#why cant i post corn here
marigoldsilverhart · 2 years
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another teaser? crop? idk man im not an internet artist person. it’s the aforementioned bf of Lavy, who im calling Lataxis for now. he’s actually a softy tbh and is crazy about his small bf
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Autistic friend anon here — thank you so much for your answer and the substack post. I was kind of stuck in the “rejection” feeling of “wait but if being autistic isn’t a bad thing then why are you so upset at the idea that YOU might be autistic”. I took it really personally and wasn’t really thinking about how much it sucks when someone acts like they know you better than you do. I’ll have to keep working through that.
I also often get stuck in the idea that “well if someone had just TOLD ME I was queer/trans/autistic then I could have figured it out sooner and life would be better” or whatever. But after many years of being out as queer/trans, I think that isn’t actually true and even if it is, I don’t interact with other possibly queer/trans people by “diagnosing” them with queerness/transness any more. In my head it seemed like autism was different for some reason, but of course it is not.
Anyway, your answer was really thoughtful and diplomatic, while also being very clear about what is bad behavior on my part. It is genuinely going to be a big benefit in my life.
Hey, nice to hear from you again!
I totally feel you. When I told a friend years ago that I thought she might be a BPDer, I was incensed that she ended up not taking that comment well. I meant it in an affirming, pro-Mad-Pride kinda way! I was a BPDer too! if she thought it was bad to be BPD, what did that mean she thought about me?
But I was looking at it the wrong way. I had just hurled a still very stigmatized label in her direction as a response to her complaining about real relational struggles in her life, which felt diminishing and presumptive. Telling various people in my life that I'm pretty sure they're Autistic can have a similar effect, even if they're on board Autism acceptance as an idea.
I used to fixate on the time I lost not realizing I was trans or queer or whatever the fuck I am yet. I had a vision of an older me materializing before me at age 16, specifically on the corn-lined roads I used to bike up and down furiously, and imagined telling myself the Truth of who I was and what I had to do to be happy. I believed that if i had known I was trans younger I would have avoided a lot of upsetting relationships, eating disordered periods, and general angst.
Now. I am pretty damn sure that is not true. It turns out that being trans was not a solution to all my problems, it was just another problem that I had. In the sense that it's a challenge to navigate on this bitch of an earth. if i hadn't chosen to be trans i would have chosen some other shit to do that also would have been a major pain in the ass i'm sure. that too would have been an interesting back story.
I dont think I was ever going to be outgoing and unneurotic and breezily well adjusted. That's not my lot in life. Feeling a little uncomfortable in my body and around other people is as definitional a part of me as my wit or my weird laugh. I can kinda love that about myself now, or at least accept it. nothing and nobody actually could have saved me. its just not that simple. but it's been a pretty interesting life.
i think we tend to impose our self-narratives onto other people when we are not happy or we are harboring deep regrets about having gotten something wrong or missed something in the past. but we cant spare our friends those journeys. they should get to have them. it's interesting and enriching to get things wrong, be in denial, cope in elaborate stupid ways, soul search, change our minds, miss something, find something, never know what's true.
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we-will-all-be-stories · 10 months
Camp Half-Blood Tumblr Dash
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🪻flower-child Follow
okay but does anyone actually know where nico di angelo goes half the time?? like the man drops off the face of the earth for months at a time and no one bats an eye
🗡️stabsmcgee43 Follow
no but fr he leaves for like three months and comes back with a power upgrade, a new sister, and is apparently a senator for the romans?? who exist for some reason???
🥜for_peanutbutter Follow
so apparently he and will solace just got back from fucking tarTARUS! and this wasnt even his FIRST TIME THERE?! wHAT!?
🎯beau-and-arrow Follow
ngl i thought he was in the mafia up until a week ago
#apparently he works for his father?? #i cant even get my godly parent to claim me #and he's out here living in the underworld with his dad and step-mom
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🐎ifelloffapegasus Follow
being 12 years old and choosing a dagger as a your weapon of choice because you want to be like Annabeth Chase even though you're shit at fighting is simply a canon event that cannot be interfered with
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🎆call-me-andromache Follow
oh to be drinking hot chocolate in a New Rome cafe while studying for my DSTOMP exam
🪙one-million-drachmas Follow
hey op how about we don't romanticize the camp that literally tried to erase the greeks from existence
🎆call-me-andromache Follow
well excuse me for wanting to live past the age of 18
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🎆call-me-andromache Follow
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#i dont even know who my godly parent IS #let alone have i ever even gone on a quest #who do you think i am, percy jackson??? #why would you make a school for demigods if you were just gonna deny them #tbh i didnt even know the roman gods even interacted with their children #where are they getting their letters from?
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😶‍🌫️one-time-hypnos-dreamt Follow
I got turned into an ear of corn by a child of Demeter but they didn't know how to turn me back so I had to live the rest of my life as a talking vegetable until one day when Persephone (of all the gods??) came to camp and took pity on me so she turned me back into a human but now I have corn silk for hair because of it
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💄totallynotanaphroditekid Follow
i found a squirrel during capture the flag last night and it wont leave me alone does anyone want a new pet? i named him paris after that dude from the iliad
🏃‍♂️shesarunnershesatrackstar Follow
bro drop him off at the hermes cabin after dinner tonight
💃dancing-drakon Follow
as the hermes head counselor pls do not bring him to our cabin
🦉wise-mind Follow
So are we just going to ignore the fact that OP, a child of Aphrodite, named the squirrel PARIS
💄totallynotanaphroditekid Follow
get off my post im trying to start something
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ciagent8 · 9 months
undertale yellow spoilers below! beware!!! or well. some spoilers.
dark ruins entrance: anddd we fell deeper into the underground. why is there something below the ruins. WHY IS FLOWEY NICE??
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we're doing genocide first. or neutral. depends on ho wi feel DALV INTRODUCTION: whos the new guy
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sorry flowey i just bought lemonade i gotta save again. for hte third time "gee its getting dusty in here" Flowey i just killed some monsters of COURSE it is
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WHY IS THE BATTLE MUSIC REALLY GOOD ALL OF A SUDDEN?? I DIDNT NOTICE TIL NOW nevermind its just distorting cause ive killed so many monsters
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yeah. yeah i just shot everyone flowey
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wait what
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thats. not good. also why is flowey's text kinda like
shakey??? WOAH theres a corn. a corn dog. a literal dog made of corn?? Food .
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his name is dalv. updating my chapter markers right now
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v. vampire???
he has not slept in 5 months coded
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no shit. i just killed you.
