adrianamadedecor · 3 years
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Be merry #christmasbanner #christmasdecor #manteldecor #whreath #christmaspennant #pennant #paperbanner #giftbanner https://www.instagram.com/p/CYFOIpDLqVT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mykhedsvitlana · 3 years
Trick or Treat. Décoration Halloween 😱👻🕷 ACHETER 🕷👻😱 👉 https://www.svitlana-mykhed.fr/couronne-halloween 😱👻🕷Couronne décorative HALLOWEEN. CHAT FLUO LUMINEUX (Après quelques minutes de lumière, le Chat brille la nuit ou dans des endroits sombres ! ) 😱👻🕷 Couronne décorative SORCIÈRE. #svitlanamykhed#couronne#halloweendecor#halloween#halloweenparty#whreath#wreath#sorciere#chat#cat#deco#decoration#pumpkin#citrouille#decorateur#automne https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXTK8DlJyp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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saboresdecanela · 3 years
coroa de framboesa e chocolate/chocolate raspberry whirl wreath
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[please scroll down for english version]
massa para 9 unid pequenas ou 1 grande 350ml de leite gordo 60g de açúcar 10 sementes de cardamomo esmagadas 85 g de manteiga sem sal 7g fermento seco para pão 1 ovo médio 500 g de farinha simples, mais extra para polvilhar 1 c. de chá de sal
Recheio 4 c. sopa de doce de framboesa e chocolate 2 c. de chá de canela em pó misturada com 2 c. de chá de açúcar
Numa caçarola aqueça o leite com o açúcar e o cardamomo. Adicione a manteiga , retire do calor e deixe em infusão 4 a 5 minutos. Coe para um jarro, e arrefeça. Quando estiver morno, adicione o fermento e o ovo e misture bem. Peneire a farinha para uma tigela grande com o sal e faça uma cova no centro. Adicione o líquido e misture com as mãos até agregar. Se estiver um pouco seco adicione leite, se estiver muito fluído adicione farinha. Só a necessária para a massa não resultar seca. Numa superfície de trabalho levemente enfarinhada, amasse durante 5-10 minutos até ficar lisa e elástica. Transfira para uma tigela, cubra com um pano limpo e deixe num lugar quente por cerca de uma hora ou até duplicar de volume. Vaze a massa com os dedos e coloque numa superfície levemente enfarinhada. Com o rolo forme um retângulo com 30cm x 60cm, com o lado maior virado para si. Apare os lados e divida em 3 partes no sentido do comprimento e da largura, de modo a obter 9 rectangulos. Espalhe o doce uniformemente sobre a massa e polvilhe com a mistura de canela, deixando uma borda de 2 cm em cada rectângulo, no lado maior mais perto de  si. Enrole a massa firmemente de cada rectângulo, a partir do lado maior, mais distante de si. Corte a massa dos 9 rolos ao meio longitudinalmente para expor as camadas. Se preferir, não corte uma das extremidades, torna mais fácil entrançar as coroas. Começando numa extremidade, cruze as peças uma sobre a outra, mantendo as camadas expostas para cima. Repita para todas.Transfira para um tabuleiro forrado com papel e forme cada grinalda ou coroa, dobrando as extremidades para debaixo da massa. Tape com um pano limpo e coloque num lugar quente por uma hora, ou até duplicar de volume. Enquanto isso, aqueça o forno a 180ºC / 350ºF / Gas 4. Coloque as coroas no forno aquecido e asse por  20 min, até que fique ligeiramente dourada. Retire do forno e transfira para uma grade metálica.
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Makes 9 small wreaths or 1(large) 350ml full-fat milk 60g caster sugar 10 cardamom pods, crushed 85g unsalted butter 1 x 7g sachet fast-action dried yeast 1 medium egg 500g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 1 tsp salt
filling 4 tbsp raspberry-chocolate  jam 2 tsp ground cinnamon mixed with 2 tsp caster sugar
Warm the milk in a pan with the sugar and cardamom. Once steaming, add the butter and let it melt, then remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 4-5 minutes. Pour through a sieve into a jug, cool until only just warm, then add the yeast and egg and mix well. Sift the flour into a large bowl with the salt and make a well in the centre. Add the liquid and mix with your hands until it comes together. If it is a little too dry add a splash more milk, and if it feels a little too wet you can add a little more flour, but err on the wetter side to avoid a dry dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Transfer to a clean bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and leave in a warm place for about an hour or until doubled in size. Punch down the dough with your knuckles and turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll it out to a rectangle about 25 x 45cm, with the long side towards you. Spread the jam evenly over the dough and sprinkle with the cinnamon mixture, leaving a 2cm border on the long side closest to you. Roll the dough up as tightly as you can, starting from the long side furthest from you. Slice the dough in half along its length to expose the layers. If you fancy, leave one end of the dough uncut as it makes it easier to twist the wreath without it all falling apart. Starting at one end, cross the pieces over each other, keeping the exposed layers uppermost and work down the length of the dough, Then transfer to a lined baking sheet and shape into a wreath, by folding the ends over each other to continue the plait. Cover with a clean tea towel or lightly greased cling film and leave in a warm place for an hour, or until doubled in size. Meanwhile heat the oven to 180C / 350F / Gas 4. Place the wreath in the heated oven and bake for 30-35 minutes until lightly golden, then remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool. 
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thepaperboatblog · 7 years
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#newpostonblog a tema #natale con la #ghirlanda natalizia #DIY! goo.gl/4LGS6S #thepaperboatblog ❄⛄ #faidate #handmade #whreath #Christmas #christmaswhreath #creatività
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beatricekawaiiworld · 4 years
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☆゚.*・。゚ New Post  ☆゚.*・。゚
☆゚.*・。゚ Clothes: Wild @ Heart-Toddledoo and Bebe-Includes:Shirt,Pants,Sandles-Head Whreath  ☆゚.*・。゚
☆゚.*・。゚  Taxi: Sweet Hearts Store  ☆゚.*・。゚ ☆゚.*・。゚ Sponsor: Sweet Hearts ☆゚.*・。゚
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obeautyweddingdress · 6 years
Springtime is on of my favorite time of year full of hopes and energy, and one of the many reasons is for that amazingly cute decor, which includes Easter. Easter represents the perpetuity of existence, so symbols of fertility and rebirth are apt to bring good luck and prosperity to every home that celebrates it.
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"Pappi" an ANCIENT force of nature originally from Cambodia... looks like an old jamacian/ Hatian seemingly always whreathed in smoke... Peace and love. Uses nature powers to "Grow Medications" Supplies DRUGS ILLEGALLY to patients with cataracta, seziures,  severe mental disorders. Was been given multiple "cease and decist" orders by the American government. Arguably "team leader". Can: Spontaneously grow and control plantlife. Create Interdimensional pockets of Space in Time. Miner weather control. Is ancient. Speaks 243 languages (poorly).  Has low respect for laws of man. Cares about people. A lot. Produces Medicine to help keep Dust calm.
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letsdecorateonline · 8 years
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Laurel Whreath BATHMAT-Personalized initials-his and hers Tub mat- Name em My love for my country erged me to show my products together with the beauty of my country. 
The backround photo shows the August Full Moon as seen in Thira, Santorini, Cyclades,Greece Lat summer broidery- egyptian cotton 700gr- gift- wedding gift-Christmas gift
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hikidashi35 · 10 years
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冬のワークショップ  2014.NOV
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afrenchladyinnc · 12 years
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