#why diana left 🤣.
faceglitchsworld · 2 years
TxT and Fluffy Hair: a wonderful relationship~ Part 5: The Coolest Fox 🦊
Author's note: this is the last time I'll repeat everything don't worry. This is just my personal opinion about haircuts, don't expect any objective facts. The analysis are inspired by Michaela Diana's works on Instagram. If I mentioned other idols I did it only as examples not for comparison. The pic used are taken from TxT's official accounts, not fantaken.
This series is dedicated to @onlyoneofyouu
Hello everyone, how have you been?
Today the series dedicated to TxT and their wonderful relationship with curly hair aka The Floof, will come to an end. Sadly :(
We have only one member left so I will not make a super big presentation, I think you already know who will be the subject of our post.
My dear readers, the members I'm referring to is...
* drums roll *
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Look it's the last post, let me have some fun, ok?
Oh Yeonjun, our beloved fox, dancer, rapper and full time model. This boy is literally perfect in every aspect but can he have The Floof too?
Well, let's say that... it's complicated and you'll understand why by looking at his facial features soooo, LET'S GO!
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Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals calm down and don't go crazy while watching these selfies please. I know he's beautiful but have some demeanour 😅🤣
Starting from the face shape and his jawline, Yeonjun seems to have a sort of round/mini heart face shape. The slightly pointy chin might make you think that he has a sharp jawline but he actually it's very blunt and smooth.
So yeah, he already has two good features for The Floof. But if we go checking the eyes and the presence of full cheeks...uhmmm, the situation becomes a little complicated now.
His eyes seems downturned and little, which means that the bangs can be too much longer. You get it, I don't like long bangs, especially if they cover the eyes. In Yeonjun's case, if you give him long bangs I might completely lost my mind. But we can work with it somehow.
In my opinion he has some full cheeks when he eats especially but also when he's relaxed, he just needs some make up which let's them shine.
Also, maybe it's just me, but his ears are a little prominent. I don't know you but he's the first TxT member who catches my eyes when he wears earrings. Keep this feature in mind too, it will be useful later.
So, as you can see, Yeonjun has some features which can work perfectly for The Floof but others make this haircut a little difficult to menage for him. But don't worry Yeonjun, I'll find a solution for you.
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Let's find the haircut first. Since his eyes are downturned, if we want to let them shine we need to let his forehead uncovered. It's pretty normal for him, since the majority of his haircuts consist of his uncovered forehead.
In my opinion he can't have a short haircut with the curls all over his forehead, even if the bangs have a good length. The reason? His ears.
Did you keep them in mind? Good. His ears are one of his most recognisable features. If he had short curly hair, his ears might end up being covered by the curls all over his head. That's why he mostly has straight hair if you think about it.
So, in my opinion, I think that a floofy mullet might work perfectly for him. He can show his forehead (and so his eyes) and his ears might not be to much covered by the curls.
And the hair colour?
Look, I'm being honest with you, I think that his hair started to suffer a lot from the hair dying recently. I don't know you but I noticed that, when he has his hair coloured, he lets the roots growing so, since I care a lot about his hair's condition, I think he should stick to his natural colour/dark colours such as black.
BUT, if a miracle will happen and his hair condition will get better then, in my personal, humble opinion he should come back to pink, his most ✨ I C O N I C✨ colour
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This is how he might look like, but the mullet can be even a little longer for me
And that's it, this is how Yeonjun might look like with The Floof. As you've noticed he needs a very specific haircut to shine but if you have his features in mind and enough imagination you can always find a solution to it.
And we have officially come into the end of this series. I really hope you had fun while reading all of this and you started to appreciate The Floof a little more.
See you on the next post 👋
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apinchofm · 2 years
The Viscount We Loved
Requested by@lady-lazarus-declermont:
Diana and Phoebe in a while. They go on a search for them and find them binge-watching Bridgerton. They are totally absorbed in the show and getting all hot and bothered over the Duke of Hastings and the Viscount. Like all squealing and fanning themselves. Their mates get a tad jealous and bring out the regency wear to get their ladies attention back. 🤣🤣🤣
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"It's up!" Diana urged Phoebe who had been making popcorn. She started episode one of the second season of Bridgerton. The two had become hooked on the show after the first season came out. Especially attracted to the cast. Phoebe's bisexual heart could not take it and Diana found Simon very attractive.
"Anthony, you idiot!!" Diana hissed when they saw him going after Edwina at the races, "It's obvious he's only using her for his weird perfect duchess scheme! She wants love!"
"And he wants to bang her sister," Phoebe concluded, "Which I understand, Kate's awesome. At least Simon was competing with a Prince. Not a single brain cell in that entire family. Like yours. Well, Benedict. Probably."
"You mean your soon-to-be family," Diana corrected playfully.
"Yes, I will be the winning brain cell in this family," Phoebe smirked and they resumed watching.
Marcus had not been able to find Phoebe for the past few hours. They were supposed to look at flowers for the wedding but she was not home. He did not panic and didn't smell any new scents in the house.