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Okay dalv was like. he was NOT good. he is not okay. erm. too bad hes dead i guess
SNOWDIN(?) BEGINNING: where is sans /j anyway though its. much prettier. i like how our character kinda has a blue tint on the sprite now
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its actually so heartwrenching that we can kill off dalv and the rest of the dark ruin monsters and literally NOBODY would notice. to the point that we could turn a genocide run into a pacifist run
literally nobody is even gonna know dalv is gone
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the soundtrack is so good
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@ru-bwee im gonna throw a fish at you
man. im gonna feel so bad killing that one guy and his w ife. to be fair the guy's right about this place being unsafe i AM killing everyone MARTLET INTRODUCTION:
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Who the he-
oh GOD they're a nerd /silly i can already tell by the "section 4 paragraph 2" thing
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girlie(?) you might as well just make a whole ass paragraph. you already did one "PS" thats enough
im sorry . "wait 3 days" . THREE DAYS?!?!?!-
okay for a second i didnt realize i had to use arrow keys to move the wood blocks. whoops
okay why is the music so good ???? especially when you start killing everyone WHAT THE HECK?? i saw some weird deer detective but accidentally left the room she was in?? wtf
OKAY i reloaded the game a nd
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this is the deer i was talking about who are you??
okay her name is jane
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thats. never a good sign. why are people going missing. why are there doors
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ok wait thats actually worrying. truman show coded?
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Is the woods like Is the woods like . alive. and making people lost. wtf
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(slowly turns to flowey) i swear to GOD if this guy is up to something AGAIN-
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idiot coded
woah. salesman. spamton?
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Im sorry . What the fuck
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at least he has a cool stand or whatever but What the hell is a lukewarm pop.
uhm. wtf. i walked out of the room and suddenly his music is SUPER distorted
oh my gah
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anddd we killed the delivery guy. great
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anyway. thats it for this post. cause 30 is the max amount of images! im also taking a break so yeah
oh boy. cant wait to see the consequences of my actions
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corntastixx · 8 months
Hi! My name is Corn (not my real name).
At the time im writing this im currently 20, i was born in 2003, as a male!!
I grew up in a very conservative household and was raised as a boy for a lot of those years, but ive been through quite a few ‘stages’ since then
I first started questioning my gender when i hit grade 6, i had a lot of female friends and felt that i really connected with them, i really connected with being feminine despite having a dick, because of this i considered myself TRANS for the longest time but even then that label never sat right with me
The problem is that sometimes i felt connected to being masculine also, i felt i belonged in my body somedays while other days i didnt and after a long time of researching and finding myself i concluded that i am in fact GENDERFLUID, i go my she/him/they pronouns depending on what i connect with that day
The problem here is that ive been noticing a lot of change here on tumblr, ive been here forever, interacting with fanfictions of all sorts of fanfictions, including male!readers and female!reader fanfictions and ive always had my age and pronouns in my bio
Lately ive noticed a lot of creators i really liked going missing, without any trace, without anyone noticing, i thought maybe they just deleted their accounts but when i checked on a burner account they were still there but i had just been blocked and i really dont understand why
I understand that i dont have female parts, i dont have a vagina, i dont have a uterus, i dont have my period and i cant get pregnant, im not female and i dont pretend to be, but i do identify with being a girl, and interacting with female!reader fanfictions have really helped water down the feelings of disgust i get with my body on days that i identify as a girl
The worst part is a lot of these content creators have in their bio that they support the LGBTQ+ comminity, and share posts about how everyone is valid yet i get blocked because sometimes i identify as a different gender, and i think thats just disgusting??
How are you going to block me from content because you dont agree with how i identify myself and then claim to be an ally, you cant disregard people in a community and then claim to support that community at the same time
Its not like ive ever been rude to these creators, half the time ive liked their content and then moved on without saying a word, im over 18, i have my label in my bio, and clearly im not a bot, so what reason do they have to block me?
Its extremely belittling finding that the same people who claim to support also being the ones treating you like an outcast in your own group of people, treating you like your label isnt valid, as someone thats struggled with myself for so long feeling disgusted with myself for identifying with being feminine as a male this sort of behavior is extremely hurtful
I already feel like an awful person for identifying the way i do, knowing i dont have the same parts as a girl but still identifying that way feels like a crime against women, and it feels like a crime against men feeling disgusted with my body somedays while loving it the next,
Has anyone else found this same problem?
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seas1mping · 10 months
MORE LORE this time it doesn't involve Reena (that much) and is just LJ and his carnival it's hc and a story but the story is gonna be angsty so I'll put it under a read more so you can skip it if you want :)
Update I lied the hcs got away from me the post is just a read more I'm sorry 😭😭
update 2 i cut the story cause i couldnt think of anything
Okay so basically when LJ first was created, he was more of a dream figure for Isaac right
LJ could bring him to a carnival, but the carnival did not exist outside of Isaac's dreams, so it was a reflection of him.
Well, when Isaac abandoned LJ, LJ needed a purpose because otherwise he felt as though he was nothing
That is where LJ met Creation, a God-like being that could make almost anything
(Exceptions being humans, animals, etc)
Creation takes the souls of sentient beings and puts them back into other forms, for example, taking a lost soul and placing it into a vessel like a tea pot, with the right kind of magic.
The only problem is that Creation is not infinite; it needs a bodily host made from the two lineages that formed a pact to sacrifice someone once every so often. Without that host/sacrifice, Creation will eventually use all of its magic, and die out.
So Creation figures it can use LJ to harvest souls to stay alive long enough to have another host, plus, a little company isn't so bad every once in a while
Upon meeting Creation and becoming bound to it as a proxy of sorts, Creation grants LJ access to a pocket in the fabric of reality, where he has an actual carnival, which Creation uses and continues to use as a reservoir for souls just in case
(It has to use it because kid souls aren't exactly very large because THEYRE KIDS)
Issue #2 is eventually a woman comes along and it's at this point that Slender isn't the nicest person, so he basically locks her in the basement and uses her to try to further his rule.
So anyway she's from an alternate dimension where she's married to Slender but he has 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
So LJ is like "wow, I have emotions and I feel bad for her" so they become friends :) and a little more :)
And then he's like "she talks about her kids a lot, I should give her some so she doesn't have to miss them too much because they're right here!!!"
spoiler alert: that motherfucker is infertile.
And Creation is like "[WHY][DONT][YOU][MAKE][VESSELS][FOR][YOUR][SOULS][?]"
Yeah it talks weird keep scrolling
And LJ is flabbergasted and is like "oh em gee you're right I have all of these souls and I need somewhere to put some of them too!"
