#why did they make him depressed and tragic and sad and horrible and awesome and cool and devestating and the best and UGH
v4mpb0t · 1 year
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nothing but a stray
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curriebelle · 7 years
Episode Ignis Feels Like Fanfiction and That’s a Good Thing
Ok so I’m having a Thought.
You know when people say something reads “like fanfiction”, and it’s meant to be a criticism? The phrase is one of those intangibles, one of those agreed-upons, where no one can define it quite accurately but everyone thinks they know what it means. Usually it’s a combination of deviation from the original tone, bleaching out character flaws and complexities, a lack of understanding of nuance, and a reverent or worshipful attitude towards old characters, moments, settings, and iconography (and iconography is just the Stuff. Star Wars iconography is lightsabers, wookies and Jedi robes).
That’s a pretty reductive description of fanfiction of course, because a lot of fanfic - whether it’s well or poorly written - doesn’t necessarily follow those patterns. Weirdly enough, saying a sequel or reboot reads “like fanfiction” often implies that the writer doesn’t understand something about the source material - that they’re oversimplifying, or they’re fanning about while failing to understand what a “good” sequel would actually require. And that’s pretty ironic, because fans - obsessive detail-hoarding, secondary-character-worshipping pastiche-crafters that they are - often know the source material better than anyone, sometimes better than the creators themselves, and they are very aware of what they are erasing or changing when they move Marvel into a fluffy coffee shop AU. 
But I’m kind of digressing, because my point is that “this feels like fanfiction” shouldn’t be seen as a criticism, but rather as a gut feeling that we need to unpack. Sometimes it leads to legitimate criticism that, while worth addressing, actually has very little to do with fanfiction. And sometimes it leads to this weird 4:30 am conclusion: Episode Ignis is when “this feels like fanfiction” should be deployed as a compliment. Spoilers onward, for both Episode Ignis and FFXV.
I’m talking specifically about the alternate ending, here, which is tantamount to an FFXV fix-it fic. In this version Ignis averts the tragic ending of FFXV, and though he prepares to sacrifice his own life to do so, it ends up costing nothing. Ignis survives with even prettier hero-scarring than he gets in the regular plot. The episode fills in a sizable story gap after Leviathan knocks Noct out, and closes a few additional plotholes (I wondered what happened to that one obnoxiously overdesigned Imperial guy: turns out Ravus stabbed him). It spends some time with likable characters (Ardyn, yeeee) and underdeveloped characters (again, Ravus). Ignis gets roughed up and drenched, loses the glasses, and I’m 90% sure the animators made his eyes bigger in the cutscenes for extra pretty. He gains maximum plotline power, and Adam Croasdell voice acts the shit out of some sassy comebacks and anguished screaming (ok, this is unrelated, but when he’s doing the regular stormbind combo, it sounds like he screams FUCK in one of his battle grunts and it makes me laugh every time). He can liberate Altissia more or less by himself, and that’s before he drives a goddamn speedboat away from pursuant megarobots. So for anyone calling Mary Sue, yes, Ignis dives headfirst into that. He basically becomes Magic James Bond.
The whole episode is also pretty blatantly queer-coded. We get a very cuddly flashback to kid Noctis, and Ignis’s vow to stand at his side. Ignis is monomaniacal when it comes to finding Noctis. Noctis eiher drops the l-word, referring directly to Ignis and the freshly fridged Lunafreya (I’m still salty about that one, sorry), or says Ignis will always be in his heart depending on the ending. There’s a fantastic gifset going around of the official couples in previous Final Fantasies (Squall and Rinoa, Tidus and Yuna) declaring the exact same thing Ignis does in the alternate ending. “Rinoa, even if the world turns on you, I’ll be your knight”. “There’s no way I’ll let Yuna go”, even if I have to break all the rules of your stupid religion. Even if it costs my own life, I won’t let you take Noctis away. The queer subtext here is one of those things where it’s purposefully vague - just enough emotional evidence and physical contact that you can read romantic feelings there if you want, but just short of an actual romance to leave interpretations open. If you’re convinced Noctis and Luna were in love, Episode Ignis probably won’t debunk that.
So Ignis and his Episode are both powerful, emotional, pretty, potentially kinda gay, and ridiculously awesome.
And honestly, it is phenomenal.
