#whoever signed first wrote 'write dangerous things' and the other looked at it and promptly added 'write safe things' lmfao
essektheylyss · 2 years
Books I just remembered exist: the Airheads Series by Meg Cabot.
What The Fuck Was That (Honorific).
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chaolie · 3 years
Fundy Week, Day 8 - Free Prompt
Here it is!!! Fashionably late as usual, the last thing I'm writing for @fundyfiles' Fundy Week!! I'm so glad I decided to join this, I can't remember the last time I wrote so much content in so little time, not to mention how proud I am of what I managed to create!!
Now, I wasn't too sure what to write for this one, but I happened across a story idea I saved in mid-November 2020 and it had two incredible things: FWT, and a lot of Angst! So what else could I even write at this point?? And as always, this is also on my Ao3!
Characters: Fundy, Dream, others mentioned
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: (Temporary) Character Death, Explosions
Summary: Not long before the big fight between Manburg and Pogtopia, Fundy finds an unsigned book with a warning directed at him. He brushes it off at first, but the thought keeps lingering at the back of his mind. Eventually, he decides to walk away from the main part of the nation and keep his distance for safety. Too bad that the person who sent the warning didn't notice that.
Fundy’s day was not going great. Schlatt was a complete mess in the morning, the people from Pogtopia basically rejected him and all the information he collected as a spy… At this point, which side should he even fight for? He figured, the people against Schlatt were a safer bet for him, but he still had no guarantee that they wouldn’t turn on him too. Still, it was a risk he was willing to take. A risk he had to take. And he would, but it didn’t make his doubts any less troublesome. That’s why when he spotted a book lying on his desk, for quite a while he considered just leaving it there and not looking inside.
The curiosity got the better of him, and he carefully approached the item, lifting it off the wooden surface and slowly opening it. As soon as he did, a quill slipped out from between the pages and fell to the ground. Great. So it wasn’t even signed. Dreading what he’d find, he started reading the first page.
“Dear Fundy,
This is a warning. Do not fight in the war.”
A confused frown appeared on his face. Who would write this? What did it mean? Hesitantly, he turned the page.
“It doesn’t matter which side you support, be it Manburg or Pogtopia. It doesn’t matter if you were just planning to watch the fight and side with whoever you’d deem more beneficial to support. You, and I can’t stress this enough, can NOT be anywhere near Manburg during the war. It would be best if you stayed away from it altogether, until you’re sure that the danger passed. Stay home, go mineing, take a walk, swim out into the sea… anything you can do away from this deathtrap.”
This was far more concerning than the 1st page. Whoever wrote this seemed very determined to keep him away from the war. And, somehow, they knew that he wasn’t loyal to Schlatt all the way. Nervously, he flipped the page.
“The entire nation is rigged with TNT. One wrong move during the war, or even after all, and everything could be gone in an instant. Including you, and anyone else caught in the blast. Please, DO NOT attend the battle. It doesn’t matter what your ‘allies’ will think of you, it’s better to be judged than dead. And please, don’t tell anyone else about this. If they tried to disarm the TNT, it would only end poorly. Please, make the right decision. Please.
-Signed: Someone who doesn’t want you hurt”
He stared at the page for a moment, re-reading the last part. “Someone who doesn’t want you hurt”, huh? With a sigh, he threw the book back down onto the desk and stepped back, rubbing his face and trying to collect himself. Of course they couldn’t even sign this letter right. No, they just had to leave it like that! How would he know if he could trust them? How would he know if this wasn’t a test, or a joke? How?
He leaned down and picked up the quill he dropped before walking back to the desk and turning the pages again until he reached an empty one. He gripped the feather tighter before angrily scribbling down his response, muttering it under his breath.
“Dear whoever-wrote-this, Fuck You. I don’t know you and I don’t trust you. I think you just want to keep me from fighting. Make sure you have fewer enemies to defeat. I’m not buying your stupid sob story, I’m joining the war and going down in history,” he finished.
He slammed the book shut and set the quill down by its side. This would surely show them that he can’t be threatened so easily. Then, he stepped back and headed towards his chests, the reason he originally came here. He had to collect his gear before the war. “TNT”, the letter claimed. As if that wouldn’t be found yet.