Insert comically large corn maze
LJ, being the sick bastard (/aff) he is, creates a game for the souls.
Start at the edges of the maze, no cutting through walls, get to the middle and jump down the well, without getting caught by LJ. With a 5 minute headstart, of course.
Well our notable figures here are LJ, and a girl named Eloise.
Eloise was LJs first victim after Isaac, an older girl, about 10, who was the oldest in an orphanage she was in.
And you know how they treated women/girls in the 1800s
Eloise made her way around the maze, she'd gather kids, and lead them towards the center, but when LJ would pop out, she'd disappear, off to help another less doomed child or group.
Eventually, two were left, a boy and a girl, Mary and Tansel. And Eloise had brought them to the center.
LJ rounds the corner, jumping out at them, but Eloise is quick to dump the two into the well and run away.
With the soul he needed, and the extra one that was like a little bonus, he set to work making a line of patchwork
The patchwork turned into silhouettes and the silhouettes turned into fully formed dolls, monochrome just as him.
Infusing the souls with the dolls was easy enough, she loved them so much, but was slightly surprised when they turned into children, but loved them nonetheless.
Until she was removed from the house, moved in with another mf, had a real baby AND GOT EXECUTED
The dolls were promptly ushered back into the carnival and work as performers!!
if this doesnt make sense im sorry :(
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ilikecorndogs · 1 year
hi im ilikecorndogs, feel free to call me corn or corndogs, he/they. i reblog a ton of stuff and dont really post too much. follow me to find out!
feel free to send asks or messages to me, i love to see my notifications light up.
and if you want me to add a tag for whatever just let me know and ill do my best!
#ilikemakingmemes: memes ive made and felt like i should share on here.
#ilikeasks: any asks ive received!
#ilikesasha/#ilikebunyo: OC art split up by character!
#i love zedaph: and you do too.
#so true: stuff i said "so true" to. (i dont know why i added this but its there and im keeping it)
#saving: posts im saving for later. may have more specific tags for me to find quicker, though that will depend from post to post.
cant think of anything else but you have a nice day today! <3
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I watched Interstellar and 2001: A Space Odyssey
Interstellar: manifest destiny, exploration conquest, the white settler colonialism fantasy. something like 5% of oceans have been explored and you want to relocate planets smh. engineers and physicists are real scientists but the plant bio and ecology needed for successful agriculture is for the uneducated and stupid huh. "Blight" is wiping out all crop species. Either those crops got too specialized to survive without human care and herbicides, or like all angiosperms got wiped out in which case eat pine nuts or something. creative problem solving. Toxic masculinity? Why does only cooper have the redneck accent but none of his kids Good science tho like with the black hole or ammonia atmosphere. I do think sending your brightest minds into a death trap is a terrible idea like at that point you are breeding yourselves to be stupid. Most unrealistic part is that they don't have drones, they are sending inefficient humans to do things manually while amazon is over here navigating cities to deliver packages the same day No way they got video feed you know how much data that takes compared to audio or text Corn discourse. oh the corn discourse i could give here Grow some fucking algae. don't have bare soil. live underground with a hepa filter. i am going to scream. This film needs solar punk soooo badly. I am chewing on the screen for some sustainable farming. i going to beat the creators over the head with a textbook. A captain going down with the ship. Why save humanity if other species or the integrity of earth can not be saved. Why is humanity's survival a priority. If Dr. Mann ran out of supplies how is he going to support a colony, even with the new ship. Ah he lied. Newtons 3rd law only getting somewhere by leaving something behind. Plan B. Cooper. No way he's alive in a black hole Space oddessy 2001 moment Wait wait. What did that equation do again? That was for plan A right? mass migration of humanity off of earth. Why did they need that equation again? I forgot. And this leads to saturn space stations? Sound track is great I cried at the point of the death bed reveal that they cant go to earth but i did not cry for the astronauts (also side note the soviets won this round cosmonaut is a better name), i cried for the Earth that had been exploited to the point of collapse and then abandoned. i mentioned this in an earlier post on "who turns off the lights", if humans had removed their influence and left the planet in joy for it to continue its existence without humans that would be one thing, but to destroy it and refuse to take responsibility for that like in the movie angers me. The Dust Bowl was a man made disaster. the dust bowl happened because of unsustainable agriculture (like unless american farmers switch to soil retaining practices and sustainable agriculture the US is going to run out of topsoil in like 100 years). modern pandemics both agricultural and human are caused by humans, the increasingly global range of markets means there's far more transmission of possible pathogen agents than ever before and due to changes in land use and human encroachment on natural areas (as well as displacement of wildlife ex: slash and burn) there's increased contact between wild animals and humans so more chances for diseases to jump. I've got complicated feelings on interstellar. on one hand it's a well made movie and the science is surprisingly good, i can see why people like it. on the other hand i am opposed to some of the core ideas and fundamental concepts of the movie that i mostly feel disgust and despair towards it and humanity. All these planets and only 10 were worth investigating, 3 had promising data, and 1 was barely habitable and you're already giving up on earth which was doing far more than supporting 1 human. this reminds me of all those times "smart" people logic themselves to the wrong conclusion, like you can use logic and still miss the point.
Man and robot get lost together in a space time wormhole out by saturn guided by some mystery incomprehensibly advanced civilization? You know what 2001 space oddessy time. Never watched but ive read its tvtropes page and its ao3. 20min of a bunch of people jumping around in monkey suits Interstellar is paced like an action movie, a marvel movie, it ends up felling generic in a way? space odyessy is much slower paced and feels refreshing compared to modern high budget movies. Like the whole sequence with clavius I really liked. It was subtle information dense (even if the actors forgot they were suppose to be in 0 gravity sometimes). Like how the movie shows through character interactions that Dr. Heywood is a very important and influential man, how delicate soviet relations could be during the cold war, and that while loving Heywood isn't often home to spend time with his daughter. and then we just don't know what happens to them Hal introduces themself as foolproof, incapable of error, and unable to lie Is this why when hal did indeed make an error and a small one at that it got caught in a desperate control loop as thing spiraled further from what was suppose to happen hal took more extreme actions which made things worse. Did the robit develop a sense of identity, stake everything on that sense of identity and then have a crisis when the fundamental of that identity were challenged? A snowballing and compounding situation HAL purposefully brings up how suspicious the mission is to dave. Guilt? Confession? Trust with dave? And this of course is the moment hal makes a mistake while in the pits of guilt about deceiving dave and coming too close to spilling secrets, dave who seems to be forming a friendship with them. …and now im psychoanalyzing the robot. Steven universe style halman gem GASLIGHT Now is murder girlbossing or gatekeeping Why did hal respond to dave at all? Why not take control of davecs pod? Hmm probably a manual overrride for that Hiven the conversation hal innitiates earlier and how they had regressed to their first memory. I think hal played that recording for dave Much slower definitely weirder. Just had to add a giant fetus huh. i like this better than interstellar it is far more visionary. cornfield chase is still a banger.
