#whoever got the ‘human sunbeam’ reference from andi mack i love you
sillyxkittyy · 6 years
Writing Prompt Day 10
Day 10: Secret Agent (Ladynoir)
“Get him, my Lady!”
Ladybug ran as fast as she could as the masked man ran away with the suitcase. She herself had a red polka dotted mask on her face, to hide her identity, and so did her trusted partner Chat Noir, although his was only black. They were secret agents, working for one of the biggest agencies. An agency so secret, not only did no one knew its existence, but the people working within it couldn’t know the others’ identities, a detail that pained most of the workers, even Ladybug herself. She didn’t let it get to her though; she enjoyed her job very much anyways. 
She was an excellent agent, one of the best. Her boss couldn’t stop reminding her. She got dragged in this by accident really, but it was a good accident. A time came where missions got more and more dangerous, too dangerous for her to do alone. They had then given her a partner. At first, Ladybug was skeptic; she had worked with many people in the past and it had often ended up in a disaster. Luckily for her, Chat Noir was different; their working techniques and their personalities were compatible, which made working with him not only easy, but fun as well. He always had a joke to crack, and often had this smile plastered on his face. He was like a human sunbeam. She shook her head; she couldn’t be distracted by thinking of all the good things about her partner, she had a thief to catch. In that suitcase were very classified informations, that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Ladybug spotted a horizontal pole a few meters away and jumped as high as she could to grab it. She then started swinging and landed in front of the man. Taken by surprise, he stopped in his tracks, hugging the suitcase close to his chest. He then turned around to go the other way but Chat Noir was standing there, his arms crossed, with a smirk on his face.
“Hand in the suitcase” Chat said in a surprisingly soft tone. The man shook his head.
“Never!” The thief replied. Chat simply nodded and before the thief knew what was going on, someone was pulling him away and wrapping their arms around him. The man simply saw Chat Noir take the suitcase out of his hands. He tried to leave the grip that had tightened around him, in vain. Ladybug was holding too tightly. She gave him a smirk.
“Guess you’ll spend your next years in jail” she whispered to him as a police car approached them. The man was immediately taken away, screaming as he tried to run off. The two secret agents smiled slightly before discreetly disappearing. They both stopped on the roof of a nearby building. Ladybug had her hands on her knees, a bit out of breath. Chat Noir approached her.
“Another crime stopped by the amazing Ladybug and Chat Noir!” He exclaimed with a hint of pride in his voice. Ladybug let out a small chuckle as she stood up to fist bump him, like they had the habit to do after every mission. She brought her hand to her ear and pressed on her earring. A ‘beep’ sound was heard and an hologram of the boss appeared. Chat Noir and Ladybug stood straighter.
“We have the suitcase, sir” Chat Noir said as he put it in the air to show it to the hologram. The boss, who had gray hair and a soft look on his face, nodded.
“Perfect. Bring it to headquarters as soon as possible ” he replied sternly.
“Is there another assignment for us to do?” Ladybug asked. The boss chuckled and shook his head.
“Not for you, no. You guys have been working really hard, lately, and deserve a break. Take the rest of the day off.“ he told them with a slight smile. The two of them looked at each other; a day off? They barely had one of those. It was so weird, yet none of them were complaining; a day off would be nice. The hologram suddenly disappeared, leaving them alone in complete silence. Ladybug passed her tongue on her lips.
“A break huh? That might be good” she silently said as she gazed around. They were so rare that she didn’t know what she was going to do. She was about to leave when she felt someone take her hand.
“My Lady, wait” Chat Noir said as he looked at her softly. “I uh-“ he paused, gulping slightly. He was usually able to speak normally to her, but for some reason, at that moment, he was frozen. As if he was mesmerized by her, which he was, in some way. He took a deep breath. “Well... since we’re both in break at the same time... I was wondering if you wanted to... hang out?” He tried himself. Ladybug raised an eyebrow.
“Like the two of us?” She asked. Chat nodded awkwardly.
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s what I meant” he replied. Ladybug seemed to think for a second. Chat watched her; even when she was thinking, like a normal human, she looked like the sun. He could feel his heartbeat accelerating. Finally, he noticed a smile growing on his partner’s face.
“Hmm, that would be great. We clearly don’t hang out enough outside of missions” she thought out loud. “Okay, I accept” she accepted. Chat didn’t expect that. He let go of her hand and smiled.
“Great!” He exclaimed, not hiding his happiness. Ladybug pursed her lips.
“One problem though. How are we going to find a place to hang out without being interrupted or seen?” She asked. Chat grinned.
