russiantkach · 3 years
Help us
Please repost this wherever possible. It's a cry for help.
We in Russia are fighting Putin. But he has security forces who have been brainwashed. The police are dispersing us, putting us in jail. We need help to get rid of them.
Please convince the authorities of your country that not only the residents of Ukraine need help, but also us, Russians. Even if Ukraine is saved, what will become of us? We will continue to live under the boot of a crazy grandfather who has a nuclear suitcase.
But if democratic countries send troops to us, if they force Putin to leave, they will free us. We are all waiting for NATO soldiers to enter the Kremlin and pull out the body of our bald old man by his feet, who will shoot himself like that dude from 1945. Tell them we're screaming and begging for help.
Help. Us. Overthrow. Putler
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russiantkach · 3 years
The security forces are taking my pacifist friends to renounce their views.
I will not disown my views. Let them expel me from school, let them take me to the army, let them shoot me or put me in jail. I won't give up anything.
I will break and hate this regime and these people who have crippled my fate and the fate of millions.
Lord, give us a revolution and NATO soldiers in the Kremlin! Get rid of Putin and the dictatorship! Give us freedom and peace of mind!
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russiantkach · 3 years
My friend was arrested. He was against the war, and wrote a post about it on the web. Today he was sent to the police. And today he posted this post. Where he said that he renounces pacifist views. But those weren't his words. It was the language of officials and security forces. Not his language .
When asked in the telegram, he said that if he had said that things were fine, it would have been a lie.
Now he has deleted everything in his profile .Exited all conversations and removed everyone from friends.
God damn Putin, damn the war, damn the fate that brought people here I'm scared. They can come for me too
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russiantkach · 3 years
A few words about freedom of speech in Russia
Like many people, I am a member of the Russian liberal party "Yabloko" - the only party in the Russian Federation that opposed the war. I wrote about the party here: https://russiantkach.tumblr.com/post/654710602546167809/so-not-so-long-ago-i-told-you-about-the
So, yesterday we had to hold an agreed rally (yes, in the Russian Federation, rallies must be coordinated with the authorities before they are held) against the war. This action was approved for us, but in a few hours we received (not a refusal, please note!) but a WARNING about "undesirability of actions in the current socio-political situation."
In any case, it was not a rejection. So we decided to go ahead anyway. However, a surprise awaited us on the spot - police units, who began to say that the action was "illegal".
People began to leave, but when they began to leave, they began to be severely detained. I was lucky - I was not detained. But my colleague - the leader of the local "Yabloko" - was detained. It's not him in the photo, but another detainee.
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After dispersal, we decided to go along the main street of the city. At the local theater, the police turned on patriotic songs for us in order to drown out the cries of the protesters. As a result, we reached the hotel "Iset", where we were finally dispersed.
Do you know what the main joke is? These guys, with the slogans "All Ukraine should become part of Russia," were not dispersed. Also, employees of state institutions were obliged to come to this fascist rally. Пиздец какой-то.
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I will add a few more videos with detentions in the comments. No war!
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russiantkach · 3 years
War in Ukraine
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As a Russian, I am ashamed that Putin's fascist regime is fighting in Ukraine. I'm sorry that so many people will die because of us. We promise to overthrow this power so that it stops poisoning your life and ours.
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russiantkach · 3 years
Parlament Elections in Russia
Okay, there were a parliament elections in Russia at the autumn of 2021. I'm interest, how the americans could vote in Russia, if they have to. So, pleace vote in my survey!
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russiantkach · 3 years
Army in Russia
I think everyone has heard about the Russian troops in Ukraine. I will not touch on relations between Russia and Ukraine today, because today I want to tell you about the army.
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In the US and Europe, most armies are contract-based. That is, the profession is treated as a profession. But not in Russia. We have a conscription army - every man over 18 must serve a year in the army. At the same time, the Russian Federation is not officially at war with anyone, so why a mandatory army is needed is not clear.
And it would be fine if the conditions in the army were good - but no. A legendary video has been circulated on the Russian Internet, where soldiers are sitting in the dining room at their headquarters. One of them turns the plate upside down - and the food does not fall down. He pats the plate - food does not fall. And this is in every military unit. Below you can see photos of food from the army - oatmeal with sausage, cheap bread and tea "from a bucket" - a so-so combination.
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A week ago, I had to go through the first stage of entering the army myself. In January, a summons came to the army, until February it was necessary to collect all the documents. The military enlistment office was housed in an old Soviet building, crowded with hundreds of conscripts like me - in the midst of a pandemic. All in all, it didn't go too bad - except that I had to go back to the urologist, which I don't really like for obvious reasons. It took four hours - paperwork, medical examination, red tape again - and home. Usually everything is worse - they are forced to go through an endless medical examination and paperwork without the right to even go to the toilet. And it takes eight hours. But I arrived early and fired back easily, although it didn’t go without trouble - it turned out that not all the documents were indicated on the agenda, and I had to “collect them again”, although if you don’t do this, no one will say against. Why? Because всем похуй.
