#whoops I'm simping again
grimdarkfandango · 6 months
y'all have to be so grateful for the 'shuffle queue' button rn because it's saving you from running into 78 zosan posts in a row as my queue hits a one piece sinkhole
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only-luce-the-goose · 25 days
Heeeey pookie!!
i loved your Arthur fic too much, the man deserves to receive more love here🥹🫶🫶 I have two ideas for you, which in my head make more sense. I will try to explain myself as best as I can but in reality this is not my strong point LMAO
If you want and can write something about loving every little thing the reader does, such as the habit of brushing his hair behind his ears or, for example, when he reads a book that she cries, smiles or curses as if he LOVES that about her. 😮‍💨💗
Or maybe something about him being a little jealous and possessive not in a grotesque sense like I had to defend her from someone in a bar or something, like her being too nice by not wanting to walk away so as not to hurt the other person even if it's bothering her (that happens to me often haha😅)
Maybee some of the care for her when she's sick 🥹🥹
Of course, only if you feel comfortable with these ideas, which were more than two, I apologize for that, I'm a little excited.🧍🏻‍♀️🫶🫶
(I hope I have made myself understood, also English is not my first language, I am sorry if this is complicated when read or understood, also sorry this was so long :(, anyway much love to you 💗💗💗💗)
Little things
A/N: I am going to write all of them, they're so cute. Arthur absolutely deserves more love, he's underrated. Don't worry btw, your English is fantastic. I'm actually Australian so my spelling of certain words are different to everyone else's 😅. Keep an eye on my page for the next few days, I'll release them soon (I just need to finish my uni assignment first, whoops 🤷‍♀️). I hope I did what you were thinking 🫶🫶
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Warnings: Fluffy/Simp Arthur
Synopsis: "If you want and can write something about loving every little thing the reader does, such as the habit of brushing his hair behind his ears or, for example, when he reads a book that she cries, smiles or curses as if he LOVES that about her. 😮‍💨💗" - This part of the request.
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You and Arthur were lying on the couch watching a movie after a long day. You propped up my pillows with Arthur on top of you, head resting on your chest. Your fingers started to scratch the back of his scalp, slowly worth their way up. He sighed as he pressed himself deeper into you, nuzzling his face into your skin. He lifted his head up and pecked your lips. You look down at him and giggled, “what was that for, baby?”. He looked up at you with a peaceful smile, his eyes brimming with love as he replied “just appreciating the small things” before resting his head back on your chest as you kept scratching his head.
The next time it happened, you guys were cuddled up in bed and you were reading a book. It might be one of the saddest books you had ever read in your life (for this I’m gonna use “Bridge to Terabithia” cuz I feel like everyone read it for school). You got the the chapter where the girl fell into the creek and drowned. The pure amount of detail broke your heart and sent you into a sobbing mess. Your sniffles caught Arthur’s attention, he looked down the see his shirt beginning to get wet. He pulled you up to face him as we wiped your tears. “Hey hey hey what happened mi amor?” He rushed. You explained what happened, causing Arthur to give you that look again. A peaceful smile, eyes brimming with love, he pecked your lips, “how about we read a happier book?” He suggested. “No” you said as you made eye contact again “I just wanna cuddle”. He grinned and settled down, pulling you into him “that is something I can definitely do”. You smiled as you tucked yourself into his side.
Another instance was when you and Arthur were walking through the paddock. The crowd was pushing and shoving, sweeping you away with them. Arthur quickly realised you had gotten caught up, jogging back to guide you again. You think your right hand to his left, your left hand coming up to hold his strong bicep on the same arm, basically wrapping yourself around his arm. You have his hand a little squeeze, leaning your head on his shoulder when he squeezed back. You made it to the Ferrari garage and you knew you would need to let go but you didn’t want to, do you didn’t. Arthur planted a kiss on your forehead and gave you that dopey, in love look he gives you in moments like these. “What?” You laughed. Arthur pecked your lips “nothing my love” he mumbled against them, “just admiring” he winked. Just like a school girl, you giggled and then cuddled into him, are grip still tight on his arm.
What really stood out is when you were cleaning your shared apartment. You were going through your shared closet when you found a brown leather book. The title on the inside of the book, in Arthur’s unmistakeable handwriting, was “those moments”. You flicked through the book and saw dates and times, which matched to all the moments when Arthur gave you the look. Scratching his head on the couch, crying at a book, being clingy at the paddock, it was all there. What you didn’t know, was that Arthur was leaning on the door frame, watching you read his little things journal. “Find something good, amor?” You jumped at his question. “I’m so so sorry. I shouldn’t be snooping but I’ve never seen it before, and I had no idea what it was for. I’m sorry, I should’ve given you your privacy an-” Arthur cut you off with a kiss. “Im glad you found it. Everytime you ask about this “look” I give you, you now know what I was feeling and thinking. Is that ok amor?” He has a glimmer of home in his eyes as he asks you. You put the book back where you got it from, wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him deep “of it is, I love you Arthur” “I love you mi amor”
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lauren-ce · 6 months
All these cute drawings of Mio are great and all, but there's a severe lack of what I think is one of her most important traits: Mio, canonically, is less a kitten and more a fucking feral tiger.
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See that? She can run the hundred metri in seven seconds. You know who else can do that? FUCKING NOBODY, THAT'S WHO. Usain Bolt? Fastest person on Earth? Ever heard of him?
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Yeah, that's right. Mio's so fast that she finishes a whole 2.5 seconds ahead of him. She has time to grab a sandwich and a glass of Wotah whilst he huffs and puffs his way over the finish line.
Her character model has visible abs!
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This girl is weapon-grade!
Speaking of weapons, how about them?
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Indeed, Mio's weapon of choice is literally a DOUBLE SPINNING EDGE. It doesn't get more badass than that.
Need more convincing? Well, on the topic of weapons, her cute little paws: What's that, you say? She's strong enough to make an interlinked Moebius duo fly through the air?
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That's liftoff, baby! She hits with the force of ten ferronises, and her bare-knuckle strike sends enemies flying. Do you understand just WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS??
Sure, Melia can Break and Topple in XB1. Big whoop. Mio can wombo combo all by her goddamn self.
YOU'RE fawning and simping over your cutesy little catgirl Mio-Mio, while I'M paying for her knuckle tattoos that say Break, Topple, Launch, and Smash.
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And here, she boops Noah on the forehead with those paws of war, but look again!
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Do you see any contact? Of course not! Because a boop from Mio would cave in his fucking skull. Headshot. So, out of love for her boytoy, she stops a cetri short of murdering him.
Now THATS what I call control!
Virgin N, Chad Noah? I don't think so. N is a worm, insignificant even to the Virgin Noah,  and Mio is the Chaddest of them all. "The freedom to choose?" Thats right: Mio HAS the strap, she simply CHOOSES not to use it.
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This is the face of a cocky, stone-cold killer. She could've one-shot N if she wasn't held back by a pesky little thing called "weaponry".
All this to say, Mio is a feral animal and there should be more art depicting her as such (:
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N simp anon again lolol this time wondering how would N react to a DD reader who is injured during a hunt and consistently insists they are fine (despite several terrible wounds)
Gender doesn't matter but preferably male or gn okay good day :) ^^!!
Welcome back, N simp anon! Reader is male.
