind him: YES! Theres six of us and one of him! We go in. We shoot him. He dies. Simple.
Weiss, in a matter of fact tone: His aura will protect him from your bullets, its not going to be this simple.
Carolina: Also I can see Simmons trembling under one of the table, I don't think he'll be of any help.
Washington, begrudgingly conceding: Alright fine. You both have a point. But we still outnumber five on one.
*Yang comes crashing trough the window, her aura breaking as she hits the ground*
Weiss, crossing her arms sternly: Now its four on one.
Washington, loosing his patience: We. Are. Still. At an advantage! Lets just go in and kill this guy. BEFORE HE KILLS GRIF. Why should we be afraid of ONE GUY!? Does he have a scary special move that shreds armor in one hit or something!?
Weiss, bluntly: He does actually.
Washington: Goddammit.
Tyrian, after he sent Yang flying through the window: Heeheehee! She's not part bird like her mom but she sure can fly!
Grif, standing dramatically at the other end of the restaurant: Finally. Now its just you, me...and Simmons pissing himself under the table behind me!
Simmons: Please don't remind him I'm here!
Tyrian, flaunting dramatically, with a huge grin on his face: Oh? Think you can take me on your own chubby boy?
Grif, tense dramatic music playing as he talks: Maybe not...I'm not the strongest. I'm not the smartest. But I have the powers of god AND pizza on my side!
Grif, taking aim: Sayonara motherfucker.
*click click*
Grif, dramatic music screeching to a stop as he realises he's out of ammo:.....oooooooooooooooh shit...
Tyrian, breaking into a full sprint towards Grif: HeeheeHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Grif, screaming like a little girl as throws his empty gun along with several other objects at Tyrian, whom effortlessly slashes them all aside with his blades: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Pizza place cashier, his squeaky teenager voice apathetically calling to Tyrian, causing his blades to stop mere inches away from Grif's visor: Sir your order is ready.
Tyrian, reluntantly sheating his weapons and walking towards the counter: *sigh* Just as I was really getting into it.
Grif, completely frozen in place, as Tyrian casually picks up his coat off the ground, accepts his pizzas from the cashier, then leaves:...
Simmons, coming out of hiding once Tyrian is gone: Phew! Glad thats over! Right Grif?........Grif?
Grif: *faints*
Simmons: Oh great now I'm gonna have to carry you're lazy ass.
Carolina, as she spots Tyrian casually walking to his (stolen) car with his five pizzas in hand, Weiss and Wash too busy bickering to notice: Uuuuummmm guys?
Carolina, as Tyrian gets into his car and starts the engine, Weiss and Wash still not noticing: GUYS!
Carolina, taking a shot a Tyrian's car as he drives away, but failing to stop him: Dammit! He got away!
Weiss: See? If we had gone through with my plan this wouldn't have happened!
Washington: No. We could've prevented this by going in and gank him with our numerical advantage! Your "plan" would've just wasted our time!
Simmons, dragging Grif from inside the pizza place: Will both of you shut up and help me carry Yang and Grif!?
Simmons, his sarcasm causing Weiss and Wash to bow their heads in shame: Thanks for the help back there by the way.
Carolina, nodding her head at Adam, who is slowly regaining consciouness: What do we do about him? Should we call an ambulance?
Adam, slowly standing up and rubbing his face: Uuuugh...what the hell happened? *distant polka music* What the fuck is this music?
Adam, turning towards the source of the music as it grows louder, his vision blurry: Is...is this...what is this a puma or someth-
Ruby, as she unknowingly runs Adam over with the warhog, sending him flying in a nearby open manhole, excitedly calling out: WEISS LOOK! SARGE THOUGHT ME HOW TO DRIVE!!!
Sarge, sitting in the shotgun seat, his voice full of pride: And she only burned three red lights! Kid's a natural!
Carolina, in a very tired tone: What did you say earlier about your friends not being destructive?