Episode Ignis is a blast to play. His combat style is very fun and quick and fluid and flashy, and the grappling hook in the first portion makes you feel superheroic. Killing Ardyn, meanwhile, makes you feel godlike. It is an incredible surge of adrenaline to take on armies and deities by your lonesome. The gameplay and narrative reflect each other here, just like they do in the base game. FFXV seems happy at first, and the combat is pretty entertaining with all the goofy combo-attacks, but that game is a tragedy. It’s all the more tragic by how fun it is to begin with, and by the end it is painful to play. Characters get older, places fall apart, people die, and you have to escort Ignis around for a chapter while he grows used to being blind and Gladio constantly bitches at you for walking too fast. The photo mechanic is introduced to break your heart later, to show you how fleeting youth and pleasure can truly be under backbreaking destiny.
And in retaliation, Episode Ignis thrives on the power of Fuck You. Long commutes by car, mundane in the moment but peaceful upon reflection decades later? Fuck You, I have a grappling hook. Sections that force you to walk slowly through a dungeon and think about what you’ve done? Fuck You, I’ve got two daggers, lightning teleportation and button-mashing hands. Musings about the ravages of time, and aching nostalgia for youth? Fuck You, Ignis is prettier than ever. A tragic ending pre-ordained by prophecy? Fuck You, Ignis is going to re-write that fate by being clever, patient, and brave enough to sacrifice his life, but double Fuck You, he gets to live as well. Bullets flying, health bar low, multiple explosions and Atlas Ripped decking airships in the background? Fuck. You. It’s time to make some fucking soup.
With all that in mind, it makes sense that people might accuse Episode Ignis of being tone-deaf, of being fanfiction in all the “bad” ways - it neglects the nuance of the original, and papers over complex themes so everything can end up hunky-dory, but I still think that’s too easy.
Here’s the thing: Episode Ignis can only exist as fanfiction - or as alternate-ending DLC, I guess. FFXV is the story of Noctis and his story has an ending and it’s horribly, horribly sad, but it’s also what the story is built around. You might find it too depressing or too grim or you might find it just right, but it is well-structured. FFXV is careful with its themes and patterns and foreshadowing.
Because of that care, Ignis screwing Ardyn’s plans out of whack and saving Noctis from his fate couldn’t occur in the main game. FFXV is not about Ignis. It’s about Noctis. And the gameplay, built as it is around creating nostalgia - photographs, long car rides, camping, friendship - wouldn’t work if the ending wasn’t agonizing enough to make you long for the good old days. Maybe Noctis didn’t have to die or maybe he did, but the ending of FFXV was always going to hurt.
FFXV is an emotional project, and that project is to make the player painfully nostalgic. With that intriguing goal achieved, Episode Ignis exists as a response, and it can never really be more than that. It’s an ending I like better, but it is an alternate ending.
If you think about it, Episode Ignis didn’t need that alternate ending. It could have existed perfectly well as a companion to FFXV, filling in a much-needed blank (and without the alternate ending that’s exactly what it does). But in making a response to FFXV instead, they challenged a lot of assumptions FFXV needed to make in order to tell its story. FFXV assumes its prophecy is the only answer, as do its characters. FFXV yanks a great deal of agency away from Ignis, Prompto and Gladio when it asks them to sit still for a decade and wait for their friend to die without hunting for an alternative
Why can’t they try something else? Why can’t they defeat their nemesis on their own terms? I mean, who the heck does Bahamut think he is, anyway? Who says the ending can’t be happy, and the future can’t be bright?
Those are exactly the questions a fanfiction writer would ask. FFXV created those questions, and Episode Ignis addresses them, but in a way that acts as more of a breach than a closure. It’s one route to a happy ending - so maybe there are more. This is also the reason I brought up the queercoding in Episode Ignis. If there is any genre that needs a complete overhaul from grimdark tragedy into happy endings, it’s the scourge that is the modern queer romance story. There are so many of those bloody stories ending in anguish or separation or suicide or displeasure, and not nearly enough fairytales. Having a tragic ending overturned by the power of queer love is an insanely empowering experience, and that’s probably why you see so many posts about how Ignis’s gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day. Episode Ignis didn’t need its queercoding any more than it needed its alternate ending, but the two make sense together: both of them are stories that people are absolutely aching for.