N x Injured!MD!Reader
It was meant to go like any other hunt, behead a few workers with N and drink their delicious oil. You'd go from building to building, using them as cover to strike the ignorant workers when they least expect it, hiding in the shadows or behind the barely standing walls. And most of the time, it worked! Despite the damage the buildings endured from the core collapse, they proved to be quite durable, to your surprise.
However, the workers weren't all that dumb. They quickly adapted to your strat, setting up traps in the aforementioned buildings. And to your unluck, you hid in one of them, waiting to strike on the unsuspecting workers until an explosion caught you off guard. In seconds you were thrown against the walls with a pipe impaling you in the stomach. The place rumbled and you look up to see debris falling directly on you. If it weren't for your sweet boyfriend N, blocking the falling stones with his wings, you would have been squished into a pancake. He carried you out of the building, letting the workers run away.
"Honey! Are you alright?!" He sets you down gently against a still-standing wall and you groan. The wound should have healed by now but the big gaping hole is still present.
"I-I'm fine! We can still catch up to them if we fly now." You look towards the direction the workers ran to, already feeling the taste of their sweet oil on your tongue.
"You can't go like that! You didn't even regenerate!" N says with full panic, wanting to pick you up again but you squirm against him.
"N, I promise you, I'm fine!" You grab his arms, making him look gently into your eyes. "Besides, I can't let my dear boyfriend starve!" You add dramatically to light up the mood, and N returns it with the tiniest smile.
"And I can't let my boyfriend hurt himself more." He finally picks up, holding your body close to him. "Besides, we can always return for more. But I can't replace you, you know?"
You sigh. "I know. I'm only doing that because I love you, though!"
"Hehe, I love you too!"
I wanted it to be longer but ran out of ideas, whoops. Hope you still enjoyed it!
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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"Well I can't believe you tracked me down. It's been such a long time since we last spoke. Please sit down and enjoy the drink my butler prepared.
Ohhh, it's too bad you got so sick just before we were ready to test the Elixir. I know it was your dream to try it - but we couldn't afford to let the delicate solution deteriorate whilst we waited for you to recover. I simply had no choice but to try it myself.
Now, I unfortunately have to have a regular supply of the Elixir in order to maintain my new body and there's just not enough for both of us I'm afraid. I already hid all of the equipment and destroyed all the remaining notes along with your grandfathers journal before leaving town. It would take you decades to piece together even the smallest bit of our research, you really are wasting your time.
Look - it isn't just a simple matter of maintaining my physical form. Everyone thinks my male alter-ego is dead and I moved to this town for good reason. I have no intention of ever turning back into that loser.
Since arriving here I've insinuated myself into the richest family in town. I read about their young daughter being kidnapped all those years ago, and knew that if I turned up and pretended to be her after all these years, I could easily replace her. I am Olivia Hyde now .
Frankly - Mrs Hyde was desperarate to believe I was her long lost daughter and any irregularities in the way I behave and act have been overlooked due to my trauma. I of course have no memory of my kidnapping all those years ago.
Awww you think I'm a bad person for impersonating a dead girl? She's probably long gone and these fools would never have found her. Better that I should have all the money and power that would have been hers. Better that it is in my hands and I be the spoiled rich girl I always should have been.
My troubled past gave me an excuse for knowing so little about makeup, hair, girls clothing. But I was a fast learner and with an unlimited supply of money I quickly spoiled myself rotten. I know it all now loser. I know how to dress like a tease and make boys do what I want. I know how to bully and manipulate people. They all think I'm so innocent but I'm the biggest bitch you'll ever meet.
That's right - I'm a spoiled evil slut just like I deserve to be. Assuming Olivia's identity is hardly the worst thing I've done. I'm a bad bad girl and bad things happen to people who get in my way.
Don't you get it simp? The Elixir made me into a fucking Goddess and the more I drink, the more perfect it makes me every day. I'm smarter, stronger and more powerful than any human deserves to be.
So what if the Elixir numbs some emotions? Who needs pity and remorse when you have a tight pussy and can suck big cock when you want? Who needs love when you can have power, money and sex.
You have no idea how good my body feels loser. Soft perfect skin, firm boobs, silky hair. I love how ultra-feminine I am. I love that I can manipulate and control anyone.
The truth is - I wanted this power all those years ago, so I took it from you. I put laxatives in your food - I ensured that it would be me to drink the Elixir not you. I remember how hard I jerked my cock thinking of taking the power from you.
But if I thought jerking off felt good - I never orgasmed so hard as that first time I transformed and became Olivia. As I felt my nails lengthen and my face change I knew that I was finally becoming the person I always should have been. As I grabbed my ass and felt my tits swell up - I knew I would do ANYTHING to keep this body.
Ohhh whoops - did you drop your drink? Are you feeling okay? You look kinda woozy.
Shhhhhh. Don't fight it.
Did you really think I'd just let you waltz in here and take all this away from me. Haha - didn't you learn anything all those years ago.
I spiked your drink again - only this time it isn't laxatives. It's just a little something to help you sleep.
Shhhhhh it will all be over soon. I'll go on living this deliciously evil life and you'll finally be at peace.
You could have had all this - but now it's mine to enjoy. I won't even think of you at all after today - but it will be satisying to know that chapter of my life is over.
Yessss, close your eyes and just... sleep.
Don't feel cheated. Before you go, you just have to accept this was always my destiny.
Better me than you...
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hyunsvngs · 5 months
This is literally a whole essay y'all, I'm not sorry xD
My last Channie ask was such a simp daddy Channie ask but what about good boy Channie who just want his lovers strap-on??
He's been fidgeting all day with your strap-on on his mind. He knew you had it tucked away in your closet somewhere cuz you're pan and your previous partner (ended on good terms and are friends still) also had a vagina but who would throw away a perfectly good strap after that?
No one would
You were hanging out with your ex and Channie in the kitchen when you asked him to go find your old baby-photo album buried in your closet so you can show your ex some funny baby pics you had. So he went to your shared room and went to the closet. he thought it was in that little black box buried under everything else.
He pulls it out of the closet and his pupils blow up the size of softballs once he sees what's inside. He got this curiosity from all the stories you'd tell him of how fun it was to use the strap with your ex but he'd just shake off the curiosity as something that would just pass because he'd never used one so of course he'd be curious.
Then he quickly hides it away again in your closet perfectly back where he found it so you wouldn't bat an eye. He quickly spots the photo album sitting up top on the shelf, covered in a layer of dust, and he runs it out to you and quickly retreats to the living room to get away from you two.
The day passes by quickly for you but it drug on for years for him.
You two are just cuddling on the couch watching Salt Burn (i haven't watched it yet LMAO whoops) and he abruptly sits up at one of the scenes. You pay no mind to it because you figured he was just getting a boner and was embarrassed for some reason (and let's be real, you're probably soaked by now too) but the movie wasn't exactly the reason why he got a boner.
He keeps subtly looking over at you occasionally, eyes darting everywhere if you catch him (which you can always see him in your peripheral, he just doesn't realize that) so you pause the movie and ask him "baby, what's going on? Are you okay? You wanna stop watching the movie and just get some sleep?" But of course he says he's fine.
15 minutes later and he's rocking back and forth trying to distract himself but he didn't realize it was also distracting you.
"Okay clearly you're not fine, tell me what's going on."