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ssreeder · 2 years
hey its been a while since i commented/sent an ask bc i was too continuously brainblasted to put thoughts to writing but i read the last chapter of ria and i just finished processing it and *kickingnand screaming and pulling my hair and growling like a creature*/pos
as always i love the complexity u give jet. the way hes finally having to confront his moral equivalence of fire nation = bad, not fire nation = always better, because of his friendship with reho. the guilt and the turmoil and the way he knew he was using reho going in and now hes attached but he knows its going to be sort of on him if somethjng happens to his friend. (i am obsessed with jet now he is one of my favourite characters now and i am positive ur writing is 100% responsible)
omg they are separated and u are an evil genius and i am croaking like a frog and u are a good author and idk just. i want sokka to see katara and im glad he can, i am excited about a rescue mission but i am scared because with Zuko Alone (hehe) i feel in my bones something bad is just going to happen
i was going to write this in a comment but i swapped over to tumblr and i started writing and suddenly all these words were here and you cant select all and cut and paste in the stupid tumblr mobile app lmao, so the penis abrasion post-chapter rants' great return is going cross-platform i guess.
even if i go lurker again for a bit, i will be feverishly awaiting more 👍🌽(idk why but the corn was at the top of my recent emojis page so fuck it corn this shit up wooo)
Hello my friend, I am glad I had an opportunity to make you scream.
But you know what makes me the MOST HAPPY?!?! You’re love for Jet. He is one of my favorite characters in the series and he is so judged and criticized for reacting to his trauma. Healthy or unhealthy coping is still just a person trying to survive! I am so happy you love Jet & that my writing had even a splash of influence in that :)
Zuko Alone absolutely! (I mean Shen is there… but fuck him)
Corn for you too
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
I have been sleeping early than usual actually. I think I am just ready for the last few days to past but it feels like the week is dragging lol
Oh wow that is pretty late. I'm surprised that Emily had energy to open presents and play at that time hahaha I would have been telling her to go sleep or santa will take the presents back lol just kidding I wouldn't do that to a 2 year old.
By the way, has it snowed there yet?
That's exciting! Are you guys going to just drive to Texas or fly again?
I tried moscow mule once.. was not a big fan of it 😅 I think I only really ordered it for the little mug hahahaha 😆
Same, I think most places that I've been to that served tiramisu only uses sponge cake. Yeah, I'm planning on making that mango dessert again but with less condensed milk. I am already too sweet. Hahahaha just kidding 😂
CA does have a lot of filipino places 😭 my uncle lives there and I want to visit him next year so that he can take me to all the restaurants that have good filipino chefs. Here there's only one place I know that was open a few years ago, but I don't know if they still are after the whole covid thing 🥲 there is a lady that I found on Facebook that caters and does pick up orders for filipino food though. I ordered her food once and it was decent.
Do you guys have Indonesian snacks that you'd recommend? Since I can't find any Indonesian restaurants here, I may be able to get snacks at the small oriental store we have in Omaha.
Hm that's interesting 🤔 all your movie choices have barely any dramatic scenes. Have you always been like that, not wanting to cry because you think it shows weakness? (Sorry if that came out bad and rude, I don't mean to be rude)
I have to think about mine too because I am drawing blank for 3 movies. I can only think of one that always make me cry and that's the Phantom of the Opera - the part where they sing all I ask of you and then the ending part around where Christine kisses the phantom.
Next, name 3 movies that you could watch on repeat and never get tired of.
By the way, I made a separate account and started writing! Well I don't know if you'd consider it writing, but I posted mostly conversation stuff between r and characters (mainly Wanda).
Hello hello corn-punn!
How r u today? Aw thats no fun u sleep earlier than usual.. just kidding.
Why u cant wait for the days to past? R u that ready for new year? 😆😁 whats ur plan for new year?
Haha yeah, i let her play but then she followed whn i said it's time to bed..thank god..hahahha.
No, it hasnt been snow or anything here..im so upset right now..🙄 it's not even that cold here.. only 66.
We r driving to t3xas.. it's only 3.5 hours.
Haha i love moscow mule. It's one of my favorite cocktails. I have a set of the copper mugs n the shakers. My husband gave me. Lol. I guess i love moscow mule that much that he gave them to me.lol. my most favorite drink is apple martini and a cocktail named buttery nipple 😅 (it's baileys and butterschotch schnaps).
Haha i used to joke like that about me being too sweet already n thats why i dont need any more sugar on anything 🤣
But i agree with u, u r a sweet person so dont put too much condensed milk,okay?
Hmm right now i cant think of any snacks.. i like Beng Beng it's like snickers but more chocolaty n less caramel. I like the superman wafers.hahah. there is this sweet tea it's called teh botol but it's in a box 😅 it's my favorite. It's very famous there.
Ah i see. Yeah sometimes facebook have some information of our country food..sometimes it can be pricey though. U can google indonesian food n if u have any questiom about it, u can ask me.
Yeah,i'm always like that. I guess it's because i try to look strong in front of my sister. U know, to be a good example for her.
My sister is more expressive than i am. I would try n pretend to be strong until i break down n even that i usually choose to be alone when i have a break down. 😅
So it will hurt my pride too if i cry just because of movies.
I love phantom of the opera.. n that All I Ask Of You is one of my favorite song from that show.
3 movies i never get tired to watch..well,since im in the mood of rebel so i will give u more than 3. 😅😆
1. The Proposal
2. White Chick
3. Any modern family episodes
4. Devils Wear Prada
5. Age Of Ultron
6. Greta
7. 13 Going 30
8. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
9. Hot Chicks
How bout u?