A day passed, and the war was already over. It felt weird, compared to how long it took to win independence for L’Manburg in the first place, but Fundy wasn’t complaining. Despite the dirty looks some of his allies shot at him, he didn’t end up in the crossfire or left for dead. That was… nice? And he wasn’t even too hurt, just a few slashes and cuts here and there, none of them seriously bleeding anymore. Emotionally, he wasn’t doing too sound, though.
As he sat on a small wooden chair by the stage, surrounded by friends and allies as some people were giving speeches, passing some official titles over between one another… he could barely focus on anything. He watched people get seriously hurt during the fight, he probably caught glimpses of their lives being taken from them even… not to mention witnessing Schlatt’s final death. That was… quite something. In a negative sense. He wasn’t sure what he expected from a war, though.
And on top of all that, the warning in the book still lingered in his mind. What if whoever left it wasn’t lying? What if all the explosives were just under his feet and would go off any moment now? What if he simply got lucky so far? The thought of dying that way was sickening. He hated it so much, oh so much. He didn’t want to die after all this…
He looked around the crowd. Maybe he’d spot someone who would help him calm down? Reassure him? He had someone specific on his mind, his fiance, but luck wasn’t on his side this time. No matter how long he searched for, he couldn’t catch even a glimpse of Dream’s mask between other people. He wasn’t too surprised, though, the man sided with the losing fraction, after all. Him deciding to leave prematurely was to be expected.
That’s when he made up his mind. Just to feel better, he’d take a walk. Get away from the stage and the loud noises and the stupid, cheap speeches. Get away from the probably nonexistent explosives. Take a stroll down the Prime Path and relax. Look for Dream out there and spend the rest of the day by his side. Who cared about some stupid celebrations, this was all he wanted to do now.
He got up and left, no one noticing his absence in time to stop him. Good, he thought, no need to explain to anyone that some empty threats are pushing me over the edge. He would get to calm himself down at his own pace, which would be quite ideal. He started climbing the path, on his way to Tommy’s house, from which he could head straight to Dream’s base. He would probably be there, and they could just talk there, hidden from anyone else.
Sudden screams of fear picked up behind him, and he never turned as fast in his life. He watched as all his allies and friends scattered in panic, but before he could question why, it happened. An explosion went off, and another one followed it. And another, and another, and- Fundy closed his eyes and covered his ears, the blasts were LOUD. When he opened them, he had already fallen back onto the path, and the place he called home just 5 minutes prior was now nothing but a smoking crater.
He saw some people dangerously close to the destroyed land, helping each other up and covering each other’s wounds. Not thinking twice, he ran back down the path and desperately tried to find the people he cared for. Niki was right there, Eret was pulling someone to their feet, Tommy and Tubbo were by each other’s sides, Quackity was leaning against a broken wall and catching his breath… that would only leave a person or two missing-
“Fundy?!” came a desperate call from the crater, making him stop in his tracks. “Fundy, where- can you hear me?! Fundy!”
“...Dream?!” he called back, forcing his feet to move again. What the hell was he doing down there?
Another explosion sounded out in the crater, followed by a scream cut shot with even more leftover TNT going off. And just like that, Fundy was frozen again. His mouth was open just as if he wanted to call out Dream's name, but no words could leave his throat. He simply stared at the edge of the crater and felt a sting of pain in his chest. No, no, no, no-
Suddenly, he was running again. Someone tried to grab him by his arm, someone called his name after him, but it didn’t matter, none of it did anymore. He reached the edge of the crater and to his horror saw someone lying face-down on the freshly blown up ground. He’d recognize that green hoodie anywhere, even if it was scorched and covered by some armor. Without a second thought, he tried to jump in. Something under his feet came loose and he tumbled down the steep wall of the crater until promptly hitting the ground on the very bottom, but not even the pain that ensued could keep him down.
“No, no, no- Dream! D-Dream!” he called out, scrambling to his feet and stumbling forward. This wasn’t happening, this couldn’t be happening, this wasn’t possible- “Dream! Please, Dream!”
He reached his fiance’s side and put a hand over his shoulder, carefully turning him onto his back. His mask was cracked, showing one of his eyes and a part of his cheek. If not the injuries, Fundy could assume that he was asleep, but… Oh, God.
“Dream?” he asked faintly. To his absolute surprise, he saw his fiance’s eye slowly open. His gaze seemed unfocused, and Fundy could only pray that he was still recognizable.
