#why am i so self conscious about this ive never written fic that complies with canon. i go off the rails all the time. ignore me!!
kingmaximusboltagon · 2 years
Maximus was watching Ahura and Luna.
Not a common occurrence by any means, but not an unheard of one, either. He simply wasn't a preferred babysitter, and quite frankly, he's pretty convinced he wouldn't be considered at all if it weren't for his brother being king.
But for all the rest of his family's reservations, Maximus thought he did a pretty good job at the task. His main objective was just to make sure the two didn't die or go missing. Ahura and Luna were both smart and old enough that Maximus didn't struggle on that front.
Otherwise, he mostly spoiled the two. Their sleeping schedule or general hyperactivity wasn't his long term problem, and with how absent his brother was, Maximus finds himself competitive in gaining the childrens' favor. And if sneaking them ice cream and allowing them to sit on the throne achieved that goal, who was he to not allow them that?
And mostly, it wasn't his long term problem. And they were easier to control when he simply let them do whatever they wanted for a few hours.
Tonight, the palace is practically completely empty. The rest of his family were called to Earth by one of his brother's friends, though they left before Maximus could really bother to ask questions. He'd been left in charge of Attilan, and of the two children. Assumedly, not for much longer than a day, at most.
Maximus could do that. Easily.
And it was already approaching the two's bedtime when they left, so their energy was already drained. Maximus would probably spend most of this reigning time… asleep.
Well, he'd take what he could get.
And he glances over at the two again, quietly playing some game with Lockjaw. The dog was large standing next to an adult, and he towered over the kids even while lying down. They often took rides on Lockjaw's back, the dog being strong enough to humor them.
Luna lets out a squeal of delight as Lockjaw stands up, gripping tightly to the dog's fur from on top his spine. Ahura cheers the two on, giving Lockjaw encouraging scratches.
Maximus almost smiles. Almost. He wasn't that attached.
"Go, Lockjaw, go!" Luna commands, striking a pose.
The dog stiffens, his ears perking up. Maximus narrows his eyes, and quickly stands up. "Lockjaw, do not-"
And then there's a flash of white, and the three figures are gone. Maximus stands still for a moment, frowning.
"Lockjaw," he says loudly, "Come back! Right now! Lockjaw, come here!"
He waits a moment. And then two. And then five, ten, fifteen…
And Lockjaw does not return.
Maximus returns to the throne - that he most certainly wasn't supposed to be sitting in, but the three of them never told on the other two, and it wasn't like sitting on a chair would harm anyone - and buries his face in his hands, groaning.
"Oh, shit."
Medusa and Crystal were going to kill him.
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