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything quite like this - a company actively revising their story, overturning its mood, questioning its plot, granting a completely different ending, and then asking fans to pay 6.99 for it. It’s different from alternate film endings, because those are DVD extras and one always wins the theatrical release. It’s different from re-imaginings or adaptations because Episode Ignis is...just not quite that. It can’t exist on its own, unlike most remakes. Video games are always fluid texts to a certain extent, but now developers are even relinquishing the solidity of lore and cutscenes. It’s so odd.
At the decision point of Episode Ignis, you can use R1 and L1 to flip the camera back and forth, moving between a shot of Ardyn and a shot of Ignis. It’s a tiny, insignificant moment, one that almost feels like a mistake - like maybe the developers couldn’t figure out how to stage a normal shot-reverse-shot. But that moment became an oddly powerful synecdoche for what Episode Ignis was to me. If you want to look at this story from a different angle, well, go for it. Here’s another place you can point the camera. Maybe the sun will rise over there too.
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scarionettesfm · 7 years
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SAF SFM Betrayed All Of Us And Now Attacking Me
Spiro Alien Force SFM, After I Told You All The Awful Things Happened... You Wouldnt Even Care About Your Friends? The Friends You Threwed Away, You Threwed Tr4p-W4lker Away, You Would Even Throw Away Old TF2 Friends And Now Calfox? All Because They're In You Most Saddest And Un-Excusable Reason 'Because their Annoying'? What Happened If That Happened to you? All Your Friends Left You To Rot? Would You Know How That Feels? No... Because You Dont Have A Heart, You Dont Even Remember That I Would Remember That 1 Thing  You Wanted Me To Promise, Since You Lost Your First Channel From True Report...Honestly SAF, There Was A Reason Why You Lost your First Channel. But Sadly I Cant Tell You Anymore...Because You Hurted All Our Old Friends As If They Are Obseleted To You, Our Old Friends Are Not Obseleted. We're Still Reliable...But You Keep Throwing Us Away. Not To Mention You Hurt Callum, Do You Know How Much That Hurts To See All of Our Old Friends To Suffer? Cry? Beg? Pleading For Good Things Come or Shine Upon Them? No You Dont. Because You Rather Care For Money Than Your Fans... You Were Once Mad At Me Over Because My Channel Was Enough to Get Money... Does It Look Like I Care For Money? NO... I Rather Make My Fans Absolutely Happy, I Love To See My Fans Loving My Series That Is Built From Sweat And Bones...I Still Would Place A Smile For Every Fans I Meet On YouTube Hell Even In DA... I Love My Fans On DA, That Admired My Arts(Other Than Inflation, 95% Of Arts Are Made By Requests. And Just Because I Created These Inflation Fetish Arts...Dosent Mean They Were Asked By Fans.) But No... You Dont Care About Your Fans, SAF. You Became More Selfish After You Illegially Dated 12Foxy12/Paris. You Only Cared About Money... That's Not YouTube. And Since You Backstabbed me And Left Me Behind When I Talked with you Again days Ago.. 12Foxy12 Forced you To Unfriend me... She Even Used Your Lips Like A Ventriloquist And Her Dummy. You Are Like A Dummy To Paris... Why Would You Not See That You Made Our Old Friends suffer? Do You Even Haves Eyes? Cause You Sure Need 800 Contacts Lenses To See Your Brands(SFM Joke). And Now Tr4p W4lker Is In Trouble Because Of You And Striketrap... You Made Him Somethin That Now Got Him In Trouble..He'll Loose His Accounts, That Is Your Fault To Make Tr4p-W4lker Into Somethin That Will Get Him In Trouble...You Even Called Tr4p-W4lker Annoying, Faggot, A Retard, And A Sad Loser... You Dont Even Love Anyone But Yourself SAF... I Wish People Would Their Eyes And See How Much Damage 12 Haves made...And Now Your Attacking On Me And Bluez... You Definitly Broke A Brotherhood, Cause I Supported You Over 4 Years...I Known You For 4 Years, Now You Hurt me