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There are several ways to "reject" from the army The first is a diagnosis. If you are sick with something, then they will not let you in. Many "picture" diseases for themselves (fortunately, you know how corrupt Russia is, and there are no problems with this). By the way, non-traditional orientation is also considered a "disease" in this list - speaking of Russian homophobia. The second is to bribe the head of the military registration and enlistment office. The third is the university. Many go to universities just to avoid the army.The last way is to say that the army is contrary to your religion or ideology. Those. if you are a pacifist, then you can, in theory, legally hang out from the army. But it is extremely difficult to prove this, and you will still serve, but in a different form - to work as an orderly in a hospital for free. Or the postman. And the term instead of one year - two.
Why is everyone so reluctant to join the army? Because the Russian army is HELL. Living conditions are half the problem.
First, the attitude of the leadership towards recruits. They are not considered human. At best, they are just treated like a burden. Like how an office worker relates to deliverable documents that need to be filled out. At worst, generals treat soldiers like cheap labor. One soldier died under a fallen plank while he and others were building a dacha for the general's mother-in-law.
The soldiers themselves do not consider each other as friends or people either. Hazing flourishes in the army - when more service soldiers (dembelya) mock new soldiers (novichoks). You'll be lucky if they just take away things or money. After all, they can be beaten. Just. And in the worst case - forced to have sex. Yes, you got it right. Homosexual rapes happen regularly in the Russian army.
Some soldiers were forced to fight in other countries - in Syria and in the East of Ukraine (the same Donbas where the separatist republics are fighting against Ukrainian troops). At the same time, they are fighting not as soldiers of the Russian Federation - but as fighters of the Wagner PMC - an organization that, as it were, exists, but it seems to be non-existent. And the bodies of those who died there are not returned to their mothers.
And finally, an interesting fact - the Russian parliament annually increases the budget of the army, cutting medical care, education and benefits, as well as raising taxes. At the same time, the military sector is considered the most corrupt in the Russian government.
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russiantkach · 3 years
There's no free press in Russia anymore.
Freedom of speech was effectively abolished in Russia thanks to the law "on foreign agents."
"Foreign agent" is a status that the state gives to those organizations that have any (even minimal) funding from abroad. Ordinary citizens have recently been able to obtain this status.
Media with a status of foreign agent are forced to write huge texts in large letters in each of their posts and news on the site. Of course, this is an outflow of money and advertisers. This is what kills independent media.
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"Foreign agent" is a status that the state gives to those organizations that have any (even minimal) funding from abroad. Ordinary citizens have recently been able to obtain this status.
You can help those media to still work - by reading them and donate to them
https://meduza.io/ - interner-newspaper "Meduza"
https://tvrain.ru/ - TV Doshd
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russiantkach · 3 years
This fucking wh##re!! Telling that "my hate to gay people is my civics position" is not making you good person! You is still fucking NAZI!
This is again about homophobic in Russia. One of the director of football club "Spartak" says that she "don't want to see gay people in football"....Because of what?!
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russiantkach · 3 years
The film "Welcome to Chechnya" get the Britain's academy prise.
Hope that will help gay people in Checnya to get their rights.
I will have a post about what is wrong with gay people in Checnya. Be ready
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russiantkach · 3 years
So, not so long ago I told you about the parliamentary parties of the Russian Federation. Today I wanted to write a post about all the parties of the Russian Federation that are adequate from my point of view, but I decided that I need to dwell on one party in more detail. I present to you the game Yabloko, which means "Apple" in Russian.
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Yabloko is not a young party, it has existed from the very beginning of the founding of the Russian Federation. Then there were two main forces in the Russian Federation's policy - democratic, but very corrupt and even a little cannibalistic liberals, supporters of Yeltsin, and the moldy old communists for returning to the USSR (I would even call them red conservatives) headed by Zyuganov. Yabloko positioned itself as a "third force" - for democracy, against corruption and oligarchs. Initially the party was called "Yavlinsky, Boldurev, Lukin Block". The journalists called the block Yabloko because it sounded similar. Boldyrev, however, quickly left Yabloko,Lukin was ambassador to the United States until the 2000s, then was in the party until 2020, when he supported the amendments to the Constitution, for which he was expelled. Yavlinsky is the main face of the party to this day.
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In 1993, Yabloko won 27 seats out of 450 (the largest parties won 64). Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party won then - read about what it is in my previous post. The seats of Yabloko in the picture are green, btw.
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In 1996, Yavlinsky went to the presidency. He could have won, as he was the most popular politician among young people, but because of Yeltsin's super-active campaign, his audience went to Yeltsin. Yavlinsky finished fourth with 7.64%.
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In the 1999 parliamentary elections, the party gained 6%, but this is not very important. The important thing is that after the election of Putin in 2000, they began to fight with Yabloko. The party was almost defeated - in 2003 it received only four seats in the Duma, and then lost those seats. This is due to the fact that Yabloko from the very beginning positioned itself as anti-Putin, and remains so to this day. In fact, Yabloko is the only legitimate true liberal party with any kind of power.