Weiss, pinching the bridge of her nose: *SIGH*
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renwritesstuff · 7 years
bird's opening
A collaboration fic/art story with the lovely @fishbone76​
It started as just a friendly game of chess between the Normandy’s two resident geniuses. But then their significant others got involved and almost ruined it.
Also on AO3. Approximately 3,487 words.
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Hand at her chin, Samantha Traynor studied the chess board in front of her. The glowing interface was looking a bit blurry around the edges, her mind swimming as she gave a few long blinks. Sam’s spot at the Skyllian Five table in the Port Observation Deck was surrounded by a collection of empty liquor bottles, her other hand gripping a half-consumed cocktail.
Her opponent purred from across the green-topped table. “Are you sweating, Specialist Traynor?” Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy drummed a pair of fingers impatiently.
“Not at all,” Sam retorted as she reached forward to nudge a pawn. “Just trying to decide if I want to win this in 10 moves… or 15 to give you a little boost of confidence.” Her smile was lazy and—admittedly—a bit drunk.
“Big talk,” the quarian slurred, her inflection a little lower than normal. “Considering you said this was ‘in the bag’ four moves ago. What does that even mean?”
Well, right now it actually means “drunk.”
“It’s just a silly idiom that—forget it. Your go, Admiral.”
There was a dull tapping sound on Sam’s right that she ignored with another sip of her drink.
Tali’s white eyes flicked over to the side before returning to the chess board. “Should we let them back in?”
“Absolutely not,” Samantha said with an emphatic shake of her head.
The quarian gave an apologetic shrug at the glass panels that made up the entrance to the small poker cubby of the recreation room.
A muffled “Oh come on!” could be heard from the other side of the glass.
Hovering there, faces pressed up against the locked doors, was Commander Jane Shepard and (General?) Garrus Vakarian. Also perched on Jane’s shoulder was her hamster, Lil’ Dude. All three looked positively pathetic standing around unable to enter.
Garrus scratched a digit against the glass again for another pleading tap. He lowered the rumble in his voice. “…come on… We’ll behave. It was just a little friendly wager between significant others.”
He nudged an elbow at Shepard, who nodded in agreement. “Sure. Yes. Friendly. We were just really excited over how friendly we all are.” She gritted her teeth in a grin. “…and how much you’re going to win, Sam!” Her palm slapped drunkenly on the wall in encouragement.
“Hey!” Garrus squawked back in outrage. A heated argument started (continued, rather) just on the other side of the glass.
“I was so close, Shepard! Then you had to open your big, fleshy mouth!”
No you weren’t even close, Garrus.
“You’re the one who got us kicked out in the first place! Because, and I quote, ‘Tali is gonna wipe the floor with that squishy Comms nerd.’”
“Well she is! All humans are squishy! …except you, of course.”
…I mean, he’s not wrong but it still hurts…
“Is not! Did you see Samantha at that Kepesh Yakshi tournament? No! You were dicking around in the arena. She was incredible!” Shepard gushed as she waved a threatening fist at Garrus.
Oh, thank you, darling. I knew I kept you around for a reason, Sam inwardly smirked as she sipped her drink.
The two chess players shot each other a withering look and rolled their eyes in sync.
…Earlier that same day…
Samantha had laid a kiss on Jane’s cheek as she finished zipping up her uniform. “Don’t wait up, Shepard.”
Shepard looked up from where she was playing with her hamster on her desk. “Unh? Where are you off to?” Lil’ Dude sniffed the air in Sam’s direction with a curious head-tilt.
“Oh, just a little chess game,” Sam said airily. She waved the holo disc in her hand for good measure.
“You’re cheating on me?” Jane asked, eyebrows arching and lips pursing in mock-offense.
Sighing, Sam dropped her shoulders. “There’s no tactful way to say this but: you’re rubbish at chess. A quick learner? Absolutely. But still rubbish.” Waving the holo disc again, Sam gave Shepard a reproachful stare. “I just wanted to have a few drinks and play a few rounds with an opponent who promised a challenge. Your pawns can resume toiling under my regime tomorrow, darling.”