And Our Friends...My Friends Will Never Forgive you...But I Can Forgive You Of The Errors Of Your Ways, The Corruption You Brought Into Your Own Heartless Empty Shell... You Are Not The SAF Anymore...Back In 3 Years, You Were A Great Friend...I Even Became Your Personal Communicator...For Anyone That Opposed You, I Speak And Explain What Happened... Since I Do Watch Over You, Like An Angel And His Wings Of Holy... But Now, You Became A Very Horrible Dirt-bag, A Person Who Wants to Lay In The Ground, Wanting to Stay In The Filthy Dirt... I Tried To Give You A Helping Hand To Get Back Up, But You Keep Dropping Yourself, You Keep Pushing Me Back And You Falling Into Hell. But You Push Me To Hell Everytime You Backstab Me, Just Because I Have Black Wings... Dosent Mean I Made Them Black, You And Paris(12Foxy12) Made Them Black... Everybody Wished That 12 Will Face Responsibility Of Her Own Actions..They Wished That Paris Was In Asylum, They Wished That Paris 'Smarten The Hell Up' Because 12Foxy12 Is A 14 Yr Old Brat... And It's her To Blame, Her Parents Were Very Protective, 12Foxy Hates Her Parents.. Paris' Mom And Dad Never Hated Her, 12Foxy12 Always Abuses Her Own Parents (Which Is Called Parental Abuse, It's where The Parent's Child Are Being Abused By Their Own Flesh And Blood) And 12 Can Go To Foster For That. I Wouldnt Really Blame her Parents, She Did Kept Breaking Her Mom's Heart, All 12Foxy12 Does Is Grin With No Heart Of Remorse to Care For Her Family. She Made Some People Break, She made Some People Cut Their Own Wrists...Even Mine, I Cutted My Wrists Because Of 12Foxy12, And Honestly... 12Foxy12/Paris Never Knows What REAL Pain Or Depression Really Means. Bluez Suffers More Than 12Foxy12...EVEN IRL... I Let Bluez Confide Me, I Let Her Cry On My Shoulders... Cause I Have A Heart To Care, My Heart Is As Warm And Bright As A Star, Maybe Even Brighter Than A Star. But Would 12Foxy12 Cared About Bluez's Pain? No, 12Foxy12 only Whines About Her Fake Depressions. She Never Cared About Bluez but Herself. And Never I Felt So Much In Pain To Hear A Tragic Story Of Bluez's. It Sheds Me Tears To See Such A Soul Like Bluez's Be Damaged By A Devil Who Would Threat And Attack her, All Because I Am Protecting Bluez. And If You Dont Like Me Protecting Bluez? Then You Should Look At Yourself In The Mirror, Take A Close Look And What Do You Really See, 12Foxy12? If You Think Your A Nice Girl? Your Not... You've Been A Very Sad, Very Pitty, Very Horrible Woman, Really Satanic Hearted, A Woman Who Would Abuse 11,12, To 9 Yr Olds To Make yourself Feel Better About Yourself...Because Your Heart Is Made Of Hell And Stone, Because Your A Cyberbully...The REAL Cyberbully, Not Bluez, Not My Friends Or Best Friends, Not My Brotherhood... But You, Your The Cyberbully. F.Y.I. You Should Never Judge how Much Friends I Have 12, People Would Say The Same For You IRL... You Have No Friends IRL, You Pushed A Girl Downstairs, YOU COULDA KILLED THAT GIRL! You Said It 12Foxy12... Not Me Not To Mention You Were Choking Someone Too... Why Would You Hurt Your Friends In School? What Have They Ever Done To You, Dudette? You Laughed At Me Having 61 Friends On Steam. It's Not The Amount of friends i have, It's The Strength And Power Of Friends That Will Support Me Better Than You Or Your Slaves You Harvest. The One Best Friend Who Tried Stopping Drama But You Threwed Him Away... The One Best Friend Who Supported Me Better Than SAF SFM, I Always Kept His Promise To Not Mention Him, Cause He Done So Much Nice Things For Me And I Done Nice Things For Him In Return. And That Made Me Proud And Happy That I Made My Fans Smile Again, Made Them Happy. If my Fans Are Happy? I Am Very Happy For Him. And That Is More Powerful Than You 12Foxy12 And SAF SFM. To: Fans From: Scarrionette_SFM, Yours Truly. I Am Still Happy And Proud That My Fans Are With Me Still, You Fans Are Amazing. I Am Touched That My Fans Would Understand That I Am Proud Of My Work. Sincerely, Scarrionette_SFM.
P.S. Thank You For 250 Or More Watchers, I Really Appreciate Your Support, You Guys Are Awesome.