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Let's move on to the Yabloko position. The party positions itself as liberal, although its position is closer to social democracy or social liberalism. The party also has factions of entrepreneurs, human rights activists, greens and social democrats. The urbanists of the party really want their faction, but so far they do not have it. The party advocates a transition from a super-presidential to a parliamentary-presidential republic, establishing contacts with the EU and the United States, abolishing the annexation of Crimea, and repealing all repressive laws. The party has a faction of femenism, we are talking about the creation of an LGBT + faction. The party has an anti-corruption agenda, it even has its own investigation fund (not Navalny's FBK, but still). Of the little things - the fight for the environment, increasing the rights of the subjects of the Federation.
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Nevertheless, the party will have to work hard to get into the State Duma, besides, internal disputes and strange statements by some party members make the task even more difficult. But I believe - Yabloko can! Well, I'll tell you about my mini-career in the party next time;)
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russiantkach · 3 years
I gonna answer all your questions
You can ask a question about anything - about Russia, about me and my opinion about something, or about something else = P
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russiantkach · 3 years
Sorry for LOOOOONG being inactive. I just traveled to the Russian Caucasus, and I promise that I will make a bunch of posts about Dagestan, wait :D
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While you can look at my snapshot of the Dagestan mountains, what I did
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russiantkach · 3 years
This fall, parliamentary elections will be held in Russia, and this will be a very interesting event. The rating of the ruling United Russia party is rapidly falling, and even with falsifications, they are unlikely to be able to maintain a constitutional majority in parliament. In any case, I think this is a great occasion to talk about the political parties of Russia. Let's start with those who are represented in parliament.
The State Duma of the Russian Federation has 450 seats. Of these, 225 are elected proportionally, and 225 are elected in single-member constituencies. This is just a note.
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The absolute majority in parliament is held by the United Russia party - 335 seats. This is the party in power, and they are the authors of all laws, including repressive ones. Google "law of Dima Yakovlev", "law on LGBT propaganda", "law on foreign agents", "law on extremism" and you will understand what it is about. By the way, the same party is responsible for raising the retirement age and "zeroing" Putin.
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The second largest party in the State Duma is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF). They are, oddly enough, communists, but with "peculiarities". First, they are "Orthodox communists" and maintain ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. Well, they are also fans of Stalin, obviously.
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The third party is the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia). And yes, they are not liberals or democrats, but in general it is not clear what it is. Imagine the Republican Party, but on LSD or another drug, and you get the Liberal Democratic Party. According to rumors, their leader, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, is a homosexual pedophile. Fragments from the LDPR chats were leaked to the network, where they demanded that the youth organizations of the Liberal Democratic Party send "the most beautiful and attractive guys" for Zhirinovsky's sixty-seventh birthday. Oh my God....
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The fourth party in the State Duma is Fair Russia. They call themselves the Social Democratic Party, but as for me they are more likely left-wing nationalists. Their program is "for Putin, against a united Russia" as well as a little more benefits. That's all they are.
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Also, two parties entered the State Duma in single-mandate constituencies - the Rodina party (the same as fair Russia, but even more nationalism) and the Civil Platform (center-right). Both of them has only one place in Duma.
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These were all the parliamentary parties in Russia, and none of them is particularly good, right? Well, don't worry. Next time I will tell you about a few good games in Russia! Till tomorrow!
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russiantkach · 3 years
My post about the Tanuki restaurant and its rainbow avatar was published on the Telegram channel by Ksenia Sobchak, a well-known Russian journalist and blogger who was even a presidential candidate. Hope this helps in drawing attention to the issue!
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russiantkach · 3 years
So, now it's serious. If you read my blog, you might have already understood that Russia is a very homophobic country, but there is ONE PLACE in Russia that could be called the most homophobic. I will not even say in advance what terrible things are happening there, I just want to warn in advance - THIS is not for the faint of heart.
One more thing. I hope that you will help me and, perhaps, the entire LGBT + community in Russia to spread information about the situation of the LGBT + community in Russia. Repost, forward to your friends - whatever. In Russia they shut up our mouths, but here we are already free to talk about what is important to us. Thank you for support!
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russiantkach · 3 years
The Russian chain of Japanese restaurants "Tanuki" has changed the avatar to a rainbow one. In the comments - real hell.
"Eating for pidoras (gay). I won't order from you anymore"
"Wait for greetings from Roskomnadzor (the state agency in the Russian Federation responsible for controlling the Internet), I have already thrown a complaint to them"
"Russia is us, not fagots like you"
"Get out of the market, gomosyatina is not welcome here!"
And the most disgusting thing: "Do you have to kneel on your knee when you receive delivery?" And in response from another homophobe: "Yes, and two at once, like tanuki, to suck the tolerance"
One can only wish Tanuki's company more nerves - after all, there is still a trial for "propaganda of homosexuality" ahead.
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