Next questions
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hey thanks
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
I feel your tags on the autumn post. I'm from NY originally and live in FL now. The depression always sets in as soon as Disney has its first Halloween party. I miss crunchy leaves and apple festivals and pumpkin patches and corn mazes and haunted hayrides and open houses serving hot cider and the little country farm selling cider-donuts and fudge. 😭😭😭 Nothing in Florida hits like fall in NY. I'm lucky enough to be going to NY this October. It'll be my first time back during the fall since 2013. I'm almost definitely going to cry when I see a red leaf.
i dont think a lot of people realize that FL is quite literally the worst state to live in. it's cool to visit, sure, but living here is ACTUAL HELL and not just for the lack of seasons. like it's SO HOT DUDE and the seasonal depression isnt bc of the cold or dreary weather, NO!!! IT'S BC THERE'S NO SEASONS AT ALL!! THAT'S WHERE THE DEPRESSION COMES FROM bc everything is the same all year round!!!
no change of colors in leaves, no chilly weather, just soggy wet heat and rain year round. like bro. why would anyone wanna move here. the tourists have taken over everything and the traffic is insane. a gallon of milk is $6. our governor sucks. I CANT EVEN AFFORD A STUDIO APARTMENT
this is a certified Fuck Florida blog
anyway sorry to rant on your ask but im glad someone understands and i am happy to hear you get to go back to NY for the fall. enjoy it and have fun!! ♥
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Me, half asleep: hmm chreon
Me, suddenly galaxy brain and wide awake: Chris leaves for edonia before leon can tell him that he's pregnant, he never gets the chance to tell him, chris loses his memories, leon has their baby and then about a month later re6 happens and he and Chris reunite but it's bittersweet bc Chris doesn't remember who leon was to him, cue to the angst of leon having to deal with being alone and thinking chris was dead for his entire pregnancy, and then them mending their relationship as chris heals, and Chris meets the baby and they become a proper family
Me, exhausted from this apparently v taxing thought and now half asleep again: hmm chreon
It had been a long and tiresome six-months plus the oh so fun trip to China...which Chris lost his entire team twice to the same woman who had had an indirect hand in nearly killing his mate and his mate’s partner as well as said mate’s adoptive daughter and the key to stopping the C-Virus. And a tiresome couple of weeks where he took some time off to himself.
Chris shook his head as his escort drove him out to the ranch Leon supposedly now owned thanks to the late Adam Benford. The agent said he had a surprise for him and Chris was practically vibrating in his seat, wondering just what the surprise was. His memory was still a bit fuzzy, so he remembered Leon and wanted to get back to him the whole time he was in Edonia...he just didn’t know his name or the reason why he needed to get back so badly. And then there was...something else. It involved Leon and a grainy picture of some sort...but try as he might, he couldn’t remember what it was. 
Hopefully his memory would kickstart back to normal by the time he got there. He really wanted to relive “Memory Lane” with his beautiful Omega. He wanted to experience the emotions that came with those memories. He wanted to remember them too, cursing his broken memories and his damned Amnesia. 
The truck pulled up to the ranch, surrounded by miles of grass and fields of corn. Chris’s heart pounded in his chest as he gazed upon the breathtaking sight, unable to believe that this very beautiful but kind of isolated property was now his home too. The truck pulled into the driveway, the driver; Nadia, informing him that they were here. Chris stared out of the window, butterflies beating their wings inside of his stomach and making it churn nervously.
“Captain?” She asked, “Everything alright?” 
Chris drummed his fingers on the door, eyes staring at the front door of the home anxiously, “Y-Yeah,” He lied, “Just...nervous...that’s all. My head isn’t so good right now so…” 
She gently laid a hand on his shoulder, “You’ll be alright. Agent Kennedy’s been filled in on the situation that occurred over the last several months by Captain Valentine. He’s a good person. He’ll understand.” 
“I know,” Chris replied with a slight cant of the head, his other hand toying with his seatbelt, “I just...I don’t want to disappoint him or upset him if he brings up something and I can’t remember…” 
Nadia gave him a reassuring smile and a squeeze, “You couldn’t if you tried. He loves you.” 
Chris looked to her, smiling a small smile back before giving a nod. With a deep breath, he undid his seatbelt as she unlocked the door to let him out. She bid him farewell and good luck, waiting until he was completely out of the truck and had shut the door behind himself before pulling away. She gave a friendly honk before driving back in the direction of HQ. 
Leaving him in front of the house. 
Chris turned to it, timidly walking up the gravel and to the wooden porch. He ascended the three steps there, pausing to stare at the door once more. He didn’t know why this was so hard, nor did he know why he was so nervous. There shouldn’t have been something ominous about this whole thing. This was home...his family was inside. His mate and their silly cat. Though, there was a little voice in the back of his mind saying that that was not all that was inside...that he was missing a little detail. 
Opening the screen door, he raised his fist and knocked on the solid front door. And then...he just stood there...waiting. He didn’t try to peek through the glass in the door, figuring that would have been rude or it would have ruined the surprise planned for him. 
There were footsteps on the other side, Chris holding his breath as they approached the door. Through the frosted glass, he could see a mass of blue and white and beige and brown. He could hear every click of the locks as they were undone, Chris taking another deep breath as the pounding grew louder in his ears. 
His breath was caught in his throat again as the door opened, Leon’s smiling face looking up at him, blue eyes clearly filled with tears. 
“Hey…” Chris greeted awkwardly, but then gave a soft “Oof!” as Leon nearly tackled him, hugging him tightly. 
“Hey, Big Guy.” Leon’s muffled voice replied in his shoulder, the Omega’s face buried in the fabric of Chris’s shirt, “We missed you so much…” 
“I missed you all too.” Chris replied, hugging him back as Leon pulled away, the two meeting for a soft chaste kiss, “You and that goofy cat.” 
Leon looked up at him as they parted, canting his head to the side, “...You don’t remember…” He paused mid sentence and gave a nod, “Wait...of course you don’t. Sorry, my mistake. The Post Traumatic Amnesia…” 
“What don’t I remember?” Chris asked a bit too quickly, his heart still pounding in his chest. This was exactly why he didn’t feel like he was ready enough for this. This is why he had been putting off coming here for weeks. His worst fear was happening...he was upsetting his mate. 
As if sensing his distress, Leon shook his head and carefully cupped Chris’s cheeks, holding his face in his hands, “No, no, no! It’s okay! It was my mistake! That’s why I had a surprise for you!” 
Chris calmed down a bit, taking more deep breaths and counting in his head to ten, “Right. You said there was a surprise…” 
Leon nodded with a warm smile, “Yeah...I have someone I want you to meet.” 
Chris furrowed his brows but let Leon take his coat for him, the Omega telling him that it was okay to take his shoes off by the front door. While Chris did that, Leon shut the front door and locked it, waiting until Chris was settled before taking him by the hand. Chris allowed him to lead him further into the house, going down the hall and to one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. 
“You probably don’t remember this,” Leon began, “But...a couple months before you went to Edonia, I was pregnant.” 