"No, it's nothing. The movie is almost over. Let's ju-"
And my god he looks at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes before dropping his head and saying "I.. I found your strap today.. looking through our closet.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have looked in the box"
And you just start laughing at him. He's just so cute and embarrassed and he's just your little baby : ( your Channie : (
"Baby it's fine. But why are you so worried about it? You knew I had it, I don't mind."
"It's not that. I know you won't care if I seen it.. I was just thinking.." and he looks up at you, pupil blown out and slightly glossed over "... What if *we* used it..?"
"Baby, I can just use you anyways, you're so much better than some piece of rubber"
He looks down again with his ears turning bright red-
"I didn't mean use it on you.."
Oh.... OHHHH..... oh what a dirty boy.
A crazy smile is spread across your face from one ear to the other and you pick his head up and hold it in your hands
"Of course we can! Why don't you go pick out your favorite dildo of mine while I go grab the strap?" You say as you give him a little kiss on his pouty lips.
In a matter of seconds, his head shoots up and out of your hands and he's completely surprised at your response
"Wait.. what??? You.. you'd wanna do that?? Isn't that a little.. I don't know.. weird??" He says scratching the back of his head
You laugh at him again while shaking your head.
"Baby, I've wanted to peg your pretty ass from day one. Remember how you fucked me on my bed with my standing mirror at the end of the bed? Well I was watching your ass the whole time. Who said I don't wanna turn you into a subby mess while you're desperately fucking yourself on my cock"
And the way his cock twitches in his pants while his eyes roll back in his head 🥴
"Now are you gonna go pick out my cock to use on you or are we gonna finish the movie"
and he RUNS to the room leaving you giggling on the couch.
GOOOOOOOOOOOOD I'm a mess at work over this 🥴
i have nothing to add HES JUST DELICJOUS
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Not Today Satan
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
(Requested by 21 can you do sum for meeee @hoodharlow)
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Liked by y/ninsta, saweetie, dualipa, 2forwoyne, quiiso, urbanwyatt, and 425,907 others
claybornharlow: happy anniversary to my wifey y/ninsta
Love you 💕
claybornharlow: jackharlow no. I deserve to live in my truth 😌
saweetie: not baby brother being messy as hell lmaoooo
danivalentine: CLAYBORN!
urbanwyatt: lemme get my phone ready to call 911
y/ninsta: happy anniversary my favorite Harlow child! look at us! me and my little baby!
jackharlow: y/ninsta I will return EVERYTHING
y/ninsta: jackharlow no you won't because you a simp
sza: jackharlow wifey calling your ass out lmao
druski2funny: I mean, should I go make an anniversary post at this point too?
jackharlow: druski2funny I know where you live. don't do it.
normani: aww so cute!
jackharlow: normani no! not cute at all!
mortirolo: I'm actually not mad at this
mortirolo: jackharlow fine you're no fun. ahem! clayyyyy! cut the shit! (even if it is funny)
jackharlow: never mind 🙄
2forwoyne: lmaoooo aye yo
jackharlow: and he does this shit because if I threaten him, y/ninsta will have my ass smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow you damn right. you better not go near my little baby.
jackharlow: y/ninsta choose me, love me!
saweetie: jackharlow lmaoooo not grey's anatomy I'm screaming
softtcurse: I'm third in line for her hand in marriage. I'm ready.
urbanwyatt: softtcurse next time imma leave your ass outside when you knock on the door
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt leave my girl outside, and I'm putting your weed in my bra again
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Liked by y/ninsta, softtcurse, claybornharlow, danivalentine, mortirolo, champagnepapi, quiiso, yungskylark, and 3,297,056 others
dualipa: look at my wife. she a baddie isn't she? Happy anniversary boo! Wishing and hoping for many more!
claybornharlow: my anniversary post was better smh
dualipa: claybornharlow don't get your ass beat
jackharlowsource: lmaoooo first clay and now dua. jack about to be bald by 2027
urbandjack24: one thing about ms. dua is that she's persistant lmaoo
dualipa: jackharlow and you know what this is. I call it like I see it. MY WIFE.
jackharlow: dualipa imma whoop your ass
dualipa: jackharlow I'd like to see you try
y/ninsta: CHILDREN! STOP IT! and dualipa happy anniversary!
jackharlow: y/ninsta why are you encouraging this?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm bored
jackharlow: y/ninsta I am literally sitting right next to you
y/ninsta: jackharlow okay? I've been staring at you all day.
jackharlow: y/ninsta correction I've been in your guts all day
urbanwyatt: NO. FULL STOP.
sza: lmaooo here they horny asses go
dualipa: y/ninsta and I wasn't invited?
jackharlow: dualipa it's almost 2023 and imma need for you to find past times that do not involve trying to get at my wife
dualipa: jackharlow I saw her first
dualipa: jackharlow I have eyes everywhere
y/ninsta: jackharlow I want you to park that big mac truck right in this little garage!
jackharlow: y/ninsta oh so now you want me?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I always do, now get your ass over here
jackharlow: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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Liked by jackharlow, y/ninsta, dualipa, champagnepapi, estgee, brysontiller, danivalentine, lilnasx, druski2funny, and 4,982,073 others
popcrave: happy anniversary to one of our favorite couples! jackharlow and y/ninsta are celebrating five years today! 🥰
jackharlow: damn my baby fine 😍😍😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow stop it! 🙈
jackharlow: y/ninsta nope, not a chance
anitta: oh lmaoooo okay then
jackharlow: anitta you got something you want to share?
danivalentine: OH SHIT
shloob_: anitta ABORT MISSION
saweetie: let me get my popcorn
anitta: jackharlow oh you know there's plenty but I'll be quiet for now
jackharlow: anitta not today satan. stop being fucking disrespectful towards her because you've done that shit one time too many. my wife already kicked your ass once and she has no hesitations to do it again. how did them floorboards taste?
urbanwyatt: well damn
jackharlowsource: allthingsy/n GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW AND LOOK AT THIS
allthingsy/n: FUCKING RIGHT JACK! TELL HER!!!!!
2forwoyne: I can't fucking breathe, I'm laughing so hard 😭
druski2funny: lmaoooo I taught jackharlow well
saweetie: jackharlow READ THAT BITCH FOR FILTH! READ HER!
quiiso: well shit
jackharlow: anitta and instead of worrying about us and creating this fantasy in your mind that I want you because I definitely DO NOT, only dresses I'm taking off are on my wife's body. do me a favor and worry about how your tracks came out a little too easily when she got her hands on you. talked all that shit and was the first one on the floor.
theestallion: damn, Jack ain't playing
jackharlow: anitta and another thing, my wife has more talent in her pinky finger than you do in your entire body so I'm going to need for you to focus on that instead of how you're always going to come second place to her. she wins, you lose. bye now. have a good day.
urbanwyatt: you gotta do a mic drop after that one
y/ninsta: anitta damn babes, he came for the throat huh?
yungskylark: oh my word
y/ninsta: jackharlow I knew that violence was going to rub off sooner or later but GOT DAMN YOU GOT ME HOT. PLEASE COME TAKE CARE OF THIS NEOW 😭😭😭
jackharlow: y/ninsta say less 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
jackharlow: and let this be a fucking lesson to yall. don't come for my wife. EVER.
