#why are you so pressed to defend capitalism it’s not defending u sheep 💀
mrsblackruby · 2 years
Once again shouting crazy into a void that will probably have little to no effect on establishing the change I want to see in the world but anyway I refuse to make a bogey man I refuse to treat any human as the cause of all my problems when I know it’s how everything is constructed and that a lot of things being the way they are is why things are hard for the poor unhoused, outcasted, and/or down trotted. I may disagree with you but I know you alone aren’t the problem at the end of the day. I know if it were solely up to me and I alone could be the solution men wouldn’t live on the street. Children wouldn’t go hungry. The unloved wouldn’t rot away in prison. The unheard wouldn’t be unheard. No man on earth would have to die while on duty for a Corporation profiting off slowing killing them. But it’s not up to me we all need to organize for a better world and that’s means we have to be stronger than any urge for revenge because it will not save us it will only hinder. We need to heal and I’m under no illusions that we will be able to heal every person. But we have to stop treating ourselves as cold because we are not. We are warm blooded animals. And life has so much to offer a lot of what life offers is cruel torturous and hard to explain but some of those things life can offer fill us with pleasure comfort and simple joy. To live life you must confront all of these things. And humanity choses it’s path at the end of the day but does humanity want to bring more pain and torture. Or does humanity want to heal and grow and form comfort in our chaos. We only know the past we do not know what the future will bring. But even though Chances are slim there’s still hope for pleasure in my heart and I’ll be fighting for that unlikely outcome everyday of my life because as long as someone keeps fighting for it there’s a chance more stability shall come to the universe.
Yes I was just reading up on prison & salve abolishment is it noticeable.
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