"Matthew, is Phoebe with you and Miriam by any chance?" Marcus asked, calling his father.
"No, I've been in the lab all day," Matthew replied, "Probably over at ours."
They found their women in the living room of Diana and Matthew's, cooing over a couple having a tentative dance.
"What are you watching?" Matthew asked, confused by the scene of the ball.
"Bridgerton. It's the best, the second season came out today, so we had to watch it." Phoebe explained, then remembered what she and Marcus were supposed to do, "Oh, I'm sorry. I told Miriam we cancelled. But I had to see if the show would still be good without Simon!"
"Simon?" Marcus asked.
"Hot. Capital R rake. Better looking than Darcy." Diana summarised.
"I was a capital R rake!" Marcus pouted and Matthew glared at him. It was not something he should be proud of.
"Oh my god, you guys would be like Kate and the Viscount!" Diana cooed.
"The Viscount? I am far better looking than this... man!" Marcus huffed.
"Are you?" Phoebe teased, then looked at her watch, "Work tomorrow, we'll continue Friday?" She asked Diana who nodded and the two hugged before Marcus and Phoebe left, the former arguing why he was better than any fictional rake.
"My darling, you do know I was alive in the 1800s. I could have told you the accurate details of the marriage mart?" Matthew said, sitting next to her.
"My love, what use is historical accuracy when it is entertaining?" Diana corrected, kissing his cheek, making him smile faintly, "Want to re-watch season 1 with me? I have some ideas for... reenactments?"
Phoebe returned home from work to an empty house. She had been teasing Marcus about her attraction to the Bridgerton brothers. He was not so upset he would leave.
Turning into the kitchen, she found her fiancee.
She laughed seeing him in full regency wear, leaning against the doorway. A blue silk waistcoat, black trousers and a billowing white shirt.
"Is that yours?" Phoebe was amazed. She knew her fiancee had been around back then, just not that he had the clothes and everything still.
"Yes. Why watch a rake, when you are marrying one?" He teased wrapping his arms around her waist. She grinned.
"Were you really a rake?" She knew she called him that when they first met.
"Oh, yeah. Stressed out Aunt Fanny. Had a lot of fun though." Marcus winked, pulling her to the garden, "Why don't I show you one of my favourite places to seduce a woman?"
"Why yes, my lord!" Phoebe giggled.
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
Merry Christmas and happy new year Celtic
I hope you had a great holiday and feel great you were missed lots. WOW I just read your reading on Catherine’s birthday and the level of delusion in that vile woman’s mind is actually scary. Did Harry not show up in the cards for the reading? I would love to know if she’s berating him or mentally and psychically hurting him over Kate’s birthday I can see her blaming him because it’s his family. But how does she not see that she caused ALL this outcast crap and not being important in the brf eyes? If only they left and really lived privately and didn’t do hit pieces or interviews against the family maybe they wouldn’t be so hated by everyone it’s just crazy I read on Twitter (on a sugar’s page) they’re going to get Rose Hanburys name trending these people really are gutter trash and I feel so bad for Catherine and William. Can you please try and do a reading to make sure nothing will psychically harm the Cambridge family? And will the Royals finally fight back against Merchie and Harry?
Catherine’s a much better person than me because every time Merchie or her feral fans said or did something against me I would be strutting in public with ALL of Princess Diana’s big popular jewels and I’d wear the emerald and diamond tiara for my 40th birthday portrait 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
Hi HugYourHaters,
Surprisingly enough, harry did not show up in that reading at all. it was all about Meghan. I will do a separate one on Harry and see what turns up for him. It could be interesting.
In Meghan's mind, she is not at fault and not to blame for anything. It is always someone else's fault, usually because they are jealous of her (in her mind, not in anyone else's mind). There is zero self-awareness.
If the sugars want to try and trend their slander about William, let them. There is nothing we can do to stop them AFAIK, and ignoring their behaviour will cause them far more pain than trying to refute their tweets. That simply gives them the reaction they want and it won't change their behaviour, except to increase the gloating.
I can do a reading on the Cambridges and psychic harm. My current instinct is that they are very well protected. I won't write up the actual reading, as that could give clues to people who want to hurt them, I will just do it and say Yes or No, if that is OK with you.
I think the Royals are actually fighting back against Meghan and Harry in the best way possible - they are rendering the couple irrelevant to the BRF and correcting any lies that the couple tell about them. Did you notice that this year we had no PR pieces about presents to the Queen, what she gave Lili and Archie, Zoom calls on Xmas Day etc? All that guff that was put out last year has gone. Why? Because Her Majesty said they would correct any lies told by the Sussexes, and they started doing that (e.g. no zoom call to show baby Lili). It is very obvious that the future of the BRF is the Wessexes, Princess Anne, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. The Sussexes are irrelevant and have no place in the future of the BRF.
:) :) :) to wearing Princess Diana's jewels. Catherine is very wise. By ignoring the Sussexes and not giving them any response, she shows that they are not worth her thought, time or effort. You can't get any more irrelevant than that.
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