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spacefoxy-irl · 3 months
I hate being THAT guy, but I kinda agree on your thoughts about Ace. Don't get me wrong, he was great in the band. He was an OG and he had talent, but goddamn there were so many things about him that rubbed me the wrong way. And it IS hard to be super critical because of all the Ace simps, but truthfully, I never was one. He was never as great as he hyped himself up to be. Tommy surpassed him YEARS ago. He just refuses to accept it.
Spice ahead.
These are always super difficult things to talk about. I avoid speaking my mind because like I said, I don't want to upset anyone. That's not my intention here. And let me get this straight, I'm not villanizing anyone for liking Ace. I don't believe for one second that anyone likes him for the bad stuff he's done and said. So yeah, I'm not saying anyone who likes him is a bad person or they should stop liking him.
But back to my point - yeah super difficult stuff and I don't want to start any fandom discourse here. But I kinda boiled over. Because I rarely do that, I seem to have gained some kind of reputation as someone who blindly adores people and there are some people who for whatever reason believe I'm an Ace defender (again I'm very confused where that came from since I don't even talk about the guy, like ever) or that I defend the dumb shit he's done (that n*zi dressup ask I got ages ago, again very confused because I have never even touched on that). People have gotten a very skewed image of me as a fan, it seems. I do have opinions. I usually keep them to myself because like I said, I don't want to anger or hurt anyone who likes these people.
I'm reaching the end of my tether with Ace though. Tommy does not deserve the shit he's getting and him trying to pull Eric Singer into this is super scummy. Those two kept Kiss afloat for the past 2 decades and while Ace checked out both times he was in the band. For heaven's sakes, he checked out on his own solo band too to the point Todd had to make most of the music and he just showed up to play on it. And lets not even begin with him doing drugs with his own daughter.
Ok I'm getting a bit too deep into it now. I guess this is mask off - whoops, Jen's not just blindly adoring people and not acknowledging the problematic shit. But yeah, I'm tired of him having to lift himself up by dunking on Tommy who has never done anything to him. I can't stand it.
I'll end this with something positive, so this is not gonna be just a huge post of me foaming at the mouth. Ace is an excellent guitarist. If anyone wants to look up to him in any way, let it be his skill in playing.
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lixenn · 3 days
KHR reread
Chapter 62
Next arc! Next arc! Next arc! Whoop whoop!
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Anyways Ken really seems to be incapable of shutting his mouth, i could make a sex joke here but I will refrain.
Obligatory Kyoya simping
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He's such a fucking dork, it's hilarious. Also flip phone, damn this manga is old 🤣🤣
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This interaction is hilarious to me, also yes random kendo kouhai Hibari is indeed God 🫡
Ohhh it's pineapple time hehehehe
Chapter 64
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*squints* sounds fake but okay
@eternitas @dontknow-willaddlater obligatory Dera tag
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Ahhh yes the fight strat explaination... a classic 🤣🤣
Chapter 65
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Well... shit has certainly hit the fan. Nice 👍🏼lemme at the action, I was a good girl and reread the daily life arc which had good crack to appreciate but I'm hungry for blood, for pain, for all sorts of bodily impalement... Gimme gimme gimme o((>ω< ))o
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Actually! Question! How does this yoyo even work??? How does he store so many needles in that small thing, do they all fit in that? Does he just have several yoyo's prepped for battle and he switches them out when they run empty? Because you can't tell me that he reloads those in the heat of the fight. ... Where does he get all does needles from? Does he buy them in bulk? Is Chikusa actually a cloud and is propagating the needles? I've only seen him written as a Rain, I have no clue if his flame type is even known (maybe from a game or something) but again... Just NEEDLES!!! (I might not make any sense and yes i know shounen manga logic is at work here but still...)
@zoroara tagging you because weapons
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OHHHHHHHHHH serious Takeshi!!! *smashing the like button so hard it breaks* INSTANT APPROVAL!! Fuck serious Takeshi is so fucking cool, I love it so much 💜💜✨✨
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I love that in the backgrond interaction between Takeshi and Bianchi, it's a small detail but it adds flavour imo, Lix stamp of approval!!
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Mafia information network??? MAfiA iNfoRmAtIOn NeTwOrk???? Ex-fucking-cuse me? Like don't just name drop this? Give me more info? How is it structured? How does it work? Whose part of it? Is it an offical thing or more just rumours going around? I NEED ANSWERS GODAMMIT!!!!
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@childe-of-saulot my liege these words reminded me of you, so you get tagged
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Okay that tomato thing is hilarious? Is this Reborn just trolling here? It feels like Reborn is just trolling, but it's still funny as hell.
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Tsuna relying on Reborn, I like how even when Reborn makes Tsuna's life a chaotic nightmare, he still turns to Reborn in times of need even this early in the story.
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bella-rose29 · 3 months
episode 4 commentary - Sweet Dreams
warnings: swearing, once again barely any of this is proper commentary it's just me calling everyone pretty and simping over their hands and arms, SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW AND BOOKS, when I have multiple of the same letter in a row (so like AAAAA) I have to press the key every single time (fun) so... idk why it's a warning but I felt like you just needed to know how excited I got
that's a funky headboard
omg I want her jumper
that toast would have scared the shit out of me too Lucy dw
concerned bbs
"we were not 'rescued'" and "stuck up mediocrities" will forever be iconic
"he lacks respect"
this whole scene always makes me laugh tbh
so many good quotes
"you take the lie, and you take Kipps' face and put them together--"
"and you just wanna watch him... die"
"please tell me there's tea" mood AND THEN HE'S THE ONE MAKING TEA
concerned bbs again
"you're just not rude enough to her, George"
the way he appears round that door 😭
I will not be discussing the sound I made at lockwood sat in the chair after passing on the business card
Georgie no
spiky shoes
my dried mango I'm eating is so good
lockwood's so pretty omg
so is lucy
hmmmmmmmmmm lockwood
why does his mouth not move
also why was that hot
rainy taxi
George looks so excited talking about the black market I love him
George I love you
lockwood could your ego get any bigger (but also hehehe)
"proper honest blokes, real salt of the earth"
"you've never even spoken to them"
*pause* "yeah well they're a bit scary"
"go write a poem about it!" George you beautiful human being
showman speech! showman speech!
"you will have my undivided attention" gbsgsukrhgosuruhgksh I would melt and then evaporate when he smiled
"no backbone this generation!"
"I am not filling out more forms" mood
he's so pretttyyyyyyyyy
woo they have chains now!
lockwood is so angry
"it knows you're there" oh very comforting
omg Lucy nooo
hehehe it's her bestie
touching locklyle moment of: "Luce, what's going on? are you okay?"