Pregnant...Leon had been pregnant? Chris thought about what Leon had said earlier...about how “We missed you…”. We…
Leon let go of his hand, opening the door with the little characters on it, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Chris,” Leon began, pushing the door open and revealing the crib inside, a little red-headed baby staring back at them, giving the biggest smile he could manage with a pacifier in his mouth, “I want you to meet your son: Oliver Kennedy-Redfield.”
Chris’s heart was fluttering...but not out of nervousness. The Alpha was in awe, smiling as tears welled up in his eyes. He had a son...he had a family who had been waiting for him all this time.
He was home at last.
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miserye · 3 years
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I posted 2,151 times in 2021
1519 posts created (71%)
632 posts reblogged (29%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 1,515 tags in 2021
#i live you so much kat - 668 posts <- damn kat that's impressive HAHAHAHAHHA so close to 666 fuck
#rye uses this tumblr like fucking twitter - 166 posts
#rye uses this fucking tumblr like twitter - 107 posts
#rye cursed edits - 92 posts <- no way i made that many edits
#zap (17) athletic trainer + sukuna + genius - 89 posts <- ayo zap represent
#anyways - 88 posts <- that's so embarrassing BYE
#rye's big draft blowout - 87 posts <- that's ....
#free zap 2021 - 81 posts <- AJKFSHHAJS
#please - 71 posts <- THIS TOO
#zap (16) athletic trainer + sukuna - 66 posts <- again HAHAH
not zap having three different tags on here HAHAHAHHA
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i cant say i have social anxiety cause i’m not diagnosed but also the thought of getting diagnosed is um terrifying so i will live like this STOP WHY IS THIS THE LONGEST I'M DYING BYEFKJASFHKAJS
My Top Posts in 2021
I was scrolling through the tag and we all rly screenshotted the same fucking panel HAHAHA
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Anyways have more cale 😩😩😩😩😩
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63 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 02:22:55 GMT
Wow I’m spamming what’s new but have some meme templets that I made because I thought the characters worked but there aren’t any words because I’m lazy hehe
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66 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 18:00:29 GMT
present mic but the things that hold corn on the cob
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88 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 21:55:41 GMT
Presenting captains
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88 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 19:36:40 GMT
Haven’t made an edit in a hot min but
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90 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 17:55:43 GMT
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cornappreciation · 3 years
It's been a while. Episode 40 discussion post below! Spoilers, obviously.
hi! wow! its been a while! sorry about that, brainrot said i have to think about nothing but warrior cats for like six months straight so ive been busy with that. but im back, hopefully? not sure if anyone really recognizes my specifically (or if they ever did), but anyways. since i didnt make an analysis post for the past,,, two (?) episodes, some of my cited evidence will just be "trust me bro" as i dont have notes to look back on, only my own memory. now! episode 40!
this episode was very corn-heavy, so that's gonna be the focal point of this post. ok, time for a quick recap. ive already established in my previous episode analysis / theory posts that corn is almost definitely been *replaced* by xolotl, not possessed or altered. its also likely the beast in the cave near metztli is quetzalcoatl (though this could be a manifestation of xolotl as well), and xolotl is trying to rid of him (this is why im working on the assumption is it quetzalcoatl and not xolotl in the reflections, however this could be some amalgamate of the two "getting rid" of xolotl….. who knows!). im going against my previous theories here! i said in a previous post the shadowy figures were likely xolotl, but im leaning towards corn here in the replacement theory, ill detail why later in this post. he also said at some point in episode 40 that he "got rid of his negative traits" (paraphrasing) which could be a reference ot getting rid of his twin. As for the evidence for replacing rather than possession: mind the difference in hairstyle in his human form, difference in facial markings, and his lack of transformation back into nagual form (likely because it would be markedly different. it could be that xolotls nagual form is reminiscent on corn's dream self with the face covered in hands? yall know what im talking about, ill cite the episode later. but this is unrelated).
All of this happened directly after he failed to shoot the mercy bow. Not sure if the mercy bow or the town is relevant here, but i figured its worth bringing up. This scene in episode 35 is the last we see of regular corn. He has been in human form since this point. He seemed to panic while holding the bow, which could be a mark of his personality in general, *or* something to do with being in metztli, bringing us back to the monster in the cave the citizens of metztli keep at bay with blood. This beast is likely xolotl (although as ive outlined above this could be an incorrect assessment) when the gang first enters the town, and has perhaps "switched places" with corn, leaving quetzalcoatl trapped in xolotl's reflection. This ties back to episode 40 itself, with xolotl (im going to be referring to the impostor as xolotl from now on, its easier for me) requesting that the nurses remove the mirror from his room and give him a wooden spoon rather than a metal one (that could give off his reflection). I'm not sure what this means for corn himself, perhaps xolotl just doesn't want to look at and be reminded of him, or this could be a strategy for getting rid of him? if anyone has any ideas feel free to tell me lol. Not super clear here. Maybe it can be explained by the mythos?
back! to! the! mercy! bow! which isnt really relevant to episode 40. most of this post isnt relevant to episode 40! because i think this episode mostly served to build tension and let us get to know xolotl a little better. but why not give myself a refresher and go back into some of my old stuff? just to get the ball rolling again. ive said in previous posts that i thought the reason the quetzalcoatl and xolotl,,, "thing" happened was because of the mercy bow presumably being destroyed or lost during the eruption of the red tezcatlipoca, since it isnt seen on screen after this happens. im going to tentatively retract this! i dont think its right (though it IS still a possibility….. maybe xolotl was able to take over bc corn disappeared WITH the bow??? but im not sure if the fact he was never able to use the bow disproves this……. hm.) we know *corn* is the proper wielder of it, yes, but i honestly think its more to do with the spooky cave than the bow (something i overlooked previously). its possible the bow being destroyed allowed xolotl to take over? honestly kind of stumped on xolotls method here. its also possible that my replacement theory is totally off mark and theres something im missing!
heres a timeline rq, starting with the gang entering metztli. corn and others enter metztli. they make their way to the temple with the mercy bow. corn attempted to use it, but is scared off by something or otherwise flys away for an unknown reason. this is the last we see on him. he appears only in human form from here on, with his altered facial markings and hairstyle a mark of him being changed. my theory explains this as xolotl pretending to be quetzalcoatl, from some point after corn left the temple and the red eruption. xolotl is likely the creature in the spooky cave the citizens of metztli keep at bay with blood. somehow, xolotl trapped corn in his place (his reflection), while he roams free, pretending to be corn. he avoids reflections of himself (as a shadowy figure is seen on them. This figure is likely corn. Others can see this reflection, as we see a guy at Blackwell drop his spoon after noticing it), and is "maliciously compliant" (uncooperative) with authority. It's likely he purposefully "got rid" of corn, as he says in episode 40 that he got rid of his "negative qualities". spooky! but this episode did not bring a lot of answers. great way to build up tension though! loved the constantly clock ticking as a buildup. cant wait for the next ep :)
apologies if anything ive stated has already been speculated on or confirmed otherwise ! like i said, i havent been active in a while (i even stopped using my main blog, so i dont use tumblr too often), so for all i know i could be the only person left in the no evil fandom on tumblr. feel free to add onto this or correct me or anything ive gotten wrong! ive missed interacting with yall on these theory posts :) might add on more later if i have any revelations.
