#whumpcember day20
firealder2005 · 2 years
Whumpcember 2022 Day. 20 “IT’S TOO LATE!”
Featuring: Part 2 of Leia, Luke, & Vader! Vader POV this time!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43602351
Vader kept a tight grip on both Luke and Organa, not taking any chances with them escaping.
Well. He wasn’t taking any chances with Luke escaping. He didn’t really care whether or not Organa got away - then again, she wouldn’t leave without his son, and that would kick up another round of trouble that he couldn’t afford.
He had detected someone following them during his chase of his son and Organa, before he had lost contact with the Force once they entered the Force-dull forest.
The darkside rolled with danger danger, they’ll take what’s yours, you’ll lose what’s yours again, and Vader would not allow that to happen.
Now, if only Luke and Organa would stop struggling.
Growling, he wrapped an arm around Luke’s waist and lifted him up, ignoring his indignant yelp as he did. Luke’s arms were now dangling down, and he was wriggling and pounding on Vader’s chestplate.
“Put him down!” Organa demanded, and Vader would’ve scoffed if he wasn’t in such a hurry.
“You are in no position to demand anything, princess.” he responded, still ignoring Luke’s furiously pounding fists. “And you should know by now that I won’t be letting my son go.”
Luke’s fists, midway through another pound against Vader’s armor, froze as Organa nearly tripped, like her feet had suddenly molded into the ground but Vader’s strength had yanked her out.
“ What did you just say? ” Luke whispered, his aura flaring with horror.
Vader felt a mild twinge of irritation - curse Obi-Wan for poisoning his son against him! - but Organa was the first to speak.
“Lier!” she accused him with a brown glare. “We know what really happened, you monster! You killed Luke’s father - don’t you dare try to tell him otherwise!”
Vader turned on her, Luke still clenched tightly in his grasp, not noticing the pained gasp that left Luke’s mouth.
“I dare , princess,” Vader growled threatenaly. “Because I am his father. I did kill Anakin Skywalker - destroyed him completely, to make room for a stronger, more capable person - me.”
“You realize that makes no sense , right?” Organa growled right back. “You claim to have killed Anakin, but you also claim to be him! Which one is it!” The latter sentence wasn’t a question, it was an order, and Vader felt infuriated.
“I owe no explanation to a rebel traitor!” he extended his presence out, letting even the force-null Organa feel his angry, no incensed aura, and she flinched away, eyes widening in surprise.
Ah, yes, slowly but surely, the Force was coming back into his control. He couldn’t yet use it to move objects - or irritating princesses - around, but he could use his aura.
“But you do owe one to me,” Luke’s whisper was so quiet Vader almost didn’t hear it. He slowly turned his helmet towards the boy still trapped in his hold.
He contemplated for a while as the edge of the forest came into sight, then spoke.
“Obi-Wan told you that Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker, and you took that literally.” Like Organa, it wasn’t a question. Luke mutinously nodded, vivid blue eyes narrowed with suspicion that, if Vader bothered to acknowledge such a thing, made his heart squeeze with despair.
“From a certain point of view,” Vader felt his voice take on a mocking tone, and he intentionally softened it, knowing his son was still fond of Kenobi - something that shall be fixed with time, but now was not then. “That is correct. When the Jedi turned traitor, I shed the weakness of Anakin Skywalker and became who I am today-”
“A murderer.” Organa muttered.
“Powerful.” Vader ignored the princess’s interruption, irked that he’ll have to keep her locked up now too. He couldn’t kill her, not yet, for that would only alienate Luke from him. But he also couldn’t let her go now that she knew his most kept secret, the secret he possessively and jealously guarded within even the confines of his own mind.
Luke’s bangs covered his eyes, hiding his expression from Vader as he turned his face away, and Vader could still feel the denial, the hurt, the anger his son felt over the truth of his father.
While he detested the denial his son felt, the latter two could be well-served in the darkside.
Organa was still glaring at him through narrowed eyes.
“It’s too late for that,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “You know. Being a father.”
“And why would you think that?” Vader mocked, letting Luke back down onto his booted feet, but kept a grip on his shoulder.
“ Fathers don’t hunt their sons across the galaxy to use them for their own personal gain.” Organa’s glare deepened as Vader threateningly tightened his grasp on her upper arm. “Because that’s why you’re so interested in Luke, isn’t it?” she accused. “You’re only interested in what he can give you, not in who he is. You may “care” about him,” she made quotations when she said “care” with her free arm’s fingers. “But in reality, you only care about what you gain from him!”
“How dare you-!” Vader was too enraged to notice the slinking figures drawing closer. Organa was just as infuriated and fearlessly met Vader’s mask as the Sith Lord loosened his grip on Luke’s shoulder, allowing the young Jedi to take a few steps away and take a breather, eyes darting between his arguing friend and his father.
Organa had raised a finger - was that the middle one she was going for?!?! - before a blue ring slammed into her back and she pitched forward, face-planting into the forest floor.
Stunned, Vader stared in confusion at her inert body, before a scuffle broke out behind him, and he had enough time to see Luke being hit across the head - instantly knocking him out cold - and being dragged into a ship that had silently landed at the forest’s edge.
Vader ignited his saber and took a few steps forward to intercept the ship before it took off - but he was too late.
As the ship flew off, Vader was left staring, stupefied, after it. He slowly turned around and stared at Organa’s limp body.
And that’s when Vader saw that it truly was too late.
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its-my-whump · 9 months
Whumpcember2023 Day 20 - Drugged
His hands were useless, his extremities numb. All of him was just too heavy.
A stupor occupying his head. His skin felt warm at first, now it was burning, itching, but he couldn't scratch, he couldn't move his arms.
He was sitting against the wall. Any other way his body wouldn't have had the strength to keep itself up.
Whumper was on his hunches right in front of him. His outline was blurry, his voice sounded far away.
"Told you, I'll get you back, no matter where you hide."
whumpcember masterlist
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alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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It’s Too Late....
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sanitatemsss · 2 years
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Whumpcember 2022 Day 20
Fandom: marvel, clint centric
Warnings: dislocated shoulder, choking, stabbing
Prompt: Day 20 - "it's too late"
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