*George in the background* "WhERe'S mY LiGht?"
yeah well don't open it
"stand by" lockwood honey she's not in any state of mind to deal with this
Georgie nooooo
idk if it's a thing but the fact that lockwood was the only seemingly unaffected??? Lucy obviously has Listening, and George can do some of the Touch stuff, so does that mean they're more susceptible to psychic emotions? George had the nausea and Lucy had the headache and all the rest of it but lockwood was fine? idk
"all someone had to do was apply themselves!" iconic
bit dusty now
heavily breathing lockwood 👀
hehehe bestieeee
already trying to get out lolllllll
oh no the boys are fighting :(
"you'd never bollock her like this would you"
tired-of-this-lockwood is one of my favourites I think
"iS iT tALkInG tO yOu nOw?"
don't talk about the room
"clinically insane-" "really FUCKING powerful" I love them
"you gave her a free pass just 'cause you like the way she looks at you" ok 1) DUDE SAID THAT WITH LUCY IN THE ROOM I LOVE HIM and 2) honestly I am lockwood bc I too would give her a free pass if Lucy looked at me like 😍 (or even if she just looked at me tbh)
"I don't know what you're talking about" "yeah sure" I AM GEORGE IN THIS SITUATION
boy's angry
"why, 'cause you can't handle being my Tom Rotwell?" OOOO WHAT A BLOW TO THE EGO
sorry can you tell I love that bit
aw Georgie nooo
lanky boy
Georgie noooo
is that a FQD I see?
hehehe he's so silly
"he was a massive prick to me just now" he deserved that
awkward teens hehehe
"the real reason you might be here is to shine it on somebody else" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
WHY AM I TEARING UP (I think it's the hormones actually)
his smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
omg the awkwardness after they sat in silence staring at each other and holding hands
ok but the fact they cut to george's room but showed it through the mirror on his wardrobe???????? omggggg deep analysis of when mirrors are used here we come
he's so pretty
not the biscuit 😭
"do not cross" *crosses*
he looks like a guilty child
he sounds like one too
"absolutely by the book" sure...
heavily breathing lockwood hmmmmmmm
I'm sorry I can't take bobby Vernon seriously bc I just think of bobby (who isn't that small) and I laugh
I've had to pause it which is a problem bc it's gonna take me a while to get through this 😭
he's so smug omg 😭
"there you go, sir" with as much smugness as possible
screeching like a parrot at bobby's laugh
I actually can't stop laughing this is ridiculous
"yes, I do, actually" YOU SHOW THEM GEORGIE
"you sure you do?" "I know who that man is"
"this better be good Karim" *immediately aims his attack at bobby*
"they'll be glad of the work, but this is Phoenician" I AM A PROUD BESTIE JUST LIKE LOCKWOOD AND LUCY ARE IN THAT MOMENT
"bobby, just a hunch. something I read in a book, if you remember those" I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOUR
he's having so much fun being smarter than bobby Vernon and I love it
"thank you bobby, you've been a wonderful assistant"
*gets a shot of just him concluding his point like the DIs in death in paradise while looking awesome*
"shut up karim" "you thought it was a brewer!" ah, rivalry
lockwood looks so thin (like thinner than he normally does) he kinda looked like a cartoon I won't lie
barnes is so done
"shall we get hotdogs"
he's so smug
stop calling him irrelevant bestie
lucy's "oh for god's sake" in the background is me
"Quill Kipps, the walking appendix" ok 1) honey go to bed and 2) why was the way he said that kinda 👀🤭
lockwood seriously go to bed, your brain is clearly not functioning properly
"three less amateurs stumbling around" um kipps if you're going to insult them could you at least say fewer? (I'm a pedant just like lockwood)
"what the hell is he doing" "whatever the hell he wants" hehehe
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moyokeansimblr · 1 year
Académie Le Tour Dormie Pool
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I received a comment on my LFT Dormie Pool post asking about pools for the other two universities, so have some Académie Le Tour dormies!
All 50 ALT dormies, ready to be added to your dormie-less ALT!
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I gave everybody a cellphone and any information the wiki had on them such as LTWs and Interests if they had them. Names will be randomized when you add the pool but you can change them with simpe back to their originals.
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Secret Society members have the appropriate token, but I once again did not test to see if they actually are really members whoops. Also, I again may or may not have fixed Houston’s broken face.
Keep in mind they’re pictured here with my default skin and eyes.
Now I must tell you the potential bad news... 😳 I made two blunders, one incredibly minor and the other slightly larger. The minor blunder is that Zion Cormier actually accidentally has blonde eyebrows instead of black. He didn't extract with his blue hair and when I gave it to him in CAS his eyebrows changed blonde and I unfortunately didn't notice. Easily changeable.
The larger blunder is that I was dumb and made the empty subhood before I extracted the dormies from original ALT and I forgot to re-disable the university neighborhood templates after so 12 character files of professors generated and I didn't realize until I was almost finished townifying 😫 But I created numerous test hoods and I've found that the 12 professor character files don't get added if UALT is added as the second university. Example if you add any other university and then add "Académie Le Tour Dormie Pool" you don't get them. If you add ONLY "Académie Le Tour Dormie Pool" you do. I'm so sorry! 😫 But if you wind up with 12 professors, I guess you're free to keep, kill etc them but I didn't want to touch them myself.
To use the dormie pool, place the UALT folder into either
C: > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > University Life > TSData > Res > NeighborhoodTemplate
or C: > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > The Sims 2 University > TSData > Res > NeighborhoodTemplate
or if you have your game installed somewhere else, so long as it winds up in the neighborhood template folder of your university EP.
After that, add it like a normal university. After you add it, you can delete it (provided it’s not the only unversity) and the dormies will stay.
As with anything, and especially due to my mistake, I recommend adding to a test throwaway hood before adding to hoods you care about. Don’t forget backups! 🙏I warned you! 💕
Download Académie Le Tour Dormie Pool on Patreon (FREE)
But please consider becoming a patron if you like what I do so I know! 🙏
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diodellet · 1 day
3 sets of unfinished twst headcanons
hahaha im doing a little bit of spring cleaning for my wips, i kinda wanted any of these to be my first proper twisted wonderland fanfiction, but well, the simping rot 🐍 was just stronger. it was nice looking back on these braindumps though cw: supernatural horror for the first bit be careful if ur sensitive to that stuff, unbeta'd all mistakes are mine.
Sadako is that u? oh it was actually jamil -
Where Yuu and Grim manage to chase out the ghosts of Ramshackle, but in return, a more malevolent presence haunts the dorm.
I couldn't decide if this would focus on the 1st Year Squad or on the VDC people because of the dorming situation.
Lmao either way, Ace would be pissing himself over staying over again. (Deuce would've laughed at Ace for a bit, until he gets spooked by the ghost*)
But either way, it would've worked, I just imagine that the NRC cast would be waaay more susceptible to the hauntings (if being a mage requires good visualization and stuff, then i imagine they'd be prone to the symptoms of a haunting.)
I don't know if this is just a thing in the Philippines, but people who can see ghosts and mythical creatures are referred to "having a third eye" (do not look up Philippine ghost stories on your own)
To list a few of the haunting shenanigans I had in mind (some taken from IRL accounts and others from horror movies): sleep paralysis episodes, doppelgangers, seeing faces in the second floor window, losing things and finding them in a completely different place, knocking and scratching at the walls, sleepwalking, pets showing sudden unwarranted aggression at empty air, hearing something call out your name while using someone else's voice, apparitions in phone pics, random bruises/scratch marks, and so on.
I kinda imagine that beastmen and fae (read: Jack and Sebek) would just be filled with a sense of wrong while even at a distance from the Ramshackle Dormitory. The only close encounter would be seeing Yuu's "doppelganger" and knowing that it isn't them, but not knowing how to confront "Yuu"
Deuce would definitely get locked into a room/closet. After escaping, he refuses to spend a second alone in Ramshackle.