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infernalrevenge · 4 years
Extra Ordinary
Fandom: Choices - Foreign Affairs
Pairing: F!Blaine Hayes x M!MC (Magnus Quezon)
Rating: G
Summary: Blaine and Magnus sneak off to a traveling fair.
Notes: Inspired by a message from @i-cant-think-of-a-name-15 wherein he told me I could write about "a purple panda visiting Vancross" and he'd still read about it, so I was minorly inspired. This is much longer than what I've written and posted here so far, so fair warning on that.
"A fair?"
Magnus raised an eyebrow at Dionne, who clutched her phone as she showed him her text messages from Blaine.
"Yeah, she said she got tickets the other day, arranged for you two to go, and everything! It's only in town for a week, and tonight's the last night before they pack everything up the next day."
Before he could even object -- the thought of everyone still breathing down his neck about the scandal and cleaning up his image still weighing heavily on his mind -- she interrupted, "You don't have any classes tomorrow, you’re free, and you need the break! Plus it'll be so romantic, just you and Blaine--"
"And our bodyguards."
"--Having the time of your lives at a fair! Come on, it'll be fun, Magnus! Like you're gonna say no to her."
Okay, she's got him there.
It only took a little bit of pleading to get Tatum to agree to his antics this time, rolling his eyes as if he was used to it at that point. Nevertheless, he escorted the First Son to the pier where the fair grounds were, dressed as casually and inconspicuously as possible.
Magnus adjusted his sunglasses and beanie, glancing behind him to see if his bodyguard was right behind, only to find him gone. He did say he was just going to keep a "respectable distance", but it didn't make him any less nervous being out and about like this. It wasn't that he didn't trust his date to show up, it was that he was worried that she would and so would the paparazzi. They haven't exactly relented on their quest to squeeze out every juicy detail of his story.
He tried to scan the crowd for any sign of Blaine, only to be suddenly grabbed by the arm. He stumbled back in surprise, accidentally bumping into a mother with her kids. "Sorry sorry, I'm so sorry miss!" he quickly apologized, but the lady left in a huff, and he found himself face to face with none other than the mastermind of this operation.
"Geez, I forgot how you scared so easily. Sorry about that," Blaine remarked, clearly amused. Magnus could only roll his eyes, but was nonetheless relieved to find her -- or rather, have her find him.
He had to admire her insistence on the whole plan, and the fact that she had a plan in the first place. Of course, they couldn't get away from their bodyguards and had to effectively hide any prominent features of theirs to avoid being recognized, but hey, he would take any excuse to be with her.
"We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make the most of this place," Blaine said. They made their way inside hand in hand.
"I'm starting to feel bad, leaving you with all the work of planning out covert dates. I should return the favor some time," Magnus said with a small laugh, taking in the sights and smells around him. The sun was beating down on every head present, hung up on a bright blue sky. It was quite crowded, which was a security concern, but it also meant it would be harder for untrained eyes to spot them in the sea of faces. Still, it had him a bit on edge.
"Looking forward to whatever you've got cooking up there, Rutherland. I'm sure you can think of something." Blaine looked up at the rides, the screams of its passengers intriguing her to give the experience a shot. It would also help to distract Magnus, as she noticed he was rather tense. "Where do you wanna go first?"
Magnus wasn't always the type to try to impress a date, but he might have been pushing it a little when he suggested an octopus ride. "I've never ridden one before. My mom always said they would break and the cart I'd be in would fly off."
It felt that way as soon as the ride started too. Magnus held onto the safety bar in front of them for dear life, his insides doing massive flips with every rotation. It was very thrilling, but it was also a strangely ticklish sensation that had him laughing and screaming the whole time. Blaine was having the time of her life, on the other hand, raising both arms in the air at multiple points as she whooped and jokingly yelled for it to go faster. Their excited screams blended in with the cacophony of the other riders, and somehow, that made the First Son feel the most normal he had since the day started.
If you were to ask him, Magnus would deny how his hands were shaking as they got off the ride, remnants of that thrill and momentary terror still running through his body. But it helped to have Blaine take both his hands and encouraged him to breathe deeply instead of the usual teasing he expected from her.
"Do you go on octopus rides often?" he asked, sucking in another breath before exhaling slowly.
"I'm actually more of a lazy river kind o' girl, but I love the adrenaline rush anyway," she casually replied, trying her best to ground him and calm his racing heart and stomach.
The two of them decided to eat some snacks as a substitute for lunch, settling for corn dogs, cotton candy, and watermelon slices. Along the way, Magnus spotted a giant panda stuffed toy in one of the game booths, its usual black patches replaced with a bright purple. Blaine followed his distracted gaze and giggled, trying to get his attention. “See something you like?”
The Rutherlandian chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh... it’s a giant panda, kinda hard to miss.” He was trying his best not to seem too obvious about his curiosity and desire to have it. However, after passing by the same booth a few more times as they explored the grounds, with his attention inevitably drifting to the toy, Blaine took him there herself to see if she can win it for him.
“You don’t have to--”
“Just let me do this for you. Besides, not like you can keep your eyes off of it.”
A laugh escaped him, “Are you telling me you’re jealous of a stuffed toy panda now?”
“I’m literally gonna win it for you, Rutherland, I am the farthest from being jealous. I promise by the end of the night, you'll be one panda richer.”
Basketball was the name of the game -- all she had to do was sink three shots in a row through the hoop across. Simple enough, if only she weren’t so far away from behind the starting line. Every time she threw the ball and watched it soar through the air, it was always just a few feet shy of the goal. By the time Blaine was on her sixth total attempt, she was just slamming the cash on the counter in frustration to pay for more chances, which the manager gladly accepted each time.
