#why am i all of a sudden capable of writing sickeningly sweet things
calxia · 8 months
Phantom's New Hobby Chapter 1
(I originally planned for this to be a short fic but it quickly got way out of proportion so I'll be posting it in a chaptered format. this first one is 1.5k alone.)
All the ghouls typically had their own things that they liked to do in their free time when all the clergy work was finished. All the ghouls except Phantom that is.
It made sense. He was the newest ghoul and had been on the surface for considerably less time than most of the others. But even Aurora (who had been summoned only a few months before him) had her own hobby. It was just Phantom who hadn't found anything yet.
He spent his free time bored out of his mind or idly plucking at his guitar. He could hardly consider playing the guitar his hobby. His guitar skills were the only thing keeping him on the surface, so it makes sense to keep them brushed up as much as possible. He wanted something more though, something he could do just because it made him happy. He wasn’t quite sure how all the other ghouls had decided what they wanted to do though.
Mountain was always the easiest of the others to find, and also probably the easiest to talk to. He was the definition of a gentle giant and was never anything but kind. He could always be found dutifully tending to his gardens with a tenderness that was rare to see from a ghoul. The gardens and greenhouses were Mountain’s domain. He adored every plant, from the smallest of flowers to the largest of trees. Phantom had watched him in his gardens before, back when he was first summoned and in awe of everything on the surface. Mountain had explained everything he was doing to the younger, despite how Phantom had still been unable to understand English back then. He had found the plants interesting back then, so maybe he could join Mountain in tending to the abbey grounds in his free time.
The taller ghoul was exactly where Phantom expected him to be. He found the other on his hands and knees in a greenhouse, gently weeding the raised beds as he spoke to the plants occupying them. Phantom stood at the doors of the greenhouse just watching him work for a few minutes before the earth ghoul stood up from where he was kneeling and wiped his muddy hands on his trousers.
“The plants told me that you’ve been standing there for a while Bug, why didn’t you say anything?” questioned Mountain, making his way over to Phantom with a hint of concern in his voice. The quintessence ghoul usually only sought Mountain out when he was overwhelmed or anxious about something and needed some quiet calmness to bring him out of it.
“I just wanted to watch you work for a bit,” started Phantom, “I want a hobby so I can do something when everyone else is busy.”
"So, you’ve decided to come give gardening a go again then?” said Mountain, stopping in front of the smaller ghoul. Phantom shyly nodded, realizing that he probably should have discussed this with Mountain beforehand instead of just dropping it on him out of nowhere.
“I can leave if you want?” the quintessence ghoul said, peering up at the larger ghoul through his hair.
Mountain was quick to jump on reassuring him. Phantom was still so unsure about his place in the pack no matter how much the others told him there was always a spot with his name on it. They had only just managed to get him to understand he was allowed to ask whatever he wanted, so Phantom asking to garden with Mountain was a huge step forward.
“you’re always welcome to come help me Bug, we can continue weeding the beds.”
Upon saying that, Mountain gently took ahold of the smaller’s hand and tugged him towards the raised beds he was working on. They both settled down and Mountain guided him through how to differentiate between plants and weeds, and how to remove the weeds without harming the surrounding plants. They worked side by side ridding all of the beds of weeds for a few hours before Phantom started getting twitchy and impatient. Gardening, while calming, was not the most stimulating hobby and wasn’t really holding his attention. If it hadn’t been for Mountain’s presence and quiet words, Phantom would have left the greenhouse hours ago. He sat idly fiddling with one of the discarded weeds while Mountain finished up the last pot, under-stimulated but not wanting to upset Mountain by leaving.
The earth ghoul sat back with a sigh before turning to face the other. “Run along and go find someone else, kid,” Mountain said, idly wiping his hands on his legs, “I can tell Gardening isn’t quite for you, but you’ll always be welcome in here with me.”
Phantom didn’t need to be told twice. He shot up and thanked Mountain profusely before darting out of the greenhouse to track down someone else. He left so quickly that he missed the fond smile gracing Mountain’s face as he watched the younger ghoul leave.
Phantom made his way back towards the Ghoul quarters. The rest of his pack were far less predictable than Mountain and could be anywhere in the abbey. He needed to wash the dirt off his hands anyway so he might as well check out the common areas of the pack den.
He climbed in through a window they left open at all times for easy access to their kitchen area to be greeted by Cumulus standing over a pot on the stove stirring. There was a sweet smell in the air which caused Phantom to begin to salivate. Cumulus’ baking was famous amongst all the ghouls and even the siblings and clergy. Everything she made was always so delicious and Phantom had been awestruck the very first time he had tasted any of it. Sweet wasn’t really a taste in the pit and Phantom had never had the opportunity to be picky; he ate what was available to him no matter what. The pit was eat or be eaten, there was no opportunity to have likes and dislikes.
Phantom had quickly grown to adore baked goods, and Cumulus’ were always the best. Maybe he could join Cumulus and take up baking?
Cumulus turned to face him with a content smile across her face. “Hello Puppy, I’m afraid there’s still a little bit until what I’m making is ready to eat.”
She was more than used to how Phantom would hang around the kitchens when she was almost finished baking, hoping that the air ghoul would take pity on him and give him something. He truly lived up to his nickname of Puppy, especially how he was currently beaming at her with his tail wagging behind him.
“what’re you making ‘Lus? Can I help you?” he said so quickly he stumbled over his words.
“Of course, Pup, I’m making salted caramel brownies and I’d love for you to give me a hand.” She replied, pointing at the image in the cookbook propped up on the windowsill. There were loads of steps to the recipe, but the example image looked so delicious that he couldn’t help but be excited.
“Pop an apron on first Sweet, can’t be having to clean up both you and the kitchen afterwards,” Cumulus said with a melodical humour in her voice as she herded the younger ghoul to the aprons hanging up on some hooks.
The rest of the afternoon went quick as he followed Cumulus’s lead in the kitchen. He was the complete opposite of her when it came to baking. The pack had realised pretty much immediately that Phantom should not be allowed near anything hot after he’d put his hands on the hot stove, so what he could help with was very limited. Cumulus had given him a bowl of dry ingredients to sift while she tackled melting chocolate and finishing up the caramel, and Phantom had somehow managed to get half of the flour into the dark patches of his fur within minutes. The older ghoul had just chuckled at Phantom’s nervous face when he realised just how much of a mess he’d made.
She was quick to distract him by pouring the chocolate mix into Phantom’s bowl and pressing a rubber spatula into his hands for him to mix it together. Cumulus helped the younger ghoul sandwich layers of the indulgent brownie batter with the thick, rich caramel before she slipped the tray into the oven. Phantom began to bounce from his heels to his toes as the anticipation of a sweet treat started to buzz under his skin.
“Phantom, come over here so I can clean the flour off of you before you traipse it around the den,” Cumulus called out from where she stood by the sink holding a damp cloth. The other bounced over to her and let her fuss over him and scrub the cloth through his fur, causing it to spike up in awkward clumps. It always embarrassed him just how much he got treated like a kit, but Phantom couldn’t deny each gentle touch made him preen under the attention.
“Ok pup, run along now, those brownies have to cook for a while and I need to get started on dinner.” She smiled fondly at him and ruffled a hand through his thick hair.
Phantom gave a pleased chirp before turning to leave the kitchen. He’s sure baking won’t be the hobby for him, so he better track down another packmate to try out theirs!
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