#whom i keep calling eddie dearest for some reason
crayolascribblz · 5 months
they have different ideas of bugs
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more... doodles..... get out of my head!!! 😭😭
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pennyfuckerr · 7 years
Birthmarks (reddie au)
Eddie was born with a birthmark, like most people were. They were signs of how you died in your past life, all his friends had them, except Beverly, those people were known to have died of old age or disease. He had a cluster of dark patches of skin in the centre of his chest, as if he was shot, multiple times. He made up his own story on how he might have ended up like that in a past life...a gang, strange suicide, police, war, he didn't know, and that was the mystery. Some of them had more average birthmarks, like Bill, he had one hidden under his hair, which he didn't know he had till one day the hair was fully moved out of the way. They had been by the quarry and Bill's hair was pointing every which way and Stan had been the one to part the hair out of the way. It was a realisation that he had killed himself in the past life, or someone had a gun to his head, because there was a marking that matched up on the other side.
Suicide marks weren't uncommon, they were the most normal to have really. A round birthmark lining up on your head wasn't rare, nor was some kind of thick line across the neck. Ben had one around his neck, it was most prominent around the front, he never worried about it, or got bogged down though. Mike had two large slashes running from his wrist and almost reaching his elbows, it was a doozy to get his mind around as a kid, but he was older and more rational now. Stan had one down his stomach, Richie said that maybe he was some kind of slut in the last life and had been 'eaten out' by Jack The Ripper, but it was obviously a sugery related death.
Richie had never explicitly mentioned he had a birthmark, or maybe he just didn't. They never saw anything at the quarry or when he just didn't have a shirt on for some reason. "Maybe it's on his leg?" Was one of the suggestions. "How would he die from his leg?" Was Eddie's response, to which they nodded. Sometimes they saw discolouration on his wrists, but he quickly denied that claim, even holding them up.
Richie did have them, both arms...and legs, small slashes along his wrists and thighs. That was also a burden, occasionally someone would be born with someone's self harm scars. He had been one of those lucky people. Probably the only one in Derry, so he kept it hidden, under makeup his mother didn't use anymore. It was definitely expired, but he did what he had to. They occasionally stung, or prickled, but he ignored it, it was probably some side effect, the others probably felt it too. Maybe Mike, since he had the two large slices down his arms. He didn't though, and he had mentioned it to Richie when he had brought up if anyone else got some kind of reactions from their birthmarks.
"Hey Eddie Spaghetti!" Richie yelled from across the street, he could hear the scowl from there as he jaywalked over to his shorter best friend. His wrists had been at him lately. It was mid-day on a Sunday, the sun was beaming and he couldn't have been happier that day. Maybe in his past life...he wasn't so happy. "Could you not yell that?" Eddie looked up to him with a look of false hope, "Hmm...I'll think about it" Richie smirked as he draped an arm around his friend, walking with him down the path. "Where were you headed, my dearest Eddie?" Richie questioned as he looked down to him, removing his arm to scratch it, looking at the foundation that had gotten under his fingernails and narrowing his eyes before patting his hand over his markings quickly. "Home" Was Eddie's simple reply, he took a small glimpse up to his taller friend whom scratched his arm delicately. "How interesting, mind if I stay for the journey? And the destination?" The curly haired boy pressed, his grin wide as he looked down at the thoughtful face of Eddie, who sighed and shrugged. "You might have to climb in through the window" He answered undefinitely, looking at the boy who just smiled without a care in his little world. "Sounds marvelous!" He nodded brightly, "I'll miss seeing your dearest mother but at least I got to see her last night" He smirked, his amusement peaking at the annoyed groan of the son of the said mother.
"Do you think if someone died while having a hickey it would appear on the person who takes on their life?" Richie spoke up after a few moments of quiet, actually peaceful walking. "Don't know, maybe if you stay quiet, we can test that theory" Eddie replied, a tone of pessimism in his sweet voice. "Was that a sexual advance and a threat?" Richie gasped fakely, looking down at the boy who just shrugged lazily. "Because it doesn't have to be a threat, if you get what I'm saying~" Richie nudged his side with his elbow. "You're disgusting, Tozier" Eddie sighed, "And you're cute, Kaspbrak".