“Don’t worry. I have a perfect place.” He told her. “Follow me” he added before walking off. Ladybug chuckled before following him. They advanced for quite a while, jumping from building to building and walking in the forest until they came upon a big house in the middle of nowhere. Ladybug frowned slightly.
“Where are we?” She questioned as she looked around. Chat smiled.
“My house- well, one of my houses” he replied. Ladybug turned to him.
“One of your houses? Are you rich or something?” Chat started playing with his hair; he forgot that his partner didn’t know about this piece of information about him. He didn’t necessarily like to brag about the fact that he was rich. He nodded.
“I am, actually.”
“And how many houses do you have?” She looked so dumbfounded, it was cute. He let out a chuckle.
“My Lady, calm down. I, personally, have only one house, the one I live in. My father bought three vacations houses, and decided to lend me one of them, that’s all” he put a hand on her shoulder. Ladybug smiled.
“Ahh, I see now. Well then, would you show me around your vacation house, chaton?” She asked with an amused chuckle. Chat returned her smile before opening the door. Ladybug’s eyes widened as she marvelled at the beauty of the house. Everything was so clean, so well placed. The chandelier was so chic and everything was practically shining in the light. He must have a lot of money. Ladybug gasped.
“This is... amazing!” She exclaimed. Chat smiled.
“Thank you. I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t been here in forever. Probably a couple of years” ever since my mother disappeared. “Ever since my dad gave me that house, I haven’t really been” he admitted. Ladybug started walking around, gazing at the beauty of the interior of this supposed vacation house. This was ten times more chic than her own house. It was obvious that Chat didn’t want to brag about his money, which she appreciated, but she had to admit that he was way richer than she thought. It was a new side of him. She turned in his direction and noticed that he was searching in the fridge.
“What are you looking for?” She inquired, walking closer.
“Something to eat” was his reply before turning to her. “You can eat anything you want” he added. Ladybug shook her head.
“No... I don’t want to be a bother” she crosses her arms awkwardly. Chat smiled softly.
“My Lady... you’re never a bother. It’ll be a pleasure to me to prepare the food.” He replied. Ladybug chewed on her lip awkwardly.
“You sure no one is going to come here?” She asked, still looking around. Her partner nodded.
“Yes, I am sure. No one knows the existence of this place, except my parents and I.“ he assured her with a smile. Ladybug took a deep breath; she should stop stressing. If Chat could be chill about it, so could she. She smiled.
“I don’t want anything complicated, pasta will be fine, thank you” she simply said. Chat grinned.
“You’re lucky, because I also enjoy pasta, so we have plenty! Hey, would you like to cook with me?” He asked with a smile. To be frank, it was mostly because his father didn’t let him cook alone, or even cook at all. Hopefully, Ladybug knew more than him. He also really wanted to cook with her. Ladybug giggled slightly.
“Why, of course! Let’s go!” She exclaimed before taking his hand and dragging him to the stove. It didn’t take them time to finish the food. As soon as it was ready, Chat led her to his rooftop place. Ladybug glanced at the surroundings; it was absolutely breathtaking. She gasped softly as she looked around.
“Oh, Chat...” she whispered. Her partner smiled and brought her to the small table nearby and they set everything down. They both sat on chairs on opposite sides of the table. They both started eating silently at first, digging in the delicious food.
“This is amazing!” Ladybug complimented as she took another bite. Chat gave her a goofy grin.
“Thank you. I knew it would taste better if you made it with me” he said. Ladybug simply giggled as she continued to eat. Chat stared at her, being too distracted to continue eating. She really was pretty; with her dark eyes and her dazzling blue eyes. She was so distracting; working with her was both a pleasure and a pain. She was so nice, so patient, and yet sometimes, he was so distracted by her that he almost failed the missions. It didn’t matter if he didn’t know her identity, he loved her. So much. Why did he have to be so desperately in love with her? He let out a silent sigh. He suddenly heard a strange noise and immediately, his fake cat ears went up. They weren’t alone. Someone else was here. And he knew exactly where they were. Chat stood up.
“You okay, Chaton?” Ladybug asked, suddenly concerned. Chat didn’t reply. He listened for any other sound. Footsteps. He heard footsteps. There was definitely someone.
“Yeah. I’m fine. I just- I think we’re not alone”
“Not alone? I thought you said no one knew about this place?” Ladybug frowned in confusion.
“Well...” Chat paused awkwardly. “Not many people do. It’s not uncommon for our vacation houses to be robbed, or attempted to be robbed. My father has a place in this house where he keeps most of his riches. I believe whoever is here is trying to get to that” he explained. “Probably the first one told other thieves” Chat sighed in discouragement. Couldn’t they have a moment with Ladybug for once? Ladybug chuckled.
“Even during our break, we’re in mission” she joked. Chat Noir managed to smile in amusement.