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A Review of “Gloria” (Hampstead Theatre) 2017
From the perspective of someone almost entirely enamoured with Colin Morgan
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The startlingly recognisable world of “the office” in a particularly cut-throat profession is brought to an impressive realisation upon the stage of The Hampstead Theatre. The sometimes hilarious and always engaging tale of writers simply desperate to sell out to the biggest and the best. It ticks so many boxes that as an aspiring writer it’s really quite annoying to witness… twice so far. It’s hilarious, it’s terrifying, it’s depressing and it’s bordering on profound. Writers be warned, it may hit a little close to home.
Gloria stars Colin Morgan, Ellie Kendrick, Kae Alexander, Sian Clifford, Bayo Gbadamosi and Bo Poraj. This sentance alone is evidence enough of the value for money you are getting here. Together they form a collection of ruthless and somewhat doomed editorial assistants with their eyes on their bosses job and of course, a book deal. A feat they’ve each been tackling in their separate ways but to no avail. Colin Morgan’s Dean rushes in somewhat late and dishevelled, a shameless schmooser who is to both suffer and profit from being the only one in the office to have attended Gloria’s unintentional party of one. 
The first act is a barage of witty dialogue until we are taken into the interval with quite a dramatic turning point from which the mood changes more than somewhat. It would be fair to say that the second half of Gloria is a very different beast, by necessity for sure, it’s not quite as funny and could be perceived as far slower. It is here though that we start to see the point of the piece unfold and it’s here that we see the real cringe-worthy ugliness of the whole industry. With a last minute and much needed amusing quip at the social media obsessed television industry lead by teenagers. 
I defy anyone who has ever worked in an Office to not instantly recognise Devin and yes, I am definitely Callie. Hopelessly in love with the clearly disinterested, moody, always “busy”  and Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt wearing face of “IT”. I suspect an element of this is why Devin gets quite a laugh from the audience simply by entering the room. It’s not just the odd-looking long-haired wig atop the head of Colin Morgan, although that is pretty amusing, it’s because we all know this guy.
Not surprisingly we’re left at a rather sobering conclusion, especially if you’re a writer or have ever thought about writing, the unworthy may succeed and the promising may end up nowhere. It is particularly sad to see the one character with the noble ambition of being more “present”, resign himself to the old ethos where he no doubt started, head down… headphones on.
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Gloria was excellently staged, with a nice reference to Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, I see what you did there. Gloria makes for an emotional couple of hours and I’m not just talking about the fact Colin Morgan is literally right there, in front of you… just acting away like a boss. *Cough* *Cough* Nobody wants to hear your fangirling Rebecca. It’s enviably witty and painfully poignent for the world we are living today. The tragic turns, as dramatic as they may be, seem far from unrealistic. 
Do not be surprised if you don’t feel too keen on going to work the next day (more than you might usually do). Am I the only one here worried I’m Dean? Going nowhere… terribly slowly? Am I Gloria? I bring lunches to work too! My point being there is something strangely intrusive about this play. It will, I am sure, find a way into your life and like all good dramas leave a mark.
“But this is my lived experience, my actual life and I just can’t have you tarnishing it with your… with your ambition.” - Dean
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And so the Fangirling REALLY begins…
Now some, actually maybe all of you came here to read this because… well, Colin Morgan. That is all. Just when you think you know the man and he’s done breaking your heart… it turns out he’s not! (Disclaimer, no he hasn’t really broken my heart, it’s just something fangirls say). The few minutes it took for him to arrive on stage felt like hours for me the first time but that’s no fault of the play I hasten to add. Do not be discouraged for he proves worth the wait. With his very impressive American accent that randomly reminds me of Christian Bale’s American accent. Just saying. Along with his usual on-point, focused and subtly wonderful self, Colin fans… Christmas has come early.
For anyone who recalls Colin’s tremendous efforts in The Globe theatre’s “The Tempest”, you will know the man seems to have an astonishingly boundless reserve of energy that is frankly terrifying. Likely to just suddenly take over the entire scene at any given moment and if the audience were emoji’s… there’d be hearts in their eyes. There is plenty of this trademark to be had and I particularly enjoy his “Tweet” rant. Colin fans I’ll confess the scene that takes us into the intermission was intense and that’s something of an understatement. I genuinely think the scene in question was quite a risky thing to realise on stage because for one horrible moment you can not be sure it’s still the play you’re watching. (Trying so hard not to spoil it). It’s a very swift and sudden slap round the face but if you’re a fan of anyone on that stage… Keep Calm…
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Funny story, the first time I saw it, when it all starts kicking off backstage, I was really quite glad to recognise Sian Clifford’s Gloria step out. Because I was a few seconds away from flying to the stage, proper Pocahontas style, flinging myself to the rescue of helpless Colin Morgan. Albeit slightly less glamorously or appropriately as it turns out, which is just as well because I don’t know how I’d pick myself up off the floor if I had witnessed a different fate. Long story short, Colin Morgan is awesome and he’s in excellent company.