Epel isn't all that scared compared to the rest of the cast. He's used to urban legends and spooky noises, the things that come with living in a small farming town. Until the spirit proves that it can cause harm to the living.
While I'm all for Rook spooking the spirit instead, I think he would have close encounters along the lines of only seeing brief glimpses of it before something bad happens in the Ramshackle dorm. I think it would freak him out more if you ended up sleepwalking/getting possessed by the ghost.
In line with Vil's fixation on beauty, he definitely gets those moments of seeing another person in the mirror's reflection, only to turn around to see nothing. Or he gets the clump of hair in the bathroom sink/foot of the bed.
I was thinking of having a fakeout ghost sighting with Jamil. He has the hair and rbf for it lmao.
On a more serious note, while Jamil's good at putting on a brave/unbothered face, internally, he'd be thrumming with adrenaline and end up jumping at the slightest sound (Kalim's worrying sets off his hypervigilance and he lowkey suffers a mini heart attack every time 😔++he's the one to suggest sharing a room with Kalim for the night. For his peace of mind - I mean, so Kalim shuts up about the damn ghost*, whoops typo)
For Kalim, I wasn't sure if he'd be scared in the first place. Because in his mind, the darkness that humans are capable of is more terrifying than a haggard ghost. But also, I think he'd be prone to sleep paralysis episodes while sleeping at Ramshackle.
Grim gets the worst of the haunting, oh, the amount of times he's curled up to sleep with Yuu, only to wake up in the middle of the night to see that it wasn't Yuu.
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The Great NRC Beach Volleyball Tourney
based off of a fandom dream where i was playing as setter for vil. i don't have strong mental visuals, but i just knew that i was staring in awe at vil every time he'd spike. aside from being torn on how i'd segment this, also writing in-chara trash talk is not my strong suit. ah,,, it was nice to think about this fic idea though....
funny story, the file was initially named: he doesnt sweat he Glistens
Beach volleyball is played by 2 people, everyone draws straws for their partner. Reader's partner is Vil Schoenheit. (cue a speedthrough of the 5 stages of grief)
The prize: First dibs for the barbecue that the NRC staff are preparing and bragging rights, or sumn I didn't think that far ahead.
Vil's "Remaining on the stage until the very end" but make it volleyball (I'm sorry I'm a Haikyuu-natic, that ailment sticks for life I'm afraid.)
Reader has 0 trust in their own skills (except for defense), but in beach volleyball, it's only you two, so that means making do and taking turns. (aka I used to play libero, holy shit dont make me spike.)
It also means being treated close-ups to the Vil's glorious visage, seriously how does he make athletic exertion look effortless and cool?
Vil reminding you to touch up on your sunscreen during time outs
Collapsing onto the sand after an intense rally, but Vil just pulls you back up onto your feet because there's still one more set before the match ends
Every time you make a mistake, like setting the ball too far, I imagine he would grip the top of your head while scolding you. Like how Kageyama does lmao
I realized that imagining playstyles for the rest of the NRC cast was not feasible, but I have some thoughts for a few.
He's ok, has a height or prior ball/team sports advantage that gives a bit of challenge, but probably loses from too many reckless errors/losing steam throughout the match: Ace Trappola (but he sucks at communicating with his teammate though*), Deuce Spade, Floyd Leech (kinda)
*Source: I mean my only reference is my highschool intramurals games, while the bball varsity players have the strength and reflexes, they were also lowkey annoying with how they dont call the ball. actually, from my observation, badminton varsity students were the only people who could seamlessly transition to playing volleyball (it sucks because it doesn't work the other way around. i cannot for my life play badminton)
Says he doesn't have much experience in playing, but for some reason rallies tend to last for a long while, and why do you feel like you're being watched and targeted during your opponent's plays: Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt (mfer is bantering with Vil during your match), Sebek Zigvolt, Ruggie Bucchi, Lilia Vanrouge (until he gets a migraine or sumn)
Tries their damndest, but they're just not that experienced. Still annoying to play against them because of their sheer tenacity: Epel Felmier, Kalim al-Asim (and he's doing it all with a smile on his face, so annoying), Silver (darn narcolepsy, his biggest opponent is himself fr fr), Ortho Shroud (he wanted Idia to try with him but oh well), Riddle Rosehearts
Not that into it, ngl, but it was fun to try: Cater Diamond, Trey Clover (was kinda difficult to play against because he had height++some observational skills, but eh it's tiring), Jade Leech, (and to some extent Floyd when the novelty wears off), Malleus Draconia (i mean...guy's a loner, he'd probably ditch in the middle of the match to explore the tide pools or something)
Isn't playing, but probably refereeing the matches: Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, (kinda thought of putting Riddle here too)
Final opponents would probably be Leona and Jack because fate likes to meddle in these lighthearted affairs. They're literal brains and brawn, also they kinda foil yours++Vil's partnership.
This is just a shot-in-the-dark headcanon, but I feel like while Jack can do jump serves, I think Leona would hit sky balls (super high underhand serves) to be extra mean. Also, they know to target you since you're the defensive core of the team (which pisses Vil off because he's not that bad of a player himself.)
The sun is beating down on the top of your head and the back of your neck. The heat of the early afternoon rays are sapping your strength away and all you want to do at this point is to run into the glorious glittering blue sea, away from the match in front of you. Like your partner would let you ditch, you think to yourself bitterly. Maybe the heat is getting to you. The whistle sounds and you drop your hips, waiting for the telltale slap of the ball from your opponents' side. The ball soars over the net and you shift to receive it, passing it to Vil. You wince at the sting against your skin. Your forearms are red and raw, your thighs are burning from running back and forth across your team's side of the court, but you push through the exertion, wait for Vil's set to spike at an unguarded area of your opponent's side. Thwack! Blocked - you curse, falling backwards from your jump, a fist outstretched to try and keep the ball in the air. It's futile, your arm is a mere centimeter apart from the ball - "I got it!" Ugh, Vil's been picking up after your mistakes for the past few rallies now. That was embarrassing. You'll slam this one into the ground. Scrambling to your feet, you run up to the net and swing.
Spoiler: the point goes to Jack and Leona. Their tactic to wear at your stamina, then Vil's is going heavily in their favor.
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the ramshackle prefect is a plantito
I had a brief Strange Horticulture phase (dont me i love papers please-style games)++there was a time during the pandemic when my parents and relatives got into raising a shitton of plants. the front of the houses were just covered in so much green. it was wild lmao. sadly im not plant literate, so this was just a pleasant idea to think about.
Wherein everyone gifts the prefect a plant for Ramshackle, like Little Shop of Horrors without Audrey going rogue*
Jack is way too happy to gift you your first plant. Also, he thinks he's being slick, but it's obvious how happy your attempts at a green thumb make him with how much more often he visits Ramshackle during his morning runs.
Epel is also a lifesaver when it comes to saving your plants from amateur neglect. Though you can see Vil's mannerisms rubbing off on him with how he lectures you.