“...Fun… dy?” the man asked slowly, and the fox hybrid wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved just yet.
“I- I’m here, that’s- I’m here, Dream,” he assured as he looked his fiance over. That’s when he noticed a book the man was clutching tightly, pushing it against his chest. “W-what’s this…?” he asked, carefully reaching for it. Dream’s grip on the item seemed to loosen.
“...So you… listened?” he asked faintly as Fundy picked up the book and opened it on the first page only to be greeted by familiar words. Dear Fundy. This is a warning. “Y-you were- s-safe…”
“W-wait, that was you?!” the fox hybrid realized with a gasp. Oh, how come he hadn’t recognized the handwriting?! How come he hadn’t told his fiance about the 'threat'?! How come-
“I- I thought you-” Dream tried to answer, but ended up just laughing at the small misunderstanding that cost his life. His laughter, however, quickly turned into coughing.
“Oh sh- Okay, okay, keep breathing. I- I’ll get you a potion or something, and-” Fundy instructed, searching himself for anything he had with him that could help. Eventually, he turned his head towards the top of the crater. “H-helo?! Help! Please!” he called out.
“...Fundy…?” Dream asked faintly, getting his attention again. When he looked back, the man had somehow slipped his mask off his face and was now carefully putting it into the fox hybrid’s hands, leaving him baffled. “K-keep it.”
“Wh- Wait, no, no, no, Dream! Just- just hold on a moment longer, I’ll get you all the potions you could need and I- I’ll make sure that you’re okay, I promise! Please, just-” he stuttered, holding the mask close to his chest and taking his fiance’s hand.
“I… I don’t…” Dream tried to answer, but his voice seemed to fade with each second. Fundy felt tears slowly running down his cheeks as he squeezed his hand.
“...I love you, okay? I love you, please, just… I love you so much,” he reminded, and hoped that Dream would find it in himself to answer.
“...I lo… love y…”
It hurt. It hurt so much to see his fiance’s face numb and to feel his hand grow heavier in his own. The tears staining Fundy’s cheeks burned like acid and he just wished to turn back the time. The- the stupid answer he wrote in the book, why did he ever do that? Why did he think it was a good idea? Why did he let it literally kill the love of his life? Why-
Everything seemed blurry. He didn’t know if it was because of his own wounds or the heartache, but he barely processed what happened. He barely acknowledged someone near him, handing him a potion just minutes too late, barely realized when they led him out of the crater and sat him down on one of the chairs… He stared down at the mask in his hands, cracked by the explosion, and wondered… was this really the end?
No, it wasn’t the end! He had no idea how he ever forgot, but… but this wasn’t Dream’s last life! No, if he recalled correctly, the man still had all three! What was he even doing here?! Why wasn’t he at spawn already?! He quickly asked for enderpearls and a swiftness potion, all he could think of, and immediately rushed off. Someone tried to stop him again, but it’s not like they managed the first time either. No one would be able to slow him down now.
Just 5 minutes later, he was climbing the wall around the spawn and frantically looking around. Was he here before Dream respawned? Or did he take too long and they missed each other? Should he wait, or go search for him somewhere else-
He suddenly spotted Dream, sitting in one of the corners of the spawn, with his back against the wall. He was curled up, and his hands seemed to remble as they traced the newfound scars on his face. It wasn’t too surprising to find him in that state, dying for the first time was always terrifying…
“Dream!” Fundy gasped, fully jumping the wall and rushing over to his fiance. The man looked up at him, but stayed frozen for a moment. But when the fox hybrid fell to his knees and pulled him into a hug, he returned the gesture. “O-oh, you scared me so much-”
“...I love you, too,” Dream answered quietly, and Fundy barely could stop himself from crying again.
It was such a relief to hear that. Better late, than never.
Haha, remember all those fics where Fundy dies in the explosion that were circling around after the Manburg vs Pogtopia war?? Yeah, so what if... yeah. What if for once it was Dream who died there??
Except, since this is the last prompt, I figured I wouldn't make it 100% Angst!
Ok and now some serious talk, thank you so much for reading!! I appreciate every single like, reblog, and all other kinds of interactions. These really mean a lot to me and I just want you all to know
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Shimada the clan of dragons
Prompt: They say the ancient dragons died long ago, wiped off the face of the earth by the first lords for the safety of all. No one ever told you what danger they truly posed. Now you stand before one, eyes have met, yet it does not lift a claw to harm you…
I couldn’t help myself. I love dragons. Dragons are great. Also if you guys want me to write continuations of these. I will more than happily do so.