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Go see Gloria... BOOK NOW https://www.hampsteadtheatre.com/whats-on/2017/gloria/
Gloria images credit: Marc Brenner  https://m.facebook.com/pg/hampsteadtheatre/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1692542857442050&ref=page_internal and Hampstead Theatre official... https://www.hampsteadtheatre.com/whats-on/2017/gloria/
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tori10rambles · 8 years
Secret Ending 1 Time! I'm a bit overwhelmed. Secret Ending 2 coming later on before I go to bed, probably.
Doing this by episode instead of character for once.
also, please note that anything I write concerning mental health, mental illness and therapy is done based on my own (limited) experience with such things. As such, these opinions may sound limited and condescending due to my own biases. Nothing is meant to offend.
  Episode 1
Rika and V are SERIOUSLY codependent, it sounds like.
Jumin's plans for the RFA are A++.
Meowy is fucking savage, even when it's not meant to be . I love it so much.
is2g, I hope MC knows how to use a gun.
I want to say I'm surprised by how much Saeran hates Saeyoung, but all things considered, I am not.
...How often has Saeran dreamt of Saeyoung dying? Wait. I don't want to know.
I feel like Saeran and Vanderwood would actually get along better than Vanderwood and Saeyoung? If only because they'd have fun bitching about Saeyoung
So... Vanderwood feels like Saeyoung was being reckless with his life while he was under their supervision?
Personal loyalty is TOTALLY Saeyoung's fatal flaw jfc.
Although, I love how Saeyoung managed to manipulate Vanderwood.
And yeah, serious!Saeyoung is hella attractive.
We totally owe you one, Vanderwood.
The things Saeyoung does for his twin... knocking him out I mean
DID YOU ACTUALLY GET SHOT!? If I didn't already hate that damn agency, I certainly do now
Oh thank god he’s okay for now
lololol, we're not married.
...I am not surprised that Saeran just called us into his cult, but I'm strangely hurt? Why? I don't understand why this hurts.
V!? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK. WHY. WHAT. My brain. It hurts. You know, along with my feelings.
Episode 2
Rika and V's first meeting is surprisingly cute. And V is surprisingly smooth.
I really wanna know where the hell they get V from Jihyun Kim.
Wait, so you're blinded, but your first priority is still Rika? That's some serious love/loyalty there.
Thank you Vanerwood, for asking the real questions here.
Who is this fucking Savior!?
Wait, what did Saeran do to their mom? I feel like that was an implied "Saeran had her killed"
Episode 3
Therapy? What therapy?
isn't therapy is designed to make you face the parts of you you don't accept? because you need to accept the flawed parts of yourself so you can try to make them better?
...you have a HORRIBLE therapist, Rika. You know, unless you're lying. I wouldn't be surprised if you were lying to get out of therapy.
So Rika's depressed and has anxiety AT LEAST. Well, no wonder the RFA is full of damaged souls, if Rika brought them all togethr. Like calls to like after all.
I realize you want to know more, V, but that's such a rude way of asking. And it sounds less like you care about her and more like you care about her suffering specifically.
Pretending doesn't help anyone!
Forgiveness is not for the other person though! It's for you! So the person you forgive no longer has a hold on your life. Why waste time on those people and how they hurt you? You're worth more than that.
V... that is... that sounds like you're romanticizing her pain jfc. Even Rika noticed.
So, on top of the anxiety and depression, there's suicidal ideations. And V is basically NOT EQUIPPED for this.
Jesus, these two are twisted.
If this is love, I want no part of it.
I feel like Rika's the real sun here, which warms and gives life, but can also burn anything that touches it.
You know, given her "love" for V, and how he claims to be her sun, I am not surprised she named a goddamn cult after him. who else in this fucking game has mint green eyes? Saeran does, but I'm 110% sure that's contacts.