In addition to decorative plants, you also grow a meager vegetable garden which Azul tries to negotiate some kind of deal for the Mostro Lounge (You're both friends, aren't you? Wouldn't you let him take a portion of whatever you manage to harvest? What if he also took care to supply you with potent homemade plant growth supplies? No, he's not trying to cut down on costs from importing veggies he'll offer you a 30% cut of the profits - and so on)
While I think Jade would also be happy with this sprucing up of Ramshackle, he kinda gets pretentious about what plant species are good to house close to each other. I think he'd also nag you about the surrounding ecosystem and stuff (while at the same time finding a secluded spot to grow his own shrooms, the piece of shit 😤)
In my mind, Riddle and Vil would offer a high-maintenance plant species while going on some spiel about how hard work produces the most beautiful plant/fruit/flower whatever.
Kalim almost ends up gifting you a critically-endangered Scalding Sands plant but he decides against it (with lots of exasperated advising from Jamil) and is instead willing to help you with whatever you need, an extra hand with gardening, money for supplies and tools, anything really! (With your guilty conscience and a pre-emptive lecture from Jamil, you politely decline Kalim's offers.)
Ruggie gives the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of pechay/Chinese cabbage. It's easy to raise, and he gets a free snack in a week, win-win!
Lowkey think that Ace and Deuce would gift a fake plant. Their contribution gets housed on the windowsill of your bedroom.
You'd think that Leona would also skip classes at Ramshackle once the gardening pops off, but he's a creature of habit. He prefers the vibes of the temperate zone of the Botanical Gardens lmao.
Actually I think Silver would end up becoming another frequent visitor, accidentally napping nd stuff.
*Instead of a plant going rogue, the conflict is the beginning part of Book 6 when Styx busts in to (unintentionally wreak havoc on your dorm) apprehend the overblotters.
Buuut, I already have an Idia-centric post-Book 6 angst fic in the works so...haha
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Omg hi it’s me again! Hope you’re well!
Can I request a Law x fem!Strawhat!reader where the reader is just so obviously and painfully a simp suffering from a huge crush on Law, please? The other Straw Hats are like “Y/N, please, this is annoying to watch. He’s not getting any of your hints.” Law is too busy thinking of murder and revenge to really see Y/N, so she’s like “that’s fine! I’ll just support you until you see me!” Which only angers her nakama because she deserves better than being a cheerleader for someone who doesn’t care (oh, but Law does care. Like, a lot).
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Notice Me!
Summary: You thought Law didn't have the same feelings for you but luckily, he proved you wrong 🤍.
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"You know, Y/n, Torao's not taking you seriously. He just probably thinks you're annoying him." Nami's words quickly saddened you, which makes the former regretted her choice of words. "UH-! I MEAN-!"
"It's fine, Nami. I already know about that, it's just, it's not so bad to take any risks, you know?" Chuckling, you smiled at the orange haired girl forcefully. "I'll just go eat some food Sanji had made. Later, Nami!" You ran off, not wanting to let the navigator see your unshed tears. You don't want to make her worry anymore after what happened to your previous failed crush, when said crush humiliated you in front of other people.
Sitting alone at the dining table, you began picking on your food with no intent on actually eating it. Suddenly, a shadow appeared above yours and you immediately look up, seeing your friend, Robin, staring down at you with a worried expression on her face. "Y/n, are you ok?" She took a seat next to you with her favorite book on her lap.
"I'm fine, Rob. You don't have to worry haha." But seems like the archaeologist wasn't convinced by your terrible lie.
"You don't sound ok at all, and I'd rather not see my friend cry over something." With that, Robin placed her book on top of the table and gave you a gentle smile. "Please talk to me, Y/n. Tell me what's troubling you. I'm here for you."
Just when you're about to retaliate, Law suddenly came in, his steel gray eyes meeting yours briefly. "Have any of you seen Mugiwara-ya? I need to talk to him about something." He frowned. Noticing that he's looking grumpier than usual, Robin raised an eyebrow but chose not to respond. "He's around here somewhere." She pointed towards the aquarium.
"Thank you." With that, Law left, leaving you two alone again.
After a few minutes of silence between the two of you, Robin finally spoke up. "You have feelings for Law, right?" She smiled at you knowingly. You flushed immediately.
"How did you-"
"It was quite obvious, really." She chuckled, sipping on the tea Sanji had brewed for her before. "The looks you gave Torao were those of an in-love teenage girl. It was quite cute, actually." The archeologist chuckled. "Did he know?"
You shook your head, slumping on your seat once again. "He didn't and I don't think he will ever notice the hints I gave him. He's too focused about our plan, after all. He's... not the type for romance, I can tell." You stood up, smiling down at Robin. "I had something to do, I'll talk with you later, Rob!" And then you're off once again, leaving behind a contemplating archeologist.
"Oh! I caught another one!" Usopp whooped happily, showing off his latest catch to you. "And it's bigger than yours, too!" You groaned.
"That's not fair!"
The sniper laughed. "If you want a bigger fish than mine, you've gotta catch one yourself."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Okay, alright." You held your fishing rod tightly as you and Usopp waited for fishes to bite your baits. Luckily, you don't have to wait for too long when a strong tug alerted you two.
"Holy shit! This one's strong!" You yelped, rising to your feet to pull up the fish. "Usopp, help! I need your muscles with this one!" Said sniper gets behind you immediately. "Roger that!"
But things got awry when your fish started pulling you harder, pulling the two off you near the railings. Usopp tried to hold on the rope that was close enough for him to grab on, but before he could, you were pulled over the railings. A small scream escaped your lips.
Just as you were going to dive off the ship, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you, stopping your fall by grabbing your waist and holding onto you.
"Got you." A familiar husky voice breathed out next to your ear, flustering you. You opened your eyes, and were met with gray ones belonging to the most attractive man you've ever laid eyes upon. Your cheeks were burning red, but you manage to stammer out a thank you before trying to move away from his grip, failing miserably.
Your legs are now dangling over the edge of the ship and Law's hold was the only thing that saved you from diving into the sea below. You felt your heart pounding against your chest, your breath hitched and your heart pounded even louder.
Law stared back at you intently, watching as your pupils dilated, and how your eyes slowly drifted to his lips. His heart beat sped up, the feeling of your body pressed tightly against him making him shiver involuntarily.
Just as he was about to speak, the two of you gasped when Law loosen his hold and got dipped into the water with you. Knowing that the surgeon can't swim, you immediately grabbed him and pulled him up with you.
You both broke the surface, coughing hard and sputtering out salty ocean water. You turned to Law and saw his face is beet red, his eyes still wide open, and he looked embarrassed.
Once your breathing calmed down, the first thing you heard was the sound of laughter coming from above you. Looking up, you saw your crewmates watching you and Law floating on the water with knowing grins.
"Torao! Don't you have something to tell Y/n?" Luffy laughed. Said surgeon grumbled out curses at the strawhat-wearing captain. "What is it?" You asked, hoping that your voice doesn't crack.
Law unconsciously gulped, looking away from you with his reddened cheeks. "It's nothing much..." But he stopped himself when you gently squeezed his arm.
"Well, spit it out! We haven't talked all day!" You playfully pushed his chest. His eyes widen at the action and the corners of his mouth tugged upwards into a small grin.
"Well..." Taking a deep breath, Law looked at you with an uncharacteristically smile. "I-"
"TORAO LIKES Y-!" Luffy cackled. "Shut it, Luffy! Don't ruin their moment! Y/n! Don't mind us haha!" Nami shouted, gripping the poor rubberman captain.