Eddie really despised when Richie called him that, it's not like they were...dating, the thought of dating that Trashmouth put a bad taste in his. It's not that he was opposed to dating guys, he was just opposed to dating Richie. If he had a penny for all the times Richie said: Eddie Spaghetti, he'd be able to buy a lot of soap to wash out that foul mouth.
"I'm not cute" He grumbled back, keeping his eyes were from the boy who wore those stupid boots just to give himself a little more height so he could look down upon him even more than he did. Eddie was waiting for that growth spurt that never seemed to come around, perhaps it would be a last minute thing, he'd be a late bloomer, as they say. "Yeah, I guess your right-" Eddie let out a sigh of relief that he finally got through to him, "-You're adorable!". Eddie sighed once more, of course Richie had to have the last word.
Richie carried on talking about something Eddie partially paid attention to, till he said 'birthmark'. "I've been thinking of my big reveal, Eds, I feel like as the only non-virgin of the group, I must reveal mine last...unless Bev takes away my thunder" He went on, arm still draped around Eddie's shoulders. "Where is your birthmark?" He spoke up, looking up as well at the grinning boy, whom looked ahead as they started to get closer to where Eddie lived. "That's very intimate, my dear Eddie, we must do it in secret" He winked, "If it's on your...your...". "Definitely not my dick, but close guess" He chuckled, patting Eddie's head as he walked on, noticably slower so Eddie didn't have to jog with him to keep up.
Eddie pondered and came to a conclusion that it must be on his thighs, shrugging to himself as he concluded, letting them both walk in a short silence till they got to his house, both away from the windows as Richie ran around to the back to tree that just about reached Eddie's window. It wasn't the most easy way to get in as the tree wasn't too...full of leaves so he could be easily caught from above by his overbearing mother. Eddie had entered the house, greeting his mother and saying that he was tired and was planning to take a nap to catch up on the sleep he missed from completing his weekend homework yesterday. He ran up the stairs to his bedroom where he saw Richie on the thickest branch, holding on like a scared cat, waving a little but his wrist was against the tree branch. Imagine that, Tozier afraid of climbing a tall tree.
He opened the window and the wide eyed boy scooted down the branch towards the window, holding out a hand for Eddie to take as he shakily stood from the branch to the window ledge, Eddie narrowing his eyes as dirt got onto the ledge, despite the paint already chipping off and possible bird poop being splattered on it. Once Richie made his not very quiet entrance, he turned to face Eddie with a grin on his pale face. He got pale when he was anxious. "Ready to see some sick birthmark...s".
this was all originally sent as an email to my bestest internet friend but I decided to put it here. roast me if you wanna. idk if i'll make a part two :/ who knows
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Past is Prologue - Chapter 3: Lenore (and Annabel!) & Eddie
And now we meet Eddie.
The girls have a great day in NYC, Annabel meets a potential new beau, and then it's serious discussion time.
Wandering around New York City with her best friend, acting like the tourists they technically weren’t, was some of the most fun Lenore Poe had had in awhile. The tense nature of her recent relationship with Guy had turned her into a walking stress ball, so the chance to goof off and just enjoy herself was amazing. She could go back to worrying about Edgar (whom she loved dearly) and his habit of existing solely in the dark recesses of that depressing apartment tomorrow. Tonight, she was going to pretend that she was still the Lenore of senior year, who knew how to have fun without worrying about the future.
After running around the city all day, her growling stomach convinced Lenore to find somewhere to grab some dinner. A quick Google revealed a pretty highly rated Greek place a block away, so off they went.
While they were waiting for their table by chatting at the bar, the bartender came over and pushed another Cosmopolitan to Annabel, who turned as pink as her new martini and quietly tried to convince the bartender that he was mistaken, she hadn’t ordered anything besides the drink currently in her hand.
“Actually, I ordered it.” Whipping their heads around, both girls saw a grinning well-dressed man behind them, keeping his gaze firmly on Annabel’s blushing face. He reached out a hand, and continued, “Hi, Eddie Dantes. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh, hello. I’m Annabel, and this is Lenore.” Who really may as well have not existed for all of the attention Eddie was paying her. Being invisible was convenient when trying to judge a potential suitor for her best friend however.
“So Annabel, what is it that you do?”