Magnus tried to get her to stop, insisting that it was fine and she didn’t need to waste so much money on a game “that was clearly rigged anyway.”
“Hey, I promised I’d get you that, and goddammit you are gonna get it!” she stubbornly replied, setting down another two dollars. This time though, she took a pause to rest and re-think her strategy.
Blaine furrowed her eyebrows, her focus alternating between the ball and the hoop, until an idea struck her. A wide mischievous smirk appeared on her face as she pinned the ball under her arm and climbed onto the counter, much to everyone's surprise.
"Hey, you're not allowed up there, miss!" the man behind the stand yelled, holding a hand up. The Ardonian was undeterred.
"Why? I'm still behind the line," she pointed out.
"You could fall and get hurt, you have to--" Magnus started, but Blaine was already focused on her goal, ball in hand as she lifted it up.
The height certainly gave her an advantage, taking one successful shot after another, despite the manager's and Magnus' protests. Her date still hung back right behind her, arms slightly raised to ready himself just in case. If she was so insistent on doing things her way, hopefully it wouldn't end in a hospital visit. She would hear an occasional "be careful!" between shots, but when she finally got the last one she needed, she practically threw caution to the wind after the ball.
“Victory is mine, asshole!” she yelled in triumph, throwing her arms up in the air in celebration.
She didn't anticipate how the momentum would throw her off balance though, misstepping behind her. She yelped and tried to move forward, but it was too late. One second she was falling back toward the ground, then the next... she was in Magnus' arms.
She looked up at him and laughed, "Good catch. You work out?" she commented with a wink, letting him help her stand back up.
"Let's just say you can always trust me to catch you," he replied with a hint of a flirtatious tone, before nudging her with his elbow. "But never do that again," he warned, though he was clearly just worried about her.
The Ardonian flipped her hair over her shoulder, turning her attention to the manager. "One panda, my good sir!"
He begrudgingly handed over the stuffed toy to Blaine, who then proceeded to proudly present it to Magnus. He had to wrap both arms around its fluffy torso just to be able to hold onto it securely.
"Consider this my apology for worrying you," she joked, patting the toy's fluffy arm.
"This feels a bit cliche, doesn't it?" he said, his voice partially muffled by the huge obstruction between them.
"What do you mean? It's a role reversal. It's the guy usually winning prizes for the girl, right?"
"I just mean the situation in general. Do you always win giant pandas for your dates?"
"Only for you, babe. Though I'll happily take it back if you don't want it."
At that, Magnus turned and kept it away from Blaine when she tried to reach for it. "No, you already gave it to me, so keepsies." He stuck his tongue out at her, looking more childish than ever, which earned him a boop on the nose.
"One more ride for the road?"
It was already sunset by the time they got on the ferris wheel. The sky was a gradient of pink, orange, and yellow as the sun started to set, slowly sinking in the horizon where the sky met the sea. It took some convincing for the ride manager to allow the stuffed toy on board, as long as they didn't drop it -- like Magnus was ever going to let that happen.
The newly christened Taro (as Magnus insisted on calling the panda) sat on his side, with Blaine snuggled on the other, her head settled on his shoulder. The ride moved slowly as other passengers boarded, and they were getting close to the top, just enough to enjoy the view.
"I know the rooftops at Vancross had great views of sunsets, but nothing beats being this close to it, huh?" Blaine said, her fingers idly playing with Magnus', intertwining and untwining them.
"Being in great company helps me appreciate it more too," Magnus replied, before turning to the stuffed toy next to him, sitting at eye level given its size. "Isn't that right, Taro?"
"Sorry, am I ruining your moment here?" she joked, gently nudging at his arm. Magnus simply smiled and wrapped an around her shoulders, pulling her even closer to his side.
"But seriously though, today was really fun. I'm glad you convinced Dionne to convince me to come out here. At this point, it's hard to say no to even just seeing you."
"Even if it means infuriating your bodyguard?"
Magnus rolled his eyes, looking off as the sky started to darken. "He wasn't infuriated, I'd say irritated at best, but he gets it. He's always been supportive of my 'be a normal person' agenda."
"Did I help deliver?"
"Oh definitely. You sure know how to make a guy feel normal, in a good way."
Blaine glanced up at him, "What does being normal mean to you?"
The young man blinked, not expecting such an introspective question. The lights on the ferris wheel started to turn on, giving him a view of Blaine under their soft glow. He almost lost himself in the sight and backtracked on the question.
He gave himself a moment to think, choosing his words carefully, "Just... being able to live my life away from scrutinizing eyes, I guess. I don't want the public to see me as someone or something that I'm not just because some tabloid article told them this or that."
She nodded in understanding, pulling his arm closer. "Definitely. It's like the general population seems to forget we're people too. We have our own lives and identities, and it's not something that can be toyed with."
"I wish I didn't have to act a certain way, I don't want them to change me. I wish... things were different." A bout of silence passed between them, the ride moving at its leisurely pace to give its passengers time to appreciate it.
"But if they were, then I never would've met you, so it's not all bad. You're... one of the best things that's ever happened to me, you know?" Magnus looked at Blaine, a small yet genuine smile on his face. The girl looked up at him almost with a flicker of doubt at first, but looking deeper into his eyes, she knew he was telling the truth.
And she wasn't sure how to handle that.
She could feel her stomach doing flips, a thrill running through her -- except it wasn't like she was on a fair ride. This was somehow more intense, yet she felt grounded with him by her side. She couldn't help the smile that bloomed, her cheeks darkening slightly as she took in his words.
"You're too good, Magnus. I hope the world never changes you."
The way she said his name sounded almost adoring, like she was in awe of what a genuine soul he was despite everything that's happened to him. She knew what it was like, having been expected to keep up appearances her whole life, but somehow this boy right next to her never seemed to lose touch of himself along the way. He knew what he had to do, but he also knew who he was at the end of the day.
Just hearing her say it like that was enough to melt Magnus' insides with a loving warmth. A smile spread across his face, leaning forward to press a soft kiss on her lips. He was just so relieved that he never had to pretend around Blaine, never had to prove anything to her. It was more than enough just having her there by his side, and even though he was looking forward to the day he can finally be out with her in public with pride, moments like these made their secret trips still worth going through.
(Due to Taro's size, it couldn’t quite fit in Magnus' bed as intended, so it instead resided on the couch in the suite. It didn't mean he didn't take any chances to nap on it though.
Dionne has sent many pictures to Blaine of the young man's face buried into its fluffy stomach, curled up on the small space as he rested peacefully, and Blaine has had to stifle many squeals of delight at the adorable sight.)
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