Seeing Luffy being dragged away by a very upset Nami and your other laughing friends, Law took the chance to turn back to you, a serious look on his face. You smiled at him nervously and waited patiently for what he would say.
"So... I... I love you." You couldn't contain your squeal or your happiness. Smiling brightly at him, you hugged him, giving him a tight squeeze while your other hand was clutching the back of his jacket. When the hug ended, you pouted slightly and glanced at him, noticing that he was blushing even more.
"I thought I never have a chance with you!" You sniffled, your own cheeks were reddened as much as his.
"Mhmp-!" The doctor was startled when you suddenly pulled him down into a passionate kiss. "Wha..." He didn't even get time to finish his sentence when you broke the kiss, grinning widely and hugging him tightly.
"I love you too, Law..." Said surgeon blushed and kisses your forehead.
"I'm glad."
At the end of the day, you and Law were lying down on the cots in the infirmary where Chopper were scolding the both of you for getting colds. But hey, at least Law loves you back, right? XD
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Hello, @winter-peach-fuzz , so sorry for the late answer :(! I hope you like this one, though I don't think I did a good job with this story, I'm so sorry! (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
PS: I got this bump on my forehead recently that may or may not affect my mind! Sorry! :(
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Hi, ummm... Sorry, I'm pretty sure you did told me your name, but i can't recall it anymore 😅
I am really glad to see you back to posting again) More glad, that you take things at slower pace)) And even more glad, that you are doing better overall)))
I wish you the best and hope to see around more💜
call me Pancake! Yeah I had countless issues back then- and I can’t explain how that exploded in everyone’s face- what scars it left me. I’m still treating those wounds- and it helps going at my own pace- with what I want to do<3
I own up to those mistakes- heaven can take me I paid my nickel- trauma is my girlfriend wheeze
But yeah I have a whole buncha wips I’ve been finishing these past few days with my improved skills! I’ve been developing it on my Dead by Daylight sideblog and it’s so… surreal seeing it with the RE8 ladies- I can’t stress enough how out of body the experience was drawing Donna again (and I made myself a Bernadette simp… whoops-)
Things may slow after the wips are done- no one around me knows RE8- but that’s because I chose to stay single and not let people too close to me anymore. I still love interacting and getting asks- all the old ones I want to answer eventually<3
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cordeliawhohung · 7 months
For the ask game! 1, 6, 12, 20, 25 (would you like someone to write one for you? And if so what would the request be?), 29.
!!! i answered 12 previously on this post <3
1: how many words have you written this year?
according to ao3 i have 305,003 published words for the year of 2023. however there's some small one shot and short stories i've published on tumblr, so i'd say add maybe another 30k words to that number? which is a lot more than i thought... whoops.
6: favorite title you used
hands down: everything you touch. it fits so well for reasons i don't know if i want to explain here because it'll delve into another soft spot ramble but... yes. this one.
20: which work of yours have you reread the most?
if i'm being honest i rarely go back to re read full parts of my work. i'll go back to read little bits just as i'm writing other parts to double check the world building and whatnot though, and for that it's a tie between some other life and worse than death!
25: did you receive any gifts this year? (would you like someone to write one for you? And if so what would the request be?)
so i'm assuming gifts are just like little things you write for people correct? (again i'm still new to ao3 and everything ;askldjf) but if so, then no! and i don't think i could ever ask someone to write something for me, and if they did my brain would short circuit honestly. if someone were to write something for me, well i'm a cod simp so take that idea and run lmao
29: favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
god just one? though i'm usually not proud of my writing overall, there are some sentences or things i write that just hurt so good ugh. So i'm gonna make it a tie between this:
When he was younger, before he joined the force, he was an apprentice to a butcher. People weren’t all too different from pigs, and he was still just as good with a knife. -"Everything You Touch - Part 4"
It would have been a perfect morning if it wasn’t for the blood. -"Everything You Touch - Part 3"
!!! thank you so much for the questions! i honestly am still dumbfounded at how much i've written like i'm some sort of freak of nature...
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
So after the sumeru story I couldn't simp for characters for awhile because of entertaining a different headspace so have this theory craft instead
Warning: a portion containing descriptions of severe hypothermia
I just had a thought about what the tsaritsa's possible archon power
So I remembered how the reason people in Sumeru don't have dreams is because lord rukkhadevata took them to save irminsul
And then also remembered the lines dain said in that one trailer that had all 7 nations and archons with cryo being "she is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her" which feels contradicting since the fatui has an almost cultist devotion towards as far as I have seen
Then I had an idea
The tsaritsa is basically "taking" their love or "drowning" them in hers to control them
My theory was further realized when I saw how Scaramouche is the only one (so far at least) who doesn't sound extremely dedicated or respectful towards her which I'll go out of bounds and say it's because he has the powers of an archon inside his body to resist her mind control (like how Nahida wasn't at all affected by Dottore's dream device unlike traveler and paimon)
Speaking of Dottore I find it odd how he's talking really similarly to Signora who was basically manipulated by the fatui for god knows how long when the guy by all accounts is a wild card that only works for certain people if he gets something out of it
There's also some fatui agents that I noticed something different about
The one's trapped in the chasm are talking coherent and feel like they have their own personalities, this is also true for the one's in the last archipelago event with that mirror maiden looking for her brothers (very desperately I might add) and what these two have in common is that they're hinted at having been away from their home nation for a very long time unlike the mobs that sounds distorted and drone like with vaguely dark connotations
And lastly the theme of love with cryo
I can't remember which culture this old story is from but it talks about an ice queen who kidnapped a little boy as her own but even if he's happy in her embrace he's still slowly freezing to death from her kisses and hugs
Also I don't think real science is at play but I thought it was interesting enough to mention. Hypothermia victims sometimes would take off their clothes even when they have severe freezing because of a "hot flash" tricking them into believing they're warming up too much
Which brings me back to my tsaritsa's archon power point
Basically her subjects are so submerged in her control that it feels like "love" to them even if that's not how they truly feel nor is the tsaritsa's love genuine
If this is true I wonder what would happen in the story quest(another rebellion like ancient Mondstadt perhaps?)
And what would become of characters like Childe? someone so passionately dedicated that he puts the tsaritsa as equal to his family in importance
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
-Vagabond Anon
I just finished crying over Rukkhadevata again wassup *coughing fit* I'm not entirely up to date with all the Tsaritsa lore in the game because it's still too far (and my mind is full of theories related to what we JUST learned)
But this is very much a good theory! It would at least explain the connection of the archon's principles to their nation (like freedom with Mond, wisdom with Sumeru, justice with Fontaine) but I can't be too sure since I haven't noticed the npcs much outside of Sumeru whoops
I think I can agree on the hypothermia thing being related to it - actually I am imagining that Snezhnaya is filled with snow and ice as a symbol of the Tsaritsa's love/watch over the nation, unknowing that it's slowly killing her people? Or maybe it's really just her complete disregard for their people
Iirc my first thought when I heard Dain say that was that she abandoned loving her people and instead now 'loves' Khaenri'ah, putting her attention to avenging that nation by battling Celestia even if it causes great casualties.
Or maybe Dain's being a bitch again and is just surface level observing, like how he jebaited us with Sumeru. But I wonder if the peak of Snezhnaya would be the Fatui against Celestia already. Either way we have little to no info, tho I have a feeling we'll have to hit the books on ahem historical parallels
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