Annabel’s face lit up, she loved talking about work. “Oh, I’m working as a children’s librarian while I also take classes for my masters in Library and Information Science from Queens. And yourself?” “I’m a banker, with Chase. I’ve been in the domestic financial accounting segment for a few years, but I’m hoping for a promotion or to switch to the department handling international accounts…” And that was where Lenore’s attention was lost. Her mind wandered, taking a closer look at Eddie’s physical appearance, which did somewhat make up for the incredibly dry topic he was rambling on about now. He was conventionally attractive sure, but he looked a bit too much like Guy for Lenore to ever consider being interested in him. Annabel, on the other hand, was looking at him like he was the second coming of JK Rowling (the highest praise possible).
She tuned back in for a second, but ugh, Eddie was still talking about banking. Guy had been a banker, back in LA, which was probably why she was having issues focusing on the discussion right now. The two of them had never truly reached an equilibrium regarding work and money, as an investment banker Guy had been making way more money than her, a lowly worker bee at a fashion magazine. Guy had always wanted to pay for everything, and had managed to come off as completely patronizing at least half the time. Hell, that had been part of his proposal! “Financial security” her ass, he had just wanted her to stop arguing with him about paying for herself. A buzz in her hand brought her back to the real world, away from memories of fights revolving around money.
Grabbing her best friend, she made for the hostess stand. “Anna Banana, looks like our table’s ready. Catch you later Eddie!”
“Wait, Annabel! Here,” he grabbed a business card out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Call me sometime? I’d love to get dinner together.”
Annabel was quite possibly the most red Lenore had ever seen her. And that included when she and Edgar had had to share a bathroom on a summer trip. “Oh, thank you.”
Once they were seated and had ordered, Lenore raised an eyebrow. “Sooooo, do you think you’ll be calling Eddie?”
“Maybe? He seemed quite nice, and I can appreciate his taste in drinks at least. This Cosmo is very good.”
“Not to make this awkward, but um… what about Edgar? I mean, you hoped that the two of you would…” Unable to come up with a way to finish that sentence without causing a terrible mental image to form (Edgar was her brother , there were certain things Lenore never wanted to think about, ever), she settled for a vague hand motion.
Stunned, Annabel slowly put down that damn pink martini and physically seemed to draw in on herself. When she spoke, it was with the calmest voice she could manage, though there was still a tremor. “Lenore, I love your brother. He’s been one of my dearest friends for so many years. However, I don’t know if he’ll ever be ready to be in a real relationship. He’s just not in a good place right now, if he ever truly has been. I adore our friendship, he’s always going to be one of the people closest to me. But I… I want to have someone to go home to at the end of the night and talk about all of the stupid little things that happened during my day. I want to have someone who will love me for who I am; quiet, unassuming little me.”
“And you don’t think Edgar can be that person for you.”
“No, I don’t think he can Lenore. I mean, I want him to, you know I want him to. But he has this idea of me in his head that’s perfect. This girl who’s kind and beautiful and never does anything wrong. That’s what he’s in love with, the girl he puts first, not me, the girl who’s been head over heels for him since he gave me a rock for my fifth birthday.”
“Oh Annabel…”
“God, I shouldn’t putting you in the middle of this, he’s your brother.”
“Yes, he is my brother. But you’re my best friend. We pinky swore, remember?” Lenore reached across the table and linked their right pinky fingers tightly, squeezing as she continued, “No stupid boys were going to come between us, and I would definitely consider my brother a stupid boy. I love you, no matter if you’re dating my brother or planning on being the first woman on Mars or it turns out you’re an infamous criminal, using me for… nefarious reasons I can’t come up with right now.” That earned her a watery giggle, which was better than nothing right now. “That metaphor may have gotten away from me a bit.”
“Oh, you think so?”
“Quiet you. Anyways, you get my point. I love you, and that fact has nothing to do with my brother. So if you feel the need to vent about him or anything, I’m here and I won’t breathe a word to him. Just know, I am Switzerland, so he’s going to get the same treatment, even if we don’t actually have this same conversation.”
“Thank you Lenore. I’m glad that I have you.”
“Me too Anna Banana. Me too.” Lenore wiped a tear that had been threatening to fall from the corner of her eye. She looked down at the plates in front of them, which had been dropped off at some point during their emotional conversation. Pasting a cheerful smile on her face, she continued, “Now, eat the food! I want to know what lasagna with nutmeg tastes like!”
So much for having a fun girls’ night out in New York.
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