The hamster in Shepard’s hands gave a few squeaks. Jane nodded. “I agree, buddy. That still counts as cheating. …Who is he? Or she? Or they?”
“She,” Samantha confirmed, “…is a fellow brilliant tactician in need of some girl talk. And to cut loose a little. She spends way too much time in the drive core.”
Donnelly and Daniels are starting to think she lives in there.
“Ohhhh,” Shepard intoned with a nod. “Tali. Well, don’t get hammered or anything. She’s gotta liaise with the quarian fleet in the morning. And she really can’t hold her liquor.” She kissed Sam’s cheek back and returned to her hamster, who had resumed stuffing his cheeks with food pellets.
“I promise I’ll return the Admiral to you in one piece,” Sam promised as she strolled out of the cabin.
I can’t promise the same for her ego. Because I am going to destroy—
—whoa whoa whoaaaa. Calm down, Traynor.
Inhaling a few breaths through her nose, Sam centered herself as she tapped the call button for the elevator. The familiar tingle of excitement ran down Sam’s spine: the thrill of competition. Of battle. Of potential victory.
She met Tali in the Port Observation Deck with a polite handshake. Sam took up behind the bar to make them some drinks, her mental catalogue of cocktails decently adaptable to dextro-compatible liquors.
Within a few minutes, she had assembled a dextro-equivalent drink to a Long Island Iced Tea for Tali and a Seaside Sunrise for herself.
“It feels like forever since I had a night off,” Tali remarked as she fumbled with inserting a straw through her mask port.
“I know the feeling,” Sam concurred. “Seems like it’ll just fall apart if you’re not there keeping an eye on things, hm?” She clinked her glass against Tali’s in polite toast.
“Oh Kee'lah, tell me about it. If it’s not the fleet, it’s all the fine-tuning the stealth drive needs to stay ahead of the Reaper suites. Or Garrus wanting…” Tali trailed off, her eyes dimming in what Samantha assumed was a blush.
“Oh, right,” Sam chimed in knowingly with a wicked smile. “You and Garrus. How is that going, by the way?”
A rumbling voice interrupted just behind them along with the sound of doors swishing open. “How's what going?” Garrus asked, his mandibles twitching in a grin. The turian was dressed casually for a change, a blue and gold-trimmed suit hugging the hard lines of his carapace.
“Nothing, you bosh'tet,” Tali quipped back amiably. “Don’t you have a big gun to calibrate?” She checked her Omni-tool before tilting her head sarcastically at Sam. “I mean, it’s probably been 30 seconds since it was last calibrated.”
Sam chuckled. “Possibly even 40. I don’t know what we’re going to do.”
Garrus scowled and crossed his arms. “You’re one to talk. You fuss over the drive core like you birthed it yourself.”
“We both have our favorite children,” Tali purred with a smirk. She clinked her glass against Sam’s once more.
The Comms Specialist breathed a mock-irritated sigh. “Please, please. You're both pretty.“ …Tali is prettier… “…By which I mean: pretty good at your jobs.”
Both aliens made scoffing-exhale noises at the same time.
Sam gestured over her shoulder to the empty room across from the Port Observation bar. A green-topped poker table took up most of the glass-enclosed space. She drummed her fingers on the chess holo disc in front of her at the counter. “Shall we, madam?”
“We shall!” Tali chirped back as she slid off the barstool and sauntered her way over to the table. She settled into one seat with Sam following close behind. Garrus remained at the bar, the lanky figure scratching a finger on his chin while he perused the collection of liquors.
The pair assembled at the table and logged in to the glowing interface, a familiar eight-by-eight grid populating with pieces.
“Do I need to give you a refresher on the rules?” Sam asked, her eyes twinkling in challenge.
“Please,” Tali said with an eye-roll. “This is a children’s game on the flotilla. Along with some number game that the volus play. I forget what it’s called.”
Hmph. “Children’s game.”
I will destroy you, Vas Normandy.
Studying the board layout, Sam sighed in pleasure at the cool familiarity of her favorite game. “What about Kepesh Yakshi?” She offered.