Genji part 2 II Hanzo part 2 (WIP)
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You let out a laugh, your small feet pounding on the ground, your mother’s playful yells fading behind you as you darted under low hanging branches. You lived near an old forest, you’d walked through it with your parents when the Shimada clan that lived in a grand estate on the other side hosted parties for the town. Often on the sons’s birthdays since the two boys were friends with most of the kids.
Lady Shimada was a sweet woman but you had seen her rip a man in half with her words and reduce him to a whimpering puppy. You and a few of the other kids had all given her looks of awe when she’d turned around to see you all there and you had all gotten sweets to stay quiet.
You all still had.
You glanced behind you, giggling still as you knew your mother would be able to find you. She wasn’t a skilled tracker for nothing-when you were older, you figured out that meant assassin but you and your mother were close so you’d just looked at her with another ‘my mum’s so cool’ look that you did so well-
You stumbled into a large clearing and let out a gasp, blooming all around was various sorts of flowers. You were amazed and didn’t even pause to ask why you hadn’t stumbled upon this place before you were running over and smelling all of them.
Figuring out which ones you could maybe pick to bring back to your mother. . .the thought fled from your mind as a low. . .not very threatening growl was heard from behind you.
You turned and your eyes went wide
There floating above the ground was a dragon, they looked your age if human and dragons aged the same, they had these bright brown eyes and they were very clearly trying to be threatening. You simply let out a pretend-scared gasp and cowered, hiding your smile when you saw the dragon grin.
They looked a little scary when they did that.
But you didn’t think they were going to hurt you. Dragons were a rare thing to see and they hadn’t attacked you.
The two of you looked at each other, both looking curious before you reached out a hand. Letting out a giggle as the dragon’s eyes crossed as they tried to keep your hand in their line of sight, you just gave their snout a gentle pat and giggled watching them melt.
“You don’t get pats much then mister or misses dragon?” you asked and the dragon shook its head
“No” it replied simply and you grinned
“Well we have to change that!” you said, trying to look as serious as you could while coaxing the dragon over to the middle of the clearing.
While you were petting and patting the dragon, you learned that it was simply Genji in his dragon form. There had been rumours that the Shimadas weren’t human but as a child, you didn’t care much, Genji and you had never played together but him and his brother Hanzo had snuck out sweets for you and your friends a few times
Eventually Genji-still in his dragon form- guided you back to your town and you hugged him and promised to see him the next day.
And you did.
The two of you kept a month long friendship, Genji mostly coming with his mother in his human form but you both got close. Sitting and chatting before playing chase and hide and seek and tag. It was fun.
Then Genji got busy so he stopped coming, you still got to see him at parties but it wasn’t the same.
It seemed a pattern with the two of you, you’d get close for a few months then years would pass with you two hardly speaking then you’d become friends again almost as if you hadn’t spent any time away from each other.
You didn’t know that he’d died. You’d moved country when your schooling pointed you in that direction, you found out in a text your mother sent you.
You spent a long time crying over your friend.
Years and Years passed and you got accepted into Overwatch, you were a writer mainly but you had gotten very good at reporting so you wrote reports. Some true, others not so much but you were well paid and you did a lot of good. You were walking towards your office when a familiar voice echoed down the hall.
You hadn’t even thought. You’d just raced down the hall, rounding the corner and before you knew it. His name was being shouted down the hall
He broke off his conversation and turned. . .just in time to catch you as you threw yourself at him. It took less than a moment for him to recognize you and the two of you held each other in a tight embrace.
“My dragon, by the heavens Genji you’re alive! You’re okay!” You said, relief obvious in your voice and he just continued the hug
“I am. It must be fate that we should meet again after all this time” He said, while his mask was on his face you could already imagine the smile on his face
“It must be” You agreed, a bright smile on your face and he offered you an arm. Parting the hug to do so. You took it. Genji apologised to the person he was talking with before quickly leading you down the hall. Talking as you both walked. You both had a lot to catch up on.
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You had to be dreaming.
There was no way what you were seeing was real.