“Follow me” he ordered before rushing down the stairs. Ladybug followed him frantically, a bit worried. Chat Noir seemed pretty calm about it, though. He opened a big door and took out a big bag. He then went to the bathroom.
“I’ll be right back okay? It won’t take long” he promised before closing the door. It took barely five minutes before he came out again.
“Come on.” He waved to her to come with him. She went after him silently. They both went outside and sneaked around the backwards. Finally, they arrived near a big grey door. Chat looked around. Suddenly, two burglars came out from behind a tree. Quickly, the two agents hid behind the wall. Chat Noir observed them; one was big with red hair and the other one was thin with dark skin. They both seemed cautious.
“We did it! We managed to get here without a problem! It’s in the bag” the bigger one exclaimed happily. The thinner one shook his head.
“Don’t be so sure about that” he replied. The big one laughed.
“Nonsense. No one came to this house in years! It’s not like someone would stop us.” At that moment, Chat pulled Ladybug by the arm and they ran in front of the grey door. The two burglars seemed surprised.
“You were saying?!” The thin one exclaimed in frustrating. The bigger one rolled his eyes and took out his gun.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them” he smirked. Ladybug suddenly felt stressed. He had a gun. She was dead. Literally. Her heart started beating faster. She glanced over at Chat Noir. Her partner seemed completely calm. He looked over at her and gave her a reassuring smile.
“Who are you going to shoot first?” The thin one asked, snickering.
“I don’t know.” The other one replied. “All I know is they’re going down!” He yelled before pointing his gun towards Ladybug. As soon as he pulled the trigger, Chat Noir was quick to put himself in front of her and put a weird red button in front of him. As soon as the ball pushed the button, a big cage came from the air and trapped the two burglars inside.
“What’s happening?” One asked. The two started moving, hoping to get out, in vain. Ladybug looked at Chat Noir in shock.
“Chat... you saved my life!” She whispered, still feeling like her heart was going to pop out of her chest. Chat smiled.
“That’s what partners do” he said softly. Ladybug‘s mouth was slightly open in surprise. She could have died right here, on the spot. Chat Noir... had saved her life. It was something he’d do but... it felt so real. She saw him in a different light now, as her saviour, her hero. She could feel her heart flutter... but she couldn’t let her feelings get the best of her now. She took the phone and called the police. Meanwhile, Chat pushed the cage a few meters away, a bit closer to another big house. He knew that this would probably pass in the news, and they’d probably say that the house they were in was the Agreste house, exposing his identity to Ladybug and anyone else who was aware of this. He didn’t want to reveal his identity. At least now, he could say that it was the other house. Soon, the police arrived to take them away. As soon as they left, Chat kneeled down to put everything back in place. Ladybug walked closer to him, feeling a bit flustered.
“Chat...” she started, playing with her hair slightly. “How did you do all of that?”
“Well, it’s quite simple. Like I mentioned earlier, this isn’t the first time that someone tried to rob us. The last time I came, I put out a system. That red button I put in front of me was the button to activate the cage.” He explained. “Also, I put a protection under my suit so if I got shot, I wouldn’t die” he added. Wow, he really did think this out. He was amazing. Way more than she used to see in him. She could feel her heart flutter again. He suddenly stood up and Ladybug gave him a longing look and a slight smile came across her face. Chat Noir walked towards her and noticed her smiling.
“Hey... Chat... thank you. Again. For saving me” she repeated. They were both pretty close to each other and were looking into each other’s eyes. Chat cleared his throat awkwardly, feeling a flutter in his stomach. Her eyes were looking deep into his, and it made him so flustered.
“Uh- you’re... you’re welcome. Like I said, it’s what partners do, right?” He smiled. “What friends do” he said with an soft tone. He was completely mesmerized; and she seemed to be just as much as he was. Ladybug looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. These last few weeks, she has felt differently about her partner. Frankly, she couldn’t understand why, at first. Now she could; Chat Noir was simply amazing. He was handsome, he was caring, he was sweet, he was funny... no wonder she was growing attached to him. What was that warm feeling in her chest? Was she falling for him? No, she couldn’t feel that way. They were partners, they had to keep it professional. She gulped but still managed to smile. “You really are the best, chaton” she whispered before putting herself on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. She didn’t know why she did it, she just knew she felt like doing it. A blush came across both their cheeks. Flustered, Chat Noir looked at her and smiled shyly. Ladybug cleared her throat awkwardly. She could feel her partner let out a happy sigh.
“So... shall we continue our dinner?” He asked, giving her his arm. Ladybug gazed at him with a soft look and grinned.
“We shall” she replied as she took his arm and they both walked inside.
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