MC IS SO FUCKING PASSIVE OMG. Although, her taking the wheel last episode was awesome
Thank god the RFA has our backs.
So... Saeran is basically Natasha Romanoff in the Winter Soldier, but with less benign intentions.
Rika, for all that you claim to love V... this is not convincing me of that "fact."
Also, if I needed more evidence that Saeran's being manipulated, this conversation is it.
Episode 4
yes, negligence is a crime, but honestly, the direction your putting that fact in is scaring the shit out of me
Oh thank god that V recognizes those thoughts of Rika's sound more like a dictatorship.
Wow Rika... if you think V doesn't have any fears and that he doesn't understand, you are DEFINITELY not in the right relationship.
Rika... saving people who don't want to be saved doesn't help. Just makes them more likely to rebel. And now I'm getting CACW!Captain America vibes from her
You are about as stable as the San Andreas fault line, Rika.
V, PLEASE DO MORE TO CONVINCE RIKA TO STOP. although you obviously fail.
...V sounds like a masochist.
So... V is doing this to protect the RFA? And omf, yeah, V is DEFINITELY where Saeyoung got his self sacrificing tendencies from
Saeran is about as free from pain as I am from confusion at the moment. That is to say, he's a fucking wreck.
Yeah, I'm pretty fucking sure you don't love V. Just what he can do for you.
RIKA DID EVERYTHING WRONG. EVERYTHING IS RIKA'S FAULT. or just about. Although I do blame V as well.
I understand that bae wants to kill V for this, and honestly, that he's more upset about Saeran than himself, but there's no way I'm letting him kill someone for it
I love (not the sarcasm) how V's entire idea for saving everyone is so dependent on Rika going back to her previous self. Which... will never happen. You can't go back. Only forward.
Yes, let's get out of here first before we try to kill/blame each other.
Episode 5
RIKA BLINDED HIM!? WHAT THE EVER LOVING... I mean, I guess she's just trying to get him to put his money where his mouth is. But that's just cruel. also, this is the moment he should have realized he wasn't enough to help her, and that maybe this is an unhealthy relationship
Jumin Han and bodyguards to the rescue, I hope?
Meowy to the rescue! Also, Tomatohead programmed a cat that fetched them tomatoes. That is actually kind of hilarious, if it weren't for the situation they're in.
Episode 6
You know, if I had any doubts this was a goddamn cult, the opening scene shattered all of them.
Yup, Rika just manipulated and used Saeran. I am not surprised.
Saeran... despite all the bullshit he's done, I feel bad for him now.
Ayyyyy, she even admitted it's goddamn brainwashing.
Saeyoung... I knew you'd do that.
Goddamnit, get up! you're not dying on us!
...Where the fuck did Saeran hide a goddamn gun?
The opposing thoughts of smol!Saeran and MintEye!Saeran are jarring. Also really depressing.
Medicine of salvation? more like brainwashing drugs. You've already said it out loud once.
Ahahaha... I am not surprised Saeran blamed V? I am somehow ALSO not  surprised V got shot? Just... really sad, because he's a kind of a tragic character.
Hindsight's a bitch, ain't it V?
Episode 7
Yo... so she actually DOES still love him? I mean, if she's going into shock with him dying and all that?
Hey look, it's Jumin's guards. took em long enough
So yeah, that was probably assisted suicide on V's part? Like, I can't see him being willing to live while Rika treated him like crap and basically was going to kill him anyway?
Also, the fact that she now has aphasia actually calms me a bit, because she can't manipulate people with her words anymore unless she's like, typing or something.
But why are Zen and Yoosung being kept out of the loop? I'm confused, since the RFA is all about trust and everything now.
yeah, if Saeran isn't getting ALL THE FUCKING THERAPY, i'd be having WORDS with everyone. Quite loudly.
lololol I was right, Zen was shocked by Vanderwood.
Also, Vanderwood with OCD is probably a result of picking up after our favorite mess.
the messenger should be truthful, but this group is just really bad at doing so
I hope Saeyoung takes his own advice and tries to live a selfish life now
I am not satisfied with Rika being free, even if she’s mute. But I’m glad Saeran was saved, and sad that V is now dead. But goddamn, no one should have let V and Rika stay together. They’re... really bad for each other honestly. That was not a healthy relationship.
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