A sputtering noise through Tali’s straw followed a cynical squint of the woman’s eyes. “That holo game the asari are obsessed with? It must be nice to have so little to contribute to your people that you can play a game for a living.”
Nevermind. You have redeemed yourself. You’re all right, Tali'Zorah.
A deep laugh rumbled in Samantha’s belly as T'Suza’s defeated face flashed in her mind.
Sam nodded in agreement. “It’s an interesting game, I’ll give the asari that. But yes, some of us have little things like military service to do while saving the galaxy.”
“Hear hear,” Tali cheered with a slurp of her drink.
The game started off well enough. Tali was an aggressive opponent with surgical precision for picking off Sam’s pieces. It was exciting, actually. The quarian had a quick, adaptive mind and was keen on heading off some of Samantha’s best strategies while offering some interesting twists of her own.
Meanwhile, Garrus was rather useless milling around in the background. Apparently, he had taken the “you calibrate too much” jibe a little personally because the turian refused to leave the Port Observation Deck. He took up post at the bar for a little while, sampling liquors and making mixtures of his own until he found something he liked. Then he lounged at the low couch, absently thumbing through a datapad while throwing surreptitious glances over at Samantha and Tali while they played.
Eventually, the turian groaned in boredom and ambled up to look over their shoulders.
It was a tense final showdown. Tali had the better coverage but Sam had made an aggressive push into her territory with the white King on the run.
“Checkmate,” Sam announced with her last move. Ironically, a pair of black pawns managed to pin down the King in a corner.
The quarian swore a “bosh'tet” under her breath as she slapped a hand on the table. White eyes flicked up to Sam with a warm glow. She made a measuring motion with her thumb and forefinger. “I was this close. One more move and you would have been at my mercy.”
Chuckling, Sam attempted a sip of her drink but only ice rattled in the empty glass. “Oh I saw that. Well done, by the way. Really kept me on my toes. I took a huge gamble and lucked out, frankly.”
…I wish I was being kind. She very nearly kicked my arse.
“Did you lose?” Garrus rumbled next to Tali, his mandibles flaring.
The quarian’s head tilted in offense, her eyes narrowing to slits. “Yes! It happens!” She glanced over to Sam and jostled her own empty drink. “Shall we make this more interesting with the next game?”
Sam grinned back and stood up. “I like the way you think, Zorah.”
A game within a game was proposed. Mainly involving drinking (a lot of drinking). Garrus volunteered to bartend, though he gave his girlfriend a shoulder-rub along with a peptalk.
“We gotta show these levos who’s boss, Tali. The fate of turians and quarians everywhere hangs in the balance.”
“You mean, beyond the whole Reaper thing currently holding our fate in the balance?” The quarian’s voice trilled with dry sarcasm.
“Sure sure,” Garrus said with a dismissive hand-wave. “That’s really bad. But this! Tali! A chance to show the galaxy what we’re made of!” His grin was lazy under waggling eyebrow plates.
An explosive sigh before Tali’s voice vibrated with amusement. “I'm pretty sure we already did that. At the Citadel. Four years ago. And a year ago. At the Collector Base. And right now. …But sure, Garrus. This chess game will finally solve, once and for all, that dextros are the best.” She shot Sam a head-shake and a wink.
If I wasn’t already taken, I might be in love.
Sam took the time to direct message Jane regarding this development.
[ says: “I’m feeling left out. Tali has her own cheerleading squad while I just have a liquor cabinet. Care to join me and keep Garrus at bay, darling? Because apparently this is now the battle to end all battles between levo and dextro DNA species”]
There was no response. 45 seconds later, Commander Jane Shepard strolled through those swishing doors. She stood in the middle of the room, hands on her hips, hamster on her shoulder.
“Step off, Garrus. Samantha is gonna wipe the floor with Tali’s hood thing,” the woman announced as she made a finger-wiggling motion at Tali.
The turian barked with delight. “Sheparrrrrrd!”