You could feel the warm air from its snout, see the shifting on the blue scales on its body as it shifted in mid-air still hovering above the large gold pile. You had been hiking and the tell tale sign a storm was coming had popped up so you’d hurried into the first cave you saw.
Apparently, it happened to be a Dragon’s nest.
This dragon looked. . .as surprised as you felt. You couldn’t blame them. Not a lot of people went climbing much anymore. A lot of people just hired hover cars to get them to the top then they would be dropped at the closest resort.
That wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted the true experience
Apparently, that experience came with dragons?
“Um. . .hello?” you said hesitantly. You’d thought dragons had died off a long time ago and uh well, you weren’t sure how to greet them. You’d never been a big dragon fan as a child
“Hello” The dragon said back, you couldn’t help but tilt your head. Male. . .Male? and they-he?-sounded almost Japanese?
“Are you. . .what sort of dragon are you?” you asked and you inwardly flinched as the dragon somehow raised an eyebrow at you
“You do not know of dragons” He said, it was phrased like a question but it sounded more like a statement
“I didn’t share my agemates love for dragons, I don’t know anything. . .i know there are different types but that’s where my knowledge ends” You said and he let out an almost. . .amused huff before he landed, moving over to where he had a fire going and he gestured you to sit with his tail.
You hurried to comply.
“I cannot simply let you leave uneducated about my kind so I will tell you what you should know” He said before settling down at getting comfortable. You followed suit before he started talking.
You learned there was, in fact, different types of dragons, some were elemental, some simply depended on where you were when you met them. You shyly asked if western dragons were still around and the dragon had huffed at you
“Unfortunately yes” was all he’d said on the matter before he’d continued talking. It was half-way through the night, hours after he’d began talking when he finally stopped. Your head was stuffed full of dragon facts. You thought you might burst.
“That was. . .interesting and very educating” you said after a moment, it had been. It seemed meeting a dragon had gotten you at least a little interested in them. You flicked yourself remembering you hadn’t introduced yourself and you quickly did so. The dragon lowered his head in a nod of acknowledgment and you patiently waited for him to give his own name. . .before promptly getting distracted wondering if dragons even had human names.
You got your answer very quickly
“I am Hanzo” He said and you looked at him, nodding
“Well. . .it was nice to meet you Hanzo” you said before you looked back towards the cave entrance, you were so far into the mountain and far from the cave’s mouth that you couldn’t feel the cold with the fire going but the storm was still going strong outside. You let out a quiet sigh and gave Hanzo an apologetic look “And it seemed I am going to be borrowing your company for a while longer”
“Yes. . .wait here” he said, it almost seeming like an order as he flew up and promptly disappeared behind his hoard of treasure. Coming back a few minutes later with a large fur coat in his claws. . .somehow “For you. To keep warm when the fire goes out”
You took it with a quiet mumble of thanks and you laid down, getting comfortable. Whoever the coat had been for they were twice your size so it wasn’t hard to curl up and get comfortable.
There was a quiet silence as Hanzo settled down and you could have sworn he was sleeping. . .except he had his eyes wide open. Staring at you.
You eventually had to shift so he was staring at your back instead of your front and you managed to slip into a slightly fitful sleep.
You woke up the next morning with a blue dragon wrapped around you. . .or at least his tail was
“You were cold” Hanzo said as you opened your eyes. Seemed you’d shifted in your sleep so you’d been facing where the fire had been burning. He unwrapped his tail from around you and it got colder almost immediately.
“Well thank you for keeping me warm” you said rubbing the back of your neck before you sniffed the air. . .you noticed that there was meat cooking over the fire “Meat?”
“I have already eaten. That is yours” he said nodding his head towards the meat “It’s ready”
You got up and wandered over, it was like eating a chicken leg. . .except the meat tasted different. Not bad. Just different. You didn’t ask what it had been and Hanzo didn’t tell.
You spent the time you were eating silence, you both shared a look when you were done and he nodded for you to put the stick into the fire which you did
“Stay safe out there” was all he said to you before he got up and disappeared behind his hoard. You figured that was a dismissal if you’ve ever seen one so you quickly packed up your things and left.
You thought that would have been the last time you saw him
But it wasn’t. You spotted a man with eyes just like his, talking to a white and green cyborg when you were recruited when Overwatch was recalled.
Your eyes connected with his own and a flash of recognition went through them. This was going to be an interesting year.  
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