Oh God. I’ve made a horrible mistake.
Trading shots for chess pieces wasn’t as great an idea as it seemed. Especially without any food in their bellies. Perhaps if it had been speed chess it wouldn’t have turned out so badly.
But it generally took Tali close to 30 seconds to “chug” her shot through her “emergency induction port.”
Still a straw, Tali.
Plus, Shepard and Garrus insisted on helping them select liquors for their shots in an effort to be supportive. A dangerous mixture of drinks were sloshing in their bellies ranging from bourbons to vodkas to an almost-ryncol that Garrus managed to stop before Sam puked her guts out.
“Are you trying to kill your girlfriend, Shepard?”
“What?! I would never!”
“Just because you can drink that krogan shit doesn’t mean anyone else can.”
Almost-poisoning aside, Sam was teetering dangerously in her seat and had to stave off a warm feeling in her belly with willpower alone. She made a terrible mistake about a third of the way into the match and struggled to correct it with pure aggression.
If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me.
The second game took close to an hour to resolve… and the winner ended up being Tali.
Fist-pumping the air, the quarian bounced out of her seat and did a flourishing dance to celebrate. “Yes! Evened the odds!” She stumbled slightly and made a drunken pointing motion at Sam. “I’m on to your tricks, Specialist. Clever round that time.”
The peanut gallery was also looking unsteady as well. Garrus and Shepard had taken to linking shoulders and whispering to each other about their girlfriends. They had become downright buddy-buddy… up until the game had ended.
“In your face, Shepard! Tali kicked Traynor's ass!”
“Lucky break! Sam won the first game!”
“Beginner’s luck! Tali just needed a chance to learn all her tells and then clean house!”
“That’s Skyllian Five, you jackass! There aren’t ‘tells’ in chess!”
The two actual players just exchanged sighs while their significant others bickered.
And bickered.
And bickered.
Finally, both women stood up and shouted in harmony. “Enough!”
Garrus and Jane shrank back. Even Lil’ Dude, who was just hanging out on the coffee table, flattened his ears and hid behind an empty glass.
Jabbing an accusing finger into Jane’s collarbone, Samantha growled at her girlfriend. “You’re both being ridiculous! This was supposed to be our evening to enjoy ourselves without the pressure of the galaxy on our shoulders! Any idea what that’s like, Shepard?!”
Tali headbutted Garrus’s chest with her hard mask before she shoved him backwards. “And you! Not everything needs to be some turian crest-measuring contest! If you want a fight, go wrestle with Shepard or Vega in the Shuttle Bay!”
It took some doing, but both women managed to hustle their crestfallen mates out of the poker table lounge area with a couple of well-placed pokes and shouts. Luckily, Garrus and Shepard were so stunned by the accusation that they were already outside the glass partition before they realized it had locked in front of them.
“EDI! Privacy lock! Maximum override!” Sam shouted at the ceiling.
[“I am pleased to assist.”]
Breathing heavily, both women exchanged looks with each other before they burst out laughing.
“Did you see Garrus’s face?”
Tali giggled and held her side. “Shepard looked like a kicked puppy, Traynor! How can you resist that sad face?” She cooed as she waved a finger at the glass.
“Oh believe me, she's well-versed in that.” Sam waved a dismissive hand. “The more she uses it, the less effective it is.”
Gesturing to the board, Samantha smiled warmly. “Shall we break this tie we’ve ended up in?”
“Absolutely,” Tali confirmed as she settled back into her seat.
“You’re the one who got us kicked out in the first place! Because, and I quote, 'Tali is gonna wipe the floor with that squishy Comms nerd.’”
“Well she is! All humans are squishy! …except you, of course.”
“Is not! Did you see Samantha at that Kepesh Yakshi tournament? No! You were dicking around in the arena. She was incredible!”
Rolling their eyes, Sam and Tali did their best to ignore the bickering outside the room.
“Thank you for agreeing to this match, Tali. In spite of…” Sam trailed off as she glanced over where Jane was shaking a fist at Garrus. “…in spite of our children fighting over us.”
Glowing eyes thinning to pleased slits, Tali nodded emphatically. “It was my pleasure! We should do this again sometime!” She shot a glance of her own at Garrus, who was pointing and growling at Lil’ Dude on Shepard’s shoulder. “…though, perhaps without our two biggest fans.”
“Hear hear,” Sam echoed as she clinked her glass against Tali’s on the table.
Exchanging a pair of moves, both women sighed contentedly in the peace and quiet.
Just outside, Jane and Garrus had reached a stalemate of glares.
Lil’ Dude was also in on the stare down, locking eyes with the turian with a scowling “Meep!”
“I hope you’re happy, Garrus,” Jane drawled out with a scowl. Though she looked over at Lil’ Dude and grumbled under her breath, “I can’t believe I’m locked out of my own ship.” Swiping over her Omni-tool, Shepard again tried her Commander credentials.
[“Access denied. Sod off, you pair of gits”] was the angry red message that appeared.
“Okay,” Garrus hummed back after running his hand over his crest in an agitated motion. “Let’s just relax and calm down… I’ll start… I’m sorry I called Traynor a 'helper monkey.’”
The Commander slapped at the turian’s shoulder. “Yea, what the hell, Garrus?”
“I'm sorry! Javik would say that and I thought it was a term of endearment! Like Vega calling Tali 'Sparks.’”
Sighing, Jane crossed her arms and mumbled an apology. “Okay, well, I’m sorry I said Tali couldn’t checkmate her way out of a paper bag. Tali is the best.”
The two begrudgingly shook hands before pressing back up against the glass.
“Can you tell what’s going on?” Garrus asked. “I’ll be honest: I don’t understand this game.”
“I’ve played it before and I don’t even understand what’s going on,” Jane admitted with a sigh.
“Keelah but you do have a talent for mixing drinks!” Tali exclaimed as she drained the last of her beverage through a straw. A rattling-sucking noise could be heard. “You missed your calling, Traynor.”
“Oh no,” Sam retorted with a headshake. “I already attempted this calling in university. I very much enjoyed the mixology part. Less so the 'customer service’ part.” She wrinkled her nose at the memory of too many rowdy drunks to count. “I created some excellent precision mixes back in the day, but so rarely did anyone want to recreate them down to the hundredth of a decimal place in fluid ounces.” Feigning a scowl, Sam tossed her hair theatrically. “Philistines.”
The quarian chuckled. “Don’t they understand that quality comes from calibrating exactly the right amoun—?” She froze and shook her head. “—Oh Keelah, I’m starting to sound like Garrus.” Her shoulders dropped fretfully.
Winking back, Sam nudged at the woman’s hand. “You are. But I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
Garrus’s muffled voice shouted through the glass. “What’s happening? Tali? Why are you looking so sad? Are you losing? Did you lose?”
Shepard pounded on the door with a slurred cheer. “Yea! Go Sam! Kick her ass! And not just because Garrus called you a 'helper monkey!’”
He said what?! He called me a what?!
That sonofabitch!
Eyes flicking back to Sam, Tali asked in a bored voice while feigning interest in the game. “Should we tell them it’s a draw?”
“Absolutely not,” Samantha replied. She guzzled down her drink before smacking her lips. “I’d rather enjoy the quiet for a few more minutes. Don’t you agree?”
“Hear hear, Traynor.”
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
Hi!!! :) I love your writing
ww, you’re so sweet
I was quite sleepy and drunk when I wrote this, have no idea if this makes sense, but I’m pretty sure some of them are completely crazy.
Try to roll with me on this lolol:
RFA + Saeran and V with a hacker MC
Hisphotos and performance videos were being spread like a virus again.
Butnow in emails of the most important producers and directors in Hollywood .
AndSeven was the one to tell him that, so he wasn’t the responsible for it.
Sowho did it?
Imean, the pics are all very flattering, it’s not like this person is doingsomething bad. “Whoever did this probably likes you a lot?” “More than MC?”“Maybe somebody just like MC…”
Hekeeps thinking about this, it’s ridiculous, he knows it. But there’s nothingwrong about asking, right?
“Babe,hear me out on this. I was with Seven trying to figure out who spread thosepictures and he said it could have been you! Can you imagine?” he laughs, youdon’t. Oh… you can do much more than imagine.
“B-babe?”“Zen… I thought that was a good way to try to tell you?” “Tell me what, MC?”“That I’m a hacker.”
So…many… questions! And he’s so worried that you might get involved in thinks likethose emails leaked from Sony Pictures that time or even more dangerous stuff.
Youshrug telling him hacking isn’t really your thing, it’s more like a hobby. Butit could still be a problem for his career if anybody ever finds out aboutthis… he’s worried, you’re worried, but you both telling each other everythingwill be fine.
“But, please, babe. Be careful!” you will, youhave been careful for a while now. And you work by yourself, so it’s hard toassociate you to an agency or to someone.
Andhe still worries, but it’s not like he couldn’t complain when he got aninvitation to a screen test in Hollywood. Thanks to you.
Herehe is playing LOLOL while you are reading a book.
“Thisguy is good! It’s the third time he beats me!” “Then don’t let him!” you saymindlessly. “I’m trying, but I think he’s using some cheat code or something.”
Yougo to him and watch as the guy beats your boyfriend again, and yeah… it seemssuspicious…
“Letme try something, honey.” You type something really fast and Yoosung justwatches it.
Hewould feel really aroused having you almost sitting in his lap, but you lookterrifyingly serious, and this is about LOLOL, so he’s very serious too.
“Done.This guy won’t be a problem for you anymore, honey.” You kiss his forehead andwalk away. He has no idea what you’ve done, but… all the items the guy collectedbefore now belong to him.
Soforget LOLOL for a while, he’s more curious about you. “What was that, MC?”“Hum? Oh, you were right, that guy was using a cheat code, but blocking him waschild’s play, don’t worry, honey.”
“But…how do you know how to… block cheat codes and… basically accessing the databaseof the game?” “Ah, yeah… I’m kinda like a hacker or something…”
“THISIS SERIOUS! MC, I’LL PROTECT YOU!  TELLME WHAT I HAVE TO DO AND I’LL DO IT!” you giggle, mainly because you know it’strue.
Ittook a while for him to understand hacking is more like a hobby, you’re notreally interested in making money out of getting information. It’s not reallyworth the trouble, you know?
 Heis still a little shocked with all your bluntness about this, but as long asyou’re not doing anything dangerous, he won’t say anything. And if you want toteach him some cheat codes, he won’t complain either.
 Youcut the crap and told her as soon as you started dating
She’sconfused… you’re like Luciel, but without the disgusting eating habits and theweird sense of humor?
Andyou’re more like a freelancer? Okay…
Andyou’ve been dealing with some shady stuff like hacking into governmentdatabases? Okay…
She’sso scared, it’s all over the news! People are calling you a terrorist! And whywould you even tell her this? You want her to be your partner in crime orsomething?
“Ijust told you because I trust you.” You smile sweetly, and for one minute sheforgets all those terrifying thoughts, but just for one minute.
“Okay,thanks for trusting me. Now tell me what you’re thinking for your plans if youever have to run away?” “I…”
“Ohmy God, MC! You don’t have a plan? Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do…”
Andthis woman spent the next two hours telling you all the logistics for youeventually having to leave the country. You will definitely follow them if youever need to, but right now… you’re just shocked with this clever womanstanding before you.
Shereally isn’t as innocent as everybody thinks, huh? Just like you…
Youtold him.
Bettertell him before he finds out with you being arrested or something, right?
“I’ma hacker, I leaked those emails. No, I’m not quitting just so you don’t getworried about my safety.”
“Ilove this, Jumin! I truly do! You have no idea how amazing it is! Informationis power! And I have the biggest power in my hands. And people need to know whathappens behind the curtains when it comes to politics and companies andcapitalism and…nnnggg.”
Heinterrupts you with a kiss.
“J-Jumin?”“I’m not pleased, but you’re passionate about this. I won’t get in the way ofyour passion or your life.”
“But…”  “Isn’t that what you want from me?” That’sexactly what you need from him, you just didn’t know it could be that easy toget.
“Dowhat you have to do. I also have power, so I can bail you out if you ever needme to.” Whoaaaa, is he serious?
“Butbe careful, don’t do anything reckless.” YES, SIR!
So yeah, he doesn’t show much how concerned heis, and you see how hard he is trying to give you space.
Buthe’s also very impressed. Information is power, indeed. There are veryinteresting things in what you do that could be useful for him.
Soguess who’s being paid by Jumin Han to find important stuff on market sales?
Youdidn’t tell him.
Youshowed him.
This boy says he’s done with hacking, but deepdown, he misses the rush a bit.
Sowhy not do this as a game for old time’s sake? He wouldn’t be in danger if heplayed along inside your own little game.
Itstarts with you disabling his security system and sending enigmatic messages.
Thenyou mess with his cars, programming the GPS to send him to this particularaddress.
Okay,he was so mad and desperately trying to fire back, but he has to admit: thishacker is good.
Thenhe sees the address and… your house? OH SHIT! Are you in danger? You quicklycall him on your most friendly voice telling him some random thing just for himto know you’re fine. So… what the hell?
Hegoes to your place with a taser gun. Maybe the hacker didn’t attack you yet?They were just waiting him to show up?
Heenters your living room and he almost falls in his back. You’re alone… wearinglingerie and messing with your phone.
Hegets a notification in his phone, a text from the hacker: “Kudos on passingthrough the phases, now it’s time to meet the boss of this game.”
He had so many questions, but that would have to wait a little… No need to say hetook you to the space station without ever leaving the room.
Hewas suspecting for a while now.
Youspend as much time on your laptop as him and his brother.
Andtrying to find out what you’re doing turns out to be more difficult than hethought, like… you know a way to shut him out.
“Howare you doing this?” he asks all of a sudden. “Doing what?” “Blocking me and myattempts to hack into your stuff?”
 “Whyare you trying to hack into my stuff?” touché“Because I think you’re onto something.”
“Likewhat?” you tease him. “Like hacking.”
“Hum…am I?” “I don’t know, that’s what I’m trying to find out. So stop blocking me!”“Try me…” OH, IT’S ON!
Andthe first Hacking Challenge began. He was attacking you with everything he has,you were defending yourself and using you weapons too.
Atsome moment, he got so caught up with this he almost forgot why he was doingthis. It was fun, after all.
Andas he couldn’t beat you, he turned off his computer and got away all grumpy,yeah, he’s a bad loser…
Youwent after him, saying you were sorry and you could make it up to him. Hegrinned, expecting for something dirty, but your idea was even better.
“Howabout we join forces to mess with Saeyoung a little?”
Youtold him.
Hewas a person with many secrets who dated another person with many secrets.
Itwas time to break this cycle, right?
Helooked shocked, and sad.
Haveyou risking yourself like this, after all you two have been through…
Hewas scared, for you and… of you?
Buthe needed to know. “Why do you do this, MC?”
“Becausepeople deserve to know the truth, Jihyun. You know how tiring it can be to keephiding things like this. And let me tell you, if it’s tiring for you, it can beterrifying and… even dangerous for the people who doesn’t know these secrets.People deserve to know, V! And if I can manage to tell them, why wouldn’t I?”
Well,if you put it like that… he knows some secrets should never be secrets, peoplelike hackers have the resources to share these secrets, if he were a hacker, ifhe had these resources, wouldn’t he do the same?
Hehugs you all of a sudden and kisses your head. It feels good, but yet you’revery surprised.
 “I’mso proud of you, my love.” Oh… okay, that’s good.
“Butbe careful and don’t be imprudent, or I’ll end up being imprudent too in orderto protect you.” You have no doubt on how serious he is being right now.
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